What makes me cringe even more is the continued claim that we are "liberators (Byrd, 2003)." The facts don't seem to support the label we have so euphemistically attached to ourselves (Byrd, 2003). True, we have unseated a brutal, despicable despot, but "liberation" implies the follow up of freedom, self-determination and a better life for the common people (Byrd, 2003). In fact, if the situation in Iraq is the result of "liberation," we may have set the cause of freedom back 200 years (Byrd, 2003)." agree with Byrd when he reminds the American people that our claim to have liberated the Iraqi people has actually put them in a position to have very little food, little water, destroyed towns and cities and no government to speak of.
To top it off the initial request to self-govern was stalled and ignored for many months as Bush proclaimed victory and insisted that America…...
Byrd, Robert (2003) Iraq War, Unprovoked Invasion of a Sovereign Nation?
Delivered on the floor of the U.S. Senate (Accessed 4-16-07)
6). At home, though, the media can often be co-opted by being made to feel that public opinion would be against it if it reported something other than the prevailing public sentiment. After't he 9-11 attacks, the public wanted the perpetrators and their leaders punished, so the war in Afghanistan had the support of the public. By extension, the idea of the war on terror also had support, though the parameters of that war were never clearly defined and were certainly not explained to the public. The Bush Administration made use of this support when it decided to invade Iran and suggested in many ways that this was a continuation of the war on terror and even that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9-11. The news media did not do its job as well as it should and did not question most of these assertions until some time had…...
mlaWorks Cited
Boylan, James. "When the Press Fails: Political Power and the News Media from Iraq to Katrina." Columbia Journalism Review, Volume 46, Issue 2 (July-August 2007), 59.
Kamiya, Gary. "Iraq: Why the Media Failed." Salon.com (10 April 2007). July 22, 2008. http://www.salon.com/opinion/kamiya/2007/04/10/media_failure/ .
Kellner, Douglas. "Bushspeak and the Politics of Lying: Presidential Rhetoric in the 'War on Terror.'" Presidential Studies Quarterly, Volume 37, Issue 4 (2007). July 22, 2008. http://www.questia.com/read/5024109830?title=Bushspeak%20and%20the%20Politics%20of%20Lying%3a%20Presidential%20Rhetoric%20in%20the%20%22War%20on%20Terror%22 .
Payne, Kenneth. "The Media as an Instrument of War." Parameters, Volume 35, Issue 1 (2005). July 22, 2008. Sylvia a. "Media Faulted on War's Lead-up." Outside Cab le News (12 March 2008). July 22, 2008. http://outsidecablenews.blogsome.com/2008/03/12/media-faulted-on-wars-lead-up/ .http://www.questia.com/read/5011208618?title=the%20Media%20as%20an%20Instrument%20of%20War.Smith ,
"The United States engaged in a pattern of conduct beginning in or before 1989 intended to lead Iraq into provocations justifying U.S. military action against Iraq and permanent U.S. military domination of the Gulf.
2. President ush from August 2, 1990, intended and acted to prevent any interference with his plan to destroy Iraq economically and militarily.
3. President ush ordered the destruction of facilities essential to civilian life and economic productivity throughout Iraq.
4. The United States intentionally bombed and destroyed civilian life, commercial and business districts, schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, shelters, residential areas, historical sites, private vehicles and civilian government offices.
5. The United States intentionally bombed indiscriminately throughout Iraq.
6. The United States intentionally bombed and destroyed Iraqi military personnel, used excessive force, killed soldiers seeking to surrender and in disorganized individual flight, often unarmed and far from any combat zones and randomly and wantonly killed Iraqi soldiers and destroyed materiel after…...
John Ashcroft's April 1, Testimony (2003) TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime 2003 April 5. Online available at http://talkleft.com/new_archives/002337.html .
Pillar, Paul R. (2006) Intelligence, Policy, and the War in Iraq. Foreign Affairs. March/April 2006. Council on Foreign Relations. Online available at http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20060301faessay85202/paul-r-pillar/intelligence-policy-and-the-war-in-iraq.html.
Tremblay, Rodrigue (2006) War Crimes and Responsibility of the Bush Administration. After Downing Street. Online available at http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/13670 .
Skelly, James M. (2006) American Soldiers and War Crimes in Iraq. Open Democracy. June 9, 2006. Online available at http://www.opendemocracy.net/democracy-americanpower/iraq_warcrimes_3627.jsp .
... Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud
Thus we conclude that President did indeed mislead the public even though the evidence clearly indicated that Saddam or Iraq were no immediate threats to national security. This is a matter of serious concern because if the head of the state deliberately tries to mislead the public, it speaks volumes about the president's leadership ethics. If we cannot trust our leaders, who should we turn to in times of genuine crisis? Weren't the president and his administration under a moral and legal obligation to tell us the truth? These are some questions that bother us today as we look back at the events preceding and following the Iraq war.
Dana Milbank and Claudia Deane, "Hussein Link to 9/11 Lingers in Many Minds," Washington Post, September 6,…...
Dana Milbank and Claudia Deane, "Hussein Link to 9/11 Lingers in Many Minds," Washington Post, September 6, 2003, p. 1.
Judis, John B., and Spencer Ackerman. 2003. The selling of the Iraq war. The New Republic, June 30.
Milbank and Deane.
Quoted in Milbank and Deane.
Despite high security in Baghdad, house searches, and strret patroling by the troops, the city remains pagued with violence. The current situation makes the use of miltary force as remedy for the current situation a useless option. A joint operation by Iraqi and coalition forces by the name of Operation Forward Together was also launched but jihadi elements, sectarian forces and nationalist elements continue to paly havoc with the security situation. Shiite and Sunni violent elements continue to hanut each other and resultantly inncoent people including women and children keep on losing their lives. The loss of innocent lives by the armed culprits in the daylight make people less confident of their security forces and skeptical of the seriousness on part of government.
The failure of efforts in the form of Operation Forward Together made the role of Iraqi security forces doubtful. In current situation people are unable to live…...
Ghosh A. (August 2006). Baghdad Diary. Time. Vol:168 Isuue:9.
Muravchik, J. (April-May 2005).And the Walls Came Tumbling Down: The World's Last Holdout against Democracy -- the Middle East-Is Experiencing a Wave of Nascent Freedom. The American Enterprise. Vol: 16. Issue: 3.
Lowry, R. (May 9, 2005). What Went Right: How the U.S. Began to Quell the Insurgency in Iraq. National Review. Vol: 57. Issue: 8.
Teson, F. (2005). Ending Tyranny in Iraq. Ethics & International Affairs. Vol: 19. Issue: 2.
Iraq War Has Affected the U.S. Economy
Since 9/11, Americans have been defending their country. Unfortunately the war in Iraq has severely damaged the quality of life of many American citizens. Many people (Americans and otherwise) feel that the war effort has gone on long enough. In fact, it's believed that it's being dragged out, causing the American economy to suffer further. The intentions of this essay are to discuss the affect the war is having on the U.S. economy.
Many Americans are losing their homes and prices are out of control. ather than increasing the average income in order to support the cost increase throughout the United States, incomes have remained the same, if not have decreased slightly. It's hard for many Americans to find a job, so most are keeping the one they have. For the unfortunate individuals who are jobless, that means the job market is not an…...
Gwertzman, B. (n.d.). U.S. 'Winning' Unpopular War in Iraq, but 'Losing' Popular War in Afghanistan - Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from http://www.cfr.org/publication/17111/us_winning_unpopular_war_in_iraq_but_losing_popular_war_in_afghanistan.html
Haass, R. (n.d.). Academic Module: War of Necessity, War of Choice - Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from http://www.cfr.org/publication/20633/academic_module.html
Teslik, L.H. (n.d.). Iraq, Afghanistan, and the U.S. Economy - Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from http://www.cfr.org/publication/15404/iraq_afghanistan_and_the_us_economy.html
Teslik, L.H. (n.d.). Debating the Cost of the Iraq War - Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from http://www.cfr.org/publication/15694/debating_the_cost_of_the_iraq_war.html
Iraq War
In 2003 the United States President George W. ush officially declared war on Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein from power. The rationale given by the ush Administration to justify the invasion of Iraq was manifold. The U.S. Government accused the Iraqi regime of possessing and developing weapons of mass destruction. In numerous statements, the ush Administration officials also accused Saddam Hussein of harboring terrorists, including members of Al-Qaeda. And finally, the U.S. statesmen said, Iraq had abysmal human rights records and the United States, by overthrowing the regime of Saddam Hussein, would bring democracy to Iraq -- and elsewhere in the Middle East. In formulating this rationale, the ush Administration relied upon the principles of a group known as the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). The intended policies of the ush Administration in Iraq were in line with the main principle of PNAC, as stated by…...
Bumiller, Elizabeth and Eric Schmitt, "On the Job and At Home: the Influential Hawks' 30-year-old Friendship Evolves," New York Times, September 11, 2002, available at . (Accessed: December 4, 2010).
