Job Satisfaction Essays (Examples)

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Job Satisfaction
Pages: 2 Words: 746

Job Satisfaction
My current level of job satisfaction is modest. There is a reason I am going to school and getting a better job is a big part of that! There are things that I like about the job, but as far as compensation and opportunity are concerned it is definitely lacking in those respects.

Landy and Conte (2013) note that there are several factors from the worker's perspective that can affect job satisfaction. Work-life balance is one of them. When a job does not pay much, you often need to work extra hours or have a second job in order to meet the financial needs of you and your family. This affects the work-life balance in that the balance is entirely tilted to work and never to life. For me, having more opportunity might not immediately pay dividends with respect to working less but it could, and I would have more…...



Landy, F.J., & Conte, J.M. (2013). Work in the 21st century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology (4th ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons

Chapter 8: The Motivation to Work

Ealias, A. & George, J. (2012). Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: A correlational study. Research Journal of Commerce and Behavioral Science. Vol. 1 (4)

Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction
Pages: 17 Words: 5232

At the level of the individual worker, motivation and job satisfaction among other things, generate a sense of security and confidence. Moreover, it offers them the opportunity for flexibility where they are able to apply varied approaches in meeting work requirements (Adeyinka et al., 2007, pp. 3-15). This makes the work environment interesting thus providing the employees with the pleasure and urge to facing their day-to-day lives at the workplace. Flexibility in the workplace comes in when worker is having permission to veer from the ordinary monotonous routines of accomplishing specific tasks with the view of creating excitement out of tasks that, in some cases, apparently challenging (Zaremba, 1978, pp. 58-66). More individual benefits which; motivated workers are in the form of the feeling of self-worth and optimism, which extends to situations outside work (Nedeljkovic et al., 2012, pp.105-107). With this regard, job satisfaction and motivation help employees develop a…...



A, A.A. & Aktas, A. 2005, "Job satisfaction of managers in tourism: Cases in the Antalya region of Turkey," Managerial Auditing Journal, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 479-488.

Adeyinka T, Ayeni, C.O. Popoola S.O.,2007, Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Organisational Commitment of Library Personnel in Academic and Research Libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria, Library Philosophy and Practice

Adetule, J. (2011). Handbook on management theories. Bloomington, Author House

Ayub, M & Raffif, S, 2011, the relationshoip between work motivation and Job satisfaction, Pakistani business revikew, july 2011

Job Satisfaction According to Hulin & Judge
Pages: 4 Words: 1409

Job Satisfaction
According to (Hulin & Judge, 2003), job satisfaction is viewed a multidimensional psychological response one has towards a their job. The responses are affective, cognitive behavioral (Hulin & Judge, 2003). There is however no clear agreement of what job satisfaction stands for given the wide usage of the term. Vroom in his definition focuses on employee's role in the work place defining job satisfaction as the effective orientation of the employee towards their roles in current employment position (Vroom, 1964). A widely accepted definition of job satisfaction is one by Spector who acknowledges job satisfaction to be the feeling people have considering the respective aspects of their job. According to the Spector it has to do with how people dislike of like their job (Mullins, 2005).

Job satisfaction represents a combination of like and dislike feeling possessed by employees towards their work assignments. To some extent, it has been argued…...



Armstrong, M. (2006). A Handbook of Human resource Management Practice, Tenth Edition. London: Kogan Page Publishing.

George, J.M., & Jones, G.R. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational behavior, Fifth Edition. New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Gruman, Jamie, A., Saks, M., A., Zweig, & David, I. (2006). organizational socialization tactics and newcomer proactive behaviors; an integrative study. department of management, 69(1), 90-104.

Hulin, C.L., & Judge, T.A. (2003). Job attitudes. In W.C. Borman, D.R. Iligen & R.J. Klimoski (Eds.), Handbook of psychology: Industrial and organizational psychology New Jersey: Wiley.

Job Satisfaction There Is a Distinct Difference
Pages: 3 Words: 977

Job Satisfaction
There is a distinct difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction relates specifically to the job. While this is influenced by organizational factors, the job itself can be satisfactory even when there is little commitment to the organization. Either one can be a source of motivation, but it is important for management of an organization to know which dynamic is at play, and which one might be more valuable as a motivating force.

Tella, Ayeni and Popoola (2007) studied the issue, and found that motivation was correlated with both job satisfaction and organizational commitment, but that the correlation with job satisfaction was strong and positive while the correlation with organizational commitment was weak and negative. This means that the job is more important to motivation than the organization. Intuitively, this makes sense. Motivation is related to the job, because that is what the person does on a daily…...



Moynihan, L., Boswell, W. & Boudreau, J. (2000). The influence of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on executive withdrawal and performance. CAHRS Working Paper Series #00-16, Cornell University.

