Jk Rowling Essays (Examples)

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J K Rowling Was Unemployed When
Pages: 2 Words: 622

D. Harry Potter has influence around the world as well, having been translated into dozens of languages.

III. This influence has resulted in Rowling having received many awards and enjoyed substantial material success.

A. The Harry Potter series has received numerous awards

1. Several book awards, including British Children's Book of the Year

2. Nomination for a Carnegie Medal

3. Hans Christian Andersen Literature Prize in 2010

B. Rowling became a billionaire

1. Gave away a lot of money to charity, no longer a billionaire

IV. This charity work has helped others and enriched lives. Her own website highlights her charitable works.

A. She contributes to Amnesty International

B. Gingerbread works with single parents and their children.

C. Co-founded Lumos, publishing a story to raise £1.95 million for children across Europe

D. The Multiple Sclerosis Society has been a significant beneficiary of Rowling's largesse.

E. Volant is a charitable trust through which she emphasizes donations for women's and children's issues.

V. From simple beginnings,…...


Works Cited:

Rowling, Joanne. (no date). Biography. JKRowling.com. JKRowling.com. Web. June 15, 2013.

No author. (2013). Total Harry Potter Franchise Revenue. StatisticBrain.com. StatisticBrain.com. 27 November 2012 Web. June 15, 2013

Thomas, Savannah. (2012). Harry Potter still a force for pop culture. The State Press. The State Press. 27 November 2012. Web. June 15, 2013

JK Rowling the Fringe Benefits
Pages: 2 Words: 650

We too often see failure as the end of the road, but Rowling encourages u to see it as a place to begin anew. Failure is a reality will all have to face and, somehow, overcome. "It is impossible to live without failing," Rowling reassures us, "unless you live so cautiously that you may as well not have lived at all -- in which case, you fail by default." Failure can teach lessons that no other experience can. It is a gift that is "painfully won," but worth it.
Rowling again invokes Harry Potter imagery when she tells her audience that, had she a time-turner, and could go back in time, she would tell her graduating self that "life is not a checklist of acquisition or achievement." So many of us get caught in the trap of comparing our life to our list of expectations. Rowling is telling us to…...

Life of JK Rowling Joanne
Pages: 5 Words: 1488

This brought a tremendous amount of relief and happiness to a lot of competing authors, and a tremendous honor to Ms. JK Rowling.
Criticisms of JK Rowling and Harry Potter books

Over the years, despite her many accolades (Carter 4; Conn 1179; Lake 510; Subkowski 744; elsh 9), many have criticized her work. Several Christian groups suggest the Harry Potter books condone Satanism (Satanism in Harry), Naziism (Satanism in Harry), and witchcraft (Harry Potter books). The following text will focus on the opinion of one group in particular who reviews Christian fantasy literature (the Christian Guide). This group begins by pointing out several positive features of the Harry Potter books including easy to understand language, use of a male main character that may widen the potential audience to males and females, the authoress' name (JK) is not gender-specific thus widening the potential audience, and the books are "formulaic."

However, this group is…...


Works Cited

Carter, B. "Harry Potter and...The Editor's Daydreams?" J. Child Health Care 5.1 (2001): 4.

Conn, J.J. "What Can Clinical Teachers Learn from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?" Med Educ 36.12 (2002): 1176-81.

Harry Potter books spark rise in Satanism among children. 2005. 26 Feb. 2005 http://www.cephasministry.com/save_our_children_harry_potter_booklet.html

Lake, S. "Object Relations in Harry Potter." J. Am Acad Psychoanal Dyn Psychiatry 31.3 (2003): 509-20.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"
J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is the first book in a trilogy based on her child-wizard character Harry Potter. Rowling has created a world of wizardry and witchcraft that enchants both children and adults. Her story confronts good verses evil with larger than life mystical heroes and villains.

Harry Potter, the hero of Rowling's story, has been raised by his aunt and uncle, Vernon and Petunia Dursley, and their son Dudley. On his eleventh birthday he discovers that he comes from a long line of wizards and that his parents had been killed by an evil wizard named Voldemort. Harry also learns that he, too, is a wizard of renown and soon leaves for Hogwarts School of itchcraft and izardry to study the craft. It is here that the major portion of the story takes place.

