The Benefits of Paid Maternity Leave
While women have earned their way into the workplace to be treated as equals alongside men, part of what still makes women unique is their ability to be mothers and to carry a child. Mothers play an integral role in society, especially in the early days of when a child is born: the mother is the nurturer, the consoler, the shelter, and the provider. The mother’s bond with the newborn is effected over the first few weeks that the child is alive and this bond plays a significant role in the development of the child over the course of time. As society is always dependent upon well developed persons for the sake of its own future, the benefits of maternity leave can easily be premised upon this point. Paid maternity leave allows the mother to take care of the newborn child for a critical amount…...
Maternity Leave: Why it Matters, Why We Need More The United States lags behind its counterparts in the wealthy, developed world on many measures, not least of which is how it treats new moms. In the United States, only twelve percent of women have access to paid maternity leave of any length (Froese 1). The six weeks of paid maternity leave I receive from my company might be better than most Americans get, but it is still not at all enough and can lead to serious health problems for both mom and baby, as well as to more generalized societal ills. Research also reveals that current maternity leave programs in the United States reflect gross inequalities along the intersections between race, class, and gender, exacerbating income disparities (May 1). The United States should therefore adopt a more sensible, rights-based maternity leave policy, modeled after the successful programs already in place in…...
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Economic Impact of arental Leave:
This essay explores the relationship between parental leave policies and economic performance. It examines how parental leave can affect labor markets, productivity, and gender wage gaps, as well as the implications for businesses and national economies.
2. Comparing International arental Leave olicies:
An analysis of different parental leave systems around the world, discussing the variety of approaches, cultural influences, and the outcomes on family well-being and gender equality. The paper would provide a comprehensive overview of the most effective models in use today and consider what can be learned from them.
3. The Role of Fathers in arental Leave:
This topic focuses on the increasing importance of paternity leave and its benefits on family dynamics, children's development, and the pursuit of gender equality in the workplace. The paper would delve into the social and psychological advantages of involved fatherhood and how parental leave…...
mlaPrimary Sources
United States Department of Labor. \"Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).\" USDOL, 2023.
International Labour Organization. \"Maternity and Paternity at Work: Law and Practice Across the World.\" ILO, 2014.European Commission. \"Directive 2010/18/EU of the European Council on the Framework Agreement on Parental Leave.\" Official Journal of the European Union, 2010.OECD. \"Parental Leave: Where Are the Fathers?\" OECD Policy Brief, 2016.United Nations. \"Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women.\" UN, 1995.
The lack of paternity leave does not promote greater flexibility for employers and employees to agree on the most suitable way to balance work and domestic needs without interference from the government.
hy Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave:
Despite of the stigma associated with men's involvement in child care and domestic issues, fathers should get more paternity leave because of the benefits of taking some time off after the birth of a child. Currently, there is a growing body of research that demonstrates that longer paternity leave contribute to certain long-term benefits. Some of the major benefits and reasons for more paternity leave to fathers include & #8230;
Increased Involvement in Child Care:
Based on the findings of a 2007 study by Columbia University researchers, fathers who get more paternity leave are more involved in child care months after resuming work (eber par, 13). Furthermore, an evaluation of leave-policy reforms in Quebec…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Chen, Vivia. "Should Paternity Leave Be Mandatory?" The Careerist. ALM Media Properties, LLC., 9 Apr. 2013. Web. 24 June 2013. .
Hall, Jason. "Why Men Don't Take Paternity Leave." Online Posting. Forbes. LLC, 14 June 2013. Web. 24 June 2013. .
McGregor, Jena. "Paternity Leave Isn't Just about Dads." The Washington Post. The Washington Post, 14 June 2013. Web. 24 June 2013. .
Peacock, Louisa. "Father's Day: Fathers Should Get 'use it or Lose it' Parental Leave." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group Limited, 14 June 2013. Web. 24 June 2013. .
Work Life Balance
When planning to have children there are ideals that one may wish to achieve; a good work life balance is one. The idea scenario would be to have a successful career which will provide for a good income and quality of life, and the ability to enjoy that good quality of life with the family. uality of life includes the provision of material well being, such as a comfortable house in a good neighborhood, to have nice holidays, and not worry about paying the bills. However, quality of life also includes psychological well-being, and intangible aspects of life, including time to spend with loved ones, including helping children learn and enjoying watching them grow, playing with them were relaxed and happy, and being an integral part of their lives.
