Leadership Plans for Upcoming Academic Year
Over the course of the upcoming academic year, I hope to pursue opportunities that will ground my academic work in educational experiences outside of the classroom. I will become part of an undergraduate research program that will enable me to marry my real-life work in the world with what I have learned about marketing theory in school. I also will join more activities that will enable me to connect with other students of similar interests and aptitudes. One difficulty with working full-time and pursuing an undergraduate degree is that time is often scarce; obtaining a scholarship would free up more of my time to delve deeper into extracurricular activities. I have come to realize how the opportunities afforded to me to network with my peers and future employers are essential. I seek new opportunities to lead and to learn from other student and professional leaders…...
leadership plan in consistency with the 3D leadership model that was identified in the previous segment of this paper. The 3D model that was introduced was based on the scholarly work of Bill eddin in which 3 dimensions of the proposed leadership model were given. These were task orientation, relationship orientation, and effectiveness of the leaders. We now discuss how this strategic plan gets implemented at various levels such as individual, traditional and virtual teams, department and so on and so forth.
The 3D Leadership level
Mahmood (2007)
Individual level
At the individual level, the 3D leadership model will provide tasks to team members at organization-wide level. The relationship factors will include interaction with team members and building rapport with team leader. The third dimension of this leadership model will include completing all the 'essential' category of tasks along with obtaining positive 'appraisal' from team leaders, the more that an individual scores on…...
Freeman, R.E. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Cambridge University Press.
Hendry, C., & Pettigrew, A. (1992). Patterns of strategic change in the development of human resource management. British Journal of Management, 3(3), 137-156.
Mahmood, K. (2007). Least common multiple of teacher leadership styles: Implication for classroom. Quality in education: Teaching and leadership in challenging times, 306-331.
Majchrzak, A., Rice, R.E., Malhotra, A., King, N., & Ba, S. (2000). Technology adaption: the case of a computer-supported inter-organizational virtual team 1. MIS quarterly, 24(4), 569-600.
Leadership Principles in Health Care
Health leader competencies in terms of leadership knowledge are skills consist of communication, professionalism, understanding of the health care system, and a business skill set (Stefl, 2008). These competencies are essential because they allow a leader to be at the head of teams regarding knowledge, know-how, experience, administration and interaction. First off, communication is necessary because without it, lines can get crossed and important information left out. Professionalism is also important because it serves as the framework for workplace behavior, projecting an image to the client and the staff of dignity, purpose, esteem, and knowledge. None of this would matter, of course, if the leader lacked understanding of the health care system, without which he or she is simply an empty suit, devoid of any usefulness whatsoever. And finally a business skill set is required because, after all, the health care industry is a business and…...
Davis, L., Taylor, H., Reyes, H. (2014). Lifelong learning in nursing: A Deplhi study.
Nurse Education Today, 34(3): 441-445.
Sarabia, M. (2007). Knowledge leadership cycles: an approach from Nonaka's viewpoint. Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(3): 6-15.
Stefl, M. (2008). Common competencies for all healthcare managers: The healthcare leadership alliance model. Journal of Healthcare Management, 53(6): 360-374.
Leadership is defined as a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive (obins, Pinsky, & Krichko, 2004). Bernard Bass' theory of leadership (Bass, 1990) states that there are three ways to explain the development of how one becomes a leader. The Trait Theory explains that some personality traits may lead people naturally into leadership roles. The Great Events Theory states that a crisis or important event may cause a person to rise to the occasion, which brings out extraordinary leadership qualities in an ordinary person. Finally, the Transformational Leadership Theory states that people can choose to become leaders or people can learn leadership skills. The latter theory is the most widely accepted theory today (Fabian, 2004).
When one considers a person as a leader, he/she does not think about personal attributes. Observation is typically used…...
Bass, B.M. (1990). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics (Winter), 19-31.
Beccaria, L.M., & Favero, N. (2000). [Expectations of nursing managers and assistants as to the managerial style of an executive director of a teaching hospital]. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem, 8(2), 83-90.
Bolman, L.G., & Deal, T.E. (1992). Leading and managing: effects of context, culture and cender. Education Administration Quarterly, 28, 314-329.
Fabian, N. (2004). Leadership -- what is it and are you headed for it? J. Environ Health, 67(3), 54, 52.
