Marketing Communications Essays (Examples)

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Marketing Communications and Sports Increasingly
Pages: 4 Words: 1267

What advertisers do as an integral part of their marketing communications strategies is create small or what are sometimes called "micro sites" and heavily populate them with keywords that the advertiser pays for advertisements on Google with. This marketing technique is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the use of Google AdWords advertisements gives advertisers both organic and paid search advantages when a potential customer uses Google to find out what's new with their favorite driver or golfer. A prime example of an advertiser using this technique of creating a micro site, populating it with keywords and then relying both on Google AdWords in addition to organic search through Google itself is EA Sports. Using this marketing communications strategy on the Web, EA Sports' link comes up on Google before Nike, which is quite a feat given how much Nike invests in Tiger Woods' sponsorship. EA Sports also works…...



Kathleen a Farrell, Gordon V Karels, Kenneth W. Monfort, Christine a McClatchey. (2000). Celebrity performance and endorsement value: The case of Tiger Woods. Managerial Finance, 26(7), 1-15. Retrieved January 20, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 282778741).

Paul Ferriss (2005, September). Where sport meets business. Marketing, 110(29), 6. Retrieved January 19, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 899108651).

Kate Fitzgerald (2002, April). Buick rides the Tiger. Advertising Age, 73(15), 41. Retrieved January 21, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 114804557).

Lawrence Mitchell Garrison (2004, March). NASCAR's wide-reaching PR efforts achieve divine results. PRweek, 7(9), 24. Retrieved January 17, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry database. (Document ID: 582311281).

Marketing Communications Mini-Case Study Marketing
Pages: 6 Words: 1782

It is perfectly aligned with the message of the city and its reputation.
Marketing Communications Question

This approach to defining a price adjustment driven by the strength of the Canadian dollar is not as effective as concentrating on why Chrysler as a brand in general, and specific models in particular, are worth considering over competing brands and models. Only focusing on price tends to drive down the value of a brand and its vehicles over time and implies that cars are price-elastic. This is in fact certainly not the case, cars are definitely not elastic in their demand curves. They are much more price inelastic and therefore require more than just a focus on price to sell them. The advertisement needs to concentrate more on the value of the Chrysler car first, not pushing on price alone as demand will prove to be inelastic over time.

Rent/Own Advertising

The advertisement is aimed at…...

Marketing Communications Has Expanded Immeasurably in Importance
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Marketing communications has expanded immeasurably in importance since the 1950s and a variety of concepts have been developed since then. Their function is to use promotional techniques to underpin and support brand identity and to move products and services forward into the hands of the paying consumer recipients.
My essay focuses on the following marketing communications concepts: "Marketing Mix and the 4P's of Marketing" and "Marketing Mix and the 4C's of Marketing). Marketing Mix: Marketing Mix is a marketing concept introduced by Neil H. Borden

, in his American marketing Association presidential address in 1953. It is an integrated set of marketing "tactics" to realize organizational objectives and create a closer higher relationship between companies and customers.

The selection of a target market leads the marketers to focus their activities towards profitability of the target segment. For this purpose they need to manipulate many variables. Such variables were named "Marketing Mix." It is…...

Marketing Communications Wal-Mart vs Target
Pages: 2 Words: 669

Instead, it cultivates an edgy consumer image, and has asked cutting-edge designers to create exclusive clothing, makeup, and chocolate lines for the retailer that are not priced at extreme bargain rates, but have a reputation for quality at moderate prices. Bright colors, clean stores, and well-lit aisles are all characteristic of Target. Target is not simply an inexpensive place to shop, but a fun place to shop. Like Wal-Mart Target does focus on middle-income consumers with families. But its image also attracts higher-end consumers who wish to find bargains on clothing basics, as well as household items. Its image is of uniqueness and personalization, rather than simply of providing low-cost items.
If the economy continues to worsen, more and more of those high-income consumers looking to save a few pennies are likely to go fleeing to Target. Target has not had a chance to fully respond to the swift and…...

Marketing Communications Management for a
Pages: 10 Words: 3207

3.2 Segmentation

The DKNY perfumes are divided into two segments, based on the consumer types they target -- perfumes for women and colognes for men. The main segment is represented by perfumes for women.

3.3 Targeting

The main market targeted by Donna Karan New York is constituted by above the average income women.

3.4 Positioning

The positioning strategy used by Donna Karan New York is a dual one. On the one hand, the DKNY perfumes are promoted as high quality, original perfumes. They have been created to enchant the senses of the buyers and they are sold at prices starting with $100 per bottle. On the other hand, Donna Karan has also strived to come close to the average American women and allow them to feel special by using a DKNY perfume. This has virtually translated into the creation of perfumes to be retailed at more affordable prices.

3.5 Communication strategies

Finally, in terms of communications strategies,…...



