Jeff Bezos Essays (Examples)

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Jeff Bezos Leadership Skills
Pages: 4 Words: 1403

Analytical Report on Jeff Bezos Leadership Skills
According to an interview carried out by Bloomberg Business Week (2004), Jeff Bezos mentioned that “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. An individual earns reputation through trying to do difficult things effortlessly.” Amazon’s CEO is famous for his distinctive and innovative manner of approach and his business culture as one of the biggest leaders over the universe currently.

Dimensions of Organizational Culture

According to Kantor and Streitfeld (2015), Amazon corporate culture forces the workers to surpass the conventional constraints and traditions to establish not only authentic perceptions but also solutions. As the leading online retailer, the organization carries on to discover the fresh and innovative talent. The CEO of Amazon follows a management based on values where the management appears to force employees to act in a particular and unusual way (Skeet, 2015). Nonetheless, for Amazon to sustain a capable workforce,…...

Bezos Amazon and Certainty Effect
Pages: 5 Words: 1497

Memo: Amazon Empire the Rise and Reign of Jeff BezosSubject: Behavioral Game Theory, Active Choice Bias, Certainty Effect, and AltruismThe CTMs applied in the case of the rise and reign of Jeff Bezos are behavioral game theory, active choice bias, certainty effect, and altruism.Game theory is an analytic method that helps to study decisions, interactions and strategies in a variety of economic, political and social contexts. Researchers in this area analyze games such as chess or poker by bringing together the principles associated with group behavior through the mathematical concepts of probability and decision theory. It is important to understand how particular outcomes can emerge given different rules and subsequent personal choices. Game theory encourages an interdisciplinary approach by combining economics, mathematics, psychology and computer simulations. While often used in game show environments, it has implications beyond entertainment; leading economists have argued that insights from game theory could provide better…...

Pages: 22 Words: 6675

Ideas are part of the grand process of business. Businesses create unique products and services that are then marketed to a customer base. This involves the use of innovation, commercialization and intellectual property rights to both create something unique, have the ability to market, and have the rights to protect it. Without either of these aspects, it can be difficult for a business to generate something worthwhile.

The case study of Apple Inc., and the iPhone is one that provides the tell-tale sign of innovation. People like Steve Jobs work hard to contribute something to their respective industries that is one of a kind, thus making their companies highly successful. To be a pioneer in an industry is to gain a chance to dominate in an emerging or established market. The iPhone represents the epitome of a new product revolutionizing the cell phone and electronics industry.

Without the hard work and dedication…...

How to Improve It The Amazon Customer Experience
Pages: 3 Words: 1033

The Amazon Customer Experience: How to Improve It Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world. It is the retailer to which most consumers turn to when they wish to make a purchase, particularly if the consumer has Amazon Prime, which offers free, two-day shipping on many goods. This might lead most consumers to assume that Amazon customer service is superior to any and all alternatives. However, like all large companies, Amazon has had issues arises with its customer experience. Overall, Amazon has earned very positive reviews in terms of its customer relationships, but there is always room for improvement and Amazon strives to set a higher and higher bar for itself, not merely surpass its competitors. In fact, according to Coleman (2018), Amazon calls itself the most customer-centric company on earth. This sets a very high level of expectations for consumers.
What Amazon Is Doing Right
According to CEO Jeff…...

Assessment of Amazon Is it Ready for Change
Pages: 4 Words: 1991

Change at Amazon
Background to Amazon

eason for Change

Diagnostic Models

Diagnosis of Amazon

Amazon are known for providing employees with a harsh workplace environment, with a high level of attrition (Kantor & Streitfeld, 2015). Changes in the H policies and strategies to increase the employee centric practices, such as adopting a more flexible approach to employee personal issues, management by walking around, and increasing recognition for employee hard work and achievements may result in positive outcomes. esearch has clearly indicated that were employees feel that their employer cares, they will display a higher level of commitment and productivity compared to employees who do not feel their employer cares (Buchanan & Huczynski, 2011). This can enhance productivity even in harsh working conditions (McGregor & Doshi, 2015). To consider if this is available strategy the firm and its current issues may be considered along with an assessment for readiness for change.

Background to Amazon

Amazon was founded…...



