Leadership Principles Essays (Examples)

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Leadership Principles in Sports What
Pages: 2 Words: 708

In the old days, coaches and managers viewed people as objects, but that view is shifting, in part due to the concepts of Servant-leadership. The central meaning came to Greenleaf after reading Hermann Hesse's short novel Journey to the East; Greenleaf concluded that a great leader first serves others, and "true leadership (Spears 3) emerges from those whose primary motivation is a deep desire to help others." By first serving, then leading, the leader has a hands-on grasp of what the priorities are, and do those being served (whether baseball players or office staffers) become healthier while being served? Do they grow as persons, become smarter and more likely "themselves to become servants?"
Meanwhile, author Dennis Kinlaw's "total quality management" (TQM) concepts focus much attention on something that is vital to all sporting situations and teams - improvement. Teams rarely stay exactly the same; they are either getting worse, or…...


Works Cited

Kinlaw, Dennis. Continuous Improvement and Measurement for Total Quality: A Team-Based

Approach. Homewood, ILL: Pfeiffer & Company, 1992.

Lad, Lawrence J., & Luechauer, David. "On the Path to Servant-Leadership." Insights on Leadership: Service, Stewardship, Spirit, and Servant-Leadership. Ed. Larry Spears. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996. 54-65.

Manning, George. & Curtis, Kent. The Art of Leadership. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Pages Mehrabian, Albert. Silent Messages. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,

Leadership Principles Social Cognition Theory
Pages: 2 Words: 585

This brainstorming would be an imaginative exercise, as well as encourage students to work together. Then, students could present their findings to the class in the form of a dialogue. The sharing of information in the form of a play would further spur social modeling and creativity. equiring students to imagine 'what if' scenarios enables them to illustrate that they have truly assimilated the lesson material and comprehend its basic principles, and do not focus on reciting facts by rote: "Internalization refers to the process of learning -- and thereby internalizing -- a rich body of knowledge and tools of thought that first exist outside the child" (Lev Vygotsky and Social Cognition, 2008, Funderstanding). Presenting a short 'dramatic' scenario would also energize students who are kinesthetic (hands-on) rather than verbal learners.
In the case of the first exercise, students would be assessed in terms of their visual recall by being…...



Lev Vygotsky and Social Cognition. (2008). Funderstanding. Retrieved February 17, 2011 at  http://www.funderstanding.com/content/vygotsky-and-social-cognition

Covey Principle-Centered Leadership Principle-Centered Leadership
Pages: 6 Words: 1762

Too often people focus on values, norms, and specifics while ignoring the principles that they are based on.
Principle-centered leadership, on the other hand, can be applied to any generation or any type of organizational culture. Another reason why Covey's book is effective is because he continually reverts to the central ideas of natural law and self-discipline. Natural law is best conveyed through the image of farm work: Covey offers this metaphor throughout Principle-Centered Leadership to underscore why principles, not values, guide effective leaders. After all, what an effective farmer does in his or her daily life is quite different from what an effective CEO does. If one focuses only on their core values, only differences would be evident. However, if one closely examines the principles that guide both the farmer and the CEO, key similarities in their leadership styles and personality traits will be made evident. These are the…...

Leadership Two of the Most Pressing Issues
Pages: 4 Words: 1201

Two of the most pressing issues in corporate leadership today include gender equality and labor rights. In "Women See Slow Progress in Leadership," Gay (2013) cites numerous empirical studies showing that the glass ceiling remains nearly impenetrable at the highest levels of management. The report cites the work-life balance ideal as the most common reason offered for why many women are either opting out of the CEO lifestyle, or are not considered ready or willing to handle the challenges and pressures of senior leadership.

In "The Best etail Companies to Work for ight Now," Smith (2013) describes Costco's approach toward human resources management. The company has recently been named one of the best companies to work for in the United States because of their relatively high salaries, supportive work environment, opportunity for growth, and job security. Its ethical labor rights practices are helping gain positive publicity for Costco, showing that ethical…...



