Kennedy Assassination Essays (Examples)

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Kennedy Assassination
Pages: 2 Words: 639

Kennedy Assassination
The entire Kennedy investigation case is highly unusual at best, and is more likely one that simply reeks of impropriety. There are a number of highly salient aspects about this case that make it readily apparent that certain parties were interested in making sure that it was never solved. One of the foremost of these facets was the fact that the forensics work conducted on the bullet fragments occurred 14 years after the fatal shooting of Jack Kennedy, who was gunned down in front of his wife (Clarke, 2013). A 14-year lapse in an investigation, even if it involves forensic work, is far from an earnest attempt to truly gauge the facts of what happened, why, and how.

As far as specific elements of the case that were mishandled as denoted within the textbook, the details of the autopsy are probably the most significant. What exactly is a "specialist photographer"…...




Clarke, T. (2013). "A death in the first family." Vanity Fair. Retrieved from

Kennedy Assassination Over the Years
Pages: 3 Words: 881

It might have been the combination of the right timing with this new satellite technology and this horrific event of the President being shot that changed the public interest in complete, live, and around the clock coverage.

The fact that television at that time could bring powerful images of what was happening in the world and could make the incident seem like a local event that was happening in their own home town, was a new concept.

It was also television that brought to the public the first live presidential debate between Kennedy and Nixon in 1960. Approximately 60% of the households viewed the three debates -- around 60 million people out of a total population of 179 million at that time. Kennedy was the first President that most people felt they had a personal connection with, all because of live TV.

So after the assassination the public couldn't get enough information fast…...



"JFK: Breaking The News." n.d. KERA Productions. 27 May 2009 .

"Television news ." n.d. media in the 1960. 27 May 2009 .

Zelizer, Barbie. "Covering the Body." n.d. American Experience PBS. 28 May 2009 .

Kennedy Assassination an Analysis of Why Kennedy's
Pages: 2 Words: 653

Kennedy Assassination
An Analysis of Why Kennedy's Assassination is a Turning Point

The 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy was a turning point in American history. On a superficial level, it served as the eradication of post-War idealism, of American "purity" and patriotic zeal. Kennedy's death ushered in an era of social revolution throughout the 1960s and 1970s. On a deeper level, however, Kennedy's assassination and the events surrounding it pushed many Americans toward a more skeptical and cynical view of their government. If Eisenhower warned of the rise of the military-industrial complex (MIC) in his 1961 Farewell Address, Kennedy's death opened the door even more widely to the notion of government conspiracy and the power of the MIC (Jarecki, 2008, pp. 152-154). This paper will analyze the Kennedy assassination and show why it serves as a turning point in American history.

To say that President Kennedy's assassination was just another event…...


Reference List

Jarecki, E. (2008). The American Way of War. NY: Free Press.

Kinzer, S. (2006). Overthrow. NY: Henry Holt and Company.

Mellen, J. (2005). A Farewell to Justice. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, Inc.

Kennedy Assassination Summary of the
Pages: 7 Words: 2407

The camera lens recorded what I could not possibly have seen at the moment -- a rifle barrel extended over the windowsill. hen the film was developed later, it showed two figures hovering over it."
He gave his negatives to a daily newspaper in Toronto; but when he phoned and asked them to return his negative, the negative with the two figures in the window was gone. He got a "fat cheque in the mail" but never saw his negative again, Marrs writes on page 23.

The Connally Bullet - CTKA

According to an article by Robert Harris (published in Citizens for Truth About the Kennedy Assassination, CTKA), the bullet that was alleged to have passed through Kennedy and Connally was found to be in "near pristine condition," and when examined under a microscope, no tissue or blood was found. Moreover, an orderly named Darrell Tomlinson, who found the bullet, was bringing…...


Works Cited

Ferrell, Mary. (2006). The JFK Assassination. Retrieved November 10, 2011, from .

JFK Assassination Records. (1964). Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination

of President Kennedy / Warren Report. National Archives. Retrieved November 10, 2011,

from .

Assassination of President Kennedy in 1963
Pages: 3 Words: 819

Assassination of President John Kennedy
hy was the assassination of President John Kennedy considered a turning point in history and not just another event?