The problem faced by many is the way in which this balance can be achieved; it may be necessary to…...
mlaQuestion 2
The United States should require companies to provide paid maternity leave, but only in certain circumstances. For example, it would be unfair to require an employer to provide an employee with maternity leave, along with maternity pay, if they have only been with the company short period before they fall pregnant and have to take time off. However, once an employee has been with the company for a minimum period, for example two years, then I believe maternity pay should be provided. It is notable, that in countries such as Sweden, there are significant requirements for paid maternity leave, and the U.S. is the only country which does not guarantee paid maternity leave (Shaw, 2014). However, it maybe argued that expecting employees to meet the entire burden of this may be difficult, especially in the beginning. Therefore, the government should provide some assistance, is paid maternity leave and also be benefiting the government in short-term, in terms of potential welfare payments, and in the long-term by supporting a better work life balance. Therefore, company should gain some type of subsidy or other benefit such as increased tax breaks in order to counteract the cost of providing maternity care.
Paternity care may also be
It was tough the first year of being in business for himself.
Breaking Points
Although his mother was unsupportive of his decision to be a designer, David persisted through the lean times. One day, he spotted an ad for the Elle New Talent Competition. He started to apply, and then realized that he needed to submit full storyboards and materials overnight. Like a scene from Project Runway, David pulled an all-nighter and made it happen. Three days later, he was in the top twelve. Three months later, he was in the finalists, and then…he won.
Winning the Elle New Talent Competition launched David's career in earnest, but it did not mean instant success. He still had no full-time, dependable clients. As he considered returning to teaching, David had a lucky break. The House of Montiac called him to work in Cape Town. Rather than leave his budding business in Johannesburg, David decided…...
Gizmo Inc.
Will either of their grievances be heard in court? Why?
Becky's case has a very realistic possibility of being heard in court. This is from releasing her at a time when she was experiencing complication during her pregnancy. In this situation, she can claim that the company did not abide by the different provisions of the law through terminating her employment (after she asked and was initially granted maternity leave). This surpasses the arbitration clause in her employment contract by directly violating the Family Leave and Medical Act. (Cihon, 2013)
Under the law, she can take up to 12 weeks off without having fear of retribution, demotion or suspension. However, in order to be eligible, she must request leave with 30 days prior notification to her employers. Evidence of this can be seen with guidance provided to employers from the Department of Labor which states, "Employees must comply with their employer's…...
Cihon, P. (2013). Employment and Labor Law. Mason, OH: Southwestern.
The Family Medical Leave Act. (2014). DOL. Retrieved from:
Employee Compensation Deduction
Tax Research Memorandum
Mr. Jones, President
From: Tax Accountant, CPA
Tax Treatment of Employee Compensation in Business Deductions
Mr. Jones is the President of a corporation owned by him and members of his family. Mr. Jones was paid $48,000 in salary and the corporation paid $12,000 in a pension plan contribution on Mr. Jones's behalf for the tax year. The IRS Agent claims that both the salary paid to Mr. Jones and the pension plan contribution must be taken into account to determine whether the total compensation is reasonable in amount. The corporation wants to know if the pension plan contribution must be taken into account in determining the total compensation reasonableness to Mr. Jones.
The issue is whether the pension plan contribution paid by the corporation must be included with Mr. Jones salary for the tax year to determine whether the total compensation was reasonable under the tax codes.
The total compensation includes…...
At the same time, occupational segregation still exists in management positions. Part of the problem is that men are able to devote much more time to their career advancement vs. women who have to also consider raising a family and bulk of the responsibilities of that family. At the same time, however there are now many more women who have created role reversal than ever before, becoming the breadwinners within their nuclear family. The glass ceiling primarily exists because there is still exclusivity in the hiring process. Since the job of management hiring is typically sourced to executive search companies, many times such search teams do not include women because of the extra concerns associated with them. As a result, the only method by which many women in management have taken is to remain loyal within their corporate environment until they can climb the corporate ladder. This strategy grants…...
RACE, GENDER AND WORK: A Multicultural
Economic History of Women in the U.S. By Teresa Amott and Julie Matthaci.
