Laptop Essays (Examples)

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Laptops Technology Is the In-Thing in the
Pages: 5 Words: 1467

Technology is the in-thing in the current world. All sectors and institutions that exist rely on technology and technological advances. Since the invention and incorporation of computers by the for-father of the computer era, several progressive steps have been achieved towards enhancing the quality of these computers. The initial and founding machines are renowned worldwide for their extremely large sizes. The first computers being as large as to occupy more than a standard room space. Continued improvements and studies into more efficient and effective technology re-sized these magnanimously large machines into the current small sized desktops and stand-alone (Howard, 2009).

The technological progression did not, however, stop there. The advent of the technological era in the early 1960s saw the designing of the first, smallest and more portable machines that later came to be called laptops (Chambers, 2008). The name laptop originated from the fact that these devices are mostly placed…...



Chambers, M.L. (2008). MacBook for dummies. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

ParCo 2009, & Chapman, B. (2010). Parallel computing: From multicores and GPU's to Petascale. Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Gookin, D. (2010). Laptops for dummies (r). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub.

Nguyen, H., & NVIDIA Corporation. (2008). GPU gems 3. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-

Laptop Implementation Program - Action Plan Ideal
Pages: 11 Words: 3072

Laptop Implementation Program - Action Plan
Ideal Classroom

The ideal school in the modern era of global education evokes dynamic and progressive thought to what exactly enables a student population to excel and succeed in life's endeavors. Truly, this is central to any discussion regarding educational reformation via school and classroom development. The critical component to these decisions is inherent to the leadership at the school to understand that, according to Cause & Chen, "the children's active use of technology in making decisions, technology resources in writing and drawing, and logical thinking programs to solve problems and illustrate ideas." (Cause, Chen, 2010)

The ideal school will therefore target the way young children learn and teach accordingly. According to Cause & Chen, an appropriate method to educate the young is to "offer pictures and sounds to support the natural ways that young children learn." (Cause, Chen, 2010) The importance of vision in this area…...



Katie Ash. (2010, March). Building on a Decade of 1-to-1 Lessons: Sustaining a laptop program at a middle school in Michigan requires a wireless vision and parent purchasing power.. Education Week, 29(26), 12, 14, 15. Retrieved December 20, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2030552671).

Cause, L., & Chen, D.. (2010). A Tablet Computer for Young Children? Exploring Its Viability for Early Childhood Education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 43(1), 75-98. Retrieved December 20, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2134707481).

Dawson, K., Cavanaugh, C., & Ritzhaupt, A.. (2008). Florida's EETT Leveraging Laptops Initiative and Its Impact on Teaching Practices. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(2), 143-159. Retrieved December 20, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1609084841).

Chris Kieffer. (15 September). Tupelo hopes to expand school laptop use. McClatchy - Tribune Business News,***[insert pages]***. Retrieved December 20, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Dateline. (Document ID: 1859409821).

Laptop Per Child Globalism in
Pages: 2 Words: 580

This specialized computer is constructed specifically with the developing world in mind; high amounts of heat, humidity, dust, and the ability to be multilingual. The XO laptop is "extremely durable, brilliantly functional, energy-efficient, responsive, and fun."
The outcome was a laptop that was the size of a small textbook and weighed between 1.45 to 1.58Kg, costs between $180 to $240, could be powered by generator or solar power and even a hand crank, and contained many interactive hardware and software features such as a convertible screen, WIFI, and video camera that allowed the students to explore writing, drawing, and visual passions. Most important of all, the XO was built to withstand rough treatment and has expected life span of 5 years.

lthough many of the areas that the organization has focused on are located in rural and undeveloped areas, they have managed to establish wireless connectivity on the laptops. This allows…...


Although many of the areas that the organization has focused on are located in rural and undeveloped areas, they have managed to establish wireless connectivity on the laptops. This allows students to interact and share activities with each other; chatting, downloading pictures from the Internet, listening to music, and reaching out to students in other countries. This also has the added benefit of allowing an Internet access point with other computers in the area. As a result, more and more students are able to use modern technology to assist in quicker learning, more advanced programs, less reliance on paper texts, and an increased ability to share and develop ideas with others.

Of course, skeptics abound; Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, "described the laptop as a 'science project'."

