Internet Essays (Examples)

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Internet and Global Finance Strategies
Pages: 20 Words: 5161

Internet and Global Finance Strategies
ithin the present competitive business environment, firms are continuously looking for various strategies to be ahead of their competitors and achieve competitive market advantages. Many firms have identified that internet technology is a powerful tool to enhance competitive market advantages. The traditional organizations have identified that internet is a powerful tool to deliver value to customer and presently, the internet technology has enabled firms to coordinate and interact their value chain activities to customer with the objective of improving financial performances. These changes generally refer to as NBT (Net-based business transformation). The net-based business transformation is the substitution of traditional business operations from paper, fax and telephone-based communication into electronic business transactions with the objective to enhance tighter coordination with customer and suppliers, increase inventory turnover, enhance customer satisfaction, and improve time-to-market. Despite the potential benefits of internet to the improvement of firms' financial performances, there…...


Work Cited

Apple Inc. Apple 2010 Annual Report. Apple Inc. 2010).

Apple Inc. Apple 2012 Annual Report. Apple Inc.2012

Barua, A. Konana, P. Whinston, A.B. et al. An Empirical Investigation of Net-Based Business Value. MIS Quarterly. 28 (4): 585-620. 2004.

Bughin, J. Corb, L. Manyika, J. et al. .The impact of Internet Technologies: Search. McKinsey & Company Report. 2011.

Internet Abuse in Universities Why
Pages: 5 Words: 1663

At the bottom line, the issue at hand is with the sanctity and safety of the students and the responsibility of the university to preserve and develop that.
Moreover, many of these students are dallying into multi-dimensional virtual worlds that are beginning to closely resemble the physical world and that are having their own ethical issues arise (Wankel & Malleck, 2010). Universities need to educate themselves as to what those issues are exactly.

3. With hindsight, how could Bob have designed his research to avoid some of the difficulties he encountered?

In hindsight, it's absolutely possible that Bob could have designed his research in a more sensitive manner that would have been more appealing to the bulk of the universities that he approached. For example, if Bob hadn't submitted open-ended questions but multiple choice or true or false questions, the survey that he submitted might have been more appealing to university administrators.…...



Fortson, B.L., Scotti, J.R., Chen, Y.C., & Malone, J. (2007). Internet use, abuse, and dependence among students at a southeastern regional university. J Am Coll

Health., 56(2), 137-44. (n.d.). Privacy and human rights. Retrieved from .

Morahan-Martin, J. (2005). Internet abuse. Social Science Computer Review, 23(1), 39-48.

Internet Security Risks Internet Security Presents Field
Pages: 15 Words: 4724

Internet Security, risks internet security presents field information technology implementing solutions address challenges. The paper 15 pages length ( including title reference page). 1. Title Page: Include, paper title, title, instructor's, date.
Internet security

In today's advanced technological world, online users are faced with a myriad of problems and risks. Any online user is vulnerable to Trojans, viruses, worms, spyware, and malware. The user is exposed to sniffers, spoofing software, and phishing. There are many tools that are employed online that breach a user's privacy without their knowledge Dinev & Hart, 2005.

Web tracking software is used by malicious companies to access a person's online behavior and information, which the company will sell to other marketing companies. Corporations and government institutions are constantly been hacked for their information. Banks have lost millions as the hackers access customer accounts and withdraw funds illegally Dinev & Hart, 2005.

The reasons for these attacks could be system…...



Anderson, R., & Moore, T. (2009). Information Security: Where Computer Science, Economics and Psychology Meet. Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 367(1898), 2717-2727. doi: 10.2307/40485617

Cavusoglu, H., Mishra, B., & Raghunathan, S. (2004). The Effect of Internet Security Breach Announcements on Market Value: Capital Market Reactions for Breached Firms and Internet Security Developers. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 9(1), 69-104. doi: 10.2307/27751132

Dinev, T., & Hart, P. (2005). Internet Privacy Concerns and Social Awareness as Determinants of Intention to Transact. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 10(2), 7-29. doi: 10.2307/27751182

Grazioli, S., & Jarvenpaa, S.L. (2003). Consumer and Business Deception on the Internet: Content Analysis of Documentary Evidence. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 7(4), 93-118. doi: 10.2307/27751079

Internet Media and Its Impact on Shaping
Pages: 11 Words: 3220

Internet Media and Its Impact on Shaping Global Economy
Internet Media its Impact Shaping Global Economy

Internet Media is the means through which information is conveyed to people through cables that are linked together at a certain workstations. Today, Internet media is everywhere and it has become so difficult to avoid it. The use of Internet by people has revolutionized the consumer interacts and their businesses. The use of Internet has become uniquely important for the growth of global business. Internet has totally changed the way people work, shop, and the way they live. The use of Internet media became increasingly in the 21st century making many businesses to be conducted easily. Businesses arena has been transformed especially in the sector of communications, by reducing the amount of time required in transmitting the information over the long distances. Internet on the other hand, has made itself so indispensable for the commercial endeavors…...



