Management Issues Essays (Examples)

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Management Issues Regarding Office Relationships
Pages: 5 Words: 1503

"A well-written, widely publicized, strictly enforced fraternization policy won't prevent office romances from developing. It will, however, make life a lot easier, and less litigious, for you when you have to deal with it" (eh, 2010).

Amble, B., 2007, Office politics the biggest cause of stress, Management Issues, last accessed on October 29, 2010

Bailey, J., omantic and sexual relationship can cause workplace stress -- a word from the office, Ezine Articles, last accessed on October 29, 2010

Bowers, T., 2007, Love (gone bad) in the office, Tech epublic, last accessed on October 29, 2010

Fennel, A., 2003, omantic relationship at work: does privacy trump the dating police? All Business, last accessed on October 29, 2010

Kernesten, D., 2000, Office romances can be risky, rewarding, Work elationships, last accessed on October 29, 2010

eh, F.J., 2010, Office romance, About, last accessed on October 29, 2010

West, A., 2006, Office relationships,…...



Amble, B., 2007, Office politics the biggest cause of stress, Management Issues,   last accessed on October 29, 2010 

Bailey, J., Romantic and sexual relationship can cause workplace stress -- a word from the office, Ezine Articles,   last accessed on October 29, 2010 

Bowers, T., 2007, Love (gone bad) in the office, Tech Republic,   last accessed on October 29, 2010 

Fennel, A., 2003, Romantic relationship at work: does privacy trump the dating police? All Business,   last accessed on October 29, 2010 

Management Political and Management Issues the Article
Pages: 3 Words: 744

Political and Management Issues

The article Patronage or Cronyism demonstrated two common issues that are somehow usually apparent in public and government agencies - management issues and political issues. First, the article revealed management issues that involve the following.

A hiring of consultants that served little evidence of performance during their service inappropriate over-paying of consultants (which, from the article, the members of the DHS commented on Kramer's salary suggesting that "the consultant was paid for one month nearly what they would receive in an entire year") cronyism was in one way or another insinuated by the article's author because both Kramer and Schilling, who both earns too much worth of money monthly, are also both previously related to Foster

Political issue, particularly associating the Republicans and the Democrats, was also presented by the article's case of the DHS involving Foster, Kramer, and Shilling. The issue on Schilling came out just close to…...



Mellick, M.B., Meyer, C.K. Patronage or Cronyism.

Drake University, 30-33.

Management Issues and Practices James Strong the
Pages: 10 Words: 2719

Management Issues and Practices
James Strong, the former CEO and managing director of Qantas Airlines, twice sat on the panel convened at the Sydney office of CPA Australia to select those who would be recognized for the annual 40 Young Business Leaders list. Strong believed in the importance of nurturing young talent and threw himself wholeheartedly into leading much of the discussion among prominent leaders from all over the globe. Criteria for entrants included "the ability to land a top job, develop others and get the most from a team, and leading by example was also a must-have attribute" ("CPA Australia," 2014). To provide the scope and depth of the list-building endeavor, it is informative to explore the names of other participants on the panel, and to match them to the criteria they articulated for entrant evaluation. Here is a quick run down: James Strong looked for entrants who had "done…...


References 13

40 young business leaders. In the Black. 2014 CPA Australia Ltd. Retrieved from 

Bennis, W. (1997). Managing people is like herding cats. Covey Leadership Center.

Braithwaite, J. & Mannion, R. (2011). Managing change. In K. Walshe & J. Smith, Healthcare Management, pp. 830-861. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Cummings, G.G., McGregor, T., Davey, M. Lee, H., Wong, C.A., Lo, E., Muise, M. & Strafford, E. (2010). Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(3), 363-385. doi: 10.1016/j.jnurstu.2009.08.006.

