Management Strategies Essays (Examples)

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Management Strategies the History of Apple Corporation
Pages: 5 Words: 1607

Management Strategies
The History of Apple Corporation

Strategy Development and Implementation

The History of Apple Corporation

The corporation has an exciting history, as it has transformed to the biggest and most successful technology firms in the world, under the best managers of time. Both the employees of the firm, the management and the product consumers have been linked to the firm's success. The firm was started with the two Steves, who from their early lives had shown considerable interest in electronics. Steve Jobs and Steve Woznlak were former employees at Atari and HP respectively. However, in April 1976, the two conceptualized the Apple computer, which was among the first personal computers at that time. The company has focused on products that are innovative and new in the market ever since it was started. It is Job that started developed the legendary Macintosh, which is known to many as 'Mac'. There have been tremendous changes…...



Lamb, C.W., Hair, J.F. & McDaniel, C. (2011). Essentials of Marketing. New York: Cengage Learning.

Quelch, J.A. & Deshpande, R. (2004). The Global Market: Developing a Strategy to Manage Across Borders. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Schermerhorn, J.R. (2011). Exploring Management. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Management Strategies I Think the Two Top
Pages: 2 Words: 570

Management Strategies
I think the two top skills to possess are probably time management and interpersonal skills. The definition of time management it is the process of planning, creating awareness, and harnessing control over the amount of time spent on specific activities to increase the overall level of efficiency and effectiveness. These principles and processes vary from one company to another but they are critical to any organizations effectiveness. I would focus on time management to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

Many scholars and business leaders have discussed how the principles of managing time are used in time processes and they can serves as a guide for people. If used they might help to foster manage time however there are more than one technique that can be applied to time management. Thus the specific time management plan must be chosen for the organization and management strategy. All these…...


Works Cited

Deming, W. (2011, September 22). The Deming System of Profound Knowledge. Retrieved from The W. Edwards Deming Institute:

Vinzant, J., & Vinzant, D. (1996). Strategic Management and Total Quality Management: Challenges and Choices. Public Administration Quarterly, 201-221.

Zeithami, V., Berry, L., & Parasuraman, A. (1996). The Behavioral Conseqences of Service Quality. Journal of Marketing, 31-46.

Project Management Strategies Used for
Pages: 10 Words: 2745

All sheets must be accounted for and either closed off or re-scheduled before the new 'work to' list is formed. The maintenance superintendent checks all sheets to ensure quality of the system. Defects are entered into the system by the operations personnel who monitor the operation of all equipment or are usually the first point of contact for other personnel. The technician who rectifies a defect is responsible for issuing and completing the defect job sheet. Checks are made to ensure the same information on the job sheet is entered into the computer. Finally, regular reviews of the planned maintenance task are conducted to ensure their relevance (Allen 2003).
4. In addition, the Tunnel has thermal point detectors spaced every 15 metres over each lane; more than 40 CCTV cameras - an additional 48 cameras were installed in 2000 - facing oncoming traffic throughout both tubes; complimented by a manual…...



Allen, B. (2003) 'Case Study: Sydney Harbour Tunnel Company overcomes tunnel vision to streamline maintenance management.' Mainpac. [online] available: http://www.mainpac.

Badawi, I.M. (2003) 'Globalization of the B.O.T. System and Its Taxation Problems.' Review of Business 24(2): 60-61.

Barker, A. (2000) What Happened When: A Chronology of Australia from 1788. St. Leonards,

Strategic Management Strategies of Laying Off Employees
Pages: 2 Words: 674

Strategic Management
Strategies of Laying Off Employees

Step-by-step Process of Dismissal Meeting

Generally, a layoff is a reduction in employees to fulfill strategic needs of organizations or financial challenges. The reasons behind a layoff are the strategic issues being faced by organizations or financial issues necessitating drastic changes. Being at a management's position, it is important to understand the ways of coping the negative emotions that may accompany the layoff of an employee. For this reason, it is suggested for the manager to acknowledge that such feelings and emotional strain are normal and appropriate. It is recommended to realize that a layoff can create a profound feeling for employees and the entire organization (Bagley & Savage, 2009). This paper is providing the strategies for coping negative emotions fir laid off employees along with the ways of conducting dismissal meeting.

