Islamophobia and the Media
Islam is a minority religion in America, and many Americans have never had contact with Muslims. As a result, a substantial portion of the American population relies on the media for information about Islam and related topics like the Middle East. Since September 11, but arguably before that watershed event, the news media has built a platform of fear against terrorism but against Islam in particular. Although the so-called "mainstream" media is typically criticized for being anti-Islam, smaller news outlets not necessarily owned by the corporate media conglomerates have also started to substantiate the fear mongering that perpetuates Islamophobia in the United States. However, "conservative" media sources like Fox News tend to sensationalize Islam in order to generate sensational or controversial content for their viewers. In 2010, Pew Research found evidence that indicates political conservatism is linked to holding negative views on Muslims and Islam (Ogan, 2014).…...
Gerhauser, P.T. (2013). Framing Arab-Americans and Muslims in U.S. media.
This well-researched paper provides an overview of how Muslims are portrayed in the American media, and also how Arab-Americans are also portrayed. Using a variety of different sources, the author shows how media frames the issues and how bias can be explicitly or implicitly embedded in the text, subtext, and context of media material. By linking the methodology to studies related to how people of color have been portrayed in crime reports on television, the author provides a comprehensive glimpse into the role of the media in perpetuating Islamophobia and xenophobia.
Holohan, S. & Poole, E. (2014). Negotiating Muslim identities in media contexts. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 7(2014): 1-7.
The authors examine multiple media sources and their content in the United States and Europe, to show how media influence the construction of Muslim identity and the perpetuation of stereotypes. One of the strengths of this paper is that the authors also show how Muslims respond to these negative portrayals, and how the creation of, participation in, and dissemination of alternative media sources becomes crucial for the health of personal and collective identity. The issues addressed in the article include immigration, multiculturalism and how the dominant culture either facilitates or constrains dialogue.
Misconceptions About Sharia Law
Much Islamophobia is grounded in misguided assumptions about Islam and particularly about Sharia law. According to Ali (2014), "nearly two dozen state legislatures" have proposed laws banning Sharia without developing even a modicum of understanding of what Sharia law is, and what it entails (Ali, 2014, p. 1027). Sharia law is central to Islam and to Muslim identity and practice, but only small fraction -- five percent -- of Sharia law addresses criminal law; the majority of Sharia law impacts personal matters including religious rituals and obligations (Ali, 2014). Sharia law is really just a "moral code," derived from Quran, Hadith, Ijma (scholarly consensus), and Qiyas (analysis) (Ali, 2014, p. 1063-4). About 25% of Sharia law concerns matters related to family, dietary custom, and economic practices, which are personal or private issues and not relevant to public policy (Ali, 2014). While some Muslim nations have embraced the…...
Ali, Y. (2012). Shariah and citizenship. California Law Review 100:1027
Byers, B.D. & Jones, J.A. (2007). The impact of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on hate crime. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 5(1).
Ciftci, S. (2012). Islamophobia and threat perceptions. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 32(3): 293-309.
Ghumman, S.S. (2009). Formal and interpersonal discrimination toward hijabi job applicants. Dissertation. Michigan State University.
Ali, Y. (2012). Shariah and citizenship. California Law Review 100:1027
Ali (2012) focuses on the pernicious trend towards institutionalized Islamophobia and racism in America. Starting with the 2010 "Save Our State" amendment in Oklahoma, several states have adopted similar approaches that essentially legislate discrimination. According to the author, such legislation is not only based on mistruth and has no basis in fact or evidence; the legislation is overtly unconstitutional and deprives Muslim Americans of their legal rights and protections. Anti-Muslim legislation creates a "second class citizenship" class for Muslims. Moreover, Ali (2012) clarifies the nature and definition of Sharia law and shows that Sharia law has been grossly distorted by the media. What is frequently called "Sharia" is actually a set of personal religious obligations and practices, not the inhumane punishments sensationalized by the media. The author also provides policy recommendations.
This article is instrumental in a cogent discussion about the distortions…...
