Literary Works Essays (Examples)

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Literary Works referring to the Mental Illness
Pages: 6 Words: 1792

Mental Illness
In the social environment, mental illness is a serious condition and with an advancement of technology and modern science, the physiological issue surrounding a mental illness is not well understood. The stigma that place on people suffering from mental illness is so much making people pretending that they are not suffering from the problems. Although, many people were not born with a mental problem, however, the societal burden can make people demonstrating signs of mental disorders such as depression and irrational behaviors.

The objective of this paper explores the concept of mental illness illustrated in different literary books.

Literary Issues on Mental Illness

This study investigates the issue of mental illness in the literary books with a focus on "Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar," (Ames 1) and "Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper." (Gilman 1) The study develops personal connection and similarities between the two characters and their mentally unstable characteristics. Based…...

Worked Tirelessly to Understand the Literary Works
Pages: 3 Words: 1027

worked tirelessly to understand the literary works of a variety of authors including poets Pat Mora, Shirley Geok-Lim, John Keats, and Robert Frost, and short-story writer DH Lawrence. As we have compared the works of these poets and determined how common themes are shared, and through a deep reading and literature analysis of Lawrence's short, I have been able to explore different writing and analytical approaches that have allowed me to develop, review, and strengthen my writing style and capabilities.
One of the first assignments we were given was to perform a comparative analysis of two poets: John Keats and Robert Frost. In this paper, Keats' and Frost's individual fears are analyzed through a close reading of "When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be" and "The Road Not Taken," by Keats and Frost, respectively. These poems forced me to look beyond what Keats and Frost had written…...

Religion in the Literary Works
Pages: 4 Words: 1076

Machiavelli shared Douglass' opinion concerning the role of religion in one's society. He believed that religion is instrumental in bringing about not only a moral society, but also a just one. In his discourse, "The Prince," he asserted that the ideal leader, the Prince, must not "...deceive without faith, without mercy, without religion..." This invoked the belief that a leader, in order to become effective, efficient, and respected by the civil society, must also be of moral character. This means that in the same way as people let their lives be influenced by religion and its values and beliefs, so too must the Prince engage in a lifestyle dominated by religion. A religious individual is a moral individual, hence commanding the respect of his people and giving him credibility to lead over society.

However, it is also vital to note that while he put premium to religiosity, Machiavelli's characterization of…...

Ghosts in Two Literary Works The Spanish
Pages: 8 Words: 2201

ghosts in two literary works. The Spanish Tragedy and Hamlet each have a ghost which guides and drives the action of the story. The writer works to compare and contrast the ghosts in each story and tell how they relate to the story. There were two sources used to complete this paper.
Throughout history writers have used unusual methods to illustrate points if their work that they want the reader to understand. In two classic works of literature a ghost was used to provide many of the needed details to the story that would have been unknown otherwise. In The Spanish Tragedy and in Hamlet there were ghosts to provide the foundation for many of the stories actions. Without the ghosts much of the things that occurred would not make any sense to the reader. While they each uses a ghost for the purpose of information provision the ghosts and…...



Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Barrons Educational Series. 1996

Kyd, Thomas. The Spanish Tragedy. Theatre Communications Group 1997

Hawthorne Author Nathaniel Hawthorne's Literary Works Constantly
Pages: 5 Words: 1649

Author Nathaniel Hawthorne's literary works constantly reference ideas of the supernatural and the religious ideas of the Puritans who colonized the United States. Of particular interest to Hawthorne is how these two things work together in that time period. Many of Nathaniel Hawthorne's works take place in Colonial times, a good century before the author himself was born. His own ancestors were active participants in Puritan society, even serving as judges during the Salem itch Trials. Scholars have argued that Hawthorne's work heavily features this time because of the guilt he felt over the actions of his relatives. Nathaniel Hawthorne used this historical setting to create moral points about Puritanical society and the hypocrisy of those times, as well as the continued hypocrisy of his own time period. This hypocrisy is linked back to the religious zealousness of the Puritan times where the beliefs of the church superseded all others.…...


Works Cited

Poe, Edgar Allen. "The Minister's Black Veil." 1837.

