Investigation Essays (Examples)

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Investigations and Privatization
Pages: 5 Words: 1569

Corporate Criminal Justice
The following study is a critical analysis of four articles or book passages relevant to the study of criminal justice in a corporate context. Each essay or book excerpt will be analyzed in turn and in the context that each has a significant intellectual contribution to make to the contemporary study of corporate criminal justice. hile this is a relatively new specialization within the corporate and criminal justice fields, it is nevertheless a very important one. The IRS indicates that crime has recently been categorized in terms of motivation, not in terms of the victim (Internal Revenue Service). This means that greed has become an enormous criminal category, one that must consider the excesses of white-collar crime. Additionally, there is the matter of corporate security and management of asset securities. For corporations, this means achieving a delicate balance between complying with the law, relying on federal law enforcement…...


Works Cited

Dalton, Daniel R. Security Management: Business Strategies for Success. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann. 1-37.

Internal Revenue Services. Financial Investigations: A Financial Approach to Detecting and Resolving Crimes. INSERT REMAINING CITATION INFORMATION.

Keller, Kimberley S. "Securing Security Expert Testimony: Overcoming the Daubert Challenge to Reach the Witness Stand." Security Journal 17.3 (2004): 21-29.

McCrie, Robert. "Three Centuries of Criminal Justice Privatization in the United States." Police. Ed. EDITORS. PLACE OF PUBLICATION: PUBLISHER, DATE. 12-26.

Investigations Into Observations
Pages: 13 Words: 5150

NIn spite of touch being very significant as a communication means, very little is known on why and when touch takes place and what can be deduced when it takes place in opposite-gender or same-gender interactions. Studies focusing on this topic concerning gender and touch have had a focus on touch occurrences that are observed, those that are reported, the beliefs people hold on touch meanings, the perceptions of observers on the interactions taking place and the empirical assessments made on the responses registered for those acts of touch. elevant methods and questions are few and the literature is also small given the vastness of touch variety. But the relevant literature is actually bigger than the amount that researchers in the field seem to be aware of. They always allude to the same studies over and over again (Stier & Hall, 2004). A study that was semi-structured did an investigation…...



Ostrov, J., Woods, K., Jansen, E., Casas, J., & Crick, N. (2004). An observational study of delivered and received aggression, gender, and social-psychological adjustment in preschool: "This White Crayon Doesn't Work . . ." Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19(1), 355-371.

Stier, D., & Hall, J. (2004). Gender Differences in Touch: An Empirical and Theoretical Review. Journal of Fenoiulity and Social Psychology, 47(2), 440-459.

Investigation and Police Organization
Pages: 3 Words: 1443

evidence, it seems possible that an altercation occurred between the husband and wife and the two of them are 'covering' up this incident. deally, a detective with expertise in domestic violence cases should be in charge of the investigation. Separate officers should interview both the wife and husband before the couple has a chance to 'get their stories straight,' and note any inconsistencies between the two accounts. The other officers involved should attempt to exclude any other possible explanations for the injuries, eliminating the possibility that a so-called burglary did occur. The patrol officer who has established a rapport with the children should clearly be a presence during the interview process, given that children can be notoriously difficult interview subjects and it is helpful to have a comforting figure to support them. nterviewed independently, the children might be more forthcoming than either parent about the details of the husband's…...


I agree with Jones (2008) and his assessment that police bureaucracies are complex by their very nature. Even if there is an attempt to enact change in a top-down fashion, the multifaceted nature of police organizations means that changes tend to occur in a non-linear format. Also, police organizations are affected by many situational variables and constraints that can inhibit reforms such as the different perspective of officers in the field and managers with less exposure to physical risks. There is also an institutional culture which can be very insular and resistant to change yet which may be necessary to brave some of the stressors of modern policing. Crime itself is a multifactorial problem and as complexity science allows, causal relationships in regards to criminal behaviors are difficult to determine. This is one of the advantages of de-centralized approaches such as community policing, which creates a more atomized and responsive structure for police organizations.


The concept of 'strategic management' is interesting when applied to policing because it takes some of the models previously only relegated to business and applies them to modern-day policing. The police must serve the public like effective business organizations must serve customers. The concept of 'systems thinking' takes into consideration the dynamic social environment in which police organizations must operate, in contrast to the usual static approaches embraced by many government organizations hemmed in by bureaucratic cultures. By decentralizing authority police organizations can be more adaptive.