However, by June 2008 the man behind OLPC, Nicholas Negroponte, managed to collect $250 million dollars to

Laptop -Tablet Computer Director's Requirement
Pages: 2 Words: 767

Director's equirements: Laptop -- Tablet Computer
ecommended Computer





Laptop tablet

Lenovo Inc.

Yoga 3 Pro-Orange

kg max

330 x 228 x 12.8 mm

Hardware Components




User equirements Met

Input devices



Presentation pointer

Dual mode WL Touch Mouse N700 (Orange)

Integrated 720p HD camera, 30 FPS

Logitech professional presenter 800




Sculpted right-handed shape and unique thumb controls, allowing for rapid web-browsing; effective zooming, creation and transfer, editing of files and emails, file-conversion to various formats at the touch of a button; rapid-fire scrolling of long databases and bulky files

Creating video and photo files

Facilitating video-conferencing

Delivery of presentations for staff as well as director during lectures

Output Devices


Sound output

Epson XP-310 Wireless color printer

Integrated JBL stereo speakers



Multiple toner cartridges allowing the printing of high-quality color files and photos

Creation of high-quality audio files

Storage devices

External hard drive

Toshiba Canvio Connect 1TB portable hard drive


Facilitate transfer of information and files between devices via the internet

Enough space for the creation of small, secondary databases to manage content-sharing

Securing back-up files through data encryption and passwords




Lenovo Inc. (2014) Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro. Lenovo Inc. Retrieved 26 January 2015 from

One Laptop Per Child
Pages: 2 Words: 782

Laptop Per Child
The OLPC project will go a long way in boosting the education and awareness levels of school-going children, not only in America, but in the world over. The project seeks to equip each such child with a specially designed, connected XO laptop computer, through which the learner is able to access learning materials, as well as connect and share with children in other parts of the world, in this fast-paced digital era (One Laptop per Child, 2013).

The XO laptop is fitted with cloud computing-enabled software and other computer-based tools, through which the user can easily access homework, text books and other learning materials online (One Laptop per Child, 2013). This will tremendously expand the reading and writing skills, as well as knowledge of these children, especially in the most underdeveloped of economies, where such crucial material would be costly and difficult to access. In this way, even…...



One Laptop per Child. (2013). One Laptop per Child. Retrieved from 

Setzer, V.W. (2009). A Critical View of the One Laptop per Child Project. University of Sao Paulo. Retrieved from 

Shah, N. (n.d.). A Blurry Vision: Reconsidering the Failure of the One Laptop per Child Initiative. BU: Arts and Science Writing Program. Retrieved from 

Strickland, J. (2013). How Cloud Computing Works. How Stuff Works. Retrieved from

One Laptop Per Child
Pages: 2 Words: 622

Laptop Per Child
hy are Microsoft, Intel, and other leading for-profit companies interested in low-cost computers for the developing world?

For-profit companies such as Microsoft and Intel jumped on the bandwagon created by the interest expressed in Nicolas Negroponte's non-profit effort with the XO. Companies have become increasingly aware that consumers show a preference to those that are socially responsive citizens that give to good causes. They viewed this as an opportunity to share the spotlight and make a profit with what would appear a philanthropic deed by the two companies collaborating on an alternative to the XO that would have more features and capabilities than the XO. OLPC's original core mission was to "foster collaborative learning among school children," which could have been accomplished with their original model.

Instead of following Negropronte's initial intent where he stated, "e do not view kids as a market, but as a mission," Microsoft and…...


Works Cited

Kevin, Maney. "Gates sees cellphones, not laptops, as way to help Third .." USA Today n.d.: Middle Search Plus. Web. 8 May 2012.   uid&db=mih&AN=J0E190769487706&site=ehost-live ,

Buying Process for a New Laptop the
Pages: 2 Words: 679

Buying Process for a New Laptop
The influence of marketing, promotion and long-term branding on the buying process of products and services continued to be accelerated by greater use of analytics and more effective use of digital media and channels. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate how the buying process for a new laptop running Microsoft Windows 8 was completed, factoring in the effects of marketing in each stage of the process.

Analysis of the Buying Process

ecently the family laptop running Microsoft Windows Vista had a final hard disk crash that left it inoperable. Our family's problem is that the laptop is used for checking e-mails across school and personal accounts, in addition to tracking expenses and also hosting Skype sessions around the country. The problem recognition phase of the buying process is predicated on evaluating substitutes and selecting a specific alternative, often a product that represents a solution (Shiffman,…...



