The 21st century is an interesting period to study in regards to humans, their environment, and their social interactions. This century has introduced new developments in the human lifestyle that had never before been imagined. Technology has served as a central driver to many of the changes. Not all changes are positive and many of the new lifestyles have many negative aspects to them. Health and health technology have greatly improved and lengthen the average lifespan yet obesity and cancer have reached epidemic proportions. There are more opportunities for education given that the access to information has become nearly instantaneous yet in many cases the quality of education has reduced. Technology has created a circumstance in which humans are again facing a new environment in which they must adapt to and the results of this pressing adaptation a largely mixed.
ibliographic Review
iological psychology begins with the brain and uses this…...
Friedman, J. (2009). Obesity: Causes and control of excess body fat. Nature, 340-342.
Pregnant women should not drink alcohol, and they should not drink while they are attempting to become pregnant, either. These may be two of the biggest lifestyle changes for many women, but they are critical for the baby's health and safety, and should not be ignored. Drug use is another important aspect of lifestyle change for expectant mothers. They should not take any drugs, legal or illegal, without checking with their healthcare professional, and they should stop using illegal drugs as soon as possible.
Stress is a big part of everyday life, and expectant mothers need to reduce stress in their lives. Expectant mothers can also experience trouble sleeping and other stressors, so it is very important to gain the support of family members, friends, and co-workers in an attempt to lighten stress and reduce the stresses that can affect the baby. Working can actually help increase the health of…...
Damgaard, I.N., Jensen, T.K., Petersen, J.H., Skakkebaek, N.E., Toppari, J., & Main, K.M. (2007). Cryptorchidism and maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(2), 272+.
Editors. (2009). Pre-pregnancy health. Retrieved 5 Feb. 2009 from the Planned Parenthood Web site: .
Key, a.P., Ferguson, M., Molfese, D.L., Peach, K., Lehman, C., & Molfese, V.J. (2007). Smoking during pregnancy affects speech-processing ability in newborn infants. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(4), 623+.
Lindsay, S. (2004). The influence of the 'spaces of everyday life' on pregnancy health. The Canadian Geographer, 48(1), 35+.
Lifestyle of the Ichthyosaur
Ichthyosaurs are a family of marine reptiles that existed during the same era as the dinosaurs. It swam the seas from 245 million years ago to 90 million years ago, during the same period of time that dinosaurs ruled the land. Ichthyosaur fossils were discovered in the late nineteenth century, before the first dinosaur fossils were discovered and subsequently captured the imaginations of scientists and laymen alike. It wasn't until the recent discovery a few years ago of new specimens in Japan and China that a wider interest in the ichthyosaur was revived.
The ichthyosaur is a fish-shaped tetrapod of the diapsid family. A tetrapod is a four limbed vertebrate. Diapsids are classified as having two openings in the skull. There is much fossil evidence to support the conclusion that ichthyosaurs were descended from terrestrial, or land-dwelling, reptiles. One such example is that Ichthyosaurs were air-breathers like…...
Motani, Ryosuke. "Rulers of the Jurassic Seas." Scientific American, Dec 2000. Pages 52-59.
Cowen, Richard. "Locomotion and Respiration in Marine Air-breathing Vertebrates." Evolutionary Biology. 1996.
Motani, Ryosuke. "Ryosuke Motani's Ichthyosaur Page." 2000. Berkeley University. 29 Apr 2004.
Orndoff, Richard L., Wieder, Robert W., Filkorn, Harry F. "How the West was Swum." Natural History. June 2001.
Lower Paleolithic Economy
The Paleolithic Age is the period of human history characterized by the development of most primitive stone and wood tools (Toth & Schick, 2007). The Paleolithic Age extends from the earliest origins regarding the use of stone tools by hominins to the end of the Pleistocene and the Lower Paleolithic Period spans a time period from approximately two and a half million years ago until about 300,000 years ago (Harding et al., 2012). The development of these tools, especially stone tools, was the beginning of the formation of a higher division of labor among hominins and the possibly the development of societies or tribes beyond the family system (Toth & Schick, 2007).
Even though it is believed that the economies and social organization of the Lower Paleolithic societies was more complex than the social organization of the lower apes such is the societies observed in chimpanzee troops, the social…...
