Masculine Essays (Examples)

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Masculine in Happy Together Chinese Film the
Pages: 6 Words: 1926

Masculine in Happy Together
Chinese Film

The paper will focus upon the issue of masculinity in Happy Together, a film written and directed by acclaimed director, Wong Kar Wai. "Happy Together" is also the name of a song by The Turtles. It was a popular lovesong about the classic story of boy meets girl and they fall in love. Happy Together is another sort of lovesong, but one more bittersweet about when boy meets boy, and they cannot stop falling in and out of love. The film takes place in the late 1990s in Argentina. Ho Po-Wing and Lai Yu-Fai are young lovers from Hong Kong on holiday in Argentina. They once bought a lamp of a famous waterfall that exists in Argentina. The couple is madly in love with each other, whether they are together or broken up. Over the course of their excursion/road trip in Argentina to the falls,…...



Wai, W.K. (1997) Happy Together. 97 minutes.

Zhang, Y. (2004) Chinese National Cinema. Routledge: NY.

Masculine Expression of Love
Pages: 8 Words: 2620

Male Expression of Love
Men and women are equal but different. They are vastly different, in particular, with the expression of genuine emotions. If women naturally and openly show or express love, most men are uncomfortable with it. It is, however, not true that men do not have feelings or do not fall in love as comfortably as women do. Some men often refuse to acknowledge that they have fallen in (or out of) love, taking it as a sign of defeat or weakness, but most men, who fall short in the expression, simply do not have the training or orientation for it (Haggerty 1999), And if women perceive love as their very lives, men view it as only a part of theirs.

Men must keep their heads on their work or business on a daily basis, not just to survive but to move on or achieve some pursuits, which must take…...


Bibliography Men and Love. 

Fisher, Antwone. Who Will Cry for the Little Boy?, first edition. William Morrow, 2002

Haggerty, George. Men in Love. Columbia University Press, 1999

James, Larry. Men Have Feelings, Too, (a Discourse in Support of a Safe Place to Express Feelings)., 2003.

feminist ethical virtues versus masculine
Pages: 2 Words: 678

Please use the attached uploaded file folder and answer the 10 questions below. Please circle the answers. Question 1 of 10
1.0 Points
A landlord leases a house to a tenant. Which of the following would not be prohibited by Real Property § 8-208 (as excerpted in the materials)?
A. “The parties agree to waive the right to try any lawsuit between then before a jury”
B. “Tenant agrees that if Tenant keeps any pet in the house without the written permission of Landlord, Landlord may seize the said pet without notice to Tenant.”
C. “This lease will automatically renew at the end of the term unless either party gives at least 60-days notice”
D. “If Tenant is 30 days late on rent, Landlord may change the locks on the property and Tenant must pay a rekeying fee of $100 to obtain new keys.”

Question 2 of 10
1.0 Points
In a rent escrow action, which of the following remedies…...

Visual Communications the Character of
Pages: 3 Words: 783

James ond is presently one of the principal sexual concepts that the film puts across. Daniel Craig's ond is no longer seen as a very effective killing tool, as it shown as an object of admiration.
Craig's physical appearance is no longer a crime deterrent, as it is actually used with the purpose of impressing viewers. This ond is no longer yelling, as he speaks in a gentle voice and some might even be inclined to consider that he has become more sensitive. When considering ond's overall development, it appears that society is becoming more and more obsessed with the masculine body image and less preoccupied with manliness as an intellectual concept.

The masses in the 60s saw masculinity as an idea that needed to be exploited and largely believed that men had to be particularly aggressive in order to truly be appreciated by individuals around them. However, trends changed and…...



Caunce, Stephen, "Relocating Britishness," (Manchester University Press, 2004).

