Low Graduation Rates Essays (Examples)

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Low graduation rates Recommendations Chapter Five
Pages: 6 Words: 1783

Chapter Five: RecommendationsThe purpose of this study was to provide recommendations to solve the problem of low graduation rates among Hispanic minority students at GCC. The problem is that 81.6 percent of Hispanic students at GCC fail to complete their courses on time (GCC, 2022). This chapter summarizes the recommendations for addressing the above problem, the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, resources needed for implementation, and timeline for each recommendation.RecommendationsThe purpose of this study was to provide recommendations to solve the problem of low graduation rates among Hispanic minority students at GCC. The central research question was: How can the problem of low graduation rates among Hispanic minority students at GCC be solved? This study makes two recommendations to address the above problem. The recommendations are drawn from reviewed literature and the data collected from study participants and are as stated below:1. Introduce outdoor pre-orientation programs for first year students…...

Introduction Draft Low Graduation Rates
Pages: 6 Words: 1811

INTODUCTION ecommendations to Address the Problem of Low Graduation ates among Hispanic Minority Students at Glendale Community CollegeYour NameDepartment, InstitutionCourseInstructors Name and TitleNovember 2, 2022IntroductionOverviewThe purpose of this study is to provide recommendations to the problem of low graduation rates among Hispanic students at Glendale Community College California. The problem is that despite the high levels of student satisfaction at Glendale Community College, only 32 percent of students complete their courses on time (Community College eview, 2022). This introduction section is organized into the organizational profile, which describes the project site, and the introduction to the problem, which provides the scope of the problem.Organizational ProfileThe studys educational site is Glendale Community College (GCC), a public institution offering certificate and associate-level degrees in Los Angeles California (Glendale Community College, GCC, 2022). GCC was established in 1926 to provide vocational and academic instruction to the people of Glendale, La Crescenta, and Tujunga…...


ReferencesAina, C., Baici, E., Casalone, G., & Patore, F. (2019). Delayed graduation and university drop out: A review if theoretical approaches. Institute of Labor economics, Discussion Paper No. 12601.   A., Onokala, U., & Momoh, B. (2022). Organizational climate – institutional environment nexus: Why context matters. Journal of global Entrepreneurship Research, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s40497-022-00330-4California Community Colleges (2019). Glendale College. California Community Colleges.  https://scorecard.cccco.edu/scorecardrates.aspx?CollegeID=731#home California Community Colleges (2019b). State Wide College Profile. California Community Colleges.  https://scorecard.cccco.edu/scorecardrates.aspx?CollegeID=000#home Casalone, G., & Aina, C. (2011). Does time-to-degree matter? The effect of delayed graduation on employment and wages. Alma Laurea Working Paper No 38. Community College Review (2022). Glendale Community College. Author. https://www.communitycollegereview.com/glendale-community-college-profile/91208 Dynarski, S., & Scott-Clayton, J. (2013). Financial aid policy: Lessons from research. The Future of Children, 23(1), 67-91. Glendale Community College (2022). About GCC. Glendale Community College.  https://www.glendale.edu/about-gcc/gcc-overview  Haverila, M., Haverila, K., & McLaughlin, C. (2020). Variables affecting retention intentions of students in higher education institutions: A comparison between international and domestic students. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 358-382. Shapiro, D., Dundar, A., Wakhungu, P. K., Yuan, X., Nathan, A., & Hwang, Y. (2016). Time-to-degree: A National view of the time enrolled nd elapsed for associate and bachelor’s degree earners. National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Witteveen, D., & Attewell, P. (2021). Delayed time-to-degree and post-college earnings. Research in Higher Education, 62(1), 230-57. https://docs.iza.org/dp12601.pdf Banwo,