Leadership and Development
Industry: Commercial Construction
Job Title: Regional Project Manager
Position Description
Personal Leadership Assessment
Plan of Action
In examining myself for the position of project manager for Solomon builders, understanding the differences between leadership and management, and applying those subtle issues towards the task at hand are helpful. To reach my ultimate career potential within the workforce, it is important to identify and locate the principles that will have helped me attain this goal. My success is ultimately determined by the ability to synthesize and call upon certain trends within my educational background and its application towards the work's task as at hand. In this document I will examine in fine detail how this position coupled with my leadership and management skill base, will help affirm the principles and lessons of this educational course.
It is my recommendation that the project manager job at Solomon Builders suits my abilities and skills as a leader and…...
mlaWorks Cited
Gill, R. 2003,'Change management -or change leadership', Journal of Change Management, May Vol 3,4, pp 307-318.
Mumford, M. et al. 2000, 'Development of leadership skills: experience and timing', Leadership Quarterly, Vol 11,pp 87-114.
Palmer, B et al. 2001, ' Emotional intelligence and effective leadership', Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, Vol 22, pp 5-10.
Raclin, J. 1997, 'A model of work-based learning', Organization Science, Vol 8, pp 563-578.
Leadership Theories
Select one of the leadership theories and then identify how you might apply the principles of this theory to aid in merger and acquisition.
In any organization, the overall leadership style will play a major role in determining the direction of the company. As the actions that are taken by managers, will set the tone for future growth and how the staff will focus on achieving their different objectives. One of the most common leadership principals that are used is: situational leadership. This is when executives are looking at different circumstantial variables, to determine the most appropriate course of action. Where, their underlying amounts of leadership will be adjusted, to reflect the changing conditions. (Cherry, 2010) A good example of this can be seen with the merger that would take place between: Exxon and Mobile in 1999. What happened was oil prices were hitting at all time low, which…...
The Merger. (2010). ICMR. Retrieved from: Merger Rationalehttp://www.icmrindia.org/casestudies/catalogue/Business%20Strategy2/Business%20Strategy%20The%20Exxon-Mobil%20Merger%20Controversy.htm#The
Cherry, K. (2010). About.com. Retrieved from: http://psychology.about.com/od/leadership/p/leadtheories.htm
Lopen, S. (2010). E How. Retrieved from: http://www.ehow.com/how_6946237_do-evaluate-public-school-environment_.html
Leadership Development Plan
It is imperative for an effective leader to have a plan in order to succeed. This takes into account a personal plan intended for growth and a professional one intended for improvement. The purpose of this paper is to highlight my personal strengths and weaknesses as a leader, ascertain the areas necessitated for enhancement, and pinpoint the leadership skills and practices that I will employ to become an effective leader. In addition, this paper will also delineate an outline of the goals and objectives that I deem to be a priority as well as a timeline for this leadership development. The general result will encompass an inclusive leadership plan of development that I will utilize to develop myself as an individual and also for any organization that I will eventually work for in the forthcoming periods.
The personal assessment of management skills facilitated clear awareness and discernment into areas…...
Bateman, T. & Snell, S. (2015). Management: Leading & collaborating in the competitive world (11th ed., Chapter 1). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
Biro, M. M. (2012). 5 Leadership Behaviors Loyal Employees Trust, Forbes.
Bolden, R., Gosling, J. (2006). Leadership Competencies: Time to change the tune? Leadership, 2: 147.
Cameron, K. (2011). Responsible leadership as virtuous leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 98: 25-35.
Leadership: Enhancing Lessons Experience
According to Johnson, & Giorgis (2002), Leadership is the process in which an individual influences actions of others towards common goals, Formulates policies, strategies, and influence people towards achievement of the same strategies. Over the past decades, various changes in the world have led to various definitions of leadership. The fall of the Soviet Union, globalization and various advances have changed the world we knew. A woman in leadership positions is a new phenomenon; various leadership trainings are available, and leadership as a skill is now an asset for professionals. For African Universities to ensure knowledge transfer and observing millennium development goals, a good leadership structure is essential. A leader has exception skills and acts outrageously to situations (Padam, 2009).
Scholars have advanced various theories on leadership. Leaders' Individual personal attributes beat explains the trait theory, when one looks closely at Mahatma Gandhi and Hitler it is evident…...