Gay, M. (2013). Women see slow progress in leadership. The Wall Street Journal. 14 Nov, 2013. Retrieved online:  http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303289904579196123043065800 

Greenleaf, R. (2013). Ten principles of servant leadership. Butler University. Retrieved online:  http://www.butler.edu/volunteer/resources/principles-of-servant-leadership/ 

Lavinsky, D. (2013). Are you a visionary business leader? Forbes. Retrieved online:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/davelavinsky/2013/04/26/are-you-a-visionary-business-leader/ 

Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership (2013). What is servant leadership? Retrieved online:  https://greenleaf.org/what-is-servant-leadership/

Leadership Powell the Leadership Secrets
Pages: 5 Words: 1525

This is another circumstance, however, that is likely to limit the use of this text in management courses, which is truly a disservice to American industry and consumers. It is ironic that in living up to the principles of clarity and directness that it espouses, this tome will probably be read most by simple admirers of Powell and self-help fanatics, rather than put to extensive practical use in the real world.
Where the book might be lacking in a sense of academic rigor and obfuscation, it is hugely successful in its primary attempt to bring a sense of accountability and nobility back to leadership in this country. The United States has been somewhat short on inspirational and honest leaders in the past decade, and though this book is now seven years old it remains a testament to the type of mentality that apparently still exists even when it has faded…...

Leadership Books Number of Different
Pages: 9 Words: 2584

The passive style is described as management by exception where employees do not receive notice for their positive contributions to the organization, but instead are paid attention by their manager only when an error or problem arises. Punishment or disciplinary action is often the medium used in this approach. Active transactional leadership uses contingent rewards. With this approach, employees are praised for their performance and may be eligible for pay increases or other incentives (Bolman & Deal, 1991, p. 419). The type of leadership exhibited clearly determines the type of motivation used and often its success or failure.
The situational leadership theory of Hersey and Blanchard proposes that the optimal amount of task and relations behavior depends upon subordinate maturity. As the authors note, what the manager needs is a simple and logical framework for making decisions that will be successful (Hersey & Blanchard, 1990, p. 412). This theory prescribes…...



Bolman, L. & Deal, T. (1991). Reframing organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Bossidy, Larry; Charan, Ram; Execution, the Discipline of Getting Things

Done; Crown Business, New York, NY. 2002.

DuBrin, a.J., R.D. Ireland, & J.C. Williams. Management & Organization. Cincinnati: South-Western, 1989.

Leadership Theories Change in Response
Pages: 4 Words: 1242

However, Avery points out an important shift in managerial leadership styles. She sees it as a shift in the balance of power within an organization, rather than a shift in the way managers perform their daily tasks. She states, leadership involves letting go of conventional notions of control, order, and hierarchy, replacing them with trust and an acceptance of continual change, chaos, and respect for diverse members of the organization...the members are expected to be self-managing and self-leading (Avery, 29-30).
This statement summarizes Avery's view of how leadership styles will evolve in the future. The balance of power is shifting from the leader to the employee. In the future, employees will continue to become more independent and to seek their own methods of self-management. Leaders will have to be wiling to let go and become more of a guidance counselor than an authority figure. This trend was perhaps the most…...


Works Cited

Avery, G. Understanding Leadership. London: Sage Publications, 2004.

Leadership Within a Fire Department
Pages: 5 Words: 1648

hether involvement is through full time employment or volunteer service, the challenges of today's fire service demand commitment to training, education, experience and self-development. One's professional development is a journey, not a destination. Remember Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.
Napoleon Hill

You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what you're doing is work or play.

James Beatty

orks Cited

First In, Last Out Review in Publishers eekly, Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. (2004)

International Association of Fire Chiefs Officer Development Handbook First Edition, November 2003, Published in partnership with the IAFC Foundation, (2003), New York: International Association of Fire Chiefs, http://www.iafc.org/associations/4685/files/OffrsHdbkFINAL3.pdf (Retrieved August 20, 2006).

Salka, John, and Neville, Barret. First In, Last Out: Leadership Lessons from the New York Fire Department (New York, Penguin Group, USA, Inc. 2004).