Ciftci, S. (2012). Islamophobia and threat perceptions: Explaining anti-Muslim
sentiment in the West. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 32(3): 292-309.
his article examines the "nuanced" expressions of anti-Muslim sentiment in the West with a focus on the specific expressions linking Muslims to acts of terroristic violence. he attitudes are tested in the U.S., UK, France, Germany and Spain. he study concludes that the higher level of education an individual has, the less likely he or she is to demonstrate Islamophobia. he study also reveals that a substantial number of Westerners believe that Muslims in general "support al-Qaeda" and this belief grows the more that one's immediate existence (physical or cultural) is perceived to be threatened by acts of terror. Overall, the point of the article is that Islamophobia is greatest in the West and has, indeed, reached "unprecedented levels" (p. 307). his is due primarily to a lack of understanding about Muslims…...
mlaThis study examines the process of how ignorance and fear on an individual level lead to Islamophobia. The main argument of the study is that fear of Muslims as people and fear of Islam as a religion is rooted in ignorance and that if people were better educated about others they would see that their fears and mistrust are unfounded. The problem that this study uncovers is that the "imaging" of Muslims/Islam is done in a way that supports hatred and fear and that the need for a new "imaging" based on facts rather than misconceptions exists. The study's overall aim is to suggest that dialogue should be fostered to encourage better awareness between peoples of different faiths and ethnicity.
Sheridan, L. (2006). Islamophobia pre- and post-September 11th, 2001. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21(3): 317-336.
This study examines the reports made by more than 200 Muslims in Britain who alleged to have been racially/religiously discriminated against following 9/11. The reports indicate that discrimination occurred 80% more frequently after 9/11 than before. This fact is evidence that localized events like 9/11 have global ramifications and affect groups perceived to be identical to alleged perpetrators of heinous crimes in particular. The main argument of the study is that religion rather than race is the main motive for prejudice and discrimination in the case of these British Muslims. The overall aim of the study is to show that more emphasis needs to be given to religious discrimination in the plight of Muslims following 9/11 to better understand the Islamophobia that still exists in the world. By appreciating the religious basis of this prejudice, better steps can be taken in order to alleviate the situation and defuse it of the tensions that foster hatred, fear and violence.
This is also possibly the least well-documented phenomenon in the racializing of Arabs and Muslims leading to the widespread acceptance of profiling and related loss of civil liberties." (2002)
The work of Nicole J. Henderson (2001) entitled: "Law Enforcement & Arab-American Community Relations After September 11, 2001" reports a study in which Arabs living in the United States were interviewed. Henderson reports that when asked about hate crimes " respondents across sites mentioned fear of government policies, at times equating the detention of Arab men and special registration with hate crimes. Another leader felt that "before 9/11, there were always questions of bias from people -- from individuals -- but not ever about the government and the police." A business leader commented in response to whether or not hate crimes were a problem in his community, "Now we're dealing with another prejudice. Right now, this is a very serious problem…...
El-Amine, Rami (2006) Anti-Arab Racism, Islamophobia, and the Anti-War Movement. Left Turn Magazine. 1 Oct. 2006.
Akram, Susan M. (2002) the Aftermath of September 11, 2001: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims in America. Arab Studies Quarterly March 2002.
Ibish, Hussein and Stewart Anne (2003) Report on Hate Crimes and Discrimination Against Arab-Americans. The Post- September 11 Backlash. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. Online available at
Gott, Gil (2005) the Devil We Know: Racial Insubordination and National Security Law. Villanova Law Review 2005. Online available at (
isk Management of Terrorism in the UK
The issue of designing a risk management strategy for terrorism in the UK is dependent upon understanding and identifying the commensurate risks attendant with the various extremists groups that are perceived as threats to the UK's safety and infrastructural stability. Challenges include adopting an intelligence and surveillance system, educating the public regarding attendant trouble spots (such as retaliatory violence and discrimination as well as purpose of surveillance) and adopting a position in the global network that facilitates the overall mitigation of threats. The benefits are evident in control and prevention results and good practice recommendations are provided in the conclusion. This study gives a contextual assessment of the risks facing the UK, analyzes the components of risk management that can be utilized to alleviate these risks, defines the term "terror," examines the historical challenges that coincide with these components, and discusses the benefits of…...
Ciftci, S. (2012). Islamophobia and threat perceptions: Explaining anti-Muslim
sentiment in the West. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 32(3): 292-309.
Forst, B., Greene, J., Lynch, J. (2011). Criminologists on Terrorism and Homeland
Security. UK: Cambridge University Press.
Immigration and the Muslim Population
9/11 changed the world -- especially in the U.S. in terms of Muslim-American relations and the way the word "terror" and "terrorist" is used to identify or refer to a group of people.[footnoteRef:1] The issue of Islamaphobia became more pronounced and anti-Muslim immigration policies began to be discussed as a matter of national security.[footnoteRef:2] As -- has shown, the media has been complicit in both demonizing the Muslim community in America and promoting a view of American immigration policy that is anti-Muslim.[footnoteRef:3] This paper will show that the changes in U.S. immigration policy post 9-11 have negatively affected American Muslims in several ways as a result of inherently racist legislation specifically targeting all Muslims regardless of whether they are U.S. citizens or not. [1: Jigyasu, R. "Defining the Definition for Addressing the 'Reality'," in What is a Disaster?: New Answers to Old Questions, Ed. Ronald W.…...