Jarvi, P., & Munnukka, J. (2009). The effect of information sources on the success of the organizational buying process. Journal of Business Market Management, 3(4), 209-225.

Leinsdorff, T. (1995). Buying behavior and product planning. International Journal of Production Economics, 41(1-3), 237-237.

Shiffman, L.G., and Kanuk, L.L. (2010). Consumer behavior (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Laptop Keyboard Protector for Sports
Pages: 5 Words: 1705


A flat, transparent cover for protecting laptop computers from damage caused by dust and other air-borne contaminants, or from liquids splashed or spilled directly onto the computer keyboard. The protective cover conforms in height and width to the corresponding dimensions of the laptop computer keyboard and is provided in a thin, flat, rectangular section, or panel, fashioned of a material such as vinyl, which is impermeable to liquids and air-borne contaminants, and which is sufficiently soft or deformable that it does not impede typing or interfere with normal laptop computer use and keyboard access when laid on top of the notebook computer keyboard.


Fukami. (1999). U.S. Patent No. 5,975,780 "Keyboard Cover." etrieved September 20,

2011 from the USPTO at:

Weill, et al. (1999). U.S. Patent No.

Cover." etrieved September 20, 2011 from the USPTO at:



Fukami. (1999). U.S. Patent No. 5,975,780 "Keyboard Cover." Retrieved September 20,

2011 from the USPTO at:

Weill, et al. (1999). U.S. Patent No.

Laptops Laptop Assessment and Recommendation
Pages: 5 Words: 1649

This conclusion is based on the high degree of commonality of its components, the length of time it has been in the market and potential for very low TCO over the life of the laptop,

Venkatesha Babu. (2007, April). "Lenovo Is At A Tipping Point." Business Today,96. etrieved April 10, 2009, from ABI/INFOM Global database. (Document ID: 1267755651).

Britt, P. (2009, April). Securing the Mobile Landscape. Information Today, 26(4), 1-11. etrieved April 12, 2009, from Business Source Premier database.

Cisco Cheng. (2006, August). Ultraportable Notebooks; Whether you're flying first-class around the country or backpacking through rush hour, you want a laptop that's petite and portable, yet powerful and feature-rich. PC Magazine, 25(13), Fl05. etrieved April 10, 2009, from ABI/INFOM Trade & Industry database. (Document ID: 1105509881).

Steven Cherry. (2008). Wi-Fi Takes On Bluetooth. IEEE Spectrum, 45(8), 14. etrieved April 11, 2009, from ABI/INFOM Global database. (Document ID: 1537186951).

Gladstone, D. (2009, April). The Wide…...



Venkatesha Babu. (2007, April). "Lenovo Is At A Tipping Point." Business Today,96. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1267755651).

Britt, P. (2009, April). Securing the Mobile Landscape. Information Today, 26(4), 1-11. Retrieved April 12, 2009, from Business Source Premier database.

Cisco Cheng. (2006, August). Ultraportable Notebooks; Whether you're flying first-class around the country or backpacking through rush hour, you want a laptop that's petite and portable, yet powerful and feature-rich. PC Magazine, 25(13), Fl05. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry database. (Document ID: 1105509881).

Steven Cherry. (2008). Wi-Fi Takes On Bluetooth. IEEE Spectrum, 45(8), 14. Retrieved April 11, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1537186951).

The Use of Laptops and
Pages: 1 Words: 327

There have also been instances of finding missing persons who were trafficking
illegal drugs, leading to the break-up of drug dealing rings in
municipalities in Louisiana for example (Careless 2006). Warrant
violations are commonplace and the incidence of random stops by police
patrolman leading to arrests has also gone up significantly according to
Careless, 2006. The bottom line of the use of laptops integrated via
wireless networks to multiple national and regional databases is the fact
that police patrolman have an upper hand in dealing with potentially
violent situations, quickly gaining the upper hand on criminals who are
intent on pursuing illegal activity and harming citizens in the process.
Careless (2006) - Thinkstream and the Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office.
Law and Order Magazine. James Careless, author. Published July, 2006.
Accessed from the Internet on January 26, 2007 from location:



Careless (2006) - Thinkstream and the Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office.

