Legal Structure and Management of a National Level Sporting Organisation
Sports activities in the world today are becoming more popular and are attracting huge crowd. This is one of the reasons that have made sponsors to come in so as to help such clubs that are not able to support themselves financially. Through sponsoring, the sponsor is able to market and advertise its products within the stadium where the club is playing among other benefits. It is worth noting that sports are viewed as a means of income to each stakeholder including the players. Essendon football club has made Australia to be known worldwide because of the good performance the club has exhibited over the years.
Essendon Football Club is rated as a dynamic world class club in the Australian sporting arena. The success and competitiveness of the club is dependant on its set legal structure and proper management that foresees its…...
Books, H. 2011. Articles on Essendon Football Club Including: List of Essendon Football Club, Honours, Anzac Day Class. America, AM: Hephaestus Books.
Bools, L., & LLC, G.B. 2010. Essendon Football CLub: Essendon Football Club, List of Essendon Football CLub Honours. United States, U.S.: General Books LLC.
Clark, T. 2007. Stick This in Your Memory Hole. Doncaster East Victoria, VIC: aduki independent press.
Devaney, J.P. 2009. Full Points Footy: Encyclopedia of Australian Football Clubs. Lincoln, LN:
Legal Structure of Business
For a McDonalds franchisee, there are three options. The franchise can be operated as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. The real issue is not that there are options, but which option should be chosen. It is not always possible to make that determination easily, since there are many factors that have to be considered in each choice. A sole proprietorship is operated by one person. That person is solely responsible for the business, and there is no complex legal structure. That person can reap all the profits and rewards, but he or she also shoulders all the liability for any lawsuits or other issues that might go wrong. In a partnership, the profits and the liabilities are shared between two people. There can be some adjustment as to which person is "more" responsible for specific issues, or it can be a completely 50-50 split…...
Legal Structure of McDonald's Corporation
There are many different categories of business in the world today. McDonald's brand franchisees operate as part of a corporation. The company, comprised in part of restaurants run by independent entrepreneurs, is currently considered one of the worlds most successful and largest franchising companies every created. Seventy percent of McDonald's restaurants are owned and operated by independent owners.
This corporate business structure has resulted in substantial opportunities for individual business owners and for the corporation as a whole. The legal structure of McDonald's is discussed below, as well as the advantages and disadvantages McDonald's corporation has over other legal business entities. Though McDonald's corporation operates slightly differently than other corporations in the world today, it remains one of the world's leading retailers, a testament to its strong legal structure.
Legal Aspects Of A Franchise
McDonald's successfully operates as a franchisee corporation. There are many legal components of a franchise…...
"McDonald's Corporation." Retrieved Sept 1, 2005: .
"McDonald's Owners Operators." Retrieved Sept. 5, 2005:
Google Company Analysis
Company Background
The company under scrutiny is Google Inc. At Google's new parent company, their employees stand at 72,053 full-time employees (Statista). The vision of Google is "to provide access to the world's information in one click." The mission statement is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." Google operates in all countries where the Internet is but is operates in 100 countries around the globe but has 25 countries that have partially blocked Google's services (Google Inc., 2015).
Google is a global technology company that deals in designing. Moreover, it offers various products and services to its subscribers. Google Inc. has a primary focus on web-based search and tools of display advertising, consumer content, desktop systems, hardware products, commerce, and enterprise solutions. The customers of Google are worldwide. The main competitors included Yahoo (YHOO) media company AOL, and Internet pioneer. Moreover, it competes with…...
CNN. Alphabet Inc. Retrieved from
Geier, B. (2015). This is Google's secret to making work less awful. Fortune.
Google Inc. (2014). Google Inc. Form 10-K, 2014.
Google Inc. (2015). Company -- Google.
Business Structures
Corporation business structures
Preference of Corporation Business Structure Over Other Known Structures
In this paper, we will choose the corporation business structure as an ideal choice for the firm McDonalds in order to carry out its operations. We will define the merits which a multinational firm like McDonalds can take advantage of if because of this structure, also we will have an in-depth look on other structures such as sole proprietorship and partnership and focus on their strengths and weaknesses.
eview of Sole Proprietorship and Partnership
Let's review the structure of sole proprietorship first, it is regarded as one of the least expensive and easiest way to start any business as compared to corporative and partnership structure. Here the overall business as well as the business owner is viewed legally as a same entity. This however has its own disadvantages which in our chosen case of McDonalds could result in many risks for…...
