Mcdonalds Essays Examples

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Mcdonalds Works Within the Quick Service Industry
Pages: 5 Words: 1343

McDonalds works within the quick service industry, where they have a differentiated position (Mantkelow, 2014). Although low price is a starting point for firms in the industry, McDonald's is not the lowest-price competitor in the business. They try to use branding as a means of creating differentiation for their products, many of which have trademarks for their own (i.e. Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, McCafe). The company's strategy therefore relies heavily on a two-pronged approach: Spend heavily on marketing and invest in cost-saving measures on the operations and supply chain side.
With a unified product/service operation worldwide, McDonalds operates with a geographic organizational structure -- USA, Europe, APMEA, Canada/Latin America, overlaid by Corporate, which has divisions for H, Finance, Global Marketing, Legal, Operations and "Chief estaurant Officer." This allows the company to focus on adapting the product/service offering to the individual local contexts while maintaining a high level of brand consistency around…...



Mantkelow, J. (2014). Porter's generic strategies. Retrieved April 9, 2014 from 

Interbrand. (2014). McDonalds. Interbrand. Retrieved April 9, 2014 from 

Cardenal, A. (2014). Why Starbucks could beat Yum Brands and McDonalds in the war for breakfast. Motley Fool. Retrieved April 9, 2014 from 

Interbrand. (2009). Best global brands 2009. Interbrand. Retrieved April 9, 2014 from

Mcdonalds Customers Customer Relations at Mcdonald's Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1210

Mcdonalds Customers
Customer Relations at McDonald's

McDonald's is a company that has increasingly come to face a dilemma regarding its relationship with its primary customer base. The fast-food giant is incomparably successful, having achieved a singular dominance in its sector and having likewise established an enviable brand recognition on a global basis. And yet, in terms of customer relations, the company is struggling today to achieve a positive resolution to its public image problem. In spite of its popularity and success, McDonald's is viewed as a major culprit both in the direct impact that its food has had on the public health and the indirect impact levied by its cultural connotations. As the discussion hereafter will show, this view has begun to have an impact on the fast-food chain's image-management strategy. Below, we explore the difficult customer relations balance that McDonald's must strike in simultaneously evolving to offer its customers healthier dining…...


Works Cited:

Astute Solutions Customer Case Study. (2013). McDonald's Improves Customer Satisfaction and Franchise Relations.

Bowman, S.A. & Vinyard, B.T. (2004). Fast Food Consumption of U.S. Adults: Impact on Energy and Nutrient Intakes and Overweight Status. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 23(2).

Lutz, A. (2013). McDonald's Works on Customer Service. Business Insider.

McDonald's. (2010). Meal Builder.

Mcdonalds Macdonald's Is a Name
Pages: 5 Words: 1574

As mentioned above, local business owners are in touch with the cultural paradigm of their customers and can therefore handle marketing and other products in a way that appeals to their customer base. This in turn results in greater success and greater revenue. These translate into the eventual royalties reaching McDonald's. In general then, the success attained by such franchises result in more income for the parent company, as a more targeted marketing approach means greater success. The parent company is then free to focus on its own local expansion opportunities.
In general I therefore believe that McDonald's philosophy and principles adheres well to its franchising paradigm. The global nature of the business requires a diversity of owners and managers. This is done optimally by the franchising system.

In general, McDonald's has proved itself and its brand to be highly successful in business. It is a sought-after franchise, and has successfully…...



British Franchise Association. "McDonald's UK Franchise." 2006. 

Hadzima, Joe. "Subchapter S: Some Myths, Realities and Practical Considerations." 1994-2005. 

McDonald's Corporation. "Company Info." 2007.

Mcdonalds and Advertising Children Are
Pages: 10 Words: 3480

But if you're looking at it as how many nutrients are you getting for a dollar, it's the least economical."
New findings on the biological effects of fast food suggest that obesity isn't simply down to a lack of an individual's self-control. Some scientists are starting to believe that eating too much of foods that are excessively high in fat and sugar such as those from fast food restaurants can cause changes to a person's brain and body that make it hard to resist fast food. Some scientists even believe that the foods can trigger changes that are similar to full-blown addiction.

