Leisure May Be the Death of Europe
Time to Kill
In his article, Time to Kill - Europe and the Politics of Leisure, Steven Muller examines the efforts of Europe to reconstitute itself in the aftermath of the Cold War. By analyzing such factors as economics, politics, social functions, labor and unemployment, the author concludes that, in contrast to the prevailing sense of optimism, Western Europe is in fact facing a period of, "acute economic stagnation, the undermining rather than the expansion of democracy, and serious social upheaval" (Muller, 26). The primary cause of this crisis, according to Muller, is Europe's inability to rapidly or effectively deal with revolutionary changes in the human condition, which will result in a decreasing number of individuals enjoying the privilege of employment, and an increasing amount of leisure and idleness. I agree with the author that, unlike the other technologically advanced nations such as the United…...
Muller, S. (1997, Summer). Time to Kill - Europe and the Politics of Leisure. National Interest, 26-37.
These wee distibuted in goup settings. Paticipating individuals wee available at all times to povide claification o answe questions if needed. Completed packets wee etuned to the investigato.
Specifically, questionnaie instuments included open-ended questions inviting paticipants to povide thei leisue activity pefeences. Responses typically povided at least thee items that students enjoyed duing thei leisue time. These wee clusteed into seven activity categoies, including Geneal Inteest, Health/Fitness, Outdoo, pefoming Ats, Wate Activities/Aquatics, Spots/Athletics, and Social.
The eseach design was Pe-expeimental, as the study was conducted via static goup compaisons between goups of diffeent gendes and ethnicity.
VI the esponse ate was 100%, but two packets had to be discaded as a esult of incomplete infomation.
VII Banett, Lynn a (2006). "Accounting fo Leisue Pefeences fom Within: The Relative Contibutions of Gende, Race o Ethnicity, Pesonality, Affective Style, and Motivational Oientation." Jounal of Leisue Reseach, Fouth Quate. Database: FindAticles. Available at http://findaticles.com/p/aticles/mi_qa3702/is_200610/ai_n17193796/pg_1...
mlareferences from Within: The Relative Contributions of Gender, Race or Ethnicity, Personality, Affective Style, and Motivational Orientation." Journal of Leisure Research, Fourth Quarter. Database: FindArticles. Available at http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3702/is_200610/ai_n17193796/pg_1
The relevant topics include mental workload, cognition, decision-making, skilled performance, human-computer interaction, human reliability, work stress, training, cultural differences, attitudes, pleasure and motivation.
Organisational ergonomics: Concerned with the optimisation of socio-technical systems, including their organisational structures, policies, and processes. The relevant topics include communication, staff resource management, work design, design of working times, teamwork, participatory design, community ergonomics, co-operative work, new work paradigms, organisational culture, virtual organisations and quality management. (David, nd)
usinesses have responsibilities to those who work for them as well as to those who visit the organization. In the public sector ergonomics are "extremely important n defining standards and legislation and in ensuring compliance with the standards and legislation.
VI. Ten Top Tips for Ergonomics
Ten top tips provided by David (nd) are the tips as follows: "(1) Ergonomics should be an integral part of the design process, preferably involving qualified ergonomists within the design team. Most value is achieved…...
Coleman, Roger (2006) From Margins to Mainstream: Why Inclusive Design is Better. Helen Hamlyn Research Centre, Royal College of Art, London. Online available at http://www.ergonomics.org.uk/espdfs/ErgSocLecture.pdf .
Rennie, Claire (2006) Some Talk of Alexander. Ability. Issue 61 Spring 2006. Online available at
Mid Devon District Council Annual Report on Health and Safety; 1 April 2005-30 April 2006. Online available at ( http://www.middevon.gov.uk/media/pdf/j/k/Agenda_Item_4 (a).pdf
Employer's Forum Update September (2002) Online available at http://www.employers-forum.co.uk/www/guests/update/september2002/up0902.doc.
But, as Driver points out, recreation and leisure not only preserve cultural identities - they also allow for cultures to mix and share experiences. Baseball, for example, may be a distinctly American sport, but when a field is built or a league is formed, people who identify with a variety of different cultures and ethnicities are able to participate. The same holds true when a community holds a craft fair, a town pride day, or a festival. People from a variety of cultures are able to come together, learn from each other, and contribute to the overall strength of the community.
It seems natural to conclude that an important component of a strong community is the availability of recreation and leisure activities that are accessible and can bring together all of the cultures of the community.
Environmental benefits
As we have seen, recreation and leisure activities provide numerous benefits for individuals and for…...
mlaWorks Cited
Caldwell, Linda K.; Baldwin, Cheryl K.; and Walls, Theodore (2004). Preliminary Effects of a Leisure Education Program to Promote Healthy Use of Free Time among Middle School Adolescent. Journal or Leisure Research, Vol. 36, No. 3.
