Maritime Essays (Examples)

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Maritime Insurance Marine Maritime Insurance Has a History
Pages: 6 Words: 2049

Maritime Insurance
Marine/maritime insurance has a history that dates back many hundreds of years, but is also an important component of vessels on the high seas in 2013. This paper covers the history of maritime insurance and brings the subject up-to-date with material from the recent literature.

History of Maritime Insurance

The growth of maritime insurance companies in the eighteenth century was "…one of the major developments in the history of English commerce," according to A.H. John, writing in the peer-reviewed journal Economica (John, 1958, p. 126). John writes that the origins of maritime insurance go back "…to the later middle ages," just a very small amount of "underwriting" was conducted prior to the American Civil War because there was great competition from important European commercial centres like Antwerp, Amsterdam, and Hamburg (126).

The author of this article explains that the maritime insurance market in London did not really expand and grow until the…...



Hinkelman, Edward G. 2008. Dictionary of International Trade 8th Edition. Czech Republic.

Institute Marine Cargo Clauses. 1982. English Marine Insurance Act. Retrieved January 20, 2013, from .

John, A.H. 1958. 'The London Assurance Company and the Marine Insurance Market of the Eighteenth Century,' Economica, New Series, vol. 98, 126-141.

Martin, Frederick. 1876 (digitized, 2008). The history of Lloyd's and of marine insurance in Great Britain: with an appendix containing statistics relating to marine insurance. Harvard University: Boston, MA.

Maritime Labor Convention Many Seafarers Ply Across
Pages: 10 Words: 2983

Maritime Labor Convention
Many seafarers ply across waters distant miles away from their homes. The categories of people in the maritime transport include the seafarers and ship owners. These people are often from different nationalities as ships operate under different flags, from their origin to other countries. The seafarers often face difficult conditions of working from their occupational risks. The fact that they work far from homes exposes them to challenges such as exploitation, abuse, non-paid wages, and non-compliance to the contracts, poor diet, poor living conditions and sometimes abandonment in foreign ports. This necessitated the industry to contract laws and expectations governing the industry. This is what constitutes the Maritime Labor Convention 2006. These set out the expected conditions of working, to grow the maritime standards into globalized standards. The STCW is among the security and quality management bodies of ships.

The maritime labor convention

The Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) drives the…...



Dimitrova, D.N., & Blanpain, R. (2010). Seafarers' rights in the globalized maritime industry.

Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.

International Labour Office. (2008). Compendium of maritime labour instruments: Maritime

Labour Convention, 2006, Seafarers' Identity Document (Revised) Convention, 2003,

Maritime Border Delimitation Maritime Boundaries
Pages: 11 Words: 4617

Those investors even with peaked interest were and still are clearly reluctant to explore and excavate for resources if they will ultimately be told that such minerals do not belong to them, as a result of the region from which they came, or build semi-permanent offshore exploration and collection facilities if they risk being told later that they must move them as a result of where they are


Likely the most essential issue at hand with regard to maritime border delineation is the maintenance and enforcement of security for seagoing vessels of all sizes and kinds as well as for the definitions of aggression War and state aggression cannot be determined if such is based at sea and security forces of any kind have no value if they cannot enforce laws and borders within a certain set of agreed upon guidelines for appropriate action In this climate vessels and land are…...


. Mathias Albert, and Lothar Brock, "1 What Keeps Westphalia Together? Normative Differentiation in the Modern System of States," in Identities, Borders, Orders: Rethinking International Relations Theory ed. Mathias Albert, David Jacobson, and Yosef Lapid (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001), 39.

. Mathias Albert, and Lothar Brock, "1 What Keeps Westphalia Together? Normative Differentiation in the Modern System of States," in Identities, Borders, Orders: Rethinking International Relations Theory ed. Mathias Albert, David Jacobson, and Yosef Lapid (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001), 39.

. Allen Buchanan and Margaret Moore, eds., States, Nations, and Borders: The Ethics of Making Boundaries (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 115.

