Internet Protocol Essays (Examples)

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Internet Protocols the Internet Is More Than
Pages: 2 Words: 631

Internet Protocols
The internet is more than what it appears to many of its users. The orld ide eb is the standard and most popular method or protocol of acquiring information off the interconnectivity that the internet provides. The purpose of this essay is to define an internet protocols and give examples of several different types and the advantages and disadvantages they provide for myself and other users of this technology.

HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and is most likely the most commonly used but least understood of all the internet protocols in use today. This protocol allows web servers to display their information and data to other remote computers. Addresses are used to route and direct communication.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is method of transferring files from computer to computer has its own unique rules and methods of use. This protocol allows a user to remotely log on to a…...

Internet Protocol Version 6 IPV6 Technology
Pages: 2 Words: 713

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) technology, one of the technologies listed on Gartner's 2004 Hype Cycle that has high visibility today because new IPv4 addresses are nearly exhausted. On the 2012 Hype Cycle, IPv6 is now listed in the "Trough of Disillusionment," yet the U.. government is still directing that transition to this protocol continue:
Name at least three advantages that government organizations will gain by transitioning to IPv6 technology today, in 2013. Explain why.

The government may actually do well by transitioning to IPv6 technology. There are3 various reasons for its doing so. Three of the reasons are the following:

More Efficient Routing

Given that government networking and cloud computing can be 'stuffed' with heavy traffic, it is essential that the government archives as effective a routing process as possible. This is particularly so since it is essential for the government to have instant and faultless communication with its many recipients and…...



Tech Republic Consider the pros and cons of IPv6 

Network Computing Six Benefits of IPv6

Personal Statement an Internet Protocol
Pages: 3 Words: 818

The address classes are the defined as a, B, C, D or E.This is however dependent on the initial bits. The total of number of addresses in IPv4 are 4 294-967-296. As for IPv6, the address is made up of 128 bit long pieces which are 16 bytes. The fundamental structure of IPv6 is 64 bits (network number) and 64 bits (host number). In most case the host portion of a given IPv6 address or at least part of it is delivered from the device's MAC address .
Address allocation

For IPv4, the address allocation was originally done using a network class. As the system's address space gets depleted, certain smaller allocation are made using Classless Inter-Domain outing (CID).These allocation are however not balanced among various nations and institutions.

Address lifetime

For IPv4 the concept of address lifetime is not applicable except for the cases of addresses that are assigned using Dynamic Host…...



Deering, S Hinden, R (1995)RFC 1883, Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification,

Deering, S Hinden, R (1998)RFC 2460, Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification.The

Internet Society

International Business Machines ( 2011). Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6

Voice Over Internet Protocol Report
Pages: 10 Words: 3916

With the growth of VoIP, new requirements are brought forwarded, such as providing communication between a PC-based soft phone and a phone on PSTN. Such requirements strengthen the need for a standard for IP telephony. Same as other technologies, there are various standards proposed to be accepted by the industry. Two major standard bodies which govern the multimedia transmission over IP network are:
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

Besides ITU and IETF, there are other standard bodies exist, for instance, European

Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA).

Critical Success Factors in VoIP

The popularity of VoIP and the enhanced Quality of Service (QoS) on IP network clearly brings major opportunities to manufacturing and services companies to serve their customers. The listed the following critical success factors for VoIP (Howe 2001):

VoIP maximizes the usability of network, reduces cost and time, and provides new service opportunities.

VoIP extends service to remote…...



Aberdeen Research, 2002. Best Practices in Creating Value with VoIP. August, 2002. Aberdeen Research. Boston, MA.

Economist (2006) - Virtual champions. Economist Magazine. June 1, 2006. Retrieved from the Internet on November 28, 2007: 

Forrester Research (2007). The Forrester Wave: U.S. Enterprise-Class VoIP Services, A1, 2007. Lisa Pierce. Forrester Research, Boston, MA.

Internet Way A Unifying Theory and Methodology
Pages: 15 Words: 4205

Internet Way: a Unifying Theory and Methodology for Corporate Systems Development
The face of business has changed drastically since the advent of the Internet. Traditional brick and mortar businesses are finding themselves with new marketing avenues. The Internet has led to the invention of a new comer to the business world as well, the e-business. These businesses exist only on the Internet. They do not have a traditional brick and mortar structure. In these businesses, customers place orders by phone or online, Pay for it via credit card, bankcard, or e-check. The item is shipped right to the customer's door.

