Just In Time Essays (Examples)

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Just-In-Time in an Automobile Industry What Significant
Pages: 5 Words: 1269

Just-in-Time in an Automobile Industry
What significant challenges barriers face automobile industry company implements Just-in-Time

Implementing Just-in-time in an automobile industry

Just-in-time is a collection of organization practices that aim to meet the customer quality satisfaction by innovatively reducing waste, continuously improve products and reduce cost of inventory. The result of Just-in-time production is to achieve excellence in manufacturing (Jack E.M. And Jessica O.M., 2007). Just-in-time (JIT) is a system of management originating from the Japanese Auto industry that follows from increases in the changes of customer specification and the need to reduce wastes through obsolete inventory following technological advancements.

Barriers in Implementing Just-in-time

Implementing just-in-time in an automobile company is a challenge when it comes to sourcing of parts that require shipment from suppliers outside the region of the automobile supplier. The need for zero inventories poses as a challenge in the automobile industry to the extent that, shipment will not meet truckload requirements…...



JACK E.M. & JESSICA O.M. 2007. "Just-in-time implementation issues among automotive suppliers in the southern USA," Supply Chain Management: . International Journal,, 12 432-443.

SINGH S. & GARG D. 2011. JIT System: Concepts, Benefits and Motivation in Indian Industries. International Journal of Management & Business Studies, 1, 26-30.

VICTOR H.Y. & ALICE Y. 2006. Managing quality effectively in supply chain: A preliminary study.Supply Chain Management. An International Journal,, 11, 208-215.

Just in Time Inventory Methods
Pages: 2 Words: 662

The Liabilities of JIT

Considering the fact that manufacturers are often engaged in a variety of business models at once, any CEO of one of these companies would need to contemplate what while JIT me be excellent for the make-to-stock productions strategies, it would potentially be problematic for its build-to-order and mass customization strategies as well (Song, Dinwoodie, 2008). The innate uncertainty of mass customization strategies makes JIT as a strategy very difficult to manage to optimal performance levels. Adding in the fact that often supplier relationships in many manufacturers lack the real-time system and process integration achieved by Toyota with their TPS system (Amasaka, Sakai, 2009) just amplifies for many companies the losses that happen from a lack of integration.


JIT as a manufacturing strategy has to be selectively applied to only those manufacturing strategies that can benefit most from them. The use of JIT in make-to-stock manufacturing-based companies where demand…...



Amasaka, K., & Sakai, H. (2009). TPS-QAS, new production quality management model: key to New JIT - Toyota's global production strategy. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 18(4), 409.

Epps, Ruth W. (1995). Just-in-time inventory management: Implementation of a successful program. Review of Business, 17(1), 40.

Ouyang, Y., & Li, X. (2010). The bullwhip effect in supply chain networks.

European Journal of Operational Research, 201(3), 799.

Just in Time Manufacturing in
Pages: 6 Words: 1986

Some companies such as General Electric, Motorola and Dell have tied the Just-In-Time philosophy into other philosophies such as Six Sigma where near perfection is sought after in the manufacturing approach. Just-In-Time has been highly praised as the savior of the manufacturing process.
But, there are limitations in the philosophy such as cultural differences. "The organizations cultures vary from firm to firm. There are some cultures that tie to Just-In-Time's success, but it is difficult for an organization to change its cultures within a short time." (Academic Emporia, 1999)

Another limitation is that in the past, manufacturers used a more traditional approach that relied on storing large inventories for down cycles. Just-In-Time has an adverse affect during these times because there is the potential that new inventory will not be delivered and thus shut down the entire process. "Also Just-In-Time is quite different for workers, in the sense that due to…...



Academic Emporia. (99, July 27). Just-In-Time. Retrieved on January 10, 2005, from Academic Emporia at http://academic.emporia.edu/smithwil/s99mg423/eja/mari.html

Ford To Spend $1bn A Year In China. Ed. Pravda Online. 12/8/03. Pravda. Retrieved on January 10, 2005, from  http://english.pravda.ru/comp/2002/09/18/36813.html .

GM goes back to the future with Assue-built GTO. Ed. G. Chambers Williams III. 11/21/2003. San Antonio Express-News. Retrieved on January 10, 2005, from http://www4.fosters.com/autos/articles_2003_new/auto_1121_03e.asp

Vehicle Assembly: Industry Information - Trends Shaping the Industry. Ed. Green Cars. Green Cars. Retrieved on January 10, 2005, from  http://www.environmentaldefense.org/documents/998_GC_industryinfo.htm .

