Kin Selection Essays (Examples)

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Kin Selection
Pages: 11 Words: 3781

Kin Selection
The organization and functioning of human and animal societies has long been the subject of intense investigations by natural scientists, sociologists and geneticists. Darwin, who laid the foundation for modern theory of evolution, suggested 'kin selection' as an explanation for the existence of sterile females, the worker caste, in social insects like ants, bees and termites. Later, W.D. Hamilton mathematically established the Theory of Kin Selection as a mechanism for the evolution of such apparently altruistic sterile castes.

Altruism refers to the actions of an individual that aids in increasing the survival and reproduction of another individual while sacrificing its own survival and reproduction. Kin Altruism is the technical term used to define altruistic behaviour that is theoretically explained by kin selection. Though kin altruism would appear to act counter to natural selection, the driving force of the evolution of the species, Hamilton proposed that kin selection is just another…...



Sinervo, Barry. (1997) "Levels of selection" Retrieved at / barrylab/anima_behaviour/LEVELS.HTM Accessed on 04/01/2004

Kin selection and social behavior" retrieved at Accessed on 04/01/2004

Kin selection- definition" Retrieved at Accessed on 04/01/2004

Levels of selection" - Retrieved from Accessed on 04/01/2004

Paradoxes of Evolutionary Biology in
Pages: 5 Words: 1635

The purpose of this set of questions is to see whether they would engage in similar action even if they know that the other individual will not reciprocate given the reverse of their circumstances. All individuals will answer blindly, and we will anonomously collect all of the information.

There are many different results that are possible within this experiment. First, the expected result is that the majority of individuals will answer that they would act altruistically. However, they could act altruistically in some cases, as when they are giving change back to others, but selfishly when it comes to saving a drowning person and risking their own lives. Another scenario is that they could act selfishly when they are in the room by themselves, but when they are doing so in conjunction with someone else, they might be motivated by the visual sign of someone else to be altruistic. I…...


Simon, HA. "A mechanism for social selection and successful altruism." Science. 1990.

Trivers, RL. "The evolution of reciprocal altruism." The Quarterly Review of Biology. 1971. 46:35-55.

Wilkinson, GS. "Reciprocal food sharing in the vampire bat." Nature. 1984. 308:181-184.

Altruism and Human Reciprocity the
Pages: 11 Words: 4013

Unlike hadcoe altuism, no assumption of elatedness is necessay. Soft-coe altuism is diected beyond kin as a simple exchange of favos. (Gachte & Falk, 2002, pp1-25) Unlike hadcoe altuism, the soft-coe vaiety is less fimly tiggeed by the spontaneous calculus of the genes and moe "deeply influenced by the vagaies of cultual evolution. (Yamagishi, 1992, pp267-87) Unlike the hadcoe species in which the altuistic act is genuinely diected at othes even though one's own genes ae benefited, soft-coe altuism is ultimately moe selfish and dependent upon ecipocation as a condition fo its aousal. (Bingham, 1999, pp133-69) Unlike hadcoe altuism which is lagely "iational," soft-coe altuism equies calculation, "often in a wholly conscious way, to ensue one's needs ae seved, even though emotive mechanisms like deceit and petense may also infom this behavio. Wilson's tem "softcoe" app11es to the pinciple of ecipocal altuism fist outlined in a pape by R.…...


references. In S.N. Durlauf, & H.P. Young (Eds.), Social dynamics ( pp. 155 -- 190). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Falk, a., Fehr, E, & Fischbacher, U. (2002). Testing theories of fairness and reciprocity -- intentions matter. Zurich: University of Zurich.

Foster, K.R., Wenseleers, T., & Ratnieks, F.I.W. (2001). Spite: Hamilton's unproven theory. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 38, 229 -- 238.

Gachter, S., & Falk, a. (2002). Reputation or reciprocity? Consequences for labour relations. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 104, 1 -- 25.

Gachter, S., & Fehr, E. (1999). Collective action as a social exchange. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 39, 341 -- 369.

Sociobiology and Culture
Pages: 9 Words: 2746

Traditionally, researchers in various fields of study have generally limited investigations to their area of expertise. Social scientists attend to prescribed areas such as memory, deviance, and microeconomics. In addition, natural scientists restrict their focal points to phenomena like DNA, gravity, and erosion. This practice of detached exploration, which initially proved productive, is gradually giving way to interdisciplinary endeavors as new and overwhelming evidence indicates that many domains are profoundly interconnected. Although some conventional sociologists steadfastly resist such infiltration, the field is not immune to this growing interdisciplinary movement.
Sociobiology, as the name indicates, is the synthesis of sociology and biology. It is the logical bridge 'between the natural sciences on the one side and social sciences and humanities on the other' (Wilson, 5). Stated differently, it applies the principles of biology to the study of social behavior in both human and non-human populations. More precisely, sociobiology employs evolutionary theories to…...