Law and Order Magazine. James Careless, author. Published July, 2006.

Accessed from the Internet on January 26, 2007 from location:

The Effects of Multitasking
Pages: 2 Words: 622

Laptop Multitasking Hinders Classroom Learning for Both Users and Nearby Peers
This article provides many insights to some of the challenges that are faced in the modern society. Our lives are generally busier than any previous generations faced and to meet the challenges of the information age most people multitask regularly to try to keep pace. In fact, multitasking has pretty much become the norm for most individuals and this activity is generally taken for granted. The study analyzed addresses that issue by looking at how multitasking can affect not only the individual involved, but also the individuals in proximity to the multitasker in a learning environment.

"Multitasking is ingrained in our daily lives. As you read this article, you may also be attending to a text message, sipping coffee, or writing out a list of to-dos. Such a lifestyle is intended to increase efficiency; however, there are limitations to how well…...



Sana, F., Weston, T., & Cepeda, N. (2013). Laptop multitasking hinders classroom learning for both users and nearby peers. Computers & Education, 24-31.

Sarah's Legal Adviser Under the Previously Described
Pages: 6 Words: 1904

Sarah's legal adviser under the previously described scenario, there a several questions I would like to ask my client before devising any potential defenses against Barry's charge of breach of contract. According to the facts presented by both parties, on Wednesday a conversation took place to negotiate the terms of a potential sale, with ownership of a refurbished laptop being transferred to Barry in exchange for $1,000 payment. On Wednesday, Sarah also informed Barry that her asking price was firm, and as a courtesy she also offered to withhold sale of the laptop until the end of the week if he was still interested. This proviso is central to Barry's eventual claim that a contract has been breached, because in his view this offer to reserve the laptop until Friday night at the very earliest was extended by Sarah and duly accepted by Barry, an agreement which would represent…...



Australian Woollen Mills Pty Ltd. v Commonwealth (1954) 92 CLR 424 at 457 per the Full High Court

Bebchuk, Lucian Arye, Shavell, Steven, 'Information and the Scope of Liability for Breach of Contract: The Rule of Hadley V. Baxendale' (1991) 7(2) Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 284-312

Ex-parte Fealey (1897) 18 LR (NSW) L. 282

F & G. Sykes (Wessex) Ltd. v Fine Fare Ltd. (1967) 1 Lloyd's Rep 53 at 57

Consultancy Inc Is a Small Business Organization
Pages: 8 Words: 2323

Consultancy Inc. is a small business organization specializing in the management consultancy for various businesses in the United States. ecent growth experienced by the Best Consultancy has made the company to integrate network technology to facilitate the business agility. Thus, my neighbor, who is the owner of the business, has contacted me to assist him in designing a network system that could serve his business purpose. Meanwhile, Best Consultancy requires the following network devices in the company network technology:
laptops, 2 workstations, and 1 server supporting 3 users

Wireless networking

quality networked printer

File and folder sharing

Internet access

Multiple email addresses

Basic security environment which similar to home environment

Initial investment of $5,000 or less

ecurring costs to be less than $200 per month

To design the network system for Best Consultancy, it is essential to integrate the following network devices for the company network technology:

Project Objective

Objective of this project is to recommend a network design that meets…...



Cisco (2010). Cisco 3900 Series, 2900 Series, and 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers Generation 2 Software Configuration Guide. Cisco Systems, Inc.

Clark, D.D. Pogran, K.T. & Reed, P.R. (2008). An Introduction to Local Area Networks. Proceddings of the IEEE Xplore 66(11): 1497-1517.

Jenkins, S. (2003). Secure Network Architecture: Best Practices for Small Business and Government Entities. SANS Institute.


Marketing Strategy Budgets and Controls
Pages: 2 Words: 607

Apple Computer Founded in 1976 with a marketing model based on integration, aesthetics and design, never a low price leader, always an innovator. Mac Book Pro-replaced iBook and Power Book, designs based on size and power.

Market Description

Segmentation -- middle-upper middle class individuals, small home and offices, larger businesses with design focus

Targeting -- turn the ordinary into something extraordinary, worry less about price and more about justification and lifestyle

Value proposition -- Focus on value and design to build, build through tribe mentality

Consumer Behavior -- Push the envelope and ease of use, be part of the innovative generation and first line of consumer

Buying decision process- consumer must be engaged; laptops are not whim purchases, but part of Apple tradition; MacBook seen as different than other brands, special and unique

Product eview -- Three separate designs of MacBook in use; 2006 original moved to 2008 MacBook Pro; 2009 high end MacBook Pro; 2011 MacBook…...



