Lifespan Development Essays (Examples)

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Lifespan Development Britney Spears Many
Pages: 13 Words: 6197

Of course, Spears is still very young, and may face numerous future changes. However, at this time, she appears to have found some stability.

While Spears spent much of her early life in the public spotlight, it is actually difficult to assess her early cognitive development. This should come as no surprise when one looks at various theories of cognitive development. For example, Piaget discusses cognitive development, but all of his significant stages occur prior to the time that Spears became a public figure, and, therefore, prior to the time that biographers have reliable information about her development. However, Piaget's conclusions "that cognitive development is the product of complex interactions between the maturation of the nervous system and that of language, and that this maturation depends on children's social and physical interactions with the world around them" allow the observer to draw conclusions about Spears' early life without having direct…...



A&E Television. (2011). Britney Spears biography. Retrieved December 19, 2011 from website: 

Borenson, H. (2008, January 11). The stages of life according to Jean Piaget. Retrieved December 19, 2011 from The Human Odyssey website:

The Brain from Top to Bottom. (Unk.). Piaget's model of cognitive development. Retrieved from 

Child Development Institute. (2011). Stages of intellectual development in children and teenagers. Retrieved from

Lifespan Development Theory Personal Theory
Pages: 10 Words: 2585

In the classic line during the move where she yells, un Forrest UN!!" It is a metaphoric illustration of him leaving the stage behind in which the expectations of adults in his life is dominant and he enters the next stage of development which is the stage of expectations of others, primarily peers.

During the movie, the audience receives a clear cut example of this stage of development when Forrest spends time trying to help Jenny escape various situations and her opinion of him and his actions seem to weigh more heavily on his mind and heart than even the opinions of his beloved mother.

This become evidenced in several social scenes and retelling stories that Forrest provides to the people in the bus stop about his previous years of development.

The final stages of the development phase are also clearly portrayed and illuminated during the movie and the character of Forrest Gump.




Groom, Winston. (1994) Forrest Gump. Paramount Studios

Stages of Social-Emotional Development in Children and Teenagers. (Accessed 7-11-07)

Lifespan Development Between the Events
Pages: 3 Words: 868


There are three specific domains and/or periods related to life span development -- the biological domain, the cognitive domain and the psychosocial domain. With the first, this involves changes in the physical body, such as growing taller, gaining weight, more muscle growth, and maturing sexually from an adolescent to an adult. The second domain involves cognition or the mental process of knowing, such as "imagining, perceiving, reasoning and problem-solving " (2009, "Introduction to Life Span Development,' Internet). As Michael C. Sparrow reminds us, the process of knowing "grows exponentially as a person matures from childhood and into adulthood and beyond into old age" (2001, p. 165) and can be viewed as involving "changes in intelligence, expertise and the ability to reason and use logic" (Smith, 1999, Internet). As to the psychosocial domain, this involves "emotions, personality and social interactions and expectations" (2009, "Introduction to Life Span Development," Internet),…...



Baltes, P.B., H. Reese, and L. Lipsett. (1980). "Lifespan developmental psychology." Annual Review of Pyschology. 31: 65-110.

Hernandez, Christina. (2008). "Life span perspectives on human development."

Associated Content. Internet. Accessed from 


Lifespan Development and Personality John
Pages: 3 Words: 1219

It was to this group Gacy devoted the majority of his time to and eventually became first vice-president and 'Man of the Year.' ("John ayne Gacy: Crime Library," 2006, p.4) Gacy was married to a woman whose father owned a Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise, but rumors began to swirl that Gacy had made passes at the young men working at the chain. Gacy was incarcerated for an incident involving a man he had paid for sex and then attempted to have beaten by a thug for hire. ("John ayne Gacy: Crime Library," 2006, pp.3-4)

Morally, Gacy came from a conservative Catholic background, was active in many Catholic organizations and the Boy Scouts, yet engaged in gay sexual practices, even when he was married. He was sent to jail for sodomy and battery, yet was a model prisoner. His father was an alcoholic, although Gacy idealized him. There was a profound…...


