London Gateway Project is a $2.6 billion project is a major port and logistics development in Essex, aimed at dramatically improving Britain's shipping infrastructure. The company undertaking the project is DP World, a Dubai-based company. The London Gateway is a deepwater port, capable of handling essentially any ship. The project is intended to be a significant upgrade on the current Port of London facilities. The Gateway is located on the Thames, not far from both the mouth of the river and from Greater London.
There are several ways to examine the impacts of the London Gateway Project. The first is to look at the immediate impacts. Part of the impetus for the Gateway Project is that current ports in Britain tend to be congested. The current major ports on the island are Felixstowe in Suffolk, Southampton and Liverpool. The former two are relatively close to London, but not nearly as close…...
FTA. (2014). UK port development. Freight Transport Association. Retrieved March 20, 2014 from
DP World. (2013). Open for business: London Gateway. DP World. Retrieved March 20, 2014 from
Rowlatt, J. (2013). London Gateway super-port welcomes first vessel. BBC. Retrieved March 20, 2014 from
Dickens took a dim view of London's preoccupation with materialism and commercialism -- even though he greatly empathized with the constraints that Londoners of the lower-classes felt.
Bob Cratchit, the poor but humble clerk in the office of Scrooge, serves as the representative of the impoverished but decent working class, with whom Dickens sympathized in the mid-1800s. However, like many of Dickens' characters, he is more fantastic than realistic. Dickens' idealism often had free reign (at least in his early works). Great Expectations, of course, reveals a London full of Londoners who fail to reach the heights of the humble Cratchit. But that novel also comes later in Dickens' career, and reveals a darker era in Dickens' own life, when the city of London seemed less likely to come to terms with its own corruption and spiritual decay.
In David Copperfield, the city of London is remarkably diverse and eclectic --…...
mlaReference List
Bacon, F. (1909). Of Goodness and Goodness of Nature. Essays of Francis Bacon (the
Harvard Classics). Retrieved from
Bishop, M., Green, M. (2009). Victorian Giving. Philanthrocapitalism. NY:
Bloomsbury Press.
London 2012 Olympic Games
How do the Closing Ceremonies in the Beijing 2008, the Athens 2004, and the Atlanta 1996 rate?
Beijing 2008. A viewer would be hard pressed not to like the Beijing Closing Ceremony, especially if they were a fan of fireworks. When the Olympic athletes wave goodbyes to the audience, it is always jubilant and often free-form -- a favorite was two middle-easterners in their formal white robes standing stark-still and modestly waving their country flags, whilst all around them, athletes from other countries cavorted with abandon. The "tower of Babel" idea was interesting and was, at least, easier to view than other performances on the flat arena floor. Again, though the detail of what was happening on the tower was easily lost. The lengths of fabric that were first pulled up to the top of the tower and then raised like petals on an opening Chrysanthemum were the…...
Chilton, M. (2011, February 16). Cultural Olympiad -- Interest in events will rise, The Telegraph.
Coe, L. (2011, July) London 2012 Olympics: it's the final countdown to the games, The Telegraph. Retrieved
EuroPost Campaign. Rose Design Group. Retrieved
To Steele, this idle and pleasurable time is a part of personal and emotional growth. To be sure, the text in question is driven by the era's emphasis on Literary Romanticism, where self-discovery is considered among the highest pursuits.
As Steele proceeds through the busy squares and thoroughfares of London, by the docks and through quiet alleys, he offers a sweeping and concise keyhole view into urban subsistence in his time. And he does so with no small air of affection for the bustling sense of purpose bred by this place. The author observes that "chimney-sweepers passed by us as we made up to the Market, and some Raillery happened between one of the Fruit-enches and those black Men, about the Devil and Eve, with Allusion to the several Professions. I could not believe any Place more entertaining than Covent-Garden; where I strolled from one Fruit Shop or another, with…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Steele, R. (?). Twenty-Four Hours in London. .
