Managing Change Essays (Examples)

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Managing Changing Managing Change Reflect Critically Personal
Pages: 8 Words: 2703

Managing Changing
Managing Change

reflect critically personal perspective philosophy managing change changed ( ) semester Drawing learning experiences semester (group case study, relevant change management theory, reflections relevant personal experiences organisational change), reflect critically personal perspective philosophy managing change changed ( ) semester.

Managing change

The world we are living in is always changing. The nature of the business world today is very different than the way it was decades ago. Change is inevitable. This is because, as people are always faced with new problems and as such, come up with new ways of doing things in order to better their lives. The people therefore come up with new technologies to meet this needs. For an organization to remain relevant, it must be flexible enough to change with the changing times. Resisting to the wind of change will make the organization obsolete and lead to their collapsing Zilwa, 2010.

Nevertheless, people are always resistant to…...


SINGH, M. & WADDELL, D. 2004. E-business innovation and change management, Hershey, Idea Group Publ.

WILLIAMS, A.P.O., DONBSON, P. & WOODWARD, S. 2002. Managing change successfully: using theory and experience to implement change, London, Thomson.

ZILWA, D.D. 2010. Academic units in a complex, changing world adaptation and resistance, Dordrecht, Springer.

Managing Change When a Business
Pages: 2 Words: 615

The organization needs to be making the change for the right reasons and ones that fit the businesses needs. In other words, it shouldn't be incorporated out of the voice in the back of the head saying, "everyone else is doing it." After the business has decided it is a good match, then it needs to decide what exactly they need to make the changes -- that is, does the organization have to start from scratch? How far behind is the business? or, how far to left or right? Knowing exactly where the organization is and what has to be done in vital for an easier transition.
Once an organization knows what is needed, then is the time to do some old-fashioned research into different aspects of technology. There shouldn't be any investing in technology without some very careful research and consideration as part of the process. It inside of…...

Managing Change the Objective of
Pages: 5 Words: 1447

I wonder whether the job of a manager is not so much to manage the change process as to deal with people's genuine fears. So remember: don't underestimate the emotional impact that change has on people, don't ignore people's fears, don't lie or tell half-truths and do communicate and listen ad infinitum - you can't do too much of it." (Tyler, 2007)
This is confirmed in the work of F. John Rey states in the work entitled: "Managing Change: Managing People's Fear" that "Managing change means managing people's fear. Change is natural and good, but people's reaction to change is unpredictable and irrational. It can be managed if done right. Rey additionally states: "Resistance to change comes from a fear of the unknown or an expectation of loss. The front-end of an individual's resistance to change is how they perceive the change. The back-end is how well they are equipped…...



Organizational Change Primer (2000) Management Decision and Research Center, Health Services Research and Development Service, Office of Research and Development, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. May 2000. Online available at

Qubein, Nido R. (2002) Change: Embrace or Resist it. BNET Online available at

Tyler, Debra Allcock (2007) People are right to fear change - Leading People. Third Sector 4 Apr 2007.

Managing Change: Managing People's Fear

Managing Change and USAA the
Pages: 3 Words: 870

The success of in the CR marketplace underscores how technology specifically designed to address users' unmet needs to become more productive yet not constrained by technology is a case in point. Technology that enables higher productivity and meets needs yet does not restrict users' flexibility in managing their work how they want succeeds.
anagerial Challenges and Responsibilities for Rapid Change anagement

When rapid organizational change is attempted, managers need to confront and often deal with internal organizational cultures, which are often impediments to rapid change. For any manager involved in rapid change, the challenge of slightly modifying an organizations' culture can be daunting. For USAA, as the organization is already adopting a process-centric view of change and working to integrate systems so that employees will be better able to serve customers, the habit of change, so to speak, is beginning to set in. Yet in many organizational cultures, the more…...


Managerial Expertise require to make Change Management Strategies Work

Countering resistance to change that starts with fear of the future takes nothing less than a leader who is passionate about making change part of the company's culture. Leadership behaviors to initiate and sustain the momentum of transforming it initiatives into high value and lasting business strategies is never a one-and-done proposition for any leader. It must be a constant passion to bring change into a company if any leader is going to be successful. Aguirre, Calderone, Jones (2004) argue that the CEO and senior management team must band together and have a consistent and strong show of support for any strategy to be successful.

