According to Biblical accounts, the Israelites left Egyptian captivity and took over the land from the Canaanite and other tribes living there.
Over time, the land has fallen under the rule of multiple invading countries. he Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, and Alexander the Great all conquered the land between 722 and 167 BC during which many of the Jewish people were exiled or fled do to persecution. Around 61 BC the area fell under Roman control until about 600 AD. he Romans named the region Palestine.
he Arabs invaded the Middle East and claimed Jerusalem as a holy city for the Muslims even though it had been a Jewish holy city for decades. During this time Arabs occupied land with the Jewish people and some inhabitants of the tribes in the region converted to Muslim. Other countries took possession of the land up until World War 1 when after the defeat of…...
mlaThe land in question was inhabited through the years by many different nationalities and each was conquered by another country. Evidence from fossil bones found in the region show that the area has been inhabited for tens of thousands of years. Around 2000 BC they land was occupied by the Canaanite, Amorites, and other Semitic people. Israelites are thought to be a combination of the people of the region and especially the Canaanites and a Semitic people called Hebrews who inhabited the land around the period of 1800 and 1500 BC. According to Biblical accounts, the Israelites left Egyptian captivity and took over the land from the Canaanite and other tribes living there.
Over time, the land has fallen under the rule of multiple invading countries. The Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, and Alexander the Great all conquered the land between 722 and 167 BC during which many of the Jewish people were exiled or fled do to persecution. Around 61 BC the area fell under Roman control until about 600 AD. The Romans named the region Palestine.
The Arabs invaded the Middle East and claimed Jerusalem as a holy city for the Muslims even though it had been a Jewish holy city for decades. During this time Arabs occupied land with the Jewish people and some inhabitants of the tribes in the region converted to Muslim. Other countries took possession of the land up until World War 1 when after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire fell under the guidance of the English. The English had made promises to the Arab leaders give the region to them. Palestinian people have resented the Immigration of Jews back into the region for years. Zionism on the part of the Jews took effect in 1800's and after many wars; Israel was recognized as a nation in 1948 by most of the world. The Palestinian movement started in 1957 and has engaged or caused skirmishes since. The problem seemed to be resolved when Israel relinquishes the Gaza Strip and West Bank to the Palestinians but Muslim sentiment is destruction of all Jewish people and until one side is wiped out completely the conflict will not end. Palestinians have claims to the lands the same as Israel and the inhabitants of the region has changed depending on the ruling country. The Palestinian side goes deeper though because they are supported by the Muslim Arabs and they all want more than the land; they want annihilation of the people.
These fundamentalist thinkers then teach these disparities to followers, who can and often do attempt to elicit change through acts of terrorism. Terrorism grows out of misinformation and exaggeration but the fundamental ideas of it are correct, the democratization and capitalization of other nations often leads to a transitional breakdown of systems that have been in place and respected for centuries, regardless of their effectiveness. Immorality, as these transitions are often reflective of, by fundamental and even moderate Islamic standards is often seen as a symptom of Western proliferation and the deliberate destruction of Islam, by Western foreign nations. It would seem from an outside point-of-view that Western foreign policy tends to ignore indigenous traditions that are not a part of the democratic and capitalist agenda, further feeding the problem or ideological difference. (Preble, 2004, p. 7)
3. Terrorist organizations are quickly adapting to advances in mass media and Web…...
Lewis, James a. (April 1, 2005) "The Internet and Terrorism" in the Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society for International Law at view/id,523/,com_csis_pubs/task ,
Preble, C. (2004). Exiting Iraq: Why the U.S. Must End the Military Occupation and Renew the War against Al Qaeda: Report of a Special Task Force. Washington, DC: Cato Institute.
Media Coverage of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Media's Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:
Is it an Objective Representation?
Bias in the General Media
Rules of Unbiased Coverage (According to the BBC)
How Rules are Broken by Domestic Media (why is the NY Times pro-Israel?)
How Rules are Broken by the International Media
-example of biased coverage by the BBC (
Bias in the Media Covering the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Brief Background of the Conflict
Is Media Biased?
-example of biased coverage
End Introduction with Thesis Statement to Prove Biased Coverage
The way that the United States media, and sometimes the international media, portray the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is biased, depending on whom the specific newspaper is addressing.
(Here you may also want to address the fact that the conflict is so complex, that it is really hard to be objective without having proof or a specific issue which can be researched on the ground. Main Idea: Due to the complexity of the conflict, it is really hard…...
The Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the most enduring and contentious conflicts in modern history, rooted in a complex web of historical, religious, and political factors. The conflict has its origins in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when waves of Jewish immigrants began to settle in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire, leading to a struggle for control of the land between Jewish and Arab communities. In this essay, we will provide an in-depth analysis of the Israel-Palestine conflict, examining its historical roots, the major turning points, and the complex dynamics that continue to shape the conflict.
Historical Roots
The roots of the Israel-Palestine conflict can be traced back to the late 19th century when the Zionist movement emerged in Europe, advocating for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Theodor Herzl, a prominent figure in the movement, articulated the need for a Jewish homeland in his book…...
1. The terroism eras before and after 9/11 are quite different with respect to the role that the Israel/Palestine conflict plays. Since 9/11, the majority of terrorist incidents in the United States are committed by domestic, right-wing terrorists (Neiwert, et al, 2017), and the majority of "jihadist" terrorists are domestic, not imported, there remains a threat from the Middle East. Within the segment of homegrown jihadist-inspired terrorists, there were some 20 attacks carried out by about 178 people since September 11th (Jenkins, 2017). Among foreign-born terrorists who committed or plotted attacks in the US, the largest number were from Pakistan, at 20, and the remainder were from 39 other different countries, mostly Muslim-majority (Jenkins, 2017). A study of documented jihadist ideology, featuring jihadists from around the world, highlighted three common features: idealistic commitment to a righteous cause, individualism in interpreting religion, and a conviction that Muslims today are engaged in…...
Current Affairs
At present, the conflict continues. In September 2011, Palestinian officials petitioned the United Nations in a unilateral bid for statehood. However, their efforts failed as they were summarily unsuccessfully in securing the nine votes needed in the 15 member Security Council to garner approval (Haaretz, 2011). Moreover, the United States has already indicated a veto of the proposal once it is made. In addition, Britain made it known that they would abstain from the decision according to UK Foreign Secretary William Hague. The dissent posited by President Obama and the UK's Foreign Secretary is reportedly reflected of the sentimentality of many world leaders who maintain sensibilities regarding Netanyahu and the fluctuating position of the Israeli government on the international stage.
However, although unsuccessful in September, the Palestinian Authority was granted full membership at the cultural agency of the United Nations', and are seeking membership of the World Health Organization as…...
Dershowitz, Alan. The case for peace: How the Arab-Israeli conflict can be resolved. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.
Gudrun, Kramer. A history of Palestine: from the Ottoman conquest to the founding of the State of Israel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008.
"Haaretz." Haaretz. September 15, 2011. (accessed November 1, 2011).
During these times, politeness and sensitivity become necessary as this subject may be extremely emotional or explosive as many Israelis have lost family or friends in wars or bomb attacks. As Israelis are notably brusque, however, an Israeli might construe something an American deems cautious politesse as evasiveness or uncertainty. Since directness is prized, it is best to get straight answers when an Israeli questions, and/or ask straight questions. Before "getting down to business," an American business man/woman may be surprised that little small talk or "chit-chat" is exchanged. if/when an individual meets Palestinian Israelis, it is good to remember they value courtesy, dress and good form more. (Business Etiquette) the following reflect a number of points a businessperson needs to keep in mind when conducting business in Israel.
There may not be a correlation between a contacts' politics and his/her religious or ethnic background.
Initially, an individual should keep personal…...
mlaWorks Cited
Business Etiquette. (2007). The Economist Newspaper Limited. 6 Dec. 2007 Columbia World of Quotations. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996. 6 Dec. 2007 .
Embassy of Israel. (2006). 6 Dec. 2007 .
Gu, Paul. (2007). Executive Planet. 6 Dec. 2007 .
Israel. (2007). World Atlas. .
Not simply risky in that he is trying to create an integrated Middle Eastern policy when the issues involved are so complicated and so volatile (and the grievances so intractable). But also because by applying specifically religious language to the situation he runs the risk of exacerbating the tensions in the region that run so deeply along religious lines. (On the other hand, by emphasizing the important of connections among all Muslims, Obama may have some success in reducing the conflicts along national, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic lines.)
The importance of studying U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East is that all carefully considered information and theories about this subject, by adding to the marketplace of ideas, help even if only incidentally to move the world towards a more rational (and equitable) set of policies in the region (Dworkin, 1996, pp. 46; Hanania, 2009).
The thesis that I will be testing…...
Bender, Thomas, 2006. A nation among nations: America's place in world history. London: Hill & Wang.