Just-In-Time JIT and Lean Manufacturing
Pages: 12 Words: 3153

" When JIT was newly introduced all the deliveries were done by bicycles which were handled by humans, although with the rise in scale came the adoption of van and lorries for the deliveries. And this in turn has other problems which were highlighted by Cusumano (1994). Firstly the time which is wasted while the vans are stuck in traffic jams, this can result in late deliveries, the inventory which is used in transporting inventory and lastly the scrap material which is wasted (e.g. petrol or diesel burned). JIT unconditionally presumes a level of input cost constancy such that it is advantageous to stock inputs at today's prices. If input prices are anticipated to rise storing inputs may be sought-after.
The leading problem with Just in Time strategy is that it leaves the supplier and downstream consumers open to supply shocks and large supply or demand changes. For internal causes this…...



1. Drury, C Management and Cost Accounting 5th edition (Thompson Learning Press, 2000)

2. Blanchard, David. "Editor's Page: Just in Time - the Business of Staying in Business." Industry Week. 255. 10 (2006): 11.

3. Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_In_Time_ (business)

4. Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lean_manufacturing)

Just in Time
Pages: 4 Words: 1221

The just-in-time inventory model has become popular in both retail and manufacturing situations in recent years, because it has many advantages that appeal to companies, and because technological innovation has made this system easier to implement. The just-in-time (JIT) system involves receiving goods only when they are needed, in order to avoid a buildup of inventory (Investopedia, 2014). The traditional inventory method was to have a buffer of inventory. This provided security for managers, knowing that they would not have outages (in retail) or downtime (in manufacturing). The buffer approach to inventory, however, comes with high costs that are associated with carries this inventory -- in particular warehouses, additional staff and the risk that the inventory becomes obsolete (MindTools, 2014). This paper will examine the just-in-time inventory concept, and the case study of Wal-Mart, one of the earliest proponents of JIT, will be used.

Just in Time

A just-in-time inventory system…...



Dudley, R. (2013). Wal-Mart cutting orders as unsold merchandise piles up. Bloomberg. Retrieved May 14, 2014 from  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-09-25/wal-mart-cutting-orders-as-unsold-merchandise-piles-up.html 

Investopedia. (2014). Definition of just-in-time (JIT). Investopedia Retrieved May 14, 2014 from  http://www.investopedia.com/terms/j/jit.asp 

Millsap, D. (2012). Wal-Mart's use of RFID in global supply chain management. Daniel Millsap. Retrieved May 14, 2014 from  http://www.danielmillsap.com/research/rfid-in-wal-mart-global-supply-chain-management.html 

MindTools. (2014). Just in time (JIT). MindTools.com. Retrieved May 14, 2014 from  http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newSTR_78.htm

Just in Time Inventory Practices
Pages: 4 Words: 1234

JIT Management
Eli Whitney developed the interchangeable parts system when accepting a contract to manufacture muskets for the U.S. Army in 1799 (A rief History of (Just-In) Time). Over the next 100 years, large scale processes held focus while manufacturers focused on individual technologies. The system of engineering drawing developed and modern tools were perfected during this time.

In the late 1890s, Fredrick W. Taylor created "Scientific Management" by observing workers and work methods, then implementing Time Study and standardized work. Frank Gilbreth added Motion Study and invented Process Charting, which focused on all work elements, including non-value added elements. Lilian Gilbreth added the study of motivations of workers and how attitudes affected the outcome of processes. These three originated the idea of eliminating waste.

Around 1910, Henry Ford and Charles E. Scrensen created the first comprehensive Manufacturing Strategy. Ford is considered to be the first practitioner of Just In Time and Lean…...



A Brief History of (Just-In) Time. (n.d.). Retrieved from Strategos: http://www.strategosinc.com/just_in_time.htm

Broyles, D.B. (2005, Apr). Just-In-Time Inventory Management Strategy & Lean Manufacturing. Retrieved from Academic Mind:  http://academicmind.com/unpublished/papers/business/operationsmanagement/2005-04-0000aaf-just-in-time-inventory-management.html 

Case Study 5: A Continuous-Flow System for Reusing Microetchant. (n.d.). Retrieved from EPA:  http://www.epa.gov/dfe/pubs/case_stu/case5/index.html 

Horngren, C.T. (2006). Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, p. 692. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

JIT Just in Time 'To
Pages: 2 Words: 660

Many JIT factories contain fail-safe mechanisms such as providing all workers with a box in which to put the component parts of the items they are assembling -- if a part is left in the box, the worker knows that he or she has forgotten to include it.
High standards of quality lessen the need to 'do things over' which can also slow down the production line. To ensure that high standards are maintained, a low inventory means that there are few excess parts. This demand for accuracy keeps costs downs, and the pressure high upon workers not to 'slack off.' Moving needed components to workstations is coordinated in a careful and systematic process. Often there are workers on the floor whose sole responsibility is to ensure that the production floor moves smoothly. This responsiveness is echoed in the organization's JIT responsiveness to consumer demand. Responsiveness to the market means…...


