Last Supper Essays (Examples)

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Last Supper by Da Vinci
Pages: 5 Words: 1397

Last Supper is an extremely pivotal and tense event and moment. "The Last Supper" is supposedly the last meal that Jesus took with his disciples before he was killed. At this final meal, Jesus alerts his disciples of his knowledge that one of them will and has betrayed him. The painting depicts the moments supposedly that immediately followed Jesus' words.
Da Vinci's Last Supper is depicted in this ritual meal as a religious ceremony. Christ is very much the focal point of the entire piece and we have a sense of asymmetrical symmetry as he is flanked by his disciples…It is interesting to note, that with Christ as the center piece, how he is in fact well framed by the doorway. This provides contrast between his figure and the outside, as well as bringing out eye to the most important figure on the piece. His arms, head and body form a…...



Art and the Bible. "The Last Supper." 2010, Web, Available from:   2012 September 28. .

Encyclopedia Brittanica. "Leonardo da Vinci." 2012, Web, Available from:   2012 September 28. .

JayDax Computer Information Centre. "The Last Supper -- A Study of the Painting by Leonardo da Vinci." 2012, Web, Available from:   2012 September 28. .

Neuteboom, Henry. "Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper: a grand complication in art." 2012, Web, Available from: 2012 September 28.

Last Supper Leonardo Da Vinci's
Pages: 6 Words: 1735

In conclusion, Heinrich Wolfflin, an art critic of the early 1950's, points out that Leonardo's the Last Supper exhibits all of the classical elements of Western art and those of the High Renaissance. Also, the three major trends of 15th century painting, being monumentality and mathematically ordered space at the expense of movement and the freedom of movement at the expense of monumentality and controlled space, are all harmonized and balanced in the Last Supper which stands as the penultimate example of Leonardo da Vinci's long career as a painter and artisan. This painting also symbolizes the synthesis of the artistic developments of the 15th century and represents one of the first artistic statements of the High Renaissance style in the form of a religious icon which tells the tale of a man caught between physical life and death and the demands of a jealous and often mysterious celestial father.





Brown, David Alan. Leonardo's Last Supper: The Restoration. New York: Phaedon Press,

Heydenreich, Ludwig H. Leonardo: The Last Supper. New York: Viking Press, 2003.

Ladwein, Michael. Leonardo da Vinci, the Last Supper: A Cosmic Drama and Act of Redemption. Berlin: Rudolf Steiner Publishing, 2006.

Leonardo's New, Brighter Last Supper Unveiled After Restoration." May 27, 1999. Internet.

Theoretical Interpretation of Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper
Pages: 6 Words: 1806

Last Supper
Leonardo Divinci

Analysis of "The Last Supper"

Overview of Leonardo da Vinci

Analysis of "The Last Supper"

The selected piece of artwork of Leonardo da Vinci's and it is one of the most popular paintings that depict the Jesus Christ with his twelve disciples at the dinner table. This painting is briefly providing a clear picture of both history and religion due to which it has always been fascinated with its unique imaging features. This painting illustrates the story from the Bible and is also providing a chance to its audience to view this piece of art in the town of Wieliczka in Poland. This replica is hand carved into the stone wall unlike the original painting on the wall of a church (Schramm, Schwarte and Lazardzig 2008, Dominiczak 2012). This paper provides a critical and theoretical aspects of "Last Supper" to understand the uncovered meanings of historians and scholars.

Overview of Leonardo…...



Dominiczak, Marek H. "Observation and Creativity: Leonardo da Vinci." Clinical Chemistry, 2012: 960-961 .

Rosenberg, Charles M. "Leonardo and the Creative Act." Sacred Heart University Review, 2002.

Schramm, Helmar, Ludger Schwarte, and Jan Lazardzig. Instruments in Art and Science: On the Architectonics of Cultural Boundaries in the 17th Century. Walter de Gruyter, 2008.

Veltman, Kim H. "Leonardo da Vinci: A Review." MIT Press Journals, 2008: 381-388.