Hogwarts School of itchcraft and izardry is a…...


Works Cited

Duin, Julia. "Writer's wizardry with words welcomed; Young fans mob British author at signings." The Washington Times. October 21, 1999; pp C1.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." Christian Apologetics and Research

Ministry.   accessed 04-09-2003).http://www.carm.org/features/harry_potter.htm 

Mattingly, Terry. "Wizardry of Harry Potter under fire; Christians reading more into popular children's books." The Washington Times. October 30, 1999; pp C7.

Harry Potter the Hero of J K Rowling's
Pages: 4 Words: 1431

Harry Potter
The hero of J.K. owling's Harry Potter series is a remarkably complex character for one that is crafted to relate to a young adult readership. In the first book of the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, which was renamed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for American readers only. As Davis points out, the too-intelligent or sophisticated sounding word "philosopher" might have put off American readers. The word "sorcerer" simply sounded more exciting. egardless of the title, the character of Harry Potter remains the same: a stalwart hero that captivates the reader's attention from the first few pages. When readers first meet Harry Potter, he is an awkward young boy but one who is undoubtedly destined for something special. After all, the title of the first chapter of the novel is "The Boy Who Lived." The remarkable story of his birth characterizes much of Harry's life thereafter.…...



Colbert, David. The Magical World of Harry Potter: A Treasury of Myths, Legends, and Fascinating Facts. Penguin, 2008.

Davis, Graeme. "Re-Reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." Re-Read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Today! An Unauthorized Guide. Nimble, 2008.

Highfield, Roger. "The Philosopher's Stone." Chapter 13 in The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Really Works.

Nedoma, Jeanette and Meyer, Rebecca Elisabeth. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone -- Literature in the English Classroom." Seminar paper. Auflage, 2007. Retrieved online:  http://books.google.com/books?id=BwqenqFszeMC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Harry+Potter+Stone&hl=en&ei=U3TYTr7nHsre0QHUw63zDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CE4Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false

J K Rowling
Pages: 8 Words: 2136

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Rise of J.K. Rowling: From Struggling Writer to Literary Titan:
This essay would explore J.K. Rowling's journey from her early struggles as a writer facing rejection to becoming one of the most successful authors in literary history. It would delve into her personal battles, initial failures, and the perseverance that led to the creation of the Harry otter series and her subsequent rise to fame.

2. The Impact of Harry otter on Modern Literature and op Culture:
An analysis of how J.K. Rowling's work has influenced contemporary literature and popular culture, this essay would examine the Harry otter phenomenon, its effect on readers of all ages, and its lasting legacy on books, film, merchandise, theme parks, and the fantasy genre as a whole.

3. J.K. Rowling's Advocacy and Charitable Work:
Focusing on J.K. Rowling's life off the page, this essay would highlight her contributions to various social causes. It would discuss…...


Primary Sources

Rowling, J.K. \"Harry Potter and the Philosopher\'s Stone.\" Bloomsbury, 1997.

Rowling, J.K. \"The Casual Vacancy.\" Little, Brown and Company, 2012.

Rowling, J.K. \"@jk_rowling.\" Twitter, Accessed 3 April 2023.

Rowling, J.K. \"Very Good Lives: The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination.\" Little, Brown and Company, 2015.

Rowling, J.K. \"J.K. Rowling\'s Harvard Commencement Speech.\" Harvard University Gazette, 5 June 2008.


Rowling's Harry Potter Series of
Pages: 4 Words: 1262

In both books, these individuals are disembodied. Sauron needs the ring that was found by the Hobbits to return to power, and readers find out in the sixth Harry Potter book that the evil Lord Voldemort has fragmented his soul into multiple pieces, all hidden. Once they are found and joined together, Voldemort will return with full power again.
In both books, the antagonists have symbols that can be seen in the sky. In Lord of the Rings the symbol is a great eye that can be seen from a tower and be transmitted into crystal balls that allow Sauron to observe what is going on in various parts of the world. In the Harry Potter books, the symbol is shot into the sky by Voldemort's followers, called "Death Eaters." However, ather than allowing Voldemort to observe others, it draws his followers together. The ring wraiths of Lord of the…...