Solving the Problem of Low Graduation Rates at GCC
Pages: 3 Words: 921

Introduction (we adjust the last sentence to include all the subtopics in the introduction chapter)This introduction section covers the organization profile, introduction to the problem, significance of the study to various stakeholders, purpose statement, and definition of key terms.Organizational Profile (additional information on the history of the organization)The institution began as a result of a public voting exercise, when residents of the target areas voted to have the Glendale Unified School District introduce a junior college (GCC, About GCC, 2022). The first semester enrolled 139 students who took their classes from the Glendale Union High School. The student population grew quite fast over the first three years of operation, hitting 435 in 1929, with 27 faculty members (GCC, About GCC, 2022). With the help of a Works Progress Administration (WPA) grant and proceeds from a bond election, Glendale Junior college purchased and moved to the current 59-acre site in 1937,…...


References Bazeley, P. (2017). Integrating analyses in mixed methods research. SAGE Publications. Clark, L., Birkhead, A., & Egger, M. (2017). A transcription and translation protocol for sensitive cross-cultural team research. Qualitative Health Research, 27(12), 1751-64. Muth, J. (2019). Practical statistics for pharmaceutical analysis: With Minitab applications. Springer. Tschannen-Moran, M., & Hoy, A. (2001). Teacher efficacy: Capturing an elusive construct. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17(7), 783-805.

Minority Hispanic Students at GCC in California Graduation rates
Pages: 6 Words: 1686

Chapter One: IntroductionOverviewThe purpose of this study is to provide recommendations to solve the problem of low graduation rates among minority Hispanic students at GCC in California. The problem is that 81.6% of Hispanic students at GCC failed to complete their courses on time (GCC, 2022). This introduction section covers the Organization Profile, Introduction to the Problem, Significance of the Research, Purpose Statement, Central Research Question, and Definitions.Organizational ProfileThe study's educational site is GCC, a public institution offering certificate and associate-level degrees in Los Angeles County, California (GCC, 2022). GCC was established in 1926 to provide vocational and academic instruction to the people of Glendale, La Crescenta, La Canada, Burbank, Pasadena, and Tujunga, California, who lacked access to higher Education (GCC, 2022). The overall mission of GCC is to assist students in realizing their informed educational needs through comprehensive instructional programs and student services (GCC, 2022). GCC offers programs in…...

Likert Scale Survey Questions for the Study on Low Student Graduation Rates at Glendale
Pages: 3 Words: 891

LIKERT SCALE SURVEY QUESTIONS 1Low Graduation Rates at Glendale Community College: Likert Scale Survey QuestionsCentral Research QuestionHow can the problem of low graduation rates among black (non-Hispanic) students at Glendale Community College be addressed?Likert Scale Survey QuestionsThe survey will require students to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with a set of statements.1. Glendale Community College offers adequate institutional support in terms of mentorship programs, career progression, and financial aid to help students complete their courses on time54321Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeThis question seeks to assess the overall effectiveness and relevance of the on-campus institutional programs available to students to help them navigate challenges and complete their courses on time. Studies have shown that students are more likely to persist and graduate on time if they have access to campus resources such as financial aid, effective customer service, on-campus disability services, mentoring services, and career progression support (Haverila et al., 2020).…...



Buckley, P., & Lee, P. (2018). The Impact of Extracurricular Activity on Student Experiences. Active Learning in Higher Education, 22(1), Doi: org/10.1177/1469787418808988

Haverila, M., Haverila, K., McLaughlin, C. (2020). Variables Affecting the Retention Intentions of Students in Higher Education Institutions: A Comparison between International and Domestic Students. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 358-82.

Kennedy, D., & Wilson-Jones, L. (2019). Examining the Institutional Factors Promoting the Educational Attainment of African American Males Social Science Majors. Journal of Research Initiatives, 4(3), 1-23.