Donnelly, Thomas. Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources for a New Century, available at . (Accessed: December 4, 2010).
Greenhouse, Steven. "U.S. Says Iraq Appears to Resume Pullback From Kuwait Border," New York Times, 17 October 1994, p. 10.
Ikenberry, John. "America's Imperial Ambition," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 81, No. 5, (Sep./Oct., 2002).
Iraq War - on Iraq and the U.S.
Personal Narrative
The drums of war once again echo in my ears. I am disgusted seeing Donald umsfeld on television defending the U.S. invasion of Iraq. CNN shows old footage of umsfeld shaking Saddam Hussein's hand, made in the late eighties when the U.S. was providing know-how for Saddam to build chemical weapons. I was five years old when we left the country, but I have one clear memory of the Iran-Iraq war in the 1987. I was at my grandmother's house in Esfahan, Iran.
My grandfather was listening to the radio report on our volunteer army, fighting the evil Saddam Hussein in the name of Islam. Grandfather turns the radio up; its' a bombing raid. "Let's go," Grandfather says; we go to the basement and I hear engines roaring. My mother presses me to her bosom. The roaring gets louder; they are closer…...
Al-Sudani, Zuhair. "Insecurity may delay Iraq Constitution." USA Today 4 Nov. 2003.
Bearden, Milt. "Iraqi Insurgents Take a Page from the Afghan 'Freedom Fighters'." The New York Times Nov. 2003:
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. (2003). "Country Profile, Iran: a concise analysis
However, this change has been a progressive process and largely set on economic premises and cooperation between the Saudi state and western ones. Nonetheless, it represents an important example of progress in the Middle East.
At the moment the opinions regarding the current situation in the Middle East are rather mixed. On the one hand, there are those who see the Iranian case as being eloquent for the despise and opposing attitude of the majority in the Middle East; on the other hand, there are those who take Saudi Arabia as reference point for the possible success of future strategies concerning the democratization process and the way in which a totally Muslim country can change and improve its standards. From this point-of-view, the situation in Saudi Arabia, the progress it made in areas such as social activities, political participation, education, and other levels at which the population can express itself…...
Bennis, Phyllis et al. "U.S. Policy Toward Iraq: Policy Alternatives." Foreign Policy in Focus. N.d. 18 February 2008. http://www.fpif.org/pdf/iraqStmt.pdf
Carothers, Thomas. "Is gradualism possible? Choosing a strategy for promoting democracy in the Middle East." Middle East Studies. Democracy and Rule of Law Project. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 2003
Cortright, David et al.. "Contested Case: Do the Facts Justify the Case for War in Iraq?" Policy Brief F8. Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame. 2003.
Fisher-Thompson, Jim. "Mechanics Training for Iraqi Army Fuels Engine for Change." America. Gov website. 2008. 18 February 2008. http://www.america.gov/st/washfile-english/2008/January/200801071712331EJrehsiF0.7347071.html
His philosophy of a ruler who used any means necessary to achieve his goals is not too far off from what Bush has done in the war in Iraq. Bush has misled the public; whether he did this deliberately or not is still up for debate but the result of his misleading behavior has been financial and political gain for him and his cronies. Vice President Cheney has made tens of millions of dollars in the Iraq conflict through his ties with Halliburton. One has to wonder if the political and financial gains being made by those in the hite House had anything to do with the initial decision to go to war in Iraq. The fallacies of the Iraq war go deeper than just policy decisions. Great philosophers and politicians warned against greed and unjust wars, and the Bush Administration took the Iraq war far beyond the limits…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bush, George W. "This Is Not a Question of Authority; it Is a Question of Will." Presidential
Address to the Nation. March 17, 2003.
Purdum, Todd S. A Time of Our Choosing: America's War in Iraq. New York: Times Books,
" (Campo, PAGE) Such statements remind historians of colonialism, where invaders believed that their society was superior to the culture they were supplanting, while reaping significant financial rewards for doing so. However, the United States has never claimed financial gain. The real criticism of this war is the rush to get there. The United States planned to solve the Iraqi war with force of arms even while the U.N. was still working diligently to confirm whether WMD even existed in Iraq. As we all know now, they were never found, and that was the strongest and most primary reason for the war.
Campo, Juan E. "enign Colonialism? The Iraq War: Hidden Agendas and abylonian Intrigue." Harvard International Review. Volume: 26. Issue: 1, 2004.
Fuss, Toni. "Germany's Opposition to the Iraq War and Its Effect on U.S.-German Relations." Social Education. Volume: 68. Issue: 4, 2004.