Driver, Bev (No date). The Benefits of Leisure. Retrieved Sept. 15, 2006 at http://www.academyofleisuresciences.org/alswp7.html.
Get the Facts about Lacrosse (2005). Retrieved Sept. 15, 2006 at http://www.lacrosse.org/the_sport/index.phtml .
Iwasaki, Yoshi; Mackay, Kelly; and Mactavish, Jennifer (2005). Gender-Based Analyses of Coping with Stress among Professional Managers: Leisure Coping and Non-Leisure Coping. Journal or Leisure Research, Vol. 37, No. 1.
There is an idea of cognitive and valuation confusion in the book. The writer is a professor yet the book is not academic.
There are many inconsistencies in the book yet it is something that gives a different opinion about the combination or working and leisure in the American context. Hence I will recommend this book to peers (ichard, 2008). However, there are a few things I will be telling about the books that they do not develop high expectations from the book. The book is conditionally recommended. The book offers a unique perspective on advantages of leisure time and the blessings of working less. The money we earn more is seldom spent on productive areas and normally falls prey to mere consumerism. People work more normally to be able to shop more. Besides that the people that I recommend the book will be told that the book does not offer…...
Gini, Al. (2006). The Importance of Being Lazy. NY: Taylor & Francis . ISBN: 0415978696.
O'Brien, T., (2009), "Review - the Importance of Being Lazy," Retrieved from:
Richard, C., (2008), "The Importance of Being Lazy: In Praise of Play, Leisure, and Vacation,"
food increasingly popular a leisure activity. Background Information: Food people solely 'food fuel'. Food,, aspects a leisure activity: shopping [ farmer's markets], eating, cooking, reading, TV viewing, blogging .
Food as a Leisure Activity
Conditions in the contemporary society have made it possible for people to change their perspective regarding some concepts and things as simple as food have come to represent a leisure activity. Individuals are no longer interested in eating with the purpose to satisfy this need, as many people presently regard cooking and eating as an art. Moreover, one needs to focus expansively on these concepts in order to harvest all the benefits associated with making and eating food. Food has reached a whole new level in first-world countries, considering that the financial condition that people in these countries have virtually enabled them to see food as being more than just a necessity. Numerous individuals are actively engaged…...
mlaWorks cited:
Adema, Pauline, "Vicarious Comsumption: Food, Television and the Ambiguity of Modernity,"Journal of American and Comparative Cultures 23.3 (2000)
Allen, Gary J., The Business of Food: Encyclopedia of the Food and Drink Industries, (ABC-CLIO, 2007)
Counihan, Carole, Food and culture: a reader, (Routledge, 2008)
Roberts, Kenneth, Leisure in contemporary society, (CABI, 2006)
Health and Social Care
ole of leisure activities in well being
Leisure activities are defined as activities an individual participates in outside work, business, or domestic chores. Some of the leisure activities an individual can undertake to promote their well being include gardening, bicycling, dancing, aerobics, swimming, hiking, jogging, bowling, and playing a musical instrument. According to research, participating in leisure activities improves an individual's well being and their health. Leisure activities contribute directly to an individual's psychological well being. This is based in them experiencing positive emotions and moods. Individuals are also able to build positive relationships and also strengthening of their immune system. Leisure activities also provide a moderating effect on stress and reduce the effects of stress. Children who participate in leisure activities have also been shown to have higher grades. The children also have a higher academic competence. The children displayed social competence and psychological maturity.
Trying out new…...
Cresswell, R. (2011). Support Person-centered Thinking and Planning: A Learning Resource to Enable Health and Social Care Staff to Work Towards Credits for Unit LD 202: Learner's Workbook. Kidlington, Oxfordshire: Pavilion Publishing.
The aged can also be accommodated near the bottom of the building, with low-impact aerobics and other targeted activities offered here. The medical and emergency facilities should also be incorporated close to these locations.
Young children, on the other hand, can be accommodated closer to the top floor of the facility, as they should have no difficulty accessing the higher levels of the building. Employees should be trained in providing them with adult supervision while they take part in the activities here. wimming pools of various sizes and depth levels can be included in this location. Daycare facilities can also be located on this floor, or close to it. It is important to include an intercom system from the children's and daycare floors, so that parents can be notified instantly if a child is in need of direct parental intervention. Baby changing rooms, and breastfeeding space can also be provided…...
