The concepts of leadership -- charisma for example -- become subject to academic study and analysis. This ultimately produces insight into particular leadership types and understanding of the nature of those types (estley & Mintzberg, 1989). Managers, therefore, can become leaders by adopting more of the traits of leaders.
Any split that remains between management and leadership therefore rests on the assumption that some of the traits associated with leadership are not imitable. The manager cannot move along the continuum beyond a certain point. Likewise, a leader may not be able to move fully to the realm of scientific management either, if he or she cannot develop the necessary skill set. Charisma remains as yet unquantified.
A manager is by definition a leader. Both roles bear the same basic function with regards to marshalling resources towards specific objectives. The continuum reflects only the approach that the manager/leader takes towards this task.…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Zaleznik, A. (1977). Managers and leaders: Are they different? from Levinson, H. Designing and managing your career. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.
Yukl, G. (2001) Leadership in organizations. Prentice Hall.
Fielder, F. (2006) Small groups: key readings in social psychology. New York: Psychology Press.
Westley, F. & Mintzberg, H. (1989). Visionary leadership and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 10 (S1) 17-32.
Leaders in American Policing:
Police officers in the United States are in an exceptionally demanding position since they confront predicaments and conditions that are characterized with physical danger, emotional challenges, and psychological difficulties. Generally, these professionals are placed in situations with great need though with limited resources. This in turn places them in circumstances where it's easy for them to develop feelings of skepticism and lethargy. As a result, the officers can not only develop hostility but also give way to resentment that is directed towards the organization and the people they serve. In attempts to achieve and maximize effectiveness, police organizations need to ensure that professionals serving in this crucial role are conscious of their duties as leaders, managers, and supervisors. Leaders in American policing are continually faced with the unique challenge of trying to define and attain success as well as helping other to harness their initiatives towards achieving…...
Baker, T.E. (2010). Effective police leadership: moving beyond management (3rd ed.). New
York, NY: Looseleaf Law Publications, Inc.
Batts, A.W., Smoot, S.N. & Scrivner, E. (2012, July). Police Leadership Challenges in a Changing World. Retrieved from National Institute of Justice website:
Conyers, R.L. (n.d.). A Review of Leadership Theories and Possible Changes to Police
Leaders on Leadership
One can see why a person might not pick up Leaders on Leadership on first glance. There are a good number of business books on the topic, and it could well be difficult to understand the mix of business and biblical thinking. But this product lives up to the promises of the subtitle. It is a good offer of Wisdom, Advice and Encouragement on the Art of Leading God's People.
I particularly liked the playful and life-connected nature of the book. It's filled with easy to appreciate stories about how the editor and the contributors, each incredible leaders in various spiritual communities, both express their viewpoints and demonstrate how they work through reflections and interactions with everyday people, some of whom are followers and others probably not even religious. Barna himself proudly encourages this tactic from the beginning by pulling on sports stories and other personal experiences. This surely…...
Leaders and History
Having a leadership position and being a leader are not the same thing, even though many people believe it is. Being appointed to a leadership role is entirely dependent upon circumstances; being a leader is an innate quality that moves beyond the tactical and into the strategic, allows those with greatness to rise to the occasion, and often results in drastic changes in society and culture. We can ask, though, about the traits of leaders that make them successful. There is scholarly evidence, in fact, that shows there are personality traits in leaders that are more developed than non-leaders. When combined with certain historical circumstances, these traits become dominant and the "Great Man" theory of leadership is fulfilled. This view says that leaders are born, not made -- that there is some sort of genetic configuration that allows certain people to move beyond even their own wildest expectations.…...
How did these eight leaders (George Washington, Socrates, Mary Baker, Carl Stotz, Martha Graham, Martin Luther King Jr., Cesare Borgia and Dorothy Day) challenge, shape, and/or change history
All of these leaders played an important part in changing and shaping history. George Washington, Socrates and Martin Luther King Jr. all transformed the way nations as well people looked at themselves. This was achieved by each of these men standing up for their causes no matter what. These sacrifices set the examples for others to follow in the future. (Berens, 2006) (Willis, 1995)
At the same time, there are those individuals who had an impact on addressing various social challenges. Some examples of this include: Mary Baker, Carl Stotz, Martha Graham and Dorothy Day. They established various leagues / societies or they had profound effect on questioning how everyone looked at social issues. This created a change in the way different collective challenges…...
