Library Essays (Examples)

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Library Services Reference Services in Libraries Librarians
Pages: 2 Words: 519

Library Services
Reference Services in Libraries

Librarians and information science professionals provide a vital service to patrons by navigating them through a myriad of information and knowledge sources available. Compounding this challenge is the exponential growth of online information sources and the often confusing nature of software used for accessing these online resources. Only by interviewing patrons and getting a very clear idea of what their needs are can a library patron attain a high level of performance over time. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate how librarians and information science professionals can more effectively serve patrons by interviewing them about their information needs.

Serving Patrons By Researching Their Needs

The ability to quickly determine the information needs and wants of a patron is critical for any librarian and information science to excel in their role. The first step in accomplishing a higher level of performance and accuracy in terms of fulfilling…...

Library Lesson Plan Target Grade
Pages: 5 Words: 1445

Place them inside another circle (labeled "____ Library") if they apply to that library, but not to your school library.

Place them in the middle section of the diagram (where two circles intersect) if they apply to both your school library and another library you visited.

When you have finished, ask students to name any other features of either library and add them to the diagram.


1. Now have students close their eyes and think about the layout of your school library. Have them get a clear mental picture of it.

2. On a large sheet of paper, start a drawing of a map and give the students a point of reference such as the front door. Now give each student their own map drawing supplies (paper and markers) and have them start with the front door as a visualization point.

3. Have the students label each section of the library map. (More capable students…...

Libraries the Role of Library
Pages: 7 Words: 2243

Annis, personal communication, May 26, 2009).
According to Holy Annis, the main focus of the center is on what part the cultural values play in the tribal libraries and how the library interacts with the information keepers, wisdom keepers, or oral librarians in the community. She also pointed out that tribal libraries are usually adjacent to or in the midst of other social service agencies. Funding sources for libraries often come from grants and gaming operations. The key granting agency for tribal libraries is the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Technology was also discussed during the interview. Although her center has technology, most of the tribal libraries have limited Internet access (H. Annis, personal communication, May 26, 2009).

In rural areas, only about 9% of Native Americans have Internet access at home. "Native Americans are more likely to access the Internet at schools and libraries than any other ethnic…...



Hebert, Beck. (2002). The Role of Libraries in Native American Communities. Retrieved May

30, 2009, from Web site:


Patterson, Lotsee. (n.d.). History and Status of Native Americans in Librarianship. Retrieved May 30, 2009, from Web site:

Library Management of Information Organizations
Pages: 4 Words: 1166

Library Management of Information Organizations
Planning, in the context of a library is about systematic decision making anchored on library goals. Planning is integral in a library set up in that it helps in determining what, when, why, and how the existing library services and sources can be improved. Planning helps in finding out the solutions to the problems the library users contend with in their day-to-day use of a library facility (Dhawan, 2002). Planning should be done based on the needs of the customers and their satisfaction. The most important thing here is the user satisfaction. New plans can be adapted or the old ones redesigned to improve and to better service delivery to library customers. The plan that has been put in place has to be executed so that the expected standard result is achieved (Suresh, 2011). In the process of implementing the plan it is imperative that one…...


References List

Dhawan, S.M. (2002). Managing a Library. Retrieved from 

Lock, R.N. (1961). Library Administration. London: C. Lockwood & Son.

Suresh, N. (2011). Application of Six Sigma Concept to Effective Academic Library Management

and Users Satisfaction. Retrieved from

Library System Formal Analysis of University of
Pages: 5 Words: 1352

Library System: Formal Analysis of University of Westminster
Dear Sirs:

The University of Westminster is a large university system located in London, England that serves global student populations. The University of Westminster has 4 campus library resource centers available for student use, including: Cavendish Campus Library, Harrow Campus LC, Marylebone Campus Library and egent Campus Library (WMIN, 2004). The libraries use ISLS, or information systems and library services to disseminate information to students, staff and visitors. Also in use is infoLinX. The purpose of a system such as ISLS is to improve accessibility to learning materials.

Currently the University serves the following: graduate and undergraduate students, international students, part time students, researchers, alumni, businesses, job applicants and external examiners. Major academic areas range from traditional sectors such as architecture, to more advanced areas such as digital media and e-commerce. The information system utilized by the University is analyzed below based on PEST analysis,…...



Chapman, Alan. (2001). "Pest Analysis Method and Market Analysis Tool.   Business Balls. Accessed March 4, 2004. .

Porter, Michael E. (1980). "Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors."

