Legislative Process Essays (Examples)

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Legislative Process
Pages: 3 Words: 1078

legislation from the point of conception to actual bill language, to legislative assignment and review, consideration by Assembly and/or Senate, and becoming law is a multi-faceted process that consists of several specific steps. Given the complicated nature of this process, it sometimes frustrates stakeholders in light of time consumed, probable constant revisions of the language, and issues that may arise in different legislative committees and special interest groups. Consequently, the process in the development of legislation has been described using various terms including laborious task and mysterious routine. Actually, individuals who engage in the development of legislation state that it is usually a very difficult and time consuming process.
Legislative Process:

The legislative process in California is the process with which laws are developed and enacted by the California State Legislature, which is made of two houses i.e. The Assembly and the Senate ("A Guide for Accessing California Legislative Information," par,…...


Works Cited:

California. California Department of Finance. Legislative Process. Deputy Director - Legislation, 17 June 2011. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. .

California. California State Senate. Legislative Process. California State Senate, n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. .

California. The Legislative Counsel. A Guide for Accessing California Legislative Information on the Internet. The Legislative Counsel State of California, n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. .

Legislative Process in the Upper House of
Pages: 15 Words: 4006

Legislative Process in the Upper House of Parliament
As Bahrain searches for viable approaches to diversifying its oil-based economy, the relatively small nation, like many of its larger counterparts, is also faced with a number of engineering and logistical challenges in its parliamentary legislative process. To determine how the legislative process is being administered in Bahrain, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to evaluate the challenges facing the legislative process in the Bahraini Upper House of Parliament known as the Consultative Council from an engineering management, a logistics of information and a knowledge management perspective. Based on this review and evaluation, a series of salient recommendations are provided, followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion.

eview and Analysis

Engineering Management Perspective

When applied to Bahrain's upper house or Shura Council (Consultative), the engineering management approach can help discern what steps have been in recent…...



Archer, T.M., Dill, D. & Weber, E.M. (1999, November). Parliamentary procedure. Ohio State

University Fact Sheet. Retrieved from  http://ohioline.osu.edu/4h-fact/0011.html .

Bahrain. (2014). World factbook. Retrieved from  https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ba.html .

Belcsak, H. (2011, September/October). Bahrain. Business Credit, 113(8), 32-35.

Legislative Process Federal Mandates Are Orders From
Pages: 2 Words: 600

Legislative Process
Federal mandates are orders from a central government that require compliance by state and local governments and individuals. Many times, mandates are signed into law "without the federal funds to support their execution" (Zaretsky 5). Additionally, mandates can be divided into different categories and require compliance by different agencies, companies, or individuals.

One fairly recent mandate stems from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), which was signed into law on March 30, 2010. Under the PPACA, an individual mandate requires people to purchase an insurance policy or face fines if they are not otherwise covered by an employer-sponsored insurance program or other public insurance program.

Under the PPACA, it has been mandated that new insurance plans cover certain preventive services without charging a deductible, co-pay, or requiring co-insurance. Furthermore, the "contraceptive mandate," requires that health insurance providers include contraception in their health insurance plans and policies. This mandate…...

Realizing an Effective Legislative Process
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Criminal Justice DQ
The legislative process is effective in the administration of justice. Conservative lobby groups define proper legislation processes as inclusive governance that promotes inclusiveness of people in decision-making and policy formulation. Constant consultation with the citizenry allows the leaders to articulate interests of citizens. The legislation promotes controlled development and prudent allocation of resources among the diverse elements of the society and consecutive implementation of the laws and regulations (Volden & Wiseman, 2014). Major works are carried out by the government among other stakeholders in the improvement of the application and understanding of the legislation. Besides, it focuses on justifying the amendments and repeals on previous Acts that would make the citizenry more satisfied.

The premise underlying the ruling of the Court is the iteration as well as constant reiteration for the proposition of First Amendment regulatory distinctions through the identity of the speaker. It also includes subsequent identities of…...

U S Legislative Process for Many People Around
Pages: 2 Words: 548

U.S. Legislative Process
For many people around world, the United States Congress stands as the most admirable example of democracy at work. In this political arena, solons supposedly share ideas, discuss their constituencies' needs and engage each other in debate. Through this process, the legislative body is supposed to produce just and fair laws that further the country's democratic ideals.

In reality, however, political insiders know that the legislative process is not quite so idyllic. Solons have to consider more than the interests of the people that they represent. Congressional representatives have to consider the interests of their various political parties. The solons are also subject to pressure from various lobbyists, interest groups, business representatives and campaign donors.

In some cases, there are representatives who succumb to temptation and put their own financial interests ahead of their obligation to their citizens.

The result is a legislative process that is not as admirable as…...

