Legal Considerations Essays (Examples)

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Balancing Ethical and Legal Considerations
Pages: 8 Words: 2693

In this world view, the Canadian system of business regulation is ripe for the pruning of its lower branches, where the most liberal, socially, and environmentally-friendly legislation has been enacted that has cut into the bottom line of businesses nationwide (DuPlessis, Enman, Gunz, O'Byrne, 2011). Often, the conservative perspective would like to give personal legal rights to businesses with less consideration put upon the responsibilities that arise from such a legal status. This is to say that businesses, like people, should be afforded rights as well as responsibilities as the cost of the rights granted and enjoyed.
From the other side of the tracks, from a more liberal perspective, business ethics and regulations are different hands on the same body. This is to say that this group of people believes that the more businesses are regulated and ethically fixed; the better off an economy is (DuPlessis, Enman, Gunz, O'Byrne, 2011).…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Bruce. (2008). "Business Ethics v Business Law: Rules, More Rules, and Deliberation." Legisprudence. Vol. 2, No. 3. Pp. 217-230.

Carasco, Emily F. And Singh, Jang B. (2008). "Human Rights in Global Business Ethics Codes." Business and Society review. Vol. 113, No. 3. Pp. 347-374.

DuPlessis, Dorothy; Enman, Steven; Gunz, Sally; and O'Byrne, Shannon. (2011). Canadian Business and the Law, 4th ed. Nelson Education: Scarborough, on.

Husted, Bryan W. (2008). "Toward a Model of Cross-Cultural Business Ethics: The Impact of Individualism and Collectivism on the Ethical Decision-Making Process." Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 82, No. 2. Pp. 293-305.

Ethical and Legal Considerations Intellectual property and product'safety
Pages: 5 Words: 1846

Business operations are deemed viable of they succeed in establishing conditions that guarantee safety for its product consumers. Specified standards are applied by business entities to attain such viability. These considerations are critical in product safety, intellectual property, and marketing in general. If a company or business entity violates any of the aspects mentioned, it stands a high risk being caught in a web of ethical and legal complications that might destroy it. PhamaCARE finds itself in such a precarious predicament owing to its blatant violation of a number of legal and ethical standards. There were both ethical and legal problems that impacted on its clients and businesses. Investigating behavior is paramount in uncovering issues related to legal and ethical problems of any business entity.
Pursuant to the scenario above, identify three (3) legal issues and problems PharmaCARE has in relation to marketing and advertising, intellectual property, and regulation of product…...

Jay's Legal Considerations Are Several On Some
Pages: 6 Words: 1748

Jay's legal considerations are several. On some of those issues he is on firm legal standing while on others he should reconsider his position. The first issue facing Jay is how he should resolve the payment of the $15,000 contract payment that Westside Construction Group was promised by Jay in the event that project was completed by March 1. Ordinarily, the terms of a contract are unalterable once agreed upon but the situation presented between Jay and Westside are different and present an exception. The parties' original contract called for the contract to be completed by March 1st so the new contract involving the Port Torrens Football Club does not mark a new completion date but WCG's guarantee of completion provides WCG the capacity to contract with Port Torrens that otherwise they may not be able to do. WCG's assurance, through Tom, makes Jay's contract with Port Torrens a reality…...



Air Great Lakes Pty. Ltd. v. KS Easter (Holdings) Pty. Ltd., 2 NSWLR 309 (Supreme Court of New South Wales 1989).

Brereton, P.L. (2007). Equitable Estoppel in Australia: The Court of Conscience in the Antipoded. Sydney: Australian Law Journal Conference.

Bressan v. Squires, 2 NSWLR 460 (Supreme Court of New South Wales 1974).

Chapple, L. (2002). Corporate Authority and Dealings with Officers and Agents. CCH Australia Limited, 1-192.