Cordesman, Anthony H. Iraq and the War of Sanctions:…...
Campo, Juan E. "Benign Colonialism? The Iraq War: Hidden Agendas and Babylonian Intrigue." Harvard International Review. Volume: 26. Issue: 1, 2004.
Fuss, Toni. "Germany's Opposition to the Iraq War and Its Effect on U.S.-German Relations." Social Education. Volume: 68. Issue: 4, 2004.
Cordesman, Anthony H. Iraq and the War of Sanctions: Conventional Threats and Weapons of Mass Destruction. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1999.
Jackson, Richard. "Between Iraq and a Hard Place: Richard Jackson Suggests That the United States Is Losing Its War on Terror." New Zealand International Review. Volume: 29. Issue: 4, 2004.
Human ights Violations in the Iraq War
War is a touchy subject. People often have strong opinions regarding war and the practices of war. It is a real challenge to discuss ethics and morality within the context of war. Even within the context of war, people are concerned with issues such as human rights and human rights violations. Human rights violations during war are an issue that grabs organizations across a wide variety of interest and influence, such as the United Nations. Just last week, the United Nations released a report regarding the numerous documented human rights violations occurring during the war in Iraq. People inside and outside of the war may questions whether there have been any human rights violations during the war. According to the United Nations, the answer is yes.
Others may have the view that during war, human rights do not apply, nor should violations of human rights…...
United Nations Human Rights Council. Iraq: Grave Human Rights Violations during the War and Occupation in Iraq. 22nd Regular Session, Item 4: Human Rights Situations that Require the Council's Attention - 25 February -- 22 March 2013. (2013).
Israeli-Egypt Conflict and Iraq War
Israeli-Egyptian Conflict
On June 5, 1967, Israel launched a surprise attack on Egypt which quickly spread to involve other neighboring states with both ground and air troops becoming involved in the conflict. Israel claimed that the attack was provoked by a massive Egyptian build-up of military forces along the Israeli border. On May 27 of that year the President of Egypt, Abdel Nasser, had stated that Egypt's basic objective was the destruction of Israel (BBC, 1967). Although Israel had consistently attempted to negotiate with its neighbors, their overtures were repeatedly rejected (Bard, 2008). Intelligence indicated the Arab states were preparing to go to war against Israel with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria being aided by Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Algeria. On May 16 President Nasser ordered the withdrawal of United Nations Emergency Forces from the Egyptian-Israeli border. Later that month Egypt had signed a pact with…...
mlaGiven the criteria presented in the spectrum of justification for war this conflict may be classified as an easier-to-justify preventative war. The Arab states had indeed demonstrated acts of hostile intent, preparatory steps toward hostile action, and made inflammatory rhetoric in the face of reasonable offers of negotiation. Since there is some room for doubt that an attack was pending this war cannot be classified as justified. Whether or not Israel was morally justified in taking this action is debatable, however when placed in the context of the time a strong argument may be made that it was.
Iraq War
On March 19, 2003, American and British forces began "Operation Iraqi Freedom" otherwise known as the Iraq War. There are several issues that may be pointed to as the basic reasons for the second major war between a United States led coalition and Iraq. First, there were lingering tensions and hostilities, remnants left over from the first Gulf war of 1991. At the close of that war the Iraqi government agreed to surrender and/or destroy several types of weapons including SCUD missiles and various Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs). The United Nations was tasked with sending weapons inspectors to confirm the destruction of Iraqi weapons and to search for any prohibited weapons the believed to be in hidden by the Iraqi government. Additionally, two "No Fly Zones" were established over northern and southern Iraq for the protection of Iraqi minority groups in opposition to the Saddam Hussein government. Allied aircraft patrolled the air over these zones in order to prevent Iraqi aircraft
Under Saddam Hussein, Iraq experienced years of turmoil, resulting in a war with Iran, economic mismanagement, and U.N.-imposed sanctions. Now, after 4 years of occupation by the U.S., Iraq experiences extreme poverty, unemployment and has millions of homeless. The country's infrastructure is in ruins and U.S. plans for reconstruction of its schools, infrastructure and civic buildings have been mired in fraud, mismanagement and incompetence. Commentators expect the country to suffer from the effects the war for years to come.
On November 15, 2007, the House of Representatives passed a bill that provides $50 billion to fund the war in Iraq and attached a timetable for the withdrawal of troops by the end of 2008. The bill prevented the White House from using funds to construct permanent bases in Iraq or assert U.S. control over Iraq's oil. President ush vetoed the bill, while Republicans supported this move. Congressional Democrats countered that the…...
Bull, Alister. "Civil War or Not, Iraq Economy Faces Vast Challenge: If the Violence in Iraq Ceased Tomorrow, Its Economy Would Still Be in Deep Trouble." Reuters. August 16, 2006
Button, Karen. "IMF in Iraq: The Second Invasion." Uruknet. May 20, 2006.
Cockburn, Patrick. "U.S. Issues Threat to Iraq's 50bn Dollars Foreign Reserves in Military Deal." Independent. June 6, 2008
Herbert, Bob. "Now and Forever" New York Times. December 4, 2007.
U.S. War on Iraq and Iran
Aftermath of the U.S. War against Iraq: Its effects on U.S.-Iran Relations
ollowing the aftermath of the recent war against Iraq, the United States government has been pushing forward in building its program for a free and democratic Middle East region. However, despite its "idealistic" program, the U.S. government faces a lot of criticism from Middle Eastern countries, particularly Iran, a country that had been least receptive of the success of U.S. In Gulf War II (U.S.-Iraq War). This month, with U.S. facing great pressure from countries all over the world because of the absence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, it is facing another antagonist to its efforts in "liberating" Middle East. This is through Iran, which has reportedly been manufacturing nuclear weapons. This makes Iran another "Iraq" in the making, defying UN inspections and international law in limiting and preventing it from…...
mlaFollowing the aftermath of the recent war against Iraq, the United States government has been pushing forward in building its program for a free and democratic Middle East region. However, despite its "idealistic" program, the U.S. government faces a lot of criticism from Middle Eastern countries, particularly Iran, a country that had been least receptive of the success of U.S. In Gulf War II (U.S.-Iraq War). This month, with U.S. facing great pressure from countries all over the world because of the absence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, it is facing another antagonist to its efforts in "liberating" Middle East. This is through Iran, which has reportedly been manufacturing nuclear weapons. This makes Iran another "Iraq" in the making, defying UN inspections and international law in limiting and preventing it from manufacturing weapons of mass destruction, of which nuclear weapons are just one of its kinds. In an article by Joseph Treaster last September 30 in The New York Times entitled, "Powell tells Arab-Americans of Hopes to Develop Mideast," Treaster reports on U.S. plans to further expand on its program for the Middle Eastern region, particularly in dealing with social, political, and economic problems in Iraq, as well as dealing with the continuing conflict of Palestine and Israel over land territories. However, another important topic discussed in this article is how Iran looms as a possible threat to U.S. security (as well as international security) because of its possible production of nuclear weapons, which the Iran government has been vehemently denying of having ("International Atomic Energy Agency has given Iran a deadline of Oct. 31 to prove it is not using a nuclear power plant to enrich uranium for weapons"). Thus, what resulted after the U.S.-Iraq war are the deteriorating relations U.S. have among Middle Eastern countries, particularly countries hostile to democracy and the U.S., not to mention the poor living conditions Iraqis are in right after the war.
Treaster, J. "Powell tells Arab-Americans of Hopes to Develop Mideast." 30 September 2003. The New York Times. Available at: http://www.nytimes.com /2003/09/30/international/middleeast/30ARAB.html.
1. The Iraq War: Causes, Consequences, and Lessons Learned
2. Assessing the Role of International Interventions in the Iraq War
3. The Iraq War: Political, Economic, and Social Impacts on the Region
4. Analyzing the Legality of the Iraq War: A Humanitarian Perspective
5. The Iraq War and the Rise of Insurgencies: Unintended Consequences
6. The Iraq War: Media Coverage, Propaganda, and Public Opinion
7. The Iraq War: Oil Politics and the Geopolitical Struggle
8. Post-War Iraq: Challenges, Reconstruction Efforts, and Nation-Building
9. The Iraq War: Power Dynamics, Alliances, and Conflict Resolution
10. Assessing the Humanitarian Crisis in Iraq during and after the War
11. The Iraq War: Impact on....
1. The Iraq War: Causes, Consequences, and Controversies
2. Assessing the Legitimacy and Justification of the Iraq War
3. Understanding the Impact of the Iraq War on Regional Stability
4. The Iraq War and its Effects on US Foreign Policy
5. Lessons Learned from the Iraq War: Implications for Future Military Interventions
6. The Iraq War and its Humanitarian Consequences
7. Analyzing the Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion during the Iraq War
8. Iraq War: A Clash of Cultures and Sectarian Divide
9. The Iraq War and its Economic Costs: A Comprehensive Analysis
10. Rebuilding Iraq: Challenges and Outcomes....
I. Introduction
II. Body
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