Benoit, Sammy, 2009, November 10. Obama's Middle East Policy Falls Apart . [Online]. [Accessed 5 December 2009]. .
Chittenden, M., Rogers, L. & Smith, D., 2003. Focus: 'Targetitis ails NHS. Times Online. [Online]. [Accessed 3 December 2009].,,11-1506-669.html .
Corsi, Jerome, 2009. Why Israel Can't Wait: The Coming War Between Israel and Iran. Los Angeles: Threshold.
Israeli "Settler" Housing in the West Bank of Israel/Palestine
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has often been a major problem in the Middle East. Particularly, at the heart of the conflict lies the controversial question regarding territories, as well as who owns them. In the aftermath of the holocaust, and the collision of Palestinian nationalism and Jewish nationalist colonization, the Israelis and the Palestinians started laying claim to the same territories, which marked the beginning of the long conflict that goes on to date (Global Policy Forum, 2013). In 1947, the United Nations (UN) attempted to resolve the conflict by partitioning land - although this failed to provide a lasting solution. By 1967, Israel had confiscated land in boundaries that had been set by the UN, and it was focused on occupying remaining territories namely the West bank, east Jerusalem, and Gaza strip. Since then, Israel went on with the policy of…...
American Friends Service Committee (2012). Israel's settlement policy in the occupied Palestinian territory. AFSC. Retrieved 21 May 2015 from
Dowty, A. (2012). Israel / Palestine. Malden, MA: Polity Press
Global Policy Forum (2009). Land and Settlement Issues. GPF. Retrieved 21 April 2015 from
International Labour Office (2009). The Situation of Workers of the Occupied Arab Territories. Geneva: International Labour Office
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the Middle East
The land where Israel is currently established has been characterized by fierce fighting and change in control over this region for centuries. These battles have been in existence since the period before World War II as Palestinians and Israelis continue to fight for control of this region. The historical war between Israel and Palestine and the situation in the Middle East has escalated to become a major security issue across international borders, particularly to the United States. Actually, Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Middle East have relatively been regarded as the source of terrorism in the United States and other parts of the world. This implies that the most significant source of terrorism facing the United States is the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East. This conflict has been characterized by fights between Israel and Palestine in attempts to gain control over this region. Therefore, maintaining…...
Abo-Sak, C.M. (1999). U.S. Involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Solution or Complication? Retrieved September 28, 2015, from
Gordon, P.H. (2007, November 1). Can the War on Terror be Won? Retrieved September 28, 2015, from
"Middle East." (2015). The Heritage Foundation -- 2015 Index of U.S. Military Strength. Retrieved September 28, 2015, from
Mitchell, G. (2014, September 8). Israeli-Palestinian Peace is Needed Now. Boston Globe. Retrieved September 28, 2015, from
The 11-member Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) was formed. In the end, the majority of the members recommended that Palestine be divided into an Arab State and a Jewish State. Jerusalem would be awarded special international status.
On November 29th, 1947, the General Assembly adopted resolution 181 (III) the Plan of Partition with Economic Union, per the UNSCOP. This resolution included an attached four-part documented, which included the termination of the Mandate for Palestine, progressive withdrawal of ritish forces, and border creation between the Arab state, Jewish state and Jerusalem. The creation of Arab and Jewish states were to be done by October 1st, 1948. Palestine would be divided into eight parts. Three parts would be allocated to the Arab state; three would be allocated to the Jewish state. The seventh part would be the town of Jaffa, which would be an Arab enclave, within the Jewish state. The eight…...
"The Balfour Declaration." Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs . (accessed November 23, 2010).
BBC News (London), "Israel Confirms Settlement Growth," March 21, 2005. (accessed November 22, 2010).
Berger, Robert. "Opposition Mounts to U.S. Plan for Israeli Settlement Freeze." Voice of America (Washington ), November 21, 2010. (accessed November 22, 2010).
"Israel and Palestine: A Brief History." Mideast Web. (accessed November 23, 2010).
Conflict is endemic to any organization. From the highest governmental function to the lowest privatized function, there is always some conflict or another, and it is often up to the manager to solve this. However, a born leader will also step in. I have often found myself in the midst of arguments that did not concern me, but that I wanted solved for the benefit of others. For this reason I find myself relating most to a collaborative conflict solver. This short paper will address my conflict handling style, as well as how it could help me in a potential leadership role.
As aforementioned, my conflict handling style is collaborative. This essentially means that I am ambitious and creative, and always find an opportunity to motivate myself and others. For this reason, collaborators are known to prefer peer relationships, but also cherish independence. For example, such people can be teachers. Thus,…...