Works Cited

Boeree, C. George, (1998). "Erik Erikson." Personality Theories. Retrieved 28 Oct 2006 at 

Boeree, George. (1998). "B. F. Skinner." Personality Theories. Retrieved 28 Oct 2006 at 

John Wayne Gacy: Crime Library." (2006). Crime Library. Retrieved 28 Oct 2006 at

Lifespan Development Issue Despite the
Pages: 3 Words: 1061

It would be expected that increased consumption of healthier foods would have a positive overall impact.
Anti-obesity drugs have been considered for some time, with some negative issues in the past. For example, the pill rimonabant introduced in 2006 increased already high levels of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts with the obese population. ecently, according to an article in Popular Science (Hagerman, 2009) the hormone option instead seems more "palatable and plausible." However, it is pointed out that no one bodily mechanism is responsible for obesity, and it is a very challenging problem. Healthcare professionals also do not have positive thoughts on such approaches. They report that treating obesity with drugs transforms it into a disease rather than something caused by lifestyle choices. Believing that being overweight is due to faulty genes or illness removes a person's responsibility for remaining healthy. People become obese for diverse and complex reasons, and…...



Braveman, P. (2009) Health Disparities Perspective on Obesity Research Prev Chronic Dis 6(3). Retrieved October 16, 2009.   / jul/09_0012.htm. 

NHANES data on the Prevalence of Overweight Among Children and Adolescents: United States, 2003 -- 2006. CDC National Center for Health Statistics, Health E-Stat.   / overwght_child_03.htm 

Nursing Standard (2008) Tackling obesity with pills. 22(30), 26-28.

Winstanley, C.L. (2007) a Healthy Food Tax Credit: Moving Away from the Fat Tax and Its Fault-Based Paradigm. Oregon Law Review. 86 or. L. Rev. 1151

Theories of Lifespan Development in Psychology
Pages: 3 Words: 908

Lifespan development is one of the major research areas in the field of psychology. Theories about lifespan development vary considerably, with some focusing almost exclusively on biological features of development and others purely on the psychological or social dimensions of development. As Staudinger & Lindenberger (2003) point out, "the description, explanation, and enhancement of development in individuals and groups of individuals are seen as important goals of scientific inquiry in most of the social, behavioral, and life sciences," (p. 1). Lifespan development includes issues such as the evolution of sensory-motor skills from birth to adulthood; the evolution of the sexual responses in the human system, and the evolution of moral reasoning. The primary objective of lifespan development research is to discover patterns in the ways individual human beings grow on different dimensions such as physiological changes, neurobiological development, emotional maturation, or social skills development.
An interesting sub-field of developmental psychology is…...



"An Introduction to Lifespan Development," (n.d.). Chapter One. Pearson. Retrieved online: 

Riediger, M., Voelkle, M.C., Schaefer, S. & Lindenberger, U. (2014). Charting the life course. Psychology and Aging 29(3): 503-520.

Staudinger, U.M. & Lindenberger, E.R. (2003). Understanding human development takes metatheory and multiple disciplines. Chapter 1 in Understanding Human Development. Springer.

Schizo Psychosis & Lifespan Development
Pages: 2 Words: 580

A person with schizoaffective disorder, on the other hand, also expresses symptoms of schizophrenia but will also experience periods of either deep depression or unipolar illness or bipolar illness, which is a mix of both mania and depression (Taylor, 1998). During this time, hallucinations or delusions are present for 2 weeks, minimum (American sychiatric Assiociation, 1994). This paper shall now go on to describe schizophrenia, which is the more form of these disorders.
Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia may hit only about 1% of the population, the effects of this disorder is devastating not just to the patient but also to those around him or her (Kring et al., 2007). Schizophrenia is described by Kring et al. (2007) by "the scattering or disconnection of thoughts, lack of emotion, odd delusions and bewildering hallucinations" (Kring et al., 2007, 359). A schizophrenic is unable to express his emotions and will often articulate inappropriate emotions (e.g.…...


Psychosis and lifespan development. Psychosis, or the state in which emotions and thoughts are severely disordered and need the help of a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist (Prinel, 2006, 449). Mental illnesses may affect a person as early as childhood (Taylor 1998). However, mental disorders, such as schizophrenia usually surface in a person's late adolescent period or in early adulthood (Kring et al., 2007, 350). Mental illnesses affect both males and females, equally, but may appear earlier for males (Kring et al., 2007, 350). A person who develops a serious mental illness as a child is deprived from experiencing normal maturation and cognitive development (Taylor, 1998, 316). Young patients with a psychosis like schizophrenia may not be impaired, intellectually, but since they do not fully develop their social cognitive skills, they often find it hard to express themselves and to socialize with others (Taylor, 1998, 316-317). Mental illness that manifest in adults can take the form of the following, as categorized by the DSM-IV (1994): Adults may suffer from schizophreniform disorder or schizoaffective disorder, which are mild forms of schizophrenia. However, patients with schizophreniform disorder are still able to function, socially and occupationally. As described by the DSM-IV, those with schizophreniform may show psychotic symptoms within 4 weeks when their usual functioning or behavior is altered and they will exhibit confusion or perplexity at the peak of their psychotic meltdown (American Psychiatric Assiociation, 1994). A person with schizoaffective disorder, on the other hand, also expresses symptoms of schizophrenia but will also experience periods of either deep depression or unipolar illness or bipolar illness, which is a mix of both mania and depression (Taylor, 1998). During this time, hallucinations or delusions are present for 2 weeks, minimum (American Psychiatric Assiociation, 1994). This paper shall now go on to describe schizophrenia, which is the more form of these disorders.

Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia may hit only about 1% of the population, the effects of this disorder is devastating not just to the patient but also to those around him or her (Kring et al., 2007). Schizophrenia is described by Kring et al. (2007) by "the scattering or disconnection of thoughts, lack of emotion, odd delusions and bewildering hallucinations" (Kring et al., 2007, 359). A schizophrenic is unable to express his emotions and will often articulate inappropriate emotions (e.g. laughing when told of a death in his family but getting frustrated or angry when asked simple questions) (Kring, et al., 2007). A schizophrenic also exhibits disordered thinking, wherein his "ideas are not logically connected; faulty perception and attention" (Kring et al., 2007, 350). Furthermore, a schizophrenic experiences a disturbance in his movement or his behavior (Ibid). He may drag his feet while he walks or may often look messy or untidy (Ibid).

A person need only suffer from one of following symptoms recurring in a span of 8 months to be diagnosed with schizophrenia (Prinel, 2006, 450). Symptoms of

Psychology - Lifespan Development Personal
Pages: 4 Words: 1159

Much later, my father explained the difference between rational optimism and rationalization and suggested to me that the former is probably more healthy psychologically than the latter. According to him, both achieve the same short-term benefit, but rationalization is associated with long-term consequences in the nature of clinical depression and mood swings. He explained that people who rationalize purposely avoid acknowledging disappointments and that this sort of repression usually results in negativity that is always expressed later, and often in manners that are far removed from their original cause. I recognized in friends and acquaintances what my father explained and learned to recognize the value of "making lemonade" as a conscious and purposeful decision to salvage disappointments rather than as a subconscious rationalization.

It is more difficult for me to identify whether natural predisposition or environmental influences and modeled behavior is more responsible for the fact that I seem to…...

Life Span Development Life-Span Development
Pages: 2 Words: 580


very one goes through many stages in life beginning at the time of conception, throughout life, and finally in death. Human development is important to psychologists because it can provide insight about a person and the stage he or she may be experiencing in life based on age-related changes in behavior, emotions, personality, and thought processes (Boyd & Bee, 2009). The interest of changes throughout a person's life, from childhood through adulthood, has developed into a psychological area of study called the lifespan perspective. This modern perspective believes that interdisciplinary research is important in the understanding of lifespan development as well as understanding that each individual, of all ages, can change and develop through many different contexts (Boyd & Bee, 2009).

The following stages, according to Annenberg Media Learner (2010), start at birth. Although Boyd & Bee (2010) state that prenatal is the very first stage of development. While going through…...


Every one goes through many stages in life beginning at the time of conception, throughout life, and finally in death. Human development is important to psychologists because it can provide insight about a person and the stage he or she may be experiencing in life based on age-related changes in behavior, emotions, personality, and thought processes (Boyd & Bee, 2009). The interest of changes throughout a person's life, from childhood through adulthood, has developed into a psychological area of study called the lifespan perspective. This modern perspective believes that interdisciplinary research is important in the understanding of lifespan development as well as understanding that each individual, of all ages, can change and develop through many different contexts (Boyd & Bee, 2009).

The following stages, according to Annenberg Media Learner (2010), start at birth. Although Boyd & Bee (2010) state that prenatal is the very first stage of development. While going through the website Learner's (2010) periods, put in parentheses will be the label that Boyd & Bee (2009) give to each stage. The first period is birth to age two (infancy), second is ages two through six (early childhood), third is ages seven to nine (middle childhood), fourth is 10 to 12 (middle childhood), fifth is 13- 15 (adolescence), and sixth is 16 to 19 (early adulthood). These first six stages are all under 20 years of age. A large amount of development is going on during these years.

