Massage Essays (Examples)

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Massages Have Been Shown to
Pages: 2 Words: 450

In some instances this will mean lying prone on a massage table, or using an ergonomically design massage chair.
Relax your mind and let yourself drift close to a state of sleep and deep relaxation. Try not to talk or move unnecessarily in order to adjust your mind to a new mindset.

Communicate with your masseuse so that they will adjust pressure according to your needs. Become accustomed to their touch and relax under their guidance.

Listen to soothing music or light therapeutic candles to further establish the mood of the session.

These above guidelines will ensure that you have optimize your experience while getting a massage. The most important rule of thumb to remember is to follow the guidance of your massage therapist!

There are some easy steps to follow after a massage that will help you release your muscle strains and extend the lasting benefits of your massage. Remember these final tips…...

Massage Personal Statement My First
Pages: 2 Words: 607

Every client has different needs and every client needs a unique prescription of therapeutic techniques.
Although my medical training comes different land, I believe the perspective I bring from my original background to the United States will be an asset to my work. I look forward to working with a variety of clients from different backgrounds, of all races, genders, and ages. I hope to learn from them, and also help them feel better about themselves, regardless of how they look. A good massage therapist helps her client feel better about the client's body from the inside out, and responds to the unique demands of the patient's body and lifestyle.

The past five years have given me additional maturity and greater depth and seriousness as a person in the health care field. Now that I have a child I understand better the stresses and strains upon the body having a baby…...

Massage Sometimes Referred to as
Pages: 5 Words: 1483

US/estern Expectations

One receiver of Thai traditional massage describes the practice thusly; "You lie on the floor mat and the masseuse is sometimes standing on you, or walking on you. He is pulling you into different positions and you just relax into it,'"

Hughes 148) the practice is essentially, and in western tradition said to increase range of motion, and especially for the sake of athletes and dancers.

Alfaro 32) a reviewer for London's Evening Standard newspaper notes that his or her experience with Thai massage;

did relieve muscle tension, stress and joint pain, all of which I had, though at times the treatment was undeniably painful itself. I like a strong massage, but wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't want their muscles stretched and flexed vigorously. This is an intensive treatment, but no pain, no gain, is one of those ghastly but true quips. Seventy-five minutes went in a flash and when…...


Works Cited

Alfaro, Nancy. "Deep Relief: Why Massage Helps You Dance." Dance Magazine Dec. 2007: 32.

FEELGOOD FACTOR; a Thai Massage Proves to Be More Vigorous and Invigorating Than This Tester Expected." The Evening Standard (London, England) 8 May 2007: NA.

Hughes, Zondra. "The Art of the Massage." Ebony Aug. 2004: 148.

Waselnuk, Gordon History of Thai Yoga Massage Google 3 Sept. 2008 .

Hodgkin Massage Affects on Hodgkins
Pages: 5 Words: 1867

For this reason, it is important to speak with your doctor about any complementary or alternative therapies you are currently using or considering.

The prognosis for Hodgkin lymphoma has shown a gradual improvement over the years and today it is estimated that more than eighty percent of patients with this disease will recover with appropriate treatment. However, a central complicating factor and danger is the high level of toxicity that accompanies conventional treatment. This has also been linked to high levels of stress and anxiety.

While there is no proof that massage therapy can cure to reduce the risk of cancer, there is evidence that it helps alleviate stress and tension that accompany the treatment methods. Coupled with his is the fact that this disease is strongly linked to immune system response and in this regard it has been found that consistent massage therapy, as well as many other forms of…...



Ahles T. ( 1999) Massage Therapy for Patients Undergoing Autologous Bone Marrow

Transplantation. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 18(3), 157-163.

Complementary & Alternative Therapies For Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hodgkin's Disease, & Myeloma: No. 8 in a series providing the latest information on blood. Cancers (1999) Retrieved from

Definition of Allopathic. Retrieved from

Effects of Massage on Depression in Newly Widowed Elderly Females
Pages: 7 Words: 1789

Therapeutic Massage on Elderly, Grieving Widows
The prosperity of a country is in accordance with its treatment of the aged," states an ancient Jewish Proverb ("Massage for the Mature Adult," 2001). This is an honorable and true statement. Too often many of our elderly people's needs are not noticed or attended to by family, friends, or medical practitioners. This is especially true for older women whose husbands have died.