Share Several Common Characteristics or
Pages: 3 Words: 778

Both of these presenters also move away from being overtly positive or self-congratulatory in how they describe their accomplishments. Rather, they both show how failure stripped away all non-essential aspects of their lives so they could concentrate on what mattered most to them. This was a very liberating aspect of the J.K. Rowling presentation. Steve Jobs uses the sober reality of cancer to make the same point. This is an advanced approach to making a presentation; they are both relying on the paradox of defeat to show how success comes out of the focus and discipline it requires. These are very powerful techniques in public speaking and presentations because both of these celebrities aren't afraid to admit so publically how far they fell in their lives before experiencing exceptional success. In doing this they make their presentations resonate with an exceptionally high level of trust and transparency. Combining this with…...

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 1997
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997) by J.K. Rowling (New York: Scholastic Press, 1997)
What type of world does the author present to the child in this fantasy text?

In this fantasy text, the author presents a completely self-contained, magical world, with its own rules, hierarchies, atmosphere, heroes and villains, schools, shops, banks, restaurants, etc. Here, individuals with special magical powers outside the "muggle world" of Harry Potter's aunt, uncle, and cousin live, work, and go to school. This world exists not in place of, but separately from, the muggle world. Harry Potter and any of his friends with "muggle" parents or guardians must still live in the "muggle world" each summer when Hogwarts School is out, until they can return to Hogwarts the next fall. At Hogwarts, however, nearly everything is different than it is in the "muggle world." There are some standard similarities, however, such as classes, exams,…...

Controversy Over the Harry Potter
Pages: 5 Words: 1397

The ealities of the Supernatural:

Any person who picks up a Harry Potter novel will surely come to realize that J.K. owling must have spent a great amount of time conducting research into the occult and the supernatural in order to produce such powerful and influential literary characters and situations. Obviously, owling has borrowed heavily from much older sources concerning the supernatural, sorcery and witchcraft, some dating back to Medieval times. As one of the world's oldest religions, witchcraft is a pagan faith, non-Christian rather than anti-Christian, and is based upon the belief that nature and the universe can be controlled and manipulated via magic and the invocation of divine spirits. As a practice, witchcraft has existed for many centuries, and before the 12th century a.D., sorcery and magic were generally overlooked by the church, but by 1300 a.D., witchcraft became equated with sorcery, at least in the view of most…...



Bleiler, E.F. (1973). Supernatural Horror in Literature, by Howard Phillips Lovecraft. New York: Dover Publications.

Crow, W.B. (1972). A History of Magic, Witchcraft and Occultism. UK: Abacus.

May, Jill P. (1995). Children's Literature and Critical Theory. New York: Oxford University Press.

Rowling, J.K. (1998). Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. New York: Scholastic Press.

Growth vs Fixed Mindset
Pages: 5 Words: 1623

People have their unique perspectives and beliefs they use to get them through life and life’s obstacles. Some have a fixed mindset, while others have a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is when someone believes they have fixed traits, things like talent or intelligence. For them, there is no need to develop, but rather, document. A growth mindset on the other hand helps someone generate productivity and motivation in the areas of sports, education, and business. It is the growth mindset that allows people to innovate and develop their skills and traits to reach their potential. Not everyone is suitable to a growth mindset just like for the fixed mindset. It is important to acknowledge both mindsets and their benefits and disadvantages to better understand what can be learned from both. Ultimately, both mindsets have their place at any given point in someone’s life and should be considered.
What is fixed…...

Harry Potter Fan Fiction Reaction
Pages: 2 Words: 793

But perhaps the most dramatic deviation between the fan fiction and the actual Potter books is the seriousness and lack of humor in the fan fiction. The Harry Potter novels were notable for their magic candy, broomsticks, spells and other forms of levity that lightened some of the serious issues pertaining to death, curses, prophesy, and an emerging adult awareness of the characters. Rowling often used a very ironic tone in the dialogue and in her authorial voice. This Potter fan fiction has a modernist, almost Hemingway-like style as it quickly moves from year to year in somber, spare sentences, talking about Harry's grief regarding his circumstances and the death which magic has caused. Harry is clearly finding himself as a person, and the focus of the fan fiction is more internal than external.