Harding, P., Bridgland, D.R., Allen, P., Bradley, P., Grant, M.J., Peat, D., ... & White, T.S.
(2012). Chronology of the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in NW Europe: developer-funded investigations at Dunbridge, Hampshire, southern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 123(4), 584-607.
Lieberman, P. (1991). Uniquely human. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Roberts, B.W., & Vander Linden, M. (2011). Investigating archaeological cultures: Material culture, variability, and transmission. New York: Springer.
Lifestyle Factors Inducing Cancers
Course code
Cancer is one of the leading international causes of morbidity and mortality. Lifestyle factors that contribute to causing cancer have been widely studied in recent years. Summarizing relevant studies, lifestyle factors identified include smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, weight management, physical activity, and environmental exposure. These studies use a variety of methodologies to determine the link between the lifestyle factor and risk of cancer. Issues with the methods of these studies can be addressed by future research that attempts to remedy methodological defects while replicating results. Valid and reliable information is essential to using information about lifestyle factors to combat cancer.
Lifestyle Factors Inducing Cancers
As one of the leading causes of mortality in the world, it is estimated that cancers will have killed 10 million people around the globe by 2020 (Haque et al. 2010). In 2009, the American Cancer Society estimated that there were nearly 1.5 million…...
Bissonauth, V., Shatenstein, B., Fafard, E., Maugard, C., Robidoux, A., Narod, S., & Ghadirian, P. (2009). Weight History, Smoking, Physical Activity and Breast Cancer Risk among French-Canadian Women Non-Carriers of More Frequent BRCi Mutations. Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, 2009, 1-11.
Boniol, M. & Autier, P. (2010). Prevalence of main cancer lifestyle risk factors in Europe in 2000. European Journal of Cancer, 46, 2534-2544.
De Vries, E., Soerjomataram, I., Lemmens, V.E.P.P., Goebergh, J.W.W., Barendregt, J.J., Oenema, A., Moller, H., Brenner, H., & Renehan, A.G. (2010). Lifestyle changes and reduction of colon cancer incidence in Europe: A scenario study of physical activity promotion and weight reduction. European Journal of Cancer, 46, 2605-2616.
Haque, N., Salma, U., Nurunnabi, T.R., Haque, A.K.M.F., Mukti, I.J., Pervin, S., & Nahar, R. (2010). Lifestyle Related Cuases of Cancer and Chemoprevention through Phytonutrients. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 13(19), 916-926.
Now, Generation Y (and the entering of Generation Z) has continued to fill in the societal gaps as Gen Xers have moved on to more traditional societal roles. However, the age demographic of the skateboarding culture is that of the young, and likely will remain to be a defining facet.
Since the advent of skateboarding, more than a half a century ago, it has evolved from a simple child's mode of fun travel to an entirely different subculture and lifestyle. This multi-billion dollar industry is also an alternative culture, in the sense that members lie on the fringes of normal society. They follow their own rules, customs, and patterns of behavior. Much like hip hop and rap cultures, skateboarding culture has its own music, language, art, fashion, and sport that binds its members together. This culture was formed in response to several factors. The first being reverse discrimination White males…...
Brayton, S. (Sep 2005). Black-lash: Revisiting the 'white negro' through skateboarding. Sociology of Sport Journal, 22(3). Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Academic Search Premier.
How can history help us understand sports? XXXX
Leach, a. (Sep 2008). One day it'll all make sense: Hip-hop and rap resources for music librarians. Notes, 65(1). Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Academic Search Premier.
Tylor, E.B. (1994), the Collected Works of Edward Burnett Tylor, Routledge/Thoemmes Press, London.
Genetics: How the American Lifestyle Contributes to Obesity ?
Obesity in America is a continuing crisis that is approaching epic proportions. According to recent studied by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 400,000 Americans die every year from obesity-related diseases and complications. In total, close to $1.25 billion per year is spent on health care for obesity-related costs. This paper examines the causes of obesity and medical definition of obesity. This paper also provides a survey of the lifestyle factors that have contributed to the rise in American obesity, specifically, increased food supply, lack of healthy fast foods, and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. esearch from several sources, including the CDC and a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), is used to support to thesis of the paper, which is that American culture contributes to the obesity epidemic. The paper concludes…...