Barkow, Cosmides, & Tooby. The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and The

Generation of Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Boeree, George C. 'Sociobiology'. 1998 .

Cosmides, Leda & Tooby, John. 'Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer'. 1997

Random Acts of Kindness Before
Pages: 3 Words: 1247

The first person that I helped was one of my good friends. She was scheduled to take a test in one of her classes when she got a call from her daughter's school that her daughter was sick and needed to go home. I was with her and offered to go pick up her daughter and watch her until she could finish her testing. I did not really feel rewarded by the behavior. I had plans for the afternoon, which I had to rearrange in order to babysit. While I did not resent babysitting, I felt as if I was obligated to watch her child. The reality is that I would be a horrible best friend if I had an afternoon free and did not watch my friend's child under those circumstances. Therefore, I do not even know that I would qualify this helping as a random act of…...



Kassin, S., Fein, S., & Markus, H.R. (2010). Social psychology. Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.

Attitude Change and Persuasion
Pages: 4 Words: 1410

Attitude Change and Pesuasion

What is evolutionay psychology? How does it explain mate selection?

Evolutionay psychology (EP) is an advance that looks at psychological taits such as memoy, peception and language fo a contempoay evolutionay pespective in egads to social and natual sciences. It attempts to categoize which human psychological taits ae alteations that have evolved (Confe, Easton, Fleischman, Goetz, Lewis, Peilloux & Buss, 2010). In othe wods, which functional poducts of natual selection o sexual selection ae evolved adaptations. Adaptationist thinking in egads to physiological mechanisms, such as the heat, lungs, and immune system, is fequent in evolutionay biology. Evolutionay psychology elates the same thinking to psychology, aguing that the mind has a modula makeup simila to that of the body, with dissimila modula adaptations seving diffeent functions (Confe et al., 2010).

Evolutionay psychologists dispute that a lot of human behavio is the output of psychological adaptations that evolved to esolve ecuing…...


references, Jealousy, and Aggression. Retrieved from 

Sommer, H. (n.d.). Evolution, Sexuality, Mate-Selection, and Begging Methodological

Questions. Retrieved from

Thiessen, D. (1999). Social influences on human assortative mating. In M.C. Corballis, S.G.

Lea, M.C. Corballis, S.G. Lea (Eds.), The descent of mind: Psychological

Nations and Nationalism Exist Comparison of the
Pages: 4 Words: 1187

Nations and Nationalism Exist: Comparison of the ork of Laitin, Geertz, Hobsbawn, and Anderson
The objective of this study is to compare the work of Laitin, Geertz, Hobsbawn, and Anderson and to answer as to which argument is the most persuasive for why nations and nationalism exist.

Definition of 'Nation'

Anderson (1991) defines the concept of nation to be such that results in theorists of nationalism being perplexed by three specific paradoxes include: (1) the objective modernity of nations to the historians eye vs. their subjective antiquity in the eyes of nationalists; (2) the formal universality of nationality as a socio-cultural concept -- in the modern world everyone can, should, will 'have a nationality as he or she has a gender vs. The irremediable particularity of its concrete manifestations, such that, by definition, 'Greek' nationality is sui generis; (3) the political power of nationalism vs. their philosophical poverty and even incoherence. (p.…...


Works Cited

Anderson, B. (1991) Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso.

Geertz, C. (n.d.) The Integrative Revolution: Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in the New States.

Hobsbawm (1980) Nations and Nationalism Since 1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Laitin, DD (n.d. Identity in Formation: The Russian -- Speaking Populations in the Near Abroad. Cornell University Press. Ithaca and London.

Same-Sex Marriage Few Modern Issues
Pages: 6 Words: 2186

Divorce is no longer taboo at all. It is not unusual, but almost expected, for couples to marry, have at least one child, and subsequently separate. About half of American children are being raised in single-parent households or in households where there is a revolving door of partners for their custodial parent. Divorce is not the only issue that threatens the institution of marriage in America; approximately one in four people are currently in an abusive marriage. Furthermore, if a woman in America is murdered, the odds are overwhelming that her husband is the killer. Domestic violence does more to provide a real threat to more marriages in America than same-sex marriage ever could. As far as threatening individual marriages, the legalization of gay marriage would probably promote individual relationships. If homosexuals had the opportunity to marry their chosen partners, they may feel less pressure to remain in the…...


