Irrigation Essays (Examples)

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Yellow River of China the
Pages: 7 Words: 2517

Another consequence of the exploitative use of water resources is the destruction of mangrove forests and the fragmentation of the habitats of endangered species. The United Nations Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna listed 189 endangered species in China among the 740 in the world.

Sand content is quite high in the Yellow iver. In the dry season, sand rises and flies up with the wind and soil desertization becomes severe. In addition, the iver's dri-up directly reduces the quantity of water for farmland irrigation. The supply of ground water decreases while the exploitation quantity of ground water increases. The results would include a deep crescent of ground water, a decrease of land evapo-transpiration, local climate drying, soil desertization, a reduction of biotic population and a simplification of biocommunity structure.

Another serious problem confronted in the Yellow iver is nitrogen contamination. A study found that, with…...



Federal Reserve Division. Country Profile: China. (Library of Congress, August 2006)

Retrieved April 23, 2007 at   b) Jiang, Gooming and Jixi Gao. The Terrible Cost of China's Growth. Part I. (Creative Commons, January 12, 2007) 

Luo, Yufing, et al. The Lower Yellow River Basin: a System Dynamics Approach. ACIAR

Proceedings number 123. (Agricultural Water Management in China, September 2005). Retrived April 23, 2007 at$file/ACIAProc123WebPart3.pdf

Customer Relationship Management Strategy
Pages: 17 Words: 4756

Customer relationship management (CM) is an essential component of organizational management. The purpose of this discussion is to focus on a CM strategy for United Behavioral Health a subsidiary of United Health Care . . United Behavioral Health is dedicated to presenting customers with high quality, cost-effective, managed mental health and substance abuse services to its customers. The investigation suggests that the company's core values have been successfully implemented into the company's CM Strategy. The current CM strategy utilizes technology to allow customers to voice their opinions. Currently the company's website provides a page that offers help to members that are experiencing problems. In addition, it provides customers with "coaches" that can help whenever problems arise. The company's customers are currently divided into three different groups; the employer division, the health plan division and the public sector. We found testimonials of customers who were extremely satisfied with the care…...



Your Customers are Speaking To You. Do You Hear Them? 2002. 2 December 2004 

Gupta S. Binggeli U., Poomes C.D., CRM in the Air. The McKinsey Quarterly. Page Number: 6+.

Jacobs F.A., Claire Kamm Latham, Choongseop Lee. 1998. The Relationship of Customer Satisfaction to Strategic Decisions. Journal of Managerial Issues. Volume: 10. Issue: 2. Page Number: 165+.

Spring Summer Plating Tomatoes Squash and
Pages: 2 Words: 925

Spring / Summer Plating
Tomatoes, Squash, and Asparagus


The tomato crop I plan to grow is the Celebrity breed. It is good for local sales, which is where I would hope to sell my crop, primarily to local fresh food and specialty stores around the area. This will do well because of the green trend of buying local.

The seeds I plan to purchase will be fungicide treated, so they are more resilient to seed-borne diseases. I will hand seed the seeds in a greenhouse in rows about two inches apart. After about two months, they will be transplanted into the field in March. The seeds will be planted about a 1/2-inch deep into the soil.


I plan to use commercial growing media, which contains a great mixture of fertilizer and lime, as well has the ability to hold good amounts of water for the plants to drink throughout their growing season. This is…...



Alabama Cooperative Extension System. (2013). Guide to Commercial Summer Squash Production. Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities. Web. 

Agricultural Extension Service. (2011). Commercial Tomato Production. University of Tennessee. Web.

Sanders, Douglas. (2010). Commercial asparagus production. NC State University. Web.

Water Pricing California Water Pricing
Pages: 1 Words: 406

This also means that consumption and price will be completely and directly linked, incentivizing reductions in water uses more so than they are under current pricing structures (though consumption is still charged per-unit, the lack of marginalization distributes prices less equitably in terms of actual expenditure to supply water). This will also give clear signals as to the extent that alternative water supplies should be investigated as a means of augmenting the water supply.