Maritime Environment the Objective of This Study
Pages: 2 Words: 596

Maritime Environment
The objective of this study is to answer the questions of what are the specific security challenges in a port maritime environment. This work will additionally describe the following as they pertain to port management security: (1) security survey; (2) risk-based decision-making; and (3) cost effective risk assessment. Finally, this work will answer the question of what is asymmetric warfare and will describe the megaports initiative.

Maritime Environment Security Challenges

The work of haskar and Kemp (2011) report security in the maritime environment to include "The security of chokepoints in the region -- the Straits of Hormuz, the ab-el-Mandeb, and the Indonesian Straits" stated to have become a "matter of great strategic importance for all maritime powers." (p.3) In addition stated is security challenges related to the "conflict in the Persian Gulf and piracy near ab-el-Mandeb, due in part to the failed state of Somalia, are two issues of concern." (haskar…...



A Workshop Report. February 23-24, 2011 India International Centre New Delhi, India. Retrieved from:

Bhaskar, CU, and Kemp, G. (2009) Maritime Security Challenges in the Indian Ocean Region

Doctrine for Asymmetric Warfare (2003) Military Review. July -August 2003. Retrieved from:

Megaports Initiative (nd) National Nuclear Security Administration. Retrieved from:

Maritime Proposal a Proposal for
Pages: 2 Words: 618

As our research warns, piracy is today a mode for undermining industrial shipping nations such as the U.S. and, as a result, connects closely with the political imperatives for undermining U.S. foreign policies that drive many terrorist groups. And as we find in our readings, piracy and terrorism have increasingly worked to common ends. Indeed, "despite the romantic image of pirates, the violent seizure of merchantmen on the high seas is a growing problem; in 2001, 335 incidents occurred, a figure that rose the following year to 370. In the first six months of 2003, 234 attacks against merchantmen were recorded, with the waters of the Indonesian archipelago being regarded as the most dangerous." (Daly, 1) the danger of this pattern is reinforced by the events which actually preceded and served as portent to September 11th. hen terrorists bombed the U.S.S. Cole, a battleship at port in Yemen, they demonstrated…...


Works Cited:

Daly, J.C.K. (2003). Al Qaeda and Maritime Terrorism, Part I. The Jamestown Foundation.

Graffagnini, M.J. (2004). A practical proposal for maritime security. MONDAQ Business Briefing.

Maritime Search & Rescue the Search and
Pages: 4 Words: 1370

maritime search & escue
The search and rescue (SA) program in Canada aims to save and protect lives within the maritime environment. Its objectives are to ensure that 100% of the lives at risk are saved, reduce severity and number of SA accidents, minimize loss of life, injury property damage and any environmental risk, increase the awareness of SA program and providing humanitarian aid and assistance where needed. However it has become increasingly difficult to achieve these objectives. This is as a result of several challenges that SA administrators face as they try to improve the emergency response capabilities in Canada. The paper will look at some of the challenges that the Canadian maritime search and rescue program faces when it comes to an improvement of their emergency response capabilities.


The assistance of volunteers is an element that is key when it comes to the maximization of the efficiency of SA…...



Canadian Coast Guard. (2013). Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) in Canada. Retrieved May 24, 2013 from 

Fisheries and Oceans Canada. (2012). Canadian Coast Guard Search and Rescue and Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Evaluation Report. Retrieved May 24, 2013 

Fisheries and Oceans Canada. (2013). Marine Search and Rescue in Vancouver. Retrieved May 24, 2013 

Tor Einar, B. (2010). Challenges for SAR operations in the Barents Sea. Retrieved May 24, 2013 from

Maritime Issues in the Asia
Pages: 6 Words: 1972

Private vessels and cruisers have built a gap within the international provision for maritime security.

The maritime industry has been greatly been affected by the terrorist attacks. This is a different environment from the 9/11 attacks. However, there is no major credibility to the threats because they have little effect to the nation compared to land attacks. esearch shows that the maritime attacks affect only the seaborne trade and movement of ships leaving lesser costs on the nation. The methods used to counter the threats are general although new standards are in place and every ship should meet its requirements. These measures have come up with raised costs in maritime security. There are extra charges that have been put in order to meet the rising costs in the region. It is notable that the maritime security is not getting enough funds compared to other security departments like Homeland Securities.


Organization for…...



Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Security in Maritime

Transport: Risk Factors and Economic Impact, Paris: OECD, July 2003, p. 5

Rommel C. Banlaoi, 'Maritime Terrorism in Southeast Asia -- the Abu Sayyaf Threat', Naval

War College Review, Autumn 2005, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 63-80.

Effectiveness of Maritime Transportation System
Pages: 10 Words: 3269

Maritime Transportation System or MTS is one of the critical infrastructure systems that promote economic activity by enabling the transfer of goods between national and international destinations throughout the globe. As a result of its role in promoting economic activity, Maritime Transportation System is one of the most important elements for the United States national security. However, maritime systems have become increasingly vulnerable to risks that could jeopardize smooth operations and contributes to direct and indirect financial losses. Some of these risks include organizational and environmental risks as well as security risks like terrorism. The risks to the smooth operations and effectiveness of maritime systems are classified into four major categories i.e. human, natural, organizational, and technological factors since they emerge from natural and man-made disasters. In the past few years, there has been significant focus on promoting the sustainability of Maritime Transportation System through dealing with these risks and…...



A Concept of a Sustainable Maritime Transportation System. International Maritime

Organization. accessed May 16, 2015. 

Christopher, Kenneth. Port Security Management (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis

Group, LLC.

Women in Maritime Sector the Impact of
Pages: 10 Words: 3107

Women in Maritime Sector

The participation of women in the maritime sector has traditionally been low due to historical, cultural and social factors. Although the percentage of women making up the maritime workforce has increased in recent years as a result of women's liberation movements and globalization, women are still found to be concentrated in housekeeping and hospitality functions in cruise vessels as opposed to working in the marine or galley areas. By encouraging more women to enter into areas that have traditionally remained dominated by men, a number of positive political and economic changes can be brought about. At the same time, there is the likelihood that certain social and cultural challenges may have to be dealt with.

The Positive Impact of Promoting Women in the Maritime Sector

Promoting women in the maritime sector can result in significant political and economic changes for both…...



Belcher et al. (2003) Women Seafarers: Global employment policies and practices. Geneva: ILO.

Brown, T., & Brown, E. (2007). Life at Sea Survey 2007/08: Seafarer Attraction and Retention Survey Report. Shiptalk Publishing. Accessed on 24 September 2012 from 

ITF. (2011). Making a Difference: Women Transport Workers in the 21st Century. ITF. Accessed on 24 September 2012 from[ITF%20Women%20-%20Making%20a%20Differe..pdf

May, T., & Powell, J.I. (2008) Situating Social Theory. 2nd Ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Rational Maritime Policy for Saudi
Pages: 18 Words: 4917

Maintaining Peak Efficiency: Shipyards, the Merchant Marine Fleet, and New Technology

Saudi Arabia, in order to develop a powerful maritime economy, should take note from the actions and attitudes of other maritime nations such as Norway. The Norwegian authorities have long supported a holistic approach to maritime management, which is reflected in their interest in maintaining equal footing for a variety of maritime interests. These interests include fishing/aquaculture, maritime traffic, and marine infrastructure (Pidersen 2006).

Among the most important element in the Norwegian approach to maritime policymaking is the focus on the development of efficient seaports and other marine infrastructure (Pidersen 2006). For Saudi Arabia, this is especially important as existing infrastructure and technology isn't necessarily up to the tasks required.

Saudi Arabia currently has five major commercial ports and two industrial ports. The commercial ports are at Jiddah, Dammam, Jizan, Jubail, and Yanbu. The industrial ports are at Jubail and Yanbu. There…...



Appleyard, B. 2005, October 16, 'Waiting for the lights to go out', Times Online, Available at,2099-1813695_1,00.html 

European Commission -- Maritime Policy Task Force 2006, 'Towards a future maritime policy for the Union: a European vision for the oceans and seas', Commission of the European Communities, Available at 

Harboring ambitions' 2006, June 23, MEED, vol. 50, no. 25, p. 66.