Understanding Cultures Influence on Behavior by Richard Breslin
Employment Law in Vietnam
Summary of Minimum Statutory Entitlements
Annual Leave
Maternity Leave
Form of Contract
Discrimination Laws
Data Privacy Legislation
The Mandatory Social Security Fund
Employee Compensation
Summary of Visa Requirements
This booklet provides general advice only and should not be treated as a substitute for legal advice. While care has been taken to ensure that details are correct, no responsibility can be taken for losses arising from the reliance upon its contents. Should you have any speci? c questions please contact Dao Nguyen on +84 8 822-8860 or email at dao.- -- .
© 2008. Mayer Brown LLP, Mayer Brown International LLP, and/or JSM.
Mayer Brown is a global legal services organisation comprising
legal practices that are separate entities ("Mayer Brown Practices").
The Mayer Brown Practices are: Mayer Brown LLP, a limited liability partnership established in the United States; Mayer Brown International
LLP, a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales;
and JSM, a Hong Kong partnership, and its associated entities…...
While pregnancy per se is not a permanent condition, there are long-term consequences of the state. (M kel, 2005) the issue of work/life balance and quality of life can become important factors in the life of the female employee. Many organizations also tend to have the perception that women with children will be less focused and dedicated to their work. (Kidwell, 2001) the idea that the man is the bread winner and the woman the nurturer is still the main stream value. Although women have been in the workforce since the industrial revolution, in the past they exited the workplace after a child was born and returned only much later. In the past few decades however, women are less likely to want to leave the workforce. Many factors have impacted this decision -- higher standard of living, single mothers, lower wages and fewer opportunities to return back after an extended…...
Anonymous. (2005). Keeping mum: pregnant employees and employment rights. Human Resource Management International Digest, 13(4), 41-45.
Bragger, J.D., Kutcher, E., Morgan, J., & Firth, P. (2002). The effects of the structured interview on reducing biases against pregnant job applicants. Sex Roles, 46(7/8), 215-226.
Gueutal, H.G., & Taylor, E.M. (1991). Employee pregnancy: The impact on organizations, pregnant employees, and co-workers. Journal of Business and Psychology, 5(459-475).
Halpert, J.A., Wilson, M.L., & Hickman, J.L. (1993). Pregnancy as a source of bias in performance appraisals. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14(649-663).
Essay Topic Examples
1. Balancing Act:
Exploring the challenges and strategies for women managing both professional responsibilities and childcare upon returning to work.
2. Career Continuity:
Discussing how women can maintain career progression after a maternity break, including employer support and personal initiatives.
3. Workplace Culture and Maternity:
Analyzing how workplace culture impacts women's decisions to return to work post-childcare, focusing on policies and attitudes.
4. The Role of Support Systems:
Examining the importance of family, community, and governmental support in facilitating a smooth transition back to work for mothers.
5. sychological Impact:
Investigating the emotional and psychological effects on women returning to work after focusing on childcare.
Essay Title Examples
1. "Back to Business: Navigating the Return to Work After Childcare"
2. "Maternity Leave to Career Leap: Women's Journey Back to Work"
3. "The New Normal: Women Re-entering the Workforce ost-Childcare"
4. "From Home to Office: The Transition for Working Mothers"
5. "Empowering Return: Strategies for Women ost-Maternity Leave"
Essay Hook…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesWomen, Work, and Family: How Companies Thrive with a Global WorkforceMLA Citation: Hewlett, Sylvia Ann. Women, Work, and Family: How Companies Thrive with a Global Workforce. Harvard Business Review Press, 2007.Back to Work: How to Re-enter the Workforce After Raising Kids
MLA Citation: Stone, Pamela. Back to Work: How to Re-enter the Workforce After Raising Kids. Basic Books, 2007.The Mommy Track: The Consequences of Taking Time Off for Child CareMLA Citation: Williams, Joan C. The Mommy Track: The Consequences of Taking Time Off for Child Care. Harvard Business Review, 2000.