Berens, L. (2006). Understanding Yourself and Others. Huntington Beach, CA: Telos.
Bradford, S. (2011). Cesare Borgia. New York, NY: Penguin.
Willis, G. (1995). Certain Trumpets. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
If it is just generally assumed that these employees are lazy or do not care about their job, they will often be the object of anger from other employees. If other employees and management would talk to these employees and determine what could be done to help them, it is quite possible that simple accommodations can be made that will keep everyone happy and help to dissipate the anger that other employees have toward them.
Those that work for others in this country are a natural resource, of sorts, and they all deserve to be treated fairly, and with dignity and respect, when they are on the job. Anger that is directed at these employees, either from management or other employees, accomplishes nothing in the way of productivity and can negatively impact the future of the company. Not all managers realize the significance of this issue, as many see workplace…...
mlaWorks Cited
Averill, J.R. (1983). Studies on anger and aggression: Implications for theories of emotion. American Psychologist, 38, 1145-1160.
Bartz, A.E., Blume, N.E., & Rose, J. (1996). Gender differences in self-report measures of anger: The role of social desirability and negative affect. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 11, 241-253.
Bem, S.L. (1977). On the utility of alternative procedures for assessing psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 45, 196-205.
Bensimon, H.F. (1997, September). What to do about anger in the workplace. Training & Development, 28-32.
Nonetheless, the leadership abilities of Winston Churchill, as Lamb points out, "surely made the difference between defeat and victory during World War II and possibly helped to save Western civilization" (1993, 25).
Personalities in Power: The Making of Great Leaders (Lafayette, LA: Huntington House Publishers, 1989) by Florence Littauer. Although somewhat biased, this work illustrates exactly what it takes to become a great leader. As Littauer tells us, "leadership is much more than mere personality, for it encompasses the mind and soul of the person who comes out on top and saves the day" (1989, 21).
Shaping History: 100 Great Leaders (London: Foulsham Press, 2004) by Brian Mooney. This book should be required reading for all students, due to providing concise yet detailed analysis of some of the greatest leaders of all time. As Mooney relates in his preface, "these 100 greatest leaders, ranging from Julius Caesar to Bill Clinton, all…...
Barber, James G. (1985). U.S. Grant: The Man and the Image. Carbondale: Southern
Blakesley, Lance. (1995). Presidential Leadership: From Eisenhower to Clinton.
IL: Nelson-Hall Publishers.
Lamb, Richard. (1993). Churchill as War Leader. New York: Carroll & Graf.
Leaders and Managers as Facilitators
Leaders & Managers as Facilitators
Leaders ole as a Team Builder
Leadership Style in Light of Fundamental Interpersonal elations Orientation (FIO)
Leadership Style in Light of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Impact of Leadership within the Cohort
ole in Team Development
Hindrance in Team Development
Team Presentation
Team's Strengths
Team's Challenges
Balance between Task and Process
Different Styles of Team Members
Surprises during Facilitation Sessions
Dynamics in Team Development
Mission as a Leader
Facilitators are the most influential and important people in today's modern organizations. Effective and efficient facilitators are capable of helping individuals, teams and complete organizations in getting the tasks accomplished in the face of evolving organizations. They attain the skill of improving the quantity and quality of work by motivating and leading the members to work together with greater efficiency (Weaver & Farrell, 1997). The greatest fear of the employees in view of change is that of the unknown, particularly if the change is professed to threaten their jobs…...
DiTullio, L. (2010). Project Team Dynamics: Enhancing Performance, Improving Results. New York: Congress Publication.
Northouse, P.G. (2010). Leadership: Theory and Practice. New York: SAGE Publicatiion.