Works Cited

Ashland, J. (2006). JIT lecture notes. Retrieved July 22, 2009 at http://personal.ashland.edu/~rjacobs/m503jit.html

Strategic Warehousing Just in Time
Pages: 2 Words: 701

Strategic arehousing at Toyota Motor Company
This essay examines just in time strategic warehousing as implemented at Toyota Motor Company. The Toyota website describes its philosophy regarding just in time production as a strategy for the complete elimination of waste. The webpage defines just in time as making "only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed." The webpage discusses how the need to efficiently produce a large number of automobiles, which can consist of approximately 30,000 parts, it is necessary to create a detailed production plan that includes parts procurement and warehousing. By supplying parts in minimum needed amounts, the just in time system eliminates waste, inconsistencies and unreasonable warehousing requirements, all resulting in improved productivity for Toyota (Toyota website, 2011).

A former Toyota vice-president and chief engineer, Taichi Ohno, promoted the idea of just in time, having borrowed the concept from the supermarket industry. Ohno noted…...


Works Cited

Broyles, D., Beims, J., Franko, J., and Bergman, M. (2005). AcademicMind Website. Retrieved July 24, 2011 from  http://www.academicmind.com/unpublishedpapers/business/operationsmanagement/2005-04-000aaf-just-in-time-inventory-management.html 

Lean Deployment. (2011). Just in time. Retrieved July 24, 2011 from http://www.leandeployment.com/pages/just-in-time.php

Toyota Website. (2011). Just in time -- Philosophy of complete elimination of waste. Retrieved July 24, 2011 from  http://www.toyota-global.com/company/vision_philosophy/toyota_production_system/just-in-time.html

Eoq Versus Just in Time JIT
Pages: 3 Words: 1081

Smitheford Pharmaceuticals
When it comes to inventory management, there are two basic methods that are used far more than any other structured and defined methods. Indeed, those two methods are just-in-time (JIT) and economic order quantity (EOQ). Both have their upsides and downsides but the structures of the two are notably different in what they focus on. However, the root goal of both is effective inventory management and that is a noble cause. While there is no "perfect" way to manage inventory from an ideological or mathematical perspective, it is held by many that just-in-time and economic order quantity are the two best official options out there.

Questions Answered

Basic EOQ Defined

According to Investopedia, the basic EOQ would be the square root of two times the order cost times the demand rate, all over the carrying cost per unit. Since the cost per unit is $48, the carrying cost per unit would be…...



Difference Between. (2011). Difference Between EOQ and JIT. Difference Between. Retrieved 7

March 2016, from  http://www.differencebetween.net/business/difference-between-eoq-and -


Investopedia. (2016). Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Definition -- Investopedia. Investopedia.

Just in Supply
Pages: 2 Words: 642

narrative introduction conclusion analyzing case study. Be address:
Overall, Lisa Harrington's "From just in case to just in time" provides a case study of the inventory and supply chain management needs of the airline (MO) industry. It acknowledges the fact that improvements in parts and technology are creating a situation in which airlines are in need of less equipment than they previously used to require. As such, overstocking of inventory is commonly found throughout this industry, which is paving the way for a couple of different options. One of these is for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to take an active role in not only provisioning equipment but also in monitoring and maintaining it. Another is the emergence of airline supply parts/inventory management companies such as AA. Lastly, there is a need for third party alternative OEM providers to provision and maintain equipment, while possibly emphasizing a "dynamic delivery ability" (Li…...



Harrington, L. (2007). From just in case to just in time. ATW. 77-80.

Li, J., Chan, F. (2011). The impact of collaborative transportation management on demand disruption of manufacturing supply chains. International Journal of Production Research. 50(19), 5635-5650.

Just War
Pages: 2 Words: 724

Just War

The Theory

The basic and universal sentiment is that war assaults people's rights to life, security, subsistence, peace and liberty (Lacewing, 2012). Some contend, however, that war is just under certain conditions, which morally justify it. This Theory consists of three parts, namely the justice of resorting to war or jus ad bellum; just conduct in war or jus in bello; and justice at the end of war or jus post bellum. The justice basis of resorting to war is grounded on six criteria, which justify it. It has a just cause. It has the right intention. It is made through the proper authority. It is made as a last resort. It has a probability of success. And it has a proportionate response. Justice in war refers to the treatment of the enemy. There is justice if weapons prohibited by international law are not used. Only…...