Combined with a strong sense of purpose that drive a passion for change, managers need to transform themselves into leaders and also have exceptional grasp of BPR and BPM approaches to ensure both the processes re-defined and

Managing Change History of the
Pages: 4 Words: 1220

In simple terms, the plant has been inefficient for most of its past, mainly because some of its technologies are still obsolete and need to be change. However, if one decides to change the machinery, then it is most likely that the budget will be surpassed and that there will be problems with the union, considering the fact that there will be a surplus of worker and that these will probably be laid off.
As such, it seems that, in order to solve a problem, one may expect troubles in the case of the other two. The case with the press is eloquent in this case. This had broken down because its shafts had never been changed since 1979, however, solutions in this case will bring additional trouble with the union and the budget, as we shall see further below.

6. 1) the operational changes implemented will probably have, in the…...

Managing Change in a Workplace Requires Very Specific Skills
Pages: 3 Words: 1116

Managing Change
Having the skills and savvy to manage the many challenges in today's workforce does not come automatically, nor does it always come easily. It is a fact that many employees resist change, and hence this makes the task of leadership more imposing. This paper reviews several current challenges that executives and managers must meet with competency in order to bring their organizations through a period of change. Three challenges in particular are covered in this paper: assuring employees change is a necessary event in order to continue to be profitable; giving employees the skills and leadership to help them overcome doubts; managers must know how to communicate the vision the company has decided to set as a goal.

Resistance to Change -- How to Overcome Resistance

Botezat Elena -- with the Faculty of Economics at the University of Oradea -- lists several obstacles that are often present when an organization resists…...


Works Cited

Elena, B. (2012). Managing Change: Some Theoretical and Applicative Aspects. Economic Science Series, 21(1), 998-1002.

Palmer, I., and Dunford, R. (2002). Who says change can be managed? Positions,

Perspectives and Problematics. Strategic Change, Volume 11, 243-251.

Wilson, J. (2014). Managing Change Successfully. Journal of Accountancy, 217(4), 38-41.

Managing Change in the Organization Often Centers
Pages: 11 Words: 3036

Managing change in the organization often centers on one of several change strategies or approaches for implementing changes in an organization. Some are more applicable to some situations than others. A directive change strategy occurs when management takes all responsibility for the change and imposes it throughout the organization, using formal management channels already in place. This has the advantage of using existing personnel and structures and may be effective in gaining employee support through simple fiat. This approach works best if management is well-regarded and takes an active leadership position. The approach has the disadvantage of not soliciting information form all subordinates, who might have useful input. In addition, it can generate resistance if management is resented. A second approach is called negotiated change and occurs as the result of give-and-take between different interests. This has the advantage of involving all interested parties and so tends to eliminate resistance,…...



Elliott, G. (2005). Planning and Enabling Change. Retrieved July 6, 2005 from .

Evans, J. & Berman, B. (1995). Principles of Marketing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Simpson P.M. (2000). Market Segmentation and Target Markets. In Marketing: Best Practices, pp. 210-247. New York: Dryden Press.

Stratamax Grand Strategy (2005). Retrieved July 7, 2005 from

Managing Change in the Criminal Justice System
Pages: 2 Words: 686

Managing Change in the Criminal Justice System
One organization within the American criminal justice system that has undergone significant changes during the last few decades is the parole board, which is the institution responsible for determining when a prisoner is eligible for early release. Historically, parole has been used by the criminal justice system to regulate overcrowded prison inmate populations, while providing rehabilitated criminals with a second chance to assimilate into society. Since the beginning of the 21st century, however, a confluence of increased security during the War on Terror, rising crime rates across the nation, and widely publicized instances of recidivism has spurred politicians and the public alike to call for the abolishment of the parole system. According to the United States Senate esearch Center's brief on the shifting landscape of parole boards in the American criminal justice system, "while some states have abolished parole, systems similar to parole still…...



Bahe, E. (2004, March 22). Organizational change: Managing transition -- part 1. weLEAD Online Magazine. Retrieved from   dec04.html -

Reimers, T. United Sstaes Senate, Senate Research Center. (1999). Parole: Then and now. Retrieved from Government Printing Office website:

Managing Change and Dynamics in an Organization
Pages: 2 Words: 735

Component of Modern Organizations
Change is a common component of modern organizations. How do leaders determine when change is necessary? Is there a specific time and place for change, or should change be continuous? Why?