Regardless of who is really to blame for fast food consumption, society and the legal system hold individuals accountable. In 2002, a group of American teenagers brought a lawsuit against McDonald's, blaming it for their obesity and health problems since they had lived on a daily diet of burgers…...


Goldstein, Jeffrey. "Children and Advertising - the Research." The European Commission. Retrieved at

Kids Online." Retrieved at

Goldstein, Jeffrey. "Children and Advertising - the Research." The European Commission. Retrieved at

Mcdonalds Is the Number One Quick Service
Pages: 8 Words: 2587

McDonalds is the number one quick service restaurant brand in the world, and by far and away the market leader in the U.S. While it would be reasonable to assume that a company so large and powerful could simply do whatever it wanted in terms of strategy, that is not necessarily the case. David took the basic SWOT analysis concept, an old diagnostic tool that is used frequently in strategic management, and built upon it, basically developing what would be considered an applied SWOT. This technique begins by gathering information about the company, and understanding this information in terms of strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities -- the classic SWOT. The application part is when the strengths are examined within the specific context of exploiting opportunities, or specifically to defend against threats. Weaknesses are examined in terms of reducing the ability to take advantage of opportunities, and weaknesses that expose the…...



Baertlein, L. (2013). Want fruit with your burger? McDonalds expands anti-obesity push. Reuters. Retrieved December 13, 2014 from 

Chalabi, M. & Murdoch, J. (2013). McDonald's 34,492 restaurants: Where are they? The Guardian. Retrieved December 13, 2014 from 

Crain's. (2014). Ronald's makeover: A creepy clown is still a creepy clown. Crain's Chicago Business. Retrieved December 13, 2014 from 

Gray, L. (2009). McDonalds waste makes up largest proportion of fast food litter on streets. The Telegraph. Retrieved December 13, 2014 from

Mcdonalds Corporation Mcdonald's and the
Pages: 7 Words: 2011

McDonald's, the International Olympic Committee, and the American College of Sports Medicine opened a Web site. McDonald's also introduced an educational campaign, Real Life Choices about how to track diets and put menu items into three categories: "Watching Calories," "Watching Fat," and "Watching Carbohydrates." McDonald's also provided nutritional information on its Web site" (Obesity and McLawsuits).
The Menu Education and Labeling Act (MEAL) was released by the House and the Senate in November 2003. Its requirements implied the disclosure "in a statement adjacent to the name of the food on any menu listing the food for sale, or by any other means approved by the Secretary [of Health and Human Services], the number of calories, grams of saturated fat plus trans fat, and milligrams of sodium contained in a serving of the food, offered for sale, in a clear and conspicuous manner and information, specified by the Secretary by regulation,…...



David Upton, McDonald's Corporation (Abridged)

Stanford Graduate School of Business, Obesity and McLawsuits, Case p-49, 25 Jan 2005

McDonald's website, Corporate McDonald's,

Mcdonalds Is One of the Most Recognized
Pages: 4 Words: 1233

McDonalds is one of the most recognized brands in the world, and has been highly successful over the course of its history. The company current has revenues of $22.7 billion and assets of $30.2 billion (MSN Moneycentral, 2010). This report will utilize a number of tools to analyze the strategy of McDonalds, and how the firm deals with its environment.
The first tool to consider is Porter's Five Forces. This tool outlines the different cost and price drivers within the industry. Pricing power both on the supply side and the demand side is critical to maintaining profitability. The five forces are supplier power, buyer power, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes and intensity of rivalry (QuickMBA, 2010). McDonald's has tremendous power over its suppliers for a couple of reasons. Its volume is great, and many of its suppliers are dependent on this volume. The inputs are not especially differentiated, which…...