Tella, A., Ayeni, C. & Popoola, S. (2007). Work motivation, job satisfaction and organisational commitment of library personnel in academic and research libraries in Oyo state, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practices. Retrieved November 9, 2013 from

Job Satisfaction and Disabled Workers Productivity the
Pages: 6 Words: 1762

Job Satisfaction and Disabled Workers Productivity
The theoretical frameworks this research will rely on are well-established. The theoretical framework in this study is constructed on Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs. Maslow proposed that unless the basic lower needs of the human being were met that the human would not even acknowledge the higher level needs. Maslow conceptualized this hierarchy as shown in the following illustration.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs

Personality & Spirituality (2012)

The bottom level is comprised by the short-term basic individual or physiological needs of the person, which include food, water, warmth, and sex.

The second level is comprised by safety needs including security, stability, and order.

The third level is representative of the individual's needs for social affiliation or love and belonging.

The fourth level is the need for esteem or the need to be recognized among social groups and peers.

The next to the top level is that of self-actualization which is the…...



Definitions of Terms (2013) Retrieved from: 

Drydakis, N. (2011) Health Impaired Employees' Job Satisfaction: New Evidence from Athens, Greece. Retrieved from: 

Hall, ML, Gaunt, PM, and Brooks, AA (nd) Why Employers Don't Hire People with disabilities: A Survey of the Literature. Retrieved from:

Job Satisfaction Has Become an
Pages: 10 Words: 3125

The time frame was from one month February 1st to February 29th. Single-item questions were used while basing the question in terms of "how satisfied are you with your job?" Three response scales were used: normal, very satisfied, not at all satisfied. The framed question was to measure the independent variables, job satisfaction, based on level of job satisfaction from the time they have spent in their work place, (Scott Smith, 2013).

Several aspects of the work were considered, it covered areas like the workload, conditions of working (noise, heat, light), length of working time, confidence between managers as well as rank -- and file workers, organizational working time, competence of management, wages and rewards, training and requalification, opportunity for promotion, social care benefit, job security, and relationship with direct superior.


Single-item question were used such as: How satisfied overall are you with your job? The expected answers are very satisfied, normal…...


Nguyen, A.N., Taylor, J. And Bradley, S., (2003a) Relative pay and job satisfaction: Some new evidence, Working Paper 045, Department of Economics, Lancaster University Management School. Retrieved March 13, 2013 from 

Scott Smith,(2013) Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions: 3 Sample Templates You Can Use Today. Retrieved March 13, 2013 from 

Syptak, J.M., Marsland, D.W. And Ulmer, D., (1999) Job satisfaction: Putting theory into practice, American Academy of Family Physicians. Retrieved March 13, 2013 from

Job Satisfaction in Nursing Related to Generational Differences
Pages: 5 Words: 2329

Job Satisfaction in Nursing
Levels of Job satisfaction in nursing in relation to generational differences

he contemporary society has suffered an acute shortage of nurses within the public and the government sponsored hospitals. Indeed the shortage is so intense that it was and still is viewed as one of the impediments that stand on the way of fully experiencing the positives of the Obama Healthcare program that was recently introduced. his has led to the interest of many scholars in finding out the reason why there is such a shortage yet the field of medical research is expanding each day with better equipment and medication coming into place each passing day. here could be a myriad of reasons behind the decline in the number of nurses but the primary focus of this paper will be to find out if the overall lack of interest is propagated by the levels of job satisfaction…...


The writers look at the aspect of student nurses and what challenges they face. They also go further to show how these factors may end up affecting other people who are not aware of the challenges that the nursing students undergo. The writers go one to give suggestions of what should be done to check the attrition levels among students.

AMN Healthcare Inc., (2013). 2013 Survey of Registered Nurses: Generational Gap Grows as Healthcare Transforms. 

This source looks at the already existing nursing turnover rates that are high and try to explain the reason behind them. More significantly it gives the costs that come with this high turnover and this is in terms of money as well as the human skills and humanitarian aspect of it. The source is significant since it gives the figures and numbers of the costs that are experienced due to high turnover.

Job Satisfaction Is Not Related to Job
Pages: 2 Words: 600

Job satisfaction is not related to job performance, therefore, should managers be concerned about it or not?"A Give both points-of-view.A State and substantiate your opinion. A
Job satisfaction is one of the most important things within a company and organizational behavior regards this concept as a key aspect concerning work attitudes. Genetics plays a significant role when regarding job satisfaction as people are more probable to express interest in jobs that they identify with. Genetic factors apparently account for approximately thirty percent of people's interest in particular jobs, this making it possible for someone to understand why it is difficult for many individuals to appreciate certain jobs. The other seventy percent accounts for the role that a series of other factors play in a person's overall appreciation of his or her job. Managers can thus influence approximately seventy percent of their employees' job satisfaction because of the role they play within…...