Constructs of Self Determination Theory
Pages: 7 Words: 1963

THEORY REVIEW TEMPLATETHEORY REVIEW #1Write the central research question for your researchHow can the problem of low graduation rates among black non-Hispanic students at Glendale Community College be addressed?List the first reference in current APA Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-Determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68-78. 10.1037//0003-066x.55.1.68Identify the primary theorists. List themRichard M. RyanEdward L. DeciIn 5 10 sentences, summarize the theory using citations (write this as if this were to be used in the actual theoretical framework section of your applied research report)Ryan and Decis self-determination theory highlights the conditions that foster personality integration and self-motivation in human beings (Ryan & Deci, 2000). The theorys main idea is that motivation drives performance, persistence and intention, and that people are motivated either intrinsically because they value or have an interest in the activity itself or extrinsically…...


references to examine

Martela, F., Ryan, R. M. & Steger, M. F. (2017). Meaningfulness as satisfaction of autonomy, competence, relatedness, and beneficence: Comparing the four satisfactions and positive effect as predictors of meaning in life. Journal of Happiness Studies: An Inter-Disciplinary Forum, 19(5), 1261-82.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-017-9869-7 

Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2017). Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness. Guilford Press.

Low Graduation Rates at Glendale Community College Recommendations
Pages: 3 Words: 917

Recommendations to solve the Problem of Low Graduation Rates at Glendale Community CollegeYour NameSchool of Education, UniversityIn partial fulfilment ofAuthor NoteI have no known conflict of interest to discloseCorrespondence concerning this article should be addressed to:Student NameUniversity:Email:Literature ReviewI. verviewThe proposed study seeks to determine the factors that influence student completion rates at Glendale Community College and make recommendations. The Glendale College student population presents a rich racial composition, with African-Americans and Latinos making up over 65 percent of the population. Unfortunately, the completion and graduation rates among Latino and African-American students have been consistently low relative to their white counterparts. This is despite efforts made by the institution to make the college climate inclusive for all students. This chapter reviews relevant literature in the area of college student retention. The first part is the narrative review of literature on the factors influencing student completion and strategies for improving graduation rates.…...


Okuduba, E., Zulnaidi, H., Rauf, R., & Nwosu, K. (2022). Impact of perceived learning support and student engagement on remedial students’ science success in the university placement examination during Covid19 pandemic. Education Research, 1(1), 1-14. Scott, I., & Castles, J. (2017). Factors influencing the academic performance of African-American student athletes in historically black colleges and universities. The Sport Journal, Srairi, S. (2021). An analysis of factors affecting student dropout: the case of Tunisian Universities. International journal of Education, 1(1), 1-9.

Proposed Solutions Low Graduation Rates at Glendale Community College
Pages: 1 Words: 367

LOW GADUATION ATES AT GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGELow Graduation ates at Glendale Community College: Proposed SolutionsIn the present scenario, the problem happens to be low graduation rates at Glendale Community College. More specifically, the college has a graduation rate of 31%. Although the said graduation rate happens to be higher than that of collages that could be deemed similar to Glendale Community College, there is need to ensure that the number of students dropping out of this particular college is minimized. This is more so the case with regard to the graduation rate of Black learners which as per the most recent data stands at 12.29%. As the college points out in its mission statement, it exists to ensure students identify their educational goals and needs and successfully accomplish student learning (Glendale Community College, 2022). eining in the low graduation rate for Black (Non-Hispanic) learners would be in keeping with the…...


ReferencesDeRuy, E. (2016). How to Graduate More Black Students.   D. (2014). Blueprint for Success in College. Montezuma Publishing. Glendale Community College (2022). District Mission, Vision, and Values Statements.  https://www.glendale.edu/about-gcc/gcc-overview /mission-statement-objectives-and-functionshttps://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/03/how-to-graduate-more-black-students/475077/ Dillion,

Black non Hispanic Students Addressing the Problem of Low Graduation Rates
Pages: 1 Words: 359

Appendix CQualitative QuestionnaireWays of Addressing the problem of low graduation rates among black (non-Hispanic) students at Glendale Community CollegeThis questionnaire collects data for a study seeking to address the problem of low graduation rates among black (non-Hispanic) students at Glendale Community College. The questionnaire is made up of ten open-ended questions and will take approximately one hour to complete. You will receive the online questionnaire in your email via a Google Forms link, and you will be required to complete the same and submit your responses by 30th June 2022. To submit, click the Submit button at the end of your survey, after which you will receive an auto-generated acknowledgement. Please submit your responses only once.Instructions: please select the most appropriate response to the demographic questions below1. What is your gender?MaleFemalePrefer not to Say2. Which of the following categories best describe your age?21 29 years30 39 years40 …...

