Marine Pollution Essays (Examples)

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Marine Pollution Law
Pages: 16 Words: 5150

Marine Pollution Law
Although the problem of international liability and compensation for pollution caused by oil spills is specifically adressed by the 1969 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage and the 1971 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, the issue of pollution is also the object of other international treaties and conventions, such as the MARPOL 73/78 Convention, Intervention Convention, the London Convention and others. efore taking a thorough look at the 1969 and 1971 International Conventions, a brief description of other acts should create a clearer image of the whole situation.

International Maritime Organization (IMO) MARPOL: The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Shipping (MARPOL 73/78) is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes. It is a combination of two treaties adopted in 1973 and…...



1. The International Regime On Liability And Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage: Recent Developments" by Jose Maura Barandiaran

2. "Global Marine Pollution International Gateway " 

3. "The Law of the Sea" by RR Churchill and AV Lowe 1999 3rd edition

4. Unesco: Laws For The Ocean"

Marine Pollution the Ocean Covers
Pages: 8 Words: 2459

S. has jurisdiction. The dumping specifically of biodegradable plastics into the sea in these navigable waters and in offshore areas less than 25 nautical miles from the nearest land is strictly forbidden. Metals, bottles, crockery and similar garbage cannot be disposed of into the sea within 12 nautical miles from the closest land (U.S. Congress).
Food waste, paper, rags, glass and similar wastes cannot be thrown into navigable waters or those offshore and within three nautical miles from the nearest land, except in the emergency cases of separate garbage of fixed or floating platforms within 500 meters of these units. In addition, all manned, commercial and oceangoing U.S. flag ships measuring 12.2 meters or more in length and subject to U.S. jurisdiction must keep record of garbage discharges (U.S. Congress).

The Secretary of State is empowered and required to administer and enforce the MARPOL Protocol and his authority includes issuing necessary regulations…...



1. Boukhari, Sophie. 20,000 Worlds Under the Sea: Ocean Pollution. UNESCO Courier: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1998

2. Earle, Sylvia. Sea Change: a Message of the Oceans. Perspectives on Marine Environmental Quality Today, 1998-Year of the Ocean. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1995.

3. Glausiusz, Josie. Dead Zones - Pollution Killing Off Ocean Life. Discover, 2000

4. Mulvaney, Kieran. A Sea of Troubles: in the International Year of the Ocean, Are We Reaching the Limits? E: the Environmental Magazine: Earth Action Network, Inc., 1998

Marine Bioluminescence
Pages: 10 Words: 3296

Marine Bioluminescence
Bioluminescence can be discovered across an extensive selection of some of the key categories of organisms. This includes classifications such as bacteria and protists and also squid as well as ?she's, with numerous phyla amid them. In many of these organisms, luminescence is made by these organisms themselves and never by bacterial symbionts. A few organisms in this category that are not considered to be self-illuminescents are (1) terrestrial vertebrates, such as birds, mammals and amphibians (2) ?owering plants. Luminescence is usually higher in deep-living species along with planktonic ones than in shallow organisms (Haddock et al., 2010).

A summary of known luminous organisms had been documented by Herring (1987). However, since that time there have been a number of new discoveries of luminous organisms. In some instances, it is very difficult to determine that the species are nonluminous. Amid ?lter-feeding species, luminescence is very difficult to inspect. This is…...



Bush SL, Robison BH, Caldwell RL. 2009. Behaving in the dark: locomotor, chromatic, postural, and biolu- minescent behaviors of the deep-sea squid Octopoteuthis deletron Young 1972. Biol. Bull. 216:7 -- 22

Carnevale G. 2008. Miniature deep-sea hatchet-sh (Teleostei: Stomiiformes) from the Miocene of Italy. Geol. Mag. 145:73

Fleisher KJ, Case JF. 1995. Cephalopod predation facilitated by dino-agellate luminescence. Biol. Bull. 189:263 -- 71

Fristrup KM, Harbison G. 2002. How do sperm whales catch squids? Mar. Mammal Sci. 18:42 -- 54

