Martial Arts Essays (Examples)

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Geography of Martial Arts
Pages: 15 Words: 4700

Martial Arts can be defined as a system organized into a code or it may be termed as the customs that revolve around practices that may give rise to conflict. This art is used by people for a number of reasons such as safety, championship, physical up gradation subliminal and divine development (Clements, 2006).
People hold completely different perspectives towards the idea of Martial arts. A large number of people consider it as a behaviour that depicts crudeness and inhumanity. Some might consider it as a source of recreation. A huge number of studies have shown that people who possess certain knowledge about martial arts have less degree of humiliation and wrath in them. Moreover these people have knowledge of how to defend themselves and their beloved from all the situations which might be a threat to human safety. Such activities are used for physical fitness. Also, these arts help to…...



Aviram, Boaz. (2009). Krav Maga - Use of The Human Body as a Weapon; Philosophy and Application of Hand to Hand Fighting Training System. U.S.: Lulu Enterprises.

Clements, John (2006). A Short Introduction to Historical European Martial Arts. Meibukan Magazine (Special Edition No. 1): 2 -- 4.

Delp, Christoph. (2005). Muay Thai Basics: Introductory Thai Boxing Techniques. Blue Snake Books.

Gracie, Renzo and Royler (2001). Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Theory and Technique. Invisible Cities Press Llc.

Chinese Martial Arts
Pages: 3 Words: 981

Martial Arts
Three of the most significant Chinese martial arts traditions include Chuan Fa, Kung Fu, and ushu. Chuan Fa has also become part of the Japanese martial arts tradition, where it is known as Kenpo, also spelled Kempo. Chuan Fa translates as "fist law," and Kempo means "fist law" in Japanese. However, "the Chinese system from which Kenpo was derived underwent so many changes that, while most of the Kenpo techniques can be found scattered among the hundreds of Chinese fighting systems, there is no single system in China today that resembles Kenpo," (Tracy).

The origins of Chuan Fa are steeped in legend. Buddhist temples in China have recorded a history of how Chuan Fa first developed after an Indian Buddhist monk traveled to China around 520 BCE. An Indian Buddhist master Prajnatara instructed his student Bodhidharma to travel to China "re-teach the principles of Buddhism and share the knowledge of…...


Works Cited

Allen Academy. "Shaolin Ch'uan-Fa Kung Fu." Retrieved online: 

"The History of Kung Fu." Retrieved online:

"Kempo History." Retrieved online:

Tracy, Will. The origin of Kenpo karate. 1997. Retrieved online:

Mindfulness and Martial Arts
Pages: 40 Words: 14405

Mindful vs. traditional martial arts toward improved academic grades in children diagnosed with ADHD
While medication and psychotherapy are the current best practice in treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), their benefits and aim are too peripheral and topical -- neither resolving the neurological origin of deficits.

Moreover, many are opposed to these treatments and there are few substantiated and readily accepted alternatives. The consequences of ADHD have a ripple effect -- as does the lack of more palatable, efficacious, and proactive interventions for children with the disorder. esearch has reported wide-ranging benefits for mindfulness and martial arts, independent of one another, yet research addressing the potential academic benefits of integrating these disciplines for ADHD children has not been found. Based on Siegel's neurological theory of mindfulness, the executive dysfunction model of ADHD, and research on mindfulness and traditional martial arts, it is proposed that a clinical application of mindfulness-based martial arts…...



Amen, D.G., Hanks, C., & Prunella, J. (2008). Preliminary evidence differentiating ADHD

using brain SPECT imaging in older patients. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 40(2),


American Psychiatric Association (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

Buddhism and Japanese Martial Arts
Pages: 2 Words: 620

uddhism and Martial Arts
The principles of uddhism and its application in Martial Arts

East Asian religions are known for their focus on the 'inward self philosophy' -- that is, the belief that individuals can momentarily achieve a peaceful state of mind through meditation and actions that seek to create harmony between the human mind and matter. As one of the oldest religions in the Asian region, uddhism subsists to this philosophy, including in its religious principles concepts and traditions that allows the individual to achieve momentary peace.