Da Vinci Last Supper Mona Lisa
Pages: 2 Words: 877

Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452, and studied the laws of science. He is famous for his sketches and drawing depicting the human form and fantastical devices such as flying machines that were revolutionary at the time. He was also a master painter, and his work spanned from portraits to religious works. As an apprentice for another artist, he learned a wide range of skills that would later be applied to his different works (Biography, 2015). As a polymath, da Vinci was able to execute a wide range of subjects and his art took many different forms. This paper will look at three of his most famous works, The Mona Lisa, Ultima Cena and Lady with an Ermine, outlining how each of these works came about and what their significance is.

Probably his most famous work is the Mona Lisa. This painting is on display at the Louvre in…...



Biography (2015). Leonardo da Vinci. Retrieved May 6, 2015 from 

Bloom, D. (2014). The changing face of da Vinci' Lady with an Ermine. The Daily Mail. Retrieved May 6, 2015 from 

No author (2015). Da Vinci's The Last Supper, Milan. Retrieved May 6, 2015 from 

Scaillierez, C. (2015). Mona Lisa -- portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo. Retrieved May 6, 2015 from

Renaissance Painting Leonardos Last Supper
Pages: 7 Words: 1936

Leonardo's Last Supper (1495-1498) does something very different from the other Renaissance portrayals of this scene from the Gospel. Unlike Andrea del Castagno's or Domenico Ghirlandaio's Last Supper versions, Leonardo's is at once more earthly (neither Christ nor the Apostles wear halos) and chaotic than the others -- and yet at the same time it is substantially more divine and imposing in its stark simplicity. This paper will trace the compositional, stylistic and symbolic development of the story of the Last Supper as it is told by Leonardo da Vinci in his masterpiece of the same name.
The first thing to note about the composition of Leonardo's Last Supper is that there is a distinct separation between the space occupied by Christ and the Apostles and the viewer. They exist together, cramped, huddled, literally on top of one another on one side of a long table covered like an altar by…...

Why Did Christ Wash the Feet of the 12 at the Last Supper
Pages: 2 Words: 704

Footwashing as an OrdinanceIn John 13:117, the footwashing of the apostles takes place during the Last Supper, where Jesus washes His disciples\\\' feet. This moment marks a tremendous show of humility and servanthood by Christ, prompting even Peter to question Him with alarm. Christ simply affirms the necessity of service. Today, the question of whether footwashing should be considered an ordinance of the Church, alongside baptism and the Lords Supper, is an interesting one that deserves some consideration.In John 13, Jesus, the Master and Teacher, humbles Himself by washing the feet of His disciples, which is an act usually performed by servants.[footnoteRef:1] Peter initially objects, seeing this task as beneath the Messiah, but Jesus responds by saying, Unless I wash you, you have no part with me (John 13:8). This statement seems to indicate a deeper spiritual meaning to the act, beyond just physical cleanliness. Jesus also commands the disciples…...


BibliographyCarson, D.A. The Gospel According to John. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991.Köstenberger, Andreas. Encountering John. Nashville: Lifeway, 2013. ISBN 9781430057154.Morris, Leon. Jesus Is the Christ: Studies in the Theology of John. Nashville: Lifeway, 1989. ISBN 9781430057147.

Lord's Supper by Authors Oscar Cullmann and
Pages: 5 Words: 1685

Lord's Supper by authors Oscar Cullmann and Franz Jehan Leenhardt
One of the most perplexing issues facing any Christian today is the issue of how to view the taking of the Lord's Supper every Sunday. The ancient images of wine, bread, and physical and spiritual sacrifice have undergoing extensive debate and reinterpretation throughout all of Christianity. These images, despite the controversy they have inspired, however, still are central to Christian ritual and communal life and doctrine today.

Their controversial nature has spanned from the doctrine of transubstantiation established in the early Catholic Church, to the more flexible and metaphorical definition of some of today's Christian communities. In their book, Essays on the Lord's Supper the authors Oscar Cullmann and Franz Jehan Leenhardt offer their own faith perspectives on the issue. Their duality of perspective is particularly instructive, not simply from a theological point-of-view, but because Oscar Cullmann was a professor of…...