Works Cited

Daniels, Cora. "Not the Marrying Kind." New York Times Magazine. 4 Apr. 2004.

Dominus, Susan. "Growing Up with Mom and Mom." New York Times Magazine. 24 Oct. 2004. 15 Mar. 2005 .

Garrow, David J. "Towards a More Perfect Union." New York Times Magazine. 9 May 2004.

Marketing Channels and Methods
Pages: 7 Words: 2664

Marketing Channels and Methods -- the New Svelte Shape of McDonald's
Objectives & Mission Statement

Although McDonald's latest advertising slogan, as proclaimed on its 2005 website, is "I'm lovin' it," (McDonald's Official ebsite, 2005), shareholders in the fast food company have not be equally enamored of its current stock performance and plummeting sales. (The Rogue Investor, 2005) Thus, the objectives of the new McDonald's marketing campaign must be to undo some of the economic and public relations damage done to the company by the negative press generated by the success of Morgan Spurlock's film 'Supersize Me.' Over the course of the year, McDonald's wishes to gain a greater percentage of the revenue of the current fast food market than its most prominent burger-oriented competitors endy's and Burger King. McDonald's also wishes to gain some of the type of positive media as generated by the sandwich chain Subway. The Subway Diet has now…...


Works Cited

Bauman, Valerie. (11 Aug 2005) "People try to lose weight at McDonalds." AP Wire. Accessed on AOL on 22 Aug 2005 at 

Burger King. (2005) Official Website. Retrieved 11 Sept 2005 at 

Collins, Luke. (2002) "Chips are down for Burger Giants" MCD: McDonald's Corporation News and Articles. Retrieved 27 Aug 2005 at 

Daft, R.L. (1997). Management. Fort Worth, TX: Dryden Press.

Genesis 50 15-21 When Joseph's
Pages: 5 Words: 2373

"This is my covenant with you: I will make you the father of not just one nation, but a multitude of nations. . . I will give you millions of descendants who will represent many nations. Kings will be among them" (Genesis 17:4, 6).
Then, in relation to how Joseph ended up where he did -- why was he loved more than his siblings? We know Joseph was born was Jacob was in his "old age" (Verses 2-3), but it was more than that. Historically, scholars say that Jacob recognized that having a child with Joseph's mother, achel, was a blessing from God because she was barren for many years. "Then God remembered achel's policht and answered her prayers by giving her a child. She became pregnant and gave birth to a son. 'God removed my shame,' she said. And she names him Joseph. . . " (Genesis 30:22-23). The…...



Abela, a. (2001). "Is Genesis the Introduction of the Primary History?" in: Wenin, a.,

The Book of Genesis. Leuven University/Peeters Press.

Adar, Z. (1990). The Book of Genesis: An Introduction to the Biblical World. Magnes Publishing Company.

Alter, R. (1996). Genesis: Translation and Commentary. Norton.

Difficult Step in Responding to
Pages: 3 Words: 1020

Due to the apparently low level of contagion, the need for public awareness is not urgent, but it is still necessary. Warnings to stay away from the convention area and to report to a local hospital if symptoms developed after being in the area or in contact with someone who had been at the convention should be issued (CDC 2009).
The known details of the attack, however, should not be released, as it is likely to create panic and bolster the terrorists' optimism. Federal assistance should be immediately sought, not necessarily for control of the spread of the disease but for the investigation and apprehension of suspects. All available resources should be called in as soon as possible in order to counter the attack. As far as treatment of the attack goes, mass prophylaxis of all convention attendees and those who have come into contact with infected individuals should be…...



Bravata DM, Sundaram V, McDonald KM, Smith WM, Szeto H, Schleinitz MD, et al. (2004). "Detection and diagnostic decision support systems for bioterrorism response." Emerging infectious diseases. Accessed 25 April 2009. 

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009). "Emergency preparedness and response." Accessed 25 April 2009.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009). "Anthrax." Accessed 25 April 2009.

Gerberding JL, Hughes J, Koplan J. (2002). "Bioterrorism preparedness and response." Journal of the American medical association. Accessed 25 April 2009.

