Iron Curtain Essays (Examples)

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Iron Curtain This Term Refers
Pages: 3 Words: 1071

This also eliminates the need to worry about currency values, as with one currency being worth more than another. In contrast, some are firmly against the Euro, due to its power to decrease national identity and fears related to runaway recession, meaning that by adopting the Euro, such as in Great Britain, the "boom-bust cycle of 2008" might have been made worse (Elliott, Internet), not to mention increasing economic competition. Also, when comparing the Euro to other national paper currencies, the Euro is rather generic in appearance and does not equate with any type of nationalism. Overall, it would be difficult to envision the English pound (and the Canadian dollar) with the image of Queen Elizabeth II being replaced with redundant, generic images of Europe and without any indication of national origin or phrases of national identity in a country's native language.

Elliott, Larry. "Should Britain Join the Euro?"…...


Weir, Fred. "Russia's Population Decline Spells Trouble." Christian Science Monitor.

2002. .


Tortilla Curtain by T Coraghessan Boyle T C Boyle's
Pages: 8 Words: 2270

Tortilla Curtain by T.Coraghessan oyle
T.C. oyle's "The Tortilla Curtain" is an engaging novel on the struggles of two couples as they try to achieve the American Dream; one already handed the chance on a silver platter, and the other daring the impossible by crossing illegally into America.

While oyle shows off the endless possibilities of the cliched American Dream, his novel impresses on his readers only the futility of attempting to live it, rather than the success that countless of immigrants and Americans have found while fulfilling their dreams and destinies.

Within "The Tortilla Curtain" there are various issues intertwining as the characters lives do. Delaney and Candido find themselves brought together by an accident, yet their lives are the extreme opposite. There is an underlying current of envy and distaste between the two. "Wealthy white people like Delaney get ahead by working and living with a go-go-go drive that leaves…...



Author Unknown An Interview with T.C. Boyle. Penguin-Putnam. Online.

10 paragraphs (1998-2002) December 16, 2002.

Author Unknown The New York Times (November 11, 1994) December 16, 2002.

Author Unknown The New Internationalist issue. 251 (January 1994) December 14, 2002.

Single Pay
Pages: 4 Words: 1383

Iron Triangle" Of Care, Cost, And Quality
Prior to explicating the particular direction that the health care system in the United States needs to take to consistently offer high levels of health care access at reasonable costs with substantial quality, it is necessary to understand the so-called iron triangle conundrum. The typical view of health care in the U.S. is that these three important factors (cost, quality and access) inevitably produce a detrimental effect upon one another. This viewpoint propounds the notion that increasing access to health care will inevitably drive up the costs associated with it, and quite possibly produce a noxious effect on the quality of such care. Conversely, there is a popularly held belief that reducing costs for health care will lead to a definite reduction in the quality of care delivered. Essentially, the iron curtain view of these three aspects of health care maintains that any…...



Farrell, J. (2012). New book presents accessible, practical guidance for avoiding national bankruptcy while improving individual well-being.

Finney, M. (2013). Affordable Care Act driving some premiums up. Retrieved from

Light, D. (2012). Universal health care and the Iron Triangle myth of U.S. policy makers. Retrieved from 

McCanne, D. (2012). Aaron Carroll repeats meme of access, cost and quality. Retrieved from

Accounting Errors Even Though Bedrock's Capitalization Policy
Pages: 2 Words: 514

Accounting Errors
Even though Bedrock's capitalization policy may have been in alignment in prior years, the policy does create a material unadjusted error in the third quarter that would require adjustment. By simply following the Bedrock capitalization policy simply means the quantifying effects of an unadjusted material error would occur, more especially with continuing capital expenditures due to the expansion of the additional quarry and rock finishing plant. The quantifying effects of capital expenses with the expansion alone would result in a material error for the current year, including the third quarter.

The evaluation of materiality must be based on all relative quantitative and qualitative factors. The process begins with quantifying potential misstatements, including prior year misstatements that were not corrected. This also adds the question of whether the capitalization policy has really been in alignment with ASC 250-10 (SAB 108) in prior years. Depending on the capital expenditures in prior years,…...

European Union Member States Relations With Their Overseas Territories
Pages: 50 Words: 17554

political framework of EU and OCT
European Union (EU) and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) are in association with each other via a system which is based on the provisions of part IV of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU), consisting of detailed rules and measures which are laid down in the document issued on 27th November 2001 title Oversees Association Decision. The expiry date of this association decision is 31st December 2013. Stress has been laid down by the European Council in its conclusions issued on 22nd December 2009 that the relationship between OCT and EU should continuously be updated in order to reflect latest developments not only in EU and OCT but thorough out the world. The commission has also been encouraged to make revisions to the Overseas Association Decision and present it in front of the council prior to July 2012 (Hill et al.,…...