Sebastian Coe, the "star" of the emotive video in ondon's bid to host the 2012 Olympics, reflects on the fact that watching the Olympics as a child at home in Sheffield, inspired him. Speaking at the Sport Accord conference in Beijing, Coe emphasised the need to use online communities and new media to stimulate young people's interest in sport and activity. He stressed the need to involve youth to be particularly vital during this time "when 22 million children under the age of five and one in 10 school children worldwide [are] overweight, with physical activity and physical education declining in schools" ("Inspired by the 2012" 2007, p. NA). "Our [ondon's] challenge is to build a relationship with millions of young people over the next five years, not just in the summer of sport in 2012, and connect them with the meaning of sport and the Games like never…...
mlaLondon will gain further impetus and recognition - an international recognition.
Along with ambitious hotel building, trains and coaches group National Express will "wink" as "an extra [pounds sterling] 415 million will be ploughed into rail projects..." ("On the Trail of Olympic Gold; LONDON'S BID to HOST the 2012 GAMES OFFERS the PROSPECT of a BONANZA for BIG Business and the SMALL ENTREPRENEUR ALIKE" 2004, p. 40).
Another spokesperson stresses, that airports will welcome the competitors and spectators as airlines also will benefit. "The
London Housing
The research was undertaken to study the link between inequality and depravity, poverty and crime in the housing structures of London. The study found that there is wide spread economic disparity in London. This divide is evident in the living styles and the types of housing structures that people live in. The council or housing estates of the city are primarily the residences of the lower income families. This depravity among social classes creates strain within the residents many of whom resort to antisocial activities. Being influenced by socio-economic factors, some individuals also resort to crime. Thus, the estranged council and housing estates that are home to the lower economic demographics have turned into high-crime areas.
Table of Contents
Inequality distribution in London
Deprivation and inequality in London
Crime and Housing/neighborhood
Strain theory
Literature eview
elations between poverty, crime and neighborhoods 10
Neighborhood and housing estate defined 16
The Strain Theory 18
Other Forms of Strain 22
Cases of neighborhood…...
2011 Census: Key Statistics for England and Wales, March 2011. (2012). Office of national Statistics.
Agnew, R. (2006). Pressured into crime. Los Angeles, Calif.: Roxbury Pub.
Agnew, R. (2015). Using General Strain Theory to Explain Crime in Asian Societies. Asian Journal of Criminology.
Armstrong, T., Katz, C. And Schnebly, S. (2010). The Relationship Between Citizen Perceptions of Collective Efficacy and Neighborhood Violent Crime. Crime & Delinquency, 61(1), pp.121-142.
Questions would constitute a mixture of the standard Likert scale with questions prompting expanded response and opinion in order to ferret out 'hidden' information.
Following Ansari and Moseley (2010)'s recommendation, summary scales will be used in order not to confuse students and in order to keep the survey as pure and simple as possible, and I agree with Douglas, Douglas, and arnes (2003) that a service-product bundle should be used in order to reflect all the elements of the university as a whole.
Part II Questionnaire
The items studied would be the following:
1. alance between study and personal life
2. * Availability of learning resources
3. * Feeling stimulated to learn
4. Friendliness of teaching staff
5. Quality of feedback on my work
6. * Intellectual challenge
7. Level of support provided by my peers / teachers / mentors
8. Feeling able to cope with the workload
9. Friendliness of other students
10. * Physical conditions / learning environment
11. Feeling able to…...
Douglas, J., Douglas, A., & Barnes, B. (2006) measuring student satisfaction at a UK university, Quality Assurance in Education, 14, 251-267
El Ansari, W., & Moseley, L. (2010) You get what you measure, Nurse Education Today, 30, 1-7
Elliott, K.M., & Shin, D. (2002). Student satisfaction: an alternative approach to assessing this important concept. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 24, 197-209
Eon, S.B., Wen, J. & Ashil, N. (2006) The Determinants of Students' Perceived Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in University Online Education: An Empirical Investigation. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 4, 215-23
In "London," the most noticeable languages are how he uses repetition, connotation as well as multiple meanings of words. His work choice alone indicates that Blake never picked any words with good connotations which are always negative, for example he uses the word harlot instead of something like courtesan, and plagues instead of sickness (Blake, 2013).
Conversely, repetition was significant in revealing the real meaning of his poem. For example in the first and second lines; "I wander through each chartered street, / Near where the chartered Thames does flow," the word chartered is repeated twice in the first stanza. epetition of the words makes the reader to notice it as he/she considers its implications in the poem. In contrast, the word chartered can be said to have more than one meaning, hence it may be significant in considering whether if this is the reason as to why it has…...