7 Key Strategies That You Must Learn From Apple's Marketing. (2009). Retrieved from: 

Deidu, H. (February 27, 2012). The Value of the OS X Monopoly. Asymco. Retrieved from: 

Linzmayer, O. (2004). Apple Confidential 2.0. San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press

Nguyen, V. (2009). MacBook Review. Slashgear. Retrieved from:

Security Best Practices Assessing the
Pages: 3 Words: 934

Next, firewalls capable of blocking IP addresses need to be installed and used (Becker, Clement, 2006). The focus on these efforts is just the first phase; there needs to be a monthly audit of IP addresses in the departments where P2P file sharing has occurred to make sure it isn't happening again. This an be accomplished using a series of constraint-based configuration tools that will trap on P2P known client footprints or digital signatures and immediately block them (Hosein, Tsiavos, Whitley, 2003). This technology will also work to isolate any inside IP addresses which attempt to reach P2P client-based download sites and immediately log and block all IP activity for the address. This will make a given IP address inoperable and immediately delete it, which will make any subsequent hacking attempts of the system useless. This is precisely the strategy the U.S. Government is using today to ensure a…...



Bailes, J.E., & Templeton, G.F. (2004). Managing P2P security. Association for Computing Machinery.Communications of the ACM, 47(9), 95-98.

Becker, J.U., & Clement, M. (2006). Dynamics of illegal participation in peer-to-peer networks -- why do people illegally share media files? Journal of Media Economics, 19(1), 7-32.

Hosein, I., Tsiavos, P., & Whitley, E.A. (2003). Regulating architecture and architectures of regulation: Contributions from information systems. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 17(1), 85-85.

Controlling IM risks. (2003). Risk Management, 50(7), 6-6.

Can you help with a five paragraph essay outline on online education?
Words: 644

There are many different topics to select when writing about online education.  You can approach the essay from the point-of-view of an educator or of a student, and you can also look at it by grade level for K-12 students, for classes for undergraduate and graduate students. You can focus on the challenges that people face as remote learners or the benefits of remote learning.  Many people who are looking at online education today also look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on remote learning/ online education and how different school districts and educational institutions have....

Need help refining my The Pros and Cons of Facial Recognition Technology thesis statement. Fresh perspectives welcome!?
Words: 605

Original Thesis Statement:

Facial recognition technology offers both advantages and disadvantages, impacting privacy concerns and raising questions about the potential for misuse.

Refined Thesis Statement:

The proliferation of facial recognition technology presents a double-edged sword, balancing potential benefits such as enhanced security and convenience with profound ethical implications and privacy concerns.


Facial recognition technology has emerged as a ubiquitous tool in modern society, transforming various aspects of our lives. While it offers undeniable advantages, the concerns surrounding its potential for misuse and ethical implications cannot be overlooked. This paper aims to critically examine the pros and cons of facial recognition technology, exploring both its....

How have advancements in technology shaped the transition from the industrial age to the information age?
Words: 671

Advancements in Technology: Shaping the Transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age

The transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age has been marked by profound advancements in technology that have fundamentally reshaped the way societies function and operate. These innovations have had far-reaching implications for industries, individuals, and the global economy as a whole.

1. Automation and Robotics:

Advancements in automation and robotics have transformed manufacturing processes, leading to significant increases in productivity. Industrial robots and automated systems have taken over repetitive and dangerous tasks, freeing up human workers for more complex and creative endeavors. The widespread adoption of....

how would you change the classroom enviroment?
Words: 308

To change the classroom environment, I would implement the following strategies:

1. Flexible seating arrangements: Provide students with the option to choose where they sit, whether it's at a traditional desk, bean bag chair, standing desk, or floor seating. This allows for more movement and comfort during lessons.

2. Incorporate more natural light: Utilize windows and open blinds to let in natural light, which has been shown to improve mood and productivity.

3. Create designated areas for collaboration: Set up group workstations with whiteboards or projectors for students to work together on projects or presentations.

4. Add plants and greenery:....

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