Justice Department Essays (Examples)

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Criminal Justice Department Has Been Asking Graduating
Pages: 2 Words: 618

Criminal Justice Department has been asking graduating seniors to take an exit exam as a measure of departmental learning outcomes. How could that tool be used to determine if the criminal justice major is effective? Please assess, in detail, in the context of this week's chapter readings.
An exit exam could indeed be extremely effective in assessing whether the criminal justice major is effective in a range of capacities. First of all, it will test simply how much of the learning outcomes and themes each student absorbed. The key part of this aspect of the exam is that it will properly assess how much was retained. Given all the years of certain criminal justice programs at certain facilities (ranging from two to four), it will see what the major learning themes and ideas were experienced the highest level of retention for individual students and whether students were able to capitalize…...



Maxfield, M., & Babbie, E. (2011). Basics of Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology. Belmont: Cengage.

Roberts, A., & Springer, D. (2007). Social Work in Juvenile And Criminal Justice Settings. Springfield: CC Thomas Publishing.

U S Justice Department Review the Current Organization
Pages: 6 Words: 1887

U.S. Justice Department
Review the current organization and administration of the three components of the U.S. justice system: the police, the courts, and corrections. This review should consists of a summary of each component system, standard organizational structures of each component system, and a thorough examination of the pressing issues and challenges faced by each component system, including ethical considerations.

The three parts of the U.S. justice system include: law enforcement, the judiciary and corrections. These different pieces work together, to address various problems involving a host of laws and regulations. Once this takes place, it is providing a way of dealing with various challenges. (Garner, 2011)

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement is the branch of the criminal justice system that deals with enforcing the various laws and regulations. They are the first contact that an individual will have with the criminal justice system. In the U.S., there are three different levels of law enforcement…...



Anderson, M. (2006). Sociology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Garner, S. (2011). Main Components of the Criminal Justice System. E How. Retrieved from: http://www.ehow.com/list_6542392_main-components-criminal-justice-system.html

Hallet, M. (2006). Private Prisons in America. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.

According to the U S Justice Department in 2003 About 10 4 Of All African America
Pages: 6 Words: 1884

acial Equality
ace is used in this country to exploit and use people's emotions to eventually control their actions. ace is something that we are born with and is assigned to us in a completely mysterious way. Somehow this quirk in life has been used to divide and conquer huge masses of people. Although slavery and racial tensions are not unique to America, it appears that these issues still reverberates throughout the discussions in this country.

The purpose of this essay is to examine how cultural diversity, and race specifically, plays a role of institutional control. This essay will examine the racial disparity between blacks, whites, and Latinos in terms of justice, law and lawmaking. This essay will give some background information on the subject before exposing some new approaches to this problem while trying to comprehend its true purpose.

Background Information

Fewer than half of 1% of Americans are in state and federal…...



Brooks, E. (2011). Cultural Resources. The African-American Lectionary, 1 Nov 2011. Retrieved from  http://www.theafricanamericanlectionary.org/PopupCulturalAid.asp?LRID=235 

Goldmacher, S. (2012). Disparate Impact: Black Lawmakers and Ethics Investigations. The Atlantic, 3 Mar 2012. Retrieved from   and-ethics-investigations/253931/http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/03/disparate-impact-black-lawmakers -

Kerby, S. (2012). The Top10 Most Startling Facts about the People of Color And Criminal Justice in the United States. Center For American Progress, 13 March 2012. Retrieved from   most-startling-facts-about-people-of-color-and-criminal-justice-in-the-united-states/http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/race/news/2012/03/13/11351/the-top-10 -

Kansal, T. & Mauer, M. (2005). Racial Disparity in Sentencing: A Review of the Literature. The Sentencing Project, January 2005. Retrieved from http://www.sentencingproject.org/doc/publications/rd_sentencing_review.pdf