Swann, P. (1993). Corporate Vision and Rapid Technological Change. New York: Routledge.
Partnerships demand that all partners (both general and limited partners) be on the same page financially and within the scope of the business operations. They require shared a goal and vision for the entity, and a mutual understanding of each owner's role and the parameters for exerting control. Perpetual lines of communication must be available for all parties in response to changing dynamics and the occurrence of unforeseen events. This is particular relevant in the restaurant industry, where consumers have many choices and often make them based on little substance
. The restaurant industry is fraught with sudden changes, which can require added attention, effort and capital in a short period of time. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the roles of each owner, be they a general or limited partner, is essential to a properly functioning partnership.
Additionally, effective partnerships require regular meetings and reviews of all business operations, and a careful…...
Astrachan, J. (2003). Family Business' Contribution to the U.S. Economy: A Closer
Look. Family Business Review, vol. 17:3. p 211-219. (Retrieved from google scholar. Keywords: sole, proprietorship, owner, entrepreneurship)
Auty, S. (1992). Consumer Choice and Segmentation in the Restaurant Industry. The Service Industries Journal. vol. 12 (3). p 324-339. Retrieved from (Keywords: restaurant, corporation, consumer)
Baysinger, B. & Butler, H. (1985). Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors:
Legal Environment of Businesses:
Legal Environment of Extermination Business:
As a wealthy investor who plans to start a chain of exterminating businesses across the United States, there are several laws and regulations as well as risks that Frank must take into consideration. Frank can open a chain of exterminating businesses by either developing the business enterprise as a new startup or purchasing a pest control franchise. The first step for Frank would be to contact the government agency that regulates this industry in the states where he wants to begin operations. This is because each state has specific certification and licensing requirements that businesses must comply with. Generally, the United States Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for enforcing federal pesticide regulations. In setting up the businesses, Frank should ensure that his employees fulfill the state legal requirements and regulations regarding their work.
As required by the Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act, Frank should…...
"APHA Guidelines for Licensing and Regulating Birth Centers." (n.d.). American Association of Birth Centers. Retrieved July 10, 2011, from
Beesley, C. (2010, March 23). Turning your Handyman Skills into a Profession: Starting a Construction or Home Improvement Business. Retrieved from U.S. Small Business Administration website:
McAllister, S. (2010, March 28). Employment Law: employment Law. Retrieved July 10, 2011,
The first step in doing proper legal research is to fully identify the legal issues. This involves determining what statutes are involved or what principles of common law might apply. This is where many researchers fall short and it is essential that the researcher fully identify the parameters of the case before beginning the research otherwise valuable time and effort will be wasted.
Once the legal issues have been identified the researcher is ready to begin the process of finding the cases that support the legal argument that he or she is attempting to formulate. This is where the value of the computer and internet comes into play. In today's legal environment this part of the process is greatly simplified and expedited. Unfortunately, amassing the necessary case law is only the first step and the only step where the computer is of any benefit.
After collecting the law that both supports and…...
Nolasco, C.A. (2010). Toward a New Methodogy for Legal Research in Criminal Justice. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 1-23.
Turley, S.L. (2010). "To See Between": Interviewing as a Legal Research Tool. Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors, 283-209.
Legal Unit 2
Legal Immigration Is Good for the United States
With the United States opening its boarders to thousands of legal immigrants each year, immigration has become one of the most hotly debated issues in the country. However, what has largely fueled this debate has to do with the impact of both illegal and legal immigrants on the United States' economy, crime rates as well as education and environment. While some continue to advocate for the reduction of immigration within the U.S., others are of the opinion that legal immigration impacts positively on the U.S. In terms of diversity and economic gains amongst other unique benefits. It is important to note that when legal immigration is viewed from a critical perspective, the United States does benefit greatly from the same. This text will clearly and concisely highlight some of these benefits.
Immigration in the United States: An Overview
Considered a complex demographic issue, immigration to…...
Arnold, K.R. (2011). Anti-Immigration in the United States: A Historical Encyclopedia. California: ABC-CLIO.
Estrom, P. (2007, June 7). Immigration: Google makes Its Case. Retrieved February 12th, 2012, from Business Week website:
Geigenberger, J. (2008). The lasting Value of Legal Immigration for the United States of America. Norderstedt Germany: GRIN Verlag.