Lehman, Peter, "Masculinity: Bodies, Movies, Culture," (Routledge, 2001)

Pang, Laikwan and Wong, Day, "Masculinities and Hong Kong Cinema," (Kent State University Press, 2005)

Messerschmidt That the Prisons in
Pages: 12 Words: 3714

More recently, Miedzian (1991) has studied peer pressure, the socialization process, and military impact that has resulted in violence becoming standard behavior in males, and Thompson (1991) has demonstrated that violent acts are more often performed by males with greater masculine gender orientations.
Another slant on this topic was placed by West and Zimmerman (1987) in "Doing Gender," that looked at gender not in terms of a set of traits that are held by individuals, but rather as something people do together in their social interactions. In this case, gender is basically about social interaction and establishing relationships. It is an integral part of all daily interactions. Where a person's actions in "doing gender" simultaneously produce, reproduce, sustain and legitimate the social meanings accorded to gender. The authors state that gender is a fundamental aspect of all social relationships, in terms that no one can possibly not do gender if…...



Carrigan, C., Connell, R.W., & Lee, J. (1985), Toward a new sociology of masculinity, Theory and Society, 14 (5), 551-604.

Cloward, Richard a. And Lloyd E. Ohlin. 1960. Delinquency and Opportunity: a theory of delinquent gangs. Glencoe, IL: Free Press.

Connell, RW. 1985. Masculinities. Cambridge, Polity Press.

Connell, R.W. And Messerschmidt, J. (2005) Hegemonic Masculinity, Rethinking the Concept Gender and Society. Gender & Society, 19(6), 829-859

Bem Sex Role Inventory How
Pages: 2 Words: 731

Women un Fotune 500 companies and men may become 'stay-at-home' dads. Howeve, despite the fact that a woman has made a cedible bid fo the pesidency in ecent memoy, and the geate success of women in pofessional life, it is likely that 'soft-spoken' is still viewed as a moe desiable attibute fo a female. Attibutes such as 'athletic' may have become moe gende-neutal, given the geate pemeation of women in spots and some of the most limiting steeotypes, that women ae moe 'shy' might have deceased to some degee. The list of positive female and male attibutes would likely have moe convegence today, and thus thee would be moe gende-neutal values. Howeve, some taits would likely still be seen as moe desiable fo men and women along the lines of the oiginal list, although to a lesse degee -- leadeship skills might be seen as moe impotant fo males…...


references to different words for assertiveness, presumably because women were discouraged from being assertive in Bem's view, when she first constructed the test. Today, we might be more apt to ask: why is assertiveness seen as the most positive value for men, and for women wishing to assume what are considered more masculine positions in the workforce? What does this say about our culture as well as about gender stereotypes? Being a good listener is equally as important as being a leader, as is intelligence and open-mindedness.

Japanese History Attribute Meiji Masculinity
Pages: 15 Words: 4126

Disorder does not descend from Heaven,

It is the spawn of a woman. 10

Contemporaneous with relocating the capital from Edo to Tokyo was the drawing up of the 'Memorandum on Reform of the Imperial Palace' in which Article 1 states that the emperor would 'deign to hear about all political matters' in the front throne room adding that 'women are to be prohibited from entering the front throne room' 11.

Yoshii Tomozane, enior ecretary for Court Affairs peremptorily dismissed all court ladies, after which a rare few were reselected for appointment. In his dairy, he noted: 'this morning, the court ladies were dismissed in their entirety… the power of women already lasting for centuries has been erased in a single day. My delight knows no bounds." 12.

In this way the power of the 'hens' was removed from the 'Enlightened regime' of Meiji rule and suppressed throughout the country. Acquiring and reinforcing the…...



Adler, Philip. World Civilizations. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth / Thomson, 2008

De Vos, George & Wagatsuma, Hiroshi, "Value Attitudes Towards Role Behavior of Women in Two Japanese Villages," American Anthropologist, 63, (1961).

Hastings, S.A. "Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan" a Companion to Japanese History, Blackwell Pub., 2007

Hendry, Joy, Understanding Japanese Society. London: Routledge, 1991.

Gender Matter in Sports There
Pages: 8 Words: 2514

234). Culturally, trainers may simply be paying more attention to girls' injuries due to our culture's tendency to protect females more than males (Tierney, et al., 2005, p. 278) and/or boys may simply under-report concussions due to "macho" tendencies to play through pain in order to continue playing (Covassin, et al., 2012, p. 926). Hormones may contribute to the greater incidence of concussions among female high school athletes because researchers have found that estrogen protects male rats from brain trauma but actually makes female rats more vulnerable to brain trauma (Makdissi, et al., 2013, p. 319). Whether caused anatomically, culturally, hormonally or for some other reason, the fact remains that girls are reportedly highly more likely to sustain concussions in sports such as soccer and basketball. Consequently, gender matters in the sports injury of concussion.
3. Conclusion

Development of a masculine identity is psychologically fundamental for males and particularly for males…...