Agnew John, "Geopolitics re-vision world politics," Routledge Taylor & Francies Group, pp 1-5

Alan Taylor, American Colonies: New York: Viking, 2001, pp. 57 -- 8.

Baldwin, David. Ed. Neo-Realism And Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate, New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.

Balzacq, T. (Ed.). Understanding securitization theory. The design and evolution of security problems. Oxon: Routledge, 2010.

Mccarthy and the Cold War One Aspect
Pages: 10 Words: 2922

McCarthy and the Cold War
One aspect of history is that a country's so-called "friend" one day, can be an enemy the next and visa versa. The United States and Soviet Union during World War II joined ranks against the real threat of Nazi Germany. However, it did not take long after the end of the war for ussia and the United States to once again bully each other. Even before the final surrender of Germany in 1945, the two super powers rapidly found themselves in a new military and diplomatic rivalry. Meanwhile, in the United States, the economy was taking time to build and unemployment was growing. Thoughts of the Depression loomed in people's minds. The friction with the ussians, which would receive the name of Cold War, did not help. Yet it did create a scapegoat for fears and feelings of paranoia. As the tensions between the U.S. And…...



Barson, M. Red Scared (2001). San Francisco: Chronicle.

Bennett, D. (1988). Party of Fear. New York: Random House.

Halberstam, D. (1993). The Fifties. New York: Villard.

Lewis, P. The Fifties (1978) New York:. J.B. Lippincott, 1978.

Polish Companies Reacted to Ethical Issues and
Pages: 76 Words: 22311

Polish Companies Reacted to Ethical Issues and Changes in usiness Standards Since the Fall of Communism in 1989?
Poland's Economy Pre-Communism's Fall

Poland's Natural Resources

Minerals and Fuels

Agricultural Resources

Labor Force

The Polish Economy Under Communism

System Structure

Development Strategy

The Centrally-Planned Economy

Establishing the Planning Formula

Retrenchment and Adjustment in the 1960s

Reliance on Technology in the 1970s

Reform Failure in the 1980s

Poland's Economy After the Fall of Communism

Poland After the Fall of Communism

Fall of Communism

Marketization and Stabilization

Required Short-Term Changes

Section 2.3.2. The Shock Strategy

Section 2.3.3. Initial Results

Section 2.3.4. Long-Term Requirements

Section 2.4. Macroeconomic Indicators for 1990-91

Section 2.4.1. Price Increases

Section 2.4.2. Impact on Productivity and Wages

Section 2.4.3. Statistical Distortions

Section 2.4.4. Agricultural Imbalances

Section 2.4.5. Causes of Decline

Section 2.5.The Polish Post-Communism Privatization Process

Section 2.6. Structure of Poland's Economy: Post-Communism

Section 2.6.1. Fuels and Energy

Section 2.6.2. Coal

Section 2.6.3. Oil and Gas

Section 2.6.4. Power Generation

Section 2.6.5. Industry

Section 2.6.6. Light Industry

Section 2.6.7. Automotive Industry

Section 2.6.8. Construction Machinery

Section 2.6.9. anking and Finance

Section 2.7. The State anking System

Section 2.8. anking…...



Bowie E. (1999) Business Ethics a Kantian Perspective Oxford: Blackwell

Ciszewska B. (1998) Unethical behaviour Warszawa: Rzeczpospolita

Cryssides G.D.; Kaler J.H. (1999) Introduction to the ethics of business. Warszawa: PWN

Davies W.F. (1997) Current issues in business ethics London: Routledge

Cold War the End of
Pages: 3 Words: 1161

This is in fact what drove most European wars in the past. By reverting back to that system, Europe placed itself in the path of potential skirmishes as seen in previous generations, "Europe is reverting to a state system that created powerful incentives for aggression in the past," (Mearsheimer "Why We Will Soon Miss the Cold War" 1990:1). Smaller powers, now with a stronger more independent voice, have a greater potential of starting conflicts on their own, both within Europe and outside the region. Without the strong united front against the Easter Soviet powers, the smaller powers within Europe itself are free to break away and potentially start their own troubles elsewhere; "Without a common Soviet threat or an American night watchman, Western European states will do what they did for centuries before the onset of the Col War -- look upon one another with abiding suspicion," (Mearsheimer "Why…...



Mearsheimer, John J. (1993). "Back to the Future: Instability in Europe After the Cold War." The Cold War and After: Prospects for Peace. Ed. Lynn-Jones, Sean M. & Miller, Steven E. MIT Press.

Mearsheimer, John J. (1990). "Why We Will Soon Miss the Cold War." The Atlantic Online. August 1990. Retrieved August 19, 2009 at 

Norman, R.L. (2002). "The Cold War and the Middle East from 1945 to 2001, 911 in a Historical Perspective." Southern Domains. Retrieved August 19, 2009 at

Sayigh, Yazid & Shlaim, Avi. (1997). The Cold War and the Middle East. Oxford University Press.