Works cited:

Mennen, M. (2010). Applied Research Methods for Business and Management - Job Satisfaction. GRIN Verlag

Chapter 3 Values, Attitudes, and Moods and Emotions

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Many People
Pages: 2 Words: 771

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
Many people see job satisfaction and organizational commitment as being the same thing, but that is really not the case. They are two different sides to the same coin. Job satisfaction is based on the contentedness level a person experiences with his or her particular job or career (Spector, 1997). There are two different ways to look at the issue of job satisfaction, as well. People can have high scores with their overall job satisfaction, but may have low scores with specific areas of their job and how satisfied they are with those areas (Spector, 1997). This is something that should be noted, because numerous factors can affect a person's true job satisfaction. If he or she is happy with the overall job but unhappy with specific aspects of that job, that can lead to a lower level of satisfaction over time (Spector, 1997). In some…...



Behar, H. & Goldstein, J. (2007). It's not about the coffee: Leadership principles from a life at Starbucks. NY: Penguin Group.

Meyer, J.P. & Allen, N.J. (2007). A three-component conceptualization of organizational commitment: Some methodological considerations, Human Resource Management Review, 1: 61-98.

Spector, P.E. (1997). Job satisfaction: Application, assessment, causes and consequences. CA: Sage.

Job Satisfaction for Police Officers
Pages: 3 Words: 915

A task question aids in description. This might include a request to draw a map or show how a task is accomplished. Further data can be gleaned through extension questions such as "tell me more about…," encouragement comments such as "go on…, yes?, and Uh huh?" And example questions such as "can you give me an example of…"
Some preliminary interview questions developed for this study include: 1) Tell me about your work? 2) What do you like most/least about your work? 3) How do you think your family feels about your work? 4) What is the hardest thing about your job? 5) Why did you enter police work? A separate questionnaire may be incorporated into the study as well. Some preliminary questions might include - on a scale of 1 to 5 please rate: 1) How supportive do you feel your supervisors are? 2) How stressful is your work?…...



Schwartz, a., (2005) . Advantages and disadvantages of the qualitative research methods. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from:

Smith-Tyler, J., (2007) . Inormed consent, confidentiality and subject rights in clinical trials. The Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 4:189-193 (2007). Retrieved June 10,2010, from: 

Stringer, E.T., (1999) . Action research:Second edition. Thosand Oaks, California: Sage Publications Inc.

Job Satisfaction the First Characteristic
Pages: 3 Words: 777

Does the company offer plenty of opportunities for highly motivated individuals to move up the corporate ladder, or is it a more mundane type of company that picks its managers from already chosen, and groomed stock? If that is the type of company policy that is being implemented, I would probably be more interested in working somewhere else. Going hand-in-hand with that characteristic is the capability of the company to offer advancement in the first place. Is the company big enough to offer such advancement opportunities? Does it have enough offices in enough locales to constantly and consistently keep my interest? Does the company have enough products in those locations to ensure that the workplace environment will be exciting enough to motivate the employees (especially me) in regards to diligently working and progressing?
Overall, I would say that working for a company that displays the three characteristics discussed throughout this…...

Job Satisfaction Survey Research Studies
Pages: 2 Words: 580

As pointed out in the Lacy, et al. article (Winter, 2001) in order for accurate conclusions to be drawn about any testable situation there must exist an adequate sample size as well as employing an appropriate sampling structure. Further, according to the authors a sample drawn at random is an unbiased sample in the sense that no member of the population has a greater chance of being selected than any other member. At the same time non-random samples are, unfortunately, over or under-representations of a population and have a tendency to skew measurement results. There, are, however, research situations wherein randomization is not possible but this does not necessarily negate the research effort. The implication behind non-randomization is that the results of the study, whether they are differences, relationships, or effects, cannot be levied against a greater population. The results must be solely directed toward the sample itself. In…...

Job Satisfaction Among Nurses
Pages: 1 Words: 399

Job Satisfaction in Nursing Related to Generational Differences
The research methodology that will be used is the observational research method since it will involve a phenomena being observed and recording of information acquired. It will also be largely qualitative in nature since it will be dealing with attitude on nursing as a career and the effect that the generational gap between the varying generations has on the attrition levels. This method will also allow the use of interviews and focus group studies unlike the other research methods like experimental methods that would be rigid on this.

Techniques of data analysis

Since this will be analysis of one variable, lack of job satisfaction among nurses, the grouped data approach will be most efficient and convenient in analysis of the collected data. There will be a use of drawing out of patterns in the responses that will be received through the various data collection. This…...