It is difficult to imagine Rowling's books having had such a hold upon the imagination of children…...


Work Cited

Suitesamba. "Scars." Archiveofourown.org. 2007. [15 Apr 2013]

 http://archiveofourown.org/works/751306 .

Ritual Magic of Rites of
Pages: 3 Words: 929

Neither of the above rites of passages, though both are important and definitely bound by rules of magic, are especially ritualistic in a participatory sense. In this regard, the many layers of security that Harry and his friends must get through in order to arrive at the Sorcerer's Stone is the most clear example in the book. Each trial on the way to the room that contains the Stone tests some of the skills and knowledge that Harry, Ron, and Hermione have begun to acquire on their journey through adolescence and to adulthood, making the journey past each obstacle a very literal interpretation of a rite of passage. Each of these obstacles ends up requiring some literal form of the world's magic, usually in the form of a spell, in order to be overcome, tying magic to the rites of passage in a manner that is at once quite explicit…...

Children's Literature
Pages: 4 Words: 1279

Children's Lit
Montano urges a rigorous critical examination of children's literature for racism, linguicism, sexism, and bias. The importance of critical examination is to empower teachers, students, and parents to recognize the root causes of bias, prejudice, and stereotype. The function is not simply to point out obvious instances of racism, linguicism, sexism, and other biases. Moreover, it is not enough to include literature written from multicultural perspectives in classroom syllabi. As Gonzalez & Montano (2008) point out, it is important to recognize bias in all its forms: "The mere inclusion of multicultural literature is not enough to disrupt privilege or injustice. Nor is it enough to ask teachers to deconstruct stereotypes in texts and images if teachers are unaware of the subtle biases that exist therein," (p. 77). Montano calls the process of analysis critical literacy.

The process by which critical literacy can be attained varies but Montano provides a detailed…...



Baum, F. (1900). The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Gonzalez, R. & Montano, T. (2008) "Critical analysis of Chicana/o children's literature: Moving from cultural differences to sociopolitical realities," Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 6. DOI: 10.9741/2161-2978. Available at:  http://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/jpme/vol3/iss1/6 

Herge. (1930). Tin in the Congo.

Riorden, R. (2007). The Titan's Curse.

Eastern Religion and American Pop Culture
Pages: 8 Words: 2447

Eastern eligion, Eastern Mysticism, And Magic
Influence the Pop Culture in America

Eastern religion" - also alluded to in this paper as "Eastern Mysticism" and "mysticism" - and the occult, along with magic and its many off-shoots have had a considerable influence on American Pop Culture over the past few decades. Movies, books, music - all have been touched and enhanced by mysticism and its cousins. So, when referring to "Eastern religion," this paper is generally alluding to the ancient religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and other spiritual genres.

It is also important to be clear on what "occult" truly means; it is a word that comes from the Latin occultus, meaning, literally, "hidden" or "concealed" (Merriam-Webster defines occult as "to shut off from view or exposure"). "Occult" has been equated with Satan, witchcraft, vampires, and other unseemly topics related to death and blood-letting. For this paper's purpose, the occult will be aligned with…...



Arnold, Thomas K. "Azkaban audiences do a vanishing act." USA Today 15 June

Bowles, Scott. "Cruise shows clout again with 'Collateral'." USA Today

Davy, Emma. "Harry Potter's Magic: Physics or Fiddlesticks?" Current Science 86

2000): 8-10.

What key events shaped J.K. Rowling\'s journey to becoming a best-selling author?
Words: 337

I. Introduction

  1. Early Life and Influences

    1. Birth and childhood in Gloucestershire, England

    2. Passion for reading and storytelling
  2. Educational Background and Career

    1. Studies at the University of Exeter

    2. Work as a researcher and teacher

II. Body

  1. Early Writing and Personal Struggles

    1. Beginnings of the Harry Potter story on a train journey

    2. Divorce and single motherhood
  2. The Harry Potter Phenomenon

    1. Publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 1997

    2. Rapid rise to international fame and critical acclaim

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