Sputnik The Shock of the
Pages: 12 Words: 3596

If the satellite had successfully entered orbit, this would have put the United States more than a year ahead of the Soviets in the endeavor, which added
In fact, this was not the only rocket and satellite project that many United States scientists and government officials felt had been failures, or at least under-utilized successes. The Soviets increased the pressure on the American rocket program with their launch of Sputnik II on November 3, less than a month after the launch of their first satellite, and political urging from Eisenhower and others forced the early launch of an American Vanguard satellite.

The Vanguard project had actually anticipated a launch date ahead of the Soviets, which may in part have spurred on the Soviet team and helped them to set their deadline, but a series of setbacks delayed the various test launches of the vehicles meant to deliver the Vanguard into orbit,…...



Borz, Fred. "Review of Sputnik: The Shock of the Century, 

Caviness, Rochelle. "Review: Sputnik: The Shock of the Century, Large Print Reviews, 

Curtis, Nancy R. "Review: Sputnik: The Shock of the Century," Library Journal,

Dickinson, Paul. Sputnik: The Shock of the Century (New York: Walker & Co, 2001)

Killing Zone Critical Discussion of
Pages: 2 Words: 631

The second motive behind the internationalist actions was a desire for control. This is especially seen in Kennedy's reaction to Guatemala. By the mid-1960's, Guatemala had finally begun creating an independent government. hat's more, the people even wanted to have an open election. However, Kennedy caught wind of a threat by the former dictator Arevalo, who planned to re-enter the country and run in the election. Instead of trusting the people to elect the right leader, Kennedy reacted in fear and used American military and intelligence to rig the election in favor of a civilian leader (Rabe 56) and a military independent of that government.

The third motive, and one that is rarely considered, behind the assaults on Latin America was imperialism. Prior to the cold war, America kept its own boundaries safe and nothing else. It only went to war when absolutely necessary and did not concern itself with the…...


Works Cited

Cottam, Martha. Images and Intervention: U.S. Policies in Latin America. University of Pittsurgh Press, 1994.

Holden, Robert H. & Zolov, Eric. Latin America and the United States: A Documentary History. Oxford University Press, 2000.

Has the Internet Democratized Our Society
Pages: 8 Words: 3588

Internet and Democracy
In one sense, computers and the Internet are just a continuation of the communications revolution, starting with the printing press then continuing with the telegraph, telephone, motion pictures, radio and television. Could this be leading to a more fundamental change in history on the same level as the agricultural and industrial revolutions? This is a more problematic proposition. Of course, the idea of a post-industrial economy based on services and high technology dates back to the 1960s, although some visionaries had an inkling of it even in the 19th Century. Skills and education that were valuable in an industrial economy have become obsolete in the new system, although this has happened before in the history of capitalism. Society has changed relatively little from the era before the computer age, with only a few exceptions, such as the use of computers to speed up financial transactions and in scientific…...



Agre, P.E. And D. Schuler, (eds.). (1997) Reinventing Technology, Rediscovering Community: Critical Explorations of Computing as a Social Practice. Ablex Publishing Corporation.

Alavi, N. (2005). We Are Iran. Brooklyn, NY: Soft Skull Press, Inc.

Baase, S. (2009). A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Computing, 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall.

Barglow, R. (1994). The Crisis of the Self in the Age of Information: Computers, Dolphins and Dreams. Routledge.

Feminism Marxism Catholicism Symbol and Meaning in Chytilova's Daisies
Pages: 3 Words: 1381

The Czech director Vera Chytilova's 1966 film Daisies invites an allegorical reading from the outset. It is clear that we are not in the realm of any sort of realism, but the question remains whether the symbolism here is in any way coherent. However, considering it is a film by a female director with dual female leading roles, it is worth examining the role of gender in the film.

Chytilova's credit sequence seems to be a wink in the direction of Soviet-style socialist realism: we are watching a world of heroic machinery, cogs and gears. hen we first see the paired female leads -- one blonde, one brunette, both named Marie -- they seem to be part of the machinery as well. As the girls make their stylized movements, we hear a loud squeaking sound, as though they were dolls or automata whose joints were machinery that squeals with each movement.…...


Works Cited

Chytilova, Vera. Daisies (Sedmikrasky). Perfs. Ivana Karbanova, Jitka Cerhova, Jan Klusak. Czechoslovakia, 1966. Film.