Pidersen, H. 2006, 'The Norwegian perspective on maritime policy', CPMP Project "Europe of the Sea" Bergen Seminar, Available at

Internship Report Crowley Maritime Corporation
Pages: 11 Words: 3087

After meeting Ms. Aida Ortiz, CMA's Human Relations Specialist, she presented a brief overview of the office and explained the particular responsibilities my internship would encompass during the two-week period. The first "order" was to have my port ID made. After being officially identified as part of the intern program, Ms. Ortiz and I attended the 0930 morning operations meeting. After the meeting, I worked with Jackie Fisher, supervisor of CMC Equipment Control. hile observing her work practices, I gained a firsthand overview of the department processes, which included: Equipment assignment, Vessel reconciliations, and Seal and eight Verification. My intern experience this day also included work with electronic data interchange computer system. During the afternoon, I received hands on experience comleteing Vessel Reconciliation; ensuring the containers were "married up" with the right chassis.
Tuesday November 6, 2007 on this day, I worked with Gloria Pratts in Freight Services, who secured…...


Works Cited

Crowley. Crowley Maritime Corporation. 2003. 26 Mar. 2009.

Crowley Announces Management Changes." Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. 29 Oct. 2007. Maritime Reporter and Engineering News in partnership with 26 Mar. 2009 .

Crowley Completes Discharge of Gas Plant Modules and Equipment Across Beach in Angola, West Africa." Business Wire. Business Wire. 2008. HighBeam Research. 26 Mar. 2009 .

A"Crowley's green initiatives garner continued recognition by chamber of shipping of America." Defense Transportation Journal. National Defense Transportation Association. 2007. HighBeam Research. 26 Mar. 2009

Rail and Water or Maritime Transport Could
Pages: 8 Words: 2370

ail and water or maritime transport could be said to be a better protector of the environment compared to road and air modes of transportation, due mainly to the amount of fuel used or burned per ton of cargo moved. Also, water or ocean vessels can provide a very diverse form of intermodal transport. Container ships have huge capacities given the standardized containers, and the larger ships being constructed today. There has been a significant amount of press coverage about ocean or water transport as being a safe mode of moving freight into the U.S. port systems. eporters have been probing experts about the safety of our sea ports. So, you, as an expert, are to address this issue now. Your question is, "What are the challenges at these ports from a national security viewpoint? "
There are many challenges at America's seaports, specifically security related. Sea ports, unlike roads and…...



Feng, Cheng-Min and Yuan, Chien-Yun. (2007). "Application of Collaborative Transportation

Management to Global Logistics: An Interview Case Study." International Journal of Management. Vol . 32, No. 12.

Haibo, Kuang and Shuwen, Chen. (2007). "The production efficiency of Chinese ports: An empiracal investigation." Science Research Management Vol. 12, No. 7.

Port Reform Toolkit Lecture. (2010).

How Isps Code Has Impacted Maritime Security
Pages: 8 Words: 2170

ISPS Code on Maritime Security
Shipping is a business that has experienced rapid development in the past five decades as reflected in its increase by more than 450% during this period. The increase in shipping activities implies that nearly 90% of the global trade volumes are carried out by sea since a huge number of ships have to transport cargo between different ports. The increased use of ships to transport cargo between different ports has in turn generated considerable security threats. In essence maritime security has become a major issue in the recent past given the need to enhance security at ports. According to Christopher (2009), the momentum for focused and extensive management of port security has been fostered through policy response by the government (p.17). An example of such governmental policy response is the enactment of the ISPS Code, which has had considerable impacts on maritime security.


There have been…...



Adolf Ng, K.Y. (2009). Maritime Security Instruments in Practice: A Critical Review of the Implementation of ISPS Code in the Port of Hong Kong. Retrieved from International Center for Maritime Studies -- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University website: 

Atterbury, D. (n.d.). Maritime Security in the 21st Century. Retrieved October 14, 2015, from 

Center for International Maritime Security. (2014, July 15). The ISPS-Code and Maritime

Terrorism. Retrieved October 14, 2015, from

Mtsa Legislative Critique Maritime Transportation
Pages: 11 Words: 3515

While the Act certainly has international motivations and consequences, most of the acts of compliance and non-compliance are done by Americans and in American waters and on American soil. All reports indicate that the vast majority of the American vessels and ports succeeded in coming into compliance by that date.
In evaluating the legislation and whether or not it can be determined to be successful, several considerations are important. In the case of a federal law, is this is an area appropriate for federal intervention? Does the law purport to fulfill one of our nation's critical needs? If so, does the law set about fulfilling these needs in the least invasive means possible? What is the financial cost-benefit ratio of the law? Who has been impacted by the law? By answering these questions, one can determine whether or not a law is fair, efficient and effective.