Poe, Edgar Allen. "Rappaccini's Daughter."

Poe, Edgar Allen. "Young Goodman Brown." 1854.

World Masterpieces Literary Works
Pages: 5 Words: 1735

classic story A&P, John Updike pays tribute to two Greek motifs, the heroic epiphany leading to the emergence of the classical hero and the power of beauty. In this work, Sammy is the hero, trapped in the work-a-day world, who because of beauty's inspiration is motivated to seize the opportunity to act in grand and noble fashion. Like many heroes, especially Paris, in Homer's Iliad, Sammy is inspired to his realization by the appearance and attention of a goddess. In Paris' case, depending on the storyteller, the goddess was Venus or Eros or Aphrodite -- the goddess of love and beauty. In Sammy's case it was a teenage girl in a swimsuit. Updike's portrayal of Venus is actually an echo of an echo, as he gives us a vision of Venus as she is realized in Botticelli's 15th century painting.
As is the case with Venus and Paris, the goddess…...



Homer. Iliad Translated by Stanley Lombardo Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing 1997

Lightbown, Ronald. Sandro Botticelli. 2 vols. Berkeley: U. Of California P, 1978. Luscher,

McFarland, Ronald. Studies in Short Fiction. Volume 20 (1983): 94-100.

Updike, John. Pigeon Feathers, and Other Stories. New York: Knopf 1962.

literary work
Pages: 4 Words: 768 below to complete this section. Include the number and first sentence of the prompt you chose from the list of prompts.)
Prompt 2: 'In some stories, characters come into conflict with the culture in which they live.'

For this literary assignment, I have chosen Prompt 2, which explains that the characters of some tales enter into discord with their surrounding culture. Usually, a character may feel estranged and different from the society on account of his/her ethnic/racial group, sex, or social class.

What interests you most about this prompt and why?

The above prompt interests me as it addresses the subject of heritage and culture. Modern-day individuals depict greater cultural sensitivity and awareness and are more mindful of the distinctions between themselves and others, compared to their forebears. Humanity has now permitted its cultural disparities and backgrounds to guide its social interactions with individuals belonging to other backgrounds. Some, however, reject their personal…...

Abalone Abalone Is a Literary Work by
Pages: 2 Words: 625

Abalone, Abalone, Abalone is a literary work by Toshio Mori explores the relationship between Mori and a neighbor named Mr. Abe. Mr. Abe is a Japanese man that is a carnation grower and who also collects shells. The story focuses on why these Abalone shells are important to Mr. Abe and eventually Mori. This short essay will present my thoughts about Mr. Abe's character and the aspects of the story that led to the conclusions that I made about Mr. Abe.
Mr. Abe's Character

According to the story Mr. Abe seems to be a friendly thoughtful man who enjoys collecting Abalone shells and seemed to have a slight sense of mystery about him. Mori writes, "At noontime I used to go to his front porch and look at his collection of Abalone shells...I was curious as to why he bothered to collect them...but he did not tell me why he collected these…...


Works Cited

Mori, Toshio. Abalone, Abalone, Abalone.

Literary Criticism and Literature
Pages: 3 Words: 948

Judging Liteatue
Anold pefes a compaative method of judging liteatue, a topic he addesses in "The Study of Poety." Accoding to Anold, histoical and pesonal gounds can often confound the compaison. Theefoe, it is impotant to emain as unbiased as possible o at least to acknowledge one's biases when judging liteatue. It is impotant neithe to oveestimate no undeestimate the elevance o impotance of a piece of liteatue, simply because one has a special affection fo it o finds it elevant to a histoical issue. Anold also efes to the ways judging liteatue is constained by histoical context and attitudes. The meit of the wok on a pesonal level is going to be diffeent fom that wok's meit to a boade audience. The compaative method helps to eliminate biases as much as possible.

The Function of Citicism

Liteay citicism functions in seveal diffeent ways. Anold fist notes that the main function of…...


references to it thereby coloring the work indelibly. The fifth principle of critical theory is the importance of correct form in poetry specifically. With the tremendous variations in poetic styles, Arnold urges more critical inquiry into the choice of form, and whether free style is really warranted. Sixth, Arnold discusses what he calls the Grand Style, the cornerstone of his theory of criticism. Arnold continually stresses the importance of form and style, of content and subject, and of one's objective and open-minded attitude toward literature.