The marginal costs of water will make large urban consumers (i.e. municipalities) more likely to consume and agricultural consumers somewhat less so, possibly damaging the agricultural industry in California. Pricing structures that are not attached to volume of consumption in a linear fashion might also meet with more opposition from the public. Finally, estimating long run marginal costs can be quite complex and runs the risk of underestimation, which could lead to underfunding....

Human Resources Staffing What Is
Pages: 10 Words: 3090

As the company grew, she hired managers and put them in positions to handle operations, accounting and sales. Although these managers had those titles, it looked to me like they had little communication from the top.
When I joined, the company was having problems fulfilling orders. The purchasing people worked primarily with East Asian suppliers with a long supply chain. They had a lot of problems lining up shipments and getting our retailers what they needed. They seemed to get little help from the top.

Our warehouse was also a mess. We had three different kinds of software, and our Warehouse Manager seemed unable or unwilling to make them talk to one another. When I worked in the warehouse, no one gave me any training: I was hired in the afternoon, and started the next morning. The supervisor asked me to tag along with another employee, who took me to the…...



Gutteridge, T.L. (1993). A new look at organizational career development. Human Resource Planning, 71-79.

HBS. (2007). Executive Education. Retrieved December 4, 2007, from Harvard Business School: 

Keough, M. a. (1992). The CEO as Organization Designer. McKinsey Quarterly, 3-10.

Sims, R. (1990). An Experiential Learning Approach to Employee Training Systems. Westport: Quorum.

Mekong River Basin Research Review
Pages: 5 Words: 1275

" (Coates, et al., 2003) Solutions that are know to be effective are "co-management approaches in the fishery sector which are already in use and highly effective on a local basis.
There are 1200 known species of fish and it is thought that there are as many as 1700 living in the Mekong River Basin. High diversity is present due to plant groups and other aquatic animal groups. The Mekong's ecosystem is one of complexity with variations in climate, geology, terrain and water flow." (Coates, et al. 2003) the results of these variations are a rich habitat that is said to 'rival that found on tropical coral reefs. The pictures below show the impact of the flooding of the Mekong.

Figure 2.0 Figure 2.1

Source: (Coates, et al., 2003)

III. Cultural Significance of the River

Diversity is important for the following reasons:

Direct Use Value: biodiversity is used directly as food and good produced from natural…...


Works Cited

Coates D. et al. (2003) Biodiversity and Fisheries in the Mekong River Basin Mekong River Commission, Mekong Development Series No.2, 2003 June

Coates, D. (2001) Biodiversity and Fisheries Management Opportunities in the Mekong River Basin "Blue millennium-managing global fisheries for biodiversity. GEF-IDRC 3-7 July 2001. World Fisheries Trust, Victoria, Canada CD Rom.

Agreement on the Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin Online available at

Mekong River Basin

Global Warming & Decreased Crop
Pages: 13 Words: 3634

Changes (Global, National, Region, Local, and Farm)


Smith (2006)

In the work entitled: "Climate Change and Agriculture" a brochure prepared for the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food written by Muriel, Downing, and Hulme, et al. In Section 4: Impact of Climate Change on Crops report findings that:

1) Elevated temperature increased their rate of grain growth but shortened the duration of grain filling;

2) Higher temperatures may have decreased the availability of assimilates so decreasing grain size, grain yield and mass per grain; and 3) Higher temperatures reduced average mass per grain, in one experiment, by 25% in normal CO2 and 14% in elevated conditions." (Muriel, Downing, and Hulme, et al. nd)

The following chart demonstrates the effect that CO2, temperature, and CO2 combined with a higher temperature had on crop yields in this study.

Change in yield (%)

Source: (Muriel, Downing, and Hulme, 2006)

There are stated to be few crops that will experience benefit…...



Chipanshi, a., Chanda, R., & Totolo, O. (Dec 2003). Vulnerability assessment of the maize and sorghum crops to climate change in Botswana. Climatic Change, 61(3).

Dhakwa, G. & Campbell, L. (Dec 1998). Potential effects of differential day-night warming in global climate change on crop production. Climatic Change, 40(3).