One of the most popular forms of achieving the state of "nirvana" or the ultimate state of being and existence is through the discipline of martial arts. Martial arts originated primarily in East Asia, a form of fighting arts that does not use weapons, merely the individual's energy and capability to use his/her body strategically against his/her opponent. Martial arts are identified according to its…...



Friday, K. And F. Seki. (1997). Legacies of the sword: the Kashima-Shinryu and Samurai Martial culture. Hawaii: Hawaii UP.

Marguand, R. (2001). "Crouching Tiger and the Chinese way." Christian Science Monitor, Vol. 93, Issue 53.

Tufts University. "Eastern exercise meets Western needs." Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, Vol. 21, Issue 11.

Mixed Martial Arts
Pages: 10 Words: 3099

Rise of Mixed Martial Arts
Mixed martial arts combat is a sport with an immense popularity that is still growing. This sport is also widely known as cage fighting, it is a full contact sport that allows fighters with different fighting styles and disciplines to compete. The popularity of this sport has increased from being an obscure and savage sideshow, to what it is now; a full blown mainstream and culturally iconic sport. There are various factors that contributed to the rapid and large growth of the sport. Since its early beginnings many companies and corporations have been established in the industry in order to meet the demands of fans all across the globe. Some of the more popular organizations within MMA include: Strike Force, UFC, Belator, Pride and EC. MMA's rise in popular culture amongst mainstream sports can be attributed to a variety of factors. Many enjoy seeing the…...


Works Cited

Coakley, J. Sport in Society: Issues and Controversies. 9th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2006. Print.

Funk, D., D. Mahony, and L. Ridinger. "Characterizing Consumer Motivation as Individual Difference Factors." Sports Marketing Quarterly 1.11 (2002): 33-44. Print.

Guttman, A. Spectator Sport. New York: Columbia UP, 1986. Print.

KIm, Seungmo, Damon Andrew, and Christoper Greenwell. "An Analasys of Spectator Motives and Media Comsumption Behavior in an Individual Combat Sport." International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 10.2 (2009): 155-17. Print.

Autism and Martial Arts
Pages: 8 Words: 2251

Autism and Martial Arts: A Holistic Approach to Therapy
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) encompasses a range of neurological and developmental disorders that result in social, communicative, and behavioral challenges for individuals (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). One of the non-traditional therapies that have been gaining attention for individuals with autism is martial arts. Martial arts are a diverse set of practices that originate from different cultures, primarily from Asia, which include physical exercise, discipline, and mental focus (Konzak & Boudreau, 1984).

Studies have shown that participating in structured physical activities like martial arts can have various positive effects on individuals with autism. In particular, improvements have been noted in areas such as motor skills, social skills, self-regulation, self-esteem, and attention span (Bahrami et al., 2012). The repetitive nature of martial arts drills can provide a sense of structure and routine, which is particularly reassuring for individuals with autism, who may thrive on…...



American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Pub.

Konzak, B., & Boudreau, J. (1984). The effect of a martial arts programme on the self-concepts of mainstreamed emotionally disturbed adolescents. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1(3), 243-254.

Bahrami, F., Movahedi, A., Marandi, S. M., Sorensen, C., & Ramezankhani, A. (2012). Autism and martial arts: A qualitative study. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 6(4), 377-384.

Rosenblatt, M. S. (2011). The effects of martial arts training on attention, behavior, and strength in children with autism spectrum disorders. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 72(4-B), 2442.

Women in Chinese Martial Arts Films of the New Millennium
Pages: 6 Words: 2149

Queen Jiang and Deng Chanyu were both strong women in the story but their strength lied in different things. The Queen was more virtuous which gave her a lot of perseverance and Deng Chanyu was a skilled and strong fighter that allowed to remain active till the end.
Queen Jiang

Brief summary of the major events that the Queen went through.

Relation of her part in the story with her compassion and devotion to being virtuous.

Extensive overview of the personality of the Queen and her relations with her husband and how it affected both of them.