Legislative Process and California
Pages: 2 Words: 624

Nurse Staffing Levels Through a Legislative Process
Despite arguments from critics who argue that mandated nurse staff levels will adversely affect the skill mix of nurses, the experiences of states that have implemented this solution clearly indicate that this alternative represents a timely approach to a nationwide issue. To determine the facts, this paper reviews the literature to identify the respective pros and cons of mandating nurse staffing through a legislative process, followed by a discussion concerning whether public reporting would be effective in achieving safe levels of staffing. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings concerning the pros and cons of mandating nurse staffing levels through a legislative process are presented in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Today, the low nurse-to-patient staffing levels in many states has been found to be threatening the quality of health care services and adversely affecting job satisfaction and morale levels of professional nursing…...



Furillo, J. & Mcewen, D. (2012, October 3). State-mandated nurse staffing levels lead to lower patient mortality and higher nurse satisfaction. National Nurses United. Retrieved from  http://www.nationalnursesunited.org/news/entry/state-mandated-nurse-staffing-levels-lead-to-lower-patient-mortality-and-hi/ .

Glazer, G. & Alexandre, C. (2009, January). Legislative: The nursing shortage: A public health issue for all. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 14(1), 37.

Legislative & Judicial Duties
Pages: 3 Words: 1100

Meanwhile Congress was reluctant to challenge Bush (members feared being termed "unpatriotic" since Bush argued that the safety of Americans depended on the secret surveillance done by NSA) immediately, but in the past few months Congress (the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees) has demanded - and in part received - access to internal documents on the wiretapping program. "That access could ultimately help persuade skeptical lawmakers in the House, which so far has rejected the immunity idea, to sign on to the hite House's Plan" (Lichtblau 2008) according to the New York Times.
Indeed the Senate in January 2008 gave immunity for the phone companies that helped the NSA tap phones secretly, which means Verizon, at&T, et al., cannot be sued for assisting the Bush Administration with its warrantless wiretapping program (there are over 40 lawsuits pending over the phone companies' roles in the wiretapping). So here is a case…...


Works Cited

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). "Safe and Free: Restore our Constitutional Rights."

Retrieved February 7, 2008, at  http://www.aclu.org .

Cornell University Law School. "United States Constitution: Article I." Retrieved February 7, 2008 at  http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.articlei.html .

Cutler, Leonard. "Human Rights Guarantees, Constitutional Law, and the Military Commissions

Legislative Oversight of Regulatory Agencies
Pages: 2 Words: 570

Legislative Oversight of egulatory Agencies
The Constitution of the United States gives congress the power to appropriate funds, regulate interstate commerce, and supervise and impeach for high crimes. It is these Constitutional duties that have led to Congress's power to oversee the executive branch and its regulatory agencies. A regulatory agency is any federal agency created by the congress or executive branch to administer the law. Examples of regulatory agencies include the Internal evenue Service, the Federal Board of Education, and the Environmental Protection Agency. These agencies operate under the law and hold states accountable to Federal standards, but are in turn held accountable by the Congress.

The purpose of legislative oversight is to ensure that legislative agencies are following their Federal mandates and producing the required results. This practice also ensures that the agencies have the necessary resources to complete their assigned tasks. For example, the Internal evenue Service requires a…...



Kaiser, Federick; Oleszek, Walter; Tatelman, Todd. Congressional Oversight Manual, June 10, 2011.

Lipton, Bradley. 2010 Accountability, deference, and the Skidmore doctrine Yale Law Journal (June, 1),  deference, and the Skidmore doctrine.-a0231092161 (accessed February 26, 2012)http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Accountability ,

Public Health Policy Process
Pages: 4 Words: 1252

Policy Process Part I
Policies are constantly being reviewed and considered to assist in enhancing the federal, state, and local health care systems. Each of the reviewed and considered policies has the potential to affect every individual on a daily basis, so careful consideration must be exercised when policies are proposed. The careful consideration requires an understanding of the process through which an idea or topic ultimately becomes a policy and legislation. An example of a topic in the health care industry that may be used to form a policy is health workforce shortages. This topic can become a policy because the United States health sector is currently experiencing an increase in workforce shortages in federal, state, and local levels. The current laws do not have adequate measures or procedures that would deal with this issue effectively. Therefore, policy makers should develop and implement legislation that specifically focuses on health…...



Abood, S. (2007). Influencing Health Care in the Legislative Arena. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(1). Retrieved from  http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/553404_4 

Buchan, J. & Aiken, L. (2010). Solving Nursing Shortages: A Common Priority. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(24), 3262-3268.

Gebbie, K.M. (1994, June). Formulating Public Health Policy: The Case of AIDS. American

Journal of Public Health, 84(6), 888-889.