Allegheny Management Issues in the Ownership and
Pages: 5 Words: 1399

Allegheny Management
Issues in the Ownership and Management of Protected Areas: The Allegheny National Forest Management Plan

The Allegheny Plateau, which stretches form western New York, through much of Pennsylvania and parts of Ohio, and extends as far south as Kentucky, was the focus of the Forest Service and the Organic Act of 1897, which put forth the National Forest mission of the preservation and protection of the nation's forests and forested lands and waterways (FS 2011). The Allegheny National Forest is a federally protected and managed area on this plateau located primarily within Pennsylvania, and ongoing environmental, social, and economic issues have made the management of this particular National Forest particularly controversial and complex in some regards (FS 2011; Hopey 2006; Senecah et al. 2003). Though making this more burdensome for the Forest Service, the complexities and issues in the management of the Allegheny National Forest make it an excellent case…...

Wildland Management Issue -- Fires
Pages: 3 Words: 1078

hat are the pros and cons of controlled burning in Yellowstone?

The pros and cons of controlled burning in Yellowstone National Park have the same consequences -- uncontrollable fire. The pros of controlled burning are twofold. First, studies have proven the positive effects of controlled burning with regards to fire management. As previously stated, controlled burns remove debris from the forest floor that can be considered fodder for larger fires. In addition, controlled and natural burning allow fires to ecologically impact the park. In recent decades, a variety of research has been completed concerning the benefits of the burns on ecology, and controlled burning is proven to, in most cases, allow for positive change within the ecosystem.

Part II Recommendation Analysis

Based on the above information, fires in Yellowstone National Park, whether controlled or otherwise, are an issue of grave importance to park personnel. In order to appropriately deal with the issue, Yellowstone…...


Works Cited

National Park Service. "Evolution of Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy." The National Park Service. 2001 January. 17 June 2008. .

National Park service. "Wildland Fire in Yellowstone." The National Park Service. 28

June 2007. 11 June 2008. .

Product Management Issues Quality of Design Performance
Pages: 8 Words: 2626

Product Management Issues
Quality of Design, Performance, and TQM -- As manufacturing design and implementation became even more complex, an integrative approach to the end product became necessary. There are many theoretical rubrics for this, but one of the more stable and robust is that of TQM, or Total Quality Management. TQM, like other theories such as Six Sigma, is based on the idea that the quality of the end product is the responsibility of everyone who touches the process -- from the creation to the manufacturing to the distribution. TQM, as noted, is an evolving process, and one that includes design, process management, stakeholder involvement and integration, leadership and management, strategic planning, cross-functional training opportunities, and the ongoing involvement of all employees. It becomes, in fact, the culture of the company. (Peratec, 1995). There are different aspects of TQM that impact the organization in slightly different ways, although the end…...



Chaos Theory: A Brief Introduction. (2010) IMHO. Retrieved from:

Trend and Control Chart Interpretation. (2009). Success Through Quality. Retrieved from:

Using Change Concepts for Improvement. (March 30, 2012). Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Retrieved from:   / Changes/UsingChangeConceptsforImprovement.aspx 

Risk Management Issue Over the Last Several
Pages: 5 Words: 1526

Risk Management Issue
Over the last several years, the issue of patient safety has been increasingly brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because a number of high profile accidents have taken place. This has increase the chances that patient will develop complications. Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than the most commonly reported cases involving malpractices lawsuits to include: incidents involving misdiagnosis, prescription medication errors, Obstetrics and surgery. As, these different events account for a total of: 62% of all medical malpractice cases. ("CRICO Coverage," 2011) This is significant, because it shows how the underlying risks facing many health care organizations have risen exponentially. In the case of the health organization we are studying, they have taken different steps to address these kinds of issues that they are facing. To fully understand the overall scope of their strategy requires: looking at…...



CRICO Coverage. (2011). Harvard University. Retrieved from: 

Gray, J. (2005). Real Time Patient Safety Audits. Quality Safety Health Care, 14, 284 -- 289.

Rogers, A. (2004). The Working Hours of Hospital Staff. Health Affairs, 23 (4), 202 -- 212.

Watson, R. (2008). Improving Patient Safety. Journal of Critical Care, 23 (2), 207 -- 221.