Widowhood can have a tremendous impact on the health of older women (Ferraro, 1989; owling, 1987; Gass & Chang, 1989). The death of a spouse or partner has been described as the most disruptive and difficult role transition that an individual confronts throughout the life course (Lopata, 1987). In the United States, over 49% or 8.4 million women over the age of 65 are widows (radsher, 2000). Houdin (1993) states that "although the literature abounds with subjective pieces concerning bereavement, little is…...


Bibliography for Chapters One and Two

Barry, Kasl, and Prigerson

Tran, 2003

Turvey, 1999 (Parkes, 1998).

Janice Strubbe

Mobile Pedicure Manicure and Massage
Pages: 6 Words: 1581

Also, it is worth mentioning that the salon can rely on a good balance between quality of services and prices.

The new salon's website must provide full information on the company's products, services, and prices. The working schedule and contact options must be very easy to find. The company must employ e website operator that handles orders. Also, the salon's promotions must be clearly stated on the web site.

Financial statements



Net profit

Net cash flow

Sales growth

Quick ratio

eference List

Beauty salon (2008). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. etrieved October 28, 2008 at

At Nail Salons, Beauty Treatments Can Have a Distinctly Unglamorous Side (2007). The New York Times. etrieved October 28, 2008 at

Business model (2008). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. etrieved October 28, 2008 at

Texas Makes Fish Pedicures Illegal (2008). Nails Magazine. etrieved October 28, 2008 at

Study Finds Fault With Flip-Flops (2008). Nails Magazine. etrieved October 28, 2008 at

Survey: Vietnamese Nail Salon…...


Reference List

Beauty salon (2008). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved October 28, 2008 at .

At Nail Salons, Beauty Treatments Can Have a Distinctly Unglamorous Side (2007). The New York Times. Retrieved October 28, 2008 at .

Business model (2008). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved October 28, 2008 at .

Texas Makes Fish Pedicures Illegal (2008). Nails Magazine. Retrieved October 28, 2008 at .

Benefits and Limitations of Massage for Runners
Pages: 1 Words: 312

Sports Massage Article eviewTitle: What Sports Massage Can and Cant Do by Douglas, S. (2020)Link: article provides a clear and concise overview of the benefits of sports massage for athletes, particularly runners. It discusses how sports massage can help in the short term, especially when it comes to increasing short-term flexibility and reducing muscle pain and soreness. However, the articles notes that in all the studies done on the topic there is no clear evidence that a massage does much in the long term that normal warm-ups and stretching exercises dont already help with.On the other hand, the article by Douglas (2020) does rely on anecdotal evidence to make the point that sports massages do help athletes when it comes to improving circulation, enhancong flexibility and range of motion, and even boosting athletic performance. The article does not go into too much detail about the different techniques used in…...


ReferencesDouglas, S. (2020). What Sports Massage Can and Can’t Do. Retrieved from

Leveraging the Scope and Readiness for Change
Pages: 6 Words: 1760

Corp Trans
Change in Organizational Culture: Sustainability Initiatives and "Speed Brakes" in the Massage Envy Chain

In his writings and theories on organizational culture and specifically on cultural changes meant to improve organizational performance and/or stability, obert H. Miles defines and discusses six "speed brakes" that can prevent an organization form effectively implementing desired changes. He defines them -- and proposes solutions for them -- in a specific sequence as he insists that it is in this sequence that they ought to be addressed. Miles' (2010) speed brakes are cautious management culture, business-as-usual management process, initiative gridlock, recalcitrant executives, disengaged employees, and a loss of focus during execution. Though he recommends specific steps to counter each of these six speed brakes in order, Miles' (2010) plan for organizational plan can be boiled down to a very simple overarching strategy: have a well-focused initiative for change that is rolled out quickly and immediately.…...



Lyons, a. (2010). Massage Envy's $600 million in annual revenue and 20,000 employees. Accessed 16 March 2013. 

Massage Envy. (2013). Accessed 16 March 2013. 

Miles, R. (2010). Accelerating corporate transformations. Harvard Business Review.

Miller, K. (2011). Organizational Communication. Mason, OH: Cengage.

Authors Communicate There Are a Number of
Pages: 3 Words: 950

Authors Communicate
There are a number of points of interest regarding "Massage therapy in post-operative rehabilitation of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy - a pilot study." On the whole this is an extremely well-organized article, which is one of its primary strengths. The different sections and phases of the research are well documented. There are a variety of tables that elucidate several components related to the literature review, the results, and the particulars of the subjects considered in the research. However, there is more than one area of the study in which the researchers could have benefited from the use of more substantial effort and a more thorough methodology, which is certainly reflected in the results and the conclusion.