Legal Considerations and Contract
Pages: 3 Words: 1042

Contracts Analysis Case Study
Case Overview

Marshall Petersen and his wife, Gloria, began visiting the Sunday school class being taught in Huntsville, Alabama, about six months ago. Marshall is not a Christian, but with the encouragement of his wife, who is a believer, he says he is beginning to explore the faith. This relationship eventually culminated in a business arrangement in which Marshall's small, local health food products business begins purchasing Muscadine grapes your family's produce company sells. This relationship results in a regular business arrangement with orders being placed every month. Despite often being late with the payment for the shipments, there was never any penalties or interest being charged and the prices and shipments were kept consistent.

However, a disruption in the agreement eventually manifested in which Marshall asked that the delivery person, an adolescent son, to sign a contract that guaranteed the same rates and availability of the product. The…...


Works Cited

American Bar. (N.d.). Contracts and Consumer Law. Retrieved from American Bar: 

Vinson, C. (N.d.). Basic Law of Contracts in Georgia. Retrieved from University of Georgia:

Legal Aspects and Considerations
Pages: 9 Words: 2766

Legal Aspects and Considerations
"Coaches should pursue opportunities for professional development to keep abreast of best practices, safety, and legal issues within their chosen sport(s)" (Schaefer, 2008, isk Management Tips Section, ¶ 5).

Challenges for Coaches

During 2006, Bill Baker, a Sahuarita High School football coach in Chandler, Arizona resigned from his coaching position following a 2005 post-game incident which involved him and a player the previous fall. In the newspaper account, "Coach quits over legal dispute: Sahuarita's Baker facing charges involving player," Pedersen (2006) reports that Baker, 53, who cited a lack of support from the Sahuarita Unified School District, also resigned his position as golf coach; however, continued teaching character-education class at the school. The school's district reported that because its liability insurance applied only to civil claims, it could not legally represent employees in criminal cases. Baker denied charges against him that he threw punches at a student and was…...



Engelhorn, R. (2011). Legal and Ethical Responsibilities of a Coach Iowa State University. Retrieved March 24, 2011 from 

Fitzgerald, T.B. (2005). The "inherent Risk" Doctrine, Amateur Coaching Negligence and the Goal of Loss Avoidance. Northwestern University Law Review, 99(2), 889+. Retrieved March 24, 2011, from Questia database: 

Football Coaches Push N.J. School Prayer Case at U.S. Supreme Court. (2008, December). Church & State, 61, 16+. Retrieved March 24, 2011, from Questia database: 

Pedersen, B.J. (2006). Coach quits over legal dispute: Sahuarita's Baker facing charges involving player. AZ Daily Star. Landmark Media Enterprises, LLC. Retrieved March 23, 2011 from HighBeam Research:

Legal Environment of Businesses Legal Environment of
Pages: 4 Words: 1259

Legal Environment of Businesses:
Legal Environment of Extermination Business:

As a wealthy investor who plans to start a chain of exterminating businesses across the United States, there are several laws and regulations as well as risks that Frank must take into consideration. Frank can open a chain of exterminating businesses by either developing the business enterprise as a new startup or purchasing a pest control franchise. The first step for Frank would be to contact the government agency that regulates this industry in the states where he wants to begin operations. This is because each state has specific certification and licensing requirements that businesses must comply with. Generally, the United States Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for enforcing federal pesticide regulations. In setting up the businesses, Frank should ensure that his employees fulfill the state legal requirements and regulations regarding their work.

As required by the Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act, Frank should…...



"APHA Guidelines for Licensing and Regulating Birth Centers." (n.d.). American Association of Birth Centers. Retrieved July 10, 2011, from

Beesley, C. (2010, March 23). Turning your Handyman Skills into a Profession: Starting a Construction or Home Improvement Business. Retrieved from U.S. Small Business Administration website:

McAllister, S. (2010, March 28). Employment Law: employment Law. Retrieved July 10, 2011,


Legal Aspects of Professional Psychology
Pages: 5 Words: 1541

Legal Aspects of Professional Psychology
All psychologists are required to follow the ethical guidelines found in the 2002 Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of the American Psychological Association (APA), commonly known as the Ethics Code. Other important ethical guidelines are found in the 2007 Competing Development Achievement Levels (DALs) of the National Council of Schools and Programs in Professional Psychology (NCSPP) and the Assessment of Competing Benchmarks Work Group of the APA. These ethics codes cover compliance, privacy and confidentiality, assessment, therapy, research and publications, and there are also special guidelines for dealing with children, minorities, culturally diverse populations, forensic psychology and gay and lesbian clients. Both the Ethics Code and state laws require psychologists to maintain the confidentiality of clients and their records, apart from legal requirements to report verified or suspected child abuse or clients who are a danger to others. Psychologists can only provide services…...