Cam Healthcare Management Issues Complementary and Alternative
Pages: 3 Words: 884

Healthcare Management Issues: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

The objective of this work is to provide a written summary on information related to Complementary and Alternative Medicine (DAM) and to answer the question that asks how CAM products and providers are regulated. This work will additionally answer the question of what impact the proliferation of CAM has had on consumer spending for health-related care and products and the question of whether there should be more widespread third-party coverage of CAM.

The National Cancer Institute reports that Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is "the term for medical products and practices that are not part of the standard medical care. Complementary medicine refers to the treatments that are used with standard treatment." (National Cancer Institute, 2011) Alternative medicine is treatments that are utilized rather than using standard type treatments. Standard treatments are such that are "based on scientific evidence from research studies." (National Cancer…...



$34 Billion Spent Yearly on Alternative Medicine (2009) Associated Press. 30 Jul 2009. Retrieved from: 

Health Consumers Spend More Out-of-Pocket than the Federal Government Counts (2011) Health Populi. Retrieved from: 

Santa, CF (nd) The Adoption of Complementary, and Alternative Medicine by Hospitals: A Framework for Decision Making. All Business. Retrieved from: 

What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)? (2011) National Career Institute. Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Retrieved from:

Staffing Shortage Clinical Management Issue the United
Pages: 6 Words: 1646

Staffing Shortage: Clinical Management Issue
The United Kingdom is facing a serious nursing shortage that seems destined to get much worse before it gets better (othcock, 2000). Clinical managers are finding it increasingly difficult to find qualified, experienced nurses and much interest is being given as to how to hire and retain nurses for hospital facilities.

It is important to understand why a nursing shortage exists. The nursing shortage is basically a product of supply and demand (othcock, 2000). The majority of nurses today are over the age of 30. The average practicing nurse is in his or her mid-40s. These nurses will begin to reach retirement age (65) around 2010, leading the nursing retirement wave, and half of the nurse workforce will be eligible to retire over the next two to three decades. In addition, numbers show that nursing school enrollments have been dropping. In a nutshell, this means that the…...



McKee, Louise. (October 31, 1998). Nurse shortage threatens UK care. BMJ 1998;317:1176.

Rothcock, J. (January/February, 2000). How to Beat the OR Nursing Shortage. Outpatient Surgery Magazine.

BBC News. (September 5, 2001). 'My battle to find nurses'. Retrieved from the Internet at: .

BBC News. (October 31, 2002). Half of nurses 'consider quitting'. Retrieved from the Internet at: .

Insecurity Managing Issues of Information Insecurity the
Pages: 3 Words: 967

Managing Issues of Information Insecurity

The field of Information Technology is unique among professional disciplines due to its high-paced atmosphere. The quick change of technology, particularly within the context of systems design and electronic information data-basing means that management in this field must be prepared to acclimate to security demands, practice obstacles and end-user needs all while implementing a system that conforms to the particular needs of the firm in question. Technological advance is creating a highly integrated standard for operational usage, particularly in achieving a balance between security imperatives and freedom of usage. Indeed, this concern is at the center of the discussion here, which considers how best to pursue a business IT strategy in the face of so many options.

As the discussion here will note, there is a general emphasis on employing certain 'best practice' strategies in implementing Information Technology security strategies. The background to our case discussion…...


Works Cited:

Microsoft TechNet. (2011) Enterprise security best practices. Microsoft. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from

Phifer, L. (2011) 5 best practices for securing remote access. E-security Planet. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from 

Venafi. (2011) 2011 IT security best practices. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from

Business Management Issues 1a Pretend
Pages: 3 Words: 1043

He taught me that any type of honest work is respectable and that a conscientious, honest, and hard-working bus driver or trash collector deserves more respect than a lazy or dishonest doctor or lawyer.
I have tried to apply that principle to every part-time job that I have ever had and I discovered that even menial labor is much more satisfying when you make a conscientious effort and try to do it to the best of your ability. It seems that even simple tasks can be psychologically rewarding when one solves problems and achieves a specific goal, regardless of the particular nature of the work itself. This is something that I learned the hard way after making less than a full effort at a relatively easy job. In some respects, I think I had trouble taking it seriously because I considered the work "beneath" me and unchallenging. Ironically, I did…...