Amzon. (2016). Leadership Principles. Retrieved from 

Armstrong, M. (2011). Armstrong's Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management. London: Kogan Page Publishers.

BBC News. (2015). Amazon boss Jeff Bezos defends company's workplace culture. Retrieved from 

Blackman, D., O'Flynn, J., & Ugyel, L. (2013). A Diagnostic Tool for Assessing Organisation al Readiness for Complex Change. In Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management conference. Retrieved from

E Commerce Strategy That Amazon Utilizes
Pages: 8 Words: 2760

Amazon is the world's largest e-tailer, and a technological leader in the field. This paper will outline the ways in which Amazon has built out its technological leadership, and how its different technology strategies help to support its overall business strategy. Ultimately, Amazon excels on the basis of the strong customer focus in its use of IT, as it recognizes that meeting customer needs is a critical component to growing its business in the long run.
Overview of the Company

Amazon was founded in July 1994 and came online in 1995. The company sold books initially, and its first book was sold in July 1995. This made the company an early adopter in terms of online retailing, and it soon began to leverage that position by plowing back the early revenues into technological innovation. The company responded to the reality of an increasingly competitive market with innovations such as the associates program…...


References (2015). History of innovation. Retrieved October 5, 2015 from 

Baldacci, K. (2013). 7 customer service lessons from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. Salesforce. Retrieved October 5, 2015 from 

Bishop, T. (2014). 15,000 robots and counting: Inside Amazon's new fulfillment centers. GeekWire. Retrieved October 5, 2015 from 

Chen, H., Chiang, R. & Storey, V. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact. MIS Quarterly. Vol. 36 (4) 1165-1188.

Amazon Com and Projects Whether or
Pages: 9 Words: 2585

New-found competitiveness for Small- to Medium-Sized Companies

The outlook for smaller companies is much stronger today than it was at Amazon's founding. That's because several of the advantages enjoyed at the time by Amazon have been commoditized or made easier and less expensive to implement.

As the number of users has climbed since 1995, smaller businesses can now take a market-maturing step and segment their customers in an ever-finer fashion (Rangan 1992). While no one can compete with Amazon on sheer number of SKU's, specialist suppliers can seek customers "at the fringe," and develop expertise in esoteric areas in which Amazon or other mass-market retailers cannot offer the same focus or expertise.

The ability to go after smaller niche markets has been augmented by recent changes in the Web -- both in terms of finding customers and completing transactions. This is the so-called "long tail," which means that, while most customers are purchasers…...



Amazon. "zShops Storefront." 2007.  

Deconstructing the Worth of Entrepreneurship
Pages: 4 Words: 1273

Values of Being an Entrepreneur
Intrepreneurship is important for so many different reasons. Some of these are decidedly practical, such as the reduction of job opportunities during economic times that are less than desirable (which is currently the case). Others are perceived as more personal in nature, such as the fact that some people are not partial to working for others and would rather do so for themselves. Still, it is worth mentioning that intrepreneurship has plenty of difficulties that accompany situations in which individuals choose to expand their businesses. They have to deal with competition, increasing attention from governmental and regulatory agencies, and market trends that can impact whatever industry in which they are involved. Still, when one stops to considers both the positive and negative aspects of intrepreneurship, it becomes perfectly clear that intrepreneurship is vital to a capitalist system because it enables market forces to continually evolve…...



Harper, J. (2014). Monetizing the industrial internet of things. Retrieved from 

Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. (2014). Strategic Management Cases: An Integrated Approach. New York: Cengage Learning.

Thompson, A.A. Starbucks in 2012: Evolving into a dynamic global organization.

Borders vs Amazon Adaptability Flexibility and Management
Pages: 5 Words: 1317

Borders vs. Amazon: Adaptability, Flexibility, and Management Structure
Amazon and Borders Bookstore both remained very popular and profitable in the 2000's. However, as Amazon was rising, Borders was falling, in a series of events that eventually led to its demise and bankruptcy. These two companies both started by selling similar items- books and paper products. But their business models and management strategies differed immensely, enough to keep one in business and put one out of business. The reasons for this are many, but it can be attributed to a few main causes. Each company relied on a specific management policy, and only one company was able to adapt and change to remain relevant.

