Lion Essays (Examples)

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Lion Nathan Relationships the First
Pages: 10 Words: 2920

The company eventually bought a majority stake in the Wuxi Brewery
outside Shanghai. In this situation, the company took the capacity and built a local brand with it, using the local connections in distribution and marketing. The company then built a brewery in Suzhou, leveraging the ability of the landlord to deal with the finer points of Chinese bureaucracy. With this brewery, Lion Nathan had full autonomy, something that the company thought was important for strategic reasons. It had market access at this point, so had less need for a Chinese strategic partner; it made more sense to go solo having established itself. This subsidiary had capacity, but lacked an international brand (Lion Nathan's biggest brand being the relatively obscure Steinlager. Normally foreign firms entering the Chinese market brought at least one premium international brand with them.

2. There are a few different types of partnerships that Lion Nathan could pursue…...



Arino, a., Torre, J. & Ring, P. (2001). Managing trust in corporate alliances. California Management Review. Vol. 44 (1) 109-131.

Arnett, D. (n.d.). Interactions among organizations. In possession of the author.

Gomes-Caseres, B. (1994). Group vs. group: How alliance networks compete. Harvard Business Review. July-August 1994.

Iansiti, M. & Levien, R. (2004). Strategy as ecology. Harvard Business Review. March 2004.

Lions of Iwo Jima
Pages: 3 Words: 937

Lion Iwo
Haynes, F. & Warren, J. (2008). The Lions of Iwo Jima. New York: Henry Holt & Co.

Some of the most prominent battles and battle sites fought and fought over by this nation's military have been discussed and described so frequently and in such great detail that it seems as though there is nothing more to be said about them. Elements of strategy, victories celebrated and lessons learned, and examples of heroism have all been recounted, and that might seem to be the end of it -- especially from the perspective of a military historian. When the perspective is that of military historian is Major General Fred Haynes, however, a man on the ground and intimately involved with the operations that took the island if Iwo Jima in World War II, there is always more to uncover, more to understand, and more to remember. Haynes' book The Lions of Iwo…...

Lion Statues Outside of the
Pages: 3 Words: 1143

According to the legendary myth of Bellerophon and Pegasus, the Chimera terrorized the city where it lived until it was slain by the great hero. The statute is said to be relatively 'stereotypical.' "The posture of the beast, with the mouth open, the body arching up, and the legs stiffly stretched forward, is always the same. It seems that the ancient artists who took up the task of painting or sculpting a Chimera thought that it was their duty to be as faithful as possible to the well-known and accepted canons" (Bardi 1997).
Similarly, the lions adorning the front of the Corcoran Gallery could be said to be fairly typical of depictions of reclining lions (there is no notable innovation in their features and manner) although it is somewhat unusual that unlike most guardian lions they are not standing and alert, and do not show any particular signs of either…...


Works Cited

Bardi, Ugo. "The Chimera of Arezzo." 2002. [3 Dec 2011]. 

"The Chimera of Arezzo." The Getty Museum of Art. [3 Dec 2011].

Lion King Animated Film and
Pages: 8 Words: 2481

The hyena hoodlums sound like stereotypical jive-talking, urban blacks (racist). Despite all this, however, the movie remains popular with children and adults (Twomey 120) who continue to ignore or remain unaware of these negative messages.
hat does it teach then? Mainly, that Simba must accept responsibility. His mission is to be King and rule wisely so that the kingdom can prosper. He has to accept this responsibility in order to grow up. Another message is that the survival of society depends on loyalty to each other, good relationships, and inter-dependency. e have to care about each other. Finally, in the circle of life, death is not unnatural but a part of the cyclic nature of life, a New Age message. Both Simba and the new baby are baptized in ceremonies that point to life as sacred.

here the animated film was tremendously popular and profitable, Adrienne Martini points out that The…...


Works Cited

Ebert, Roger. "The Lion King": 

Gavin, Rosemarie. "The Lion King and Hamlet: A Homecoming for the Exiled Child."

English Journal: v. 85, n. 3, 55-57.

Lion and the Jewel by
Pages: 4 Words: 1369

He feels it is outmoded and demeans women, but Sidi cannot see that, and demands that he recognize her value by paying the bride price. This is something that would never be tolerated in western culture, so it shows the great differences that will come to Africa, and how those differences will affect her people. Lakunle is really a voice for the future, but his voice also dooms traditional African culture, which is at the heart of this play.
The author uses prose for his dialogue in many areas of the play, another European artistic element. The characters speak English, and speak it rhythmically, as well, which comes from early Greek and oman drama, as well. The use of miming, dancing, and other elements to tell the story adds texture to the play, and blends the African elements quite effectively. Later in the play, Soyinka uses mummers to extend the…...