Deng Chanyu

Brief summary of the events that Deng Chanyu went through.

There is discussion about the personality traits and characteristics of Deng Chanyu.

A correlation between the personality of Deng Chanyu and major events in her life is made.

Comparison and Contrast

A. The similarities present between the Queen and Deng Chanyu are discussed.

B. The difference present between Deng Chanyu and the…...


Works cited

Chen, Ya-chen. Women In Chinese Martial Arts Films Of The New Millennium. 1st ed. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012. Print.

Jin-cang, CHANG. 'Liaoming The King Of Xuan And Population Census In The West Zhou Dynasty'. Journal of Shaanxi Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) 3 (2010): 016. Print.

Yejiaoshou.,. Chan Yu Juan Lun. 1st ed. Beijing: Beijing chu ban she, 1994. Print.

Capoeira Brazillian Dance Martial Art Originally Angola
Pages: 9 Words: 2448

Capoeira brazillian dance martial art originally Angola. All sources MUST BE McFarlin Tulsa City/County Library. I updated a file guide line understand I .
In spite of the fact that many are familiar with it, Capoeira remains a mysterious concept in the contemporary society. The masses are likely to associate it with a dance or with a fighting style, but very little people are likely to pinpoint exactly what it entails or to describe how it developed. Its name leads people to think it is Brazilian and it actually seems it was developed in the second part of the twentieth century, this largely being owed to the fact that it became more popular around the world during this period.

One of the first reasons why people generally have a wrong understanding of capoeira is the fact that they attempt to associate it with a particular activity. Some call it a dance…...


Works cited:

Aula, I. "INTRODUCTION TO THE MULTICULTURAL HISTORY OF BRAZIL." Cultural Anthropology, Department of Cultural Research in the University of Eastern Finland. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from 

Brough Luna, E. "CAPOEIRA," Retrieved April 20, 2015, from

Varela, S.G. "The Perception of Time in Afro-Brazilian Capoeira Angola." Omertaa 2008 Journal of applied anthropology

Art of Breakdancing
Pages: 5 Words: 1626

The dance style known as breakdancing has other names including "b-boying" and "breaking." The latter are the preferred terms used by those who are purists and originators of the form with breakdancing becoming the more popular term as popularized by the media (Schloss). This originated as part of the emerging hip-hop culture of the late 1970s and early 1980s. It became quickly popular, first in urban communities and then spread. In the current historical moment, breakdancing can be found in all social, ethnic, and gender groups and has been developed from a style of popular dance into an art form. hat began as a street dance to impress peers has transcended the culture and become a part of the dance world, giving as much respect and dignity as ballet or waltz. Breakdancing mastery requires a great deal of control, coordination, and practice. Those who attempt it without understanding the mechanics…...


Works Cited:

Bloom, Julie. "Street Moves in the TV Room." The New York Times. 2008. Print.

Chang, Jeff. Total Chaos: the Art and Aesthetics of Hip-Hop. New York City, NY: Basic Civitas,

2006. Print.

Cook, Dave. "Crazy Legs Speaks." 18. Dec. 2012. Web.

Joan Saab Book For Millions American Art
Pages: 4 Words: 1291

Joan Saab book: For Millions American Art Culture Between War
Joan Saab's book, For the Millions: American Art and Culture Between the Wars, captures and elucidates a vital component of American history, and that in regards to its visual art in particular. This manuscript chronicles a crucial shifting in the regard, usage, and conception of art in the early part of the 20th century between World Wars I and II. This historical epoch was crucial to the fostering of contemporary America and its art for a number of factors. The country was celebrating its victory in the Great War before it knelt to the pressure of the Great Depression, which was only alleviated by one of the most devastating martial encounters in the history of the man, the Second World War. This tumultuous time played a highly important part in the creation and usage of visual art, which was able…...