Clemmer, J., 2010, Communication strategies, systems and skills, Jim Clemmer,   last accessed on November 8, 2010 

Gordon, B., 2010, Why the perfume industry stinks, Telegraph,   last accessed on November 8, 2010 

Karppinen, S.L., a view of the world of perfume, Zebrafish Information Server, last accessed on November 8, 2010

Katemopoulos, M., 2009, Perfume industry Information, eHow, last accessed on November 8, 2010

Marketing Communications Management for New
Pages: 10 Words: 3190

3.5. Communications Strategy

The company has developed and implemented an innovative communications strategy in order to attract more customers. Therefore, the company sells its tickets through cash machines, mobile phone networks, convenience stores, and movie rental shops (Sobie, 2006). The company has also organized a series of parties where customers are invited to learn about the company's products and services and to participate in a series of games and other activities.

4. Bowling Asia Airline Communications Plan

4.1. Context Analysis

Bowling Asia Airline intends to entry the low cost airlines market in Thailand. The characteristic of the market require financial entry barriers. In other words, the company needs substantial capital in organizing its activity. The financial crisis does not provide the ideal conditions for companies that want to enter this market.

Because of reduced incomes, customers that used to fly with low cost carriers on a regular basis have found cheaper transportation means. Some of…...


Reference list:

1. Thailand (2010). Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook. Retrieved November 6, 2010 from .

2. Low-Cost Airlines Hit by Recession and Fuel Price Escalation (2008). The Times. Retrieved November 6, 2010 from .

3. Ford, N. (2005). Low Cost Airlines Increase Market Share. African Business. Retrieved November 6, 2010 from .

4. Does Low Cost Mean High Risk? (2007). The New York Times. Retrieved November 6, 2010 from /2007/12/23/travel/23prac.html?_r=1&ref=yourmoney.

Marketing - Communications Plan Order
Pages: 3 Words: 827

Diffeent vesions of pint ads ae scheduled to appea thoughout the school yea, but paticulaly in issues coinciding with months in which paents typically eseach pospective educational oppotunities fo thei childen.
Pint Advetisement:


Photo Caption]: Would you have chosen the same caee if you could do you life ove again? Would you be happie doing something else pofessionally? How much would you have paid fo advance knowledge of what you'd athe be doing when you could still have made that choice? [Ad Copy]

Accoding to a ecent Gallup Poll, as many as thity-nine pecent of successful pofessionals hate thei jobs. Eighty-five pecent of them now know what caees they would have pefeed if they knew eveything they know now, befoe they chose thei college majo.

At Life Potential Maximization Industies (LPMI), we allow you childen to avoid the same mistake. We use state-of-the-at technologies to help you…...


references in this comprehensive LPMI brochure and CD-ROM with our compliments.

Marketing - Communications Plan Order
Pages: 3 Words: 870

The LPMI concept is to povide peiodic inteviews and diagnostic testing fo students though to high school gaduation, and into college if they choose.

Beginning in the middle school yeas, many students begin to exhibit specific inteests, such as in the physical o biological sciences, liteatue, and foeign languages, and/o to exhibit specific talents and abilities, such as in public speaking, witing, o dawing maps. In addition to specific aeas of inteest, students also begin to exhibit cetain innate talents and abilities that ae substantially genetically detemined. The LPMI pogam uses skilled social scientists and educatos to help identify all of the most likely ways of applying students' natual talents to the widest ange of conceivable futue academic and vocational applications capable of being facilitated academically.

Futhemoe, the genetic testing component is capable of identifying potential aeas of conflict between academic inteests and natual ability.

In 2006, eseaches studying the genetic basis fo…...


references that LPMI has synthesized into a complex predictive matrix. The LPMI program combines the analyzed results of the student interviews, diagnostic testing, and genetic screening and applies formulae based on those parameters to an equally complex field of all possible academic avenues leading to future academic success and vocational direction that will likely maximize the life potential of students to achieve the most satisfying career and life possible.

Need for an Integrated Marketing Communications Program: The LPMI program needs an integrated marketing program to create awareness and build positive images of the concept, and to generate interest and patronage among its target demographic. Focus group studies and research commissioned during LPMI program development demonstrated that the Army Special Forces experiment that gave rise to the concept is, coincidentally, the optimal marketing tool. That is particularly true because the United States Department of Defense (DoD) has supported and contributed to the funding of the program ever since the demonstration conducted for DoD authorities in Washington which proved that pinpointing academic and possible vocational talent and coordinating them with the other

Integrated Marketing Communications Communication Being an Important
Pages: 4 Words: 1314

Integrated Marketing Communications
Communication being an important element of organizations needs to be integrated in all areas of working so that the purpose, the goals, objectives, and the mission with which the organization is formed are achieved successfully. The concept of integrated marketing is applied everywhere in the world by almost more than half of the organizations. Out of which many are the renowned brands who precisely used their marketing communications to build this spot for themselves. The marketing communications require that all concepts of marketing communication come together to combine as synergy and perform one unified function for building the brand. Integrated marketing communications has been a long gone concept used by the famous brands and the reason why not all brands are successful at implementing is that it takes a critical analytical approach to understand how the different communications combine together with what ratio to form a strong competitive…...