Marine Insurance
Pages: 35 Words: 14313

Marine Insurance
The concept of Marine insurance is something that has been developing at a fast rate of late. (Marine Insurance: Barlow, Lyde and Gilbert) What exactly is insurance and how long has the concept been recognized? Insurance can be defined as a form of provision of a safety net for the distribution of risks. This is generally made in the form of a financial provision that is meant to protect against losses that may occur due to certain unavoidable reasons. Insurance works like this: a person who wishes to insure an object or possession or belonging of his will pay a certain amount of money that has already been fixed by the insurance agent in order to offer the security of the money to distribute the risks when the insurer happens, by misfortune, to lose his possession or damage it because of an unavoidable reason. The insurer, by the very…...



Admiralty" Retrieved at Accessed on 19 September, 2004

Averagium" Retrieved at Accessed on 19 September, 2004

Commercial Hull" (2004) Retrieved at   on 19 September, 2004 

English Marine Insurance Act 1906" Retrieved at   Accessed on 19 September, 2004 .

Plastic Debris on Marine Species
Pages: 12 Words: 3763

In Indonesia, this shoreline litter covers about 90% of the upper shore.
How plastic debris affect marine life

There are two major ways in which detrimental effects to marine life occur. One is when these marine animals become snarled up in the marine debris and the other way is when they ingest the plastic wastes. Some of the materials which can cause the snarl up are pieces of fish lines or nets and rings which are used to bind six-pack beverages. These materials can cause the marine animals to drown or suffocate thus killing them. Death can also be an effect of the materials strangling the animals or starvation when the animal is trapped and unable to reach any food. These materials can also cause severe injuries to the animals. Entanglement is especially important to sea lions and seals. These animals are known to have a curious nature like that of…...


Works cited

Allsopp, Michelle, et al. Plastic Debris in the World's Oceans. Amsterdam: Greenpeace International, 2006. Print.

Arthur, Courtney. Plastic Marine Debris: An in-Depth Look2010. Print.

Dong-Oh, Cho. "The Incentive Program for Fishermen to Collect Marine Debris in Korea." Marine Pollution Bulletin 58.3 (2009): 415-17. Print.

Jose G.B, Derraik. "The Pollution of the Marine Environment by Plastic Debris: A Review." Marine Pollution Bulletin 44.9 (2002): 842-52. Print.

Marin Pollution
Pages: 3 Words: 957
In the article titled: "Plastic garbage in oceans: Understanding marine pollution from microplastic particles," discussion starts with the danger posed by microplastic particles to numerous marine life that inhabit the oceans and seas. These "large quantities of globally produced plastics end up in the oceans where they represent a growing risk." The smallest objects within the range of particles that make up the pollution are microplastic particles which not only pose the greatest risk in harming marine wildlife, but also remain the least investigated pollutant. The article wishes to show how efforts are being undertaken to establish standardized guidelines to help record and characterize microplastic particles in the sea for analysis and measurement of its impact on marine wildlife.

When observing the source of these microplastic particles, the investigators note the water bottles in and around the shorelines and the pieces of plastic floating in the water creating the microplastic…...

Oceans & Plastic Pollution the
Pages: 4 Words: 1338

9% of the turtles" -- and "plastics" dominated the debris found (Katsanevakis, p. 75). The list of plastic trash found in those turtles is too long to include in this research.
Seabirds (especially pelicans, gannets and gulls) often fall prey to "monofilament line"; albatrosses, petrels, penguins and grebes are not found entangled in plastic fishing line or other plastic debris as often as pelicans and gulls (Katsanevakis, 2008, p. 69). hat is particularly insidious about plastic is when it is ingested by marine animals is releases "toxic chemicals" due to the chemical additives that are added to the plastic during the manufacturing process. Once in the abdomen of the animal the toxic materials can block the digestive tract and block "gastric enzyme ingestion, diminished feeding stimulus, nutrient dilution, reduced growth rates, lowered steroid hormone levels, delayed ovulation and reproductive failure," Katsanevakis asserts (p. 71).