Centers for Disease Control. "Overweight and Obesity." Retrieved on February 19, 2001 from ?
*Denver Post (2011). Colorado Physical Activity Bill Given Initial OK, The Denver Post Online. Retrieved on February 19, 2001 from ?
Epstein, L.H., Paluch, R.A., Gordy, C.C., Dorn, J. (2000). "Decreasing Sedentary Behaviors in Treating Pediatric Obesity." Arch Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 154, 220-226.
Hill, J.O., Peters, J.C. (1998). "Environmental Contributions to the Obesity." Epidemic. Science Magazine, 280, 1371-1375.
In most of Switzerland's cantons, the main religion is represented by Christianity. It is estimated that 41.8% of the population belong to the Catholic Church, while 35.3% belong to Protestant denominations. Other religions, which were brought by immigrants include Islam accounting for 4.3%, and Eastern Orthodoxy accounting for 1.8% of the population.
Demographics in Switzerland
The country's population in 2009 reached 7,604,467. The age structure is the following: 0 -- 14 years: 15.6%, 15 -- 64 years: 68.1%, 65 years and over: 16.3%. The median age is estimated at 41 years. The population growth rate in 2009 reached 0.276% (CIA, 2009).
Ethnic groups in Switzerland are represented by German 65%, French 18%, Italian 10%, omansch 1%, other 6%.
The national and official languages in Switzerland are: German 63.7%, French 20.4%, Italian 6.5%, and omansch 0.5%. Other languages include Serbo-Croatian 1.5%, Albanian 1.3%, Portuguese 1.2%, Spanish 1.2%, English 1%, and other 2.8%.
Holiday Celebration in Switzerland
mlaReference list:
1. Richards, C. (2005). Living in Switzerland. Transitions Abroad. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from .
2. Switzerland (2009). Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from .
3. Holiday Traditions in Switzerland (2009). California Mall. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from .
4. Holidays in Switzerland (2006). Retrieved December 11, 2009 from .
Consumer Lifestyle and Behavior
Eating Healthy Fast Food
Given the New Year it is likely that many people have made resolutions to eat healthier. However eating healthy can be very difficult for many consumers. Not everyone has the time to dedicate to their diet and nutrition. Eating healthy often requires that consumers spend a significant amount of time shopping, comparing products, and preparing their own food. Many consumers simply do not have the time or the motivation to dedicate to their diet. Therefore these consumers must rely on restaurants and fast food vendors to prepare their food. This paper will look at a sample of healthier items that are offered by various fast food vendors and look at how consumers might perceive these products. There is a socio-cultural trend towards eating healthier that many organizations have picked up on and have adjusted their menus accordingly. However, many of these products are merely…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bite Club, 2011. National Restaurant Chains Most Likely to Go Bankrupt in 2011. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 January 2013].
McDonald's, N.d.. Favorites Under 400. [Online]
Leisure Lifestyles Paper
Leisure is an important component of the American life. Many Americans derive immense pleasure, satisfaction, and fulfilment from leisure activities. While there are leisure activities common to Americans as a whole, leisure lifestyles tend to differ across groups, mostly in terms of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. This paper compares and contrasts the leisure lifestyles of three selected groups: African Americans, Latinos, and gay men. The paper also pays attention to changes in leisure lifestyles among gay men in the last one and a half decades or so.
African American Leisure Lifestyles
African Americas have greatly shaped the American life. Without African Americans, many leisure activities present today would perhaps not be existent. African Americans’ leisure lifestyles have been largely influenced by their historical experiences, especially slavery and racial discrimination (Andrews, 2004). Due to lack of freedom, African Americans during the era of slavery had little or…...
Andrews, V. L. (2004). “African American Leisure Lifestyles,” Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America. Ed. Gary S. Cross. Vol. 1. Detroit: Charles Scribner\\'s Sons, p8-12.Gomez, E. (2004). “Latino Leisure Lifestyles,” Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America. Ed. Gary S. Cross. Vol. 1. Detroit: Charles Scribner\\'s Sons, p500-504.Romesburg, D. (2004). “Gay Men\\'s Leisure Lifestyles,” Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America. Ed. Gary S. Cross. Vol. 1. Detroit: Charles Scribner\\'s Sons, p388- 391.