Strategies of Laying Off Employees

It is appropriate to layoff work rather than employees because most…...



Analoui, F., & Karami, A. (2003). Strategic Management in Small and Medium Enterprises. Cengage Learning EMEA.

Bagley, C.E., & Savage, D. (2009). Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century. Cengage Learning.

Barnett, W.P., Greve, H.R., & Park, D.Y. (1994). An Evolutionary Model of Organizational Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 15, 11 -- 28.

Bartlett, C.A., & Ghoshal, S. (1994). Changing the role of top management: beyond strategy to purpose. Harvard Business Review, 79-88.

Sales Management Strategies Three of
Pages: 2 Words: 956

Transactional selling is done through multiple channels, as websites, telemarketers, direct sales forces, and indirect channels including distributors, channel partners, and retailers all sell the most commonly requested products more on price and availability than features. The challenge for sales professionals is to sense when their customers want to buy using the transactional approach vs. The consultative sale. Generally transaction selling works best when the customer wants little or no information on the product, and their need for sales support is low, according to Benfield, 2001.
Examples of this include the selling of pocket radios both through retailers and over the Internet.

Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses

The strengths and weaknesses of each approach are defined in bullet form below:

Consultative Selling


Focus is on the customer and their problem areas first, not on just making the sale

Salesperson becomes the expert and eventually trusted advisor to the prospect or customer

Value delivered to the customer…...



Benfield (2001) - Redesigning your Sales Force. Electrical Wholesale Magazine and website. May 1, 2001. Accessed from the Internet on July 13, 2007 at (2006) - the American Marketing Association website, Dictionary of Marketing Terms section. Accessed from the Internet on July 13, 2007 at

Yankee Group (2005) - Drive Revenue through Information-Driven Selling. Yankee Group Report. May 2005. Sheryl Kingstone. Accessed from the Internet on July 13, 2007 at

Operational Management Strategies on Shouldice
Pages: 8 Words: 2301

While at the same time, it is giving them the flexibility to meet the needs of customers and improve the process of delivering the final product. Over the course of time, this will help their underlying profit margins to increase. This is the point that the company can effectively meet the demands of clients.
Are there other alternatives that Pepe should consider?

The best alternative is for the firm is to establish the finishing facility in a location that is close to the manufacturing plant in Hong Kong. To do this means that we must find a location that has low labor costs and in close proximity to China. As a result there are several different countries that we have identified which o could meet the needs of the firm and reduce labor costs. The most notable include: India and China. In each of these countries their total labor costs are…...



Carrying Cost of Inventory. (2011). Investopedia. Retrieved from: 

India's Organized Manufacturing Sector. (2011). BLS. Retrieved from: 

Manufacturing in China. (2011). BLS. Retrieved from: 

Shouldice Hospital. (n.d.)

Patch Management Strategies Patch Management
Pages: 3 Words: 854

The third significant risk is that of the patch not fully addressing the dependences of the operating system and browser variations in the total user base. elated to the second point, this is a major challenge at colleges and universities with wireless and WiFi networks where hundreds of types of laptops and mobile devices are used (Higby, Bailey, 2004). The sheer variety of laptops, PCs and mobile devices make patch management in larger colleges and universities a continual and costly challenge.

Cost Effective Measures for Patch Management

Spanning the spectrum from the manual to the fully automated, there are cost effective measures that organizations can take to attain a high level of effectiveness with patch management. Beginning with the most manually based approach of defining blacklists of systems that have been compromised on a network through server-based analysis (Higby, Bailey, 2004) to the use of semi-automated and automated patch management (Gerace, Cavusoglu,…...



George Brandman. 2005. Patching the Enterprise. Queue 3, 2 (March 2005), 32-39.

Tom Gerace and Jean Mouton. 2004. The challenges and successes of implementing an enterprise patch management solution. In Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM SIGUCCS conference on User services (SIGUCCS '04). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 30-33.

Thomas Gerace and Huseyin Cavusoglu. 2009. The critical elements of the patch management process. Commun. ACM 52, 8 (August 2009), 117-121.

Charles Higby and Michael Bailey. 2004. Wireless security patch management system. In Proceedings of the 5th conference on Information technology education (CITC5 '04). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 165-168.