Islam and Terrorism
Is Islam Somehow Correlated with Terrorism?
Background of Islam
Stereotypical Perceptions of Islam
Public Opinion Polls
Islam in the Media
There is a common stereotype that persists in the est that associates the Islamic faith with violence and terrorism. This mindset has been perpetuated through many individuals who base their opinions on past conflicts and influential events that have occurred in recent history. This perception has created tension between cultures that based on misunderstanding and should be corrected. Islam is the fastest growing beliefs systems in the world today and is known as one of the seven primary world religions. Yet, primarily due to violent extremist groups within the religion, Islam has been perceived by many to be a brutal religion that includes provisions for terrorism; specifically through its concept of "Jihad."
Yet the vast majority of Islamic practices are pacifist by nature. Thus it could be argued that there is a mass misinterpretation…...
mlaWorks Cited
AFP. (2008, February 27). Major survey challenges Western perceptions of Islam. Retrieved from
Imam, M. (N.d.). The Perception of Islam and Muslims in the Media and the Responsibility of European Muslims Towards the Media . Retrieved from Cuturelink:
Kidd, T. (2009). American Christians and Islam: Evangelical Culture and Muslims from the Colonial Period to the Age of Terrorism. Princeton University Press.
Lostopedia. (N.d.). Syid Jarrah. Retrieved from Wikia:
Muslims have been hospitalized and, one Muslim paralyzed. The anti-Muslim spirit is also represented by the media. Despite localized differences within each member nation, the recurrence of attacks on recognizable and visible traits of Islam and Muslims was the report's most significant finding, and the report concluded that "a greater receptivity towards anti-Muslim and other xenophobic ideas and sentiments has, and may well continue, to become more tolerated"( Allen & Nielsen (2002). Such actions, happening too in America, flagrantly transgress our constitutional rights. Islamic immigrants, facing such treatment, may not recognize that nor know what to do. The book is, therefore, not only current but also original and needed. I would simply need to find more appropriate tools and the correct audience in order to make it the success that it can.
Areas for improvements. Plan for improving work
I would do the following:
1. I would clearly define my targeted audience…...
Allen, C. & Nielsen, J.n S. (2002) "Summary report on Islamophobia in the EU after 11 September 2001," EUMC,
22 hot new social media tools worth exploring.
The Guardian [Aug 15, 2010] The internet: is it changing the way we think?
Globalization and Cultural Conflict
The authors (Gardner, et al., 2008, Author House, 82-83) explain that several IT and business professionals have been hired to transfer a business from an existing system to a completely automated system. This project was launched prior to the terrorist attacks on the United States in 2001. The key question comes down to a leadership scenario: hat leadership approach should be taken when two out of a dozen talented contractors that have been hired happen to be Islamic, and those two individuals ask for an hour off every Friday for religious purposes? This paper delves into that subject using narrative from the available literature, and from two books: Corporate Leadership Selection: Impact on American Business, Employees, and Society; and Managing Cultural Differences: Global Leadership Strategies for Cross-Cultural Business Success.
Gardner, et al., on Leadership
As an introduction to what Reginald J. Gardner writes about leadership in myriad business situations,…...
mlaWorks Cited
Akram, S.M. "The Aftermath of September 11, 2001: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims
in America." Arab Studies Quarterly, 24(2&3), 61-119.
Ali, Y. "Shariah and Citizenship -- How Islamophobia Is Creating a Second-Class Citizenry
In America." California Law Review, 100(4), 1027-1068.
Homegrown Terrorism by Mantri (2011) looks at the phenomenon of homegrown terrorism in the United States. It shows that the nature of the threat of domestic terrorism is not comparable to the type of existential threat that the U.S. experienced throughout the duration of the Cold War. Nonetheless, the reality of homegrown terrorism is one that has to be confronted, and the Department of Homeland Security appears to be unable to effectively confront the issue, as the recent string of domestic terror attacks indicates (Mantri, 2011). The article recommends that the U.S. "harness the innate goodwill" of Americans overseas in an effort to combat the growth of domestic radicalization and domestic terrorism (Mantri, 2011, p. 88).
The key findings and issues of the article are that radicalization and homegrown terrorism are occurring in the U.S. in spite of the efforts of Homeland Security and other government agencies. Data is gathered…...