Allan, E.J., Gordon, S.P. & Iverson, S.V., Fall 2006. Re/thinking Practices of Power: The Discursive Framing of Leadership in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Review of Higher Education, 30(1), pp. 41-68.

Bourdieu, P., 1978. 'Sport and Social Class,' Social Science Information, 17(6): 819-840. [Online]

Available at:   [Accessed 21 May 2013]. 

Chesebro, J.W. & Fuse, K., Summer 2001. The Development of a Perceived Masculinity Scale. Communication Quarterly, 49(3), pp. 203-278.

Meditation on Gender
Pages: 3 Words: 1048

Gender reflection: On identifying with a particular gender
Until I took a class in critical theory, I never gave much thought to my gender. I am sure that some of this is by virtue of being a straight male. I have female friends who have experienced discrimination or harassment in school and at work by virtue of not being male. I do not believe I have experienced such direct prejudice as a result of my gender. Also, physical fitness is a very important part of my life, and many of my female friends and girlfriends have been very passionate about working out, yet unlike me they have been told not to lift weights or box because this would give them 'bulky' and masculine-looking muscles (which is not true). Obviously, I have never faced such discrimination based upon my interests or because I look strong.

I have come to understand that men --…...


Works Cited

"Dude, you're a fag." YouTube. 20 Sept 2011. [8 Apr 2013] 

Fogel, Curtis. Review of Kath Woodward, Boxing, Masculinity and Identity: The 'I' of the Tiger.

New York: Routledge, 2007. Gender Forum: An Internet Journal of Gender Studies, 19 (2007): 1-2. [8 Apr 2013]

Gendering of Medicine How Have
Pages: 5 Words: 1615

The ranks of male nurses may be growing, but social perceptions have not. Thus, while much has changed in terms of expanding the ranks of the healthcare profession to nontraditional gender roles in all fields of medicine, perceptions that females are less committed to being physicians remain, and males continue to face social barriers in nursing.


Arnst, Catherine. "Are There Too Many Women Doctors?" usinessweek. April 17, 2008.

Accessed December 1, 2010.

Gorgos, Diana. "Why are there so few male nurses?" Dermatology Nursing. October 2002,

Accessed from, December 1, 2010.

Nainggolan, Lisa. "Female doctors provide best HF care." The Heart. January 23, 2009.

Accessed December 1, 2010.

Nye, Robert a. "Medicine and Science as Masculine "Fields of Honor" Women, Gender, and Science: New Directions, 2nd ser., 12 (1997): 60

Westbrook, Mary T., and Lena a. Nordholm. "Characteristics of Women Health Professionals

with Vertical, Lateral, and Stationary Career Plans." Sex Roles 10, no. 9-10 (1984): 743-


Diana Gorgos, "Why…...



Arnst, Catherine. "Are There Too Many Women Doctors?" Businessweek. April 17, 2008.

Accessed December 1, 2010. 

Gorgos, Diana. "Why are there so few male nurses?" Dermatology Nursing. October 2002,

Wrinkle in Time Feminine Identity
Pages: 6 Words: 1896

Thus, though she must perform a "masculine" role in order to be successful, she must perform it in a "feminine" way, and thus disrupt the idea of gender.
This also ties in quite nicely with Cullen's assertion that the modern individual is defined by love and connection with their family, rather than by their place in society. The very fact that meg is the one to save Charles allace is a further affirmation of the willingness -- on the part of both Meg and L'Engle -- to buck the societal roles that have been laid out for women and instead to embrace their own identity based on their love for others, and to a greater or lesser degree the love that others bear them. Of course, the romance that is still blossoming between Meg and Calvin still entrenches this novel somewhat in the old mentality of romance and love, but…...


Works Cited

Culler, Jonathan. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction.