Gates, B. (2000). Editor's choice: Mass Media: Shaping the Internet Age. Divine Mother (Holy Spirit): The Kingdom Of God. Retrieved August 16, 2012, from 

Poe, M. (2011). A history of communications: media and society from the evolution of speech to the Internet. London: Cambridge University Press.

McBlain, A. (2009). Predictions for the Future of the Internet. Six Revisions - Web Design Articles, News, Tutorials. Retrieved August 16, 2012, from 

Wallace, P.M. (2004). The Internet in the workplace: how new technology is transforming work. London: Cambridge University Press.

Internet Makes Children Smarter Integration of Computer
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Internet Makes Children Smarter
Integration of computer and internet into the day-to-day lives of children are quite visible nowadays. (Lee, 509) For several children, the use of internet has now become integrated with connecting over phone and watching television in the 'repertoire of typical behavior.' (Packard, 20) Children presently are techno literate and sometime extend over the efficiency of their teachers and parents; children and their parents have great anticipations with regard to the accessibility of technology in school; the transformation of learning into fun and entertaining has been their need; they also demand immediacy, customized and flexible approach. (Wright, 42) As domestic accessibility to internet has now become common, this paper identifies and assesses the influence of internet on children. The characteristics of internet use by children produce public concern that both regulate and undermine research, confusing the already challenging study of children. (Livingstone, 148)

Thesis Statement: "Internet makes children smarter…...

Internet Fraud Every Day Fraudsters and Hackers
Pages: 3 Words: 981

Internet Fraud
Every day, fraudsters and hackers find new ways of making a quick buck via the internet. In that regard, the need to familiarize oneself with the principles and measures necessary to avoid falling victim to internet fraud cannot be overstated. This text largely concerns itself with internet fraud and the measures individuals should take to protect both themselves and their businesses from the same.

Internet Fraud: An Overview

Fraud according to Newman (2009) is "a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain." Thus in basic terms, internet fraud is any fraud executed via the internet. With the growing popularity of ecommerce in which case businesses and individuals actively engage in online trade, online fraud will most likely become even more lucrative. It thus makes great sense for individuals to equip themselves with the necessary skills so as to protect both themselves and their businesses from online fraud.




Federal Bureau of Investigation -- FBI (2012). Common Fraud Schemes: Internet Fraud. Retrieved August 18, 2012, from: 

Federal Bureau of Investigation -- FBI (2012). Common Fraud Schemes. Retrieved August 18, 2012, from: 

Newman, R. (2009). Computer Security: Protecting Digital Resources. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Internet as Social Media Connectivity
Pages: 4 Words: 1656

In sum, arguments against the use of social media on the Internet for new and different useful information fail to recognize at least 9 ways in which social media on the Internet greatly assist businesses in obtaining new and useful different information.
3. Conclusion

Social media on the Internet provides businesses with new and different useful information. There are at least 9 ways in which this is accomplished, because Internet social media: allows communication across forums; allows a business to develop, share and improve ideas quickly; allows constant updating from any network terminal in the world; allows valuable tracking; assists in targeted marketing; allows effective gathering of information from social media groups; allows a business to quickly learn of and counter negative information; offers services that can monitor web conversations for qualitative and quantitative analysis; provides the largest information retrieval system in the world; and allows businesses to learn about prospective…...


Works Cited

Adams, C.A., & Frost, G.R. (2006). The Internet and change in corporate stakeholder engagement and communication strategies on social and environmental performance. Retrieved May 19, 2013 from Web site: 

Edosomwan, S., Prakasan, S.K., Kouame, D., Watson, J., & Seymour, T. (2011, July). The history of social media and its impact on business. Retrieved May 19, 2013 from Web site: 

Hanna, J. (2010, November 29). HBS working knowledge - United breaks guitars. Retrieved May 19, 2013 from Web site: 

Milliken, J. (2010, May 9). Brands and social media participation; United breaks guitars. Retrieved May 19, 2013 from Web site:

Internet Staffing the Advent of
Pages: 10 Words: 2656

Job availability also increased in finance and insurance, professional and technical, real estate and retail trade industries. Monster's new index fills a gap that has existed in tracking online help-wanted ads, said founder Jeff Taylor. The online index "really becomes more relevant as we begin to move into recovery" of the economy, he said (Medill 2004)."
The article goes on to contend that the other internet-recruiting firms such as and have also experienced spikes in the amount of traffic on their sites. In fact career builder had revenue of $56 million for the first quarter of 2004. Compare this to $33 billion made during the same quarter of the previous year. The article asserts that this rate will probably continue to increase as the economy recovers. The authors also explain that print advertisement has not disappeared completely but it is now being used in combination with internet…...