Arabs Certain Words Must Be
Pages: 5 Words: 1655

S.-supported dictators.
Thus, while the term "Arab" is useful for describing a particular group of people with a shared language, culture, and history, one cannot readily assume that all Arabs subscribe to a pan-Arabist ideology, especially in light of the often overlapping "Muslim world," which many Arabs would identify themselves a part of (above and beyond any shared connection due to their Arab heritage). In reality, a shared linguistic and cultural background is really the only thing that unites Arabs, but because the world's largely white, Christian reigning powers have for so long actively disenfranchised and brutalized the Arab world, either through direct action or proxies, this shared linguistic and cultural background has been the only unifying feature which allows for any resistance. In many ways, one may see the emerging democratic movements of the Arab Spring as the successful replacement of both pan-Arabism and pan-Islamism, because the desire for social…...



Goldschmidt, A., & Davidson, L. (2006). A concise history of the middle east. Boulder:

Westview Press.

Kinninmont, J. (2008). The politics of chaos in the middle east. Middle East Policy, 15(4), 161-

Correct Focus Needed for US to Effectively Help the Poor From Poverty
Pages: 5 Words: 1481

ethinking Development
The State, the market, and the societal forces all have a role to play towards improving the lives of the citizens. In as much as entrepreneurs and government institutions would always endeavor to improve their economic performance, they should also make an undertaking to ensure that social services are provided to the citizens. The state in particular has to ensure that it puts in place governance structures that work for the citizenry. It should ensure that health services, education, and security become its top priority (Allchin, 2013). The state should pass legislations that makes doing business less expensive. In that way private sector entities would have the capacity to engage in large-scale export oriented industrialization. This may be a ticket out of poverty for its citizens who may get gainful employment from these industries. Countries where people are economically empowered are less likely to experience high child mortality rates.…...


References List

Allchin, J. (November 20, 2013). Parochial Progress. New York Times.

Boato, A. (2007). Ghana: One Decade of the Liberal State. Dakar: Codesna Books.

Collier, P. (2007). The Bottom Line: Why the Poorest Countries are failing and what can be

done About It. New York: Oxford University Press.

Family Life and Sea
Pages: 18 Words: 6361

permissive attitude towards London sailor-town exist during the 1850-1860, and how did it change during the 1900-1910?
The main Theories Fronted

Although the marine community came from diverse backgrounds, the seafarers ashore had acquired a debauched image long before the 16th Century. The seafarers have won the appraisal of researchers for their role since then. According to Lee[footnoteef:1], seafarers had delinked themselves from the usual expected bonds and roles in society as otherwise expected of all humans. They were believed to be vulnerable to being misled and were believed to be strangers to the civilized, polite norms of contemporary human decorum. Once seafarers went ashore, they were inclined to being irresponsible beings. They could engage in drunkenness as of habit. They practiced little restraint in general. The seafarers most likely committed many other ills while at sea. The lack of societal control that normally provides a steadying influence meant that the…...



Beaven, Brad. "The resilience of sailortown culture in English Naval Ports, c. 1820 -- 1900." Urban History 43, no. 01 (2016): 72-95.

Burton, V.C., 1985. Counting Seafarers: The Published Records of the Registry of Merchant Seamen 1849 -- 1913. The Mariner's Mirror, 71(3), pp.305-320.

Casson, Mark, and Mary B. Rose. "Institutions and the evolution of modern business: Introduction." Business History 39, no. 4 (1997): 1-8.

Edwards, J. and Holm, P., North Sea Ports and Harbours. Adaptations to Change. In Second Nord Sea History Conference, Esbjerg 1991.

Cultural Schema Hypothesis on Aboriginals
Pages: 7 Words: 2231

Aborigines are Australia's original inhabitants and until the late 1700's -1800's the aborigine had little contact with Western civilization. Local dialects and the territorial nature of bands provided the different social groups their distinctive identity. The Mardudjara (Mardu) aborigines are part of the Western Desert cultural block in Australia (Tonkinson, 1978). The Mardu culture, societal system, etc. has never been recorded in its pristine state as anthropologic researchers did not study the group until well after alien influences had occurred. Nonetheless, the nomadic lifestyle of the Mardu was dictated by the harsh climate in which they live and they are an extremely interesting group. Nomadic groups like the Mardu often have a perception of gender or a cultural gender schema that fits in functionally with their lifestyle and is based on a division of labor and status that allows the group to maintain an identify, clearly defined roles, and survive…...



Bird, R. (1999). Cooperation and conflict: The behavioral ecology of the sexual division of labor. Evolutionary Anthropology, 8 (2), 65-75.

Holmes, L.D., & Holmes, E.R. (1992) Samoan Village (2nd ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Tonkinson, R. (1978). The Mardudjara aborigines: Living the dream in Australia's desert. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.


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