Bureaucratic Dysfunctions affecting Graduation Rates
Pages: 2 Words: 743

To: Prof. PieperFrom: YOU NAME HEEDate: THE DATEE: Bureaucratic dysfunctions affecting graduation ratesExecutive Summary.The minority students in the United States are much less likely to earn a college degree or even complete high school. Bureaucratic errors and bureaucracy are considered contributors to such academic underachievement (Halau, 601). andom bureaucratic errors affect most minority students because they are disproportionately educated in schooling settings where errors are prompt to occur, including in under-resourced boomtowns and urban areas. Solving the problem will guarantee a more stable country in the years to come.Low Graduation ates Among Minority StudentsAccording to several literature studies, the minority students, particularly the Latinos in the United States, are less likely to get a college degree or even complete high school. Also, immigrant children from the south and central America and Mexico face significant challenges enrolling in college or finishing high school. However, it is essential that these minority children…...


ReferencesHalau, Linda. “Bureaucratic dysfunctions in the education of Latino immigrant youth.” American Journal of Education 122, no. 4 (2016): 601-627.

Literature Review Synthesis Low Graduation at Glendale Community College
Pages: 12 Words: 3661

LOW STUDENT GADUATION AT GLENDALE Scholarly Works Synthesis TemplateInstructions:Type your central research question below. Then, you will choose two different scholarly peer reviewed journal articles that were published within the last five years that pertain to your research topic. Complete the table below for each article. Then, you will use the comparative template that follows to make a comparison of the two articles. Your voice should be evident in the comparative template. Assignment instructions and the rubric are applicable to this assignment.Central esearch QuestionWhat factors drive the low graduation rates among black non-Hispanic students at Glendale Community College?Article OneIndividual Scholarly Works TemplateInsert correctly formatted reference and link to the scholarly peer-reviewed work belowAlmenaie, O. (2018). Factors affecting the rate of completion of undergraduate students. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(36), 37-46. https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/download/45776/47260What is the theoretical or conceptual framework, if presentedThe study does not present a conceptual or theoretical frameworkWhat are…...


References Almenaie, O. (2018). Factors affecting the rate of completion of undergraduate students. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(36), 37-46.   V., & Kennedy, J. (2019). Students’ variables predicting timely graduation at a community college. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 19(6), 97-117.  https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v19i6.2308https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/download/45776/47260 Margarit,

Focus Group Questions on the Low Student Graduation Rates at Glendale Community College
Pages: 3 Words: 871

FOCUS GOUP QUESTIONS 4Low Graduation ates at Glendale Community College: Focus Group QuestionsCentral esearch QuestionHow can the problem of low graduation rates among black (non-Hispanic) students at Glendale Community College be addressed?Focus Group QuestionsWhat do you like best about campus life at Glendale Community College?This question may not have a significant contribution on the overall research question. However, it serves three crucial purposes in the focus group discussion. First, as the first question in the focus group discussion, it seeks to help the participants feel comfortable and at ease with each other (Bergen & Labonte, 2019). Moreover, it helps build rapport between the participants and the moderator, who is an outsider, which consequently provides an effective environment for the former to share their views openly and freely (Bergen & Labonte, 2019). The authors caution that failure to address the power difference between the moderator and participants would increase the risk…...