Blake, W. "London by William Blake: The Poetry Foundation." Poetry Foundation, 2013. Retrieved March 26, 2013, from
Margaret Ferguson. The Norton Anthology of Poetry, 2005. Retrieved March 29, 2013 from
Neil, R. Acrostic Encoding in William Blake's "London," 2013. Retrieved March 29, 2013 from
Robinson, M. London's Summer Morning by Mary Robinson: The Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation, 2013. Retrieved March 26, 2013, from
Congestion Scheme charged in London. The contents of the paper take an in-depth look at what the system is about and also how the system works. Our main focus is on how well the system has been accepted by the population as well as the government and what benefits it brings for all those concerned.
London Congestion Charge
Introduction to the Congestion Charge
Around the world, the population is growing at a rapid rate, making it difficult to manage a lot of things that the governments didn't have to worry about perhaps thirty years ago. A new scheme has been introduced in London to manage the traffic congestion. Under this scheme motorists are obliged to pay £5 everyday. The strength of this system lies in the fact that it helps reduce traffic, allowing journeys and delivery times to be more reliable and simultaneously helping top raise millions each week that can be…...
BBC NEWS | England | Congestion charge comes into force, available at accessed on: April 7, 2004 ,
Spotlight on the Region, available at accessed on: April 7, 2004 ,
Strategy - value chain analysis, available at accessed on: April 7, 2004 ,
nineteenth century architecture of Saint Pancras Station from the vantage of the early twenty-first century, the seeming proud grandeur of the design can blind us to the strange and difficult reception that this architecture had on contemporary critics. In the 1870s, the legendary Victorian art critic John uskin is reported to have remarked "At Paddington station I felt as if in hell" (Pearce 63). Presumably uskin was alluding to the vast urban architecture of Milton's depiction of the city of Pandemonium built in hell by the fallen angels of Paradise Lost -- a magnificent but morally wicked architectural achievement, and the reason why earlier in the Industrial evolution, Blake had inveighed against the "dark Satanic mills" which had a monumental grandeur that served a wicked purpose. But to enter Saint Pancras Station in 2015 may very well have the opposite effect: the building feels like a cathedral built not…...
Larkin, Philip, 2003, Collected Poems, London, Faber and Faber.
Leader, Zachary, 2006, The Life of Kingsley Amis, London, Jonathan Cape.
Pearce, Joseph, 2000, The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde, London, Harper Collins.
Wikipedia, Old Saint Pancras Church (wiki article), April 3, 2015, Available from: [April 24, 2015]
In the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1644, we see a confession of faith statement that is much closer to that of what modern day Baptists would find familiar. ith the coming and continuance of the English Civil ar, Baptists saw the need and took the opportunity to write down their own statement of faith. The document was written and signed by seven separate congregations that collaborated to write the document. The document's purpose was to differentiate the beliefs of the Particular Baptists from the General Baptists. This was to formally define the beliefs of the Particular Baptists as opposed to the General Baptists. hile not detailed, it was very clearly Calvinistic in tone. It rejected the notion that the law convicted of sin, claiming that the terrors of the law were not needed. They were not needed because the gospel alone has the power to do this. Secondly,…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Lumpkin, Willam L. Baptist Confessions of Faith. Brentwood: Judson Press, 1969.
Taylor, John, and Chester Young . Baptists on the American Frontier. 3rd Ed. Macon:
Mercer University Press, 1995.
London restaurant might change over the next ten years?
Background of recent changes
To appreciate the amount of change that can occur within the London restaurant industry over the next ten years and into the future, one must take a brief breath and pause to consider how far the industry has come in the past ten years. Ten years ago today, would anyone have thought that London restaurants would be exporting chefs to America to star in their own series on the American Food Network? Jamie Oliver's success alone as a brand name is testimony to how much the food industry has changed, shifted, and grown. Moreover, the Naked Chef's success as a television empire and reality TV show guru points to the increasing sexiness of food, specifically British food in the eyes of the world as well as the average British patron of the hospitality industry within London itself. British…...