2000 Agency Awards for Excellence. (2001). Public Personnel Management, 30(4), 549. 

Backhaus, K.B. (2004). An Exploration of Corporate Recruitment Descriptions on Monster.Com. The Journal of Business Communication, 41(2), 115+. 

Bingham, B., Ilg, S., & Davidson, N. (2002). Great Candidates Fast: Online Job Application and Electronic Processing -- Washington State's New Internet Application System. Public Personnel Management, 31(1), 53.

Internet Security Measures an Assessment
Pages: 10 Words: 3999

Internet Security Measures- An Assessment
The world of the Internet is truly an amazing and wonderful place where any information on any topic is available, right at your fingertips, with the mere click of a button. The Internet is very much like a huge city where high rises filled with honest people and slums filled with the lower classes coexist side by side; where there are both good people as well as the bad and dishonest criminals living in one place. Criminals in the real world may be relatively easier to find than those in the cyber world who are virtually impossible to find. This may be due to the practical difficulties in finding the criminals and tracking them down through virtual space and taking action on them. The battle between Internet thieves and Internet administrators has been actually going on for many years; the Internet, in fact, has been in…...



Cyber Crimes" Retrieved at   Accessed on 03/21/2003 .

Hack Attack" Retrieved at   Accessed on 03/21/2003 .

Internet Battle" Retrieved at Accessed on 03/21/2003http://www.*****/essays/486.shtml.

Internet Law" Retrieved at   Accessed on 03/21/2003 .

Internet Fraud
Pages: 12 Words: 4362

Internet Fraud
The slashing of prices of Home PCs and explosive growth of internet has increased the number of net users over the years. The keenness to exploit the advanced features of internet to utilize in the field of education, entertainment, communication, business, scientific research increased to a great extent. The wiping out of the geographical barriers is the greatest advantage that is provided by the internet which impels the net users to innovate newer methods day by day to supplement the tools used in the daily routine work in these fields. The e-mail, chat rooms, message boards and websites created a new virtual society among the net users. The business decisions, information searching, personal interactions etc. become very quick and made easier through use of these tools.

Crimes are inherent to every society and the virtual society created by internet is also not an exception to it. The same crime that…...



Chalmers, Ron. "E-mail Fraud on the Upswing" Retrieved at   Accessed on 10 April 2004. .

Facts and tips to avoid being a victim of Internet fraud" Retrieved at Accessed on 10 April 2004

Identity Theft- Police NoteBook, the University of Oklahoma Police Department" Retrieved at   Accessed on 10 April 2004. .

IFCC 2002 Internet Fraud Report: January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002." Retrieved at Accessed on 10 April 2004.

Internet and Personal Relationships the
Pages: 3 Words: 1153

Some theorists argue that, "...the use of e-mail enables people who are peripheral in groups to become more visible. This means that people of lower status can easily communicate with those of higher status" (Module 3: Online Personal elationships).
Another category that benefits from the Internet in terms of personal relationships is those who prefer not to interact with others conventionally due to fear or a perception that going out into society is dangerous. In an article entitled Social anxiety, Internet use and personal relationships on the Internet (2004), Nishimura states that, "People who had a high level of trait social anxiety, especially those under twenty years of age, were highly motivated to use the Internet for the formation of personal relationships" (Nishimura, 2004, p.124).

However, despite these positive aspects, many pundits do not always see the Internet as an ideal platform for the development of personal relationships. The study referred…...



Burns E. (2006) Personal Relationships Expand with Use of the Web. Retrieved April 20, 2008, at 

Lea, M. And Spears, M. (1995). "Love at first byte? Building personal relationships over computer networks." In Wood, J.T. & Duck, S. (Eds.). Understudied Relationships: Off the Beaten Track. (pp. 197-236). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Nishimura Y.(2004) Social anxiety, Internet use and personal relationships on the Internet. The Japanese Society of Social Psychology, 19(2), pp. 124- 134

Module 3: Online Personal Relationships. University of Milwaukee. Retrieved April 20, 2008, at

Internet Access Is Not Uniform
Pages: 3 Words: 847

Whereas the radio did not reach mass media status for 38 years, and television required 13 years, the Internet soared from obscurity to 50 million users in just four years. By 1998 there were an estimated 143 million Internet users, with numbers expected to exceed 700 million by this year. Some 88% of all users in 1998 lived in industrial countries, home to less than 15% of the world's people. The U.S. has more computers than the rest of the world combined, and over 100 million Internet users."
But developing countries are not exactly conveniently blind to the advantages of the Internet. Some less-developed nations are trying hard to keep pace with technological advancement and have been seeking ways to provide greater Internet access to their people. India is one such country that may not be able to compete with U.S. And Europe both economically and technologically but is making…...