Brians, Paul. "Wole Soyinka Study Guide." Washington State University. 2003. 4 May 2010.


Soyinka, Wole. The Lion and the Jewel. London: Oxford University Press, 1963.

Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by
Pages: 3 Words: 1095

Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Specifically it will discuss the symbolism of Narnia in the book -- what does Narnia symbolize? There are many ideas of what Narnia symbolizes in this book, but it seems the most common and accepted idea is that Narnia symbolizes Heaven and peace. Narnia is a cold land until the children release it from the grip of the White Witch, and then it becomes a perfect, dreamlike land where time has no meaning and life is wonderful. Narnia represents our ideas of heaven and how our lives will be once we arrive in the "promised land."
Narnia represents Heaven and eternal life for a number of reasons. First, when Lucy first returns from Narnia through the wardrobe door, the other children do not believe her, and do not believe it is possible to travel to another world through the wardrobe. Lucy…...



Lewis, C.S. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. New York: HarperTrophy, 1994.

Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by
Pages: 3 Words: 1147

Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Specifically it will discuss how Lewis uses greed as a theme throughout the story. When Edmund arrives in Narnia for the first time, he meets the White Witch, who feeds him Turkish Delight, a delectable candy that he begins to crave. As his cravings grow worse, Edmund becomes greedy and selfish, and his greed turns him against his brothers and sisters. Only when Edmund can overcome his greed can he rejoin his family and regain his kindness.
From their very first meeting, the White Witch knows how to control Edmund, and this is quite important to the story. Her control creates a rift between the children, and makes them easier to conquer in her eyes. To control Edmund, she feeds him candy and he gorges on it, only wanting more and more to be satisfied. Lewis writes of this first meeting,…...



Lewis, C.S. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. New York: HarperTrophy, 1994.

Lion in the White House A Life
Pages: 6 Words: 1874

Lion in the White House: A Life of Theodore oosevelt, by Aida D. Donald
Aida D. Donald's biography of the 26th American president of the United States is one of several projects to come out recently indicating a resurgence in the popularity and relevance of the man who Donald characterizes as the first modern president. Characteristics of modernity that Donald focuses upon include oosevelt's positioning of the United States as a world super power rather than the fledgling nation started by intellectuals fracturing off from European centrality and control.

The biography looks to the frailties of oosevelt's early life in order to explicate the impetus behind his self-created image of a robust man who lived and lead with gusto in his later life. "oosevelt aimed to restore the old virtues and programs of the earliest epublicans. He staked out his philosophy of government, and his political tactics were aggressive and energetic"…...



Donald, Aida D. Lion in the White House: A Life of Theodore Roosevelt. New York City: Basic Books. 2007. Print.

Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by
Pages: 4 Words: 1531

Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Specifically it will discuss the novel as a book rooted in the New Testament as well as being a product of Lewis' personal interpretation of spiritual truth. Even author C.S. Lewis acknowledged he wrote his "Narnia" series as a way to teach children quite painlessly about Christianity and the scriptures. One critic notes that the first three books in the chronicles, deal with a certain aspect of Christianity and spirituality. He writes, The first three-- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, and The Voyage of the Dawn Trader -deal with the role of Joy in sanctification and the achievement of a balanced way of life" (Myers xiii). Thus, the teachings of the New Testament are rooted in this work, as is Lewis' own personal interpretation of spiritualism and the spiritual truth of the Gospel. Some critics might…...



Goldthwaite, John. The Natural History of Make-Believe: A Guide to the Principal Works of Britain, Europe, and America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Guroian, Vigen. Tending the Heart of Virtue: How Classic Stories Awaken a Child's Moral Imagination. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Lewis, C.S. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. New York: HarperTrophy, 1978.

Myers, Doris T.C.S. Lewis in Context. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1994.

Pharmaceutical Company Lions Gate Chief
Pages: 4 Words: 1030

Managed a team of 50 people that includes 10 direct reports. Grew Wal-mart drugs portfolio profit by $14 Million (+26%) through driving volume growth and reconfiguration of packaging offerings that drove significant cost savings.
Responsibilities and duties: Maintains full accountability for profit and loss and delivering volume and profit objectives. pearheads both strategic and tactical initiatives that leads to growth of Liongate's new product. Reshapes marketing organization through effective recruiting, managing and coaching making team accountable rather than proactive.