Carbasho, T. (2010). Nike. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood.

Hughes, G. (2007). Redefining the nature and format of the marketing communications mix. The Marketing Review, 45-57.

Lorsch, P.R. (1967). Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1-47.

P.Cornelissen, J. (2001). Integrated marketing communications and the language of marketing department. International Journal ofAdvertising, 483-498.

Consumer Psychology & Marketing Communications Consumer Psychology
Pages: 3 Words: 904

Consumer Psychology

The three articles of focus for this paper come from reputable sources. One article comes from the International Honor Society in Psychology, from The Economist, and from a leading academic at the University of Southern California. Each article has insight into the nature of consumer psychology and its relationship to marketing communications, as they are distinct, yet closely related. As may be immediately inferred, consumer psychology consists of a constellation of psychological subtopics and concepts with respect to all aspects of consumer behavior. Consumers are people who purchase products. Consumer behavior is a complex and dynamic area which is of great concern and relevance to many professionals across fields, psychology notwithstanding. Consumer psychology on a very basic level is the study of relations between consumers and what they consume. Products are purchased and used. Consumer psychology studies patterns and processes in product and service consumption.…...



Friestad, M. (2012). What is Consumer Psychology? Psi Chi: The International Honor Society in Psychology. Web, Available from: 2012 November 28.

No listed author. (2009). Consumer Psychology. The Economist. Web, Available from:   2012 November 28. .

Perner, Phd, L. (2012). Consumer Behavior: The Psychology of Marketing. Web, Available from: 2012 November 28.

Bt's Marketing Communications Bt Website About Bt
Pages: 7 Words: 2321

BT's Marketing Communications
BT Website


BT Group plc, doing business as BT (British Telecom), is one of the world's largest telecommunication services providers. It is the largest multinational telecommunication corporation in the United Kingdom. BT has business operations in more than 170 countries around the Globe and offers its services to all types of consumers; including households, small and medium enterprises, large business corporations, and public sector entities. Incorporated in 1980 (with Electric Telegraph Company, General Post Office, and Post Office Telecommunications as its predecessors), BT has become one of the largest, and the most innovative and competitive communication services provider in the world. It is headquartered in BT Centre, London, UK and operates with workforce strength of around 90,000 employees worldwide (BT PLC, 2013).

Products and Services:

The major products and services of the company include Phone services (Phone line & broadband packages, 08 & 09 numbers, Business phone lines, Conferencing, ISDN…...



Bloomberg, 2013, 05, 17. Pedestrian passes a Billboard Advertisement for BT Group News Photo. Available from [Accessed November 3rd, 2013].

Banham, M. 2013, 09, 30. BT Sport and 4G prompt hike in UK adspend prediction. Available from [Accessed November 3rd, 2013].

BT, 2013. BT TV. Available from  

Marketing Communication I Must Admit
Pages: 2 Words: 647

2. Ogilvy & Mather applied the concept of global brand marketing in order to create

Motorola's marketing campaign. The goals included reaching the younger target market by creating a sleeker, better-looking product range, and creating advertising communications to match this new image. As such, Motorola's communication image became one of trendy irreverence and quick-paced style.

1. Nudie's selection process for sales representatives compares well with the image of their product. It is one of fun and a passion for life. Sales representatives are required to communicate this sense of fun to potential customers. In this sense, they are required to translate their sense of energy in life into a passion for the Nudie product itself.

2. Sales promotion tools include placing the Nudie product in more than one location within stores that sell the product, displaying labels with the product emblem in prominent public places, and displaying the Nudie image on vehicles, such…...

Marketing Communication Programme for the New Product
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Marketing Communication Programme for the New Product
"The Body Shop" offers a wide range of naturally inspired cosmetics and toiletry products. The brand, originally created in the United Kingdom, distributes its products and expresses its values through a large multi-channel network of exclusive retail shops (1,088 company owned and 1,517 franchisees) in more than 60 countries, as well as through home and online sales. The purpose of this report is developing an international marketing plan for a new product; a special shampoo which mitigates the hair loss problem of people, particularly for men, to be added to the range for international market in Asia for the Body Shop.

An international marketing plan including an analysis of marketing potential and target segment of the new product, a marketing communication programme for the new product is indicated in this report.

This report also provides a SWOT analysis for The Body Shop and identifies the direct…...