"The Art of Accommodation." (2011). Applied Strategies. Retrieved September 28, 2011, <>.
De Gibaja, M. (2001). An Exploratory Study of Administrative Practice in Collaboratives. Administration in Social Work; 2001, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p39-59, 21p, 1 Chart
First Response:
My conflict-handling styles are competing and avoiding. I try to implement new strategic changes to address situational problems. In addition, I am always trying to find new directions for conflict-handling and creating new ideas. As a matter of fact, it is important to gain new wisdom for the
States like Bangladesh, Egypt, and Indonesia have severe challenges due to the risks of flooding, drought, and deforestation. Recently Bangladesh was hit by a powerful Typhoon (same as a hurricane), which caused thousands of deaths and was so severe it was beyond the capability of its weak government to deal with the disaster.
The U.S. Department of State (DOS) has been working for many years to try and help with a solution for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. The violence between these two states has been going on for many years, and numerous previous attempts to find a lasting peaceful solution have failed. In a document called "A Performance-Based roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict," the DOS plan includes three phases. The first is the most crucial and pivotal - an end to the "terror and violence" and an attempt to normalize Palestinian life - in conjunction with…...
mlaWorks Cited
Textbook Chapter 8 "Post-War Reconstruction."
Dixon, Robyn. (2007, Dec. 15). Zimbabwe may shatter, but Mugabe holds firm. The Los
Angeles Times, p. a-1 - a-5.
Foreign Policy. (2007). Failed States Index 2007. The Fund for Peace and Carnegie
**These sections must be completed by the student / author:
**Expected outcomes of the project
**Budget and schedule
ADL, staff 2010, the United Nations General Assembly: Key Issues for 2010 Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations . 09-20, 2010. (accessed 12 5, 2010).
Best, a, Jussi H, Maioloand, J & Schulze, K 2004, International History of the Twentieth Century, outledge, London.
Chesler, P 2003, the New Anti-Semitism: The Current Crisis and What We Must Do About it, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Cohen, J 2009, 'The accusation of Anti-semitism as moral blackmail: conservative Jews in France and the Israel-palestinian conflict.' Human Architecture, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 23+.
Cravatts, 2010, Blaming the victim for Palestinian anti-Semitism. 09-16, 2010. (accessed 12-10, 2010).
-- . BLAMING the VICTIM: THE TUTH ABOUT PALESTINIAN ANTI-SEMITISM. 09-28, 2010. (accessed 12 5, 2010).
Dershowitz, a 2003, the Case for Israel, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
Foxman, a 2004, 'e-legitimizing anti-Semitism: not the time for silence', vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 675+.
ADL, staff 2010, the United Nations General Assembly: Key Issues for 2010 Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations . 09-20, 2010. (accessed 12 5, 2010).
Best, a, Jussi H, Maioloand, J & Schulze, K 2004, International History of the Twentieth Century, Routledge, London.
Chesler, P 2003, the New Anti-Semitism: The Current Crisis and What We Must Do About it, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Cohen, J 2009, 'The accusation of Anti-semitism as moral blackmail: conservative Jews in France and the Israel-palestinian conflict.' Human Architecture, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 23+.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The 1948 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Outcomes:
Explore the origins of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, examining the historical tensions that led to the conflict and the declaration of the State of Israel. Discuss the military, political, and social outcomes of the war, including the refugee crises and the territorial changes that laid the groundwork for future conflicts in the region.
2. The Suez Crisis of 1956: A Turning oint in Middle Eastern olitics:
Analyze the significance of the Suez Crisis within the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Address the roles played by Egypt, Israel, France, and Britain, and consider how this event influenced international relations, signifying the decline of British and French influence in the Middle East while highlighting the Cold War dynamics between the USA and the Soviet Union.
3. The Six-Day War of 1967: Military Strategy and Diplomatic Implications:
Look into the military tactics and strategies that led to Israel's…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Morris, Benny. 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War. Yale University Press, 2008.
Shlaim, Avi. The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World. W.W. Norton & Company, 2001.Hurewitz, J. C. The Struggle for Palestine. Shocken Books, 1950.Bar-On, Mordechai, ed. Mil?emet ha-?atsma?ut 1948: Tashakh - Tashakh: Pirsumei medinah, sifre yom ha-ma?ats ve-dokumentim shel tashsakh. Ministry of Defense Publishing, 2004. (in Hebrew)United Nations Security Council. Resolution 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967. United Nations, 1967.
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