Isik, M. & Devadoss, S. (20 April 2006). An analysis of the impact of climate change on crop yields and yield variability. Applied Economics, 38(7).

Peng, S., Huang, J., Sheehy, J., Laza, R., Visperas, R., Zhong, X., Centeneo, G., Khush, G., & Cassman, K. (6 July 2004). Rice yields decline with higher night temperature from global warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(27).

Fertile Crescent Could Be Addressed as Both
Pages: 2 Words: 698

Fertile Crescent could be addressed as both a geographical location and as symbolic terminology. Ultimately, both options unite to refer to the region in the Middle East also identified as the cradle of civilization. Stretching in the shape of an arc from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates, the region encompasses an ancient fertile land which is said to have stood at the basis of man's evolution. Nature's contribution to the evolutionary steps of humanity was rendered indefinite which is why ancient rites sought to prevent and otherwise control the unpredictable forces. Personifying natural phenomenon enabled mankind's link to the divine forces. For the Sumerians, fertility was not ensured by one single god or goddess, rather it came about as a cooperative result of all the forces of nature. Fertility rites often encompassed sexual rituals which were sought to bring about fertility of the land. Sexuality thus was religiously…...


Reference List

The Epic of Gilgamesh, translated by Andrew George (London, New York, Victoria, Toronto, New Delhi, Auckland, Johannesburg: Penguin Books, 1999).

Why Do People Mistrust Marketers
Pages: 10 Words: 3083

People Mistrust Marketers
Why do people mistrust marketers?

Societies are composed of people and like the health of body depend on healthy cells and the strength of wall comes from the strong bricks, society is as prosperous and educated as its individuals are. The economies today are living in a much challenging state than ever before because the population is growing and there is scarcity of resources. Thus it is very vital to live and find ways in which people can live better lives. One such self-sustaining tool that helps individuals stabilize financially is education. Education offers skills and knowledge and is required to perform a job thus it ensures productivity of economic development. Particularly in the countries where the rate of literacy is low, there exists a huge margin for growth and development. There are people that can get education and increase the performance of system. Yet, this is not easy.…...



Chattopadhyay, S., (2012), "Education and Economics Disciplinary Evolution and Policy

Discourse," Oxford University Press

Externalities -- The Economic Lowdown Podcast Series, (2013), Retrieved from:

Energy vs Conservation
Pages: 10 Words: 2703

Strip Mining Project
Strip mining has long attracted the attention that "fracking" is now due to the proven or at least theoretical environmental impacts and issues that can or definitely arise when the practice is engaged in. Not unlike similar industries like timber, anything that destroys or alters wetlands/marshes, anything that leads to increase erosion and so forth is hotly contested and debated. Even basic things like irrigation of crops can raise a proverbial stink if the water is denied to people or states that happen to be downstream and they feel they need/deserve it so as to provide drinking water, their own crop irrigation or other environmental concerns. While strip mining, especially that which relates to energy like lignite and lithium, is here to stay and largely cannot be stopped, the real and tangible impacts it can and does have need to be taken seriously before the lignite-harvesting project mentioned…...



EIA. (2014, June 23). Coal. EIA Energy Kids. Retrieved June 23, 2014, from 

WSGS. (2014, June 23). Wyoming State Geological Survey. Wyoming State Geological

Survey. Retrieved June 23, 2014, from 

WVC. (2014, June 23). 2013. Coal Facts. Retrieved June 23, 2014, from

Facility Research Red Rock Country
Pages: 12 Words: 3319

New home construction in the community also alters water usage issues. Bob Wilbert is the head of maintenance of the facility and oversees all internal and subcontracted maintenance and upkeep of the grounds and facilities.
The administrative structure of the facility includes:

Successful criteria employment

General Manger oversees all staff, including temporary and permanent employees in catering and facilities management

Controller facilitates all accounting and financial needs and maintains records.

