Furuholt, (2006) argues that lack of management engagement to the acceptance of information systems has been a barrier to the implementation of information systems. The issues are even common with organizations in the developing countries where management does not give enough priority to the information systems implementation. Importantly, implementation of information systems requires management support since management will need to approve fund that would be used for IS implementation. Generally, younger people are more interested in the it tools than older people. In a situation where number of older working team outnumbers younger working team within an organization, the IS implementation may be cumbersome.
More importantly, lack of knowledge of information systems may serve as barrier to its implementation. In the developed countries, private and public organizations have already aware the importance of information systems to the organizations. Many organizations in developed countries already realize that it tool is a…...
Abukhzam, M. & Lee, a. (2010). Factors affecting Bank Staff attitude towards E-banking adoption in Libya. The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries: 42(2): 1-15.
Ali, S.N.A. (2010). E-government services: an exploration of the main factors that contribute to successful implementation in Libya. PhD thesis, University of Portsmouth.
Bartol, K.M. (1982). Managing Information Systems Personnel: A Review of the Literature and Managerial Implications. MIS Quarterly.
Boh, W.F. & Yelling, D. (2007). Using Organizational Architecture Standards in Managing Information Technology. Journal of Management Information Systems. 23 (3): 163 -- 207.
In terms of the disaster planning, the decision was made to select remote backup services, the most cost-effective strategy available for backing up records and data. In terms of recovery, the decision to rely on distributed processing was an expensive one, yet assured HEWE of continual uptime due to parallel and fault-tolerant processor-based systems. For the insurance coverage, Business Interruption Insurance Coverage was chosen as part of the disaster planning strategy that HEWE undertakes. While there are many insurance options specifically for HEWE to consider, the Business Interruption one makes the most sense from covering potential loses due to a lack of systems and data being available.
The final area of the case study regards project implementation. While there are phased implementations, Big Bang implementations or parallel implementations, the last option would be most advisable for HEWE. It is recommended that the parallel implementation to minimize risk and also provide a…...
Hagop S. Mekhjian, Melinda S. Vasila, Kevin A Jones. (2008). Combine and Conquer: Computing from a Single Database. Physician Executive, 34(5), 30-32, 34-35.
1. Privacy laws are continually in flux. The most recent blow to consumer privacy was the 2017 Congressional overturning of Internet privacy protections. According to the ACLU, those pro-privacy laws “would have prevented ISPs from sharing our browsing history with advertisers, forced ISPs to be clear about what information they’re collecting, and required ISPs to take reasonable steps to protect our data from hackers,” (ACLU, 2018). Several states, including Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and most of the Northeast have since begun the difficult process of working to reinstate Internet privacy laws (ACLU, 2018). The decision made in Washington, supported by the Trump administration, bequeaths a tremendous amount of power to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), giving them leeway and control over consumer information. Prior to this federal legislation, ISPs were not able to share customer data such as browsing history with marketers. The only potential benefit to customers would have been…...
Vandalism is a major concern because of the nature of the products manufactured by the organization and the high rate of theft generally associated with motor vehicles and motorcycles. It is recommended that the organization conduct a thorough perimeter and site security audit for the purposes of ensuring the maximum mitigation of any risks of vandalism and theft. To the extent that internal vandalism is a concern, it is recommended that the organization invest in security cameras to monitor critical areas. Additionally, employee physical access to specific areas on the grounds of the company should be restricted appropriately based on responsibilities. Likewise, it is recommended that different degrees of it system access be assigned to employees on the basis of need instead of allowing universal system access to all authorized it system users.
Computer Viruses
Modern it systems are inherently vulnerable to many types of malicious attempts at unauthorized infiltration and theft…...
Management Info Systems
My mother often tells the story about one Summer as I was growing up. Each year, we would host a family reunion at one of the local parks. My mother hated this time of year because the guest list seemed to grow larger every year, and she was in charge of so many things. To her delight, when I was 9 years old, I offered to "manage" the reunion for her. I asked her for all the people who would attend, and spent days quizzing her on who would do what, who would bring what, and even what would the contingency plan be if the weather turned sour or some other unknown were to occur. My contribution to the event was a very precise and colorful chart in which I used up every single color combination in my crayon box, drew lines for responsible people and products --…...
Information System
MIS stands for "Management Information System." It is one of the computer-based tools to manage organizational operations efficiently. It consists of software that managers' use in making decision, for data storage, in project management applications, for records and procedures for making customers relations etc. Nowadays most of the organizations have separate MIS department which is basically responsible for computer systems. MIS is also called "Information System" or "Information Technology." The combination of people, software, hardware, communications network and data resource that collect, transform and distribute information in an organization is called an information system (O'Brien, 1999).
Working of the information system depends on the different activists. The first activity is input of data resources. It involves the data entry. Data can be of any time like transactions data etc. Then information system analyzes and processes that data to form information. Now this information is transferred to end users in the…...
O'Brien, J (1999). Management Information Systems -- Managing Information Technology in the Internetworked Enterprise. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
ISACA (2006). CISA Review Manual 2006. Information Systems Audit and Control Association.
ISACA. 2008. "Segregation of Duties Control matrix." Retrieved May 25, 2011, from
Kiountouzis, E.A. And Kokolakis, S.A. (1996). Information systems security: facing the information society of the 21st century London: Chapman & Hall
information systems and its effects on business processes. Moreover, I have explained the several business components and their effectiveness as information systems. In addition, I have provided information regarding the effects of information systems on various business careers.
Information systems have brought revolutions and innovations in today's business' setups and also have developed a close relationship with globalization. The responsibility of these information systems in an organization is not to support the tasks of the individuals but to support business functions as a whole. Nowadays, business operations are conducted by using e-mail, online conferences (video/audio) and cell phones which have turned out to be the most fundamental tools in business execution. Information systems, if truth be told, are the basis of accelerating supply chains. The businesses today have the advantage of using internet for purchasing, selling, advertising and imploring the feedbacks from consumers/customers online. It is now the purpose of…...
Alter, S. (2002). Information Systems: Foundation of E-Business, 4/e (4th ed.). New Delhi, India: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from http://books.google.com.pk/books?id=ElXnQdPTEQ4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=Information+Systems:+Foundation+of+E-Business&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8OkdUZaKN6XJ0AXE7oCADQ&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Information%20Systems%3A%20Foundation%20of%20E-Business&f=false
Chatterjee, I. (2010). Management Information Systems. Delhi, India: PHI Learning Private Limited. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from http://books.google.com.pk/books?id=DOi2meoOKWsC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Management+Information+Systems&hl=en&sa=X&ei=998dUej2DIqL0AWQp4CgCA&ved=0CFsQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=Management%20Information%20Systems&f=false
Laudon, K., Laudon, J., & Dass, R. (2010). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm (11th ed.). Chennai: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from http://books.google.com.pk/books?id=gx-LOQmKou8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=Management+Information+Systems:+Managing+The+Digital+Firm,+11/E&hl=en&sa=X&ei=KM0dUcjxNOW00QXAtIH4Bg&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA
Lucey, T. (2005). Management Information System (9th ed.). Croatia: Thomson Learning. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from http://books.google.com.pk/books?id=A0bu30rNgJsC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Management+Information+System&hl=en&sa=X&ei=svMdUcLkNoi10QXfmoHYBw&ved=0CDkQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Management%20Information%20System&f=false
The ole and Impact of Information Systems in Supply Chain and Logistics Management: A Global PerspectiveAbstractThe rapid pace of technological advancements has brought about a paradigm shift in the supply chain and logistics sector. Information systems are becoming indispensable tools that facilitate global transportation, logistical operations, and supply chain management. This paper aims to explore the role of information systems in streamlining supply chain and logistics management, with a particular focus on global operations. It delves into the distinguishing factors of international versus domestic logistics and how information systems bridge the gap between the two. The paper also highlights the ways in which these systems aid in global transportation decision-making and managing inventory costs, underlining their significance in achieving operational efficiencies.IntroductionIn an increasingly interconnected and digital world, the role of information systems in supply chain and logistics management is becoming more pivotal. As global supply chains continue to grow in…...
mlaReferencesDavenport, T.H. (1998). Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system. Harvard Business Review, 76(4), 121-131.Keller, G., & Teufel, T. (1998). SAP R/3 process-oriented implementation: iterative process prototyping. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.Rodrigue, J. P. (2020). The geography of transport systems. Routledge.Rushton, A., Croucher, P., & Baker, P. (2022). The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers.Sheffi, Y., Saenz, M. J., Rivera, L., & Gligor, D. (2019). New forms of partnership: the role of logistics clusters in facilitating horizontal collaboration mechanisms. European Planning Studies, 27(5), 905-931.Stefansson, G. (2002). Business-to-business data sharing: A source for integration of supply chains. International journal of production economics, 75(1-2), 135-146.Tseng, Y.Y., Yue, W.L., & Taylor, M.A.P. (2005). The role of transportation in logistics chain. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 1657-1672.
This is so important because the current business environment is full of competitions and therefore firms that don't focus on external value creation eventually lose their competitive advantage (Spulber,2009). The current business scene is very competitive meaning that each form must have an edge so as to win over more customers. The process requires that the internal and the external business processes be fine tuned using all tools available. The adopted tools should be able to react to the changes in the corporate environment such as new business models. New technologies such as management information system strategy are important in order to remain competitive through enhance internal and external functions (Chaffey, 2002).
Johnson plc should invest in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) technology that would allow it to exchange valuable information such as order updates, product prices and transaction schedules to their suppliers and customers. This should be rolled on a…...
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Earl, M. (1998) "An organizational approach to IS strategy making." In M. Earl (eds)
Collaborative esearch
Many see collaboration as an investment strategy. While some may see collaboration as a scary area to approach in research, in actuality, collaboration involves more than simply sharing techniques or data. Numerous researchers in fact, regard collaboration as an important step in research. However, many researchers do not know how to collaborate. By increasing the amount of benefits one receives from collaboration, it then takes center stage as an important aspect of research.
Collaborative research yields higher levels of creativity and helps one network with people they may work with in the future. Overall, when one takes on the endeavor of collaborating in regards to research, there is less work. This is because there are more people helping in gathering information and compiling/analyzing data. Less work means more time spent on providing quality information and research to the project.
Another thing to note is criticism. Any work done with collaborators…...
Iso.org,. (2013). ISO 27001 - Information security management. Retrieved 26 February 2016, from http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/management-standards/iso27001.htm
Savoie, M. (2012). Building successful information systems. [New York, N.Y.] (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017): Business Expert Press.
Savoie, M. (2012). Building successful information systems. [New York, N.Y.] (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017): Business Expert Press.
Information Systems Management
What sorts of motivators, processes, and best practices should managers of virtual organizations adapt from the open source movement?
Open source movement is a far reaching and wide ranging movement of persons who offer support and backing to the utilization of open source licenses for all software or just a number of them. The open software is made accessible for any individual to make use of or undertake modifications, considering the fact that its source code is made accessible. Virtual organizations can be delineated as a network of autonomous companies that come together more often than not, for a temporary period of time, to create a product or service. There are motivators, processes, and best practices that managers of virtual organizations ought to espouse from the open source movement. To start with, the capacity of allowing members to not only use, but also to modify the data is a…...
Galliers, R. D., Leidner, D. E. (2009). Strategic Information Management: Challenges and Strategies in Managing Information Systems. New York: Routledge.
Heron, M., Hanson, V. L., & Ricketts, I. (2013). Open source and accessibility: advantages and limitations. Journal of Interaction Science,1(1), 1-10.
Hout, T., Carter, J. C. (1995). Getting It Done: New Roles for Senior Executives. Harvard Business Review.
Paul4Innovating. (2014). The role senior executives must fill for innovation success. Paul4innovating's Innovation Views. Retrieved 16 April 2016 from: https://paul4innovating.com/2014/03/03/the-role-senior-executives-must-fill-for-innovation-success/
Ideally, Zachman thinking pattern has been challenged by time and fails to address challenges in a real-time basis collectively. Such a basis would agree that a superior usage of technology is not near-change mechanism. Zachman argues that a communication breakdown exists in the organization (by that time) because it handled the frameworks differently. This was not in line with the requirements of a desirable organization. Further to this, communication channels inside the organization have improved and not according to Zachman's times in the 21st century. While responding to Zachman, it is good to establish whether the current approach (data modeling / and hybridism for large calls and the superior application of technology) is satisfying (Bowman, Godfrey, & Holt, 2000).
As a result, future studies should apply the future design system that will integrate Zachman's ideas into real time environment whilst acknowledging the impetus behind data modeling. The following research questions…...
Bigot, L.L., Jamet, E., Rouet, J., & Amiel, V. (2006). Mode and modal transfer effects on Performance and discourse organization with an information retrieval dialogue system in natural language. Computers in Human Behavior, 22(3), 467-500.
Bowman, I., Godfrey, M., & Holt, R. (2000). Connecting architecture reconstruction frameworks. Information and Software Technology, 42(2), 91-102
Huysman, M. (2000). Rethinking organizational learning: analyzing learning processes of information system designers. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 10(2), 81-99
Raeesi, M., & Sadeghi-Niaraki, A. (2013). Gis-Based System For Post-Earthquake Crisis Management Using Cellular Network. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-1/W3, 321-325.
Information System Briefing
the Process of selecting & acquiring an Information System (IS) for Healthcare:
Any medical organization planning to go for an IS must choose an efficient Electronic Patient ecord -- EP which is the starting point of any computerized system. Effectiveness of the following points must drive the process of selection and acquisition of an IS. These are (i) Patient care which is the documented record of every patient undergoing process at the medical care unit. (ii) Communication: Patient records constitute and important means through which doctors, nurses and other are able to communicate with one another regarding patient requirements. (iii) Legal documentation: Legal documentation is important as these keep track document care as well as treatment, can become legal records. (iv) Billing and reimbursement: Patient record delivers the documentation which is used by patients to verify billed services. (v) esearch and quality management: Patient records are used in a…...
Anderson, James. G; Aydin, Carolyn. (2005) "Evaluating the Organizational Impact of Healthcare Information Systems" Springer.
Keshavjee, K; Bosomworth, J; Copen, J. (2006) "Best practices in EMR implementation"
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006; 2006: 982. compete-study.com [PDF]
Wager, Karen A; Lee, Frances W; Glase, John P. (2009) "Healthcare Information System -- A
Information System/Internet Strategy
Information technology and Internet systems have become such an integrated part of life today that all businesses of any significant size have at least some form of electronic media as part of their daily operations. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine how any business could function without at least an e-mail platform or an electronic database connection. What I have learnt about decision making, the role of information, information systems, and knowledge management should help me in my current job situation, when thinking critically about the ways in which other businesses conduct their operations, and in constructing my own operations should I be a business owner in the future. This knowledge can be applied to my current work situation at the telecommunication company Orange, as well as to a group investigation I was part of for the Manchester University.
The Orange company, where I am currently employed, is a…...
Davenport, T.H. (2006, Jan). Competing on Analytics.
Maes, R. (2009). An Integrative Perspective on Information Management.
Peppard, J. (1999). Information management in the global enterprise: an organising framework. European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 8.
The vision Oracle has is one of unifying all of their enterprise applications into their Fusion architecture and creating a single unifying Service oriented Architecture (SOA) was first announced in 2006 (Krill, 13). Since that time Oracle has continually strived to create an SOA in Fusion that would appeal to its corporate customers. The proposed Fusion SOA platform has been designed to be robust and scalable enough to encompass enterprise-level applications including Enterprise esource Planning (EP) applications while also being flexible enough to provide for individualized application development. There are critics of SOA in general and Fusion specifically, with industry analysts considering it too difficult to create a process-centric model that allows for pervasive, in-depth applications necessary for mission-critical business while at the same time allowing for significant scalability (Handy, 2005). Despite these concerns however Fusion continues to gain market acceptance and provide Oracle with a path to the fulfillment…...
Alex Handy. 2005. Oracle Fusion: The 'Frankenstein' of SOA? Software Development Times, October 15, 6
Paul Krill. 2006. Oracle Does SOA. InfoWorld, August 14, 11-13
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