Department of Homeland Security A
Pages: 15 Words: 3834

The management of large organizations is a very crucial issue, whether they are government-related or not (Argyris, 1993; Argyris & Schon, 1978; Broom, Jackson, Harris, & Vogelsang-Coombs, n.d.; Brown & Brudney, 2003; Hatry, 1999; Haynes, 1999). Often, however, the government does not seem to realize that it must manage itself in the same way that a business would in certain aspects if it is to succeed and therefore it does not market itself to the public.
The spending that has been involved with the Department of Homeland Security is also crucial, because it has changed over time to reflect the needs and the realization of what it takes to make the Department work (Eggen & Mintz, 2003). This spending is important to discuss, because it indicates how much of the government's money - and by extension how much of the tax dollars of Americans - is going toward funding this…...


Works Cited

Argyris, C., (1993). Knowledge for action: A guide to overcoming barriers to organizational change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Argyris, C. & Schon, D.A. (1978). Organizational learning, a theory of action perspective. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Broom, C., Jackson, M., Harris, J., & Vogelsang-Coombs, V. (n.d.). Performance measurement: Concepts and techniques (3rd ed.), workbook. Washington, DC: American Society for Public administration.

Brown, M.M., & Brudney, J.L. (2003). Learning organizations in the public sector? A study of police agencies employing information and technology to advance knowledge. Public Administration Review. 63(1), 30-43.

Justice Administration
Pages: 2 Words: 742

Justice Administration
The United States judicial system is ranked among the most sophisticated systems in the world. Each and every day there are thousands of people who include officers for law enforcement, judges, lawyers, accused criminals and officials in the government take part in the system with the hope that they will settle disputes and work towards the achievement of justice. This system is quite remarkable since it operates successfully in a country which is quite large and diverse. There are various elements of the criminal justice system in the U.S. these include criminal courts, arraignments, trials, sentencing, booking, bargaining of a plea, jury, punishment, appeals and so on. Within these systems there are elements that work quite well when it comes to the completion of the entire judicial process (Silverman, 2012).

The existence of criminal courts within the judicial system of the U.S. is an element that has made it easy…...



Silverman, J. (2012). How the Judicial System Works. Retrieved August 22, 2013 from  http://www.howstuffworks.com/judicial-system.htm

Justice Delayed Justice Denied Constance
Pages: 3 Words: 1094

But the focus of Tim Tyson's book, the North Carolinian veteran Dickie Marrow was attacked and murdered by a gang of white men. The police and the jury system, much like the legislature of the state of Mississippi were complicit in the violence, and eventually the African-Americans of the community rioted in response to the delay and the fact the men were not convicted. On the pretext that Marrow had made an inappropriate comment towards a white woman, he became a subject of vengeance, recalled the author in a 2004 interview with NPR, a white man whose father was an anti-segregation minister, and African-Americans, after initially cooperating with the investigation, felt that they had no other recourse but street violence ("Tim Tyson, 'Blood Done ign My Name,'"2004, NPR: Morning Edition).
Marrow's death came to symbolize all of the oppression and injustice inflicted upon African-Americans, and the deferred promises of the…...



Curry, Constance. (1996). Silver Rights. New York: Harvest.

Tyson, Tim. (1994). Blood Done Sign My Name. New York; Crown Books.


Tim Tyson, 'Blood Done Sign My Name'." (10 Nov 2004). NPR: Morning Edition. Retrieved 6 Nov 2007.  http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4162533

Department of Homeland Security Assessment
Pages: 2 Words: 570

58, 59).
These insights are equally applicable to forecasting how global events will potentially impact the United States and its trading partners. The same techniques used for anticipating terrorism threats can use used for anticipating conditions of genocide and political upheaval, even in countries that appear to be economically and politically stable (Goldsmith, utcher, Semenovich, Sowmy (2012), et.al.). The DHS has also had to architect it systems that overcome bureaucratic inertia and protecting bureaucracy instead of flattening it (Larson (2004), pp. 29). Having had to streamline not just their own structure but the integration points with many other departments and divisions also shows how unique their cross-functional structure is (Mitchell (2003), p. 18). Using the lessons learned of organizational structure efficiencies and dynamics of cross-functional performance in more expanded areas could solve the impasse on budgeting within the broader U.S. government as well. There is also the potential to combine…...