Federal Jurisdiction

Federal jurisdiction in this…...



Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). 2003. Title 33; §104.115

Drakos, P. (2004). Understanding the Maritime Security Regimes

Retrieved from  Http://Www.Blankrome.Com/Index.Cfm ?


Sarty Roger -The Maritime Defence
Pages: 5 Words: 1437

However, the situation dramatically changed upon the end of the Second World War, when the Canadian naval forces numbered more than 150.000 persons employed in this industry, including technicians, specialists, naval strategy developers, making it the third largest Allied naval force.
The maintenance strategy was also unsuccessful, since the vessels needed more harbour stationing days that operational days. This situation led, in turn to a series of unfortunate situations - the Canadian navy could not maintain a well-cooperation and synergy within the convoys since the ships and the personnel were in a continuous change - one time in the war waters, and one time in harbour decks, performing maintenance and other regular procedures.

Factors that explain the situation

In the opinion of the article writers, the main responsibility for Canada's inability to provide a proper flee relies in the hands of Central authorities, more specifically the Government, the ritish Admiralty, the Canadian…...



1) Milner, Marc the implications of technological Backwardness: the Canadian Navy 1939-45, Canadian Defence Quartely, 9,3 Canadian Military History: Selected Readings Pg 298-312

2) Sarty, Roger the Maritime Defence of Canada, 1996, Pg 183-216

united states navy essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 215

The United States Navy plays a pivotal role in safeguarding national security, maintaining global peace and stability, and projecting American power across the seas through its formidable fleet, advanced technology, and highly trained personnel. Crafting a strong thesis statement for an essay on the United States Navy requires a clear focus on the key aspects that make the Navy unique and vital to national interests. Some possible suggestions for a thesis statement could include:

1. "The United States Navy's unmatched naval power and strategic presence are essential in upholding American interests and deterring potential threats on a global scale."

2. "Through its....

united states navy essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 484

Thesis Statement:

The United States Navy has played a crucial role in shaping the course of history, safeguarding national interests, and upholding global security. Its contributions encompass a wide spectrum of operations, from defending territorial waters to conducting humanitarian missions, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to protecting the nation and its allies.

Arguments/Points to Discuss:

1. Historical Significance:

- Highlight the Navy's origins during the American Revolutionary War, emphasizing its instrumental role in securing independence.
- Discuss the Navy's involvement in major conflicts, including the War of 1812, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, showcasing its adaptability....

Things to do at the beach essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 290

Thesis Statement Options:

1. The beach offers a myriad of activities that cater to the diverse interests and preferences of visitors, offering an unparalleled experience of relaxation, recreation, and rejuvenation.

2. From sunbathing and swimming to surfing and paddleboarding, the beach serves as a hub for physical activity, fostering a sense of well-being and promoting an active lifestyle.

3. Beyond its recreational appeal, the beach also provides a sanctuary for connecting with nature, inspiring introspection, and fostering a sense of wonder and gratitude.

4. Whether seeking solace, adventure, or simply a change of scenery, the beach offers a unique and multifaceted destination that caters....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on caribbean sea?
Words: 250

1. The Blue Jewel: Exploring the Wonders of the Caribbean Sea

2. An Untold Story: The History and Significance of the Caribbean Sea

3. Beyond the Surface: A Deep Dive into the Marine Life of the Caribbean Sea

4. Sailing into Paradise: The Beauty and Charm of the Caribbean Sea

5. Climate Change and Its Impact on the Caribbean Sea

6. A Sailor's Guide to Navigating the Waters of the Caribbean Sea

7. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Intriguing Maritime History of the Caribbean Sea

8. The Caribbean Sea: A Gateway to Cultural Diversity and Rich Heritage

9. Protecting Paradise: Conservation Efforts in the Caribbean Sea

10. The Caribbean....

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