Jung Essays (Examples)

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Jung Individuation in Jung's Personality
Pages: 7 Words: 2588

42). The competing opposites, material in consciousness and in the unconscious, must be reconciled because if there is an imbalance of power one way or the other, the psyche is off-kilter and not unified. For example, the shadow side of a person must be integrated into the conscious ego rather than denied or sliced away. A healthy personality will not allow one side of the self to dominate the other. They will synthesize competing trends in their personality.
How does reconciliation take place? Hall and Nordby describe it in terms of psychodynamics and the progress of psychic energy. "Progression is defined as a person's daily experiences which advance his psychological adaptation (Hall and Nordby, 1973, p. 73). It is continuous because one's surroundings and experiences are constantly fluctuating. They go on to write:

In order for progression of libido to be reinstated, it is necessary that the pair of opposite functions,…...



Corbett, L. (1992). "Therapist Mediation of the Transcendent Function." In M.A. Matoon (Ed.), the Transcendent Function: Individual and Collective Aspects (pp. 395-401). Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.

Dehing, J. (1993). "The transcendent function: A critical re-evaluation." Journal of Analytical Psychology, 38, pp. 221-235.

Hall, C.S., and V.J. Nordby. (1973). A Primer of Jungian Psychology. New York: Penguin.

Humbert, E.G. (1988) C.G. Jung: The Fundamentals of Theory and Practice. (R. G. Jalbert, Trans.). Wilmette: Chiron.

Jung Cognitive Science Is a
Pages: 11 Words: 3276

Our senses during the conscious are rarely honed, but our subconscious states, from millenia of evolutionary change, are able to detect subtleties that have freed up our conscious minds for more analytical growth. Many people view this as subtrefuge -- our subconscious secrets living in a world that lacks expression. Instead, Jung believes that all things may be viewed as paired opposites (yin and yang). So love/hate, good/evil, male/female, etc. results in an ego system in which there is a counterego, or the shadow of oneself. This shadow reprents the parts of ourself that, for whatever reason, we tend to ignore. There are numerous reasons for this; it may be cultural, it may be practical, or we may not even realize we are ignoring a portion of ourselves. But for the self-actualized human, though, dreams are the guide for the waking self to meet with the subconscious to offer…...



Berens, L.V. 2000, Dynamics of Personality Type: Understanding and Applying Jung's

Cognitive Processes. New York: Telos Publications.

Capraro, RAM 2002, 'Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Score Reliability', Educational and Pyschological Measurement, vol 62, no. 3, pp. 560-302.

Chapman, A 2010, Personality Theories, Types, and Tests, viewed July 2010,

Jung Career Indicator Entj I
Pages: 2 Words: 413

It requires a strong personality and decisive action. Because I possess these qualities as an ENTJ I have been able to instill confidence in my students and ensure that they receive a high-quality education.
I think if I were in a career that was not a good match for my personality, I would be extremely frustrated. To me, the worst type of job would be one spent behind a desk where I could have no contact with the public. I would also dislike a job where I had no ability to exercise my authority and make positive changes. What I like best about my work is helping my students reach their goals and become useful, skillful craftsmen. I take home the satisfaction every day of knowing that I am running a business efficiently as possible, based upon my decision-making capabilities. If I make a mistake, it is my mistake, no…...

Jung Test History and Application
Pages: 3 Words: 865

I have always thought of myself as fairly outgoing, and being labeled as an introvert seemed strange to me. When I though about it, though, I realized that the test was (of course) fairly accurate in this assessment; I even recalled a few individual items on the test that proved this point -- my need to "reenergize" with some alone-time after hanging out with friends for awhile, or my preference for quite time at home as opposed to parties on many occasions (HumanMetrics 2011). I was not at all surprised to learn that I was a thinker, on the other hand, and remain somewhat uncertain as to the descriptions of being intuitive and judging.
When I read the entries that describe the INTJ type, my assessment of the test, its accuracy, and its usefulness and relevance to my life changed dramatically. Often, personality descriptions (especially those based on pseudo-spiritual things…...



