Leadership Model Essays (Examples)

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Leadership Model
Pages: 1 Words: 464

Obviously, everyone wants to be seen as an innovative, risk-taker, but having a vision is necessary to decide what risks are worth taking. Although it is unstated, your subject, Stephen Czarowski, the music and choir director at your church, St., John the Baptist in Silver Spring must have a (realistic but challenging) vision of how the music people are playing should sound, which he urges people to realize. Although he may solicit input, ultimately as the director he has the final decision-making authority to achieve the composer's intent.
A wonder too about the importance of technical competence -- a coach must know the sport, but the best athletes are not necessarily the best coaches, nor are the best computer programmers the best leaders of technologically-based companies. Stephen Czarowski might be an excellent musician on some instruments, but he does not know how to play all instruments equally well, rather his…...

Leadership Models
Pages: 8 Words: 2045

Individual Development:

This activity contains the following subtasks:

The individual personality, skills, strengths, needs, aim and fears of the team members are acknowledge;

The individual plans, problems, and challenges are provided assistance and support;

Individual responsibilities and objectives are identified and agreed upon;

Recognition and praise is given to individuals for acknowledgement of their effort and good work;

Individuals taking on extra responsibility, or receiving advancement is rewarded;

Individual team members are trained and developed; and Individual freedom and authority are developed.


While there are similarities in the different styles of leadership the premises of each is based differently in theory as related to behavior and motivation. Transformational leadership is a leadership styles, which motivates, communicates, inspires, and provides support and direction in an interactive manner characterized by leadership by example. Transactional leadership is based primarily upon contingency and reward management and is in reality more akin to management than to leadership in a system that…...



Bass, Bernard M. And Steidlmeier, Paul (1998) Ethics, Character and Authentic Transformational Leadership 24 Sept 1998. Online available at  http://cls.binghamton.edu/BassSteid.html 

Transactional Leadership (nd) Changing Mind Online available at  http://www.changingminds.org/disciplines/leadership/styles/transactional_leadership.htm 

Definition Action-Centered Leadership. Description (nd) 123 Manage. Online available at  http://www.12manage.com/description_action_centered_leadership.html 

House, Robert J. (1996) Path-Goal Theory of Leadership: Lessons, Legacy, and a Reformulated Theory. 1996: Leadership Quarterly, 7(3), 323-352. JAI Press Inc. Online available at  http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/papers/674.pdf

Leadership Models
Pages: 7 Words: 2233

Philosophy and Models of Leadership AbstractThe following paper presents an employee interview at Parkland Health and Hospital System at a managerial designation within the emergency department. His leadership traits and personality features are inspected during the interview, which is linked with the course learnings. Certain concepts and popular theories are elucidated within the document in line with the findings from the interview so that leadership features could be best understood in real-life applications.Table of ContentsIntroduction 3Their Philosophy 3Their Relationships with Other Colleagues at All Levels 4Their Career Path: Past, Present, Future 5Organizational Information 5Learnings about the Leader Who Was Interviewed 6Leadership Theory 8Relating Them to What You Learnt In the Interview 8Did You Discover Any Leadership Ideas Not Covered In The Course? 9Application of Course Learnings in Future Leadership Endeavors 9References 10Leadership ModelsLeadership is a trait required by any higher-level manager or employee of the top rank of any organization…...



Farhan, B.Y. (2018). Application of path-goal leadership theory and learning theory in a learning organization. Journal of Applied Business Research, 34(1), 13-22.  https://doi.org/10.19030/jabr.v34i1.10088 

Kerasidou, A. & Horn, R. (2016). Making space for empathy: Supporting doctors in the emotional labor of clinical care. BMC Medical Ethics, 17, 8.  https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-016-0091-7 

Kim-Soon, N. & Manikayasagam, G. (2015). Employee engagement and job satisfaction. Research Gate.  https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.5050.6966 

LinkedIn. (n.a.). Parkland Hospital. https://www.linkedin.com/company/parkland-hospital/

Leadership Models Theories Include Describe Similarities Differences
Pages: 6 Words: 1809

leadership models theories. Include: Describe similarities differences models. Discuss model address contemporary leadership issues challenges.
It is amazing how volumes of literature exist on the several aspects of leadership theories and models. In any case, it appears that leadership has for a long time been an interesting subject in entirely all sectors of humanity. Indeed, leadership defines a great proportion of the human race and it therefore warrants the much analysis and concerns always allocated to the subject. While many people will totally argue against any defined theory or model that describes leadership, it is imperative to realise that in a way successful leaders across the world have particular aspects in common.