Chief legal officer:

Birthplace: The World

Education: Columbia University chool of Law; Harlan Fiske tone cholar

Williams College B.A. cum laude, Economics.

Prior work history: General Counsel with 13+ years experience representing nursing and medical institutions in a broad range of corporate, commercial and intellectual property matters.

Accomplishments: erved as strategic legal advisor to senior executives and the Board of Directors in the Government. Oversaw full range of regulatory and government affairs, privacy/data protection, risk management and…...


Sources chief operating officer Resume for Chief Marketing Officer/Vice President General Counsel or Chief Legal Officer

Hunting Feeding and Mating of the African Lion
Pages: 8 Words: 2269

African Lion Behavior: Hunting, Feeding, and MatingAbstractThis essay examines the behavior of the African lion in Sub-Saharan Africa. Lions are iconic animals that live in prides or groups. The said topic happens to be of interest given that the African lions are described as being top predators. For this reason, studying their behavior happens to be critical as their behavior impacts other animals in an ecosystem. Several studies have been done to explain the African lion behavior - such as hunting, feeding, and mating. This text explores those studies and other related resources with an aim of better understanding African lion behavior. One of the key objectives of this paper is to determine the feeding behavior of African lions in Sub-Saharan Africa. The write-up also aims at assessing how lions hunt to obtain food. Lion feeding habits is yet another key issue explored. A review of available literature indicates…...


Works Cited

Alert. Predatory Behavior. 2020. 

Bauer, Hans, Chapron, Guillaume, Nowell, Kristin, Henschel, Phillip, Funston, Paul, Hunter, Luke T. B., Macdonald, David W. and Packer, Craig. “Lion (Panthera leo) populations are declining rapidly across Africa, except in intensively managed areas.” PNAS, 112(48), 2015, 14894-14899.

Davidokul. Feeding, Breeding and Killing Habits of Lions (African Lion). 2020.

Missing Sea Lions of Eastern of Alaska
Pages: 2 Words: 683

Stellar Sea Lions of Eastern Alaska
Sea Lions of Eastern Alaska

B) 9,600 I estimated the 2004 population of Steller Sea Lions to be 2800, as indicated on the Y-axis of the graph. Plugging this figure into Trites' and Larkin's formula, I calculated as follows: Total population = 3.43 x 2800 = 9604.

E) 15 years Figure 3 shows the relative population changes for pollock, herring, and Western stock sea lions. The pollock population shows steady growth from 1985 to 1995. Assuming that the population number on the Y-axis are in thousands, the pollock population roughly 50,000 to 138,000 in southwest Alaska during that period. Growth of the pollock population appears to have increased slightly following the Pollock fishing ban, rising to roughly 58,000 in 1975. However, a pollock population decline was seen 10 years after the ban, and at the 15-year mark, the pollock population was approximately what it had been at…...

Marketing Segmentation at Food Lion the Point
Pages: 2 Words: 690

Marketing Segmentation at Food Lion
The point of market segmentation is to allow businesses to center on a product or service that sells and why it does. Food Lion Grocery stores carry a variety of milk ranging from Whole, Low Fat or Skim, Fat Free, Soy, Organic, and Lactose Free from local and countrywide distributors to provide a variety of milk products that will allow the biggest return for the company. Like other grocery markets in the area, this company must classify and evaluate the dairy products to decide if it brings profitable results because the milk consumers are very important to this type of business. The marketing teams can divide the grocery store's milk products in to psychographic, geographic, demographic, and behavior segments to decide if they are providing the kinds of milk their customers want to buy.

In looking at the milk products from a local grocery store with psychographic…...

Comparison Between Alice in Wonderland and the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Pages: 5 Words: 1593

Alice in Wonderland and the Lion, the Witch, And the Wardrobe
The purpose of this paper is to compare and discuss the danger to the children in C.S. Lewis' "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," and Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland."


"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" takes place during World War II in London. Four children, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, go live in the country to avoid bomb-torn London. They live with the rather eccentric Professor Kirke. One rainy day, the children are playing hide and seek inside, and Lucy hides in the wardrobe. Suddenly, she finds herself in the woods, and snow is falling. She has discovered the land of Narnia, and later brings the other children along to see her discovery.

Narnia is under the spell of the wicked White Witch, so it is perpetually winter in the land,…...