There is lethal danger for small marine organisms…...


Works Cited

Hill, Marquita K., 2010, Understanding Environmental Pollution, Cambridge University

Press, New York City, 585

Katsanevakis, Stelios, 2008, Marine Debris, A Growing Problem: Sources, Distribution, Composition, and Impacts, in Hofer, T.N., ed., Marine Pollution: New Research, Nova Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, p. 54-75.

Moore, Charles, 2003, Trashed: Across the Pacific Ocean, Plastics, Plastics, Everywhere,

Marine Snow as Food and Scientific Data
Pages: 2 Words: 681

Environmentalism -- Marine Snow
"Marine snow" is material sinking from at or near the top to the bottom of a water body. It contains many forms of animate and inanimate matter and is important as food and a measure of the health of a water body. Modern scientists are particularly interested in marine snow due to the data it contributes for determining pollution and climate change.

"Marine snow" is a cascade of organic and inorganic material sinking from higher levels of water to lower levels of water in a body of water. Marine snow includes living and nonliving materials and matter, such as: algae (Grossart, Czub and Simon), nanophytoplankton, bacteria (Romero-Ibarra and Silverberg), plants, animals, feces, sand, soot and dust (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). As plants and animals on or close to the surface of a body of water die and deteriorate, they sink toward the floor of the water body…...


Works Cited

Grossart, Hans-Peter, Gertje Czub and Meinhard Simon. "Alga-bacteria interactions and their effects on aggregation and organic matter flux in the sea." Environmental Microbiology, 8(6) (2006): 1074-1084. Print.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. What is marine snow? 2015. Web. 26 May 2016.

News Reporter Staff - NewsRx. "Climate Change; Study Results from University of Massachusetts Broaden Understanding of Climate Change (Zooplankton fecal pellets, marine snow, phytodetritus and the ocean's biological pump)." Ecology, Environment & Conservation 13 March 2015: 1335. Print.

Romero-Ibarra, Nancy and Norman Silverberg. "The contribution of various types of settling particles to the flux of organic carbon in the Gulf of St. Lawrence." Continental Shelf Research, 31(16) (2011): 1761-1776. Print.

Marine Security
Pages: 7 Words: 1806

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Role of International Cooperation in Enhancing Marine Security

This essay will explore how international cooperation, including joint patrols, shared intelligence, and multilateral agreements, contributes to the security of global maritime routes. It will analyse historical precedents and current initiatives like the Combined Maritime Forces to determine the effectiveness of such collaborations in deterring piracy, smuggling and other maritime threats.

2. The Impact of Technological Advancements on Marine Security

In this essay, the focus will be on how technological advancements such as satellite surveillance, unmanned vehicles, and automated identification systems have transformed marine security. The essay will evaluate the benefits and potential vulnerabilities introduced by these technologies and their influence on the overall effectiveness of marine security strategies.

3. Climate Change and Its Implications for Marine Security

This essay will discuss the implications of climate change for marine security, including how rising sea levels, thawing Arctic routes, and increased natural disasters affect…...


Primary Sources

United Nations. \"United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).\" 10 Dec. 1982.  

International Maritime Organization. \"International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.\" 2004. .

International Chamber of Shipping. \"Guidance on Maritime Security and Piracy.\" .

United States Coast Guard. \"National Maritime Security Advisory Committee Meeting Summaries.\"

Maritime Safety Committee. \"MSC.4/Circ.188 – Guidelines for Maritime Cyber Risk Management.\" International Maritime Organization, 5 July 2017. . .