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council. (2005-2007). "Crystal Leisure Centre - Facilities for the Disabled." http://www.dudley.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/sports-clubs-and-centres/dudleys-leisure-centres/crystal-leisure-centre/facilities-for-the-disabled
North Ayrshire Leisure (2006-2007). "Magnum Leisure Centre. http://www.naleisure.co.uk/default.aspx?pageID=48
Public Employment Office (1999, May) "Workplace Adjustments for People with a Disability." Fair Ways Newsletter, Iss 1320-5471. http://www.eeo.nsw.gov.au/disabil/adjust.htm
Report of the Head of Property Services (2004, March 2). "North Lincolnshire Council; Leader of the Council; Disabled Access." h ttp:/ / www.northlincs.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/1F293BD4-2CA0-4354-9D9A-F3B89AA2E6B4/4409/DisabledAccess.pdf.
Business and Leisure Events
Distinguishing the difference between a business event and a leisure event can be confusing. There are many differences and similarities between both. Depending on the purpose and intent of a particular event, the line between a business event and a leisure event at times, can be blurry. This paper will identify types of business events, identify the various types of leisure events and discuss the similarities and differences between the two.
Business Events
A business event can be categorized as an event, occurrence or activity directly related to establishing, maintaining or promoting business. Or one used to train, educate, motivate or reward staff. Common types of business events are:
Expositions/Trade Shows
Corporate etreats
Employee/Customer Appreciation Events
From Board Meetings to weekly company meetings, meetings are business events that companies use to communicate internally to their employees, amongst managers and senior level executives.
These are usually half-day to multiple day events to design to teach…...
Bischoff, BILL. "Deducting Travel Expenses When Business Mixes With Pleasure - SmartMoney.com." Online Investing: Stocks, Personal Finance & Mutual Funds at SmartMoney.com - SmartMoney.com. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. .
Guritz, Russlyn, and Charles Barrett. "Corporate Sponsorship Income." IRS. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
Hard, Rob. "Popular Corporate Events - Common Corporate Events." Event Planning - Meeting Planning - Special Events. About.com. Web. 29 Oct. 2011. .
3. My initial career objectives are to graduate and then take the HICPA in December. After that comes the process of building a long-term career. I want to come into KPMG and be able to make a contribution immediately. I wish to build my auditing knowledge and learn about business communication and how to be a professional. There is much to learn about professional standards of behavior, auditing skills and learning how to be a leader in my field.
I see myself as learning these basic things in order to propel myself into a career in accounting, consulting and eventually corporate finance. I wish to help companies to become better, to realize their objectives. In performing this service, I will realize my objectives as I take on progressively more complex role, perhaps eventually leading to a partnership or a small finance startup of my own, following in my father's entrepreneurial footsteps.
LeisureLeisure refers to the time spent on activities that one freely chooses to do with his free time. They are pursued outside of work or any other obligatory responsibilities. Leisure can range from simple relaxation to taking part in hobbies, or sports, arts or exerciseanything that offers respite or satisfaction. Leisure is important because it helps people unwind, recharge, decompress, alleviate stress, and reflect. It is good for mental, emotional and physical health. All in all, however, the idea of leisure is highly subjective, and differs among people based on age and lifestyle? (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2011).For many, leisure is most important because it is a way to relieve stress. Leisure activities let people detach from their worries and focus on something enjoyable. Leisure activities can help to improve mood, reduce anxiety, increase overall psychological well-being, and give people fuel to get back to doing other things??. The opportunity to…...
mlaReferencesCavanaugh, J. C., & Blanchard-Fields, F. (2011). Adult development and aging (6th ed.). Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
The different tastes in personal pleasure can be seen in the leisure industry as a whole. Some people seek out community service vacations, some seek adventure vacations, and other people simply want a nice, pretty beach and warm sun. All seek, I believe, to become better people, even if only simply through relaxation. My standards for happiness and my virtue ethics are less stringent than Aristotle's standards. So long as pleasure does not impinge upon the lives and productivity of native inhabitants, or the pleasures of others, varied quests in the pursuit of leisure are all honorable, from the vacationing volunteer in Dafur to the Disneyland tourist seeking to give memories to a child, and finding pleasure in the child's reactions to new sights and sounds.
orks Cited
Defense of Rule-Based Ethics." NYU Philosophy Homepage. Retrieved 29 May 2007 at: http://homepages.nyu.edu/~rpm213/philosophy.html
McLean, Donald & Yoder, Daniel. (2005). Issues in Recreation and Leisure-- Ethical
mlaWorks Cited
Defense of Rule-Based Ethics." NYU Philosophy Homepage. Retrieved 29 May 2007 at: http://homepages.nyu.edu/~rpm213/philosophy.html
McLean, Donald & Yoder, Daniel. (2005). Issues in Recreation and Leisure-- Ethical
Decision Making. New York: Human Kinetics Publishers.
Nussbaum, Martha C. (22 March 2004). "Mill between Aristotle & Bentham."