CEO's Private Investigation Key Issues in the
Pages: 4 Words: 1350

CEO's Private Investigation
Key issues in the case

This case is about a new CEO known as Cheryl Tobin who contemplates launching an inquiry in a fraud case that might have taken place at the firm. The CEO as a new employee has assumed a legendary position at the company. The position had previously been held by the deceased James awlings who was the reckoning force behind the tremendous innovative achievements and success of the company and acquiring new business opportunities, which enabled them to be ahead of other players in the industry. In fact, the deceased CEO met his death while still negotiating for a business deal after succumbing to aneurysm (Finder, Brandon, Kubasik, Comey, Klein & Teuber, 2007).

Before talking over the CEO position by Cheryl, she was an employee of the Boeing Company heading the company's largest units. Their main rivals included Hammond holdings and she was among the active…...



Brown, E. (2008). Inspired Jewish leadership: practical approaches to building strong communities. Woodstock: Jewish Lights Pub.


Eugene, F. (2009). Undercover investigations in the workplace. Boston; Oxford,

Finder, J., Brandon, H., Kubasik, C., Comey, J., Klein, E. & Teuber, W.J. (2007) 'The CEO's private investigation', Harvard Business Review, 85 (10), pp. 47-60, Business Source

Medico-Legal Investigations How Adequate Medical Death Investigative
Pages: 6 Words: 1745

Medico-Legal Investigations

Medical Death Investigative Systems

Past and Present Systems

Death investigation of some sort has existed in all countries for centuries, but not always performed by medical professionals (Committee, 2003 as qtd in Moldovan, 2008). The link between law and medicine traces back to the ancient Egyptian culture in 3000 .C. This was followed by the English coroner system in around the 12th century. The 194 Articles of Eyre first used the term "coroner" by the English until brought by the first colonists to the New World, America as basis for a legal investigative function. A medical examiner replaced the coroner system in 1890 then functioning in altimore. A medical examiner is a trained medical specialist in pathology. The field of death investigation became more and more sophisticated in cities and States, like New York. The Office of the Medical Examiner was established in 1918. Its main function was to determine…...



National Academy of Sciences (2003). Medico-legal death investigation system workshop. Committee for the Workshop on the Medico-legal Death Investigation

System. Institute of Medicine: National Academy of Sciences Press. Retrieved on October 12, 2010 from 

Moldovan, E (2008). The medico-legal death investigator. ProQuest: ProQuest LLC.

Retrieved on October 12, 2010 from

Internal Affairs Procedures for Handling Investigations
Pages: 5 Words: 1355

Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs Procedures for Handling Investigations

All professional organizations have an ethical standard that they are required to comply with, but some occupations have a much greater code due to the reliance of the public trust. Certain medical professionals (doctors and nurses) can be held to what seems a stricter standard because lives are at stake, but they do not have stricter standards than law enforcement professionals. Whether the individual enforces the laws at a federal, state or local level, it is important that there be an exacting code of conduct, and a means of evaluating and disciplining improper actions. This paper examines the Florida state procedures with regard to internal affairs in the areas of investigation, determining findings, discipline and decertification.

The Investigation

The first step in the internal affairs process requires that a citizen or another officer makes a complaint against a police officer (Caldero & Crank, 2011, 303). The…...



Caldero, M.A., & Crank, J.P. (2011). Police Ethics: Corruption of Noble Cause. Burlington, MA: Anderson Publishing.

Florida Internal Affairs Investigators Association (FIAIA). (2012). About us. Retrieved from 

Goldman, R.L., & Puro, S. (2001). Revocation of police officer certification: A viable remedy for police misconduct? St. Louis University Law Journal, 45.

Miami Police Department. (2012). Internal affairs division. Retrieved from

Fire Investigation
Pages: 2 Words: 734

Fire Investigation Unit
How important is it to a city fire department to have an investigation unit? Since police departments in most cities have an investigation unit -- it seems logical given the issues related to fire and arson that fire departments should also incorporate investigation units into their programs. This paper provides positive arguments in favor of an investigation unit, arguments that the fire chief can use in his presentation to the county council.

The field of fire investigation is "…extremely specialized" and there are a very limited number of "truly certified individuals" that have the needed training and experience to conduct "thorough, competent investigations" (United Professional Fire Fighters). In other words, fire departments should hire a proven professional in this field -- or select one or more quality firefighters from the current department to be sent to a training program -- and in either case this will cost the city…...