L'Engle, Madeleine. A Wrinkle in Time. New York: Yearling, 1973.

Crashaw Passivity as Active and
Pages: 13 Words: 4120

Again, this feminine passivity outshines masculine action in its ability to experience divine and even human love.
As Crashaw continues, the erotic imagery becomes more emboldened and perhaps slightly more ambiguous, not clouding or confounding interpretation but suggesting several alternatives that work towards the same end of demonstrating the purity of passivity in its relation to the divine. After setting up the concept of virginity, love, and an active passivity with the juxtaposition of love with blood, Crashaw either extends or shifts this image further with the lines, "Scarse has she Blood enough to make / a guilty sword blush for her sake" (25-6). There is the clear surface image that juxtaposes the child with the soldier; the child is so small that she would scarcely stain the sword of a soldier that slays her, and already the grotesque nature of this image emerges as a means of shocking the…...


Works Cited

Crashaw, Richard. "The Flaming Heart." Accessed 29 May 2012. 

Crashaw, Richard. "A Hymn to the Name and Honor of the Admirable Sainte Teresa." Accessed 29 May 2012. 

Davis, Walter. The Meditative Hymnody of Richard Crashaw. ELH, Vol. 50, No. 1 (Spring, 1983): 107-29.

Gallagher, Lowell. Crashaw and Religious Bias in the Literary Canon. In Early Modern English Poetry, Patrick Cheney et al., eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Sociological Theories Sociology of Gender
Pages: 4 Words: 1087

Sociology and Feminist Theories on Gender Studies
Postmodern Feminism in "Cherrie Moraga and Chicana Lesbianism"

In the article entitled, "Cherrie Moraga and Chicana Lesbianism," author Tomas Almaguer analyzes and studies the dynamics behind Moraga's feminist reading of the Chicano culture and society that she originated from. In the article, Almaguer focuses on three elements that influenced Moraga's social reality as she was growing up: the powerful effect of the Chicano culture, patriarchal orientation, and homosexuality that she experienced within the context of her nationality.

Chicano culture centers on race as an indicator of one's cultural orientation, while patriarchy serves as the ideology that is prevalent in Moraga's social reality. Homosexuality, particularly, lesbianism, is Moraga's release from the somewhat repressing role that she perceives women receive in her culture. Thus, lesbianism becomes Moraga's alternative sexual orientation to a heterosexually conservative Chicano culture. Using the following factors concerning the cultural, social, and gender realities of…...

Gender Sections I Specifically Agreed
Pages: 6 Words: 2060

271-272). This section claims that fathers tend to invest more in terms of time and money to their newborn baby boys than girls. When seen in the light of the patriarchal paradigm, I suppose it could be understood that more value is attached to baby boys than girls. Nonetheless, I find it surprising from my own point-of-view, since I would have thought that all children are equally important in their parents' eyes.
Another surprising thing is that women do not ascribe more importance to either baby boys or girls, but give either the same time and attention. Another surprising fact is however that an unmarried mother is more likely to marry the father of the unborn child when it is a boy. This could be connected to the fact that an older male figure in a child's life is seen as more important for boys than for girls. I suppose…...


Resources have provided me with friendships and acquaintances across the human spectrum. As result, my best friend, colleagues, and supervisors are homosexuals.

I believe my professional background has contributed a great amount to the fact that I can see human beings for their inner qualities such as integrity and ethics. These are issues that manifest themselves across the human spectrum, regardless of sexual orientation, race, class, or gender. If any person manifests a solid set of values and integrity, I respect them on this basis. Surely this is better than jumping to generalized conclusions as a result of differences in orientation or appearance. I have learned to believe that everyone is truly equal, and entitled to the rights guaranteed by our constitution.

The messages internalized during my growing years steered me somewhat towards a prejudicial view, especially regarding gay people. I received no message regarding homosexuality from my parents, since they never discussed the issue with me.

They did however teach us to respect women. The older children and peers I grew up with furthermore provided only one-sided, stereotypical views of gay people. Gay bashing was a common practice, including name-calling. All my friends, including me, had anti-gay sentiments, and made no secret of this. I grew up in a neighborhood where my friends were mostly male, and I was in strong competition with both my friends and my brothers to show off my masculinity. I played baseball, football and basketball, and enjoyed hunting and fishing. Having grown up in this environment, I maintained my prejudicial perceptions until I attended college.