Job Satisfaction Plays a Critical
Pages: 3 Words: 894

Thus among some of the factors that heavily influence job satisfaction is job autonomy i.e. The extent to which people have the freedom to make independent decisions at work. Several studies have already been conducted on the subject but there have been limitations attached to most of them. Some have specifically focused on employees working abroad (e.g. Bhuiman et al. 1996) while others have focused on psychological and sociological theories alone. Yet some others have failed to suppress other factors of job satisfaction while studying autonomy and its impact.


Van Praag (2003) argued that personal well being is a multi-dimensional feeling which doesn't arise from satisfaction in one single area. He argued that a person's sense of well being comes from satisfaction in the areas of work, leisure, wealth and environment. Using the same framework, we believe that job satisfaction is also a multi-dimensional feeling which arises…...



Bhuian, S., Al-Shammari, E., Jefri, O., 1996. Organizational commitment, job satisfaction and job characteristics: An empirical study of expatriates in Saudi Arabia, International Journal of Commerce & Management 6, 57-80.

Freeman, R.N., 1978. Job satisfaction as an economic variable, American Economic Review 68, 2, 135-141.

Levy-Garboua, L., Montmarquette, C., 1997. Reported job satisfaction: What does it mean?, Cirano: Canada.

Spector, P.E. (1997). Job satisfaction: Application, assessment, causes, and consequences. Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage.

Job Satisfaction Among Nurses
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Job Satisfaction in Nursing Related to Generational Differences
The proposal is based on the aspect of job satisfaction in the nursing sector taking into account the levels of satisfaction in relation to the age differences or the generational differences. The proposal highlights the major steps that will be followed and the approaches and the tools that will be used in finding out the background reasons causing the attrition in nursing relative to the different generations, the extent of the attrition, the trend among generations in relation to their perspective on nursing over the years. The paper highlights the relevant tools that will be used in the collection of the data and the modes of analysis that will be used.


Generations involved in nursing

In order to understand the entire possibility of the generational gap being a possible contributor, it is significant to understand the generations involved in the nursing and also deeply delve…...

Need help generating essay topics related to Leisure. Can you help?
Words: 533

Topic 1: The Evolution of Leisure Activities: A Reflection of Societal Changes

Leisure activities have transformed over time, mirroring societal shifts. Explore how leisure activities have evolved in the past century and discuss the factors that have influenced these changes.

Topic 2: The Impact of Leisure Activities on Personal Well-being: A Multifaceted Analysis

Delve into the multifaceted relationship between leisure activities and personal well-being. Examine how different types of leisure activities contribute to improved physical health, mental well-being, social engagement, and overall life satisfaction.

Topic 3: The Role of Leisure Activities in Promoting Social Cohesion: A Community-Based Study

Investigate the role of....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Employee Retention ?
Words: 210

1. The Importance of Employee Retention in Maintaining a Successful Business
2. Strategies for Improving Employee Retention Rates in the Workplace
3. The Role of Company Culture in Employee Retention
4. The Impact of Employee Benefits and Incentives on Retention Rates
5. Challenges and Solutions for Retaining Millennial Employees
6. The Connection Between Employee Engagement and Retention
7. Addressing Turnover and Retention Issues in a Remote Work Environment
8. The Financial Costs of Employee Turnover and the Benefits of Retaining Staff
9. The Role of Leadership in Employee Retention Strategies
10. Best Practices for Creating a Positive Work Environment that Encourages Employee Loyalty and Retention.
11. Exploring the Relationship Between....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Employee Retention ?
Words: 651

Topic Idea 1: The Impact of Employee Retention on Organizational Performance

Explore the positive correlation between employee retention and key business outcomes, such as productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
Analyze how high turnover rates can lead to financial losses, operational inefficiencies, and reputation damage.
Discuss the importance of identifying and addressing the root causes of employee turnover to improve retention.

Topic Idea 2: Strategies for Enhancing Employee Retention in the Digital Age

Examine the challenges posed by the changing nature of work and technology in retaining employees.
Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies such as flexible work arrangements, remote work options, and....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on self concept is the mental image or idea?
Words: 564

Topic 1: The Nature of Self-Concept

Explore the different theoretical perspectives on self-concept, discussing the cognitive, social, and developmental factors that shape its formation.
Analyze the relationship between self-concept and identity, examining how individuals construct a coherent sense of self across different contexts and experiences.
Discuss the malleability of self-concept, examining evidence for its ability to change and adapt over time.

Topic 2: The Impact of Self-Concept on Behavior and Well-being

Examine the relationship between self-concept and academic achievement, exploring how positive and negative self-perceptions can influence motivation, effort, and performance.
Analyze the impact of self-concept on physical health and well-being,....

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