The central weakness of this study is the fact that all of the results were based on research performed on just six subjects. To the credit of the researchers they initially…...



O'Conner, P. (2003). Woe is I: The grammarphobe's guide to better English in plain English. New York: Riverhead Books

Feeding intolerance Integrative Review Paper
Pages: 7 Words: 2577

Despite major medical advancements over several decades, nearly 10 percent of births in the US continue to occur prematurely each year (Martin, Hamilton, Osterman, Driscoll, & Matthews, 2017). Creating a significant socioeconomic burden, preterm birth is one of the leading causes of infant morbidity and mortality in the United States resulting in approximately $16.9 billion in medical care costs annually (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2007). After days, weeks, or even months of intensive care, weight gain becomes a major criterion for hospital discharge. Feeding intolerance (FI) is a common complication among these preterm infants, which disrupts enteral feeding, resulting in feeding advancement delays, prolonging adequate weight gain and growth, and increasing hospital stays (Carter, 2012). Additionally, FI is associated with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a gastrointestinal emergency and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in this group of patients (Moore & Wilson, 2011). The underlying cause for these problems is…...

Marketing Plan Exercise Tasks All
Pages: 2 Words: 422

"On paper" a spa trip consists of a massage and a facial and little more. But the actual experience is much more than that. First, there is something extremely refreshing about stepping into an environment where everybody is dedicated expressly for your comfort. From the moment you walk in to the moment you leave, everything is done for you and every possible need you have is anticipated and fulfilled, almost before you realize you need anything. Second, the massage is an experience all by itself. There are massages and then there are massages. At the spa, the massages are so good that they seem to stay with you long after they are over. You will feel relaxed and invigorated at the same time. Any aches and pains you may consider to be just parts of your everyday life will disappear after the spa masseuse gets done with you. Finally,…...

Facials Introduction and Consultation Layla
Pages: 4 Words: 1130

With problem-free skin throughout her teens and 20s, Trish has been especially anxious about her problem and wants to develop a face care regiment that prevents and treats her blemishes. I also advised Trish to watch her diet, drink a lot of water, and to take a multivitamin. Additionally, I asked Trish to find out whether her problem might be related to hormonal imbalances because some birth control pills help women deal with adult acne.
Treatment Plan

Trish's facial is a full facial but after examining her skin I noticed some of her acne is cystic. Therefore, we will treat Trish as if she also has highly sensitive skin, which she might. Trish first receives an oil-free cleanser followed by a toner. Both products are tailored for oily skin, and after using them we also use a gentle exfoliator. Next, we use steam to open Trish's pores and spend some time…...



Apply a Facial Mask for a Snappy Makeover." Retrieved Feb 18, 2008 at

Dry Skin." Holistic Retrieved Feb 18, 2008 at

Online Escort Services and Their
Pages: 10 Words: 2783

, 2001). Based on the proliferation of the Internet and the near-ubiquity of personal computers in many affluent homes, these rates can reasonably be expected to have increased even further in subsequent years.
In fact, it would appear that the more people of both sexes are using the Internet for these purposes, the more ways they are finding to do so. In this regard, Green and her associates point out that, "The fact that one can access sexually related materials and interact with others anonymously on the Internet has opened the doors even wider. Using anonymous screen names, individuals can explore and express their sexual interests with little fear that friends, coworkers, or even spouses will discover their activities" (2001, p. 303). Furthermore, the individuals who participate in these encounters can do so with other anonymous individuals without the risks typically associated with face-to-face relationships; if an anonymous online relationship turns…...



Benotsch, E.G., Cage, M., & Kalichman, S. (2002). Men who have met sex partners via the Internet: Prevalence, predictors, and implications for HIV prevention. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31(2), 177.

Giuseppe, R., Tiziana, T., & Anolli, L. (2003). The use of the Internet in psychological research: Comparison of online and offline questionnaires. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 6(1), 73.

Green, A., Katelyn, S., Mckenna, Y.A., & Smith, P.K. (2001). Demarginalizing the sexual self. The Journal of Sex Research, 38(4), 302.

Hill, R.J. (2005, Spring). Poz-itively transformational: Sex workers and HIV / AIDS education. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 105, 74.

Staffing Levels Respect Respect Staffing Levels Respect in Personal
Pages: 2 Words: 827

Staffing Levels/espect
espect/Staffing Levels

espect in Personal and Professional Consideration

espect is defined by one author as "a concept used to connote dignity, reverence, and regard" (Milton, 2005). This concept is not confined by what an individual does toward others, but also how they treat themselves and other treat them (Nursing World, 2010). The ethics involved speak mainly to the first part, how nurses treat patients, but there is also much ethics literature that suggests that people will give respect if they receive it and feel it for themselves. This short paper discusses how nurses view respect in its different forms and how these different forms compare and contrast.