Lloyds of London
Lloyd's of London is an internationally based insurance market leader and insurer. The company is the world's second largest insurer and sixth largest re-insurance group in the world. Lloyd's provides specialist insurance services to companies and organizations in 120 markets globally. The name is widely respected and well-known throughout the international business market community. Lloyd's has been in operation for over 300 years. The company has underwritten over 1688 ships and cargoes, 1887 non-marine risk ventures and issued the first motor policy in 1904 (Lloyd's, 2003). The company also underwrote many of the claims that were paid as a result of the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 (Lloyd's, 2003).
Lloyd's began as a coffeehouse, Edward Lloyd's coffeehouse, which bloomed into a marine insurance industry during the 17th century, and eventually expanded from shipping into other risk areas generally deemed untouchable by other insurance markets (Sapient, 2003). Lloyd's has developed…...
Capacity." Lloyds. September 10, 2003 /index.asp?itemid=2648
Communications" Lloyds. November 4, 2003.
He understands more than the people he was trying so hard to impress, especially uth, and this realization shatters him. He discovers the woman he has put on a pedestal is really just a mere mortal, and not a very nice one at that. In the beginning of the novel, he sees uth and her crowd as perfect. London writes, "Here was intellectual life, he thought, and here was beauty, warm and wonderful as he had never dreamed it could be" (London 8). Later, Eden learns the truth, and begins to despise the society that he worked so hard to join. He becomes despondent because his dreams came true and he found he did not want them after all. He is no longer innocent as he was in the beginning of the novel, and he has lost some of the charm that made him who he was. He finds…...
London, Jack. Martin Eden. New York: Review of Reviews, 1908.
menu drives London Hospitality (Discuss)
The Menu Drives London Hospitality!
hat is a menu? Simply a list, one might surmise from a basic definition of the word. Simply a written listing of a particular eating establishment's offerings, correct? But the British as a people, it has been alleged by many a foreign observer (and indeed, many a dyspeptic native writer), are an overly verbose and verbal nation, obsessed with the written word and what it 'says' about them as a people and as individuals. Thus, England as a nation may be excused for attaching importance overmuch to the importance of such a listings of offerings and the impression such a listing conveys about an establishment.
People chose a restaurant, and a restaurant establishes its reputation upon the quality of its menu in London. The quality of the food matters less, or even the location, than what the menu says about the establishment…...
mlaWorks Cited
Restaurant Reviews. Top Table. Retrieved on April 3, 2 -- 4 at
Gandhi is one of the most fascinating people in all of recent history. An advocate of passive resistance, he not only helped free India from British oppression, but also inspired the 1960s Civil Rights Movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Gandhi’s work is so well-known that his name has become synonymous with both peace and leadership. However, his personal life was marred by some controversies, suggesting that even great men can have terrible flaws. We cannot possibly tell you all about Gandhi in a few paragraphs; his life and his life’s work....
Original Thesis Statement:
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens explores the transformative power of redemption and the significance of empathy in fostering a compassionate and just society.
While your thesis statement touches on key themes in A Christmas Carol, it lacks focus and precision. It covers two broad concepts (redemption and empathy) without delving into specific aspects or examining their interplay. To strengthen your thesis, consider narrowing your focus and providing a more detailed analysis.
Revised Thesis Statement:
The Haunting Visitation: The Transformative Power of Empathy and Redemption in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol
This revised thesis statement addresses a specific aspect of the novel:....
Microeconomic Analysis of HSBC Bank
HSBC Bank is a global banking and financial services corporation headquartered in London, England. As one of the largest banks in the world, it operates in over 60 countries and territories, offering a wide range of financial products and services to individuals, businesses, and governments. This essay will focus on microeconomic concepts that can be applied to analyze HSBC Bank, with specific examples and insights.
Market Structure
One important microeconomic concept to consider is market structure. HSBC Bank operates in a highly competitive global banking industry. It faces competition from numerous other large banks, as well as smaller....
Thesis statement for a descriptive essay on Jack the Ripper: Through a meticulously descriptive examination of the infamous crimes attributed to Jack the Ripper, this essay aims to unravel the horrifying details, analyze the impact on Victorian society, and shed light on the enduring notoriety surrounding the unidentified killer.
Some potential angles to consider for your thesis statement could include exploring the theories surrounding the identity of Jack the Ripper, delving into the social and cultural context of Victorian London, examining the investigation and media coverage of the murders, or discussing the lasting impact of these crimes on popular culture.....
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