Law Making Process of the
Pages: 7 Words: 2496

The length of time allowed for debate on a bill depends on the importance of the proposed measure and the debate time is usually divided equally between the proponents and the opponents of a measure. After the general debate, a 'second reading' of the bill is carried out during which members of the House (or the Senate, if the bill has originated in the Senate) are allowed to propose amendments in the bill ("Enactment of a Law"; Johnson 27-28).
Voting: hen the amendment process is completed, the bill is put up to the house for voting. Normally a simple majority vote is required for the passage of a bill. However, the House rules require a three-fifths vote to pass a bill, joint resolution, amendment, or conference report that contains a specified type of federal tax increase. In most cases, the voice vote is considered adequate for the voting process but…...


Works Cited

Committees." United States Senate. 2007.  http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/committees/d_three_sections_with_teasers/committees_home.htm 

Committee Offices." U.S. House of Representatives. 2007.  http://www.house.gov/house/CommitteeWWW.shtml 

Enactment of a Law." United States Senate. 2007.  http://www.senate.gov/legislative/common/briefing/Enactment_law.htm 

Johnson, Charles, W. "How our Laws are Made." Document No. 108-93: U.S. Government Printing Office. June 20, 2003.  http://www.senate.gov/reference/resources/pdf/howourlawsaremade.pdf

Governing Race Politics Process and the Politics
Pages: 7 Words: 2287

Governing Race: Politics, Process and the Politics of Race by Nina M. Moore. Specifically, it will contain a detailed book report on the book. "Governing Race" is an important and viable book for any Black Studies student, especially if they are interested in why race relations came to a head in the 1960s. "Governing Race" gives a unique viewpoint on the "politics of race," and is valuable reading for this alone. However, there is much more for the reader to discover as they move through the pages of this book.
The author's thesis is quite clear from the very beginning of this book. She asserts, "race presents a challenge too difficult for American governing institutions to meet" (Moore xiv) in the ntroduction of the book, and further asserts, "true socioeconomic and political race reform will remain a laudable, but elusive, goal of government policymakers" (Moore xv). Therefore, her book concentrates…...


In conclusion, Moore's book is a compelling and sometimes distressing look at politics and race in America today. While the successes in race relations are certainly to be celebrated, it is clear from reading this book that Americans still have a long way to go in truly understanding and reforming the relationship between the races. Some of this book is difficult reading, because it seems more should have been done to equalize things politically and fundamentally. Reading this book gives a greater understanding of why things are the way they are, whether Americans agree or not.


Moore, Nina M. Governing Race: Policy, Process, and the Politics of Race. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2000.

U S Constitution Vests the Legislative
Pages: 2 Words: 933

gov). egardless of the administration, the President must ultimately bow to the will of the Senate on treaties; President Wilson failed in his attempt at the passage of the League of Nations, just as President Obama is having difficulty in passage of trade bills with Columbia, South Korea, and Panama.
The Senate's powers also include further checks on the Executive Branch, namely the authority of impeachment by trial, two of which have been conducted on sitting Presidents: Jackson and Clinton. In addition the Senate has investigative powers on "malfeasance in the Executive Branch and elsewhere in American society" (United States Senate.gov).

Apart from the specific powers reserved for the Senate, perhaps its greatest role is as the ultimate arbiter of policy and government action. Because of the unique rules of the Senate, many proposed legislative bills end up languishing in committees or are never brought to a vote. The Senate's cloture vote…...



Economist.com. The Non-Deliberative Body. May 19, 2011. Retrieved May 19, 2011

from  http://www.economist.com/blogs/lexington/2011/05/tackling_deficit 

Kramer, Lisa. "World's Greatest Deliberative Body. The League of Ordinary Gentlemen.

August 11, 2010. Retrieved May 19, 2011 from http://ordinary-gentlemen.com/blog/2010/08/11/worlds-greatest-deliberative-body/

Executive Legislative and Veto Powers of US President
Pages: 9 Words: 3176

American Journal of International Law (2009). President issues an executive order banning torture and CIA prisons. The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 103, No. 2. Pp 331-334.
The article mentions that in line with President Obama's order to put an end to Guantanamo Bay detentions, there was an issue of executive orders. As empowered by the constitution, the orders reversed practices and policies from the Bush administration and the relationships with detention and interrogation of the terror suspects. The authors add that the order revoked Executive Order 13,440 that limited Common Article 3 application on Geneva Conventions. The order banned torture and humiliation and degrading treatment for persons under U.S. custody, control of detained persons from in armed conflicts, and limit U.S. interrogation techniques from the ones authorized through the Army Field Manual. Further, the order directed Central Intelligence Agency to end all detention facilities under its operations while…...



Beckmann, M.N., McGann, A.J., (2008). Navigating the Legislative Divide Polarization, Presidents, and Policymaking in the United States. Journal of Theoretical Politics 20(2): 201 -- 220.

Bridge, D., (2014). Presidential Power Denied: A New Model Of Veto Overrides Using Political. Congress & the Presidency; Vol 41, 2; ProQuest Central pg. 149.