Goldsmith, Benjamin E., Charles Robert Butcher, Dimitri Semenovich, and Arcot Sowmya. Forecasting the Onset of Genocide and Politicide: Annual Out-of-Sample Forecasts on a Global Dataset, 1988-2003. Rochester, Rochester: 2012.

Hewitt, Ronald T. "Valuing it Human Capital." It Professional Magazine 14, no. 1 (2012): 58-60.

Larson, Richard C. "Emergency Response: Operations Research Models for Homeland Security." or-MS Today 31, no. 5 (2004): 22-9.

Mitchell, Kenneth. "The Other Homeland Security Threat: Bureaucratic Haggling." Public Manager 32, no. 1 (2003): 15-18.

Criminal Justice and American Culture Specifically it
Pages: 6 Words: 2075

criminal justice and American culture. Specifically it will discuss jail time served by Blacks, Hispanics and whites, and the lawyers who prosecute them. The statistics indicate that African-American men, especially between the ages of 25 to 29, are incarcerated at a higher rate than either Hispanics or whites. There are several factors that are associated with these statistics, including where these young men grow up, their income, and their education, among others. There is also the issue of racial profiling. This paper will look at these statistics and attempt to answer the question of why these young men serve more jail time than other American men do.
In most areas of violent and non-violent crime, African-American men are more represented in American prisons than any other race. Some people may feel African-Americans are more prone to crime and violence, but many studies point to several other factors in criminal activity.…...



Editors. (2009). Demographic characteristics of persons convicted of felonies in State courts, by offense, 2004. Retrieved 21 May 2009 from the Bureau of Justice Statistics Web site:  http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/html/scscf04/tables/scs04201tab.htm .

Editors. (2009). Homicide trends in the United States. Retrieved 21 May 2009 from the Bureau of Justice Statistics Web site:  http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/race.htm .

Editors. (2009). Mean length of felony sentences imposed in State courts, by offense and race of felons, 2004. Retrieved 21 May 2009 from the Bureau of Justice Statistics Web site:  http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/html/scscf04/tables/scs04207tab.htm .

Goldman, D.S. (2004). The modern-day literacy test?: Felon disenfranchisement and race discrimination. Stanford Law Review, 57(2), 611+.

Criminal Justice Theory and Policy
Pages: 7 Words: 2584

The reduction occurs through allowing the counties to acquire other methods of jailing apart from the prisons. This includes out-of custody rehabilitative treatments, which could serve in reducing the number of the criminals taken to the prisons. However, the AB109 criminals must be individuals whose crime are not violent and not that serious as provided by the law. This means that that jailing of the A109 criminals in other alternative would involve selection from the other criminals. However the unstated implication is that it would be much difficult to rate a crime as either more serious or not serious. Consequently, the rationale provides higher chances of biasness of selecting some non-serious cases while leaving others.
Implication of the policy

The criminal justice implication of the policy will mainly affect the non-violent arrestees. The decision of keeping them in custody, would affect their ability to avoid recividism future. The social implications include…...



Kraska, P., & Brent, J. (2011).Theorizing Criminal Justice: Eight Essential Orientations (2nd

Edition). Long Grove

Hancock, B., & Sharp, P. (2004).Criminal Justice in America (3rd Edition).Upper Saddle River,

NY: Prentice Hall

Need for'strong moral character in criminal justice'system participants
Pages: 4 Words: 1308

1.  Explain how a criminal justice agency can ensure that it hires moral individuals.
Criminal justice leaders are public servants responsible to their community. This responsibility, together with the huge amount of control and influence they have, necessitates that they display superior levels of ethical and moral conduct. Ethical practice guidelines remind criminal justice heads to realize the divide between integrity and friendship; corporate objectives and adeptness and client interests; between personal prejudices, interests, and views and professional values. In this respect, all law enforcement leaders are required to refrain from unethical conduct when carrying out their duties. Ethicality is crucial, considering their job involves making life-altering decisions targeted at involved individuals (both victims and offenders). For instance, policemen who put legislation into force and work within societal settings are empowered to snatch away citizens' freedom, undertake investigations, issue tickets and engage in covert operations. Arbitrariness may arise if police officials,…...