Literary Analysis of Speech We're On Our Way Essay
Pages: 3 Words: 1107

Essay Prompt A literary critical analysis is not merely a summary of a literary work. Instead, it is an argument that expresses an interpretation, judgment, or critical evaluation of the work. This is accomplished by examining specific literary devices (symbols, themes, metaphors, tone, point of view, diction, structure, etc.), within the work. The purpose of a critical analysis is to demonstrate how these elements convey meaning. In your analysis, you will most likely discuss how certain literary techniques are used to convey specific ideas. You will discuss what a literary piece means and how it achieves its effect. To write critically, you must provide analysis of specific evidence from the text (words and phrases; avoid long quotes). The goal of this assignment is to give the audience an interpretation of the literature.

1. Introduction (explore the subject? of your analysis and end with a thesis statement).
2. Body Paragraphs 2-3 (explore the main…...

David - A Literary Perspective Smehra Literary
Pages: 4 Words: 1096

David - a Literary Perspective smehra
Literary Perspective on David from the Bible

Throughout literary history, authors have created characters that are both enigmatic and treacherous; who by their very nature epitomize all that is evil, as well as all that is good in human nature. Character development is an important part of any story, and for there to be a realization on the reader's behalf, there must be a justifiable, and equally strong character development, or moral change for such a message to get across in the story, or literary work.

Many authors will have a turn of events, as a means to justify this change in personality of a particular character, as seen in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. While others may let their character follow a course of action and in turn, suffer the consequences as a lesson to the reader, as in the case of Antigone.

The Bible is filled…...

Quantifiable Terms Tillie Olsen's Literary Output Has
Pages: 4 Words: 1320

quantifiable terms, Tillie Olsen's literary output has been admittedly modest. However, her influence has been anything but. As a writer, a feminist and an activist, she has worked throughout her life to serve her core values. Born to a pair of Jewish Russian immigrants, Ida and Samuel Lerner, Olsen's circumstances would play a significant role in both the formation of her belief system and the ways in which she would pursue its actualization. Well regarded in the notes of history, particularly those forged by advocates of the advancement of the women's movement, she holds a legacy of fellowships, awards and documents to justify the acclaim. Perhaps the most important and unique characteristic of Olsen's life is the apparently seamless fashion in which she tied the varied strands of her life into a singular identity. Her devotion to her literary work, to her family and to her politics were inextricable…...


6. Olsen, Tillie. Yonnondio: From the Thirties, Delacorte, 1974.

Orr, Elaine Neil. Tillie Olsen and a Feminist Spiritual Vision. Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi, c1987

Pearlman, Mickey. Tillie Olsen . Twayne's United States Authors Series; TUSAS 81 Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1991. .

Value of Shakespeare the Works of William
Pages: 5 Words: 1659

Value of Shakespeare
The works of illiam Shakespeare are staples in our educational system at least from secondary through college levels. This has been true in some degree for more than 400 years, virtually since these works were first performed. In Shakespeare's time, many of these plays were very popular, and they were reprinted and performed over and over in the centuries since. The use of these works in education shows that they are valued and that they impart some of this value to students, raising the question of how these plays have affected and changed society and what values they nurture in students today.

These plays first have contributed much to our language. illiam Shakespeare contributed to the language by perpetuating a large vocabulary -- which is why many have cited the large vocabulary of the plays as evidence that the largely uneducated Shakespeare could not have written the works…...


Works Cited

Lederer, Richard, "Looking at Language: Drawing Inspiration from Shakespeare." The Patriot Ledger (April 20, 1996), C3.

McArthur, Tom. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Neumann, Anne Waldron. "Should You Read Shakespeare?" Meanjin 56(1)(1997), 17-25.

Papp, Joseph and Elizabeth Kirkland. Shakespeare Alive! New York: Bantam, 1988.