Company Histories


The Borders brothers, Tom and Louis, started a used bookstore in 1971 in Ann Arbor Michigan. This store eventually led to hundreds of retail locations, and its humble beginnings and slow growth at the beginning of the business…...



Marcus, J. (2005). Amazonia: Five Years at the Epicenter of the Dot.Com Juggernaut. New York: New Press.

McGrath, R.G. (2010). "Business Models: A Discovery Driven Approach" Long-Range Planning. Vol. 43, No, 2-3. Pp, 247-261.

Ovide, S. (2011). "Borders Bankruptcy: Everything You Need to Know." Wall Street Journal. Feb. 11.

Management of Amazon
Pages: 9 Words: 3055

Amazon is the largest internet-based company in America with headquarters located in Washington and Seattle in the United States. The company was founded in 1995 by Jeffrey Bezos and it started as online bookstores then diversified to selling videos, CDs, MP3 and DVDs. Today, Amazon offers about 4.7 million books, computer games, DVD and a wide variety of items of all kids. Ever since Bezos opened the doors of Amazon, online retailing has been defined and redefined for the rest of the Internet retail worldwide, and today it offers the customers a superior shopping experience through the provision of a high level of customer service. This research paper will discuss the impact of the Amazon's mission, vision and primary stakeholders' overall success, while analyzing different forces of competition and how they impact the business of the company. SWOT analysis will also be performed to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and…...


References (2014). Digication e-Portfolio. Retrieved October 21, 2014, from 

Bensoussan, B.E., & Fleisher, C.S. (2008). Analysis without paralysis: 10 tools to make better strategic decisions. London: FT Press.

Bruce, M. (2008). SWOT analysis: a tool for making better business decisions.. London: U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture, Risk Management Agency.

Jurevicius, O. (2013). SWOT analysis of Amazon. Amazon SWOT analysis 2013. Retrieved October 19, 2014, from

Promotional Campaigns Predictions From the
Pages: 5 Words: 2345

Bestseller Bargains

Former bestsellers, now in paperback, discounts on hardcover.

For those who prefer having hardcover books.

Allows price of Hardback to be within range of trade or PB.

More for gifts of collectibles.

Friday Sale

Deep discounts at Amazon's outlet

All product categories

Deals dependent on close out, etc.

Designed to drive traffic to site on low e-commerce day.

Gift Cards

Gift cards sent or emailed to anyone, anywhere

Keeping fiscal shopping with Amazon even if one cannot decide on a particular gift.

Gift cards are extremely popular in the contemporary gift giving market.

Also can be used as part of a wedding or baby registry.

Gold Box

Timed deals in all merchandise, changes every 4 hours.

Up to 70% discounts on many items.

People who like to shop; ex. HSN and ShopNBC types.

Sometimes great bargains, but one must check regularly to find them.

Music Deals/


Offers newest releases, updates customer preferences

MP3 downloads available, albums, etc. competing with I-Tunes

Ease of shopping and collecting. Hourly updates on bestsellers.

Often less expensive…...


References Not Citied

Barnes, S. (2007). E-Commerce and V-Business: Digital Enterprise in the

21st Century. New York: Butterworth.

Barsh, J. (2000). How E-Tailing Can Rise from the Ashes. The McKinsey

Quarterly. 98+.

Why Did the Dot Com Industry Crashed After the Boom
Pages: 40 Words: 11033

Com industry crash after the boom
This is a paper examining some of the factors that caused the dot-com crash

Many believe the root cause of the dot-com crash was over valuation of stock prices relative to the actual underlying value of the companies themselves. Stocks of Internet companies traded at Price-Earning ratios of higher then 30, buoyed by a speculative bubble. When reality set in for investors many realized that the companies that they were so heavily invested in were little more then money sucking black holes with no upside potential in the near or long-term future. This triggered mass self-offs of not only Internet related stocks but soon impacted the market value of many companies associated with computer, network or telecommunications industries.

This paper will show in fact that over valuation was more a symptom of the speculative boom and was only one of the multifaceted factors that contributed to…...