Arnaut, G.L.Y. And D.A. Hill (2010), "Ethical and Legal Issues," in J.C. Thomas and M. Hersen (eds). Handbook of Clinical Psychology Competencies. Springer, pp. 73-94.

Corey, G. et al. (2011). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 8th Edition. Cengage Learning.

Wulach, James S. And David L. Shapiro (2005), "Ethical and Legal Considerations in Child Custody Evaluations," in Gunsberg and Hymowitz (Eds.), A Handbook of Divorce and Custody Forensic Development and Clinical Perspectives. New Jersey: The Analytic Press pp. 45-56.

Legal and Ethical Issues in Multi Media Uses
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

Multimedia Uses
Multimedia can be taken to be the presentation of animation, sound, video, graphics as well as text through the use of computers and in a way that can largely be said to be integrated. Stamatoudi further notes that multimedia is that which brings about an integration of communication into a single medium (20). In this text, I contrast and contrast the various legal and ethical issues surrounding multimedia.

Background of Facts

henever there is a discussion of issues to do with multimedia, the internet cannot be far off. Today, the Internet has become a key tool of communication and individuals from all walks of life find it largely convenient as far as the aggregation as well as sharing of a wide range of content is concerned. However, it is increasingly becoming necessary for professionals in a wide range of fields including but not limited to journalism, accountancy as well as…...


Works Cited

Dittmann, Jana., Stefan Katzenbeisser and Andreas Uhl. Communications and Multimedia

Security. Birkhauser, 2005

Stamatoudi, Irini A. Copyright and Multimedia Products: A Comparative Analysis.

Cambridge University Press, 2002

Legal Aspects of Contracts
Pages: 4 Words: 1286

Construction Case Study
Case Overview

Oliver Owner has decided that it would be a good investment to build a large suburban office building on some unimproved land that currently owns. However, since he does not know much about construction, he has hired a professional project manager firm, CMI, to manage the project. However, when Mr. Owner was away for personal reasons, CMI exercised its authority to select an electrical contractor from three pre-authorized contractors that were selected. When Mr. Owner returned, he accused CMI of exceeding its authority by signing a contract with the electrical firm on his behalf. Other problems also arose from the contracts related to the electrical work to be done of the suburban office project such as a request to retract a proposal as well as a misunderstanding about what the security deposit that the contractors entailed. This analysis will provide a brief background in legal considerations that…...



CMAA. (2011). An Owner's Guide to Construction Program Management. Retrieved from CMAA Net: 

MacDonald. (2010, July 31). Understanding the Pros and Cons of Standard Form Construction Contracts. Retrieved from MacDonald Illig Attorneys: 

Procurement Notices. (2015, December 24). C.M.A.A RFP. Retrieved from Procurement Notices: 

The American Institute of Architects. (N.d.). Contractors. Retrieved from The American Institute of Architects:

Legal Formalism & Legal Realism
Pages: 4 Words: 1260

The Case of the Speluncean Explorers is a book which describes various perspectives of interpreting the law as well as what is right (moral). While Fuller invents a judicial case which involves both the moral values and the laws in the most challenging way, Peter Suber tries to make an analysis that will respond to all the key aspects of the scenario.

It is worth underlining that Fuller created enough elements in order to have sufficient arguments for both acquittal and conviction, depending on the perspective.

The rule of the judges was difficult because they were actually compelled to define what "good" was. Good is an universal value which everybody understands. However, sometimes only some can benefit from certain advantages while others can not. When life is the advantage at stake, things become even more difficult, as life is the very value of men and the most priced possession. Can one impose…...