Weaver, R.G., & Farrell, J.D. (1997). Managers As Facilitators: A Practical Guide to Getting Work Done in a Changing Workplace. New York: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Western, S. (2008). Leadership: A Critical Text. London: Sage Publication.
Leaders of Vietnam
The Vietnam War has been considered the longest and most controversial one in U.S. history since it spanned over 20 years from 1954 to 1975 and cost many lives in the way of independence. The war was actually between the anti-Communist South and Communist North Vietnam, but it was exaggerated by U.S. who supported the anti-Communist community due to its own strategic interests. The war ended as a result of fall of Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam and the two parts of the same country united again, giving a huge forfeit to anti-Communist alliances. The war was led by two brilliant leaders on both sides; Ho Chi Minh in North while Ngo Dihn Diem in the Southern part of Vietnam. These two persons derived the entire population of Vietnam for a single goal, freedom, although they both differ in ideologies and orientations and were strictly opposed to…...
e. job cuts, alternative pay leveling, increased productivity without increased reward.
Leadership Job Design
Leaders who are most effective at transformational leadership clearly elicit trust but they must then use all the skills they have developed to further the ideas into practice. One of the ways in which they can do this is by using the emotive and practical information they have as members of a team and as trusted and understanding employers to build job tasks that are appropriate and responsive to individual skill, ability and desires. This may mean allowing an individual to stretch and improve his or her skill level by allowing them to do a task that they previously registered a desire to learn or it may mean not giving someone more tasks when they have registered the complaint that they are feeling overworked. (Barker & Camarata 1998) Any decision must be openly seen to demonstrate that the…...
Barker, R.T., & Camarata, M.R. 1998. "The Role of Communication in Creating and Maintaining a Learning Organization: Preconditions, Indicators, and Disciplines." The Journal of Business Communication.
Bartram, T., & Casimir, G. 2006. The relationship between leadership and follower in-role
performance and satisfaction with the leader: The mediating effects of follower empowerment and trust in the leader on the leadership-performance relationship. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 28(1): 4-19.
Boerner, S., Eisenbeiss, S.A. & Griesser D. 2007. "Follower Behavior and Organizational Performance: The Impact of Transformational Leaders." Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 13:15.
He worked to convince all of America that man was indeed created equal and his dream became a reality following his death. Today, largely based on his influence, races mingle at schools, churches and employment. Whereas there used to be a great division of ideas and traditions there is now a sharing of diverse cultures and ideas that can be blended together to create a more cohesive society (Wolfson, 2003).
Another great leader in American history is W.E.B. Dubois. Dubois felt differently about King when it came to the radical nature the minorities should be willing to take to make their point known but he was as strong a leader as King in his commitment to the cause.
In his The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Dubois called this moment in the life of every African-American "the revelation." Sooner or later, the young black child discovered that he was different…...
Greenstein, Alan (2006) Presidential difference in the early republic: the highly disparate leadership styles of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson.(George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson) From: Presidential Studies Quarterly
Wolfson, Adam (2003) The Martin Luther King we remember.
Public Interest
Cullen, Charles T. 2006. Jefferson's White House guests. White House History 17: 24-43.
Leaders around You, John C. Maxwell underscores the importance of leadership development within an organization. Growing leaders, not buying them, can help a company achieve its goals. This is because Maxwell values human resources, and the ethical responsibilities existing managers have towards the people they train and mentor. Maxwell also does not limit his discussion to the study of corporate leadership. The author draws on Christian principles, which is why the principles addressed in Developing the Leaders around You can be applied just as well to a spiritual, educational, or family situation.
Developing the Leaders around You develops core concepts of leaderships and places them within a spiritual and ethical framework. For example, the author discourages leadership styles that emphasize authoritarianism or competitiveness. Instead, Maxwell urges readers to develop a cooperative attitude towards leadership, which makes teamwork a critical part of organizational achievement. A supportive corporate culture fosters collective growth…...
leaders and followers form relationships, and the impact of those relationships on followers, leaders, and organizations. These include relational leadership theory (RLT), leader-member exchange theory (LMX), and direction-alignment-commitment (DAC). For your initial post for this discussion, compare two of these leadership models. Present your analysis of the similarities and differences of the models. Then, address how you could apply these two models to help leaders become more effective. Which of these models might help you become a more effective leader, and in what ways?