Buell, J. (2002). Just war theory and the wars of the 20th century. Vol 11, Yale-New

Haven Teachers Institute. Retrieved on June 16, 2012 from http://www.yale-edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/2002/3/02.03.01.x.html

Chavez, F.B. III (2012). Legitimate use of military force. eHow: Demand Media, Inc.

Retrieved on June 16, 2012 from http://www.ehow.com/facts_6869777_legitimate-use-military-force.html

Just War Has Always Been
Pages: 4 Words: 1260

The 2001 incidents also made other nations act supportive toward U.S.'s decision to wage war against Iraq, with the international public apparently believing that the Americans had been entitled to fight terrorism everywhere. In spite of the fact that the idea of the U.S. waging war in Iraq had a rather vindictive nature, little nations actually appeared willing to condemn the actions performed by the Bush administration.
The U.S.'s decision to go to war against Iraq appears to be unjustified, considering the fact that there had been no rational grounds for such an act. The main issue to be addressed relating to the event is whether it is reasonable for a nation to invade another on the basis that the latter either owns weapons of mass destruction or has the capability to produce them. Taking into account the fact that the U.S. had probably been suspicious concerning Iraq's intention is…...


Works cited:

1. Himes, Kenneth R. "Intervention, Just War and U.S. National Security." Theological Studies, Vol. 65, 2004.

2. Wogaman, J. Philip. (1993). "Christian ethics: a historical introduction." Westminster John Knox Press.

Wogaman, J. Philip. (1993). "Christian ethics: a historical introduction." Westminster John Knox Press.

Wogaman, J. Philip. (1993). "Christian ethics: a historical introduction." Westminster John Knox Press.

Just War
Pages: 5 Words: 1799

Just ar
Is the ar in Iraq Justified?

This paper will explore the concept of war from the point-of-view of the just war theory. In order to better understand war, one must look at the concept from all angles including the point-of-view of peace movements. hat is the Just ar Theory and what are its principles? hat does the theory represent and who believes in this theory? By answering such questions, one can better understand the state of the war's current conflicts that are resulting in death and destruction. More specifically, this paper will look at the current war in Iraq and beg the question: is the war in Iraq justified? This paper will look at sources that attest to both sides of the issue in hopes to find that the war is not justified at this moment. Part of the problem with discussing the war in Iraq is that it causes…...


Works Cited:

"CAIR: U.S. Muslims Say War on Iraq Not Justified." U.S. Newswire (2003) February


Hill, Brandon, D. "A Christian Perspective on War." Your Guide to Christian Teens

(2005) May.

Time Management and Scheduling Plays a Vital
Pages: 4 Words: 1356

Time management and scheduling plays a vital role in any company. Our case study analysis will be based on the fact that successfully integrating your department's activities and your own responsibilities with those of the other departments plays a key role in getting the job done on time and with the best results. Every member of the company must be a team player and, as any team player, you have to know what your role is on the field.
After having been recently hired by ABC Inc. And placed in charge of campus recruiting, Carl Robins successfully completed a recruitment program for new possible hires within the company. The 15 trainees were to work for the operations Supervisor, Monica Carrolls and needed to be prepared for their future position. The schedule was pretty tight and just as straightforward: the paperwork regarding the new trainees was to be completed by the 15th…...

Just War Order ID Iraq
Pages: 8 Words: 2510

First, the relative quiet produced by the surge permits the United States to withdraw its forces far more safely than if the country were in flames; if this opportunity is seized, the surge will have made an important contribution" (Zelleke & Dujarric 2008). The United States has ultimately striven to bring regional stability to Iraq and to Afghanistan, not to establish a permanent presence, and such stability is to be welcomed by all, particularly those who live in these nations who desire peace.
The means of a just war must be limited by proportionality to the offense.

The offense is a potentially future attack, "one we have good reason to believe is coming, then we can prevent it with what it takes to prevent it in proportion to how reasonably we can expect it and what means would be involved in such a potential attack" (Pierce 2005). Given the extent of…...


Works Cited

Greenway, HDS. (2005, March 31). Afghanistan, the poor stepsister to Iraq. The Boston Globe.

Retrieved April 12, 2009 at  http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2005/03/25/afghanistan_the_poor_stepsister_to_iraq/ 

Pierce, Jeremy. (2005). Just war theory and Iraq. Parablemania. Retrieved April 12, 2009 at  http://parablemania.ektopos.com/archives/2005/12/just_war_theory_1.html 

Principles of just war. (2009). Mt. Holyoke. Retrieved April 12, 2009 at  http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pol116/justwar.htm

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