A casual gaze across the world reveals very astonishing revelations regarding the human leadership potential and on whether anybody can become a leader. On whether leaders are made or born, much research has been done but interestingly it appears…...



Covey, S.R. (1991). Principle-centered leadership. New York: Summit Books.

Freeman, R.E. (1984). Strategic management: a stakeholder approach. Boston: Pitman.

Northouse, P.G. (2007). Leadership: theory and practice. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Schein, E.H. (1985). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Leadership Models Assessment of Four
Pages: 6 Words: 1652

When an organization and individual can synchronize their goals and expectations, there is a greater level of trust developed. All of these factors taken together also fuel a very high level of energy on the part of an organization; trust is an accelerator that puts this model into motion. When this equilibrium-based model is used iteratively, the connections or juncture points will become more streamlined as trust acts as an accelerator and integrator of more efficient task and process management. The net result of this leadership model is greater goal attainment at faster speeds with both the employee and organization in sync with each other on the direction and value of the goals and objectives. The loose coupling also makes this model ideal for highly turbulent and difficult economic markets as well. In short, this type of hybrid model that is powered by trust shows potential to be responsive…...



Brunsson, K.. "Some Effects of Fayolism. " International Studies of Management & Organization 38.1 (2008): 30.

Jeffrey H. Dyer, and Kentaro Nobeoka. "Creating and managing a high-performance knowledge-sharing network: The Toyota case. " Strategic Management Journal: Special Issue: Strategic Networks 21.3 (2000): 345.

Giuri, P., F. Rullani, and S. Torrisi. "Explaining leadership in virtual teams: The case of open source software. " Information Economics and Policy 20.4 (2008): 305.

Harms, P., and M. Crede. "Emotional Intelligence and Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta-Analysis. " Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 17.1 (2010): 5.

Leadership Models Man Like All
Pages: 8 Words: 2019

By necessity, servant leadership lends itself best to project-specific or result-oriented enterprises and industries, because the primary tool of servant leaders is their own productivity and operational efficiency (Spears, 2002).
While extremely passive in practice, servant leadership may be more successful to maintain over the long-term, primarily because it leads through example and inspiration.

Many industrial psychologists associate servant leadership with higher degrees of genuine satisfaction among workers, because (where it is successful) it represents a Naturally evolved enterprise loyalty based on proven results. Naturally, therefore, servant leadership may work best where (1) the servant leader demonstrates, by his own success, operational techniques and procedures that are repeatable by others, and (2) personal achievement is connected to some tangible reward or benefit to the individual.

For the same reason, servant leadership is better suited to industries and enterprises characterized by low turnover and high long-term retention. Unlike transformational and charismatic leadership styles,…...



Bass, B. (1985) Leadership and Performance beyond Expectations. Free Press:

New York.

Bass, M. (1997) Does the Transactional/Transformational Leadership Transcend Organizational and Motivational Boundaries. American Psychologist, 52.

Bass, B., Steidlmeier, P. (1999) Ethics, Character, and Authentic Transformational Leadership Behavior. Leadership Quarterly, 10.

Leadership Model the Origin and
Pages: 13 Words: 3900

Specifically, situational leadership allows managers to be autocratic when the situation requires it, while it also supports them in being democratic, when the situation requires it. This materializes in high levels of effectiveness. Erven argues: "An alternative to being an autocratic or democratic leader is to be a situational leader. Situational leaders are able to adapt their leadership style to fit their followers and situations in which they are working. […] Managers using situational leadership will make conscious choices between their use of directive behavior and supportive behavior. In directive behavior, they are relying on providing structure, control and close supervision for the people with whom they are working. In supportive behavior, they are relying on praise, two-way communication, and facilitating the work of their employees and co-workers."
5. Methodology

In testing the validity of the initially stated thesis, the onion ring methodology would be used. This methodology is constructed on…...



Blachard, K.H., Johnson, S., the one minute manager, 10th edition, Berkley Books, 1983

Brophy, J.R., Leadership essentials for emergency medical services, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2009

Demetropolis, G.J., Uxo team leadership: how a leader creates and handles an effective unexploded ordnance Uxo team, Universal Publishers, 2003

Erven, B.L., Becoming an effective leader through situational leadership, Ohio State University,   last accessed on November 18, 2010http://aede.osu.edu/people/erven.1/hrm/situaltional_leadership.pdf 

Leadership Models and Their Applications
Pages: 2 Words: 888

In statistics, probability is the chance of prediction and tells how likely the event will happen. This is determined by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the number of possible outcomes.

