Math Anxiety Essays (Examples)

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Math Anxiety
Pages: 3 Words: 1080

Math Anxiety
I did not realize before that I had any feelings of anxiety related to the subject of mathematics. Math is not the most difficult subject although certainly it can be challenging. Yet, my writing indicates that I do feel math-related anxiety which therefore need to be better understood. From early on, I knew that math was not my favorite subject. For many people math is difficult, primarily because it takes a great deal of memorization and strict rules. It is not a subjective subject, but rather an objective one. hen you do a math problem, you either find the correct answer or you find a wrong answer. There is little room for maneuvering between these two extremes. Perhaps this is where my anxiety with math is the most obvious, in the fear of finding the right answer and the subsequent fear of being wrong in my findings. My math…...


Works Cited

Sparks, S. (2011). Researchers probe causes of math anxiety: it's more than just disliking math, according to scholars. Education Week. 30(31). Chicago, IL. 1-16.

Math Anxiety How to Combat
Pages: 5 Words: 1548

As always, understanding is always the building block of finding a lasting solution to a problem, and this anxiety has not always been at the forefront of teachers' minds, but raising awareness could also help in beginning to solve the problem.
orks Cited:

Borhod et. al. (2012). "Math Anxiety." Anoka Ramsey Community College orking Paper. Retrieved, <>.

Curtain-Phillips, M. (2012). "Causes and Prevention of Math Anxiety." Math Goodies. Retrieved, <>.

No Author. (2012). "8 Empowering ays to Beat Math Anxiety." Math is Not a Four Letter ord. Retrieved, <>.

No Author. (2012). "How to Stop Math Anxiety." Articles Base. Retrieved, <>.

Swanson, D. (2006). "Math Anxiety." Middle Institute Partnership. Retrieved, <>.

Borhod et. al. (2012). "Math Anxiety." Anoka Ramsey Community College orking Paper. Retrieved, <>.

Borhod et. al. (2012).

Curtain-Phillips, M. (2012). "Causes and Prevention of Math Anxiety." Math Goodies. Retrieved, <>.

Curtain-Phillips, M. (2012).

Curtain-Phillips, M. (2012).

Curtain-Phillips, M. (2012).

No Author. (2012). "How…...


Works Cited:

Borhod et. al. (2012). "Math Anxiety." Anoka Ramsey Community College Working Paper. Retrieved, <>.

Curtain-Phillips, M. (2012). "Causes and Prevention of Math Anxiety." Math Goodies. Retrieved, < >.

No Author. (2012). "8 Empowering Ways to Beat Math Anxiety." Math is Not a Four Letter Word. Retrieved, < >.

No Author. (2012). "How to Stop Math Anxiety." Articles Base. Retrieved, < >.

Math Anxiety
Pages: 4 Words: 1322

De-tressing the tress From Math
Arithmetic is a core rudiment of academia and spells academic and vocational success for many. Even those who do not need skill in arithmetic to progress with their career do need high grades in arithmetic to succeed in school. Unfortunately, for many, these high grades are almost unobtainable by the debilitating presence of math anxiety. Math anxiety is, in fact, so common that there is even a special word for it: Mathematics-Learning Distress (MALEI, 2006). About 85% of students studied in Perry (2004) in introductory math classes claimed to experience at least mild math anxiety. This experience seems to have a history that goes back to the earliest of formative child education since Jackson and Leffingwell (1999) found that only 7% of their 157 students actually had pleasant experiences related to math from their beginning the subject. Meanwhile, 27% of the respondents accumulated math anxiety during…...



Chan, A (2013) Math Anxiety Linked With Differences In Brain Functioning, Study Finds . Huffingtom Post 

Jackson, C.D., & Leffingwell, R.J. (1999). The role of instructors in creating math anxiety in students form kindergarten through college. Mathematics Teacher, 92(7), 583-586.