Saab, A.J. For the Millions: American Art and Culture Between the Wars. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Financial Contracting for New Venture Investments in
Pages: 5 Words: 1706

Financial Contracting for New Venture:
Investments in a new venture usually involve financial contracts between the entrepreneur and external investors. These external investors include venture capitalists, angel financiers, banks, private financing companies, and credits unions among others. Notably, financial contracts can have positive and negative effects on the new venture. For instance, an angel financier can add a clause on the financial contract that will not permit the entrepreneur to borrow more funds without permission from the lender. While this is likely to occur when the lending institution has a mortgage or lean on the venture's property, the clause is usually added to lessen foreclosure risk. As an individual seeking to venture in a clothing business for the Mixed Martial Arts customers to provide shirts, hoodies/fleeces, and hats, it is important to choose the most appropriate type of financial contracting with the external investor. This process of selecting the most suitable…...



Anderson, C. (2013, January 25). 8 Things You Need to Know About Starting A Fashion

Business. The Huffington Post. Retrieved January 10, 2014, from 

de Bettignies, J. (2008, January). Financing the Entrepreneurial Venture. Management Science,

54(1), 151-166. Retrieved January 10, 2014, from

Wushu Culture
Pages: 2 Words: 556

Asian Culture
It was created in 1949.

It was first showcased in 1936 (Berlin).

Cannot find any record of this person…is this the most common spelling of the

(1936, Berlin)

It was standardized in 1958.

It was first created in 1958.

There are 5 sections.

This information is not readily available through any sources I've researched.

They were revised in 1990.

Unable to find this information.

It was Richard Nixon.

They were a Wushu (Martial Arts) Company

It was in 495 A.D.

Damo is the Chinese name of Bodhidharma, credited for bringing Ch'an to China.

It was released in 1982.

It was in 2005, in Beijing.

It was in 1974.

Anthony Chen is a silver medalist at the 4th World Traditional Wushu Championship.

Bai Yu-Feng, from his monk name Qiu Yue Chan Shi is a martial art expert who trained at the Shaolin Temple. He is the author of the book Essence of Five Fist and expanded the 18 Buddha hands techniques to 173 techniques.

B. 1103, D. 1142. A…...

Relational Bullying Contextual Information the
Pages: 15 Words: 4428

2. Stonewalling, or what many people, referred to as "silent treatment" occurs when the bully or group simply ignores the victim completely. This can be extremely distressing to adolescents. This often occurs with group exclusion.

3. A common form of relational bullying is the spreading of rumors and gossip about the victim. This is a direct attempt to ruin the victim's relationships and exclude them from contact with their peers and even with adults.

4. Taunting occurs when the bully insults or verbally abuses the victim directly. Taunting often continues even when the victim physically breaks down.

5. Conditional friendships occur when the bully places demands on the victim in order for the victim to be allowed in the group were with peers.

The effects of relational bullying are often more psychologically damaging than the effects of more physical forms of bullying. In addition, relational and physical bullying are often carried out simultaneously on…...



Beck, a.T., Brown, G., & Steer, R.A. (1996). Beck Depression Inventory II manual. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Brown, B. (2004). Adolescent's relationships with peers. In Lerner, R. & Steinberg, L. (eds.),

Handbook of adolescent psychology. New York: Wiley.

Burrows, L. (2011). Don't try to bully gershon ben keren. Jewish Advocate, 202, 2.

SPORT2SPORT Agnecy Analysis Sport 2
Pages: 20 Words: 5224

This aspect is greatly leveraged upon by Sport2Sport as different target populations share their experiences on company's Facebook page. There is also an aspect of quick customer response having the potential of going viral over the internet. This makes companies such as Sport2Sport to focus on customer satisfaction and prompt response. Although it may seem untraditional not to focus on traditional advertising and marketing mediums, the paradigm shift in approach to marketing and advertisement has led this agency to effectively spend their marketing budget on online campaigns and maintenance of web-presence.
IV- Organizational structure

Better Business Bureau (BBB) has reported that Sport2Sport is a limited liability company (LLC) with its current rating at A-. The highest possible rating that an agency can get with BBB is A+ (BBB Business eview, 2013). The length of time that the firm is in business is the only potentially negative factor reported by the BBB.…...