The facility does not offer a box office or ticketing, but reservations for golf and tennis are suggested. The facility has 550 golf members and over 1000 sport and social members. So use of the tennis and golf facilities are in high demand. The golf shop schedules tee times every 10 minutes and the tennis facility has 30 minute to 3 hours reservations for tennis courts. Availability for walk in is always a possibility but does not take priority over scheduled events.

10. ***Does the…...



Red Rock Country Club Website

Sunrise Company Website at 

Summerlin Community Website at 

University of LV Libraries Website at

Inca Empire or Inka Empire Was the
Pages: 3 Words: 1087

Inca Empire, or Inka Empire, was the biggest empire in pre-Columbian America. The organizational, political and military center of the empire was situated in Cusco in modern-day Peru. "The Inca civilization came about from the highlands of Peru sometime in the early 13th century. From 1438 to 1533, the Incas used a variety of methods, from conquest to peaceful assimilation, to incorporate a large portion of western South America, centered on the Andean mountain ranges, including, besides Peru, large parts of modern Ecuador, western and south central Bolivia, northwest Argentina, north and north-central Chile, and southern Colombia into a state comparable to the historical empires of Eurasia" (Inca Civilization, n.d.).
The Incas were a powerful group in South America from the 1200s until the middle of the 1500s. Then Spanish conquistadors, who had better weapons than the Incas, arrived and defeated them. Diseases arrived, too, and killed many Incas. Incas developed…...



Devlin, H. (2009, Jul 27). How changing climate helped the Incas to go up in the world [edition 2]. The Times, pp. 13.

Inca Civilization. (n.d.). Retreived from 

Incas of Peru. (2006, Jan 30). The Atlanta Journal - Constitution, pp. C.8-C.8.

Krajick, K. (1998). Green farming by the Incas? Science, 281(5375), 323-323.

Hazmat a Class 8 Substance Is Corrosive
Pages: 2 Words: 613

A Class 8 substance is corrosive to humans and metal and should be approached with caution, especially if one is not wearing an outfit that is comprised of noncorrosive material. Additionally, the Class 4.3 Flammable Solids; Dangerous When Wet placard alerts responders to the fact that the substance which is being transported "emits a flammable gas when wet or has a violent reaction when it comes in contact with water" (Signs & Symbols, 2011). Finally the UN 1836 identifies the material being transported according to UN guidelines. The four digit code (in this case 1836) is the identifier of the specific compound being transported. 1836 denotes the fact that the compound can be identified as thionyl chloride which is comprised of chlorine, oxygen and sulfur. A responder must also consider the NFPA diamond placard that is in sight. The 0 at 12 o'clock determines the flammability of the substance; in…...



2008 Emergency Response Guidebook (2008) accessed on February 29, 2012 at 

Signs and Symbols (2011) Free Hazmat Placards, accessed on February 29, 2012 at

Economics of Production and Resource Management
Pages: 7 Words: 1932

Agricultural Assessment
Economics of Production and esource Management: Assessment of the Environmental Impact Associated with Human Waste Fertilizer in Agricultural Production

The objective of this study is to conduct an assessment of the environmental impact associated with human waste fertilizer in agricultural production. National Geographic News reporter Tasha Eichenseher reported that 200 million farmers in developing countries are making use of raw sewage due to water shortages and rising costs of fertilizer to irrigate and fertilize approximately 49 million acres of cropland. It is reported by Eichenseher (2008) that this practice "carries serious health risks for many" however, it is reported that the dangers of the use of human waste fertilizer are "eclipsed by the social and economic gains for poor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food." (Eichenseher, 2008)

The 200 million farmers reported to be using this type of fertilizer are those in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America and it…...



Eichenseher, Tasha (2008) Human Waste Used by 200 Million Farmers, Study Says. 21 Aug 2008. National Geographic News. Retrieved from: 

Environmental Fact Sheet (1998) Waste-Derived Fertilizers. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from:

Franceys, Pickford & Reed (1992) Franceys, R., Pickford, J. And Reed, R., A Guide to the Development of On-site Sanitation, WHO, Geneva, 1992. Pickford, John., Low-cost Sanitation: A survey of practical experience, IT Publications, London, 1995. WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AT LONDON AND LOUGHBOROUGH (WELL) is a resource centre funded by the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID) to promote environmental health and well-being in developing and transitional countries. It is managed by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University.