Student Learning Math Anxiety
Pages: 2 Words: 669

Math AnxietyMost students have a challenge learning Math, and this depends on the strategies that the teacher uses. Assessment is joint in teaching the subject (Kostos & Shin, 2010). It refers to the settings and tasks that give the students opportunities to demonstrate the skills, understanding, and application of content within a context allowing for continued growth and learning.Several types of assessments are used to evaluate the development and student learning. For instance, the teacher can use self-evaluation, peer and teacher tools like rubrics, and checklists when teaching Math (Moon, 2019). Student journals are also standard. They are examples of assessments that Math teachers can use to examine the affective and cognitive domains as the students learn.Journal in Maths is a tool to help make communications between the teacher and students easy throughout the learning process and for the progress to be evaluated. Selling the idea of journaling can be…...



Kostos, K., & Shin, E. (2010). Using math journals to enhance second graders’ communication of mathematical thinking. Early Childhood Education Journal, 38(3), 223-231. 

Moon, J. A. (2019). Journals in teaching and learning in higher education. Learning Journals, 57-70. 

Tippett, J. (n.d.). Math journals: From math talk to the home-school connection, a handbook for teachers of grades 1-6.

Does Math Anxiety Impede Working Memory
Pages: 2 Words: 538

Although many people state that they have math anxiety, quantifying the extent to which this can inhibit learning has proven challenging. In an attempt to do so, Shi & Liu (2016)’s study “Worrying Thoughts Limit Working Memory Capacity in Math Anxiety” hypothesized that individuals with higher levels of math anxiety would show poorer working level memory capacity performance when confronted with material with mathematical content, versus individuals with lower levels of mathematics anxiety. The authors based their hypothesis on previous research which suggested “MA detrimentally impacts mathematical performance by disrupting WM resources otherwise devoted to skill execution” (Shi & Liu, 2015, p.11). After dividing Chinese undergraduate volunteers into two groups of 61 individuals using the Math Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS) and a text anxiety scale, participants were scored on working memory on neutral tasks and in mathematical tasks. Although the groups performed similarly on the general tests of working memory, students…...


Working Memory and Math Anxiety

Shi Z, Liu P (2016) Worrying thoughts limit working memory capacity in math anxiety.

PLoS ONE 11(10): e0165644. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0165644

Top Five Academic Anxieties Test Anxiety
Pages: 3 Words: 927

top five academic anxieties (Test Anxiety ~ Math Anxiety), on the average (mean) of core, which anxiety variable achieved the lowest score? Explain.
The mean score on 'Test Anxiety' is 2.30, whilst that on 'math anxiety' is 1.90. The lowest average on first sight therefore seems to be math's anxiety which means that the class average for 'math Anxiety' was 1.90. However, when we assess the variability we see the radical divergence of variance that exist between the two Anxieties with .38 on Test Anxiety and .69 on Math's Anxiety. This means that the scores are more spread out / dispersed on the latter. This needs to be taken into consideration when evaluating results.

Among the top five academic anxieties (Test Anxiety ~ Math Anxiety), on the skewness of core, which anxiety variable achieved the highest negatively skewed score? Explain.

Test Anxiety was -.09, whilst Math's Anxiety was .51. Test Anxiety achieved…...



Funk TA (2009) Identification of Academic and Social Expectation Anxieties and Self-efficacy

Issues Experienced by Non-traditional Students and Examination of Their Effects on Academic Success. Dissertation. TUI University

Kaufman, JC et al. (2008) The role of personality and motivation in predicting early college academic success in non-traditional students at a Hispanic-serving institution

Learning and Individual Differences 18, 492 -- 496

Math Got to Do With
Pages: 5 Words: 1598

This has had the unintended consequence of increasing the dropout rate, as students who fail to perform and to be promoted leave the schools altogether. Many good, creative teachers also drop out, frustrated with the stringent controls placed upon their teaching style.
ELL (English Language Learner) students are at a particular disadvantage for taking standardized tests, given the frequently arcane wording of the exams. The tests are often poorly written, and students are made to feel as if their worth as a human being and their whole future rests upon doing well on these very arbitrarily designed tests. Teachers perhaps understandably impose such performance anxiety upon their pupils, and the relationship between student and teacher is damaged, as teachers focus more on test-taking strategies than creativity or teaching new material. Also, teachers spend more time grading papers and administrating tests than getting to know their students, communicating, encouraging reasoning and…...


Works Cited

"Standards for school mathematics." National Council of Teacher of Mathematics. NCTM.

May 12, 2009.