Johnson, N.J., & Giorgis, C. (2002). Leadership. The Reading Teacher, 56(3), 315-316. Retrieved from http:/ / proquest.com/docview/203276035
Padam, S. (2009). Leadership: Theory and practice. South Asian Journal of Management, 16(3), 136-137. Retrieved from http://.proquest.com/docview/222728386
Ilgen, D.R., Hollenbeck, J.R., Johnson, M., & Jundt, D. (2005). TEAMS IN ORGANIZATIONS: From input-process-output models to IMOI models. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 517-543. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/205830055
Hanson, K., & Leautier, F. (2011). Enhancing institutional leadership in african universities: Lessons from ACBS's interventions. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 7(2), 385-417. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/20425961201000040
Leadership is a process that helps in directing and mobilizing people. It has for the past 100 years been a subject of many studies. These studies have come up with theories of the nature and exercise of leadership. Some of these theories include trait theories of leadership, theories of emergent leadership, leadership style theories, psychodynamic theories, and the path goal theories among others. The second section of this paper focuses on evaluation of behavior of selected leaders. Leaders of different organizations exhibit specific behaviors that are in line with models and theories of leadership. Their behaviors can guide the behavior of individual followers, groups, or even teams. The analysis section touches on how leaders perceive their roles and what makes them develop as leaders. The summary wraps up all that the paper is about and what I have learnt.
Literature review
Management and leadership are interchangeably used in our everyday lives. Leadership…...
Avolio, B.J., Walumbwa, F.O. & Weber, T.J. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 421-429.
Bass, B. (2008). The Bass Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research, and Application. New York: Free Press.
Bennis, W. & Nanus, B. (1997). Leaders: Strategies for Taking Change 2nd Edition. New York:
Collins Business Essentials.
Leadership Research
Models of leadership and management
Comparison and contrast of leadership models
Application of leadership model: Case of Mark Zuckerberg
Table 1- Leadership Table
Leadership Research
Leadership in public and private sector businesses is important for the growth of these businesses. Of late, many researchers have thoroughly investigated the role leadership in promoting businesses. Researchers have also tried to explore the common characteristics of global business leaders that have led their businesses to successful heights. Different models of effective leadership in corporations have also been drafted. One major aspect of leaders being explored in their ability to inspire people surrounding them and use this inspiration to achieve results that could be achieved without having complete trust of followers. While followers might be hard to make for a leader, and yet harder to retain, few researchers have put forth consolidated models of inspirational leaders that effectively make and retain followers. Two such models that will be…...
Brio, M.M. (2013). Think like Zuck: How Leadership diversity Sparks Innovation. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from: [ http://www.forbes.com/sites/meghanbiro/2013/01/27/think-like-zuck-how-leadership-diversity-sparks-innovation/ ]
Forbes. (2013). The World's Billionaires: Mark Zuckerberg. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from: [ http://www.forbes.com/profile/mark-zuckerberg/ ]
Drucker, P.F. (2004). What makes an effective executive? Harvard Business Review, 58-63.
Goffee, R., & Jones, G. (2001). Why Should Anyone Be Led by You? IEEE Engineering Management Review, 29(1), 94-100.
un Tzu informs that we cannot punish people until they feel loyalty to us: namely, until they consider themselves members of our group.
10. Keep them guessing
This quality may be pertinent only to leaders of a business / corporation. Her un Tzu advises keeping one's strategies and plans concealed from one's competitor so that one retains competitive advantage.
III. Conclusion
The Art of War, maintains un Tzu, is "a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected." (pt. 2)
The same goes for the Art of Leadership. It is also "a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected" and its qualities need to be known and inculcated in order to have maximum success in the field.
'Leader' as term may be inchoate, but as many entrepreneurs have observed, un Tzu's strategies are…...
Bateman, T.S., & Snell, S. (2009). Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World, Eighth Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Kotter JP. 1996. Leading Change. Boston, MA: Harv. Bus. School
Schein, E. (1985). Organizational culture and leadership. CA: Jossey-Bass.
Sun Tzu, (2001). The Art of War Wylie, TX: Pickard & Son, Publishers.
Leadership SME
Leadership Strategy from the Top Down: Lessons from the Boardroom in Small and Medium Enterprises
Leadership and management theories and strategies have proliferated at a rapid rate in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, as organizations have grown larger and more complex and have faced pressures of a much faster pace of business. The demands made on leaders of business organizations and the need for strong leadership in navigating the ever-more changeable waters of modern business have grown along with businesses themselves, in both the degree to which leadership can affect operations and overall success as well as in the number of tasks and knowledge areas that leaders are supposed to be able to handle. Much of the diversification and increased scrutiny of leadership theories, processes, and practices can be attributed to the increased importance and complexity of leadership positions.
In something of an irony, however, the many different leadership theories and…...