Works Cited

Flannery Associates. (2008). Section 4 -- Fire Investigation & Arson / Unit 1 -- Fire Investigation

& Fire Loss. Retrieved October 26, 2012, from

United Professional Firefighters of Contra Costa County. (2010). Fire Investigation Unit.

Retrieved October 26, 2012, from .

Unnecessary Presence and Poor Communication in the Conduct of Forensic Investigation
Pages: 3 Words: 955

obstacles to prompt and efficient forensic investigation in major crime scenes. The presence of too many unnecessary personnel in the crime area and poor communication or reporting of the details are these obstacles. The applicable FI rules and an analysis of each issue follow. A conclusion is also provided for each issue.
Too Many Unnecessary Personnel at the Crime Scene

The presence of too many extraneous personnel is considered the biggest hindrance to effective and prompt crime investigation (Schiro, 1999). What makes it worse is that most of these unnecessary people are police officers themselves (Schiro).


The policy mandates the initial responding officer or officers to identify all personnel or persons at the crime scene and to oversee their movements (FI, 2000). Then the officer or investigator in-charge shall evaluate the scene in order to come up with a list of specialized resources needed in the investigation (FI).


Protecting the crime scene is…...



FBI (2000). Crime scene investigation. Office of Justice Programs: U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved on July 3, 2014 from 

Schiro, G. (1999). New crime scenes -- same old problems. Southern Lawman Magazine:

Forensic Science Resources. Retrieved on July 3, 2014 from

Yolasite (2012). Crime scene analysis. The Investigation, Retrieved on July 3, 2014 from

Niosh Fire Fighter Investigation
Pages: 15 Words: 5201

Recommendation: The training staff must ensure all participants in a "live" fire training exercise "have received the training and opportunities to properly perform the job." And this is pivotal to safety measures for recruits: A student's first experience "in a live burn exercise should not be in an acquired structure" (IIL).
Structures and Facilities (NFPA 1403 4.2 & 4.2.2): Buildings selected for structural fire training exercise must be properly prepared -- which in this case, the row house at 145 South Calverton Road, it was not properly prepared. A previous ventilation drill, which opened several upper floor walls to the outside air (and the wind which was 20 miles per hour at that time) made the building "unsuitable" for live fire training. Adding to the mistakes made in the exercise at 145 South Calverton Road was the serious question as to whether the fire department had permission to burn that…...


Works Cited

BCFD Preliminary Investigation Into The Line Of Duty Death Of Recruit Racheal M. Wilson

On February 9, 2007. (2007). Retrieved November 12, 2009, from

Goodrich, Art. (2007). Baptism by Fire or Death by Diversity? Retrieved November 12,

2009, from

Roles in an Investigation
Pages: 7 Words: 2192

Police Psychologist
oles in an Investigation

In this kind of investigation whereby the police psychologist is investigating the homicide of a high profile member of the community, the police psychologist plays several roles. One is that he or she will be involved in collecting and analyzing of psychological evidence that pertains to the homicide case. In this role, the police psychologist will be involved in a process that starts at the scene of the crime whereby he will use scientific principles and formulas to help in solving the crime. In this role, fingerprint collection and analysis of other identifiers of the crime scene is essential to solving the case. The psychologist will also be involved in analyzing of impressions of the crime scene to see what they match and also run the crime scene impressions and collected fingerprints with comparisons of others in the police database. Identification and analysis of trace evidence…...



Durand & Barlow. (2007). Essentials of Abnormal Psychology. Mason, Ohio.: Cengage Learning.

Feldman, F. (2013). A PSYCHOLOGIST'S ADVENTURES, PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL. The American Journal of Psychology, 126(1), 119-124. doi: 10.5406/amerjpsyc.126.1.0119

Hansen, M. (2000). Suicidal Missions: Psychological autopsies to uncover motivation in suspicious deaths are themselves now suspect. ABA Journal, 86(3), 28-29. doi: 10.2307/27841067

Hartwig, M., Granhag, P.A., Stromwall, L.A., & Kronkvist, O. (2006). Strategic Use of Evidence during Police Interviews: When Training to Detect Deception Works. Law and Human Behavior, 30(5), 603-619. doi: 10.2307/4499497

the play the investigation by peter weiss
Pages: 2 Words: 648

An exemplar of Holocaust literature, Peter Weisss The Investigation is also remarkable for its structure and style. Divesting himself of the need to subscribe to the standard three-act or five-act play, Weiss combines creative nonfiction with a self-conscious nod to Dante. The play is essentially a dramatic reenactment of actual war crimes trials referencing the concentration camps at Auschwitz. Also unlike a traditional play, there is no protagonist. The bulk of the action has already occurrednot just off stage but in reality; audience members know exactly what is being discussed and why. What makes The Investigation remarkable is the way the playwright blurs the line between theater and reality to expose the darkness in the human soul.The opening scene sets the stage for the primary theme of personal accountability and responsibility, as the prosecutor asks pointed questions about how those complicit could not have known that they were sending people…...