The seventh period is ages 20 to 40 (emerging adulthood), eighth period is 40 to 65 (middle adulthood), and the last period is 65 and older (late adulthood). Plenty of changes and development are

Life Span Development Interviewing an
Pages: 5 Words: 1580

This is also indicative of the very real affect of social norms and values in life devbelopemtn and the way that they can conflict and obstruct the search for identity and actualization.
These findings from the interview also coincide with studies of life development in the elderly. As a study by Wynne and Groves (1995) states,

Life satisfaction is a critical dimension to well senior citizens because it is directly attributable to their quality of life. The senior years are concerned with the development and enhancement of one's physical, spiritual, and mental well being. It is in one's later years that an individual has the necessary time to focus on these content areas. (Wynne and Groves, 1995, p. 448)

This short interview was not extensive or in-depth enough to explore in detail the various aspects that were instrumental and influential in this particular individual's life development.

In this case there is a need…...



Ashman O. Lifespan Development: A Social-Cultural Perspective (abstract)

Retrieved November 9, 2008 at 

Boeree C. ABRAHAM MASLOW: 1908 -1970. Retrieved November 6, 2008, at 

Wynne, R.J., & Groves, D.L. (1995). Life Span Approach to Understanding Coping

56 Up Series Reaction
Pages: 4 Words: 1331

Reaction to 56 Up Series The “Up Series” provides a story of the lifespan development of different children from vastly different backgrounds. This series has entailed following the lifespan development of children from 7 years old to 56 years. The story was filmed from 1964 when 7-year old children were picked from prep schools, primary schools, state schools, and private schools. These children talked about their dreams, ambitions, and fears for the future (Damascus, 2016). The series has followed the lives of these individuals every seven years until age 56 years. Consequently, it provides significant insights on the growth and development of individuals across different stages in life. This paper examines various aspects of the individual’s growth and development at 56 years in terms of various influences. This discussion is based on various psychological concepts relating to individual growth and development.
Nature vs. Nurture
Nature and nurture is one of the overarching themes…...



Boyd, D.R., Bee, H.L. & Johnson, P.A. (2017). Lifespan development (6th ed.). Toronto, Canada: Pearson Education.

Damascus, D. (2016, November 30). 56 Up 2012 [Video file]. Retrieved from

McLeod, S. (2018). Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development. Retrieved March 30, 2019, from

Wachs, T.D. (1999). The Nature and Nurture of Child Development. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 20(1), 7-22.

Lifespan IT's Very Interesting to Discuss an
Pages: 8 Words: 3695

It's very interesting to discuss an individual's life in detail, especially when done so in a thoughtful manner. Through these conversations, one garners a distinct appreciation for life and the obstacles it presents. It also provides a great sense of the importance of perseverance in regards to success. Allen exemplifies the term "perseverance," in his behaviors throughout life. I personally had to the opportunity to meet Allen during a job fair. He was representing Macy's and immediately seemed approachable. He is warm hearted and very engaging. Little did I know that his background was one that was anything but warm.

Family background

Not much is known about Allen's father, who was appropriate named Allen himself. As the third, the younger Allen never made physical contact with his father. From the information garnered from his mother, Allen Sr. was an expert guitarist. His hobbies included playing instruments and teaching music. His profession was…...

Abnormal Psych-Lifespan Dev't What Would
Pages: 3 Words: 896

Schizophrenia can begin as early as infancy but more often starts during adolescence or early adulthood (Prinel, 2006, 449). It is communicated genetically but is also aggravated by environmental factors, such as stress (Kring, et al., 2006). elatives of patients with schizophrenia are more predisposed to the disorder (Ibid). Further, they may not only have the same genes but may also share the same experiences (Ibid). Studies have shown that while schizophrenia may only affect 1% of the population, the incidence of inheriting this disorder rises to 10% among close biological relatives (i.e., in a parent, a child or a sibling) (Prinel, 2006, 450).

However, the development of schizophrenia is not attributed merely to genetic factors. Even though a person may be predisposed to the disorder, the environment in which he lives in plays a defining role in the activation of the disorder (Prinel, 2006). Family related factors, such as stress…...



American Psychiatric Association (1994). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th Edition). Washington DC: Author

Konstantareas, M., & Hewitt, T. (2001, February). Autistic Disorder and Schizophrenia: Diagnostic Overlaps. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 31(1), 19-28. Retrieved September 11, 2009, from Education Research Complete database.