Works Cited

Cullmann, Oscar and F.J. Leenhardt, Essays on the Lord's Supper, London: Lutterworth Press, 1958.

Family Supper
Pages: 2 Words: 877

Family Supper
The short story "A Faimily Supper" by Kazuo Ishiguro is not a simple piece of literature about a family gathering for a meal. A young Japanese man has returned home to Tokyo after spending years in California with a girl, though that relationship has now failed. He learns the cause of his mother's death two years earlier: posioning from a fugu fish. His father's business has recently collasped into ruin, and the father's business partner commited suicide. They are joined for dinner by Kikuko, the sister, who studies at a university. A fourth additoinal family member, the now dead mother, also appears in the story as a spectre. The brother and sister reminise about the sighting of a ghost in the garden when they had been children, while the father guides his son through the house of empty rooms, reminiscing about the life that once was there before…...

Leonardo's History Sforza Family Was
Pages: 3 Words: 1321

The last supper is what gives the basis of the Eucharist according to the scriptures Therefore Leonardo used this tradition to form the basis for his painting.
Leonardo's painting the last supper was principally divided into three groups the first group was made up of Bartholomew, James the lesser and Andrew from the first group of three, here they ball appear surprised and Andrew holds his hands up in front of him in a gesture that depicted that he was frightened. The second group is made up of judas, simon peter and John .Judas here is holding a silver bag in his right hand and at the same time reaching with his left hand a piece of bread.simon peter leaning over Johns shoulder and holding a knife in his right hand symbolizes his readiness to defend Jesus while John appears to be swooning. This goes against the tradition since Judas…...



Nicholl, C.(2012). The guardian. Leonardo and the Last Supper by Ross King -- review. Retrieved February 3, 2013 from

Plea to the Hearts and Minds of
Pages: 11 Words: 4130

plea to the hearts and minds of people who are being knowledgeable of the distinctive qualities and assert from the Episcopal Church. The charm from the Church tends to be realized all over our land. Its extensiveness of empathy for every situations of people, the highly convincing perspective regarding the joys of life, the liberty from peculiarity of practice and faith, have unveil the Episcopal Church to the awareness of a lot of people whose religious association have been interfered with or destabilized. e always come across some evident problem, Steve Klein (2007), which makes a lot of people not to join the Episcopal Church. The Church tends to be rather odd, or cold, or complex. It tends not to fulfill the condition that training which is done earlier results to majority anticipation in a church. The services are somehow rigid and obscure; the ways are complex; it has…...



Episcopal Church "The Columbia Encyclopedia" sixth edition, Columbia University Press 2001.

Episcopal Church "Encyclopedia Britannica" Enclopedia Britannica. Inc. Retrieved. 2007

Steve Klein," The solution to Episcopal Church Problems" by Vista Church of Christ. 2007.

Sydnor William,"Looking at the Episcopal Church" USA. Morehouse Publishing.1980

Changes in Religious Art
Pages: 2 Words: 681

eligious Art
Works of religious art have gone through changes during different art periods. The paper will look at three different works of religious art. These works of art will be from the Early enaissance period, the High enaissance period and the Baroque period.

The Early enaissance period

One artist who did religious art in the early enaissance period Domenico Ghirlandaio .the title of this art work was the last supper. This work was done in 1480's within the 15th century. The medium that was used in this painting was fresco. Currently the painting is located in Ognissanti, Florence.

This work of art was very large the dimensions being Height: 400 cm (157.5 in). Width: 880 cm (346.5 in).the artist uses the existing shape of the rom to create extra space. The view in the background, painting of the ceiling in the work of art and the shape of the table all create…...