Analyzing Math Learning Disability
Pages: 4 Words: 1301

Students that are talented apart from also having learning disabilities are those that have an exceptional talent/gift and are capable of achieving high performances, but who also have some sort of learning disability, which makes a certain feature of academic success challenging. These students are frequently regarded as underachievers, and this underachievement factor might be as a result of lack of inspiration, poor self-concept, or less pleasing traits like laziness. As school gets more difficult, their academic challenges might increase to a level whereby they are sufficiently lagging behind peers that a disability is eventually suspected. Even though these particular students seem to be doing considerably good, they are, unluckily, not doing well enough compared to their potential. As assignments get more and more challenging in the following years, and without the assistance they require for the accommodation of their inadequacies, their academic challenges normally increase to the level…...



Geary, D. C. (2011). Consequences, characteristics, and causes of mathematical learning disabilities and persistent low achievement in mathematics. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics: JDBP, 32(3), 250.

Geary, D. C., Hoard, M. K., Nugent, L., & Bailey, DH (2012). Mathematical cognition deficits in children with learning disabilities and persistent low achievement: A five-year prospective study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(1), 206.

Gersten, R., Chard, D. J., Jayanthi, M., Baker, S. K., Morphy, P., & Flojo, J. (2012). Mathematics instruction for students with learning disabilities: A meta-analysis of instructional components. Review of Educational Research, 79(3), 1202-1242.

Ostergren, R. (2013). Mathematical Learning Disability: Cognitive Conditions, Development and Predictions.

Training -- the Traditional Model
Pages: 3 Words: 1214

value when comparing two things, instead of a univariate F. value. For instance, when comparing which of two textbooks are better for students, we are dealing with two separate factors that, although perhaps correlated, are still different. The MANOVA exaggerates these differences and then sees whether there is any contrast between the two.
The MANOVA is used to see whether (going to the previous example) the 3 factors help reduce math anxiety or whether they reduce public speaking anxiety. They may be helpful with one, but not helpful with the other. The ANOVA lumps them, but the MANOVA separates them and this distinction is very important. The MANOVA, therefore, also shows the researcher more differences that an ANOVA overlooks, as well as avoiding the possibility of a Type 1 error (namely saying that there is a significant result when there isn't').

On the other hand, it is more complicated than the…...

Teaching Students With Disabilities
Pages: 8 Words: 2288

Special education field advisory
One of the challenges of special education in the modern, standards-focused environment is the fact that while special education almost by definition demands individualized attention on the part of the teacher, standardized tests evaluate students according to a set standard outside of the parameters of their specific curriculum. In response to this, the article entitled "Special Education Field Advisory," a memorandum written by James P. DeLorenzo of the University of the State of New York discusses the importance of IEPs or Individualized Educational Programs to give students the support they need. All students classified as having a disability in New York State must have an IEP aligned to state standards that still takes into consideration the student's special concerns. The Committee on Special Education meets with the students' mainstream teachers as well as special education teachers to ensure an IEP is adapted to both the needs…...



Neuman, S. & Wright, T. (2014).The magic of words: Teaching vocabulary in the early childhood classroom. American Educator, 6-13

Article review: "Assistive Technology for Children with Autism"

According to Stokes (2015), assistive technology can offer a critical supportive function for students on the autistic spectrum. Assistive technology does not necessarily have to be 'high tech' in the form of iPads or voice output devices but can be as simple and low-tech as storyboards, which allow the child to point to pictures to verbalize his or her needs, or highlighter tape which can keep students focused on the lines of a book. These technologies can empower children and provide them with critical sources of independence. For example, the Mayer-Johnson software program, Boardmaker allows for the creation of specific line drawings to allow the child to communicate through pointing to visual representations. Other pictorial, expressive formats allow for three-dimensional representations which children can touch and feel. The purpose of using assistive technology is not to get the most 'high tech' format available but to match the technology with the particular needs of the child. Some children, for example, may be very sensitive to particular colors and having black-and-white representations is essential for neutral stimuli.