Moche Subsistence Timeline From Pozorski
Pages: 7 Words: 2411

This increase in seed size probably results from the continuous use of water through irrigation.
The Moche pottery also provides insights into the agriculture of the inland valleys. Nineteen races of maize are found on Moche jars. Nine of these include the Peruvian races Confite Iqueiio, Confite, Morocho, Kculli, Enano, Perla, Mochero, Pagaladroga, Huancavelicano, and Perlilla, which had evolved by a.D. 800. Ten races identified are found today only outside Peru from Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela. This dispersal suggests that the prehistoric ranges of these races were wider than is known in present times. In fact, the Moche pottery shows that most maize forms had a wider geographical distribution prehistorically than they have today. Ceramic maize replicas on Moche jars demonstrate evidence that the north coast of Peru was a major center for cultural exchange and connected the distant areas of South America perhaps extending as far as Central…...



Bawden, Garth.

1996. The Moche, New York: Blackwell Press..

Billman, Brian R.

2002. Irrigation and the Origins of the Southern Moche State on the North Coast of Peru Latin American Antiquity 13(4), 371-400

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of topography of Palestine?
Words: 324

I. Introduction
A. Overview of the topography of Palestine
B. Importance of understanding the geographical features of the region

II. Physical features of Palestine
A. Mountain ranges
1. Judean Mountains
2. Samarian Mountains
B. Coastal plains
1. Mediterranean coast
2. Gaza Strip
C. Jordan Valley
1. Rift Valley
2. Dead Sea
D. Negev Desert
1. Arid climate and desert landscape

III. Impact of topography on human settlements and land use
A. Agricultural practices in different regions
1. Terracing on mountain slopes
2. Irrigation in the Jordan Valley
B. Influence on historical and cultural development
1. Importance of Jerusalem as a central highland city
2. Bedouin communities in the desert

IV. Challenges and opportunities posed by the topography
A. Water scarcity in desert regions

What are the potential long-term implications of climate change on global food security in your thesis?
Words: 423

In my thesis, I argue that climate change poses significant long-term implications for global food security. This includes potential disruptions to crop production due to extreme weather events, changes in precipitation patterns, and shifts in temperature regimes. These disruptions could lead to reduced yields, crop failures, and food shortages, particularly in regions that are already vulnerable to food insecurity. Additionally, climate change may also impact the availability and quality of water resources for irrigation, further exacerbating the challenges faced by food producers.

Furthermore, the effects of climate change on food security may also extend beyond agricultural production to include impacts on....

What are some unexpected consequences of climate change that people often overlook?
Words: 461

1. Changes in international relations: Climate change can lead to resource scarcity, which may exacerbate conflict between nations over water, food, and territory. This can disrupt global trade, lead to refugee crises, and strain diplomatic relations.

2. Impact on wildlife: Climate change can disrupt ecosystems and lead to the extinction of certain plant and animal species. This loss of biodiversity can have cascading effects on the food chain and ecosystem balance.

3. Health impacts: Climate change can exacerbate air pollution, heatwaves, and the spread of infectious diseases, all of which can have serious health implications for humans. This can lead to increased....

How is global warming impacting our planet, and what can we do about it?
Words: 585

Global Warming: Impacts and Mitigation Strategies
Global warming, the long-term rise in Earth's temperatures caused by the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, poses a significant threat to our planet's ecosystems and human societies. This essay examines the impacts of global warming and explores actionable strategies we can implement to mitigate its effects.
Impacts of Global Warming
1. Rising Sea Levels:
Warming temperatures cause the expansion of ocean water and the melting of glaciers and ice caps, leading to rising sea levels. This threatens coastal populations, infrastructure, and ecosystems, particularly low-lying areas and island nations.
2. Extreme Weather Events:
Global warming intensifies extreme weather events....

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