Griswold, D. (2009, July 21). As Immigrants Move in, Americans Move Up. Retrieved February 14th, 2012, from CATO Institute website:
Secondary research methods and outlets as well as support agencies are examined here. This part is also strengthened by consideration of online outlets for examination of the often fast-paced change in status of certain legal questions.
Somewhat of an anomaly is the placement hereafter of several chapters relating to how best to read and analyze sources and cases. It would seem more consistent with the pacing of this work to place these segments just prior to or after the case law section.
Returning to a sensible structure, the text turns thereafter to consideration of the legal writing field. Offering basic guidelines, tips on structural organization, discussion on point by point segments of legal writing and even discussion on such legal correspondences as opinions and client letters, the text ultimately serves as a rather thorough introduction to effective understanding and practice of legal writing.
orks Cited
Honigsberg, P.J. (2002). Gilbert Law Summaries: Legal Research,…...
mlaWorks Cited
Honigsberg, P.J. (2002). Gilbert Law Summaries: Legal Research, Writing & Analysis. Harcourt Legal & Professional Publications, 9th Edition.
Legal Book Review: The Buffalo Creek Disaster
The Buffalo Creek Disaster was one of the costliest preventable tragedies in the history of American coal-mining. An impoundment dam burst in a coal mining est Virginia town, precipitating a deadly flood that killed or injured more than a thousand people, and left many more residents homeless. The dam had been declared sound shortly before it burst by a federal inspector. The owner of the dam, the Pittston Coal Company initially only offered a very small settlement to the victims. "Over 125 people perished immediately. Most were women and children unable to struggle out from under the thick black water choked with crushed and splintered homes, cars, telephone poles, railroad tracks, and all manner of other debris. There were over 4,000 survivors, but their 1,000 homes were destroyed as well as most of their possessions" (Stern ix-x). Survivors of the incident experienced post-traumatic stress…...
mlaWork Cited
Stern, Gerald. The Buffalo Creek Disaster. Vintage, 1977.
(Chizek, 2003)
The ole legal nurse consultant may provide service in a number of roles, including but not limited to:
Consulting expert
Testifying expert
Facility-based investigator
Trainer and in-service presenter
Peer reviewer
Quality improvement, risk management, claims management
Liability insurance marketer and clinical resource" (Chizek, 2003)
As standards of care constantly change, medical and nursing staff must keep informed of current standard to develop and/or modify policies and procedures, which must be maintained and secured indefinitely. In the event the facility is sued, these will be used to establish the current standard during the time of the questionable occurrence. Policies and procedures also provide the legal nurse consultant with the foundation for facility documentation to be judged for compliance. (Chizek, 2003)
The minimum length of time the modified policies and procedures should be kept is the time frame of the statute of limitations in the individual jurisdiction. In most jurisdictions, the statute of limitations is two to three years."…...
Brown, M.R. (1999, February). America's Most Wanted J-O-B-S. Black Enterprise, 29, 109.
Chizek, Mardy. "Can you use a legal nurse consultant? These specially trained and experienced nurses can be frontline protectors against liability suits. (Feature Article)." Nursing Homes, February 1, 2003.
Clark, Scott a.. "Keys on developing the best laid business plans," the Journal Record, April 12, 1999.
Legal esearch and Argument
To begin the research for this case and the argument that follows, one must first examine the case and determine what is essential. It is assumed that the engineer was negligent because he should have known about the circular which advised that further structural support would be required for the type of building he was constructing. It is not enough to rely upon 20 years-worth of experience in the field because situations change which may negate all of that experience. Thus, this does not seem to be a legitimate argument for the engineer. It could be argued that the engineer was not made aware of the circular and that this was not his negligence but the persons who filed the document before he had seen it. Unfortunately, this would seem to be immaterial because it is the engineer's responsibility to stay abreast of important changes within the…...
Brickhill v Cooke (1984) 3 NSAWLR 396.
Carosella v Ginos & Gilbert Pty Ltd. (1981) 27 SASR 515.
Hadley v. Baxendale, (1854) 9 Exch. 341, 156 Eng. Rep. 145.
Lenz, C. (2012). Guide to identification of construction defects. Retrieved from 925f2aa1e28a17500c9c2cd4
This collection comprises health-care and social service employees such as visiting nurses, psychiatric evaluators, and probation workers; community employees such as gas and water utility workers, phone and cable TV employees, and letter carriers; retail workers; and taxi drivers (OSHA Fact Sheet, 2002).