In the first place, the election and inauguration of John F. Kennedy (JFK) was in itself a dramatic turning point in American history. Americans had never had a president who made such eloquent speeches, who was so young and handsome, and who had such a beautiful, classy wife and family. In Europe there were royal families but Americans had never had a family like the Kennedys, who created a kind of "Camelot" in the hite House. JFK talked tough to the Soviets as to the Cold ar and he also "…made [Americans] dream of walking on the moon and equal rights for all" (History Since 1945). In other words, the charming, well-spoken president brought a dramatic change in leadership style from President Eisenhower and Truman, who preceded him.…...


Works Cited

Driscoll, E. (2007). Kennedy Assassination: Ideological Turning Point of Democratic Party.

Spinning Clio / Musings of an independent historian. Retrieved July 26, 2013, from .

History Since 1945. (2011). Turning Point in American History: President Kennedy. Retrieved July 26, 2-13, from .

Lowry, R. (2007). Kennedy Assassination: Ideological Turning Point of Democratic Party.

Kennedy and Brinkley President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Pages: 4 Words: 1469

Kennedy and Brinkley
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy is an important figure in American history and was instrumental in shaping the American identity in the second half of the twentieth century. His personality and optimism, as well as his heroism in the Second orld ar helped the country to formulate a hope that the 1960s could be a time of renewal and rebirth in the United States of America. In recent years, the more scandalous aspects of his life have overtaken his historical significance, something that should be remedied and his importance restored. Most importantly, his actions during the Cold ar between the United States and the U.S.S.R. are credited with saving the world from descending into nuclear war. In Alan Brinkley's 2012 book John F. Kenney, the author attempts to explain the man in terms of his place in history and how his personal abilities and charisma were able to put…...


Works Cited:

Brinkley, A. (2012). John F. Kennedy: The American Presidents Series: The 35th President,

1961-1963. Times: New York, NY.

Kennedy, J. (1961). Inaugural address. American

Kennedy, J. (1963). American University commencement address. American

Kennedy and Flexible Response'so
Pages: 7 Words: 2273

The administration of J.F.K. determined that the mission and size of the U.S. advisory project must increase if the U.S.-backed government in Saigon was to survive and win the war. While some of Kennedy's cabinet advisors proposed a negotiated settlement for Vietnam similar to one that recognized Laos as a neutral nation, this was not to be. The administration had just suffered diplomatic setbacks and embarrassments in Berlin and Cuba. So that it did not repeat this, the covert military option was used, but unsuccessfully. The war continued to escalate, requiring more U.S. advisors and military and foreign aid. Unfortunately for the U.S., the covert operations to assist the South against North Vietnam escalated in the harassment and landing of covert forces until the U.S. Navy became embroiled in the Gulf of Tonkin incident that sealed the U.S. path to open military involvement in the conflict (ibid.).
Diplomatic options in…...



Anderson, D.L. (1999). The military and diplomatic course of the vietnam war. Retrieved from .

Kennedy considered supporting coup in south vietnam, august 1963. (2009, December 11). Retrieved

from .

Lemnitzer, L. (1962). Operation northwoods. Retrieved from

Assassination of John F Kennedy
Pages: 5 Words: 1406

Various versions of the conspiracy theories link the purported involvement of Giancana with Castro, Giancana with the CIA, and Oswald to one or the other, or to both. Finally, other conspiracy theories even linked then Vice
President Lyndon B. Johnson to the assassination plot, at least in terms of having been made aware of the operation in advance if not necessarily as a co-conspirator (Galanor,


Several specific individuals later emerged, providing information of their claimed involvement in the assassination conspiracy, including James Files and David Morales

(Benson, 1998). Files was linked to both the CIA after working as a former covert military operative in Laos as well as to organized crime through his association with Charles Nicoletti, a Mafia hitman operating in the Illinois area. Files specifically claimed to have been recruited by Nicoletti to act as a backup shooter positioned in the vicinity of the grassy knoll and that he fired…...



Benson, M. (1998). Who's Who in the JFK Assassination: An a to Z. Encyclopedia.

New York: Citadel.

Galanor, S. (1998). Cover-Up. New York: Kestrel Books.