Boeree, G. (2006). Carl Jung. Accessed 1 October 2011.  http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/jung.html 

Hergenhahn, B. & Olson, M. (2011). An introduction to theories of personality (8th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice-Hall.

HumanMetrics. (2011). Jung Type Test. Accessed 1 October 2011.  http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes3.asp

Jung Heroes Quest Shaped Encounters a Female
Pages: 2 Words: 593

jung, heroes quest shaped encounters a female force, paper emphasis importance women Perseus encounters journey slay medusa. You explain topic stages journey encounters women (His Mother, Danae, Athena, Gray sister, Nymphs).
Perseus and female factor in his life

Women play a particularly important role in Perseus' development as a man as he embarks on a journey to slay Medusa. The hero's experiences with women enabled him to look at the world from a different perspective and influenced him to take on attitudes that he knew would have a strong effect on his upbringing. Most women that he interacts with make it possible for him to experience progress and to invest even more resources in trying to achieve his goal. While Athena is a god and her role as a woman in the story is not necessarily important when regarding things from a feminist perspective, it is likely that Perseus' experience with…...

C G Jung Carl Gustav Jung
Pages: 6 Words: 1834

egarding the concept of repression, "Jung took into consideration neither the theory of primary and secondary processes and the conclusions derived therefrom, nor ego psychology and the related mechanisms of defense" (ohn, 1990, 54). What caused the schism between the two scientists, turning them from collaborators to representatives of separate methods? "…Tensions concerned the role of sexuality in personality development and neurotic etiology -- a topic about which Jung had been cautious from the first and about which Freud was to become increasingly dogmatic in the context of Jung's defection" (Eisendrath, 2008, 39). It may be said that perhaps the point upon which their beliefs differed can be traced back to Jung's childhood preference of his father for his mother's instability. From this, one can understand that unlike Freud, Jung's concept is more masculine than feminine.
Other criticisms speak to additional areas of Jung's psychological theories. "While many of Jung's…...



Bair, D. (2004). Jung: a biography. New York: Bay Back Books.

Bennet, E.A. (1966). What Jung really said . New York: Schocken Books.

Carducci, B.J. (2009). The psychology of personality: viewpoints, research, and applications (2nd ed.). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Eisendrath, P., & Dawson, T. (2008). The Cambridge companion to Jung (2nd ed.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Casement 1998 Describes Jung's Idea
Pages: 3 Words: 1221

To look at another's life as a symbol or as an inspiration for how one ought or wishes to live can be a very motivating factor in finding one's own personal myth.
A fascinating element about Edinger's (1992) work is how he compares the teachings of Jesus from a subjective perspective of interpretation to depth psychology and how similar they are. For example, one that is particularly insightful is: 'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth' (1992). Edinger (1992) states that 'subjectively understood, meekness will refer to an attitude of the ego towards the unconscious.' To come to inherit the earth seems to suggest 'an awareness of being individually related to or having a personal stake in the whole (the wholeness of life, the total human experience)' (1992). Nearly all of Jesus' teachings can be interpreted in a psychological way, which makes one believe (even if they…...



Casement, Ann. (1998). Post-Jungians today: key papers in contemporary analytical psychology.

Routledge; pp. 83-146.

Edinger, Edward. (1992). Ego and archetype. Shambhala; pp. 131-294.

Scwartz-Salant, Nathan. (1986). Narcissism and character transformation: the psychology of narcissistic character disorders. Inner City Books; pp. 29-132.

Freud and Jung
Pages: 1 Words: 383

Freud and Jung
How did Freud and Jung differ in their approach to personality?