Annual Report. (2013). Sport2Sport Limited Liability Company Annual Report. DEPARTMNET of the SECRETARY of STATE, North Carolina NC. Retrieved from: [ ]

BBB Business Review. (2013). Better Business Bureau: Business Review Sport2Sport LLC. Retrieved from: [ ]

CNN Money. (2012). Best Places to Live. Retrieved from: ( n.d). Sport2Sport. Retrieved from: [ ]

Chinese Film Analysis the Process
Pages: 5 Words: 1916

(Chu 58 -- 67) it is also important to note that the film has an emotional / cultural tie, to the director Ann Hui. As a child, she immigrated to Hong Kong. Where, she learned English, as a second language and went through some of the common struggles of immigrants. ("Ann Hui")
Clearly, the film the oat People would highlight a shift that is occurring in the cinema of Hong Kong throughout the 1980's. Where, a variety of different new genres would emerge. This is because audiences felt, that many marital arts films lacked substance. At which point, a shift would occur in the motion picture industry, as a variety of new genres would quickly emerge. The oat People would underscore this shift, by telling a unique story of Vietnamese peasants trying to escape the brutality of the communists (three years after the collapse of South Vietnam). Where, they are…...



"Ann Hui." IMDB. 2010. Web. 30 Jun. 2010.< >

"Boat People." 2010. Web. 30 Jun. 2010.

"The Boat People." Avistaz. 2010. Web. 30 Jun. 2010

Browne, Nick. " Hong Kong New Wave." New Chinese Cinemas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

What are the essential components of a taekwondo outline for a successful training session?
Words: 475

1. Warm-up: A proper warm-up is essential to prepare the body for the physical demands of a taekwondo training session. This can include light jogging, stretching, and dynamic movements to increase heart rate and flexibility.

2. Techniques and Drills: The main portion of a taekwondo training session should focus on practicing and refining techniques, such as kicks, punches, blocks, and footwork. This can also include partner drills, bag work, and shadow sparring to improve timing, accuracy, and power.

3. Forms (Poomsae): Forms are a series of choreographed movements that help improve balance, coordination, and focus. Practicing forms is an important aspect of....

How do contact sports contribute to athlete\'s physical and mental development?
Words: 480

Contact sports such as football, basketball, rugby, martial arts, and others offer many physical and mental benefits to athletes. Here are some ways in which contact sports contribute to an athlete's physical and mental development:

Physical Development:
1. Strength and conditioning: Contact sports require athletes to be in top physical condition, with strong muscles and endurance. Regular training and practice help athletes build strength, agility, and speed.
2. Coordination and motor skills: Contact sports involve complex movements that require coordination and quick reflexes. Athletes develop better hand-eye coordination, footwork, and overall motor skills through training and practice.
3. Cardiovascular fitness: Contact sports involve continuous....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on physical strenght. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 303

Certainly! Here are a few lesser-known but interesting essay topics related to physical strength:

1. The psychological and emotional benefits of physical strength training
2. The impact of cultural beliefs and stereotypes on perceptions of physical strength
3. The role of physical strength in other areas of life, such as leadership or relationships
4. The connection between physical strength and resilience in the face of adversity
5. The intersection of physical strength and gender identity
6. The potential for individuals with disabilities to develop and showcase physical strength
7. The history and evolution of strength training methods and techniques
8. The effects of environmental factors, such as climate....

\"How does Tae Kwon Do training impact self-discipline and mental focus for thesis research?\"
Words: 451

1. Tae Kwon Do training significantly enhances self-discipline by instilling a rigorous practice regimen and a philosophy of perseverance, which is evidenced by studies showing improved adherence to training schedules among practitioners.

2. The mental focus required in Tae Kwon Do, particularly during forms (poomsae) and sparring, cultivates a heightened state of concentration that can translate into better academic and professional performance, as supported by research linking martial arts to cognitive enhancement.

3. Through the belt promotion system, Tae Kwon Do provides a structured path of goal setting and achievement, which directly correlates with increased self-discipline as individuals learn to manage their....

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