Lifestyle Profile of the Neighborhood of University of Illinois Hospital
Marketing research represents a crucial business activity, since it helps identify factors such as consumer characteristics, market size and nature, and nature of rivals, which ascertain a corporation's ability to succeed. This is generally connected with the activity of market segmentation, performed for distinguishing the diverse customer groups. This paper will offer a lifestyle profile of University of Illinois (UI) Hospital's neighborhood.
UI Health, which forms a division of the UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago), offers inclusive health care, research and education services to Illinois State residents, as well as those of other states. It includes a clinical business, which encompasses a tertiary care organization with a capacity to house 495 inpatients, 22 outpatient healthcare organizations, and a dozen Federally-Qualified MSHCs (Mile Square Health Centers). UI Health's PSA (Primary Service Area) covers two dozen neighboring localities. These PSAs are called community…...
Boundless. (2016). "Developing a Market Segmentation." Retrieved 15 Sep. 2016 from
University of Illinois Health. (2016). The University of Illinois Community Assessment of Needs (UI-CAN) 2016: Towards Health Equity. Retrieved September 15, 2016, from
Week 6The guiding PICOT question for my DNP project remains: In adults diagnosed with hypertension (P), how does the implementation of a hypertension management program including lifestyle modification support, medication adherence strategies, and regular monitoring (I) compare to usual care (C) in reducing blood pressure levels, decreasing the incidence of hypertension-related complications, and improving patient satisfaction (O) within 12 months (T)?Summary of Goals for the Sixth WeekThe sixth week of my practicum was focused on further solidifying the implementation of the hypertension management program while also addressing any challenges. The goals for this week were to improve data collection processes, continue with refining patient engagement strategies, and make sure that the staff is fully supported in their roles within the program. One specific objective was to improve the accuracy of blood pressure measurements by providing additional training to staff on best practices and protocols (Shimbo et al., 2020).Description of Activities…...
mlaReferencesBudge, C., Taylor, M., & Curtis, C. (2021). Support for living well with long?term conditions: How people manage. Journal of clinical nursing, 30(3-4), 475-487.Choudhry, N. K., Kronish, I. M., Vongpatanasin, W., Ferdinand, K. C., Pavlik, V. N., Egan, B. M., ... & American Heart Association Council on Hypertension; Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing; and Council on Clinical Cardiology. (2022). Medication adherence and blood pressure control: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension, 79(1), e1-e14.Crowell, D. M., & Boynton, B. (2020). Complexity leadership: Nursing\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s role in health care delivery. FA Davis.Liebler, J. G., & McConnell, C. R. (2020). Management principles for health professionals. Jones & Bartlett Learning.Shimbo, D., Artinian, N. T., Basile, J. N., Krakoff, L. R., Margolis, K. L., Rakotz, M. K., ... & American Heart Association and the American Medical Association. (2020). Self-measured blood pressure monitoring at home: a joint policy statement from the American Heart Association and American Medical Association. Circulation, 142(4), e42-e63.Williams, P. A. (2021). Fundamental concepts and skills for nursing-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Mrs. J CaseClinical Manifestations in Mrs. JSubjectively, Mrs. J presented with anxiety (she is worried her health is so bad she is going to die), difficulty breathing, exhaustion, and lack of strength to eat or drink. Objectively, she had an irregular heartbeat, elevated heart rate, low blood pressure, crackles in her lungs, hepatomegaly, and blood-tinged sputum. She also had fever and malaise, which could be symptoms of an acute infection which might have led to the acute decompensation of her chronic conditions (Caterino et al., 2019).Four Cardiovascular Conditions and InterventionThe cardiovascular conditions Mrs. J is at risk for include hypertension, atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, and chronic kidney disease.Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to left ventricular hypertrophy and ultimately heart failure (Slivnick & Lampert, 2019). Antihypertensive drugs such as enalapril can be administered, along with lifestyle modifications like diet and exercise.Atrial fibrillation can cause heart failure due to rapid heart rate…...