Initially, Freud and Jung agreed on their approach to personality, but later, Jung broke with Freud and developed his own independent ideas. Where they differed was in how much of a role sexuality played in analysis, and that is what finally split up the two psychiatrists. Jung went on to form his own brand of analysis -- "rational theology" which was based on spirituality rather than sexuality. He had supported Freud in the beginning, but in the end the two approaches were so different that the men split and did not support each other again, and it was the very sexual nature of Freud's theories that bothered Jung and drove him to create his own theories and ideas.

How did Freud and Jung agree in their approach to psychology?

Freud and Jung agreed in the beginning, and Jung even helped…...



Boeree, Dr. C. George. "Carl Jung." Shippensburg University. 1997. 29 July 2005.

<  http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/jung.html 

Boeree, Dr. C. George. "Sigmund Freud." Shippensburg University. 1997. 29 July 2005.

<   >http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/freud.html 

Andrea Jung -- New Ideas
Pages: 1 Words: 402

A bonus is the product's name, which might make you blush without any rouge: Hook Up," stated Jung. (Setoodeh, 2005)
Avon has incorporated college women into its sales staff, broadening its base and image without altering its quality. Its chief executive is noted for her 'hands on style' of reaching out to new customers, sources, and markets. She once personally flew to Mexico to unveil a new line of products. She spoke Spanish to the sales staff there, to connect with the regional base. And yet, in her international marketing, she has focused on keeping costs low, assuming that all customers want the same thing -- quality at low prices. All members of different sales staffs contribute to informing Jung about what the markets need, yet Jung still ensures that the sales staff are instilled with the core organizational values of Avon -- an ideal combination of trust and leadership…...


Works Cited

Setoodeh, Ramin. (2005) "Andrea Jung." Newsweek Online. Retrieved 19 Feb 2005 at  http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6733211/site/newsweek

Cg Jung Man and His Symbols Carl
Pages: 2 Words: 580

CG Jung, Man and His Symbols
Carl Jung's long and influential career in twentieth century psychology would culminate in his last major work, Man and His Symbols, which was written in 1961, the last year of his life, in which the duties of expounding Jung's philosophy devolved upon some of the first Jungians, including the author of the second chapter in Man and His Symbols, Joseph L. Henderson. But an examination of Henderson's contribution to the volume -- "Ancient Myths and Modern Man" -- is still a revealing way to explore Jungian thought.

A little historical context is necessary before approaching Man and His Symbols -- we need to realize that Jung first came to prominence as a follower of the Austrian medical doctor, and founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. Freud placed a heavy emphasis on the unconscious motivations that came to play in daily life, but which could be observed in…...

Matrix Movie Book C Jung
Pages: 1 Words: 373

Matrix and Jung
The film The Matrix is rich with symbolism. Therefore, it is fruitful to examine the movie and its characters in light of Jungian psychology. Jung's theory of the unconscious and the collective unconscious closely parallel the central meaning and function of the Matrix itself. The Matrix is essentially Jung's collective unconscious with a different name. The characters in the film also closely mirror many of the archetypes and symbols the Jung addresses in his book Man and His Symbols. Both the book and the film acknowledge the importance of the unconscious, of dreams, and of symbols; they are not insignificant parts of life but rather they form the underlying structure of reality. Furthermore, both Jung and the movie emphasize the spiritual nature of the Matrix and the spiritual quest that understanding the Matrix involves. In the Matrix, consciousness is dislocated from the body, a phenomenon that Jung…...


Works Cited

Jung, Carl Gustav. Man and His Symbols.

Wachowski, Andy, and Wachowski, Larry. The Matrix.

Leadership Summary Andrea Jung Andrea
Pages: 4 Words: 1433

She immediately went after management, which was not a surprising move; given that her vision of Avon was a company built on the success of its army of small business owners. In fact, "she eliminated eight levels of management and cut costs by $300 million" (George, 2007).
While cutting costs and eliminating management positions was hardly a revolutionary position for an executive faced with falling sales and stagnant growth, Jung's next move was significant. ather than concentrate on increasing profits in her established markets, Jung took Avon into the Chinese market. In retrospect, every current market leader would suggest entering the Chinese market, but it was actually a visionary position in 2005, when not all industries were willing to try their hands in China. That move proved very successful; the Chinese market has become a large part of Avon's business. By 2007, Avon was once again experiencing double-digit sales growth…...