Recklies, D. (2001). "Porters 5 Forces.   Management Project. {Internet} Accessed March 2, 2004. 

WMIN. (2004). "ISLS Library Services.   Accessed March 4, 2004. .

Library Filters
Pages: 3 Words: 1093

Library Filters
hy Libraries Must Not Use Software Filters to Censor Speech: One Person's Hate is Another Person's Political Philosophy

The French 17th century freethinking philosopher Voltaire said one of the most famous quotations in regards to the freedom of speech. He said that he would, though he disagreed with every word out of his colleague's mouth, defend to the death the man's right to say such terrible things. Perhaps the 21st definition of Voltaire's remark might be, 'though I disagree with every word upon you pet causes' local URL, I will defend to the death your right to point and click to this website on the Internet, lest my own right be similarly threatened.'

Recently, the idea of 'hate crimes' became codified in the American legal system, and thus the idea of similarly correlated 'hate speech' was formed. 'Hate speech' is usually defined as speech that attempts to create hatred against a…...


Works Cited

Chiang, Vicki. "Libraries, the Internet, and Freedom of the Press."

Dershowitz, Alan. "What is Hate Speech?"

Hamilton, Alexander. "In Defense of the Freedom of the Press."

Library Resources Finding and Citing Research Material
Pages: 3 Words: 906

Library Resources Finding and Citing Research Material
The library at the University of the Rockies is a great source for primary and secondary research materials. Its comprehensive collection of online databases includes PsycNET, ProQuest Central, usiness Sources Complete, SAGE, Oxford University Press and Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works. The types of electronic resources available to students through the University library databases include eooks, scholarly journal, peer reviewed articles, magazine articles, dissertations, conference papers and government reports. The plethora of available resources presents the problem of finding exactly the right piece of information that a researcher needs for a particular project. It can be overwhelming and confusing to navigate through the different search channels. The extensive nature of these databases also makes it particularly important to properly cite the information so that readers can trace the source for confirmation and clarification purposes. It is therefore important to know…...


Business Source Complete. (2011). Retrieved October 13, 2011, from .

Oxford University Press. (2005). Retrieved October 13, 2011, from .

ProQuest Two-minute training! (2011). Retrieved October 13, 2011, from .

Library Science
Pages: 5 Words: 1769

Computers and Cataloging in the Modern Library

The library has come a long way from the days of gigantic filing cabinets packed with typewritten cards. Of course, the librarian of yore got a good deal of exercise running down into the basement and racing past those long cabinets until at last she arrived at the correct drawer. Yet, the job wasn't finished there. More often than not, finding the proper card meant hauling out the entire drawer and heaving it onto the nearest tabletop. This was then followed by the amusing chore of trying to force your fingers in between cards that were inevitably too tightly packed together to be moved. ell, at least the cards were in order...that is unless a patron had had the same trouble as you and had carelessly opened that long metal bar and thrown out the cards that were in his way. At least…...


Works Cited

ACLTS Network News. (2002) American Library Association. URL:

Akey, S. (2000) "Library Life." New England Review, 21, (4), 136-159.

American Libraries Online. (2002) American Library Association. URL:

Library Science Statement of Competence
Pages: 6 Words: 1638

Librarianship and the competency requirements Ethics, Values and foundational principles in librarianship
Library science and librarianship as a profession is guided by ethics that help shape its professional implementation and guide it to effective service to the users on a daily basis. Just like any other profession, there are codes of conduct and modus operandi that define librarianship, making it relevant to the service it provides and the consumers of that service.
Across the world, the librarians are aware of the enormous task that faces them in ensuring the readers have access to information and books as well as other relevant materials that they may be in need of within and outside the library setting. In order to regulate the access and dissemination of this information, there are guiding ethics, values and principles that help the librarians world over in carrying out their duties professionally. Ethics and librarianship are intricately meshed such that…...



IFLA, (2017). Professional Codes of Ethics for Librarians. Retrieved 22, September 2017 from  

Walter, S. (2008, October 1). The Library as ecosystem. Library Journal, 133(16), 28-31. Retrieved 22, September 2017 from 

Watkins W., (2010). Describe and compare the organizational settings in which library and information professionals practice. Retrieved 22, September 2017 from 


Library Science and Ways to Improve Communication
Pages: 5 Words: 1605

Individual's Communication Style And Ways To Improve Communication
Factors that affect an individual's communication style are associated with personality type, culture, age, gender, socio-economic background, education, and emotional and social intelligence (Cherry, Fletcher, O'Sullivan, 2013). In a library setting, understanding how these factors can impact the way that patrons and librarians may interact with one another as well as how librarians may communicate with co-workers and managers is essential in maximizing quality communication techniques. This paper will discuss these factors and show ways to improve communications in a library setting by developing social and emotional intelligence skills, which help individuals to perceive cultural, socio-economic, gender, age, and educational levels of those with whom they communicate and adjust accordingly.