This study seeks to show that there are several different family friendly policies being utilized by employers in the U.K. And that these have been necessary for some time. The three main policies are: part-time work, flex-time (flexible start and finish times) and teleworking. All three of these policies are important for working mums and others that would like to have time with their families or for other pursuits. However, not all employers are interested in offering these kinds of arrangements, and many prefer to stick with the traditional work schedule where individuals all come in at a certain time and all leave at a certain time. There is increasing evidence, though, that this does not work well for many people in the U.K. And this is the reason for studying this issue and determining what would…...
mlaWorks Cited
Clay, Joan M. 2001. Employer liability for telecommuting employees: Despite the many potential benefits of telecommuting, employees based in remote offices may cause unanticipated legal liability for employers. Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly.
Joshi, Heather. 2002. Production, reproduction, and education: women, children, and work in a British perspective. Population and Development Review.
Tilly, Joan M. 1998. Part-time and temporary work: flexibility for whom? Dollars & Sense.
There is no individualized determination by the teacher's doctor -- or the school board's -- as to any particular teacher's ability to continue at her job. The rules contain an irrebuttable presumption of physical incompetency, and that presumption applies even when the medical evidence as to the individual woman's physical status might be wholly to the contrary. (Skotzko 65).
The Court did not say what it considered an appropriate time to take leave. It instead alluded to the fact that the woman, herself, with the advice and certification of her physician, should decide when to leave and when to resume work. The Court also did not indicate whether this ruling shoud apply to private institutions. Thus, such determinations must be made on a case-by-case basis.
The one dissenting Justice ehnquist, along with the Chief Justice, viewed the majority decision in terms of philosophical controversy over the validity of presumptions as bases…...
Skotzko, Eugene. "Significant decisions in labor cases." Monthly Labor Review. April 1974. 97, pp. 65-67.
The author of this report will offer a summary of two important laws and regulations when it comes to employment in the United Kingdom. Those two pieces of law will be the Employment Rights Act of 1996, commonly known as ERA 1996, and the Equality Act of 2010, commonly known as the EA 2010. For both laws, the particulars, specifics and common requirements for all parties involved, both employee and employer, will be covered. While the two laws covered in this report were pass nearly a generation apart, both of them hold a very important place in the employment law paradigm in the United Kingdom.
Employment Rights Act of 1996
Scope & Summary
There are several important requirements and regulations when it comes to the Employment Rights Act of 1996. When an employee starts work with an employer, they are obligated to get a summary of terms and requirements. As stated by the…...
1. Review company policies and guidelines: Before formally requesting maternity leave, review your company's employee handbook or HR policies to understand the specific procedures and requirements for requesting maternity leave.
2. Notify your supervisor: It is important to inform your supervisor as soon as possible about your pregnancy and your intention to take maternity leave. This conversation can help establish a plan for coverage during your absence and ensure a smooth transition.
3. Submit a formal request: Once you have informed your supervisor, typically you will need to submit a formal written request for maternity leave. This request should include the expected....
Varying maternity leave entitlements can have a significant impact on women's workforce participation and economic security.
In countries where maternity leave entitlements are limited or non-existent, women may feel pressured to leave the workforce altogether or take on part-time or lower-paying jobs in order to balance work and caregiving responsibilities. This can lead to a loss of income and career advancement opportunities, as well as decreased economic security for women and their families.
On the other hand, countries with more generous maternity leave policies often see higher rates of women's workforce participation and greater economic security for women. Paid maternity leave....
Impact of Varying Maternity Leave Entitlements on Women's Workforce Participation and Economic Security
Maternity leave entitlements, which provide paid or unpaid time off for women to bond with their newborn children, have a significant impact on their workforce participation and subsequent economic security.
Impact on Workforce Participation:
Increased Participation: Extended maternity leave allows women to take a break from the workplace without losing their jobs or seniority. This encourages women to remain in the workforce and return to their careers after giving birth.
Delayed Return to Work: Paid maternity leave increases the likelihood that women will take more time off after childbirth,....
1. Maternity leave policies shape the career paths of working mothers, influencing their decisions on whether to stay in the workforce or take a break.
2. Extended paid maternity leave can provide women with the opportunity to advance in their careers without sacrificing time with their newborns.
3. The availability of generous maternity leave policies can lead to increased job satisfaction and loyalty among female employees.
4. Paid maternity leave may contribute to a more equitable distribution of caregiving responsibilities within families, promoting gender equality in the household.
5. The length of maternity leave impacts....
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