Ciftci, S. (2012). Islamophobia and threat perceptions: Explaining anti-Muslim
sentiment in the West. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 32(3): 292-309.
Mantri, G. (2011). Homegrown Terrorism. Harvard International Review, 33(1), 88.
Sheridan, L. (2006). Islamophobia pre- and post-September 11th, 2001. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21(3): 317-336.
Essay 2: In what collegiate extracurriculars did you engage? (400 characters)
As Vice President of Phi Kappa Sigma, I co-managed the annual $30k budget, participated in 100+ hours of community service, volunteered for the Rutgers Dance Marathon, raised funds for the Embrace the Kids Foundation, and organized the annual Phi-Esta fundraiser for the Eric Legrand’s Foundation with several other fraternities. I also volunteered for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.
Essay 3: Did you work for compensation during college during the year or the summer? (300 Word limit)
Yes, every summer I worked full-time. During the summers of my undergraduate career, I worked at Selco Associates, a distribution and warehousing company. There I coordinated with management personnel to provide high quality customer service. I also managed apparel and footwear inventory for major companies and assisted in opening new accounts. This experience helped me to develop communication, organization, and problem-solving skills that I expect to be…...
A number of studies have been done in recent years to explore the unique effects of a bicultural identity, how a bicultural identity is formed, and what forms a bicultural identity will take. Research integrates assimilation theories as well as social constructionism. The reasons for the emerging literature include improving psychological health and well-being, improving social and cultural health, and also reducing or eliminating racism and negative stereotyping. Elashi, Mills & Grant (2009) point out "83% of Muslim individuals reported an increase in implicit racism and discrimination following September 11th," making the Muslim-American cultural, ethnic, and religious cohort one of the most important populations in America to understand through sociological data (Elashi, Mills & Grant, 2009, p. 379). Discrimination may be related to the dominant or white culture's fear of non-integration of existing or new immigrants and perceived threats to an imaginary cohesiveness of the dominant culture -- something that…...
Firearms Legislation and Firearms-Related Violence in Europe
This paper examines the relationship between firearms legislation and gun-related violence across countries and regions in Europe. The focus of the paper is to identify possible sources of literature to help answer questions regarding whether legislation is an effective tool in reducing firearms-related violence. The paper focuses on variance of gun violence rates throughout Europe, gun legislation, and possible national strategies for addressing the issue of gun violence. It finds that there are many variables that impact regions and can effect greater or lesser rates of gun violence -- factors such as education, culture, economic stability, political instability, and so on. No two countries are the same in terms of people, customs, traditions, ideals, and execution of the law. It is therefore important to better understand how culture plays a role in determining the effects of firearms-related violence in throughout Europe. This information could…...
For this purpose it has set-up National Anti-acism Partnership and Strategy (Stone, 2008). This strategy will be making alliance with various departments like Department of Immigration and Citizenship, the Australian human rights commission and the ace Discrimination Commissioner, Australian multicultural advisory council etc.
Multicultural Arts and Festivals Grants: In response to multicultural Australian society, Australian government to take care of all its citizens have decided to execute Diversity and social Cohesion Programs from multicultural arts and festivals small grants. This provides a platform for all Australians to learn about each other's cultures and traditions.
Multicultural Youth Sports Partnership Program: For the purpose of creating network and connection between the youth from diverse cultural backgrounds, Australian government has taken a step in establishing Multicultural Youth Sports Partnership Programs. Australian Sports Commission (ASC) will be managing this program (Howard, 2005).
Australia with its cultural mix has adopted Multicultural Policy with the optimum level. Each…...
Howard, Cosmo (2005). The Policy Cycle: a Model of Post-Machiavellian Policy Making? the
Australian Journal of Public Administration.
Kellow, Aynsley (Summer 1988). Promoting Elegance in Policy Theory: Simplifying Lowi's
Arenas of Power. Policy Studies Journal 16: 713 -- 724. doi:10.1111/j.1541-0072.1988.tb00680.x.
Certainly! Here are a few suggestions for social injustice essay topics:
1. Income inequality and its effects on marginalized communities.
2. Gender bias and discrimination in the workplace.
3. Racial profiling and its impact on communities of color.
4. Access to quality education for low-income students.
5. Environmental racism and its consequences on disadvantaged communities.
6. The criminal justice system's disproportionate treatment of minorities.
7. Discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals in society.
8. Disability rights and the challenges faced by disabled individuals.
9. Child labor and exploitation in developing countries.
10. The refugee crisis and the global response to displaced populations.
Remember, when writing about social injustice, it is essential to research....
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