The President's Commission on the Assassination. (1992). The Warren Commission

Kennedy President Kennedy's Term of Office Arrived
Pages: 3 Words: 863

President Kennedy's term of office arrived at a transitional time in American history, when the idealism of the 1950s was slowly beginning to fade into the realities of the Cold ar. Foreign policy concerns were not the only thing to plague the Kennedy administration. Domestic issues were perhaps even more important. Shifting social norms presented problems related to race, class, gender, and power. Moreover, the anti-Communist scare was causing the administration to assume an aggressive interventionist policy the likes of which was unprecedented in American history. Involvement in Vietnam, committing American troops to a remote war, eventually led to a massive anti-war movement. Kennedy's assassination shook the nation awake, and ushered in a new era of social unrest. Civil rights and a broad mistrust of government would be themes in the next decade of American history. hen Kennedy refers to the "larger freedom and a more equal and spacious society…one…...


Works Cited

Kennedy speech

Lecture notes

Oakes text

Kennedy What if John F
Pages: 2 Words: 614

S., Great Britain and the Soviet Union. However, due to ennedy's assassination in Dallas on November 22, these negotiations stalled, especially when France and China refused to become parties to the new non-nuclear proliferation treaty. Thus, if ennedy had survived, it is clear that this treaty might have served as the foundation for a very early movement against nuclear proliferation and might have signaled the end of the "Cold War" some twenty-seven years before it finally did end in 1989 with the fall of the Soviet Union.
Second, in 1963, many American civil rights leaders, especially Martin Luther ing, Jr., wished to speed up the progress of desegregation in the U.S. which led to a number of important demonstrations. In June of 1963, President ennedy was convinced that the American public was demanding some type of action by Congress to end desegregation in America. As a result, ennedy sent to Congress…...


Kennedy, somewhat surprised by this move, quickly accepted Khrushchev's offer and negotiations began on August 5, 1963 which included representatives from the U.S., Great Britain and the Soviet Union. However, due to Kennedy's assassination in Dallas on November 22, these negotiations stalled, especially when France and China refused to become parties to the new non-nuclear proliferation treaty. Thus, if Kennedy had survived, it is clear that this treaty might have served as the foundation for a very early movement against nuclear proliferation and might have signaled the end of the "Cold War" some twenty-seven years before it finally did end in 1989 with the fall of the Soviet Union.

Second, in 1963, many American civil rights leaders, especially Martin Luther King, Jr., wished to speed up the progress of desegregation in the U.S. which led to a number of important demonstrations. In June of 1963, President Kennedy was convinced that the American public was demanding some type of action by Congress to end desegregation in America. As a result, Kennedy sent to Congress a civil rights bill that included provisions designed to expedite the registration of black voters, to guarantee equal access to all public accommodations, to allow the U.S. Attorney General (Robert Kennedy) to institute lawsuits to desegregate the schools and to withhold federal funds from state or local programs in which racial discrimination was evident.

Certainly, if Kennedy had survived, this civil rights bill, the first of its kind in the United States since the days of the Civil War in the 1860's, might have helped to stave off a number of violent protests in some major U.S. cities during the late 1960's. As previously pointed out, this bill was stalled in Congress at the time of Kennedy's assassination, but if he had survived and had been allowed to return to Washington to pressure Congress to pass the bill immediately, the history of the Civil Rights Movement in America might have turned out very different indeed.

Kennedy's Legacy What John F
Pages: 3 Words: 992

In this Kennedy appeared to be following up on his anti-Communist speech with anti-Communist actions. but, the level of actual commitment was clearly not there. Kennedy had the entire United States military at his disposal. All he had to do was use them. but, clearly, he did not have the stomach to follow it all the way through. Kennedy wanted to appear strong but did not want to have to be strong - image meant everything.
Operation Mongoose continued the entire Cuban situation. It relied upon covert use of the CIA to make any and all attempts necessary to overthrow the Cuban government. On the heels of the Bay of Pigs failure, Kennedy attempted another poorly conceived attempt to rid himself of Castro. The operation essentially failed before it could possibly begin. Time after time, plans were brought out to be replaced by others. And those plans were impossibly strange…...



LeFeber, Walter. America, Russia and the Cold War: 1945-2002. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.

Merrill, Dennis & Paterson, Thomas G Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Since 1914. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005.