Kring, a., Davison, G., Neale, J., Johnson, S. (2007). Abnormal

Psychology (10th Edition). Chapter11 (pp. 349- 385). USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

How Counseling Services Benefit People-Based on Theories of Human Development
Pages: 4 Words: 1332

(Psychopedia, 2014, p. 1)
Psychosocial Theory

Psychosocial theory is reported to combine internal psychological factors and social factors that are external with each stage building on the others and focusing on a challenge that needs to be resolved during that specific stage so that the individual can move on to the next stage of development. (

VI. enefits of Counseling and Development Theories

The benefits of counseling related to theories of human development include assisting individuals in understanding how they got to where they are today and assist them in understanding how they can personally make changes or adjustments in their own life to achieve their personal life goals. It is reported that "According to develop mentalists, relationships among cognitions, emotions, and behaviors are interdependent and rooted in transactions with the environment (locher, 1980); therefore, while all humans possess inherent natures and abilities to mature, certain conditions must be present to facilitate the…...



Muro, L. (2007) The Effects of Human Developmental counseling Application Curriculum on Content Integration, Application, and Cognitive Complexity for Counselor Trainees. Retrieved from: 

Counseling Psychology (2014) Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Educational Counseling. Retrieved from: 

Psychosocial Theory (Erik Erikson) (2014) Retrieved from:

Learning Theory (2014) Princeton University. Retrieved from:

Human Development and Counseling
Pages: 2 Words: 643

Human Development in ehabilitation Counseling
ehabilitation counseling is a profession that focuses on using a counseling process to assist disabled individuals to achieve their individual, career, and autonomous life goals. As a result, professional in this field work in various settings including healthcare facilities, rehabilitation centers, governmental agencies, learning institutions, and insurance companies. Given their role in helping people living with disabilities, rehabilitation counselors need to acquire necessary competencies and skills for effective practice. One of the most crucial elements to the development of a rehabilitation counselor is understanding human development, a suitable age range or group to counsel, and applying relevant theories during practice. These three factors help in enhancing the effectiveness of a rehabilitation counselor in his/her setting.

Significance of Human Development to a ehabilitation Counselor

As previously indicated, one of the important elements to the development of a rehabilitation counselor is understanding human development. Generally, understanding lifespan development is…...



Good Therapy. (2017, January 30). Child and Adolescent Issues. Retrieved April 26, 2017, from 

Sales, A. & Brodwin, M.G. (2015). Human growth and development considerations in rehabilitation counseling (2nd ed.). Linn Creek, MO: Aspen Professional Services.

I need help writing my essay on an analysis about Death, Dying, and Grieving from chapter 17 in Essentials of Life Span Development Santrock, 7e?
Words: 356

In Santrock’s Essentials of Life-Span Development, 7e, the authors address death, dying, and grieving in Chapter 17.  They discuss death and grief in many terms, from clinical definitions to the stage of death in term of lifespan development.  They focus on lifespan from the perspective of several different theorists, but there is significant overlap in theories, especially in Western theories about death, dying, and grief.

Summary- In this section, you want to summarize what the book contains about this section of the lifespan.  We suggest focusing on the various theories in your summary and....

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover alzheimer\'s and lifespan development?
Words: 417

Certainly! Here are some essay topics that cover Alzheimer's disease and lifespan development:

1. The impact of Alzheimer's disease on an individual's cognitive development across the lifespan.
2. How does Alzheimer's disease affect social and emotional development in older adults?
3. The role of genetics in the development of Alzheimer's disease and its implications for lifespan development.
4. The progression of Alzheimer's disease and its effects on physical development as individuals age.
5. Strategies for promoting cognitive health and preventing Alzheimer's disease throughout the lifespan.
6. The relationship between Alzheimer's disease and lifespan stages such as early adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood.
7. The impact of....

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover alzheimer\'s and lifespan development?
Words: 584

## Essay Topics on Alzheimer's and Lifespan Development

1. The Impact of Alzheimer's on Cognitive Functioning and the Aging Process

Explore the neurobiological changes associated with Alzheimer's disease and their effects on cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, and language.
Discuss the stages of Alzheimer's disease and how it affects the lifespan development of individuals.

2. The Role of Caregivers in Supporting Individuals with Alzheimer's

Examine the challenges and rewards of being a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer's.
Discuss the different types of support caregivers provide and the impact it has on their own well-being.
Analyze the need for comprehensive caregiver support....

How do genetics and environment interact to influence lifespan development?
Words: 442

Genetics and environment both play significant roles in shaping an individual's lifespan development. Genetics determine an individual's inherited traits, such as predisposition to certain diseases or physical characteristics, which can have an impact on longevity. For example, individuals with a family history of heart disease may be at a higher risk for developing the condition themselves, potentially leading to a shorter lifespan.

However, the environment in which an individual grows up and lives also exerts a powerful influence on lifespan development. Factors such as diet, exercise, access to healthcare, exposure to toxins and pollutants, socio-economic status, and social relationships all contribute....

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