The Russian Empire Through the Eyes of the West
Pages: 5 Words: 2091

Fellowship Proposal: ussian Studies, Sovietology, and Orientalism
The motivation for this proposal is based on personal interest in the former ussian Empire. The proposed dissertation that will result from this research will consist of an introduction that will discuss the importance of this study, followed by three main chapters, and a conclusion that provides a summary of the research and important findings concerning the issues of interest. Each of the chapters will cover a specific historical period characterized by a different set of American views, studies, and assumptions about Central Asia prior to the end of the Cold War period. Ending the proposed dissertation with the early Cold War era is also apt because it was a pivotal moment in the formal establishment of Central Asian Studies, albeit as a sub-discipline within ussian and Soviet studies.

Prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Central Asia was comprised of five of the…...



Baldwin, Kate A., Beyond the Color Line and the Iron Curtain: Reading Encounters between Black and Red, 1922-1963. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2002.

Bookwalter, John, Siberia and Central Asia. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1899.

Carew, Joy Gleason, Blacks, Reds, and Russians Sojourners in Search of the Soviet Promise. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2008.

Davis, Raymond and Andrew Steiger, Soviet Asia, Democracy's First Line of Defense. New York: the Dial Press, 1942.

Enlightened Jews When One Thinks
Pages: 14 Words: 4390

ut the rabbi could also serve as the connection between a Jewish ghetto and the surrounding Christian community. This dual raised status of rabbis made their role the most enviable in the community. ut the shifts in French society that occurred in the decades just preceding and following the French Revolution created cracks in the isolation of European Jews.
The French Revolution is generally seen as an overthrow of the monarchy, and of course this is in part what happened. ut the revolution was intended not simply to overthrow the Second Estate -- the nobility and royalty -- but also the First Estate -- the church and the clergy. The revolution unseated the Catholic Church from its position of power perhaps even more surely than had the Reformation, and it helped to free the country from Protestant as well as Catholic influence. ut even more broadly, the revolution allowed people…...



Alexander, Uri. The Rebbe, the Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference. European Judaism 35, 2002.

Arkush, A. Moses Mendelssohn and the Enlightenment. New York: State University of New York Press, 1994.

Berkovitz, Jay. The Shaping of Jewish Identity in Nineteenth-Century France (Paperback) Indiana: Wayne State University Press, 1995.

Brann, Ross and Adam Sutcliffe. Renewing the Past, Reconfiguring Jewish Culture: From al- Andalus to the Haskalah. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003.

Railroad Industry the Modern Day
Pages: 5 Words: 1567

" The U.S. railroads stated featherbedding bill figures to be approximately $500 million a year. (Time & CNN, 1959; paraphrased)
Summary and Conclusion

One cannot presume to visit any city or town in the United States in today's world without seeing or hearing a train as it chugs down the railroad tracks from one destination to another every busy. While not much attention is given to today's railroad companies, it is certain that the railroad in the United States is still going just as strong as in its' historical heyday. As a matter of fact, the railroad is the oldest form of across land transportation in the history of the United States excepting the horse and wagon originally used by settlers in the establishing of the United States of America.


Samson, William D. And Previts, Gary John (1995) Reporting for Success: The altimore and Ohio Railroad and Management Information 1827-1856. Culverhouse College of…...



Samson, William D. And Previts, Gary John (1995) Reporting for Success: The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and Management Information 1827-1856. Culverhouse College of Commerce. Online available at 

Reading Co." A Brief History (nd) Reading Company Technical & Historical Society, Online available at .

Union Railroad (nd) online available at .

Central Railroad of New Jersery (nd) online available at

What key event sparked the Polish political change in 1989 that would later be known as the \"title\" of a new era in the nation\'s history?
Words: 299

1. "A New Era: Exploring the Polish Political Transformation of 1989"

2. "The Winds of Change: A Comprehensive Analysis of Poland's Political Shift in 1989"

3. "From Communism to Democracy: The Polish Political Transition of 1989"

4. "The Fall of the Iron Curtain: Understanding the Historical Significance of Poland's Political Transition in 1989"

5. "Breaking the Chains: Examining the Factors that Led to the Political Change in Poland in 1989"

6. "Poland's Path to Freedom: An Examination of Political Transformation in 1989"

7. "1989: The Year that Reshaped Poland's Political Landscape"

8. "The Solidarity Movement and Beyond: Tracing the Origins and Implications of Political Change in Poland"


I\'ve seen the common essay topics on treaty of versailles impact. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 658

The Treaty of Versailles and the Reshaping of European Geopolitics


The Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28, 1919, marked the formal end of World War I. It imposed harsh penalties on Germany, including territorial losses, disarmament, and reparations. While the treaty has been extensively studied for its impact on Germany, lesser-known but equally fascinating aspects provide a nuanced understanding of its geopolitical consequences.

1. The Division of the Ottoman Empire

The Treaty of Versailles played a significant role in dismantling the Ottoman Empire, which had been an ally of Germany during the war. Article 232 of the treaty authorized the Allied powers....

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