Works Cited

Weiss, Peter. The Investigation: A Play. Woodstock, IL: The Dramatic Publishing Company.

Investigations Workplace Violence
Pages: 8 Words: 2265

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Role of Company Culture in reventing Workplace Violence:
    This essay would explore how organizational culture can contribute to or prevent incidents of workplace violence. It would involve an analysis of case studies where company culture has had a direct impact on violent incidents and propose strategies to foster a culture that prioritizes employee safety and conflict resolution.

2. The sychological Impact of Workplace Violence on Victims and Co-workers:
    This topic examines the short-term and long-term psychological effects of workplace violence on victims and bystanders. It would draw on psychological theories and empirical studies to discuss the repercussions for mental health and productivity and offer approaches to support affected individuals.

3. Legal and Ethical Considerations in Workplace Violence Investigations:
    This essay would analyze the legal frameworks and ethical dilemmas faced by employers when investigating workplace violence. It would discuss the balance between privacy and safety, the duty to report,…...


Primary Sources

United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. \"Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers.\" OSHA 3148-04R, 2016.

Neuman, Joel H., and Robert A. Baron. \"Aggression in the Workplace: A Social-Psychological Perspective.\" In Counterproductive Work Behavior: Investigations of Actors and Targets, edited by Suzy Fox and Paul E. Spector, 13-40. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2005.

Cobb, Elizabeth P., and Chris Hatcher. \"Preventing Workplace Violence in Healthcare Settings.\" Security Management, vol. 44, no. 12, 2000, pp. 30-45.

McPhaul, Kathleen M., and Jane A. Lipscomb. \"Workplace Violence in Health Care: Recognized but Not Regulated.\" Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, vol. 9, no. 3, 2004, Manuscript 6.

Wright, Simon, and Moira Jenkins. \"Investigation of Workplace Bullying in Australia: A Review of Methodology.\" Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol. 47, no. 3, 2009, pp. 275-294.

Investigations Workplace Violence
Pages: 8 Words: 2268

Essay Topic Examples
1. The sychological Underpinnings of Workplace Violence: A Study of Aggressor rofiles:
    This essay would explore the psychological factors that may contribute to an individual committing violence in the workplace. It would delve into the common characteristics and personal histories of perpetrators, examining how factors such as mental illness, stress, and personal grievances can manifest as violent behaviors in professional settings.

2. The Efficacy of Zero-Tolerance olicies in reventing Workplace Violence:
    This topic would evaluate the effectiveness of zero-tolerance policies against workplace violence. The essay would analyze whether these policies act as genuine deterrents or if they fail to address the root causes of violence. It would include a discussion on the potential negative consequences of such policies, like underreporting or victimization of minor policy violations.

3. The Role of Corporate Culture in Mitigating or Exacerbating Workplace Violence:
    In this essay, the focus would be on how the culture within a corporation can…...


Primary Sources

U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers. OSHA 3148-06R, 2016.

California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health. Workplace Violence in California: The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration\'s Regulations, Guidance, and Enforcement. July 2020.

Federal Bureau of Investigation. Workplace Violence: Issues in Response. Critical Incident Response Group, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, 2004.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Workplace Violence Prevention for Nurses. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013.

U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board. Preventing Workplace Violence: A Guide for Federal Agencies. Office of Policy and Evaluation, 1999.

Investigation of an IP Theft Using Digital Forensics Tools
Pages: 5 Words: 1363

Digital Evidence: Plan of ActionIntroductionThis paper outlines the approach for examining digital evidence related to a suspected violation of company policy. It presents senior management with a plan for collecting and maximizing evidence in the case of John Smith, accused of digital IP theft. The methods described are grounded in forensic best practices and standards.Strategy for Maximizing Evidence Collection and Minimizing ImpactBased on the standards of ISO/IEC 27037 and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-86, the strategy should begin with an initial assessment and containment. First, there needs to be a clear understanding of the scope of the potential breach. That means knowing exactly what John Smith did and how he did it.The first step, in accordance with ISO/IEC 27037:2012 (regarding identification, collection, and preservation of evidence), then is to discreetly monitor John Smith\\\'s digital activities and pinpoint the devices he uses or has used. This…...


ReferencesAjijola, A., Zavarsky, P., & Ruhl, R. (2014, December). A review and comparative evaluation of forensics guidelines of NIST SP 800-101 Rev. 1: 2014 and ISO/IEC 27037: 2012. In World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2014) (pp. 66-73). IEEE.Baráth, J. (2016). Monitoring of department network–administrator view. Science & Military Journal, 11(1), 56.Burschka, S., & Dupasquier, B. (2016, December). Tranalyzer: Versatile high performance network traffic analyser. In 2016 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.Dykstra, J., & Sherman, A. T. (2012). Acquiring forensic evidence from infrastructure-as-a-service cloud computing: Exploring and evaluating tools, trust, and techniques. Digital Investigation, 9, S90-S98.Jansen, W., & Ayers, R. (2007). Guidelines on cell phone forensics. NIST Special publication, 800(101), 800-101.Kolla, V. R. K. (2022). A Comparative Analysis of OS Forensics Tools. International Journal of Research in IT and Management (IJRIM), 12(4).Shah, M. S. M. B., Saleem, S., & Zulqarnain, R. (2017). Protecting digital evidence integrity and preserving chain of custody. Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 12(2), 12.Wilson-Wilde, L. (2018). The international development of forensic science standards—a review. Forensic science international, 288, 1-9.

Law Enforcement Abuses in Investigations
Pages: 2 Words: 695

1 Times and Trayvon
The police unit that responded to the Trayvon Martin killing did not do a thorough inspection. They did not even know that Zimmerman’s car was there until his wife attempted to move it. They did not thoroughly canvas the neighborhood and knock and doors—otherwise they would have probably learned that Trayvon was a guest there at his father’s girlfriend’s place. The unit did not even have a homicide division because there were so few murders in the region. For that reason, it may be understood that there were gaps in the procedural work: they were simply inexperienced and not staffed for such an investigation. Would the case have ended up differently had the police been more thorough in their investigation? It is difficult to say: the trial quickly became politicized, which means a lot of talking heads were less interested in facts than in race war. As…...

Can you provide me a topic for an essay on world civilization and an attention grabber?
Words: 487

In an essay, an attention grabber is known as the essay hook.  To help you out on your world civilization essay, we have put together a few topics, essay hooks, and thesis statements you could use for a world civilization essay.

World Civilization Essay Topics

  1. To what extent does the character Khal Drago from Game of Thrones resemble the real-life warlord, leader, and destroyer Genghis Khan?
  2. An exploration of the well-known Barbarian leader, Attila the Hun and how his actual behavior and history conflicts with his reputation as an uncultured and vicious leader, including investigation into his education, his use....

Can you help me with an essay outline on due diligence related to deal making?
Words: 474

Due diligence refers to the process of doing a proper investigation into something before taking an action.  Due diligence can have applications in a number of different contexts, but is most often discussed in the context of some type of business deal, when a person or organization has to make a decision about whether or not to enter into some type of business relationship (usually an investment relationship) with another type of person or organization.  Due diligence can be as simple as studying publicly available information to determine whether or not to purchase a stock....

I\'m working on a research paper for criminal investigation, an APA style, and I\'m looking for help on topics?
Words: 353

Criminal investigation is a broad field of study that covers any and all of the elements that go into solving a crime and building a legal case against the suspects.  Considered one of the applied sciences, there are actually several career paths for the criminal investigator.  Likewise, people from different disciplines may find themselves doing criminal investigative work.  For example, as science has evolved, the role of geneticists and genetic genealogists in criminal investigation and forensic science has really explored. 

When writing your paper, you have two distinct approaches you can take.  You can write a....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to cardiovascular disease on men who exrcise?
Words: 617

1. The Role of Exercise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Men: A Comprehensive Examination

Introduction: Highlight the prevalence and impact of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among men and emphasize the role of exercise as a preventive measure.

Discuss the physiological mechanisms by which exercise improves cardiovascular health, including increased blood flow, improved blood pressure regulation, and enhanced lipid profiles.
Explore the specific types and intensities of exercise that are most effective in reducing CVD risk.
Review evidence from clinical trials and observational studies demonstrating the association between regular exercise and lower incidence of CVD events.

Conclusion: Summarize the key findings supporting the protective....

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