Ethics for Criminal Justice Professionals
Pages: 10 Words: 3047

Criminal Justice
Ethical Dilemmas In Criminal Justice

Ethical dilemmas permeate almost all organizations globally. Members of an organization often find themselves in challenging situations that require the adoption of the most effective solution that meet the needs of the conflicting parties or situations. One of the organizations that often face the challenge of ethical dilemmas is the criminal justice organization. The criminal justice organizations have been known to perform activities that ensure safety of the population. Most of the ethical dilemmas focus on decisions that organizations can adopt with the aim of fostering the safety of the victims, convict, and the society. Significant evidence shows that ethics play a significant role in an organization. It ensures the recognition of the rights and freedom of the individual alongside prioritizing the safety of individuals in the society (oberson & Mire, 2010).

Therefore, this research paper analyzes different ethical issues that face the criminal justice organizations.…...



Hudson, B. (2003). Justice in the risk society challenging and re-affirming justice in late modernity. London: SAGE.

Roberson, C., & Mire, S. (2010). Ethics for criminal justice professionals. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.

Australian Criminal Justice System Respond
Pages: 7 Words: 3213

Industries that face stiff competition may favor and encourage an aggressive approach from employees that produces rapid results, rather than thoughtful, strategic action. When the gains cannot be realized in the desired time frame, there is a temptation to implement short cuts; resulting in fraud." (Price; Norris, 2009) That however is not a justification, although it prompts some regulations on the way industries operate.
The Law Catches Up

Today the criminal justice system responds to corporate crime much better than before. This is because earlier the scams were an unknown commodity in Australia and it was a U.S. phenomenon. Globalization changed that and now, according to the National Crime Prevention office in Australia the fraudster type of activities in firms were classified as fake billing and invoicing, investments and money chain scams, advance fee frauds, borrowing from the public as in ponzi type scams, the pyramid and money chain, insolvency trading,…...



Braithwaite, John. (1992) "Penalties for White-Collar Crime"

Retrieved 28 July, 2012 from  http://www.anu.edu.au/fellows/jbraithwaite/_documents/Articles/Penalties_White_1992.pdf 

Braithwaite, John. (1985) "White Collar Crime" Annual Review of Sociology vol. 11, no. 1, pp: 1-25.

"Definition of white collar crime" (from the scanned reference mailed by client -- book title not clear) Please insert book title here

Criminal Justice -- Sentencing and Analysis Courtney
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Criminal Justice -- Sentencing and Analysis
Courtney Elizabeth Hernandez was indicted for kidnapping. Her case was handled in the Circuit Court for the Western District of Texas. Based on her attorney's advice, she accepted a plea bargain, pleading guilty to kidnapping. The normal sentence for kidnapping in Texas is 10 years in prison; however, Hernandez was sentenced to 15 years in prison, along with other punishments.

The Sentence

According to a plea bargain in which Defendant Courtney Elizabeth Hernandez pleaded guilty to kidnapping, she received a sentence of 15 years in Federal prison, and then three years of supervised release, plus she is order to pay $3,000 in restitution for the kidnapping of the 2-1/2-year-old girl (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2010).

The Victim's Role in Sentencing

The 2-1/2-year-old girl is too young to participate in the sentencing process; however, her mother can participate. There is no indication that the mother participated in this sentencing process.…...