Management Assessing the Many Management Challenges George
Pages: 3 Words: 1064

Assessing the Many Management Challenges George Faces

Having stepped into Stevenson Company transportation department as its new supervisor, George is quickly overwhelmed by a department in disarray, chaotically operating without any leadership or guidance. The major management issues George faces is predicated on the lack of clarity regarding roles, authority and organization structure and clarity of performance expectations. In short, the management issues George faces are what happens when senior management abdicates leadership of a given area of a business, allowing personal agendas and resentment to ester instead of implementing clear performance expectations. The lack of willingness to change and improve is more attributable the managers of dysfunctional teams than the teams themselves (James, Wooten, Dushek, 2011).

The first and most significant management issue is getting the transportation department integrated back into the company. The many symptoms of its malaise and dysfunctional nature can be attributed to its lack of leadership and…...



James, E.H., Wooten, L.P., & Dushek, K. (2011). Crisis management: Informing a new leadership research agenda. The Academy of Management Annals, 5(1), 455.

Jaques, T. (2012). Crisis leadership: A view from the executive suite. Journal of Public Affairs, 12(4), 366.

Kovjanic, S., Schuh, S.C., & Jonas, K. (2013). Transformational leadership and performance: An experimental investigation of the mediating effects of basic needs satisfaction and work engagement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86(4), 543.

Mathis, R.L., & Jackson, J.H. (2011). Human Resource Management (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.)

Management Empowerment and Performance of Middle Management
Pages: 4 Words: 1411

Empowerment and Performance of Middle Management

The empowerment of middle managers is a paradox that is not easily solved. As this strata or level of management is often given responsibility for making sure goals are achieved yet often they have little actual authority to demand results or use legitimate power (French, aven, 1960). Empowerment from senior management is one potential approach to augmenting the effectiveness of this level of management yet the context of empowerment is just as critical as the support given (Bartunek, Spreitzer, 2006). This paper will analyze the approaches for middle managers to be more effective in their roles, with empowerment being an enabler, not the foundation, of long-term change. For middle managers to achieve that, they must also continually improve and transform themselves from supporters of the status quo (as managers often do) to being transformational leaders in their own right (Jackson, 1991).

Empowering the Middle Manager --…...



Jean M. Bartunek, and Gretchen M. Spreitzer. 2006. The Interdisciplinary Career of a Popular Construct Used in Management: Empowerment in the Late 20th Century. Journal of Management Inquiry 15, no. 3, (September 1): 255-273.

David Collins. 1996. Whither democracy? Lost debates in management empowerment. Empowerment in Organizations 4, no. 1, (January 1): 12-24.

Eisenbeiss, S., and S. Boerner. 2010. Transformational Leadership and R&D Innovation: Taking a Curvilinear Approach. Creativity and Innovation Management 19, no. 4, (December 1): 364-372.

French, J.P.R. Jr., and Raven, B. (1960). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright and A. Zander (eds.), Group dynamics (pp. 607-623). New York: Harper and Row.

Management Undercover Boss Is a Great Show
Pages: 3 Words: 993

Undercover Boss is a great show for illustrating core management concepts. A season five episode features the CEO of the Larry H. Miller Company, owner of the Utah Jazz along with eighty other concerns. This episode features issues related to occupational health and safety, customer service and marketing. In the episode about Modell's Sporting Goods, a family-owned business that has been around since 1889, issues related to logistics, wages, and social justice come to the fore. In the first season episode featuring the CEO and president of 7-11, issues related to management and corporate structure, customer service, and quality assurance are brought to light. These three episodes can all be used to better understand textbook concepts, from the particular skills managers need to succeed to ethics and social responsibility. Of these three episodes, the most engaging was the one about Modell's because of the way the owner came to realize…...



Schermerhorn, J.R. (2012). Exploring Management. 3rd edition.

Undercover Boss Utah Jazz: 

Undercover Boss Modell's: 

Undercover Boss 7-11:

Managing Non-Profit Organisations Organizations Management
Pages: 3 Words: 810

Therefore, it is important that they understand the influence of violence on their behavior.
The most important objectives of this campaign are represented by:

Increasing awareness on this issue

Improving the activity of authorities in such situations

Changing violent behaviors

The resources that the campaign is based on are represented by supporters, reputation from other campaigns, and the help of authorities. It is important that the campaign benefits from an increased number of supports. This is because they can help promote the campaign and its objectives. The reputation from other campaigns is intended to attract a higher number of sponsors. The success of this campaign relies on the relationship between the ed Cross and the authorities in these countries.

The targets of this campaign are represented by:


People that observe violent behavior in others

People that practice such violent behaviors

There are several messages addressed by the campaign. The message towards authorities focuses on increasing awareness and determining…...


Reference list:

1. Annual Report (2010). ICRC. Retrieved March 9, 2012.

2. Kimbarovsky, R. (2009). 10 Small Business Social Media Marketing Tips. Retrieved March 9, 2012 from .

3. Guion, M. (2008). Internet Usage Gaps in Developing Countries: Challenges and Solutions. InfoTech. Retrieved March 9, 2012 from .

Can you walk us through your process and insights gained from analyzing the case?
Words: 509

Process of Analysis:

1. Problem Definition: Identified the core problem as the decline in market share and profits for the electronics company.

2. Data Collection: Gathered data from financial statements, sales reports, market research, and competitive analysis.

3. Hypothesis Generation: Formulated hypotheses related to factors contributing to the decline, such as product innovation, marketing effectiveness, and operational efficiency.

4. Data Analysis: Performed statistical analysis (regression, correlation) to test the hypotheses and identify significant factors.

5. Root Cause Identification: Used causal mapping and decision trees to determine the underlying causes of the decline.

6. Insights Generation: Developed recommendations and actionable strategies based on the insights gained from....

What are the common obstacles faced by working students in literature reviews?
Words: 556

Working students face a unique set of challenges as they balance the demands of both work and school. These challenges can range from time management issues to financial constraints. In a study conducted by Soria and Horgos (2014), it was found that working students often struggle with finding a balance between work and school, leading to increased stress and decreased academic performance. Additionally, working students may also face financial challenges such as the need to pay for tuition, books, and other school-related expenses while also covering their living expenses.
Another common challenge faced by working students is the lack of access....

How has internal migration in Papua New Guinea influenced the cultural and economic landscape of the country?
Words: 519

Internal Migration in Papua New Guinea: Cultural and Economic Impacts

Papua New Guinea (PNG), a nation comprised of diverse linguistic, ethnic, and cultural groups, has experienced significant internal migration throughout its history. This movement of people within the country has had profound implications for both the cultural and economic landscapes of PNG.

Cultural Impacts:

Increased Cultural Exchange: Internal migration has facilitated greater interaction between diverse cultural groups, leading to increased cultural exchange. Migrants bring their customs, traditions, and languages to new areas, contributing to a more vibrant and multifaceted cultural tapestry.
Emergence of Hybrid Cultures: As migrants settle in different regions, they....

What are the key findings of current literature on biogas production from domestic waste?
Words: 750

Biogas production from domestic waste is a sustainable energy solution that can help mitigate both waste management issues and greenhouse gas emissions. As such, there is a growing body of literature analyzing the potential and challenges of biogas production from domestic waste. One key finding in current literature is the potential for significant energy generation from domestic waste through biogas production. A study by Chen et al. (2017) found that biogas production from domestic waste can contribute a substantial amount of renewable energy, which can be used for electricity generation and heating. This potential is particularly significant in urban areas....

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