Demmer, W., Vickery, S., & Calantone, R. (2011). Engendering resilience in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): a case study of Demmer Corporation. International Journal of Production Research 49(18): 5395-413.
Gong, Y., Huang, J. & Farh, J. (2009). Employee learning orientation, transformational leadership, and employee creativity. Academy of Management Journal 52(4): 765-78.
Kotter, J. & Schlesinger, L. (2008). Choosing strategies for change. Harvard Business Review.
Kunze, F., Boehm, S. & Bruch, H. (2011). Age diversity, age discrimination climate and performance consequences -- a cross organizational stud. Journal of Organizational Behavior 32(2): 264-90.
Sustainability in Leadership
Current global occurrences have posed a great challenge to the continued existence of living things on earth. At this stage in the history of man, humanity is struggling with a lot of challenges; and these challenges are not restricted to region or race. Problems associated with climate change, increased rate of poverty, inconsistent democracy, and lack of justice and fairness in society are common to all nations. At this critical moment, there becomes a vacuum to be filled with urgency by leaders whose sole desire and purpose is to salvage the earth from total destruction. The world needs leaders who possess strategies to effectively combat these challenges and lead their followers into lifestyles that are self-sustaining. Leaders who could bring about this much needed sustainability to our environments are regarded as Sustainability Leaders.
Purpose of Sustainable Development in Modern Leadership
Leadership in the traditional setting is, by nature, restricted to…...
Banuri, T. & Najam, A. (2002). Civic Entrepreneurship: A Civil Society Perspective on Sustainable Development (Vol. 1: Global Synthesis). Boston, MA: Stockholm Environment Institute -- Boston Center.
Bennis, W. & Goldsmith, J. (2003). Learning to Lead: A Workbook On Becoming a Leader. 3rd ed. New York: Basic Books.
Brown, D. (2000). What Practical Difference Would the Adoption of the Earth Charter Mean to the Resolution of Global Warming Issues? P. Miller & L. Westra (Eds.), Just Ecological Integrity: The Ethics of Maintaining Planetary Life (pp. 205-214). New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Boutros-Ghali, B. (1998). Leadership and Conflict. In Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict (Ed.), Essays on Leadership (pp. 1-6). New York: Carnegie Corporation.
Leadership style of the CEO of Google Inc. using situational leadershi
Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at the Stanford University in 1995 and by 1996, they built first search initially called Backub, which used links to establish the importance of the individual web pages. They continued working on the search engine, and in 1998, they founded the now worldwide-established Google Inc. Company (Larson, 2010). The company packs a lot considering the young age of the company as it now serves billions of users and customers around the globe. The mission of Google Inc. is to organize the information of the entire world and make it useful and accessible universally. The headquarters of the company is in 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View CA 94043. The company boasts and enjoys a vast number of employees across the globe, with an established management team representing a team of the most experienced professionals in…...
Godin, S. (2009). Situational leadership by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey. Retrieved from / on May 15, 2011.http://www.sayeconomy.com/situational-leadership-by-kenneth-blanchard-and-paul-hersey
Nicholas Carlson, Google CEO Eric Schmidt: "We Don't Really Have A Five-Year Plan" (CLIP)|
May 20, 2009, 2:59 PM Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/google-ceo-eric-schmidt-we-dont-really-have-a-five-year-plan-clip-2009-5#ixzz2TwicO74K
Larson, C. (2010). Interview: Googlopolis. Foreign Policy, (181), 152-152. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/748713622?accountid=35812
Leadership Path Goal Theory
The Boy Scouts" using the "path- goal theory
Leadership theories
Path Goal Theory
Explain how the theory works and include an example
Explain the effect of power and influence that leaders have on followers in the organization
Are the followers receptive?
Would you recommend another strategy?
Transformational Leadership
Transactional Leadership
Evaluate the role of transformational and transformational leadership in the organization
Effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the organization
Assess the traits and characteristics of an effective team leader within the organization
Explain how the leadership supports vision, mission, and strategy in the organization
If you were the leader in the organization, what would you change and why?
The leadership theories are different in their relevance and approach, however, the importance of effective leadership cannot be undermined in operations of a successful organization. The boy scouts and other military organizations also deploy various leadership and management practices in order to motivate their members. It further leads them for successful operations…...
Bolman, L.G., & Deal, T.E. (2011). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice and leadership. USA: Jossey-Bass.
Samson, D., & Daft, R.L. (2009). Fundamentals of management. Australia: Cengage Learning.
Winkler, I. (2010). Contemporary leadership theories. USA: Springer.
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