Marketing Communication of Dairy Sector
Pages: 3 Words: 1067

The supermarkets did not have to deal with refrigeration issues as whole milk came in powder form from foreign firms. However with the appearance of Almarai in 1970s, things changed drastically and fresh cow milk along with laban became very popular products in Saudi Arabia.
For deeper market penetration, effective marketing initiative was required and that came in the form of wide media advertising campaigns along with good packaging designs that changed the perception and moved people to purchase fresh products. The campaigns were so successful that they can be compared to any high profile brand campaign internationally. First of all the word Almarai meant green pastures and this was presented in visually aesthetic form on both advertisements as well as on the package designs. It was very appealing and conveyed the idea of fresh milk effectively and the sales of fresh packaged milk rose substantially in Saudi Arabia with…...



"About Almarai Company" Available online & Marketing

"Saudi Arabia Dairy Industry" Available from

Al Safi Foods. The World's Largest in Integrated Dairy

Farm. .

Marketing Communication for Subway Restaurant
Pages: 9 Words: 4035

Marketing Communication for Subway Restaurant
Marketing for any product or any service depends on the inherent reasons for the demand of that product or service. Thus the relative importance of different aspects is not the same for the marketing of different products or services. A restaurant is a place all of us go for a meal, bit, in our own minds, the rationale for going to different types or classes of restaurants are different. This determines the people who will go to that particular restaurant and what is the level of prices that he expects to pay. Some high class restaurants may get a crowd who just want to be seen there to improve their social status. ut, subway restaurants are for the hoi polloi.

A product for the general public is viewed in marketing terms more as a sales exercise than a publicity exercise. (uttle, 1996) Marketing is generally considered as…...



Buttle, Francis. (1996). Relationship Marketing. In Francis Buttle (Ed.), Relationship Marketing: Theory and Practice (pp. 1-16). London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.

Manning, Gerald, L. & Reece, Barry L. (1997). Selling Today (7th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Dainow, Sheila & Bailey, Caroline. (1988). Developing Skills with People: Training for Person to Person Client Contact. New York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Scholtes, Peter, R. (1988). The Team Handbook: How to use Teams to Improve Quality. Madison, WI: Joiner Associates, Inc.

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining target markets?
Words: 324

Comprehensive Target Market Analysis and Segmentation Strategies

Examining Target Markets: A Holistic Approach to Customer Focused Strategies

The Art of Target Market Identification: Unlocking Market Potential and Growth

Target Market Optimization: A Comprehensive Guide to Tailored Marketing

Defining the Target Audience: Foundations of Effective Marketing Campaigns

Precision Target Marketing: Aligning Strategies with Consumer Needs

Consumer Segmentation and Target Market Definition: A Data-Driven Approach

Uncovering Market Segments: The Key to Personalized Marketing

Building Customer Profiles: A Framework for Target Market Identification

Target Market Strategies for Dynamic Market Landscapes

Target Market Analysis: A Case Study of Successful Market Penetration

The Evolution of Target Markets: Adapting to Changing Consumer Dynamics

Target Market Research: Unveiling Insights....

what are level of business strategies?
Words: 512

Levels of Business Strategies

Business strategies are the plans and actions that a company undertakes to achieve its objectives. These strategies can be classified into three distinct levels: corporate-level strategies, business-level strategies, and functional-level strategies.

1. Corporate-Level Strategies

Corporate-level strategies are broad in scope and provide the overall direction for the entire organization. They define the company's mission, vision, and values, and establish the overall goals and objectives. Corporate-level strategies also determine the company's relationship with its external environment, including its competitors, customers, suppliers, and the regulatory environment.

There are three main types of corporate-level strategies:

Growth strategies: These strategies focus on expanding the....

example of marketing managment proposal?
Words: 506

Marketing Management Proposal

Executive Summary:

This proposal outlines a comprehensive marketing management strategy to increase brand awareness, customer engagement, and ultimately drive sales. By focusing on key marketing objectives and leveraging various marketing channels, we aim to achieve measurable results and drive business growth.


Company X is a leading provider of eco-friendly products with a strong commitment to sustainability. Despite our innovative product offerings, there is a need to enhance our marketing efforts to reach a wider audience and increase brand visibility in a competitive market.


The primary objective of this marketing management proposal is to increase brand awareness by 20% within the next....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to success to business marketings basics?
Words: 911

Captivating Essay Topics Related to Success in Business Marketing Basics

In today's competitive business landscape, effective marketing strategies are crucial for success. Understanding the fundamentals of business marketing can empower businesses to connect with their target audience, drive sales, and build enduring relationships. This essay explores a range of captivating essay topics related to the foundations of business marketing, providing a comprehensive guide for aspiring marketers.

1. The Power of Storytelling in Marketing: A Key to Audience Engagement
This essay analyzes the significance of storytelling as a marketing tool. It examines how compelling narratives can evoke emotions, establish connections, and effectively convey brand....

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