P=number of favorable outcomes / total number of possible outcomes

Bivariate data: When analyzing bivariate data, there are two approaches, you compare summarized statistics of the available variable quantities one by one, or you use regression analysis in order to determine the direct relationship between the data.

Bivariate analysis involves exactly two measurements being made on each observation, say X and Y. one instance is when the weight X and height Y of a population is taken into the observation sheet. In bivariate data, the X and Y observations are paired, unlike the two sample data set where the two observations (X & Y ) are not necessarily paired.

Bivariate simple random sample can be as follows (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2),,,,,

Such data can be…...



Ledlow G. & Coppola N., (2011). Leadership for Health Professionals. Retrieved January 28, 2016 from  https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=3uiHJSgjD4sC&pg=PA199&lpg=PA199&dq=DCL,+Bolman+%26+Deal%E2%80%99s+Reframing+Leadership&source=bl&ots=KWP6ZnzhBD&sig=RtjJHI_X0qR5YsqDXCMUauf32Qk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX1tDf1NPKAhWHORQKHVAABjYQ6AEIHjAA#v=onepage&q=DCL%2C%20Bolman%20%26%20Deal%E2%80%99s%20Reframing%20Leadership&f=false 

Guerra R. & lane D.M., (2016). Introduction to Bivariate Data. Retrieved January 28, 2016 from  http://onlinestatbook.com/2/describing_bivariate_data/intro.html 

Changing Works, (2016). Values, Morals and Ethics. Retrieved January 28, 2016 from  http://changingminds.org/explanations/values/values_morals_ethics.htm 

Knight R., (2014). Managing People from 5 Generations. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved January 28, 2016 from  https://hbr.org/2014/09/managing-people-from-5-generations

Komen Leadership Model
Pages: 2 Words: 612

Susan G. Komen for the cure (foundation)
What is the organizational culture and why is this culture important to the organization?

It is said that "culture is made up of the values, beliefs, underlying assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors shared by a group of people" (Heathfield 2013). This is true of an organizational culture as well as a national culture The Susan G. Komen foundation is a nonprofit organization. Nonprofits have traditionally had less competitive and more collegial organizational cultures than for-profit entities, in part because it is required that members of the organization work well together to achieve a common goal, versus compete with one another as in a sales-driven organization. Nonprofits are often said to have an 'academy' culture, much like a university. "Employees are highly skilled and tend to stay in the organization, while working their way up the ranks. The organization provides a stable environment in which employees can…...



The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid. (2014). Mind Tools. Retrieved from:


Heathfield, S. (2014). Organizational culture. About.com. Retrieved from:


Evolution of Leadership Models
Pages: 3 Words: 951

Leadership Power Struggles
Leadership is an incredibly complex concept that has been the focus of study from many different academic disciplines -- Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology, Business, Sociology to name a few. The literature comes in a wide variety of many differing opinions both from within the academic world as from professional practitioners. Most of the literature seems to focus on effective or ineffective leadership and the role that the organizational culture and environment play in the leaders ability to meet particular organizational objectives. However, there seems to be little literature that is directed at the consequences of power struggles between aspiring leaders in an organization and the consequences this might have for the organizational and its effectiveness. This proposal will attempt to craft a niche in this realm.

esearch Problem

There are many individual instances of power struggles in organizations. One specific instance that is worthy of discussion is in…...



Aime, F., Humphrey, S., Derue, D., & Paul, J. (2014). THE RIDDLE OF HETERARCHY: POWER TRANSITIONS IN CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMS. Academy of Management Journal, 327-352.


Rau, P., Liu, J., Juzek, C., & Nowacki, R. (2013). Fostering Job Satisfaction and Motivation through Power Distance. Global Business Management Research, 161-170.

Spisak, B., O'Brien, M., Nicholson, N., & Vugt, M. (2015). NICHE CONSTRUCTION AND THE EVOLUTION OF LEADERSHIP. Academy of Management Review, 291-306.