Works Cited:

MSN Moneycentral. (2010). McDonald's. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from 

QuickMBA. (2010). Porter's five forces. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from 

The Independent. (2008). McDonald's in compost trial. The Independent. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from 

Woodard, L. (2010). Ronald McDonald fallout: What role does advertising have in childhood obesity? ABC News. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from

Mcdonald's Restaurants Order 'Mcdonalds Restaurants From as
Pages: 8 Words: 2793

McDonald's estaurants Order
'McDonalds estaurants

From as far back as 3500 BC to around 2900 BC, according to the History of Communication, at, the author, Mary Bellis, notated that the Phoenicians developed the alphabet within this time frame while the Sumerians found cuneiform writing which was a form of pictographs of accounts on tables made of clay, and Egyptians had built hieroglyphic writing. It wasn't until 14 AC when the omans created the postal service, and it was not until 1980 years later in 1994 that the United States administration unconfined power of the Internet and the World Wide Web was distributed as a type of communication at the speed of light (2011). Since the change with the Internet in May 1995 when the National Science Foundation ended its support so all the web's traffic relied on commercial networks then the next thing you know businesses, educational centers, public libraries, homes,…...



Bellis, M. (2011). The history of communication. Retrieved from

Howe, W. (2010, March 24). A brief history of the internet. Retrieved from 

McDonalds. (2011). Changing. together. Retrieved from 

Teow, P. (1998, July). Multimedia. Retrieved from

Mcdonalds Human Resources in Global Marketing Mcdonalds
Pages: 2 Words: 619

McDonalds Human esources in Global Marketing:
McDonalds Corporation is the largest chain of fast food restaurants across the globe with a customer-base of nearly 50 million people every day throughout the world. Since its inception by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald in California in the late 1950s, McDonalds has continued to grow through opening various restaurants across different states. Furthermore, the success of the corporation can be attributed to its focus on offering quick meals at reasonable prices to the consumer. Since the corporation has not only expanded nationally in America and globally, it has developed to become a symbol of globalization though it generates sentiments of Anti-Americanism in some instances.

McDonalds Corporation has been forced to adapt its products and services as well as human resource practices because it operates in several different countries (Lingham, 2010). In some cases, McDonalds has had to adapt its human resource practices to the legal,…...



Lingham, L. (2010, April 17). McDonald's Global HR. Retrieved June 25, 2013, from

Vignali, C. (2001). McDonald's: "Think Global, Act Local" -- the Marketing Mix. British Food

Journal, 103(2), 97-111. Retrieved from

Mcdonalds Ethical Behaviors Fall Into
Pages: 2 Words: 661

McDonalds also tailors its leadership and decision-making processes to what customers want and need. If customers get what they need they will be happy and they will come back. That is a winning situation for everyone involved.
Because McDonalds is concerned about social and ethical responsibilities, it falls under stakeholder (as opposed to stockholder) theory (Derdak & Pederson, 2004). In stakeholder theory, everything is taken into account, as opposed to only considering profits. It is no secret that McDonalds makes a lot of money, but if all the company cared about was money it would not be doing anything that was ethical (except as required by law). It would also not be interested in socially responsible issues such as where its meat comes from and how the animals at the slaughterhouses is uses are treated. Since McDonalds focuses on more than just how much cash is coming in, it cares…...



Derdak, T. & Jay P. Pederson, ed. (2004). "McDonald's." International directory of company histories, 67(3rd ed.). St. James Press.

Love, John F. (1987). "Big Macs, Fries, and Real Estate." Financial Executive, (4): 20 -- 26.

Mcdonalds Operations Management I Am Working on
Pages: 2 Words: 580

McDonalds Operations Management
I am working on my research regarding operations management of McDonald's.I have attached my proposal, but I feel I should revisit my aims and objectives and rework on it.I want better introduction and background .I want my research philosophy and methodology methods to be enhanced.Can you give me good methodology technique for my research.Can you help me in having a precise aim for this research.What benefits the organization and myself will be having after this research.

1)I will be glad if you could reformulate my aim and objectives .

2)Can you rework on my introduction and background and my research philosophy

3)Kindly provide me appropriate methodologies method.