Major Turning Point in US History
Pages: 2 Words: 803

Assassination of JFK
Why is your chosen turning point actually a turning point and not just another event?

One of the most commonly analyzed and a questionable event in the history of the U.S., the assassination of JFK was a real turning point. The complex analysis on this topic is somehow frustrating. While "JFK-nuts" may be captured in some seriously arcane information of proof, some readily available information can entirely discredit the official government version of what occurred. The assassination of JFK can be seen as a coup-d'etat and a caution to all individuals and government figures who may try to question the status quo. Strong forces within government were able to take off such a criminal action and successfully pass off such a cheap cover story. The condition of the country's democracy can be deciphered from this scenario (Zelizer, 2012).

Even more considerably, the complicity of the United States media and their…...



Zelizer, B. (2012). Covering the body: The Kennedy assassination, the media, and the shaping of collective memory. Chicago u.a: Univ. Of Chicago Press.

John F Kennedy
Pages: 2 Words: 722

John F. Kennedy was the youngest individual elected American president and the first Roman Catholic to serve in that capacity. His election as president came in the aftermath of the Second orld ar and is considered as an initiative that came to reflect the ascendance of youthful idealism during this period. However, the promises of the youthful energetic president were not fulfilled following his assassination near the end of his third year as U.S. president. As a populist-oriented, youthful and energetic, intelligent, optimistic, and charismatic leader, Kennedy had matured and evolved before his assassination. Some of the major elements that demonstrated his maturity include successful navigation of a conflict that could have led to nuclear war with Soviet Union and position the country to deal with the growing domestic and international social issues. The success of John F. Kennedy as president was mainly attributed to the correlation between his political…...


Works Cited:

"John F. Kennedy Biography." A&E Networks Television, LLC, n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2014. .

"John Fitzgerald Kennedy." Miller Center - University of Virginia. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2014. .

Lazzaro, Joseph. "JFK Assassination: President John F. Kennedy - His Life And Death." International Business Times. IBT Media Inc., 20 Nov. 2013. Web. 08 Jan. 2014. .

Mara, Wil. John F. Kennedy. New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2010. Print.

Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination
Pages: 7 Words: 2241

Corrections/Police Intelligence
The Moral, Legal, Political, and Practical Dimensions of Assassination

Murder: The killing of a political leader or other public figure by a sudden violent attack. Destruction of something: the destruction of something such as somebody's reputation by malicious or treacherous means.


In the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the New York World

Trade Center and the Pentagon, some attention has been focused upon the assassination ban contained in Executive Order (E.O.) 12333, Section 2.11, and whether it would prohibit the United States from responding to the attacks by targeting those who orchestrated these acts of terrorism. In considering the challenges involved in effectively combating terrorism and protecting the United States from future terrorist attacks, there has been wide-ranging debate as to what approaches might be beneficial. Part of that discussion has centered around whether assassination of terrorist leaders is, or should be, one of the options available.

~Bazan, 2002




Bazan, E.B. 2002. Assassination Ban and E.O. 12333: A Brief Summary. CRS Report for Congress, Congressional Research Service Web, Library of Congress.

Grossenbacher, R. 1993. Assassination in modern America: Political participation through a gun barrel? Western Michigan University: Kalamazoo, MI.

Johnson, F. 1903. Famous Assassinations of History: From Philip of Macedon, 336 B.C. To Alexandria of Servia, AD 1903. A.C. McClurg & Co.: Chicago.

Padover, S.K. 1943. Patterns of Assassination in Occupied Territory. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 7(4), 680 -- 693, Oxford University Press.

Memories of John F Kennedy the Kennedy's
Pages: 2 Words: 618

Memories of John F. Kennedy
The Kennedy's

When I got up that day, the most important thing in the world was the test scores we were going to receive. By the end of the day they seemed irrelevant, and in fact I didn't even open my envelope for another four days, even though they would help determine my future."

It was the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. My aunt was in the auditorium with all the other seniors, with the envelope containing her state test scores for college placement in her hand. This test covered everything taught in high school whether one had taken it or not. Then Principal stopped everything to tell them about Kennedy. My aunt really doesn't remember the rest of the day very well; like many students she just aimlessly wandered the halls -- at a time when you had to have a pass to step outside the…...

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