Relationship Leadership Theory can provide a framework for the study of leadership looking at evolving social orders and change. t looks at relationships in two ways- as the outcome of investigations and the context for action. Therefore, RLT can help one become a more effective leader by incorporating the idea of change into the model. Leader-member exchange theory explains how relationships between the members of a…...
mlaIt is important to conceptualize leadership from a relational perspective because, at its heart, leadership is about relationships. Leadership is the relationship between a leader and a follower or followers. Therefore, relationships are always a component of any part of leadership. However, recognizing this is a relatively recent phenomenon. Leadership was once viewed as a top-down phenomenon, with subordinates seeming to have very limited impact on the leadership relationship. This shift in ontology is important for moving the theory and practice of leadership forward because it recognizes that groups are composed of more than leaders. Followers/subordinates are now considered critical to the group process, therefore establishing relationships with them is as important for leaders as giving instructions. This is seen as improving the group process, as well as improving the group experience for subordinate members. Since the best leaders are seen as those who can motivate through positive emotions, not simply through fear or intimidation, understanding how this works helps further the study of leadership.
Graen, G. & Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership: Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective. Leadership Quarterly, 6(2), 219-247.
Judge, T. & Piccolo, R. (2004).
Leadership Effectiveness
Leaders, Followers and Situational Factors
It is unanimously accepted that the outcome of a job is highly dependable on the concern and interest of an effective leader. However, there are certain leader/follower characteristics and situational factors that impact leadership effectiveness. To begin with, let us analyze some leader characteristics that could influence leadership. Leadership and intelligence are always associated. However, if a leader is cleverer and smarter than his followers, his intelligence can come in the way of leading them successfully (Christine, 1999, p. 19). Honesty is the primary characteristic that needs to be present in a leader. This honesty must reflect in his actions to impress his followers. A leader must not make fake promises. He must act upon his words to create a positive environment of trust and honesty. Self- confidence of a leader is also important when we consider leadership effectiveness. A confident leader is courageous, far-sighted…...
M. Chemers, Martin. (1994). Leadership. Retrieved (2011, April 13) from
R. Gedney, Christine . (1999). LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS AND GENDER. Retrieved (2011, April 13) from
k.a. leader).
Among these concepts and principles in the book, the most remarkable information that Maxwell provides for his readers, which can also be identified as the book's strength, is the author's ability to create concrete "formulas" by that people can follow. Take, as an example, his "Four stages of adaptation," which helps leaders to undergo the decision-making process using visual, emotional, experiential, and convictional adaptation. Each level of adaptation allows the leader and his/her member to further understand a task or problem at hand; envisioning the problem in various perspectives creates a more effective solution for the problem or task. Thus, Maxwell's pluralist view of leadership -- that is, that leadership can be assumed in various ways or viewpoints -- makes "Developing leaders" a guide for various readers, individuals who have different sets of beliefs, attitudes, and behavior towards leadership and interaction or socialization with other members of the organization.
mlaWorks Cited
Maxwell, J. (1995). Developing the leaders around you. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
While it is impossible to escape the similarities between the French Revolution and American Revolution and there is no question that the American Revolution helped inspire the French Revolution, there are a number of important differences between the French and American revolution.
Location was an important difference. America was a colony that was revolting against a ruling government that was separated from it by a large distance, while the French Revolution occurred in France and was aimed at the monarchy in that country.
Social class played a much more important role in the French Revolution than the American Revolution. ....
Dueling Protagonists: Exploring the Roles of Napoleon and Snowball in Animal Farm
Generally, the protagonist of a story is its main character and the center of the action. Many people think of protagonists as the heroes of the story, but that is not always the case. Villains can also be the protagonist of stories, and it is common for the protagonists of the story to view themselves very differently from how the story’s other characters would view them. In Animal Farm, it is difficult to identify a single protagonist because both Snowball and Napoleon play a protagonist....
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