War on Pollution of the
Pages: 8 Words: 2299

.." For example, during the Vietnam War the United States "sprayed 3640 km2 of South Vietnam's cropland with herbicides, using a total estimated amount of 55 million kg. The stated rationale was to deny the enemy sources of food and means of cover. This widespread use of chemicals to destroy farmland, forest and water sources is unprecedented, and the environmental consequences are still relatively unexplored. International teams have been granted access for field assessments only in the last few years." (Learning, 2000)
The work of Lindon, Jernelov, and Egerup (2004) entitled: "The Environmental Impacts of the Gulf War 1991" relates that the oil fires in Kuwait" emitted pollutants that potentially could affect the health and well-being of the people in the region. Most of the substances emitted from the burning wells can potentially cause adverse effects, which vary according to concentration and duration of exposure." In fact the concentrations of sulfur…...



Lessons from the Last Gulf War (2003) Greenpeace Briefing Feb. 2003. Online available at 

Learning, Jennifer (2000) Environment and Health: Impact of War. CMAJ • OCT. 31, 2000; 163 (9). Online available at 

Amirahmadi, Hoosang (1992) Iranian Recovery From Industrial Devastation During War with Iraq. United Nations. 1992. Online available at 

Lindon, O., Jernelov, a., and Egerup, J. (2004) the Environmental Impacts of the Gulf War 1991. Interim Report. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Schlossplatz 1

Ocean Marine Life Conservation
Pages: 8 Words: 2347

Conservation of ocean or marine life has attracted significant attention in recent years given the devastating impacts of human activities on these ecosystems. This paper examines a study conducted to promote conservation of marine or ocean life across the globe. The review demonstrates the significance of combining policy interventions and management interventions to achieve this.  Background
Ocean or marine areas cover approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface. Even though the depths of these areas are yet to be fully explored or exploited, they are habitats for a huge portion of the world’s biodiversity and essential in global climate change (Addis, p.5). Ocean or marine biodiversity is recognized across the globe as an essential component of life not only in the oceans, but also on Earth. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development states that ocean or marine areas are key components of the Earth’s ecosystem to an extent that without them…...

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
Pages: 9 Words: 2404

This method makes effective use of ability of metals to float on surfaces of leachates on their own. Due to the high proven efficiency of this method, it is widely used for removal of heavy metals such as iron and humic acid from leachates in many parts of the world.
emoval of Plastic from Municipal Waste

Plastic is a non-biodegradable waste that has low recycling margin. Unfortunately, plastic is widely used in everyday products is heavily present in the municipal waste. The environmental threat posed by the presence of plastic in municipal waste is another major issue. Major plastic types that are commonly found in UK municipal waste include PET, high density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, low density polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and other plastics such as melamine. Major source of these types of plastic are fizzy drink bottles, bottles of detergents and washing liquids, plastic plates cups and spoons, bin bags, microwavable…...


Reference List

Colls, J 2002, Air Pollution, Spon Press, London.

Friends of Earth 2009, Briefing Pyrolysis, Gasification and Plasma, Friends of Earth Limited Company, viewed 25 January 2011, < >.

Hill, T 2010, Pyrolysis and Gasification briefing, UK without incineration, viewed 25 January 2011, <

Behavior of Concrete in Rivers and Marine
Pages: 13 Words: 3632

Behavior of Concrete in ivers and Marine Areas
The marine atmosphere and also the river atmosphere are infamously harsh on man-made structures; furthermore, the materials employed for construction are seriously examined through these elements and how they would impact each other. Strengthened concrete is among the materials frequently employed for near shoreline, as well as off the shore, structures. These structures, whether submerged in or suspended within the marine or river area are susceptible to high amounts of chlorides, sulphates and magnesium -- all of which are hazardous to the surrounding environment. Furthermore, they are also exposed to high velocity of waves, the potentially harmful results of that are well recorded. This paper will indicate whether another method of strengthened concrete design, inside the limits from the codes, for marine as well as river structures may be more beneficial in the perspectives of engineering, construction, sturdiness and financial aspects. This…...



Castro P., Rincon O.T. de and Pazini E.J., (2001), Interpretation of chloride profiles from concrete exposed to tropical marine environments, Cement and Concrete Research, 31, 529 -- 537. Taken from: Overbeek, J and Van Der Horst. (2006). Revaluation of Concrete Design in Marine Engineering. Delta Marine Consultants.