Art and the Bible.(2012). The Last Supper. Retrieved February 24, 2014 from 

Essential humanities.(2013). Renaissance Painting. Retrieved February 24, 2014 from

Belief and Knowledge the 13
Pages: 3 Words: 1082

The Aztecs believed 13 to be a sacred number. The Aztec week was thirteen days long and the number was respected as a measure of time and completion (Number 13, 2010). The Aztec calendar year was 260 days long, which was calculated as 20, thirteen day periods, called Trecenas. The goddess Tlazolteotl was the ruler of the 13th Trecena, who was the goddess of sin and could forgive sins (Number 13, 2010). In Hinduism, the thirteenth night of the waning moon in the month of Maagha is sacred to Shiva, and notes a cause for celebration of creation and preservation (Number 13, 2010). For those reading tarot cards, the tarot 13 is the card of death. In Scandinavia, the day of the Saint Lucia celebration is December 13th (Number 13, 2010). egarding United States currency, the number 13 is seemingly glorified. On the one dollar bill, there are 13…...



Lachenmeyer, N. (2004). Thirteen: the story of the world's most popular superstition. New York, NY: Thunder's Mouth Press.

Number 13. (2010). Retrieved 3 February, 2012, from:

Radford, E., & Radford, M. (1949). Encyclopedia of superstitions 1949. New York, NY: Philosophical Library Inc.

Scanlon, T., Luben, R., Scanlon, F., & Singleton, N. (1993). Is friday the 13th bad for your health?. British Medical Journal, 307, 1584-1586.

Renaissance and Baroque
Pages: 3 Words: 1125

enaissance and Baroque Periods
The term enaissance describes, not only a movement in art, but also a corresponding social and cultural movement that moved through Europe at the conclusion of the Middle Ages. The enaissance period lasted from the 1400s to the 1600s, and spread through most of Europe, though it is probably the most heavily associated with Italy. The term "renaissance" means revival or rebirth, and the enaissance did mark a period of significant cultural revival. In order to truly understand the enaissance, it is important to understand that the Middle Ages, the time period preceding the enaissance was a period of retraction largely due to political instability. However, as Europe emerged from the Middle Ages and became more stable, the surrounding social landscape became supportive of an explosion in the arts and learning. The movement began in Italy in the 1400s and spread into France, northern Europe, and Spain…...



A&E Television Networks. (2013). Renaissance Art. Retrieved October 31, 2013 from The

History Channel website:   da Vinci, L. (1492-1498). The Last Supper. Retrieved November 1, 2013 from Encyclopaedia 

Britannica website: 

Khan Academy. (2013). 1600-1700: The Baroque. Retrieved October 31, 2013 from The Khan

Western Art and Christianity During the Past
Pages: 2 Words: 623

Western Art and Christianity
During the past millennium, Western art has been heavily influenced by Christianity. Art is an extension of the many complex thoughts and images that swim within an artist's mind. Because many Western artists have traditionally been raised in a Christian environment, it is difficult for their religious beliefs to be fully separated from their artwork, and oftentimes it is embraced in the works, or a patron has requested it be the specific subject matter. Although this heavy Christian influence would see a swift departure during the Renaissance, it would remain engrained in Western culture until the present day.

The Reformation heralded a swift separation between Christians in Europe, as Roman Catholics and Protestants divided roughly along a North to South split. Protestants seemed to dominate the North while the South remained dominated by Catholic countries. While much of the art in Protestant countries retained a secular subject matter…...

Throned in Splendor Deathless O
Pages: 3 Words: 1437

The poems Catullus wrote to the woman Lesbia are among his best known. How would you characterize their affair?

Catallus describes a conflicted and stormy affair with the women of Lesbia. Sexual tension is evident in his poems, which have a strong erotic content. Therefore, his affairs were passionate and physical.

If the gender roles were reversed and the woman were the narrator, do you think this series of poems would read differently? Explain.

The poems would read differently not because their content would have changed but because they would subvert social norms. As a male, Catallus is allowed, almost expected to write such explicit details about his physical affairs including references to love and hatred. Females would have been more subtle because of the widespread social persecution they might suffer if they admitted to promiscuity or tumultuous romantic interludes especially with married people.

Catullus ends up calling his lady a whore. Would you…...

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