As Garcia, Bautista, Coll et al. (2013) point out, "training in empathetic skills" improves the way that individuals communicate (p. 1413). Empathy is a term that means understanding and can come by way…...



Adil, A., Kamal, A. (2012). Role of display rule demands and affective traits in emotional exhaustion among customer services. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 27(1): 1-20.

Cherry, M., Fletcher, I., O'Sullivan, H. (2013). Exploring the relationships among attachment, emotional intelligence and communication. Medical Education, 47(3): 317-325.

Dewaele, J., Petrides, K., Furnham, A. (2008). Effects of Trait Emotional Intelligence

and Sociobiographical Variables on Communicative Anxiety and Foreign Language Anxiety Among Adult Multilinguals: A Review and Empirical Investigation. Language Learning, 58(4): 911-960.

Library Science Statement of Competency
Pages: 3 Words: 975

The Master of Library and Information Science program competency is to be able to describe the fundamental concepts of information-seeking behaviors. Information-seeking behaviors can differ among library users according to demographics and the type of energy that the user is willing to put into the search (Wicks, 2004). As Schwieder (2016) notes, there are low-effort information-seeking strategies and high-effort information-seeking strategies. The fundamental concepts of information-seeking behaviors stem from the work initiated by Bates (1989), Ellis (1989), Kuhlthau (1991) and Dervin (1992). Kuhlthau (1991) defines information-seeking behavior as a personal search for meaning or sense: a process by which an individual develops “a personal point of view” (p. 361). The way this information-seeking behavior works, no matter the demographic of the individual, is that the user searches for meaning/information which meshes with what the person already knows about the subject. This meaning or slice of information will differ from user to…...



Bates, M. J. (1989). The design of browsing and berrypicking techniques in for the online

interface. Retrieved March 10, 2014 from  

Dervin, B. (1992). From the mind’s eye of the user: the sense-making qualitative-

quantitative methodology. In J. D. Glazier and R. R. Powell (Eds.), Qualitative Research in Information Management (pp. 61-84). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Ellis, D. (1989). A behavioural approach to information retrieval system design. Journal

of Documentation, 45(3), 171-212.

Kuhlthau, C. (1991). Inside the search process: Information seeking from the user’s

perspective . Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 42(5), 361-371. 

Distinctive Schools of Thought That Guide the Area of Library Science
Pages: 8 Words: 2989

Library Mission Statements
Crafting missions or mission statements of organizations is a central component of management policy in many Western countries (especially Canada, UK and the U.S.A.). The mission statements also influence the organizational culture especially for learning institutions like universities. Many leaders in ritain and the United States are aware of the importance of mission statements in information centers and libraries (Lazarev, 2001).

As the use of libraries become popular, effort should be made to ensure that the format of the library is consistent with the mission statement of the University. Librarians should hold meetings with key players in the University like the departmental heads to ensure that the demands of the patrons are met and that the library supports the goals of the institution. The purchasing procedure of the library should also be consistent with its mission statement. However, a number of institutions will likely exclude electronic technology when crafting…...



Aldrich, A.W. (2007). Following the phosphorous trail of research library mission statements into present and future harbors. Paper read at Sailing into the Future: Charting Our Destiny: 13th National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, March 29-April 1, at Baltimore, MD.

Bangert, S.R. And Day, M.T. (1997). Thinking Boldly! College and University Library Mission Statements as Roadsigns to the Future. InfoMedia.

Becker, S., Michael, D., Crandall, K.E., Fisher, R.B., Bo, K. And Cadi, R. (2011). Opportunity for All: How Library Policies and Practices Impact Public Internet Access. In The U.S. IMPACT Study. Washington, DC: IMLS.

Begum, H. (2006). Academic Library Mission Statement: Indispensable Viewpoints.

How are Archives Different from Libraries
Pages: 4 Words: 1439

Library Sciences Personal Reflection My thoughts and impressions about archives and archival work have changed substantially since the beginning of the semester. Originally, I thought of it as a job where you sat isolated away from humanity in a closed room, pouring over boxes and boxes of old manuscripts, documenting each one endlessly while the world went on day to day outside. After this course, I have to say my interest in archival work has grown considerably. As Somers (2017) notes, for instance, in a big archive, there is simply not enough man power to go through all the records, piece by piece. A lot of what it stored is not really known in detail but only in a superficial—a manner that allows for records to be categorized but not really known in much depth. (That is why it is important for researchers to go into archives with a critical framework…...