Caesar Cesar's Work The Gallic
Pages: 3 Words: 985

One aspect at which Cesar's work excels in the interrelation between the descriptive geography and the characterization of the Germans is the political geography approach. In fact, much of Cesar's work is relevant exactly because it is a very scientific description of the way the tribes lived together in tribal formations during that time and how they came in contact with one another. Cesar is always very descriptive in his approach and clearly marks the areas in which these tribes lived, including the Germans, but also many of the neighboring tribes (his focus is certainly on the Gauls).

The Rhine is obviously central to the existence of the Germans and Cesar mentions it several times in his work, although most of the time only so as to limit the theatre if his own operations in Gaul. As such, his approach is that the Rhine marks the delimitation and border between Gaul…...



1. Caesar, Julius. De Bello Gallico. Translation by Emanuel Hoffman. Oxford -- Clarendon Press. 1898

Caesar, Julius. De Bello Gallico. Translation by Emanuel Hoffman. Oxford -- Clarendon Press. 1898


Creative Resources Three Works of
Pages: 6 Words: 2279

The message stays with us because the music and lyrics are memorable. Precious provides images that we can carry in our minds. Unlike text, where we must use our imagination to create pictures of characters and scenes, film does that for us. Anyone who has seen Precious surely finds it difficult to forget the images of violence and despair. The Things They Carried is part memoir. Author O'Brien has written other books about Vietnam, but this one is much more personal. It is the work with which most of us can most identify because there are a variety of character types and one is bound to resonate with the reader, reminding him of himself, perhaps, or someone he knows. O'Brien wrote the book in part as self-therapy. He carries the weight of what happened to him and his fellow soldiers in Vietnam.
The Burdens Teachers Carry

As teachers, we carry some…...



Daniels, L. (Director). (2009). Precious [Film]. Santa Monica, CA: Lionsgate Entertainment.

O'Brien, T. (1990). The Things They Carried. Kindle edition.

Precious. The Internet Movie Database. Retrieved January 30, 2011,from 


I\'m interested in debating literature. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 160

Yes, there are many essay topics in literature that can be debated from opposing viewpoints. Some examples include:

1. The role of fate vs. free will in Shakespeare's plays
2. The moral ambiguity of the protagonist in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby"
3. The portrayal of gender and sexuality in Virginia Woolf's works
4. The effectiveness of satire in Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels"
5. The value of studying classic literature vs. contemporary literature

These topics can lead to interesting and thought-provoking debates, as they allow for different interpretations and perspectives on the themes and messages presented in literary works.
6. The impact of historical context on....

I\'m interested in debating literature. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 425

Essay Topics Presenting Opposing Viewpoints in Literature

1. The Role of the Author's Intent in Literary Interpretation

Pro: Authors have a definitive purpose and meaning for their works, and this intent should guide interpretation.
Con: Authors' intentions are often unclear or irrelevant, and readers should focus on the text itself.

2. The Nature of Literary Realism

Pro: Literature should accurately depict reality and reflect the social and psychological experiences of human beings.
Con: Realism can be limiting and fail to capture the complexity and imagination of human life.

3. The Importance of Form in Literature

Pro: Structure, style, and language play a crucial....

My teacher suggested focusing on title generator. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 574

Title Generator-Aligned Essay Topics

1. The Power of Language: The Influence of Titles in Shaping Narratives

Explore the ways in which titles can predetermine the interpretation of literary works.
Analyze how titles create expectations and bias the reader's perspective.
Discuss the ethical implications of using manipulative or deceptive titles.

2. Titles as Mirrors: Reflecting the Complexity of Literary Characters

Examine how titles can reveal the inner nature and motivations of characters.
Analyze the use of irony, paradox, and symbolism in titles to create complex character portraits.
Discuss the impact of character-based titles on the reader's understanding of the narrative.

3. The Art of....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about book?
Words: 357

Book Essay Outline

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with an engaging anecdote or quotation related to the book.
B. Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument or interpretation of the book.
C. Brief overview of the essay structure.

II. Background and Context
A. Provide information about the author and their background.
B. Discuss the historical or cultural context in which the book was written.
C. Explain the genre and style of the book.

III. Plot and Character Analysis
A. Summarize the main plot points, focusing on key events and conflicts.
B. Analyze the primary characters, exploring their motivations, relationships, and development.
C. Discuss....

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