mlaReferencesCaterino, J. M., Kline, D. M., Leininger, R., Southerland, L. T., Carpenter, C. R., Baugh, C. W., ... & Stevenson, K. B. (2019). Nonspecific symptoms lack diagnostic accuracy for infection in older patients in the emergency department. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67(3), 484-492.Cerón-Pisa, N., Shafiek, H., Martín-Medina, A., Verdú, J., Jordana-Lluch, E., Escobar-Salom, M., ... & Cosío, B. G. (2022). Effects of Inhaled Corticosteroids on the Innate Immunological Response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection in Patients with COPD. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(15), 8127.Seo, Y., Lee, H. J., Ha, E. J., & Ha, T. S. (2022). 2021 KSCCM clinical practice guidelines for pain, agitation, delirium, immobility, and sleep disturbance in the intensive care unit. Acute and Critical Care, 37(1), 1-25.Slivnick, J., & Lampert, B. C. (2019). Hypertension and heart failure. Heart failure clinics, 15(4), 531-541.Watson, M. P., Bennett, M., Hamilton, C., Hill, L., & McNally, O. (2022). Rate vs rhythm: beta blockers and antiarrhythmics as pharmacological options for the treatment of postoperative atrial fibrillation. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 17(11), 1-7.Yang, T., Mei, X., Tackie-Yarboi, E., Akere, M. T., Kyoung, J., Mell, B., ... & Joe, B. (2022). Identification of a gut commensal that compromises the blood pressure-lowering effect of ester angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Hypertension, 79(8), 1591-1601.
2017 right around the corner, it is time to see what designers have in store, and what new trends might be popping up on the horizon. One of the most notable emerging trends is the shift away from technology and complexity, as we find comfort, solace, and retreat in simplicity and the natural world. This theme is evident in both fashion and interior design. As Gudy (2016) points out, emerging design trends reveal "our instinctive need to express ourselves in a world that is, at times, lost in a rush of souls chaos."
A similar trend towards simplicity and taking time away from harried lives was evident in New York Fashion Week Spring 2017. Loose-fitting yet highly structured elements make an appearance. Even hooded bathrobes disguised as coats make an appearance, showing that consumers are demanding greater comfort and relaxation from their lifestyles. Similarly, the brashly off-the-shoulder look and billowy white…...
threats to Hank's lifestyle.
Development has taken over grazing land. Another issue is that environmentalists demanding that practices like Hank's be made illegal (Schlosser 134). Also, the race track nearby is disturbing the animals, among other things. The text describes other threats, including: "rising land prices, stagnant beef prices, oversupplies of cattle, increased shipments of live cattle from Canada and Mexico, development pressures, inheritance taxes, health scares about beef" (136).
How are Hank's problems similar to the problems faced by ranchers 100 years ago?
hen the Industrial Revolution occurred, natural land was taken over so that factories could be built. The ranchers and farmers had to learn to live with this. Also, this was the time when the country was dealing with large trusts who controlled whole industries.
How does the meat packing industry keep the price of cattle low?
The meat packing industry keeps the price of cattle low by feeding the animals…...
mlaWorks Cited
Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 2001. 133-47. Print.
1. A diet or lifestyle related disease is one that is brought about specifically because of the type of diet the person has or the lifestyle he or she chooses to live. 2. Obesity causes many health issues. The most common are sleep apnea, type II diabetes, and heart disease. 3. Obesity is linked to both diet and lifestyle. Someone who overeats and also does not exercise can become obese over time. 4. In society, obesity causes higher health care costs, "fat shaming," and discomfort for many people because of a lack of ability to accommodate larger-sized people (think airplane and bus seats,....
Many people have suggested reasons that obesity remains prevalent in Salford, UK. The low level of adult physical activity is believed to be the primary cause, but it is important to recognize that childhood obesity is also a factor in Salford. In addition, one must compare other health measures in Salford to the rest of the UK to get a full picture. In general, Salford is simply less healthy than the English average, with higher rates of adult smoking, smoking-related deaths, alcohol-related hospital stays, mental health conditions, dementia, and learning disabilities. This seems to be directly linked to issues....
Physical activity plays such an important role in public health. It is especially important when a society has become sedentary, which applies to many of the industrialized societies around the globe. It is not surprise, then, that public health efforts often focus on increasing daily movement as a way to help improve community health.
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