In terms of my own professional work, I have found assistive technology to be an important bridge for communicating with and teaching many students. Even students with mild learning disabilities can improve their skills with talking books or computer programs which give them a sense of mastery over basic skills by pairing images with words and sound. For students who have problems learning in a verbally-based format, technology provides a relatively easy way to ensure that they can remain in a mainstream classroom with relatively non-intensive support during the day, versus having an aide to explain the material or having the teacher work independently with them (which may not be feasible in a crowded classroom). Simply because an autistic child's disability is not immediately obvious to the naked eye does not make it any less real and any less in need of assistive technology. Some students may only need assistance with organizational skills; others may need assistance with almost all functions.

Creating Lesson Plans for Girls
Pages: 4 Words: 1289

Instructional Planning for Gender Gaps
It is not uncommon to find that female students have more difficulty with subjects that are traditionally associated with males -- such as those pertaining to mathematics and science. Perhaps the most prudent time to account for this disparity in achievement that oftentimes manifests itself in institutions of higher learning in which there are greater amounts of male than female students in math and science classes (the latter of which include chemistry, physics, biology, etc.) is to utilize gender differentiated instruction while students are still in elementary school. esearch indicates that even in elementary schools, female students are aware of the stereotype that males are supposed to be good in math and science while they are not (Halpern et al., 2007). Simultaneously, it may be prudent to do the same for male students in critical aspects of language arts and social studies.

One of the fundamental ways…...



Beilocj, S., Gunderson, E., Ramirez, G., Levine, S.C. (2010). Female teachers' math anxiety affects girls' math achievement. PNAS. 107(5): 1860-1863.

Halpern, D.F., Aronson, J., Reimer, N., Simpkins, S., Star, J.R., Wentzel, K. (2007). Encouraging girls in math and science. Institute of Education Sciences. Retrieved from 

Shaw, J.B. (1925). Teaching mathematics to girls. The Mathematics Teacher. 18(8), 455-464.

Vedantam, S. (2012). How stereotypes can drive women to quit science. Retrieved from

Learned Helplessness in Battered Abused Women
Pages: 10 Words: 2872

Helplessness in College
Background significant and notable problem within higher education is the conditioned state of mind associated with learned helplessness. Challenges to educators are often played out through the compounded years of this learning roadblock in a student's life, leaving many individuals with test anxiety so great that they are unable to test effectively on the concepts they have learned.

Learned helplessness (e.g., when someone learns from repeated, unpleasant, and painful experiences that he or she is unable to control the aversive environment or escape, that person will gradually lose the motivation to change the situation) (oberts, 1996, p. 7-8)

Challenge is especially high with regard to math learning. (Tobias, 1991, pp. 91-93) The system design therefore creates a challenge to students and instructors, who have no other way, than testing to determine the level of knowledge a student has actually achieved during instruction. Any situation where an alternative to testing…...



Campbell, C.R., & Henry, J.W. (1999). Gender Differences in Self-Attributions: Relationship of Gender to Attributional Consistency, Style, and Expectations for Performance in a College Course. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 41(1), 95. Retrieved September 16, 2004, from Questia database, .

Grimes, S.K., & David, K.C. (1999). Underprepared Community College Students: Implications of Attitudinal and Experiential Differences. Community College Review, 27(2), 73. Retrieved September 16, 2004, from Questia database,

Gender Differences in Middle School
Pages: 10 Words: 3217

Such measures include providing positive examples of students and professionals who have garnered significant achievements in math, allowing students who may feel symptoms of stereotype threat to express their talent in other areas outside of math (by incorporating those areas into lessons and classroom engagement), and by downplaying differences in groups via the reframing of tasks to decrease levels of competitiveness amongst students (Singletary et al., 2009, p. 2) (Shih et al., 1999, p. 82).
In addition to considering the role of classroom and social environments that can impact middle school math students, it is also necessary to examine the type of learning styles that are typically used and which typically favor each gender. In most instances, competitive learning styles in which students are pitted against each tend to favor male students. However, by focusing on and accommodating a diversity of learning styles, instructors can actually increase the achievement of…...



Amelink, C.T. (2009). "Gender differences in math performance." Assessing Women and Men in Engineering. Retrieved from 

James, a.N. (2007). "Gender differences and the teaching of mathematics." Inquiry. 12 (1): 14-25. Retrieved from 

Keast, S. (1998). "Learning styles in mathematics classrooms." Voices. 52-58. Retrieved from 

Lau, W., Yuen, a. (2010). "Gender differences in learning styles: Nurturing a gender and style sensitive computer science classroom." Australasian Journal of Education Technology. 26 (7): 1090-1103.