This new type of retail store offers many advantages over the traditional brick and mortar storefront. Often e-stores can offer items at a fraction of the cost of traditional stores. They do not have the expenses involved in maintaining a storefront. The customer must pay for shipping; however, in many cases this…...

Internet the First Decade of
Pages: 8 Words: 2936

The market was not ready for wireless even five years ago, but that has definitely changed. When Levi's launched its latest 501s marketing campaign earlier this year, a wireless site was a central part of its digital strategy. Now there are nearly 30,000 public wireless "hot spots" in the United States. Advertisers believe that now that wireless has finally become a medium with which consumers are comfortable, the next stage is its exploitation by brands. Many feel that the wireless sites will increasingly become a part of marketing campaigns.
The semi-technical arena is seeing the rise of numerous new search engines, especially since ones such as Google have become so successful. Increasing numbers of Web surfers are going to alternative search engines that specialize in finding certain kinds of information or offering additional capabilities to well-known search sites (Kharif). AOL launched a test version of its new travel search site,…...



Clendenning, a. (March 11, 2005). Are specialty search engines a future trend?

America's Intelligence Wire. [electronic version]

E-Commerce Trends. Website retrieved July 12, 2005. 

Frenzel, L.E. (2005). The Internet's next evolution beckons. Electronic Design.

Internet Use to Solve Crimes
Pages: 4 Words: 1348

Through these applications, corrections officers can also help reduce internal violence by providing better command and control. These interfaces include criminal intelligence information, such as photographs, fingerprints and documents. These information can be transferred or shared with institutions. These functions, in combination with location identification devices facilitate the tracking down of the movements of high-risk inmates or at-risk personnel in any facility or area. For parole and probation functions, these internet applications perform client mapping and allow better and more efficient workload distribution according to user-determined criteria. Automated routing enables an officer to conduct residence checks and related activities and saves hours of preparation time every week. This, in turn, reduces lead time for route planning and monitors cost per visit (Geographical Institute Systems).
The safety and security of citizens and the community are another primary concern and responsibility of the government (Geographic Institute Systems 2006). In addressing this function,…...



Dozono, Elisa. Crime Mapping Now Available on the Internet. Portland Police Bureau, 2001.

Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Law Enforcement and the GIS Enterprise. GIS for Law Enforcement, 2007.

Geographic Information Systems. Crime Mapping: GIS Goes Mainstream. GIS Lounge, 2006.

Heffernan, Sloane. Law Enforcement Uses Internet to Solve Offline Crimes. Capitol Broadcasting Company, Inc., 2007.

Internet of Things for Supply
Pages: 9 Words: 2551

It presumes interacting elements in non-deterministic systems, which possess the capability and possibility to render decisions independently." (Bose & Windt) "Sensor networks and pervasive networking approaches are also of high interest to the mobile industry. Context aware applications using mobile devices with dynamically varying service platforms are currently under investigation by mobile operators." (Buckley, 2006) "Growing demand for radio usage implies either the spread of unlicensed bands in breadth and number, or the spread of new technology which: allows transparent overlap of multiple signals (direct spread spectrum): adapts and compensates for already occupied spectrum with cognitive radio and software defined radio." (Buckley, 2006)

The issues presented that intend to hinder the development of the IoT include linking a large number of decentralized servers. "Afilias believes that DNS provides a publicly available platform that can be leveraged for homing multiple, decentralized ONS services." (Cute, Young, 2008) it is generally easier to…...



Buckley, J. "FROM RFID to the INTERNET of THINGS" Pervasive networked systems. March 6 & 7, 2006, CCAB, Brussels

Cute B., Young M. "FINDING YOUR WAY in the INTERNET of TIHNGS" an Afilias Whitepaper September 2008

Chui M., Loffler M., Roberts R. "THE INTERNET of THINGS" the Mc Kinsey Quarterly 2010 Number 2.


Internet in Response to the
Pages: 11 Words: 3019

This lead was accomplished through a partnership nearly a half-century old among government, industry and academia. I member of that partnership was the National Science Foundation (NSF). As Strawn noted, early on, scientists and engineers at American universities began to join the young APANet, as they worked on basic research funded primarily by the NSF. Acknowledging this, the NSF began supporting national supercomputing centers, in the mid-1980s, as a means of giving American scientists, engineers, and students greater access to high-performance computing that was state of the art, and developed Computer Science Network (CSNET).
Creation of these national supercomputer centers by NSF was critical to the development of the Internet. To further enhance U.S. scientists' access to these centers, NSF established the NSFNET national backbone network that connected the NSF supercomputing centers to U.S. universities. NSF also promoted the creation of regional networks to connect colleges and universities to the…...