References Bergen, N., & Labonte, R. (2019). Everything is Perfect and We have no Problems: Detecting and Limiting Social Desirability Bias in Qualitative Research. Qualitative Health Research 30(5), Doi: W., Howard, K., Perkins, E., & Pesta, M. (2005). The College Environment: Factors Influencing Student Transition and their Impact on Academic Advising. The Mentor, 7(1), Doi:  https://doi.org/10.26209/mj761636 Scott, G., Shah, M., Grebennikov, L., & Singh, H. (2008). Improving Student Retention: A University of Western Sydney Case. Journal of Institutional Research, 14(1), 9-23. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732319889354Fleming,

Hispanic Dropout Rate Over the
Pages: 5 Words: 1756

As these two issues will tell you what specific factors could affect the performance of the student. This information is useful, because it can be corroborated with the other sources, to highlight what specific factors could be contributing to higher Hispanic dropout rates.
Clearly, the literature review uncovered a number of different factors that are contributing to higher dropout rates in Hispanics the most notable include: social / cultural differences, government policies that are to broad, bullying and the self-image of the individual. In general, the findings from the research are answering the basic questions. However, there are existing flaws that are occurring along with obvious gaps in the research to include: not isolating enough specific factors that could be affecting Hispanics and the possible impact of augmenting curriculum to cultural needs. This is important, because it shows the study we will be conducting can build off the information presented…...



Bae, S. (2007). Mexican-American Students Perceptions. Urban Rev, 40, 210 -- 225.

Brown, T. (2009). Empirical Research Study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 22 (2), 221 -- 242.

Houston, I. (2007). Predictors of Categorical At Risk Dropouts. Journal of Counseling and Development, 85, 196 -- 202.

Patterson, J. (2007). Cultural Contradictions. The High School Journal, 1 -- 16.

Low Carbohydrate Diet Results
Pages: 7 Words: 2853

Dieting Factors
Americans spend billions of dollars on weight-loss products and programs every year. Despite this, most people do not lose the amount they would like or, if they do, regain the weight after a short period of time. The problem lies with following specific fads that emphasize one type of eating pattern. The low-carbohydrate diet, which has been popular off-and-on-again since the mid-1800s, exemplifies such a diet program. Studies do show that the low-carbohydrate diet can offer some benefits, but over the long-term does not offer any more advantages than any other diet. Other factors, such as adherence to the diet and lifestyle are more important to the equation.

Americans spent approximately $60 billion in 2009 on weight loss products and programs, including so-called "special" diet foods, appetite suppressants, diet books, exercise memberships, workout videos, and stomach-clamping surgery (World Health Organization, 2010). Yet obesity, especially among children and youth, continues to…...



Dansinger, ML, Gleason, J., Griffith, J.L., Selker, H.P., & Schaefer, E.J. (2005) Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone Diets for Weight Loss and Heart Disease Risk Reduction. A Randomized Trial JAMA. 293:43-53.

Hellmich, N. Success of Atkins diet is in the calories. USA Today

Foster, G.D. et al. (2003) A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity. New England Journal of Medicine 348:2082-2090

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For-Profit Colleges
Pages: 5 Words: 1742

Profit Colleges
"hy do you think they are called for-profit colleges:"

The big business of (not) educating students 'You need a college degree.' This is the conventional wisdom articulated in today's society, where job prospects remain scarce, despite the softening economy. On average, "unemployment is still far lower for the college-educated than for high school graduates (10%) and those without high school diplomas (15.7%)," and the most severe effects of the recession were felt in the manufacturing and construction sectors, typically the areas of the economy which offer the brightest prospects to non-college degree holders (Davidson 2010). orries about one's viability in the job market have driven many workers to seek out higher education in nontraditional formats. Few adults have the ability to afford a traditional four-year school and balance the needs of home and work. Online, for-profit colleges or nighttime schools may seem the ideal solution. On the surface, it…...


Works Cited

Carey, Kevin. "Why do you think they're called for-profit colleges?" Chronicle of Higher

Education. 25 Jul 2011. [4 Mar 2010].


Davidson, Paul. "Unemployment rate for college grads is highest since 1970." USA Today.

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