Choong K.Y. (2003), Durability performance of fifties years old concrete jetties in tropical marine environment, International Conference on Port and Maritime R&D and Technology, 97 -- 103, Singapore. Taken from: Overbeek, J and Van Der Horst. (2006). Revaluation of Concrete Design in Marine Engineering. Delta Marine Consultants

Costa A. And Appleton J. (2002), Case studies of concrete deterioration in marine environment in Portugal, Cement & Concrete Composites, 24, 169 -- 179.

Dehwah, H.A.F., Maslehuddin, M., and Austin, S.A. (2002). Effect of Cement Alkalinity on Pore Solution Chemistry and Chloride-Induced Reinforcement Corrosion, ACI Materials Journal, V.99, No.3, pp. 227-233. Taken from: Islam, M., Islam, S., Mondal, B.C. And Islam, M.R. (2010). Strength behavior of concrete using slag with cement in sea water environment. Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 38 (2): 129-140.

Environmental Pollution Discussion Short Paper
Pages: 1 Words: 290

DISCUSSION SHOT PAPE Discussion Short PaperPlastic unlike is the case with other materials is not biodegradable and could leech chemicals when exposed to heat (UNEP, 2022). Towards this end, plastic pollution chokes marine wildlife, damages soil and poisons groundwater, and can cause serious health impacts (UNEP, 2022). For this reason, the kind of microbe described by Morgan Vague in the YouTube video could be a handy solution to the problem of plastic pollution (TED, 2019). I am of the opinion that the bacteria could be could be deployed in locations that are heavily polluted with plastic waste, such as our oceans, where they would munch the said waste effectively complementing other strategies to rein in the plastic waste problem.Yet another key problem that the world faces is carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution. Indeed, as Lindsey (2023) points out, the continued release of CO2 into the atmosphere is supercharging…...


ReferencesLindsey, R. (2023). Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. NOAA.   (2019, June 24). These bacteria eat plastic | Morgan Vague [Video]. YouTube. United Nations Environmental Programme – UNEP (2023). Everything you need to know about plastic pollution. Zhang, A., Carroll, A.L. & Atsumi, S. (2017). Carbon recycling by cyanobacteria: improving CO2 fixation through chemical production. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 364(16), 98-105. TED

Analyzing Pollution in the Oceans
Pages: 6 Words: 2524

Systems Thinking Applied to Sustainability Challenges


"Systems Thinking is Critical in Developing Solutions to Sustainability Challenges"

Pollution in the Oceans

Ocean pollution is an issue for both society and individuals. Such complex issues exhibit some commonality, including being nonlinear, being heterogeneous, interdependent and self organized. It follows, therefore, that the issues require well thought-out and equally complex solutions. Venturing on pursuing causes without structured frameworks is a waste of time.

'Systems thinking' provide a new model for solving complex problems that afflict society; including pollution issues. In the system, biology interacts with social, cultural and manmade environmental elements in permutations and combinations that continue to evolve, discontinuously. The causes of pollution (Anon., n.d.) arise at various levels. They also interact at these varying levels. Organizations and individual entities are important at any given level. There is optimization of the system function when…...



Anon., n.d. [Online]

Available at: 

Anonson R., B. B. J. F. P. W. e. a., 2003. Causes of Corol ref degradation.. [Online].

Business Dictionary, n.d. [Online]

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Pollution?
Words: 549

Essay Topics on Pollution

Air Pollution:

The Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment
The Role of Vehicle Emissions in Air Quality Degradation
The Economic and Social Costs of Air Pollution on Cities
The Effectiveness of Air Quality Regulations and Standards
The Future of Air Pollution Mitigation and Control

Water Pollution:

The Causes and Consequences of Water Pollution in Developing Countries
The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Water Quality
The Role of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Reducing Water Pollution
The Legal and Policy Framework for Water Pollution Control
The Challenges and Solutions to Marine Pollution

Land Pollution:

The Sources and....

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