Once I get this information, i shall re approach you for further assistance.

Thank you


Title of Dissertation

"Importance of operations management in McDonalds"

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Several countries at the end of 18th century changed to industrial economy from agricultural economy.…...

Mcdonalds ACCT Management Accounting at Mcdonald's Real
Pages: 7 Words: 1969

McDonalds ACCT
Management Accounting at McDonald's: eal World Applications of Academic Knowledge and Theory

While academic settings of course provide suitable environments for learning in a concentrated and focused fashion, in many areas of knowledge they are simply not adequate to truly prepare learners for the real world. Management accounting is one such area; while the knowledge obtained through schooling is unquestionably advantageous to the future accountant or accountancy-related professional, it cannot provide the real world experience that solidifies such learning through a direct and practical application of the facts, formulas, and theories learned. The following pages attempt to address this gap somewhat by providing an analysis of actual management accounting features and practices at a large and well-established organization.

McDonald's: Company Overview

McDonald's is a very well-known and well-recognized business and brand throughout the world, with its international spread quite extensive and still growing (McDonald's, 2011; Hoovers, 2012). Not only part of the…...



Gaspar, J. (2010). Introduction to business. Mason, OH: Cengage.

Hoovers. (2012). McDonald's Corporation. Accessed 31 March 2012.

McDonald's. (2008). Finance at McDonald's. Accessed 31 March 2012. 

McDonald's. (2011). 2010 Annual Report. Accessed 31 March 2012.

Mcdonalds the Firm I Chose Is Mcdonalds
Pages: 2 Words: 584

The firm I chose is McDonalds, and I chose this company for a few different reasons. The first reason is that this is the top franchise operator in the world, and one might as well learn from what the best do. McDonalds basically invented the modern franchise, back in 1955, and over time have perfected the concept. The second reason is that there is a wealth of information available. Some of the firms on the list at Entrepreneur Magazine are privately-held, and that probably means there is very little information about them. Thus, McDonalds is a good company to use as a starting point for entrepreneurial and franchise studies. There is no reason to select a company that is not the best at what it does -- I have no intention of being second best at what I do.

In the quick service restaurant industry, it costs about $1 million to…...


Works Cited: (2012). McDonalds. Retrieved May 16, 2012 from

Mcdonalds I Chose Mcdonald's Because it Is
Pages: 2 Words: 770

I chose McDonald's because it is a brand that is larger than simply a fast-food hamburger chain. McDonald's is the global leader in hamburger fast-food restaurants, serving almost 60 million customers per day. McDonalds' are operated as a franchise, an affiliate, or a corporate store. They have over 32,000 locations worldwide, were founded in 940, and posted an approximate sales revenue over almost 25 billion in 200. They are a quintessential American institution, a brand, and a symbol of economic forces that reach into global markets.

If we think about what it takes to serve 60 million customers daily, it is astounding. McDonald's needs beef, and sources it from a number of world-wide providers; fresh produce, condiments, paper products. In addition, from a marketing perspective, the global arches are seen as icons of American life from the 950s on. One can get a McDonald's meal in almost every country in the…...


1. Take a look at the "big Ideas" in the powerpoint presentation from the background materials (click here). Try to apply one of the big ideas to your firm in the way it operates.


See: ; Schlosser, E. (2001). Fast Food Nation. New York: Houghton.;;

McDonald Supply Chain Management Issue
Pages: 10 Words: 2894

Description of the company/industry McDonalds
McDonalds happens to be a premier global retailer of food services with presence in more than 100 countries (World Branding Forum, 2019). According to World Branding Forum (2019), the Retailer (McDonalds) has an excess of 36,000 locations globally and employs 1.8 million workers. Most of the global McDonalds franchises (approx. 80%) are operated and owned by business people operating independently. McDonalds serves various menu options with outstanding quality ingredients. The restaurant enjoys an upwards of 25 million customers each day. Close to 90% of the 14,000 McDonalds restaurants in the U.S. are operated and owned independently (World Branding Forum, 2019). There are close to 1,200 United Kingdom McDonalds restaurants serving close to 3 million people each day. The McDonalds brand employs approx. 97,000 workers in the UK and has invested more than £40 million on development and training every year (World Branding Forum, 2019).
McDonalds offers he culture…...