Archival Use and Users. (n.d.). Google Docs. Retrieved from

Module #2: Archival Appraisal and Acquisition. (n.d.) Course Material, 1-22.

Module #6: Archival Management and Ethics. (n.d.). Google Docs. Retrieved from

SAA. (n.d.). SAA core values statement and code of ethics. Retrieved from

Society of American Archivists. (2017). What are archives and how do they differ from libraries. Retrieved from

Somers, J. (2017). Keepers of the secrets. Retrieved from

Libraries and Newspaper Preservation Double Fold --
Pages: 8 Words: 2424

Libraries and Newspaper Preservation
Double Fold -- the Book that Shook the World of Librarians

The man whose name has become "mud" in the domain of librarians the world over is also a novelist, journalist, founder / head of a non-profit corporation known as "American Newspaper epository" (AN), and "library activist"; his real name is Nicholson Baker, and the book that brought so much attention to him, and to the practice of some libraries to destroy newspaper archives, is Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper.

It all began in 1993 for Baker, as he explains in the Preface to his award-winning book, when he was writing a piece for The New Yorker, and, while interviewing librarians around the country, " ... found out that the card catalogs were being thrown out everywhere. I grew less cheerful, and the essay grew longer," he wrote (vii).

And then, after establishing his reputation as something…...



Albanese, Andrew. "Duke Receives Baker's Archives." Library Journal 129.11 (2004):


Baker, Nicholson. Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper. New York: Random

House, 2001.

Libraries Changing Role of Libraries Changing Role
Pages: 25 Words: 8909

Changing ole of Libraries

Changing ole of Libraries in Today's Society

Changing ole of Libraries in Today's Society

Changing ole of Libraries in Today's Society

From the time when the recorded history began, all kinds of artifacts of symbolic, religious, social, and educational have been assembled together and protected in the libraries in the form of books and documents. Sumerians were the one who developed and brought into actual formation of a library. People of Mesopotamia, several millennia before, revolutionized the means of communication by using symbols and pictures which represented specific units of speech. According to Derrida (1996), the humans have undergone an "archive fever" which means the urge to preserve all kinds of information regarding the history, facts, experiences of people, etc. This impulse gave rise to libraries like temple libraries which contained organized and arranged books and this was done by trained personnel. Libraries in the past and even now…...



Barr, RB., and J. Tagg. 1995. From teaching to learning -- A new paradigm for undergraduate education. Change 27(6): 13 -- 25.

Bazillion, RJ. 2001. Academic libraries in the digital revolution. Educause Quarterly 24(1): 51 -- 55.

Bazillion, RJ., and C. Braun. 2001. Academic libraries as high-tech gateways: A guide to design and space decisions. Chicago: American Library Association.

Beagle, D. 1999. Conceptualizing an information commons. Journal of Academic Librarianship 25(2): 82 -- 89.

Describe how the continuum of Healthcare can help providers to avoid duplication?
Words: 122

PubMed is a great place to search for sources on healthcare. Other good choices include sites for Universities that have medical programs and sites for state governments. has healthcare articles, as well. Also consider, as they have healthcare articles, too. Journals and textbooks can be excellent choices for information on the continuum of healthcare. If you have access to a large library, you can find information that shows how the continuum has evolved over time, and how that helps providers avoid duplication. Example papers will be more difficult to find than sources, but you can order an example paper....

Does divorce cause juvenile delinquency?
Words: 157

According to some authors, divorce is a problem when it comes to delinquency. Others do not see a strong correlation. For example, "The variables that predict male delinquency were found to be different from those that predict female delinquency. Characteristics of the parents' marriage play an important role for boys, while misbehavior of girls is more strongly predicted by variables measuring parent-child interaction and parental control." comes from and appears to say that only boys are affected by factors in their parents' marriage when it comes to delinquency. However, this article: states that divorce is a cause of....

How do you do research for an annotated bibilography?
Words: 130

If you can only have three web pages, you might want to do those first to get them out of the way. You can search for books that are related to your topic and use them in your bibliography. Google Books and Amazon are good places to search. Also try Google scholar (, where you can search for journal articles to use. Another way to find research articles and books is to find the Wikipedia entry on your subject, and scroll to the bottom. See what sources are used there, and see if you can find those sources online or....

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