Andrea Jung. (2008). Retrieved February 4, 2009 from Business Reference. Web site:  http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/biography/F-L/Jung-Andrea-1959.html 

George, B. (2007). Andrea Jung: corporate executive. Retrieved February 3, 2009 from U.S.

News and World Report. Web site: http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/best-leaders/2007/11/12/andrea-jung.html

Compare and Contrast the Personality Theories of Erikson Adler and Jung
Pages: 2 Words: 990

Personality Theories of Erick Erikson, Alfred Adler, And Carl Jung
Personality Theories of Erik Erikson, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung

How do we develop our personalities? There has been a lot of controversy in how we become who we are. For generations, competing theories have aimed to better understand this secret process. The theories of Erik Erikson are base don personality development through exposure to social environments, while

Erik Erikson's theory of personality is based on the psychosocial model of development, where psychosocial development characterizes the nature of the individual's personality based on predefined stages. Thus, Erikson believed that one's social environment heavily impacted psychological development. Throughout the stages, the growing child defines his or her personality through what is known as ego strength or quality (Cherry 2011). Essentially, when the child masters a stage, he or she can move on to the next. When a child does not master a stage, there…...



Cherry, Kendra. (2011). Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. Psychology Basics. Web.  http://psychology.about.com/od/psychosocialtheories/a/psychosocial.htm 

Heffner Media Group. (2011). Alfred Adler's individual psychology. Personality Synopsis. AlPsych. Web.  http://allpsych.com/personalitysynopsis/adler.html 

Luttrell, Amy. (2009). The personality theory of Carl Jung. Psychology Suite 101. Web. http://suite101.com/article/the-personality-theory-of-carl-jung-a170440

Jung Chang's Narrative Wild Swans
Pages: 1 Words: 301

uring the Kuomingtang era, women's role in society expanded substantially. Jung explains that her mother worked within the communist underground and married a young communist who eventually became an official in Chengdu. The role of women in this era was expanded to the greater liberties permitted under Kuomingtang governance. They shared in the burdens of their husbands and had greater control over their lives, and their relationships. However, they were still severely limited especially in relation to the workplace.

Finally, during the era of communism, women were elevated to an much more equalitarian position within society. They were able to be employed within government and enjoyed many of the same rights as men. espite embedded social prejudice against women, the government recognized them as equals and it allowed Jung to able to have the freedom to explore relationships, employment opportunities and ultimately the liberty to control her…...


During the Qing Dynasty, women had little influence in society. Jung Chang's grandmother was a concubine to General Xue in 1924. During this era, women were treated as little more than objects, and they were not given any significant rights during this era. Her grandmother was a beautiful young girl who had her feet tied and lived to serve General Xue. Women within this era clearly did not have significant control over their own lives. Their marriages were arranged by their parents and women were oftentimes bartered in exchanges and other forms of trade.

During the Kuomingtang era, women's role in society expanded substantially. Jung explains that her mother worked within the communist underground and married a young communist who eventually became an official in Chengdu. The role of women in this era was expanded to the greater liberties permitted under Kuomingtang governance. They shared in the burdens of their husbands and had greater control over their lives, and their relationships. However, they were still severely limited especially in relation to the workplace.

Finally, during the era of communism, women were elevated to an much more equalitarian position within society. They were able to be employed within government and enjoyed many of the same rights as men. Despite embedded social prejudice against women, the government recognized them as equals and it allowed Jung to able to have the freedom to explore relationships, employment opportunities and ultimately the liberty to control her life.