Procedure after Sentencing and Possible Appeal

After sentencing, Hernandez would be taken into custody (if not already in custody) and handed over to the custody of the Federal Corrections Department to begin her sentence. Hernandez entered her plea in the Western District of Texas (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2010), so her appeal would go to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, which is the appellate court with jurisdiction over the Western District of Texas (United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, 2012, p. 9).

In order for Hernandez's appeal to be granted, Hernandez would have to show that something was materially wrong procedurally or substantively in the lower court and that her plea, her sentence or something else about her case should be overturned or sent back to the lower court for further action. That covers a lot of ground and many different arguments might be successfully made to the appellate court. For two examples: Hernandez might argue that she had ineffective assistance of counsel because her attorney had her accept a plea with

Business Law Justice at Bat the Story
Pages: 11 Words: 3165

Business Law
Justice at Bat

The Story of Three Strikes Legislation

It has been said that only two things are certain - death and taxes. Yet to these two inevitabilities, many Americans would add a third -- crime. The fear of becoming the victim of a crime - especially of a violent crime - haunts many otherwise rational individuals. Violence, it seems, is everywhere. One need only turn on the television to be assailed by images of murder, rape, and physical assault. And, it is not only Hollywood that is the villain. Both local and national newscasts revel in the depiction and discussion of violent acts: a child is kidnapped; a pregnant housewife disappears and is later found murdered; a ruthless killer stalks the streets of a large city. The media like to quote facts. Just yesterday, on April 27th, it was reported that the murder rate in California's most populous urban areas…...


References  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000489537 

Bellamy, Richard. "Crime and Punishment." History Review (1997): 24+.

A www.questia.com/PM.qst?action=openPageViewer&docId=27447744

Davey, Joseph Dillon. The New Social Contract: America's Journey from Welfare State to Police State. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995.

A www.questia.com/PM.qst?action=openPageViewer&docId=35252808

Cultural Competence and Justice
Pages: 5 Words: 1646

Culural Competence |
Cultural Competence in the Criminal Justice System

Culture determines people's experiences of their world. It is important in the reception and delivery of services. Cultural competence starts with knowing your cultural practices and beliefs, and recognizing the different practices and values of people from different cultures. This goes beyond speaking a different language, or just acknowledging a different group's cultural icons. Cultural competence involves changing your biases or prejudgments on a different people's cultural traditions or beliefs (Continuing Education Online, 2002-2016).

Cultural competence, therefore, can be described as a group of attitudes and behavior within a culture. These attitudes and behavior are incorporated into the methods of practice of an agency, system or its experts, and helps them work productively under cross-cultural circumstances. To successfully achieve cultural competency, knowledge about groups and individuals must be incorporated and translated into certain practices and rules applied in suitable cultural settings. Professionals with…...



Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (1998). Case Management for Clients With Special Needs. Retrieved August 7, 2016, from National Center for Biotechnology Information:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 

Continuing Education Online. (2002-2016). Cultural Competency and Diversity. Retrieved August 7, 2016, from Continuing Education Online:  http://www.getceusnow.com 

Otu, N. (2015). Decoding Nonverbal Communication In Law Enforcement. Salus Journal, Issue 3, No. 2, 1-16. Retrieved from Salus Journal:  http://www.salusjournal.com 

Patel, S. (2016). Cultural Competency Training: Preparing Law Students for Practice in Our Multicultural World. Retrieved August 7, 2016, from UCLA Law Review:  http://www.uclalawreview.org

What are the key points in the U.S. Department of Justice\'s PSA outline?
Words: 562

I. Overview of the U.S. Department of Justices Public Service Announcement (PSA)

  1. Main objective of the PSA

    1. Spread awareness about a specific issue affecting society
    2. Promote positive behavior or action among the public
  2. Target audience for the PSA

    1. General public, including individuals of all ages and backgrounds
    2. Specific communities or demographics impacted by the issue

II. Key Elements of the U.S. Department of Justices PSA

  1. Compelling storytelling

    1. Use of real-life scenarios or testimonials to connect....

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