The best defense that companies can give is to institute a no tolerance rule in regards to workplace aggression against or by their workers. The company should set up a workplace aggression avoidance course or include the knowledge into an accessible disaster prevention course, employee manual, or handbook of standard operating measures. It is important to make sure that all workers are aware of the rules and recognize that all ascertains of workplace aggression will be examined and dealt with quickly. Additionally, companies can recommend additional shields like:
Providing security training for workers so they understand what behavior is not suitable and what they should do if they…...
Davidson, Michael. (2010). Federal Workplace Violence Laws. Retrieved October 17, 2010,
from eHow Web site:
Heathfield, Susan M. (2010). Workplace Violence: Violence Can Happen Here. Retrieved October 17, 2010, from About Web site:
Legal Environment/Total ewards
esizing organizations must have a good idea of where they want to go and ensure to the best of their ability that they will be able to convince employees that this new direction is desirable for all parties involved. First, organizations need to gather information concerning what psychological contract obligations employees perceive as being most valuable. Probably the best way to do that is to gather feedback from an employee survey. In essence, organizations need to know what employees want if they hope to retain and motivate the key people in their workforce. Understanding what employees value most will allow an organization to be more prudent in the implementation of its resizing efforts, because organizational leaders will be better equipped to minimize the number of employees who perceive serious psychological contract breaches.
The organization must constantly monitor the changing need structure of its employees. This process should be tied…...
Atkinson, William. Filling in around the edges, HR Magazine, 2009.
Chen, H.M., Hsieh, Y.H. (2006). Key trends of the Total Reward System in the 21st Century. Compensation and Benefits Review, 38(6), 64.
Simon, M Tamara, Traw, Kelly; McGeoch, Barbara; Bruno, Fran. How the Final HIPAA Nondiscrimination Regulations Affect Wellness Programs. Benefits Law Journals. New YorkL Summer 2007. Vol 20, Iss. 2, Pg 40
Trahant, Bill. Debunking Five Myths concerning Employee Engagement: A Recent Report Debunks the Myths and Reveals Practices for Enhancing Individual Employee Effectiveness to Improve Organizational Performance. The Public Manager. Volume: 36. Issue: 1. 2007. Page Number: 53
1. Market Research:
Before embarking on any business venture, it's crucial to conduct thorough market research. This involves:
Identifying your target audience: Determine who your potential customers are, their demographics, interests, and needs.
Analyzing the competitive landscape: Research potential competitors, their strengths, weaknesses, and market share.
Gauging market demand: Assess the overall demand for your product or service and identify any market gaps or opportunities.
2. Business Plan:
A comprehensive business plan serves as a roadmap for your venture. It should outline:
Mission statement and goals: Clearly define your business's purpose and objectives.
Market analysis: Summarize your market research findings and identify your....
Zoning Regulations in Adum: Impact and Enforcement
Zoning regulations are a fundamental aspect of urban planning, shaping the development and use of land within a specific area. Adum, a central commercial district in Kumasi, Ghana, is no exception to the significance of zoning regulations. This essay evaluates the effects of zoning regulations on Adum and examines their enforcement mechanisms.
Impact of Zoning Regulations on Adum
1. Land Use Management: Zoning regulations play a crucial role in managing land use in Adum. They establish designated zones for specific purposes, such as commercial, residential, and industrial uses. This ensures an orderly and efficient arrangement of....
Key Elements for Operationalizing a New Institution or Organization
Operationalizing a new institution or organization requires careful planning and execution. Several key elements are essential for ensuring success:
1. Clear Mission and Vision:
Define the institution's purpose, values, and long-term goals. This provides a framework for decision-making and alignment of resources.
2. Strategic Plan:
Develop a comprehensive roadmap that outlines the organization's priorities, strategies, and timelines for achieving its mission.
3. Legal and Regulatory Compliance:
Ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards. Establish legal structures, governance policies, and risk management practices.
4. Staffing and Human Resources:
Recruit and hire a qualified and diverse workforce. Develop a comprehensive....
The key distinctions between merger and acquisition in business consolidation are 1. Legal Structure In a merger, two companies combine to form a new, single entity. This means that both companies cease to exist as independent entities and all assets, liabilities, and operations are merged into the new entity. In an acquisition, one company buys another company, which continues to operate as a separate entity. 2. Control In a merger, both companies typically have equal ownership and control over the new entity. In an acquisition, the acquiring company controls the acquired company. 3. Purpose Mergers are generally seen as a....
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