Thomas M. Cunningham, Emergency Services Information Site: Leadership 101: Integrity, http://www.withthecommand.com/2002-Aug/MD-TMC-leader-integ101.html (Retrieved August 20, 2006)



Works Cited

First In, Last Out Review in Publishers Weekly, Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. (2004)

International Association of Fire Chiefs Officer Development Handbook First Edition, November 2003, Published in partnership with the IAFC Foundation, (2003), New York: International Association of Fire Chiefs,   (Retrieved August 20, 2006).http://www.iafc.org/associations/4685/files/OffrsHdbkFINAL3.pdf 

Salka, John, and Neville, Barret. First In, Last Out: Leadership Lessons from the New York Fire Department (New York, Penguin Group, USA, Inc. 2004).

Thomas M. Cunningham, Emergency Services Information Site: Leadership 101: Integrity,   (Retrieved August 20, 2006)http://www.withthecommand.com/2002-Aug/MD-TMC-leader-integ101.html 

Leadership Styles in Organizations of
Pages: 3 Words: 991

Therefore, culturally endorsed leadership theory may require some degree of code-switching (employing different languages or emphasizing and de-emphasizing certain cultural elements) on the part of leaders in order to maintain the balance of general attributes associated with positive leadership. In general, however, there is less of a reliance on the leader as an individual in this type of organizational leadership style, and more of a reliance on universally perceived leadership qualities.
Another fairly efficacious style of leadership for contemporary organizations is transformational leadership. Transformational leadership theory seeks to actuate a change by empowering the various individuals that comprise an organization with the tools necessary to perform their jobs better. Transformational leadership may require a restructuring of a company's objectives, or a reevaluation of the best ways to achieve those values. Oftentimes, transformational leaders are charismatic and are endowed with natural leadership attributes that endear them to people. Their goals are…...



Ivey, G.W., & Kline, T.B. (2010). "Transformational and active transactional leadership in the Canadian military." Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 31 (3): 246-262. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Javidan,, Dorfman, P., De Luque, M., & House, R. (2006). "In the eye of the beholder: Cross cultural lessons in leadership from project GLOBE." Academy of Management Perspectives, 20 (1): 67-90.

Traywick, B. (2008). "Reagan's transformational leadership." www.youtube.com Retrieved from  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puB0Bnt5xfY&feature=related

Leadership -- Conflict Management in
Pages: 10 Words: 3122

In these kinds of situations, the health care professional is taking the middle ground to satisfy both parties (which will lead to a number of challenges). This is from both sides feeling that they have won and will want more down the road. The only difference is that they are more emboldened in their position. This is problematic, because it can make the underlying situation worse in the future. (Feldman, 2008, pg. 128) (Daniels, 2004, pp. 485 -- 486)
To avoid these kinds of situations requires that compromise should be used as a solution when both sides agree to accept the proposal. This does not mean coming back in the future and exhibiting the same kind of behavior to achieve what they want. Instead, both parties have to be willing to accept the compromise completely. If this kind of approach can be taken it will create win -- win situations.…...



Cavanaugh, S. (1988). The Conflict Management Style. Intensive Care Nursing, 4 (3), 118 -- 123.

Daniels, R. (2004). Nursing Fundamentals. Clifton, NY: Thomason.

DiMatteo, M. (1998). The Role of the Physician. Western Journal of Medicine. 168 (85), 328 -- 333.

Feldman, H. (2008). Nursing Leadership. New York, NY: Springer.

Leadership Strategy Balanced Scorecard
Pages: 5 Words: 1726

The balanced scorecard concept highlights a number of different measures that reflect on the success of a company. These measures include the normal financial measures that corporations use, but also measures relating to the customer, to the staff and to the environment/community. The leader must therefore take into account these different dimensions -- innovation, processes, financial outcomes and the customers -- in order to ensure that the company excels (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). The role of the leader is both to serve as visionary and strategist, but also as the inspirational leader of the organization. Vision is essential, because the leader has to see how all of the different elements of the organization come together to deliver on the multiple objectives laid out in the balanced scorecard approach.