Bellis, M. Inventors of the Modern Computer. 2007. November 7, 2007 .

Brief History of the Internet. 10 Dec 2003. Internet Society. November 7, 2007 .

Cold War. 2003. National Park Service. November 7, 2007 .

DARPA Over the Years. 27 Oct 2003. DARPA. November 7, 2007 .

Internet Terms Essay
Pages: Words: 2187

The twenty-first century observed the information and computer revolution; empowering people to have instant communication and permitting them in carrying out activities using computers. The use of the computer is not limited to a single or specific industry and its use would be seen in all the industries or sectors. Presently, we are living in a world wherein nearly everyone has heard about computer technology and over sixty percent of people have information on its usage. We can now find laptops or computers in shops, homes, educational institutions, ticket counters, and so on (Daily Alert, 2013). It is important to have an understanding of some important terms used in the field of computer technology. This essay will provide an understanding of the various terms involving the Internet such as, web browser, URL, Wi-Fi, network, firewalls, email, phishing, malware, and more.


The internet, in simple terms, occasionally called as ‘Net,’ is a…...

INTERNET2 Next Generation Internet
Pages: 12 Words: 3275


The Internet was developed during the late 1960s and early 1970s as a network or computers capable of sustaining global communication. The original Internet, initially intended as and educational and governmental tool, has since reached a global commercial user base. The original Internet has proven a successful means of disseminating and communicating information to more than a billion users, thanks to technological advances.

A new wave however, has occurred in Internet technology. Educators and researchers are currently investigating and implementing new technology, referred to as Internet2. This new communication outlet was built to help ease the congestion researchers, government agents and educators currently face when attempting to access the Internet. The information superhighway has in fact, become jam packed, as an interstate during rush hour. Scientists, educators and government officials have invested in a program that will hopefully result in a more technologically advanced superhighway that will allow…...



Dimitrov, Ivan. "Network Security: Limitations of the Internet Protocol." Retrieved April 10, 2004. Available:

Emory. "Van Houweling talks about benefits of the Internet of Tomorrow." Emory Report, December 1999, Vol. 52, No. 15. Available: 

Harper, Jennifer. "Internet May Leap Beyond Its Problems." The Washington Times, April 1997

Int2. Retrieved April 10, 2004. Available:

Internet in Basic Terms the
Pages: 5 Words: 1553


Cole, C., ay, K., & Zanetis, J. (2004). Videoconferencing for K-12 Classrooms: A Program Development Guide. Eugene, or: International Society for Technology in Education. etrieved November 26, 2008, from Questia database:

FAQs about Internet2. etrieved November 26, 2008, at

Goodman, P.S. (Ed.). (2002). Technology Enhanced Learning: Opportunities for Change. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. etrieved November 26, 2008, from Questia database:

Hanss T. Internet2: Building and Deploying Advanced, Networked Applications.

etrieved November 26, 2008, at

Internet2: About us. etrieved November 26, 2008, at

Internet2 Announces New Initiative to Accelerate Advanced Network Application

Development. etrieved November 26, 2008, at

Internet2 Network. etrieved November 26, 2008, at /

eddy, ., & Goodma, P.S. (2002). Chapter 1 Technology Trends and Implications for Learning in Tertiary Institutions. In Technology Enhanced Learning: Opportunities for Change, Goodman, P.S. (Ed.) (pp. 3-20). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. etrieved November 26, 2008, from Questia database:

usso a.…...



Cole, C., Ray, K., & Zanetis, J. (2004). Videoconferencing for K-12 Classrooms: A Program Development Guide. Eugene, or: International Society for Technology in Education. Retrieved November 26, 2008, from Questia database: 

FAQs about Internet2. Retrieved November 26, 2008, at  

Internet and Its Impact on
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

One of the best examples of a mash-up being made possible by the AJAX programming language is the work of Dr. Hans Rosling and his apMinder program at (Phelps, Cseh, 2009). Dr. Rosling has taken the data set from the United Nations and added in analytics to determine the correlation of income to health. He is a regular speaker at TED (Technology, Entertainment & Design) Conferences and is considered one of the top 20 presenters of all time at this distinguished and prestigious global conference. His insights into the correlation of income and health have been widely used by governments globally and he is a frequent lecturer at the U.S. State Department. Dr. Rosling's insights are well worth listening to on the TED site and also working with his application as well. If JAX had not been invented and the rapid gains in programming performance not achieved,…...