Canes-Wrone, B. (2001). President's Legislative Influence from Public Appeals. American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 45, No. 2. pp. 313-329.

Cummins, J., (2010). State of the Union Addresses and the President's Legislative Success. Congress & the Presidency; 37, 2; ProQuest Central pg. 176.

Process of Legislation
Pages: 3 Words: 944

nurse in one of the local hospitals in Louisiana, I have noticed that many children are hospitalized with various health issues like ear infections, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, rhinitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and sore throats. These medical issues have become common among students in the region without a clear understanding of the major contributing factors. In attempts to identify the main factors resulting in the illnesses, I have conducted state-wide analysis of the problem. The analysis has indicated that most of these children are exposed to secondhand smoke, which has enhanced the rates of these diseases. Children in this state are increasingly exposed to secondhand cigarette smoke in various environments. It is reported that over 294,000 children below 18 years and 91,000 children below 5 years regularly share breathing space with smokers in their own homes throughout Louisiana.
The scope of this issue contributes to the need to establish measures that will…...



"Arizona." (n.d.). Protect Local Control: Ensuring Community Rights to Pass Smokefree

Ordinances. Retrieved September 30, 2014, from  http://www.protectlocalcontrol.org/state.php?sid=3 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011, April 25). 25 States and DC are Smoke-Free.

Retrieved from Office of the Associate Director for Communication website:  http://www.cdc.gov/features/Smoke-FreeLaws/

Legislative Strategy Project
Pages: 6 Words: 1882

Self-Executing Rules (Deem and Pass)
The self-executing rule, also known as 'deem and pass' has recently been criticized by Newt Gingrich and Joe Scarborough. The self-executing rule is a method of procedure that the U.S. House of Representatives use to approve legislation. This rule is in the form of a simple resolution and serves to specify which bills are under consideration by the House. When the House votes to approve a rule that in inclusive of a self-executing provision, the House at the same time agrees to dispose of a matter that is separate as the self-executing rule specifies. This allows modifications or amendments to bills to be passed simultaneously to the bill underlying the modification or amendment. While this procedure does serve to streamline the process of legislation, and is reported to have been used on 85 different occasions in the five years between 2005 and 2010 (Oleszek, 2005, Matt,…...



Conason, Joe (2010) The Impeccable Bipartisan Pedigree of 'Deem and Pass'. Salon 17 Mar 2010. Retrieved from:  http://www.salon.com/2010/03/17/ornstein/ 

Kasperowicz, Pete (2012) House votes to 'deem' Ryan Budget as Being Passed By Congress. The Hill's Floor Action Blog. 17 Apr 2012. Retrieved from:  http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2010_03/022879.php 

Newhauser, Daniel (2012) House GOP Uses Once-Reviled Tactic for Budget Measure. Roll Call. 18 Apr 2012. Retrieved from:  http://www.rollcall.com/issues/57_123/House-GOP-Uses-Once-Reviled-Tactic-for-Budget-Measure-213880-1.html 

Oleszek, Walter J. (2006) Self-Executing Rules Reported by the House Rules Committee. Congressional Research Service.

Need help with this essay topic \"What are the major issues in the Legislation process the lawmakers need to follow?\"
Words: 349

Analyzing the issues in the legislation process depends on where the legislation is being written.  Lawmakers in different countries have to follow different processes to create law.  Even within countries, legislators may follow different legislative processes in different states or provinces. 

Generally, a law starts out as an idea.  A lawmaker realizes that there is a problem that needs to be addressed and that can be handled through legislation.  They may realize this on their own through their research, because a lobbying or special interest group come to the lawmakers with the issue, or because another....

How has EU law shaped the legal landscape of member states?
Words: 1012

1. The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states located primarily in Europe. One of the key elements of the EU is its legal system, which plays a crucial role in shaping the legal landscape of member states. EU law, comprised of treaties, regulations, directives, and decisions, has a significant impact on national legal systems by harmonizing laws across member states, ensuring the free movement of goods, services, and people, and establishing a framework for cooperation and integration. This essay will explore how EU law has influenced and shaped the legal landscape of member....

What was the significance of the Emperor Club in ancient Roman society?
Words: 649

The Emperor Club: A Symbol of Power and Prestige in Ancient Roman Society

The Emperor Club, also known as the College of Augurs, held a prominent position in ancient Roman society. Established during the reign of Emperor Augustus in 12 BCE, it comprised a body of 15 distinguished individuals responsible for interpreting divine omens and advising the emperor on matters of state.

Origins and Purpose:

The College of Augurs traced its origins to the Etruscans, an ancient Italic people renowned for their religious practices. The Romans adopted Etruscan augury, believing that the gods communicated their will through signs in nature. The Augurs were....

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