Learning to kill The acquisition of hunting'skills by predators
Pages: 11 Words: 3276

Abstract The relationship between a predator and a prey is quite essential to the dynamics in the wild. Various classic approaches have been employed in the attempt to predict and comprehend the nature of the consumptive interaction between a predator and a prey (Schmitz, 2017). Using this approach has not yielded any sufficient insight on the context and complexity that is characteristic of the relationship between predators and preys. Schmitz (2017) recounts the approaches recently applied in the exploration of these relationships from the evolutionary ecological environment. The approaches entail the context through which both the prey and the predator adapt into their environment through their reciprocal interactions that entail functional traits expressions influenced by the biomechanics of the wild animals (Schmitz, 2017).
Functional characteristics can be defined as the behavioural, physiological or morphological traits espoused by organisms in relation to their biotic interactions (Schmitz, 2017). These characteristics may include the personality,…...



Allen, B., Nowak, M. A., & Dieckmann, U. (2013). Adaptive Dynamics with Interaction Structure. The American Naturalist, 181(6), E139–E163.

Bardgett, R. D., & Van Der Putten, W. H. (2014). Belowground biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Nature. Nature Publishing Group.

Benoit-Bird, K. J., Battaile, B. C., Heppell, S. A., Hoover, B., Irons, D., Jones, N., … Trites, A. W. (2013). Prey Patch Patterns Predict Habitat Use by Top Marine Predators with Diverse Foraging Strategies. PLoS ONE, 8(1).

Carr, C. E., & Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. (2015). Sound localization strategies in three predators. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 86, 17–27.

d’Ettorre, P. (2016). Genomic and brain expansion provide ants with refined sense of smell. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(49), 13947–13949.

Ferriere, R., & Legendre, S. (2013). Eco-evolutionary feedbacks, adaptive dynamics and evolutionary rescue theory. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Royal Society.

Gravel, D., Albouy, C., & Thuiller, W. (2016). The meaning of functional trait composition of food webs for ecosystem functioning. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Royal Society of London.

Heynen, M., Bunnefeld, N., & Borcherding, J. (2017). Facing different predators: Adaptiveness of behavioral and morphological traits under predation. Current Zoology, 63(3), 249–257.

Need help writing an essay on environmental ethics of the business world and how various businesses affect the environment today?
Words: 365

To start this essay, we would begin by identifying ways that business could impact the environment.  Next, we would want to identify the businesses we wanted to highlight in the essay, focusing on their specific environmental impact.  We would want to select at least two businesses with different reputations for their environmental impact.  Companies that are known for having good environmental initiatives include Disney, Johnson and Johnson, Nike, eBay, Fisher Investments, Hewlett-Packard, Starbucks, and Ford Motor Company.  Companies have a bad reputation in terms of their impact on the environment include AES, PPL, ConAgra Foods, Coca Cola,....

I need your help with finding: infectious diseases argumentative essay topics. Could you give me some ideas please?
Words: 338

If you want to find out arguments about infectious diseases, we are tempted to tell you to visit almost any social media site, where you are almost sure to find people debating the efficacy of face masks to slow the spread of COVID-19.  However, the reality is that you actually want to avoid looking at sites like that if you are trying to develop a good essay about infectious diseases because internet arguments notoriously fail to follow the steps to developing a good argument.  You want to make a claim, provide support for that claim, and address....

Can you help me with an outline for a speech on anxiety?
Words: 502

Anxiety is a normal feeling that can be present in a variety of people.  However, when a person feels excessive anxiety, which is characterized as anxiety that is either without a cause or is disproportionate to any stimuli, then the anxiety may go beyond a normal reaction and be part of an anxiety disorder.  When you are writing a speech about anxiety, it is important to differentiate between that anxiety that is a normal part of everyday life or even a normal reaction to unusual stressors and anxiety that 

Outline for Speech on Anxiety Example

I. Introduction

I need help with an essay outline on the Financial Market?
Words: 765

Right now, it is impossible to discuss the financial markets without looking at what happened with GameStop stock, so we are going to focus our example essay outline on this event.  To understand how a bunch of small investors organizing on social media were able to disrupt hedge fund managers and traditional ways that they profit off of failing companies, it is important to understand the concept of shorting stocks

I. Introduction

A. Stock shorting

B. Why businesses fail from stock shorting

C. Why GameStop was vulnerable

D. The impact of purchasing GameStop....

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