Business Management Strategies and Courses
Pages: 2 Words: 781

Logistics and supply chain management is what Wal-Mart has as a core strength, and have consistently found new processes to accelerate inventory turns, reduce waste of time and money in the process (Dobbs, 2007). This efficiency of the Wal-Mart supply chains and its ability to move millions of products into the hands of consumers weekly is what gives the company exceptional power over supplier relationships as well (Hansen, 2009).

The unique strategies that Wal-Mart relies on for retailing emanate from their expertise in logistics and supply chain management, and the ability to manage pricing exceptionally well as a competitive strength (Appelbaum, Lichtenstein, 2006). The approach to retailing at Wal-Mart is more comparable to the end-point of a supply chain where the distribution center is actually the retail store. This is precisely the model that Wal-Mart relies on to gain process and cost efficiencies from its support and retail staff. It…...



Appelbaum, R., & Lichtenstein, N.. (2006). A New World of Retail Supremacy: Supply Chains and Workers' Chains in the Age of Wal-Mart. International Labor and Working Class History, 70(1), 106-125.

Raj Arora, & Charles Stoner. (2009). A mixed method approach to understanding brand personality. The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 18(4), 272-283.

Richard De Santa. (1998, January). Technology. Supermarket Business, 53(1), 18.

Dobbs, J.. (2007, October). The logistics of boosting efficiency. Retailing Today: CONNECTING NORTHWEST ARKANSAS,7.

Retail Management Strategies and Practices
Pages: 2 Words: 725

Retail Management
Best practices in the retail industry come down to ensuring that employees are well-trained, adequately motivated, and that there is a high level of quantitative management with respect to both staffing levels and with respect to merchandising. Getting to know the employees is a good start to developing best practices in the industry. Star merchandisers like Sam Walton and Jim Sinegal spend time on the retail floor. They know where things are in the store, they ensure that the employees are educated and working hard, and they consistently drill lower-level managers to ensure that those managers know their stores at the finest level of detail. Also, having specific programs for employee motivation, especially ones that can be tracked. This will ensure that the workers are giving their best to the company. That alone can drive more sales, because service levels are higher, but it can also reduce costs, because…...

Conflict Management Strategies Conflict Is Not Necessarily
Pages: 2 Words: 530

Conflict Management: Strategies
Conflict is not necessarily a 'bad' thing, and regardless of your personal comfort level with conflict, it is a part of life. However, awareness of your personal style can make conflict, when it occurs, more productive rather than divisive. Understanding what is at stake and what is the real issue behind the conflict is essential: "You may recall that one of the fundamentals of interpersonal communication is the idea of meta- communication, where one tries to objectively look at interaction between people and talk about it intelligently. We might sit back, observe a couple of friends interact, and then describe their interaction pattern to them" (Abigail & Cahn 2011: 9). We can also strive to do this, as best we can, with our own conflicts -- we must try to gain a sense of dispassionate 'distance' from the conflict to create a compromise. An inability to understand what…...



Abigail, Ruth Anna & Dudley D. Cahn (2011). Managing conflict through communication.


Project Management Strategies on the
Pages: 5 Words: 1576

Further research opportunities will be addressed after literature review. The application of various techniques and practices will be identified and reviewed. The case study review will enable to develop a theoretic and conceptual model. The activity of formulating the theoretic framework will start along with the case study and it will be concluded at the end of 6th month. The recommendations for applicability and validity of the model will be next activity. The research will be analyzed and validated. The research results will be concluded and presented in the study report. Following chart provides a vivid view of the activities and required time.
Duration in Months


















Literature eview


Identify Further esearch Opportunities


Identify Current Applications


Case Study


Theoretic and Conceptual model development


ecommendations for Model


Organizing esearch findings


esearch Analysis


Assessing esults of research


Concluding the esearch


Flick, U. (2011). Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. USA: SAGE Publications Limited.

Kerzner, H.. (2013). Project management: a systems…...



Flick, U. (2011). Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. USA: SAGE Publications Limited.

Kerzner, H.R. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Krueger, R.A. (2009). Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research. USA: Sage.

Miller, R.E., & Lessard, D. (Eds.). (2000). The strategic management of large engineering projects: shaping institutions, risks and governance. USA: The MIT Press.