Baldwin Carliss Y. Clark Kim B. "Modularity After the Crash" working paper Managing the Modular Age: Architectures, Networks And Organizations,

Brick Michael, " Closing Up Shop" November 11, 2000 ( March 27, 2003

Buckman Rebecca, "Who Caused the Dot-Com Crash?" The Wall Street Journal, Monday, March 5, 2000 p. 42

Cassidy John Dot.con: "The Greatest Story Ever Sold" 2002 HarperCollins

Amazon and Ethics in the Marketplace
Pages: 7 Words: 2036

AmazonIntroductionAmazon is a publicly traded company, with Jeff Bezos being the largest shareholder. The company\\\'s performance and strategic decisions are closely monitored by investors. Its mission is to be the Earth\\\'s most customer-centric company, focusing on offering a vast selection of products, competitive prices, and exceptional customer experience. The company operates globally, adapting to local markets and regulatory environments. However, it also faces competition from both regional and global players and must navigate geopolitical and economic risks to succeed. Because Amazon has expanded into so many different lines of products and services, its competition is robust. There are also many areas in which Amazon needs to focus harder on outcomes and strategies to address problem areas that remain in spite of the companys obvious successes. This paper will discuss Amazons entrepreneurial endeavors, its finance/marketing aspects, its CS and ethics, and its management and H situation while offering suggestions on where…...


ReferencesHuang, J., & Erb, T. (2020). The “Signaling” effect of the Paris Agreement. Center for Climate and Energy Solutions.Mulugeta, H. E. (2022). Human Rights Issues at Amazon Corporation. Management Science and Business Decisions, 2(2), 19-31.Pagitsas, C. (2022). Kara Hurst: Amazon. In Chief Sustainability Officers At Work: How CSOs Build Successful Sustainability and ESG Strategies (pp. 103-117). Berkeley, CA: Apress.Provost, F., & Fawcett, T. (2013). Data science and its relationship to big data and data-driven decision making. Big data, 1(1), 51-59.Rowe, F., & Markus, M. L. (2022). Taking the measure of digital giants: Amazon and the Social Welfare Computing research agenda. Electronic Markets, 32(2), 437-446.

Amazon A Synopsis of Supply
Pages: 9 Words: 2380

Supply chain management isn't just a fact of life at Amazon. Corporate executives realize that supply chain management is in fact crucial to the success of Amazon now and in the future (Wheatley, 2000). Within five years of opening its doors to the public Amazon succeeded in enticing more than 20 million customers, located in more than 150 countries around the world (Wheatley, 2000).

Interestingly despite its economic gains Amazon has also realized multiple losses. These losses have resulted in stock price declines during the early quarters of 2000 (Wheatley, 2000). Why the change? Costs in an e-commerce business are often fixed. Amazon, because it is a Web-based business generally must deal with many high fixed costs. Fortunately the best way to overcome this obstacle is by selling as much as possible, or by increasing volume (Wheatley, 2000). Amazon has done this successfully, expanding its product base to include almost every…...


References (2005). "Investor Relations." 28, Sept 2005: 

Christopher, M. (1998). Logistics and supply chain management. New York: Prentice Hall.

Levy, D.L. (1995). "International sourcing and supply chain stability." The Journal of International Business Studies, 26(2): 343.

Amazon and Ebay Both Companies Were Among
Pages: 10 Words: 2718

Amazon and eBay. Both companies were among the first movers into the Internet. Amazon opened the doors to its online store in July, 1995 and completed its initial public offering in 1997. eBay was also founded in 1995 and went public in 1998. These two companies have always been among the leaders in e-commerce. Amazon began with a focus on books and music. It soon expanded its product lines significantly to become a general merchandiser. Amazon is also an intermediary for third party vendors. eBay has always played the intermediary role. Unlike Amazon, where goods are offered for sale, eBay has used an auction platform in order to move its goods, taking a fee on the sale. Both companies remain as industry leaders. Amazon has withstood challenges from leading bricks and mortar retailers to remain as the number one vendor on the Internet (Internet Retailer, 2012). eBay has struggled…...


Works Cited: website, various pages. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from

Asay, M. (2012). PayPal is bleeding market share and it's all eBay's fault. The Register Retrieved December 4, 2012 from 

Bosman, J. (2012). The bookstore's last stand. New York Times. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from 

eBay website, various pages. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from

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