Change is a crucial component of the organizational growth process. Therefore, it is crucial for an organization to take inventory and initiate change where needed. However, at times it could be challenging to determine when the organization needs change, especially for large companies where change may be difficult to execute (Burnes, 2004). Even when the change is difficult, it is important for leaders to revitalize their organizations and bring about enhanced productivity as well as growth. Against a backdrop of increasing deregulation, globalization, the rapid pace of technological innovation, a growing knowledge workforce, and shifting social and demographic trends, few would dispute that, today, the chief task of the management is the leadership of organizational change. Because…...

Managing Change in Organizations
Pages: 5 Words: 1605

businesses strive to be successful in the markets and industries, it is the level of efficiency of the top management in the corporation that normally determines whether the business is able to achieve its mission and objectives. Most of the objectives and values set by a company encompass conceptions covering quality products and services, invention, togetherness of the team and a level of management that is effective. Nonetheless, an aspect of change from these set goals and values as well as practices can cause a disconnect in a number of these areas and departments which in turn can instigate conflict, communication issues and problems within the organization. This paper will discuss the case of Donna Dubinsky and Apple Computer, Inc. where a sudden and unanticipated change within the organization brought about conflict and caused communication barriers within the company.
Question 1

The interaction and management of the recipients of change is…...



Jick, T., & Peiperl, M. (2003). Managing Change: Cases and Concepts. Boston: McGrawHill/Irwin

Donna Dubinsky and Apple Computer (A)" case.

Power Point Slides.

Change Management Change in the Words of
Pages: 2 Words: 731

Change Management
Change in the words of Wong (2007, p.195) "may consist of policy changes, new requirements, reorganizations, new management, budget cuts, or a change in business plans." As the author further points out, these changes could either be systematic or sudden. Changes are largely inevitable. In projects, changes according to Meredith and Mantel (2009, P.167) could be caused by three things; errors in initial assessments, receipt of new info regarding the ongoing project, and project environment changes. In some instances, a manager could encounter some behavioral alterations on the part of team members as they encounter change. The said alterations in this case could be as a result of the different responses people have to change. For instance, as Wong (2007) notes, while there are those who may be curious to learn more or view the possibility of change as an opportunity, others could either be suspicious or skeptical about…...



Adair, J.E. ed., 2004. The Concise Adair on Team Building and Motivation. London: Thorogood Publishing.

Meredith, J.R. & Mantel, S.J. 2009. Project Management: A Managerial Approach. 7th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons

Tomczyk, C.A. 2010. Project Manager's Spotlight on Planning. Alameda, CA: SYBEX Inc.

Wong, Z. 2007. Human Factors in Project Management: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques for Inspiring Teamwork and Motivation. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons.

Managing Change in an Agency Using a Transformational Leader
Pages: 6 Words: 1868

Creating and Implementing an Agency Policy on Ethics: Plan for a Code of Ethical ConductIntroductionCreating and implementing a Code of Ethics is an important step for any agency. This paper will provide policy steps for how to achieve this step. It begins with an explanation of how to establish the Code. This includes a description of what stakeholders to involve in the drafting of the Code and which references to source for its drafting. Next is the important step of how the Code will be communicated. Ensuring compliance and maintaining seriousness are the two big factors here.How the Ethical Policy Will be EstablishedDeveloping a Code of Ethics is not an easy task, but it is one that can be accomplished relatively reasonably. What it requires is input from stakeholders, which can be obtained both informally and formally, through Q&A sessions, focus groups, interviews, and surveys. The point is to collect…...


ReferencesAlqatawenh, A. S. (2018). Transformational leadership style and its relationship with change management. Verslas: teorija ir praktika, 19(1), 17-24.Mason, C., & Simmons, J. (2014). Embedding corporate social responsibility in corporate governance: A stakeholder systems approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 119(1), 77-86.Prendergast, C. (2008). Intrinsic motivation and incentives. American Economic Review, 98(2), 201-05.Wheeler, D., & Sillanpa, M. (1998). Including the stakeholders: The business case. Long range planning, 31(2), 201-210.

Managing Change
Pages: 1 Words: 455

Turning around a failing organization: NBC
One of the most outstanding management success stories of the latter 20th century was Jack elch's revitalization of the then failing GE corporate enterprise, through his statistically quantified quality control procedure known as Six Sigma. Quality control is defined as "the managerial process during which actual process performance is evaluated and actions are taken on unusual performance. It is a process to ensure whether a product meets predefined standards and requisite action taken if the standards are not met." ("Quality Control," Six Sigma, 2004) elch set standards for his new corporation in specific and quantifiable ways, and forced its different divisions to meet those specifications.

However, at present, there is a glaring decline in one of GE's key divisions, that of NBC. Once upon a time, long, long ago in entertainment news history, NBC was at the forefront of cutting edge television, with its 'Must See'…...


Works Cited (17 Jan 2005) "CBS Back on top of the Ratings." Retrieved 23 Jan 2005.

Six Sigma Dictionaries. (2004) "Quality Control." Retrieved 23 Jan 2005.

Human Resources Change Management Change Management Involves
Pages: 3 Words: 970

Human esources
Change Management

Change management involves thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation, and above all, discussion with, and involvement of, the people affected by the changes. If a company forces change on people in general problems will arise. Change must be sensible, achievable and quantifiable. Change should not be done for the sake of change. It should be used as an approach to accomplish some overall goal. Usually organizational change is provoked by some major outside driving force. Characteristically, organizations must start organization-wide change in order to evolve to a different level in their life cycle (Change Management, 2011).

Typically there are strong resistances to change. People are usually afraid of the unknown. A lot of people think things are already just fine and don't understand the need for change. Many are intrinsically cynical about change. Many doubt there are effective means to complete major organizational change. Often there are contradictory goals in…...



Change Management. (2011). Retreived from 

Cosack, S., Guthridge, M. & Lawson, E. (2010). Retaining key employees in times of change.

Retreived from 


Human Resource Management Change Management
Pages: 3 Words: 993

This was designed to reduce the uncertainty surrounding the changes, to involve the nurses in the changes, and to give the nurses a suitable method for voicing their concerns.
After this meeting, nurses did not initially respond well. The nurses continued to discuss issues and voiced various concerns, but they only did this amongst themselves and did not approach management. In response, Teresa spoke informally to nurses individually to ask them if they had any questions or concerns. In these one-on-one conversations, Teresa focused on the importance of offering the benefits of their experience and encouraged the nurses to provide feedback and suggestions on the procedures. This caused a greater level of involvement and the two-week review meetings were successful, with issues being raised. The review process continued, with the H department acting as mediator between the nurses and administration. This resulted in changes to many of the procedures and…...



Daft, R.L. (1997). Management. Fort Worth, TX: The Dryden Press.

Rashford, N.S., & Coghlan, D. (1989). Phases and levels of organizational change. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 4(3), 17-22.

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to mha 705?
Words: 244

1. The impact of leadership styles on organizational culture in healthcare settings
2. The role of emotional intelligence in healthcare management
3. Ethical considerations in healthcare decision-making and resource allocation
4. The importance of strategic planning and implementation in healthcare organizations
5. The challenges and opportunities of integrating technology in healthcare management
6. The role of communication and teamwork in improving healthcare outcomes
7. The impact of healthcare policy and legislation on organizational management
8. The role of diversity and inclusion in creating a more equitable healthcare system
9. The importance of continuous quality improvement in healthcare management
10. The challenges of managing change and innovation in healthcare organizations.

How can systemic formulation help create a comprehensive understanding of complex issues within organizations?
Words: 590

## Systemic Formulation: A Comprehensive Approach to Organizational Complexity

Systemic formulation is a powerful tool that enables a comprehensive understanding of complex issues within organizations. It considers organizations as dynamic, interconnected systems where individual elements influence and are influenced by the overall system. By adopting a systemic perspective, organizations can gain valuable insights into complex challenges and develop more effective solutions.

Understanding Organizational Complexity

Organizations are not static entities but rather complex, evolving systems. They are composed of multiple interconnected parts, including individuals, teams, departments, and external stakeholders. Systemic formulation recognizes the interdependence of these elements and their collective impact on organizational outcomes.


How can effective communication strategies address employee resistance to change in public sector?
Words: 645

1. Introduction

The public sector is constantly evolving due to advancements in e-governance, technology, and political administration. These changes can bring about significant benefits, such as increased efficiency, transparency, and accessibility. However, they can also lead to resistance from employees who may fear job displacement, skill obsolescence, or a disruption to their established work routines. To address this resistance, effective communication strategies and change management interventions are essential to foster collaboration and acceptance. This essay will investigate the reasons for employee resistance to change in the public sector due to e-governance, technology, and political administration and identify effective communication strategies and....

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