1) Koss, Fabian a., Children falling into the digital divide. Journal of International Affairs; 9/22/2001;

2) Sonia Arrison, What Digital Divide: March 13, 2002: retrieved online on 4th September 2004: 

3) John Ribeiro, India tackles the digital divide: IDG News Service, Bangalore Bureau 14th May, 2002: retrieved online on 4th September 2004

Internet Trust Certificates in Every
Pages: 10 Words: 2900

Trust alleviates the apprehensions of insecurity that crop up when the retailer is not known, or the way the company will deliver the goods or services purchased. Building trust in e-commerce necessitates a clear indication of rigorous standards of security, data safeguard, transparency of data use, etc. (The effect of IT-based security on feedback mechanisms and trust building in online auction settings)
Morgan and Hunt during 1994 indicate that trust can be generated when firms produce superior resources, uphold high standards of corporate values, communicate information about expectations, market intelligence and evaluations, and eliminate malevolently exploiting their trading partner. Research dealing with trust from the conventional marketing perspective concentrates on an experience-based consequence. But in the online environment, trust is necessary prior to the online shopping experience can occur. One field of major problem for consumers in the development of trust is privacy. As indicated by Luo during 2002 in…...


While name and brand acknowledgement of already reputed conventional retailers can confidently entail a baseline for consumers when they go online, this also is applicable to some uncertainty in the consumers' mind when dealing with unknown merchants. Recently, online companies have not succeeded in delivering on promises, specifically during the 2000 and 2001 holiday seasons. Unsuccessful assurances supplemented the suspicion of the consumers to purchase online. As per Hemphill during 2002, electronic commerce will not attain its full prospective in the U.S. economy unless consumers feel confident that their privacy and confidentiality have been safeguarded. It is now evident that for all retailers to generate a secure and reliable shopping experience for online consumers.

Yoon during 2002 reveal that to secure trust for a web site, managing the overall image of the web-site was more significant than emphasizing the functionality of the site. He also detected that web sites that prevail online are more emergently in need of trust acknowledgement than those appearing both online as well as offline. These consequences further give rise to the necessity for improving the communication with consumers to assist their trust of the web site. Since consumers sometimes draw upon signs from their environment, companies must generate trust signs as well as create a favorable circumstance in which the deals can take place. On the basis of the assessment of literature, several trust signs were detected. The privacy, security, and return policies; shipping strategies; warranty follow up; email contact; physical address or location; phone or fax numbers; alternative ordering choices; BBB TRUSTe, Verisign or credit card logos are included as the cues. (Investigating the use of trust cues by top web retailers)

As per a survey made by Ponemon Institute and Interactive ad firm Dotomi, an opt-in online marketing campaigns can be considered to be one of the more efficient mode to create trust among the Internet users and attain personal information for them. Practically, they determined to analyze the importance of online permission for Internet marketing. The Online Permissions Survey supported by Dotomy was relied on the reactions from a statistically representative group of 1,799 Internet-accessing adults in all important sections of the U.S. The Researchers depute respondents two sample environment, both presenting the option whether or not to permit an online merchant to distribute information regarding them with third party marketers. The first approach is associated with a merchant the consumer was not familiar with but interested in purchasing from. The second was pertaining to an online merchant which the consumer was not familiar with, but was interested in buying from. In both the cases the study revealed that the one that

Internet and Politics
Pages: 2 Words: 676

Internet and Politics
What are the ways in which government sometimes tries to regulate or censor internet content? What are the problems with these efforts at regulation?

In recent times, cyberspace regulation has surfaced as a hot topic. The parameters and laws of cyberspace are principally defined by state-controlled Internet filtering. The governments and states exercise control over the Internet content at various levels. This power of governments over the Internet has dispelled the outlook of Internet as democratic architecture, out of the governmental influences. There is no single state in the world right now that permits its citizens an absolutely unhampered accessibility to information (Tariq).

The Internet censorship by the governments can be described as "the control or suppression of the publishing or accessing of information on the Internet" (Alsayegh, Lee & Thompson). The censorship of internet content by the governments has taken several forms and ranges. