Management Development Techniques
All business organizations seek to maximize the profitability using the least available resources. The bottom-line in realizing such coveted success is by making their management processes efficient. In this regard, managers will often employ various techniques in developing and improving their existing management styles. This is because new issues always would come up and have to be addressed through the necessary change management initiatives. This study will look at the various techniques that would develop effective management practices for a business organization. The study will discuss the management development techniques, which are necessary for an effective business organization. This significant area of study enhances the effectiveness of organizations in addressing the challenges they face through the development of various management techniques.
Various management development techniques may be employed by organizations in different contexts. This is because various business organizations are faced with dynamic challenges, which may require unique approaches…...
Alavi, M. & Leidner, D. (2001). Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues, MIS Quarterly, vol. 25(1): 107-136.
Earl, M. (2001). Knowledge Management Strategies: Toward a Taxonomy. Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 18(1): 215-233
Kirsch, L. (1996). The Management of Complex Tasks in Organizations: Controlling the Systems Development Process, Organization Science, vol. 7(1): 1-21
Marrewijk, M. & Timmers, J. (2003). Human Capital Management: New Possibilities in People Management, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 44(2/3): 171-184
Management accounting is an important factor that helps organizations to map their future directions through providing managers with necessary information for the establishment of strategies that ensures all inputs, processes, and outputs are in line with the organizational goals. Through the information provided by management accounting, managers access information that is critical in formulating policy, making comparison between alternative situations, and evaluate and examine performance. While management accounting has similar roles across organizations, the accounting procedures and techniques tend o differ significantly in the private and public sector.
Management Accounting in the Public Sector:
Management accounting in the public sector is usually conducted by the government with the main aim of protecting public treasury through preventing and identifying corruption and graft. Therefore, this process is normally geared towards facilitating and promoting sound financial management and public accountability. In an efficiently managed process, management accounting involves planning and budgeting for financial management activities…...
Barrett, P. (2004), Address to the Challenge of Change: Driving Governance and Accountability
CPA Forum 2004, Australian National Audit Office, viewed 13 July 2012,
Management vs. leadership in nursing
Managers and leaders, though they are often thought to mean the same thing, are actually different people in an organization. Managers are involved in controlling and guiding the activities in the organization through effective supervision and handling while leaders are those who motivate their followers towards meeting a common goal. There are also significant differences in the characteristics and behavioral descriptions of managers and leaders. However, as stated by Marquis and Huston (2009)
, it is important for an organization to have both managers and leaders in order for it to succeed towards meeting its goals and objectives.
How roles of managers and leaders differ in supporting the organization
Managers and leaders handle different responsibilities; however, they also share some responsibilities. Leaders and managers are both responsible for keeping track of the progress of the organization and keeping track of where the organization is in trying to meet its…...
Denehy, J. (2008). Leadership Characteristics. The Journal of School Nursing, 24(3), 107-110. doi: 10.1177/1059840512341234
Estryn-Behar, M., Heijden, B.I.J.M.V. d., Ogi-ska, H., Camerino, D., Nezet, O.L., Conway, P.M., . . . Hasselhorn, H.-M. (2007). The Impact of Social Work Environment, Teamwork Characteristics, Burnout, and Personal Factors upon Intent to Leave among European Nurses. Medical Care, 45(10), 939-950. doi: 10.2307/40221534
Jennings, B.M., Scalzi, C.C., Rodgers, J.D., & Keane, A. (2007). Differentiating nursing leadership and management competencies. Nursing outlook, 55(4), 169-175.e164.
Lu, S.F., & Wedig, G.J. (2013). Clustering, Agency Costs and Operating Efficiency: Evidence from Nursing Home Chains. Management Science, 59(3), 677-694. doi: 10.2307/23359509
Management Philosophies
Samsung Group
Samsung group is South Korean company headquartered in Seoul Samsung town. Samsung group comprises of many subsidiary groups that are under the Samsung group. Founded in 1938 by LeeByung-chull as a trading company, Samsung group has grown to diversify into insurance, textile industry, retail and security industries. Samsung entered the electronics industry in the 1960s. It has grown to be the leading manufacturer of cell phones in the world. Samsung makes more annual sales and profits in the communication industry than any other company. Samsung is a multinational company that has employed thousands of people in all the subsidiaries that it owns. This makes management a huge task. Samsung needs to incorporate management strategies that will enable it to manage the employees effectively. Effective management practices will ensure that the company grows since there will be minimal errors associated will poor management practices. Samsung should develop a management…...
Kamii, C., Ewing, J.K. (1996). Basing teaching on Piaget's constructivism. Childhood Education, 72(5), 260-264.
Leonard, D. (2002). Learning Theories: A to Z. Westport, CT. Greenwood Publishing Group
Powell, K.C. & Kalina, C.J. (2009). Cognitive and social constructivism: Developing tools for an effective classroom. Education, 130(2), 241-250.
Ruth-Sahd, L.A. (2011). Student nurse dyads create a community of learning: proposing a holistic clinical education theory. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(11), 2445 -- 2454. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05690.x
Individuals wok half a day, o weekly based on the shaing aangements. Split and shaing of the jobs leads to the oganizations benefit, as talented individuals who ae unable to wok on a fulltime basis get an employment chance. Although adjustment poblems occu, the aangement of a pope schedule is equied.
III. Telecommuting also known as the flexiplace, is a woking condition that allows the least potion of the scheduled wok to be completed outside the office, with the wok-at-home as the only option (DAHLGAARD, S.M.P. 2000 page87). This stategy influences the jobholde based on the need of obsevance of the wok fixed hous, dessing in distinct wok attie, enduing the nomal limitations of commuting, and having unsweving contact with the administato. The Home wokes often encounte inceased poductivity, in which they epot minimal distactions, enjoy the soveeignty of diecting themselves, and appeciating the advantage of having moe time by…...
BOYETT, J.H., & BOYETT, J.H. (1998). The guru guide: the best ideas of the top management thinkers. New York, J. Wiley.
COLE, G.A., & KELLY, P. (2011). Management theory and practice. Australia, South-Western Cengage Learning.
CRAINER, S. (2000). The management century. San Francisco, Calif, Jossey-Bass.
DAHLGAARD, S.M.P. (2000). From ancient philosophies to TQM and modern management theories. Linko-ping, Business administration, Linko-pings universitet.
Management as a Profession
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a Profession is: a. A calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation b. A principal calling, vocation, or employment and c. The whole body of persons engaged in a calling. Increasingly management as a class of employment has come to be seen as a profession which qualifies on all three levels of this definition. Though there are ways into this particular profession that do not necessarily require years of intensive academic education, varying by industry and often pay scale there is a clear sense that those who engage in management as a vocational calling often require both years of education and years of internal preparation to hold the position (Crainer, 2010, pp. 12-16). Increasingly, the prerequisite to a management position is sought through formal education and a combination of formal education and provable experience in or out…...
Asian Association of Management Organizations website at:
Australian Institute of Management website at:
Beard, SS 2010, 'What is the point of management education?', Journal Of General Management, 36, 2, pp. 92-94, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 30 April 2012.
Birkinshaw, J 2010, 'Reinventing Management', Ivey Business Journal, 74, 1, p. 12, Regional Business News, EBSCOhost, viewed 30 April 2012.
There are a number of different definitions of management. The dictionary definition from Google is "the process of dealing with or controlling things or people." The Merriam-ebster definition adds that the process must be done "with a degree of skill." Management, therefore, is a professional discipline, one that can be studied, theorized about, and for which techniques can be developed and studied.
Management literature generally agrees with this core, but elaborates. The current practice and study of management have become highly fragmented in recent decades, such that there is no real study of generic "management," but rather specific study of different management subjects. Thus, we see "supply chain management," "human resources management" and "strategic management" as examples of studies in management. Yet at their heart, they all involve the core processes of organizing and controlling. Further study is focused on the distinction between management and leadership.
Boddy (2010), in contrast sees leadership…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Bass, B. (1985). Leadership: Good, better, best. Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 13 (3) 26-40.
Boddy, D. (2010). Management: An introduction.
Byrne, D. (2005).The man who invented management. Business Week. Retrieved November 1, 2012 from
Henri, J. (2005). Management control systems and strategy: A resource-based perspective. Accounting, Organizations and Society. Retrieved November 1, 2012 from
In addition, given its bureaucratic and restricted nature, budgets become out of date within a few months. This challenge is associated with the frequent changes to assumptions arising from changes in the market like commodity prices, demand, exchange, and interest rates. A tight budget presents a challenge to an organization and management today in terms of loss of competitive edge (Steele, 2008). This is associated with the current driver's of success, which require continuous innovation and fast response, over the traditional management of human resource and budgets. This implies that management that follows the traditional management style dominated by budget management is not in a position to accommodate innovation (Steele, 2008). This is presents a serious challenge for management today as budgets are traditional separate from strategy. It is a major problem for management since businesses and organizations thrive in the principle of strategic themes in operations, core business,…...
Bell, R.L., Bodie, N., & Fulk, K.H. (2011). Team management by objectives: Enhancing developing teams' performance. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 12(3), 17-26.
Darling, J.R., & Walker, E.W. (2001). Effective conflict management: Use of the behavioral style model. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 22(5), 230-242.
Ocneanu, L. (2009). The budget management and the board management agenda. Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, (1), 196-200.
Purcell, J. (2007). Mapping Management Styles in Employee Relations. Journal of Management Studies, 24(5), 533-548.
Every person that has worked for a company with poor management -- where a lack of communication or a failure to motivate employees is the norm rather than the exception -- can benefit from the readings in this assignment. There are quality companies where employees are encouraged and treated as valuable assets, and then there are companies that rely on threats of punishment and intimidation to get the most out of their workers.
In this paper, the critiques of six readings from the book The Manager's Bookshelf are presented, and each of the readings has value because it is good information based on experienced, highly intelligent authors that have had direct experience in the workplace. hat is important to realize is that a great number of people go to work in places where they are thought of as nothing more than machines, and they do not get respect based on their…...
mlaWorks Cited
Pierce, J.L., and Newstrom, J.W. (2013). The Manager's Bookshelf: A Mosaic of Contemporary
Views. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Management Philosophy
Management's principal characteristic is the directing and leading towards the achievement of predetermined objectives. An organization runs and works based on defined specific objectives, and the role of management to direct efforts and resources towards the achievement of these objectives. Over the decades, different management approaches and strategies formulation entail in an attempt to find the most suitable approach that can effectively and sustainably direct towards achievement of organizational strategies. This report makes a summary of management philosophies and approaches proposed by different scholars. The work identifies the different opinions on management and the theories proposed on management thought.
Of interest is the article by Kralev (2011) that identifies the importance of the Management by Objectives approach. The scholar proposes this management thought for it defines and uses organizational objectives in directing processes and functions in an organization. Kralev (2011) identifies that in today's business world a manager should lead…...
Bateman, T.S., & Snell, S.A. (2007). Management: Leading and collaborating in a competitive world (7th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwi
Dierksmeier, C. (2011). The freedom-responsibility nexus in management philosophy and business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 101(2), 263-283.
Dinesh, D., & Palmer, E. (1998). Management by objectives and the balanced scorecard: Will rome fall again? Management Decision, 36(6), 363-369.
He, N. (2011). Case study on the influence of Chinese traditional philosophy to the enterprise management. Journal of Management and Strategy, 2(3), 73.
Functions Management Model
This paper is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the implications of the four functions of management model for today's managers and defends why these four functions are still applicable to each and every role of a manager in today's challenging business environment. The second part explains the importance of sustainability efforts for an organization and their impacts on the job responsibilities of a manager. It also suggests a number of activities which managers need to focus in order to help their organization in becoming a socially and environmentally responsible entity. The final part is dedicated to highlight the applicability of universality of management for an employee during his professional growth at his organization.
The Four Functions of Management and their implications for Today's Managers
The four functions of management are: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. These functions are based on the Scientific Management principles that define the…...
Gold, J., Thorpe, R., & Mumford, A. (2010). Handbook of Leadership and Management Development, 1st Edition. India: Gower Publishing, Ltd.
Idowu, S.O., & Louche, C. (2011). Theory and Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility, 1st Edition. New York: Springer.
Robbins, S., & Coulter, M. (2006). Management, 8th Edition. U.S.: Prentice Hall
Robbins, S., Judge, T., & Sanghi, S. (2007). Organizational Behavior, 12th Edition. India: Dorling Kindersley (Pvt.) Ltd.
Management Accounting
The objective of this study is to discuss and evaluate the purpose and effectiveness of strategic management accounting for modern businesses. The answer should be supported with at least one business currently in operation on the London Stock Exchange, discussing the ways in which strategic management accounting can support the business in managing the current challenges it faces.
Strategic Management Accounting is addressed in the work of Cheong (nd) who states that modern business environments are increasingly competitive and dynamic. International competition through e-commerce and demand-based supply chain management dominate business. It is important for companies to develop coherent and consistent business strategies and to utilize management accounting tools to support strategic planning, decision-making and control." (Cheong, nd)
Integration of business strategies with the tools used for accounting makes a requirement of companies in identifying precisely what type business they are in so that products, customer types, services, delivery channels, and…...
Cheong, FC (nd) Implementation of Strategic Management Accounting. Retrieved from:
Ferreira, A. And Moulang, A. (2007) Does the involvement of management accountants in strategic management processes enhance organizations' strategic effectiveness? An empirical analysis. June 2007. Monash University Department of Accounting and Finance. Retrieved from:
Granlund, M., & Lukka, K. 1998a. It's a Small World of Management Accounting Practices.
Granlund, M., & Lukka, K. 1998b. Towards increasing business orientation: Finnish
Management Principles
Leadership Model Paper: Management Principles
esearch suggests that everyone is a manager in their own way. For instance, everyone manages his finances, time, careers and relationships. These examples of managing are simple and straightforward. However, when concepts of management apply in organizations, management becomes complex. At such a point, it calls for extensive studying in order to understand the theoretical basis of management. The application of management and the enunciation of management practices date back to the 19th century. In addition, management, organization, leadership, and organizational concepts have a link, in that they all connect to an organization's effectiveness (Bolden et al., 2003). The establishment of management as an academic discipline is a recent development attributed to the works of Peter F. Ducker in the 20th century.
The body of knowledge is taught in learning institutions and in programs that prepare managers for tasks in every organization. Managers are people who…...
Bolden, R., Goslig, J., Marturano, A., & Dennison, P. (2003). A Review of Leadership
Theory and Competency Frameworks. Retrieved from
Crippen, C. (2005). Servant leadership as an effective model for educational leadership and management: First to serve, then to lead. Management in Education, 18(5),
Part of the supervisor's job is to education social workers, help social workers "internalize the service aspirations of social work practice" and moreover help sustain "the worker-as-person in the face of difficult challenges" (Kadushin, 22-23).
Following the reading of this book, I am aware that when social workers perform "non-uniform tasks" in "uncertain and unpredictable contexts" -- toward objectives that are perhaps "ambiguous" -- that leads directly to more "decentralization of decision making" and hence a greater need for "autonomy" (Kadushin, 36). This is not intended to promote the idea that social workers should be out on their own following their own values and goals. But rather, it is an admission that I do need structure, and when there is uncertainty as to how to proceed, and where my intervention may result in possible failure, I need to know my supervisor has provided direction for me. The book is clear…...
mlaWorks Cited
Hardina, Donna. (2007). An Empowering Approach to Managing Social Service Organizations.
New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Kadushin, Alfred, and Harkness, Daniel. (2002). Supervision in Social Work. New York:
Management Organizational Structure
Organizational structure of an organization is highly determined by the kind of the products, services it is engaged in. Equally important is the size of the organization in determining which type of management structure will be well suited for it. Organization structure thus, is the way the organization is organized according to leadership of the organization. Many studies today reveal that, the nature of organization structure has a direct impact on its performance and success. For the purpose of this short study paper we shall examine organizational structure, as noted before a key aspect within an organization.
Traditional organizations structures
The organizations structure of each organization differs with others in some ways. However all organizational structures are meant to help the organization attains its stated objectives. Normally, a structure of an organization will change as the organization develops over period.
In general, scholars have advanced four main decisions that managers are…...
Bonoma, T, & Zaltman, G (1981): Psychology for Management. Boston: Kent
Brews, P, and Tucci C (2004): "Exploring the Structural Effects of Internetworking." Strategic
Management Journal 25, no. 5: 42952
Maund, L. (2001): An Introduction to Human Resource Management: Theory And Practice: Palgrave, Macmillan,
For a research paper on the significance of the pharmaceutical industry and the business aspects of that, you could consider: * Strategic management of the pharmaceutical companies. * The overall business model for pharmaceutical companies. * Problems that are facing the business aspect of the industry. * How changing laws are affecting the pharmaceutical business. There are others, of course, and you can also narrow down one of the options here to provide something more specific. Maybe pick a particular pharmaceutical company and do an analysis on how the health care law may affect it? Finding a topic that's narrow enough is key, so....
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