Risk Management Strategies for Provident Health
Pages: 5 Words: 1447

Boldly Go Case Study AnalysisIntroductionProvidence Healthcare is exposed to a number of risks that could negatively affect its ability to deliver quality consistent care to its patients. These risks range from financial instability to the need for improved patient flow and resistance to change. Addressing these risks requires a comprehensive risk management approach. This paper discusses these risks, how a risk management approach should be developed to address them, and what the best ways to manage them are likely to be.isksThe Providence Healthcare facility faces a number of risks. These include financial instability, potential cutbacks and layoffs, poor patient flow, poor productivity, resistance to change, lack of stakeholder engagement, lack of sustainable positive change, a possible over-reliance on Walsh as a leader, and the risk of failing to meet strategic goals (Weil & eddin, 2017). For instance, in 2008, the global financial crisis along with growing financial pressure in Ontario\\\'s…...


ReferencesAni, N. C., & Ugwuanyi, U. B. (2023). Diversified Income Sources and Wealth of Shareholders of Insurance Firms in Nigeria. Global Journal of Finance and Business Review| ISSN, 1694, 450X.Ellram, L. M., & Tate, W. L. (2021). Cost avoidance: Not everything that counts is counted. Journal of Business Logistics, 42(4), 406-427.Weil, M., & Reddin, C. P. (2017). Boldly Go: Character Drives Leadership at Providence Healthcare. In Leadership in Practice (pp. 188-202). Routledge.

Global Management Strategy Of Disney World
Pages: 9 Words: 2488

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Magic of Cultural Adaptation: Disney World's Localization Strategies
     Analyze how Disney World tailors its theme parks, entertainment, and customer service to align with diverse cultural preferences in different geographical locations. Discuss the effectiveness and challenges of implementing a localized global management strategy and explore case studies such as Disneyland aris and Shanghai Disney Resort.

2. Overcoming International Challenges: Disney World's Strategic Approach to Global Expansion
     Discuss Disney World's strategic methods for overcoming barriers such as cultural differences, regulatory frameworks, and competition during global expansion. Assess how Disney's strategic alliances, acquisitions, and partnerships have contributed to its successful global management.

3. Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship in Disney's Global Management Strategy
     Examine Disney's efforts to incorporate sustainability and environmental stewardship into its global management strategy. Discuss how these efforts affect operational decisions, park design, and corporate reputation in the global market.

4. Balancing Global Standardization and Customization in the Disney Experience


Primary Sources

Walt Disney Company. \"The Walt Disney Company Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Financial Report.\" The Walt Disney Company, 2022.

Walt Disney Company. \"Walt Disney\'s Corporate Strategy Chart.\" The Walt Disney Company, 2022.

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. \"Disney Parks, Experiences and Products - A Look at Our Strategy.\" The Walt Disney Company, 2022.

Disney Investor Relations. \"Walt Disney Company Q4 Earnings Call Transcript.\" The Walt Disney Company, 10 Nov. 2022.

Iger, Robert A. \"Strategic Management at The Walt Disney Company: A CEO’s Perspective.\" Harvard Business Review, May-June 2022. (This would be a speech or interview with Robert Iger, accessible through platforms like HBR if it were to exist).

Global Management Strategy Of Disney World
Pages: 9 Words: 2501

Essay Topic Examples 1. Adapting to Cultural Diversity: Disney's Global ark Strategies
    This essay would explore how Disney World tailors its management strategies to accommodate diverse cultural preferences and practices across its international parks. It would involve an in-depth look at how the company navigates cultural nuances, adjusts its entertainment offerings, and trains its staff to effectively manage a global brand while maintaining local relevance.

2. The Expansion of the Disney Brand: Success and Challenges in New Markets
    The focus would be on Disney World's strategies in entering new markets, the criteria used to select new locations for parks, and the operational, financial, and marketing challenges faced during the process. The essay could analyze case studies of both successful expansions, such as in Tokyo and aris, and setbacks as experienced in other locales.

3. Economic Impact of Disney arks on Global Tourism
    Here, the essay would examine the broad economic implications of Disney parks on the…...


Primary Sources

Disney, Walt E. \"Annual Report to Shareholders.\" The Walt Disney Company, 2022.