Developing a Global Human Resources Leadership Model
Pages: 10 Words: 2570

Global Leadership Roadmap
The global economy is a rapidly shifting frontier. ith the continued inclusion of developing nations in the world trade community, the ever-evolving capacity of our communication technologies and a collective thrust toward the deconstruction of regulatory trade limitations, globalization has accelerated tremendously across the last two decades. Those companies which fail to adapt to the changes brought about by globalization will have little chance of surviving. This is the impetus that drives the discussion here. As a company explores opportunities and expands its reach to connect with an international marketplace, it must develop the leadership to ensure its success. It is with this in mind that we proceed with a roadmap for the internal development of effective Global Leaders. The details outlined here below offer an actionable plan for preparing leaders who understand the challenges and the opportunities inherent in cross-cultural management. Our company's fortunes are staked on…...


Works Cited:

Caligiuri, P. (2006). Developing Global Leaders. Human Resource Management Review, 16, 219-228.

George, B. (2012). A New Era for Global Leadership Development. Harvard Business Review Blog Network.

George1, B. (2012). Developing Global Leaders is America's Competitive Advantage. Harvard Business Review Blog Network.

Maznevski, M.L. & Distefano, J.J. (2000). Global leaders are team players: Developing global leaders through membership on global teams. Human Resource Management, 39(2-3), 195-208.

Leadership Models by Examining the
Pages: 5 Words: 1718

The administrative support staff who is dealing with frustrated doctors who cannot adjust to the new computer tablets they are using as an alternative to paper files may require a transactional leader who can provide the organizational support needed to move through an uncomfortable transition. A single leader cannot always be everything to everyone. By learning one's leadership strengths and weaknesses and understanding the leadership skills needed to achieve the organizational objectives, the leader can begin to develop and foster his or her leadership team with people who offer complimentary skills and leadership styles.

Avolio, B.J. & Yammarino, F.J. (2002). Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. San Diego, CA: Emerald Group Publishing.

Business leadership: A Jossey-Bass reader. (2003). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Clawson, J.G. (2009). Level three leadership: Getting below the surface. (4th ed.). Upper Saddle iver, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Dulewicz, C., Young, M., & Dulewicz, V. (2005, Spring). The relevance of emotional…...



Avolio, B.J. & Yammarino, F.J. (2002). Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. San Diego, CA: Emerald Group Publishing.

Business leadership: A Jossey-Bass reader. (2003). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Clawson, J.G. (2009). Level three leadership: Getting below the surface. (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Dulewicz, C., Young, M., & Dulewicz, V. (2005, Spring). The relevance of emotional intelligence for leadership performance. Journal of General Management, 30(3), 71-86. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Leadership Research Models of Leadership and Management
Pages: 5 Words: 1855

Leadership Research
Models of leadership and management

Comparison and contrast of leadership models

Application of leadership model: Case of Mark Zuckerberg

Table 1- Leadership Table

Leadership Research

Leadership in public and private sector businesses is important for the growth of these businesses. Of late, many researchers have thoroughly investigated the role leadership in promoting businesses. Researchers have also tried to explore the common characteristics of global business leaders that have led their businesses to successful heights. Different models of effective leadership in corporations have also been drafted. One major aspect of leaders being explored in their ability to inspire people surrounding them and use this inspiration to achieve results that could be achieved without having complete trust of followers. While followers might be hard to make for a leader, and yet harder to retain, few researchers have put forth consolidated models of inspirational leaders that effectively make and retain followers. Two such models that will be…...



Brio, M.M. (2013). Think like Zuck: How Leadership diversity Sparks Innovation. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from: [ http://www.forbes.com/sites/meghanbiro/2013/01/27/think-like-zuck-how-leadership-diversity-sparks-innovation/ ]

Forbes. (2013). The World's Billionaires: Mark Zuckerberg. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from: [ http://www.forbes.com/profile/mark-zuckerberg/ ]

Drucker, P.F. (2004). What makes an effective executive? Harvard Business Review, 58-63.

Goffee, R., & Jones, G. (2001). Why Should Anyone Be Led by You? IEEE Engineering Management Review, 29(1), 94-100.