Suber, Peter. The case of the Speluncean Explorers: Nine new opinions. Routeledge, 1998

The natural law tradition in ethics." Stanford encyclopaedia of philosophy. 11 March 2008. 17 November 2008.

Legal Writing Honigsberg's Compilation From
Pages: 1 Words: 362

Secondary research methods and outlets as well as support agencies are examined here. This part is also strengthened by consideration of online outlets for examination of the often fast-paced change in status of certain legal questions.
Somewhat of an anomaly is the placement hereafter of several chapters relating to how best to read and analyze sources and cases. It would seem more consistent with the pacing of this work to place these segments just prior to or after the case law section.

Returning to a sensible structure, the text turns thereafter to consideration of the legal writing field. Offering basic guidelines, tips on structural organization, discussion on point by point segments of legal writing and even discussion on such legal correspondences as opinions and client letters, the text ultimately serves as a rather thorough introduction to effective understanding and practice of legal writing.

orks Cited

Honigsberg, P.J. (2002). Gilbert Law Summaries: Legal Research,…...


Works Cited

Honigsberg, P.J. (2002). Gilbert Law Summaries: Legal Research, Writing & Analysis. Harcourt Legal & Professional Publications, 9th Edition.

Legal Structure and Management of a National Level Sporting Organization
Pages: 10 Words: 2976

Legal Structure and Management of a National Level Sporting Organisation
Sports activities in the world today are becoming more popular and are attracting huge crowd. This is one of the reasons that have made sponsors to come in so as to help such clubs that are not able to support themselves financially. Through sponsoring, the sponsor is able to market and advertise its products within the stadium where the club is playing among other benefits. It is worth noting that sports are viewed as a means of income to each stakeholder including the players. Essendon football club has made Australia to be known worldwide because of the good performance the club has exhibited over the years.

Essendon Football Club is rated as a dynamic world class club in the Australian sporting arena. The success and competitiveness of the club is dependant on its set legal structure and proper management that foresees its…...



Books, H. 2011. Articles on Essendon Football Club Including: List of Essendon Football Club, Honours, Anzac Day Class. America, AM: Hephaestus Books.

Bools, L., & LLC, G.B. 2010. Essendon Football CLub: Essendon Football Club, List of Essendon Football CLub Honours. United States, U.S.: General Books LLC.

Clark, T. 2007. Stick This in Your Memory Hole. Doncaster East Victoria, VIC: aduki independent press.

Devaney, J.P. 2009. Full Points Footy: Encyclopedia of Australian Football Clubs. Lincoln, LN:

Legal Value of the Universal
Pages: 5 Words: 1649

Article 38 of the International Court of Justice indicates that courts have the function of deciding which disputes can be solved by referring to international conventions implying that international conventions have legal value in the nation-states that are party to it (ICJ). The Universal Declaration of Human ights being one of such international conventions derives its legal status from this article thus obtaining the legal value.


The Universal Declaration of Human ights is a very significant convention since it protects the very existence of mankind which is vital to the development and prosperity of any state. Despite this significance its legal value was debatable due to the fight for superpower status and further debates have come up due to the difference in religious and cultural beliefs and the declaration has received criticism from groups such as the Muslim community who felt that the context of Muslim countries was not considered.

A section…...



Bernstorff, J., (2008). The changing fortunes of the universal declaration of human rights:

Genesis and symbolic dimensions of the turn to rights in international law. The European Journal of International Law, 19(5):903-924.

Faiz, P.M., (2007). The International Court of Justice, Law Journal retrieved on October 1, 2010


Legal Business Environment Legal Environment
Pages: 10 Words: 2863

Fixtures are considered part of personal property, but in cases where they become a part of real property and cannot be removed, they are considered part of real property. uilding on a plot of land is a fixture that is considered part of real property, similarly things that are fixed with the real property and can not be removed without damage can be considered part of real property. In case of sale of real property, it is appropriate to define the items of personal property that will be included with the real property and which will not be included.

The law does not recognize ownership achieved by deceitful means such as theft, fraud or force. Property may be acquired through:

Exchange: In exchange for money or other property

Possession: eing the first owner of previously un-owned property

Confusion: When ones property is mixed with someone else's property by mistake or confusion the partial owner…...