Gender-Based Education for Many Decades
Pages: 35 Words: 9107

Juvonen et al., (2004) explains that a teachers in depth understanding of mathematics in particular is extremely important in middle school. The authors also point out that learning more difficult math in the eighth grade such as math is imports because 8th grade students who take algebra are more likely to apply to college than those that don't (Atanda, 1999). In addition the authors insists that when middle school students have teachers that have college degrees in the subject matter they are teaching the students are more likely to perform well on tests (ilson, Floden, Ferrini-Mundy, 2001). The author further explains that Researchers who have reviewed the evidence on subject-matter training believe that students in teacher training programs should be taught not only the content but also its conceptual underpinnings and a strong reasoning ability (ilson, Floden, and Ferrini-Mundy, 2001). Other evidence, although not derived from research on middle…...


Works Cited

Atanda, R., "Do Gatekeeper Courses Expand Education Options?" Education Statistics Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1999. Also available online at   (as of October 17, 2003). 

Bae, Yupin, Susan Choy, Claire Geddes, Jennifer Sable, and Thomas Snyder. 2000. Trends in Educational Equity of Girls and Women. Washington, D.C.: National Center for Education Statistics.

Becker, J.R. (2003, April). Gender and Mathematics: An Issue for the Twenty-First Century. Teaching Children Mathematics, 9, 470+.

Belenky, M.F., et al. Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self Voice, and Mind. New York: Basic Books, 1997.

Assessing the Antecedents of Math Anxiety
Pages: 3 Words: 1037

esearch Article CritiqueThe purpose of this critique is to critically review an article by Amanda S. Williams, Worry, Intolerance of Uncertainty, and Statistics Anxiety (May 2013). This type of critique is important because far too many college students struggle with their math requirements for graduation due to anxiety over their abilities and anticipated suboptimal performance. The critique includes an analysis of the statistical data presented to determine whether they support the conclusions reached by the author or not. Finally, the critique provides a summary of the article and key findings that emerged from the research process in the conclusion.esearch topic and purpose for conducting the research and its objectivesThe overarching purpose of this study was to examine the association between intolerance of uncertainty, worry, and statistics anxiety among a sample of American college students. The author explains that the study was needed to fill a gap in the existing research…...


ReferencesWilliams, A. S. (2013). Worry, Intolerance of Uncertainty, and Statistics Anxiety. Statistics Education Research Journal, 12(1), 48-59.

How do literature reviews illuminate causes of math anxiety in students?
Words: 734

In the field of psychology and education, math anxiety is a common issue that affects a significant number of students. Math anxiety refers to the feeling of intense fear or anxiety towards mathematics, which can hinder a students ability to perform well in math-related tasks. This phenomenon has been extensively studied by researchers to identify its causes and potential solutions. Literature reviews have played a crucial role in illuminating the various factors that contribute to math anxiety in students. One of the primary causes of math anxiety identified in literature reviews is negative experiences or perceptions of math. Many students....

How do literature reviews illuminate causes of math anxiety in students?
Words: 709

Literature Review: Math Anxiety and Its Causes

Math anxiety is a common phenomenon affecting students, characterized by a persistent fear of mathematics and a negative emotional response to math-related tasks. This anxiety can have detrimental effects on students' academic performance, confidence, and overall well-being. To effectively address math anxiety, it is crucial to understand its underlying causes. This literature review synthesizes research findings to illuminate the various factors contributing to math anxiety in students.

Cognitive Factors
Negative beliefs: Students with math anxiety often hold negative beliefs about their math abilities, viewing themselves as incapable of understanding or performing well in math. These....

basis in difficulty in solving linear equation?
Words: 636

Basis of Difficulty in Solving Linear Equations

Linear equations are algebraic equations of the form ax + b = c, where a, b, and c are constants and x is the variable. Solving linear equations is a fundamental skill in mathematics, as it forms the basis for solving more complex equations and systems of equations. However, there are certain factors that can make solving linear equations difficult, particularly for students.

1. Understanding the Equation Structure:

A common difficulty arises from not fully comprehending the structure of a linear equation. Students may struggle to identify the variable, the coefficients, and the constant term. This....

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