The first step for the leader is to determine the organization's strategy, something that demands a high level of vision (Porter, no date).…...



Kaplan, R. & Norton, D. (1992). The balanced scorecard: Measures that drive performance. Harvard Business Review. In possession of the author.

Porter, M. (no date). Leader as strategist. Leadership Excellence. In possession of the author.

Powell, C. (no date). Leadership principles. Leadership Excellence. In possession of the author.

Leadership - Gates of Fire by Steven
Pages: 6 Words: 1771

Leadership - Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield
Gates of Fire written by Steven Pressfield is a famous historical novel published in 1998. It tells the story of 480 B.C when Persian King decided to attack Greece. Persia was the biggest power of the world in those times and it used all its supremacy to focus on this singe goal.

Persian King brought with him a huge army of around two million soldiers with a simple message of "surrender or death" for the Greeks. On the other side, Greece put forward their 300 finest Spartan warriors under the commandment of King Leonydas and ordered them to take immediate action.

Spartans knew very well that they will be killed in this battle with Persian invaders but they did not quit and moved forward towards their mission. They bravely resisted against the Persian forces for six days and created an unbalanced fight for them.…...



Bass, B and Riggio, R. (2008). Transformational Leadership. Second edition. Lawrence Erlbaum


Cohen, W. (2010). Heroic Leadership. Leading with Integrity and Honor. Chapter 7: Put Duty Before

Self. Published by Jossey Bass.

Leadership in Management President Abraham
Pages: 6 Words: 2141

He let them know truthfully and honestly what was expected of them, that the journey would be difficult, and that they would all be in the situation together. He was honest about the impending Civil War when he first took office, and he was honest with his cabinet about the difficulties they would face. This path-goal theory of management helped create a very supportive environment that is necessary when people are facing extremely difficult problems, such as Civil War. The leader must be strong and mature, but he must also be extremely supportive and nurturing, and Lincoln was, which commanded respect among just about everyone he dealt with. He worked very closely with his generals during the war, and he set specific goals for them, another aspect of the path-goal theory -- offering specific leadership advice and goals, and expecting the followers to take the appropriate action. He was…...



Elshtain, J.B. (1999, November). Abraham Lincoln & the last best hope. First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life 43.

Gienapp, W.E. (2002). Abraham Lincoln and Civil War America: A biography. New York: Oxford University Press.

Kumuyi, W.F. (2007, August/September). Seven communication tips an effective leader must have. New African 22+.

Rawley, J.A. (2003). Abraham Lincoln and a nation worth fighting for. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Leadership at BP During the Oil Spill Crisis
Pages: 6 Words: 1825

BP Oil Spill DisasterIntroductionAs Garcia (2011) notes, the seeds of the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe were planted well before the BP oil spill disaster actually occurred. They were planted by leadership that failed to be engaged, failed to conduct appropriate oversight, and failed to create a culture of accountability. There was no risk management. There was no situational awareness. There was no clarity regarding roles and processes. There was no quick action once the disaster erupted and mistakes were compounded. This paper will provide the background information on what management did before, during and after the spill, and how the role of leadership and teams, leadership practices and leadership principles can help to improve outcomes for organizations.BackgroundManagement before the SpillPrior to the disaster, management had engaged in cost-cutting exercises without conducting adequate risk management of the Deepwater Horizon site. The build-out of the well used cheap cement, which systemically weakened the…...


ReferencesBureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)/U.S. Coast Guard Joint Investigation Team (14 September 2011).Chandler, M. (2011). Marcia McNutt: Leadership Lessons from the BP Oil Spill. Retrieved from   G. (2010). Five Leadership Lessons from the BP Oil Spill. Retrieved from  https://hbr.org/2010/06/five-lessons-in-leadership-fro Garcia, H. F. (2011). BP: A Failure of Leadership and Management on a Massive Scale. Retrieved from https://logosconsulting.net/bp-a-failure-of-leadership-and-management-on-a-massive-scale/Loftus, G. (2016). The Deepwater Horizon Disaster: BP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Lethal Leadership Lessons. Retrieved from  https://www.forbes.com/sites/geoffloftus/2016/09/21/the-deepwater-horizon-disaster-bps-lethal-leadership-lessons/?sh=17112658569ehttps://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/marcia-mcnutt-leadership-lessons-bp-oil-spill Corkindale,

Leadership Concepts
Pages: 3 Words: 924

Cultures, Social Networking and SPL Model

The modern business environment has contributed to increased international operations by companies in attempts to enhance global presence and gain competitive advantage. However, international companies experience various challenges with regards to hiring and retaining employees in foreign countries or new cultures. As an individual spearheading a study in an international company, one of the major issues to address is determining the advantage or disadvantage of hiring locals or natives vs. sending present company employees for short periods of time and necessary training for those operations.

For the international company, sending present company employees for short periods of time is more beneficial than hiring locals or natives. This is primarily because the knowledge and skills required in the job in the host country are either in short supply or not present in the locals or natives. Moreover, the existing employees have adequate knowledge of the firm and…...



Atchison, T.J., Belcher, D.W. & Thomsen, D.J. (2000). International Remuneration. In Internet

based benefits & compensation administration (chap. 22). Retrieved from http://dlc.erieri.com/onlinetextbook/chpt22/text_main.htm

Cashman, K. (2008). Leadership from the inside out: becoming a leader for life (2nd ed.). San

Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.

Need help generating essay topics related to Church Leadership. Can you help?
Words: 478

1. The Role of the Pastor in Fostering Spiritual Growth and Discipleship

Discuss the pastor's responsibilities in nurturing the spiritual development of church members.
Explore how pastors can create and implement discipleship programs that promote spiritual maturity.
Examine the pastor's role in counseling and guiding individuals through challenges and growth opportunities.

2. The Importance of Servant Leadership in Church Governance

Define servant leadership and explain its significance in church leadership.
Analyze the Biblical foundations and practical applications of servant leadership.
Discuss the benefits of servant leadership for both church leaders and congregations.

3. The Impact of Culture on Church Leadership Styles


I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on servant leadership in the army. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 376

1. The role of servant leadership in promoting cohesion and teamwork among soldiers in the army.
2. The impact of servant leadership on mission success and effectiveness in military operations.
3. How servant leadership principles can be applied in training and developing future army leaders.
4. The importance of trust and empathy in servant leadership within the army.
5. Case studies of successful servant leaders in the military and their impact on their units.
6. The challenges and obstacles faced by servant leaders in the army and how they can overcome them.
7. The connection between servant leadership and ethical decision-making in the army.
8. The benefits....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on servant leadership. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 375

1. Exploring the intersection of servant leadership and feminism: How can the principles of servant leadership be applied to promote gender equality and empower women in leadership roles?

2. The role of spirituality in servant leadership: How does a leader’s spiritual beliefs and practices influence their approach to servant leadership, and how can incorporating spiritual principles enhance their ability to serve others?

3. Servant leadership in non-traditional settings: How can servant leadership principles be applied outside of traditional organizational structures, such as in community organizing, advocacy work, or social movements?

4. The impact of servant leadership on employee well-being and job satisfaction: What....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to character of transformational leadership in non profit organizations?
Words: 438

1. The Role of Transformational Leadership in Fostering Organizational Innovation in Nonprofits

Explore how transformational leaders create a culture of innovation within nonprofits, fostering new ideas and approaches to address social challenges.
Examine the leadership practices that encourage risk-taking, collaboration, and adaptability.

2. The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Engagement and Morale in Nonprofits

Analyze the ways in which transformational leadership inspires and motivates employees, leading to increased job satisfaction, commitment, and performance.
Discuss the strategies leaders use to empower, recognize, and support their teams.

3. Transformational Leadership and the Cultivation of Ethical Decision-Making in Nonprofits

Examine the role of transformational....

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