Leadership There Are a Number
Pages: 5 Words: 1339

By the same token, by not having any specific policy implications, servant leadership theory does not expressly reject the transformational, situational or results-focused ideas of leadership. It is merely an adjunct to these theories, and is mostly useful for deciding on whether or not somebody should become a leader in the first place.
Situational Leadership and Results-Focused Leadership

These two leadership theories are opposed to one another, but they share the same philosophical underpinnings. The underlying theory of each of these leadership styles is that the leadership style is flexible, and the best leaders have the ability to utilize different styles and techniques depending on the needs of the day. here the two differ is in the understanding of the most important determinant of leadership style. Situational leadership theory argues that leaders need to adapt to the different circumstances, changing their style to suit the challenges with which they are faced.…...


Works Cited:

The transformational leader- N.M. Tichy and M.A. Devanna ( 1990)

Servant Leadership- Robert Greenleaf

Leadership in organization - G. Yuki (2006)

Leadership as a Montage of
Pages: 4 Words: 1665

Like the passages model, the leadership as a point of view model focuses on
developing one extraordinary leader its end result. The process of
achieving that end result is similar to the servant leadership process, in
that it requires the leader to focus not on levels or situations, but
instead on a formula for success, namely "seeing what needs to be done,
understanding all the underlying forces play in a situation, [and] having
the courage to initiate action to make things better" (Clawson, 2006,
chapt. 1). Still, the model's process contains facets similar to the
situational model by asking leaders to look at underlying forces, as well
as facets similar to passages model by suggesting that leadership is a
function of a person's own qualities, which must be developed over time.
By focusing on the leadership as point of view model, organizations can
solve problems relating to the confusion of leaders as those with titles
and those without, giving real leadership responsibilities to…...



Charan, R., Drotter S., & Noel, J. (2003). Six Leadership Passages. In J.

M. Kouzes (Ed.)

Business Leadership: A Jossey Bass Reader, 1e. (chap. 12).

Clawson, J. (2006). Level Three Leadership, Getting Below The Surface, 3e.

Greenleaf, R.K. (2003). The Servant as Leader. In J. M. Kouzes (Ed.)


Leadership: A Jossey Bass Reader, 1e. (chap. 9)

Hersey, P. & Blachard, K.H. (2003). Situational Leadership. In J.M. Kouzes

According to Northouse in George\'s model of authentic leadership, what is the central component or as he called it \"True North\"?
Words: 358

In Bill George’s model of authentic leadership, he develops five factors that he believes define authentic leadership.  Those factors include: purpose, values, relationships, self-discipline, and heart.  Peter Northouse investigate’s George’s leadership model, along with several other models of leadership in his book on the topic.  In the book, he gives an abbreviated version of George’s model.  However, George has his own book that gives a longer and more detailed explanation of his model, how he developed it, and what the five factors mean.  It also goes into further detail about George’s idea of....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to character of transformational leadership in non profit organizations?
Words: 438

1. The Role of Transformational Leadership in Fostering Organizational Innovation in Nonprofits

Explore how transformational leaders create a culture of innovation within nonprofits, fostering new ideas and approaches to address social challenges.
Examine the leadership practices that encourage risk-taking, collaboration, and adaptability.

2. The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Engagement and Morale in Nonprofits

Analyze the ways in which transformational leadership inspires and motivates employees, leading to increased job satisfaction, commitment, and performance.
Discuss the strategies leaders use to empower, recognize, and support their teams.

3. Transformational Leadership and the Cultivation of Ethical Decision-Making in Nonprofits

Examine the role of transformational....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership styles and job satisfaction?
Words: 311

1. The impact of transformational leadership on job satisfaction in a fast-paced work environment
2. Comparing the effects of transformational and transactional leadership on job satisfaction in the healthcare industry
3. The role of leadership style in promoting job satisfaction and employee retention in the tech industry
4. Exploring how the blend of transactional and transformational leadership styles can enhance job satisfaction in a diverse workplace
5. The influence of transactional leadership on job satisfaction in a highly competitive business environment
6. Analyzing the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction among remote workers
7. Investigating how different leadership styles affect job satisfaction levels in non-profit....

How does DONA International impact servant leadership in managerial roles?
Words: 356

1. DONA International provides managers with a framework for understanding and implementing servant leadership principles, empowering them to create high-performing and employee-centric work environments.

2. The DONA International Code of Ethics guides managers in aligning their actions with servant leadership values, such as empathy, stewardship, and accountability, fostering a culture of integrity and trust.

3. DONA International's educational programs equip managers with the knowledge and skills to effectively lead and support their teams, enabling them to develop a comprehensive understanding of servant leadership practices.

4. The DONA International community offers managers a platform for networking, sharing best practices,....

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