Freud and Jung on Dreams
Pages: 1 Words: 332

As in other areas of psychology, Carl Jung agreed with Feud on many of the basics of dream interpretation. He began to see Freud's views as overly simplistic, however, and believed that there were deeper collective archetypes that made themselves known through dreams, and which represented basic elements of the human character as ways of dealing with unconscious issues. Also of great importance to Jung, according to Hall, was the context of the dream, especially when it came to dangerous elements: "It is important to look beyond the mere presence of physical danger to the dream-ego and make some assessment of its meaning within the dream" (Hall, 49). This is similar to Freudian interpretation in its seeking of a mechanism of meaning, rather than interpreting dreams as being purely symbolic in content, but Jung developed this much further.

orks Cited

Sigmund Freud. The Interpretation of Dreams. New York: Avon, 1980.

James Albert Hall.…...


Works Cited

Sigmund Freud. The Interpretation of Dreams. New York: Avon, 1980.

James Albert Hall. Jungian Dream Interpretation. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1983.

Could you help me draft an essay outline about what makes Brazil a potential bucket list item?
Words: 513

I. Introduction
A. Brazil's captivating allure as a travel destination
B. A melting pot of diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich history
C. Thesis statement: Unveiling the captivating elements that make Brazil a must-visit bucket list item

II. Natural Wonders and Diverse Landscapes
A. Amazon Rainforest: The largest rainforest in the world, teeming with biodiversity and home to indigenous cultures
1. Explore the intricate ecosystem and witness the mesmerizing wildlife
2. Embark on a riverboat journey through the labyrinthine waterways
B. Iguazu Falls: A breathtaking natural spectacle, straddling the border between Brazil and Argentina
1. Marvel at the thunderous cascades and rainbows that adorn the falls
2. Wander through the....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on Dream Psychology?
Words: 169

1. Exploring the Hidden Meanings of Dreams: A Journey into Dream Psychology

2. The Power of Dream Analysis in Understanding the Mind: A Psychological Perspective

3. Dream Interpretation: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Subconscious

4. The Role of Dreams in Processing Emotions and Memories: A Psychological Exploration

5. Freud vs. Jung: Contrasting Perspectives on Dream Psychology

6. Dreams as a Window to the Soul: Examining the Symbolism and Meaning Behind Dream Imagery

7. The Science of Sleep: How Dreams Contribute to Mental Health and Well-being

8. Lucid Dreaming: Harnessing the Power of Consciousness in Dream Psychology

9. The Influence of Culture and Society on Dream Patterns and Interpretations


Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on Dream Psychology?
Words: 337

1. The Enigma of Dreams: Delving into the Subconscious Mind

This title evokes a sense of intrigue and curiosity, suggesting an exploration into the mysterious world of dreams.

2. Unraveling the Tapestry of Dreams: A Journey into the Psyche

This title emphasizes the intricate and layered nature of dreams, inviting readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

3. Dreamweaving and the Architecture of the Mind

This title draws inspiration from the creative and imaginative process of dreaming, comparing it to the construction of a psychological edifice.

4. The Neuroscience of Dreams: Unlocking the Secrets of the Sleeping Mind

This title focuses on the scientific aspects of....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about Archetypes?
Words: 227

1. The Power of Archetypes: Unveiling the Collective Unconscious

2. Archetypes in Literature: Exploring Universal Symbols and Themes

3. Ancient Archetypes: Tracing the Origins and Importance in Mythology

4. Psychological Archetypes: Understanding the Patterns of the Human Psyche

5. The Hero's Journey: Analyzing the Archetypal Narrative Structure

6. Archetypes in Film: Unmasking the Deep-rooted Motifs in Cinema

7. Feminine Archetypes: Empowering Women Through Myth and Literature

8. The Shadow Archetype: Embracing Our Dark Side for Personal Growth

9. Archetypes in Religion and Spirituality: Common Threads across Faiths

10. The Modern-Day Archetypes: Examining their Evolution and Significance in Contemporary Society
11. Archetypes....

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