Iger, Robert A. \"The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company.\" Random House, 2019.

Walt Disney Company. \"The Walt Disney Company\'s Environmental Sustainability Report.\" The Walt Disney Company, 2021.

Chapek, Bob. “Global Expansion Strategies of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts.” Global Conference on Business and Economics, 2021.

Walt Disney Company. \"The Walt Disney Company\'s International Business Strategy.\" U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-K, 2022.

Global Management Strategy Of Disney World
Pages: 6 Words: 1670

Essay Topic Examples
1. Cultural Adaptation in Disney arks:
    Explore how Disney World adapts its theme parks to different cultures around the world, focusing on the balance between maintaining brand identity and localizing content.

2. Disney's Global Expansion Strategy:
    Analyze Disney's approach to entering new markets, including market research, strategic partnerships, and the challenges faced in different regions.

3. Brand Consistency vs. Local Customization:
    Discuss how Disney manages to keep its brand consistent globally while customizing experiences to meet local tastes and preferences.

4. Disney's Use of Technology in Global Management:
    Examine the role of technology in Disney's global operations, from park management systems to enhancing guest experiences worldwide.

5. Environmental and Social Responsibility in Disney's Global Strategy:
    Investigate how Disney incorporates sustainability and social responsibility into its global management practices, focusing on initiatives in different countries.

Essay Title Examples

1. "Magic Across Borders: Disney's Global Management Tactics"

2. "From Anaheim to Shanghai: Disney's Worldwide Expansion"

3. "Disney's Global Charm: Adapting the Magic for…...


Primary Sources

Primary Sources

Disney Annual Report

Disney Institute

Disneyland Paris Case Study

Disney\'s Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Disney\'s Global Expansion Strategy

**MLA Citations:**

Could you suggest some essay topics related to cardiovascular disease on men who exrcise?
Words: 617

1. The Role of Exercise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Men: A Comprehensive Examination

Introduction: Highlight the prevalence and impact of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among men and emphasize the role of exercise as a preventive measure.

Discuss the physiological mechanisms by which exercise improves cardiovascular health, including increased blood flow, improved blood pressure regulation, and enhanced lipid profiles.
Explore the specific types and intensities of exercise that are most effective in reducing CVD risk.
Review evidence from clinical trials and observational studies demonstrating the association between regular exercise and lower incidence of CVD events.

Conclusion: Summarize the key findings supporting the protective....

I need some suggestions for bronchiectasis essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 234

1. An overview of bronchiectasis: its causes, symptoms, and treatment options
2. The impact of bronchiectasis on quality of life and daily functioning
3. The role of genetic factors in the development of bronchiectasis
4. The relationship between bronchiectasis and other respiratory conditions, such as COPD and asthma
5. The importance of early diagnosis and management in bronchiectasis
6. The challenges of managing bronchiectasis in children versus adults
7. The benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation programs for individuals with bronchiectasis
8. The potential complications of untreated or poorly managed bronchiectasis
9. The role of patient education and self-management strategies in bronchiectasis care
10. The advancements in research and treatment options....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on Anxiety/Depression. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 437

1. The link between childhood trauma and the development of anxiety and depression in adulthood
2. The role of genetics in predisposing individuals to anxiety and depression
3. How cultural factors influence the expression and treatment of anxiety and depression
4. The impact of social media on mental health and its contribution to feelings of anxiety and depression
5. The relationship between sleep disorders and the development of anxiety and depression
6. The efficacy of alternative therapies such as mindfulness, acupuncture, and yoga in treating anxiety and depression
7. The correlation between gut health and mental health, specifically the role of the gut-brain axis in anxiety....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on deforestation california?
Words: 508

Deforestation in California: A Complex and Thought-Provoking Crisis


Deforestation, the removal of trees from forests, has emerged as a formidable environmental challenge in California. Driven by various factors, including urban expansion, agriculture, and wildfires, deforestation has significant ecological, social, and economic implications. This essay delves into the complexities of deforestation in California, exploring its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

Causes of Deforestation:

Urban Expansion: California's burgeoning population has led to increased urbanization, resulting in the conversion of forest land into residential and commercial developments.
Agriculture: Agriculture accounts for a substantial portion of deforestation in California, particularly for the cultivation of crops like....

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