Emirates 24/7 (2019). 5 major problems that McDonald\\\\'s is facing. Retrieved 21 February, 2019 from s-is-facing-2014-10-22-1.567212

Greenspan, R. (2018). McDonald’s PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis & Recommendations, Panmore Institute. Retrieved 21 February, 2019 analysis-recommendations

Jurevicius, O., (2019). SWOT analysis of McDonald\\\\'s (5 Key Strengths in 2019), SM Insight. Retrieved 21 February, 2019 from analyses/mcdonalds-swot-analysis.html

Krull, R. (2010). McDonald\\\\'s: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. Retrieved 21 February, 2019 from investors-to-know.aspx

New, S. (2015). McDonald’s and the Challenges of a Modern Supply Chain, Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 21 February, 2019 from challenges-of-a-modern-supply-chain

Ovenden, J., (2019). McDonald\\\\'s’ Supply Chain Success Shows the Benefits of Collaboration, Innovation Enterprise limited. Retrieved 21 February, 2019 from shows-the-benefits-of-collaboration

McDonalds (2019). Sustainable Supply Chain. Retrieved 21 February, 2019 from old/our_focus_areas/sustainable_supply_chain.html

World Branding Forum (2019). McDonalds. Retrieved 21 February, 2019 from

How has McDonald\'s influence on global culture evolved over the past decade in 200 words?
Words: 362

Over the past decade, McDonald's influence on global culture has continued to grow and evolve. With over 38,000 locations in more than 100 countries, McDonald's has become a dominant force in the fast-food industry and a symbol of American consumer culture worldwide.

One of the key ways McDonald's has evolved its influence on global culture is through its menu offerings. In recent years, McDonald's has introduced healthier options like salads, fruit smoothies, and oatmeal to cater to changing consumer preferences. This shift towards healthier options reflects a broader trend towards wellness and sustainability in the global food industry.

Additionally, McDonald's has adapted....

How has McDonald\'s influence on global culture evolved over the past decade in 200 words?
Words: 470

McDonald's Influence on Global Culture: A Decade of Evolution


McDonald's, the iconic fast-food chain, has long been a symbol of globalization and Western influence. Over the past decade, the company's footprint has expanded further, shaping culinary norms, business practices, and consumer habits around the world. This essay explores the multifaceted evolution of McDonald's influence on global culture in the past ten years.

Increased Global Presence:

McDonald's has continued to expand its presence globally, opening new restaurants in emerging markets. This expansion has not only extended the company's reach but has also introduced American fast-food culture to new populations. In countries like India, China,....

What factors contribute to Pokémon becoming the highest revenue-generating multimedia franchise globally?
Words: 645

1. The strategic release of innovative and engaging video games across multiple platforms has played a crucial role in making Pokémon the highest revenue-generating multimedia franchise globally.

2. The extensive global reach of Pokémon through a combination of merchandise, trading card games, animated TV series, movies, and collaborations with various industries has contributed significantly to its impressive revenue generation.

3. The development of a strong and loyal fan base over the past two decades has been instrumental in sustaining Pokémon as a top revenue-generating franchise, with fans consistently investing in various related products and experiences.

4. The strategic marketing and brand partnerships of....

What are the significance of chicken, ice cream, roti, and McDonald\'s in my diet?
Words: 947

1. The significance of chicken, ice cream, roti, and McDonalds in my diet is not just about the food itself, but about the cultural, social, and personal connections that these items hold for me. Each of these foods plays a unique role in my daily meals, representing different aspects of my identity, upbringing, and preferences. By examining the significance of these foods in my diet, we can gain insight into the various influences that shape our food choices and eating habits.

2. Chicken, a versatile and widely consumed protein source, has been a staple in my diet for as long....

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