Business Litigation - An Overview, Retrieved from Internet on 27 May 2006.

Criminal Law, Wikipedia Encyclopedia, Retrieved from Internet on 27 May 2006. 

Muhi, C.J., The Employment-at-Will Doctrine: Three Major Exceptions, Monthly Labor Review, January 2001

Reed, O.L., Shedd, P.J., Morehead, J.W., Robert N. And Corley, R.N., The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, ISBN: 0072881119, 2005, McGraw-Hill

Legal Environment and Impact on
Pages: 3 Words: 992

This could be something like another computer picking up someone's credit card number during what was supposed to be a secure transaction, or an employee of a company giving out a person's confidential information over the phone to someone who is not authorized to receive it. However it happens, confidentiality breaches are serious, and must be addressed immediately so they do not happen again (Allen 2001).
Integrity of information assures that information can not be modified without such modification being detected. Most information management systems have some sort of protocol in place for protecting the integrity of information. The greatest danger to the integrity of information occurs when it is in transit from one computer to another. This is the perfect time for hackers to access the information and modify it without being detected. A secure information management system ensures that this is unlikely to happen and that any modifications…...



Allen, Julia H. (2001). The CERT Guide to System and Network Security Practices. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Layton, Timothy P. (2007). Information Security: Design, Implementation, Measurement, and Compliance. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach Publications.

McNab, Chris (2004). Network Security Assessment. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.

Need help refining a thesis statement about the physician assisted suicide?
Words: 107

Thesis: Physician-assisted suicide, as a controversial topic surrounding end-of-life decisions, necessitates a comprehensive exploration of moral, ethical, and legal aspects in order to understand the potential benefits and consequences it may have on terminally ill patients and healthcare providers. One way to refine the thesis statement could be to focus on the specific impact of physician-assisted suicide on patients and healthcare providers. For example:

Revised Thesis: The moral, ethical, and legal considerations surrounding physician-assisted suicide raise important questions about the impact it has on terminally ill patients and healthcare providers, underscoring the need for a more nuanced examination of its implications on....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Criminal Investigations. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 445

Topic Development in Criminal Investigations: Exploring Critical Concepts and Contemporary Issues

1. The Interplay of Forensics and Criminal Investigation

The evolution of forensic science and its impact on investigation techniques
The challenges and limitations of forensic evidence in criminal prosecutions
The impact of forensic technology on case resolution and the justice system

2. The Psychology of Criminal Behavior and Its Application to Investigations

The psychological profiles of different types of criminals
Investigative techniques for understanding and predicting criminal behavior
The use of psychological theories to develop investigative strategies

3. The Role of Interviewing and Interrogation in Criminal Investigations

Ethical and legal considerations in....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Divorce?
Words: 408

Thesis Statements for Essays on Divorce

Personal Experiences and Perspectives

The impact of divorce on the emotional and psychological well-being of individuals
Navigating the legal and financial complexities of divorce
The role of social support and coping mechanisms in the aftermath of divorce
The long-term consequences of divorce for children and families
The challenges and rewards of finding love and happiness after divorce

Social and Cultural Influences

The changing societal attitudes towards divorce over time
The influence of religious beliefs, cultural norms, and economic factors on divorce rates
The role of gender, race, and class in shaping the experience of divorce

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to gay marriage?
Words: 248

## Captivating Essay Topics on Gay Marriage

Section 1: Historical Perspectives and Legal Battles

1. The Evolution of Gay Marriage: An Analysis of Its Historical Roots and Legal Milestones
2. The Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage: Assessing the Landmark Decision in Obergefell v. Hodges
3. The Stonewall Uprising: Its Impact on the LGBTQ+ Movement and Gay Marriage

Section 2: Social and Cultural Impact

4. The Social Acceptance of Gay Marriage: Exploring Factors Contributing to Shifting Attitudes
5. The Economic Benefits of Gay Marriage: A Study of Its Impact on Businesses and the Economy
6. The Cultural Impact of Gay Marriage: Analyzing Its Influence on Art, Media, and....

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