College life provided me with a new set of peers, friends, and a new perspective regarding gay people. I met people from across the human spectrum, and realized that there was no single "right" way to do or view things. I am therefore proud to say that I am able to change my views when I see that these are no longer necessary.

Communication -- Gender and Communication the Parameters
Pages: 5 Words: 1560

Communication -- Gender and Communication
The parameters of gender have undergone a dramatic expansion through the efforts of Science and enlightened feminists such as Nancy Mairs. Their contributions allow a multitude of genders and new definitions that account for the richness of human sexuality. As a result, femininity can be defined in the broadest and richest terms as a set of psychological traits unconstrained by classically masculine and feminine boundaries.

"Femininity" is best defined as sensitivity and awareness, a firm set of psychological traits that is not reflected in behavior. Actions are not masculine or feminine, but approaches to them are masculine or feminine. The classically oppressive confinement of "normal" gender to male and female is no longer viable, for humanity exists in a far greater array of sexual characteristics than genitals can distinguish or dictate. Anne Fausto-Sterling offers many examples of Science's growing acceptance of broad gender range, reaching back to…...


Works Cited

Fausto-Sterling, A. (2000). The five sexes: Why male and female are not enough. Retrieved on February 19, 2013 from Web site: 

Mairs, N. (1986). Plaintext essays by Nancy Mairs. Tucson, AZ: University of Airzona Press.

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on macbeth. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 788

Lesser-Known but Fascinating Macbeth Essay Topics

While topics such as guilt, fate, and the supernatural are often explored in Macbeth essays, there are a plethora of lesser-known yet equally intriguing aspects of the play that warrant examination. Here are a few suggestions:

1. The Significance of Sleep and Dreams

In Macbeth, sleep and dreams play a pivotal role in foreshadowing events, revealing characters' inner turmoil, and underlining the play's themes of guilt and madness. An essay could delve into the symbolism of sleep and dream sequences, their impact on character development, and how they contribute to the play's overall atmosphere of suspense and....

What are the social and financial challenges faced by single fathers in modern society?
Words: 523

Social Challenges

1. Prejudice and Discrimination:
Single fathers often encounter societal stigma and discrimination. They may face assumptions about their parenting abilities, competence, and moral character. This prejudice can manifest in employment, housing, and social interactions.

2. Lack of Support Systems:
Single fathers may lack traditional support systems available to mothers, such as family members, friends, and community resources. This can lead to feelings of isolation, stress, and difficulty coping with the demands of parenting alone.

3. Social Isolation:
Single fathers may experience social isolation due to the limited opportunities for social connections and activities designed specifically for them. This can result in a lack of....

How does Achebe use foreshadowing to hint at Okonkwo\'s tragic fate?
Words: 693

1. In Chinua Achebes novel Things Fall Apart, the protagonist Okonkwo faces a tragic fate as he struggles to navigate the changing landscape of his Igbo culture due to the intrusion of colonial forces. Throughout the novel, Achebe employs foreshadowing to hint at Okonkwos ultimate downfall, linking his actions and decisions to his inevitable tragic fate. By examining key instances of foreshadowing in the text, we can gain a deeper understanding of how Achebe weaves a tragic narrative for Okonkwo.

2. One early example of foreshadowing in the novel occurs when Okonkwo is warned by his fathers friend, Obierika, about....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on physical strenght. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 666

Unveiling the Hidden Depths of Physical Strength

While essays delving into the conventional aspects of physical strength abound, there exists a treasure trove of lesser-known yet compelling topics waiting to be explored. Here's a comprehensive selection to ignite your inspiration:

1. The Symphony of Mind and Muscle

Physical strength is not merely a matter of brute force; it's an intricate interplay between the body and mind. This topic explores the cognitive, emotional, and neurological factors that influence strength performance. From mental imagery to self-talk and the role of neurotransmitters, uncover the fascinating interplay between the two realms.

2. Strength in Diversity: Exploring Female and....

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