The fact that respect for other stems from respect for self is not just a platitude that is thrown around to ensure that nurses remain mentally healthy; it is a statement with regard to proper ethics within the nursing community. It is understood that how…...



Hanford, J. (2001). Bioethics for nurses from a faith-based perspective. Ethics & Medicine, 17(2), 69-73.

Milton, C.L. (2005). The ethics of respect in nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 18(1), 20-23.

Nursing World. (2010). Code of ethics for nurse with interpretive statements. Retrieved from   forNurses/Code-of-Ethics.aspx 

Paris, L.G., & Terhaar, M. (2010). Using Maslow's pyramid and the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators ™ to attain a healthier work environment. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 16(1).

Ocean Brought Me to California
Pages: 2 Words: 443

Her faith is something that she holds dear to her heart, as I do. Faith is something that holds people together through the good times and the bad, so it is something I consider to be very important in a mate. I was raised in a Christian family and my faith is important to me. I like to spend a lot of time with my family and my close friends, and of course that special someone. She has a kind and generous soul, emotionally supportive of my constant efforts to better myself.
Conversation is important. I am a listener, so it is always good to have a bit of a talker around, somebody who can help me break out of my shell. I can be a bit of a techie egghead sometimes, so my perfect mate is someone who pushes me to be more sociable than I usually am, not…...

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on integrative massage therapy?
Words: 177

1. "The Healing Power of Integrative Massage Therapy"
2. "A Holistic Approach to Wellness: Exploring Integrative Massage Therapy"
3. "Integrative Massage Therapy: Bridging the Gap Between Mind and Body"
4. "The Importance of Integration in Massage Therapy"
5. "Exploring the Benefits of Integrative Massage Therapy"
6. "Enhancing Wellbeing Through Integrative Massage Therapy"
7. "The Role of Integrative Massage Therapy in Health and Healing"
8. "Integrative Massage Therapy: A Comprehensive Approach to Wellness"
9. "Integrative Massage Therapy: Balancing the Mind, Body, and Spirit"
10. "Empowering Healing Through Integrative Massage Therapy"
11. "Harmonizing Health: The Impact of Integrative Massage Therapy"
12. "Integrative Massage Therapy: Nurturing the Whole Self"
13. "The Art of Healing: Exploring....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on integrative massage therapy?
Words: 280

1. The Art of Integrative Massage Therapy: Unlocking the Synergistic Power of Healing

2. From Fragmented to Whole: Exploring the Holistic Approach of Integrative Massage Therapy

3. Beyond the Physical: Delving into the Emotional and Spiritual Dimensions of Integrative Massage Therapy

4. A Symphony of Touch: Unveiling the Therapeutic Potential of Integrative Massage Techniques

5. Bridging East and West: An Exploration of Integrative Massage Therapy's Global Influences

6. From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Science: Tracing the Evolution of Integrative Massage Therapy

7. The Healing Power of Integrative Massage Therapy: A Comprehensive Overview of Benefits

8. Massage Therapy in the 21st Century: Embracing Integrative Approaches for Optimal Well-being


I need some suggestions for end of life essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 490

1. The role of hospice care in providing comfort and support at the end of life
2. The importance of advance care planning and discussing end of life wishes with loved ones
3. Ethical considerations surrounding end of life decision-making and assisted dying
4. The impact of grief and loss on family members when facing the end of a loved one’s life
5. Cultural differences in beliefs and practices surrounding death and dying
6. The stigma and fear surrounding death and how to approach the topic openly and honestly
7. The role of palliative care in managing symptoms and improving quality of life at the end....

What creative ways can parents help their child overcome sleep disorders and earn the title of Sleep Champion?
Words: 646

Creative Solutions for Sleep Champion Parents

Sleep disorders in children can be a significant challenge for both the child and the family. As a parent, you may feel helpless and frustrated when your child struggles to fall or stay asleep, leading to daytime fatigue, behavioral issues, and academic difficulties. However, with creativity and a touch of ingenuity, you can become a Sleep Champion, helping your child overcome their sleep challenges and achieve restful nights.

1. The Enchanted Forest Sleep Sanctuary:

Transform your child's bedroom into a peaceful and whimsical slumber haven. Create a cozy atmosphere with soft lighting, calming colors, and soothing sounds....

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