Food & Leisure Business Plan
Plan Description
The objective of this project is to develop a business plan focusing on developing a business website for Food & Leisure Inc. Food & Leisure is a new business dedicating in providing seafood, traveling experience and lodging services for potential customers. The plan will provide a blog providing information about recipes, real-time review, and recommendation. The project will also present the projected revenue that will detail the costs of advertisement and promotions and net revenues with the goals of building a reputation that will lead to a prosperous business and marketing vehicles to other viable businesses.
Steps to Achieve the Goals
The project will design the website and provide marketing techniques to achieve the business goals for Food & Leisure. In the contemporary business environment, increasing number of micro and small businesses are taking the advantages of the internet technology to launch their businesses online. One of…...
Al Jenaibi, B.N.A. (2013). Use of Social Media in the United Arab Emirates: An Initial Study. Global Media Journal Arabian Edition,1,(2): 3-27.
Anderson, A.R. and Jack, S.L. (2002), "The articulation of social capital in entrepreneurial networks: a glue or a lubricant?," Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 14 (3): 193-210.
The author's findings were that gender did in fact greatly influence female participation both within and beyond the serious leisure career. For example the organization's "Female Cover ule" policy, which was based on the assumption that women were naturally good caregivers, relegated older cadets to looking after the needs of younger female cadets. This policy caused many cadets both male and female to doubt that women could generally advance within the organization's hierarchy. On the other hand in relation to outside social worlds revolving around friends and family, female cadets were able to forgo traditional roles associated with femininity, such as housecleaning and shopping, due to the demanding work schedules of their serious leisure career.
aisborough, Jayne (2007) "Gender and serious leisure careers: A case study of women sea cadets" Journal of Leisure esearch, Vol. 39(No. 4),…...
Raisborough, Jayne (2007) "Gender and serious leisure careers: A case study of women sea cadets" Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 39(No. 4), 686-704.
The working class standards of morals work as a substitute to how success is defined in terms of economics (Sachin, 2012). These people value morals more than the money and believe that morals outweigh money in having a successful life. They love to maintain dignity in their lives. Despite having their morals above money, they draw the lines between economic classes. Hence they do not separate themselves from the poor but do so while they are comparing themselves with the richer economic class (Arakji, 2012). These workers have rigid boundaries while defining dignity and consider themselves more moral and value oriented and worth-full than their peers of the people better than them in economic position. The book is a great comparison of American working class to the French working class. Both have moral values and like to pursue values rather than money yet keeping their self-dignity and self-respect intact.…...
About the Book, the Dignity of Working Men, (n.d.), Retrieved from:
Albert, K., and Weeden, K., (2013), "Occupations and Professions," Retrieved from:
Leisure is an interesting topic that spans many different areas. On its own, leisure is big business. Recreation and hospitality both represent huge sectors of the economy. Leisure is also an important psycho-social issue. It impacts family life, health, lifestyle, work-life balance, human resources, and many other issues. Therefore, it is important to study leisure on its own and as a component of other factors.
Some titles and topic ideas for an essay on leisure include:
Compulsive Productivity- How an emphasis on work and hustling has degraded the concept of leisure time in the United....
1. The Evolution of Adidas: A Look at the Brand's History, Successes, and Challenges
2. The Impact of Adidas on Sports and Fashion: How the Brand Has Influenced Trends and Culture
3. Adidas vs. Competitors: A Comparative Analysis of Marketing Strategies and Successes
4. Sustainable Practices in the Adidas Supply Chain: How the Brand is Leading the Way in Corporate Social Responsibility
5. The Future of Adidas: Predictions and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Market
6. Athlete Endorsements and Partnerships: How Adidas Collaborates with Sports Stars to Drive Sales and Brand Awareness
7. The Influence of Technology on Adidas Products: How Innovation is Driving the....
1. The importance of leisure activities for mental health and well-being
2. The impact of technology on leisure activities
3. The benefits of outdoor leisure activities
4. The correlation between leisure and creativity
5. The significance of leisure time in promoting work-life balance
6. The evolution of leisure activities over time
7. The role of leisure in building social connections and relationships
8. The connection between leisure activities and physical health
9. The cultural differences in leisure activities around the world
10. The economic impact of the leisure industry
11. The role of leisure in stress management and relaxation
12. The influence of social media on leisure activities
13. The psychological benefits....
Topic 1: The Evolution of Leisure Activities: A Reflection of Societal Changes
Leisure activities have transformed over time, mirroring societal shifts. Explore how leisure activities have evolved in the past century and discuss the factors that have influenced these changes.
Topic 2: The Impact of Leisure Activities on Personal Well-being: A Multifaceted Analysis
Delve into the multifaceted relationship between leisure activities and personal well-being. Examine how different types of leisure activities contribute to improved physical health, mental well-being, social engagement, and overall life satisfaction.
Topic 3: The Role of Leisure Activities in Promoting Social Cohesion: A Community-Based Study
Investigate the role of....
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