Given the fact that users have come to expect more and more data being available in their Web-based applications and the delivery of it to be personalized and fast, AJAX has also been expanded to support much greater levels of integration as well (Robertson, Saxton, Van Gucht, Vansummeren, 2009). This aspect of being able to integrate data from XML data streams for other Web applications' use, integrating to legacy systems in companies and also from Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems for pricing and product data for example, is establishing AJAX as a standard in corporations. As more corporations adopt AJAX as a standard there will continue to be more integration options defined and greater use of mash-ups in mainstream Web applications as a result. This is going to greatly enrich the user experience online as it will present data in entirely new contexts and with entirely new relationships.

Impact of Web-based Application Development on Society

Google fans globally don't realize it but they are reaping the benefits of AJAX application development advances daily (MacVittie, 2007). Google has customized their own version of AJAX, which is called Python. The Google version of AJAX is quickly revolutionizing how the world searches out and finds information online. In speaking previously about how quickly Internet users' expectations are increasing with regard to application performance, AJAX is a catalyst of these expectations growing continually. The one areas this is particularly true is in social networking applications including Facebook, Friendfeed, Twitter and many others discussed in Appendix B of this paper. AJAX is making it possible for these applications to deliver real-time updates and also stay secure and reliable enough to scale

Internet History Words 281 the
Pages: 3 Words: 1161

The ftp protocol making possible file transfers within the sites of the Internet was published as an FC in 1973 and since then FC
Words: 282

was made available electronically to anyone those had applied the ftp protocol. The libraries started to automate and network their catalogs in the later part of 1960s quite independent from APA. The thinker Frederick G. Kigour of the Ohio College Library Center championed the networking of Ohio libraries during the decades of 60s and 70s. The TCP/IP architecture first proposed by Bob Kahn at BBN and again developed by Kahn and Vint Cerf at Stanford and others all through 70s. It was applied by the Defense Department in 1980 substituting the earlier Network Control Protocol --NCP and commonly adopted by 1983. The UNIC to UNIX copy Protocol or UUCP was discovered in 1978 at Bell Labs. Usenet was originated in 1979 on the basis of…...



Griffiths, Richard T. "Chapter Three: History of Electronic Mail." Leiden University.

Retrieved from   Accessed on 27 May, 2005 

Howe, Walt. (17 September 2004) "A Brief History of the Internet." Retrieved from   Accessed on 27 May, 2005 

Meyers, Jeremy. "A Short History of the Computer (b.c -- 1993 a.d)" Retrieved from   / Accessed on 27 May, 2005 

Internet Blogging the Changing Computer
Pages: 3 Words: 1140

The eb has grown increasingly fast and sophisticated, as podcasts, streaming video, and other movie-like aspects of entertainment have become part of the eb experience. Features such as YourTube allow persons to see videos, homemade by uses, over the web. As digital cameras and video cameras become more common, the language of the eb and the media exposed upon eb blogs are sure to expand in the future, and to incorporate more visual elements.

As technology changes and expands into every day life, the language used to describe Internet technology is likely to become more blurred and less specific.

One example, previously discussed, is the fact that the Internet and orld ide eb are often incorrectly used as synonyms. Another example is how the verb "blog" has been modified to become a verb, so to "blog" is to write a blog, as well as the document of a blog itself. Blogs still…...


Works Cited

Blog," (2006) Webopedia. Retrieved 12 Aug 2006 at 

The Difference Between the Internet and the World Wide Web." (2006) Webopedia. Retrieved 12 Aug 2006 at 

HTML." (2006) Webopedia. Retrieved 12 Aug 2006 at 

SDLC." (2006) Webopedia. Retrieved 12 Aug 2006 at

How has information technology revolutionized communication in the modern world?
Words: 585

Information Technology: A Communication Revolution

Information technology (IT) has profoundly transformed the way we communicate in the modern world. By enabling the rapid and ubiquitous exchange of information, IT has revolutionized our personal, professional, and societal interactions.

Real-Time Communication

One of the most significant impacts of IT has been the advent of real-time communication. Messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger allow us to send and receive messages, photos, and videos instantaneously, regardless of location. Video conferencing tools like Zoom and Skype have made virtual face-to-face interactions a reality, bridging geographical distances.

Social Media

Social media platforms have created vast virtual communities where....

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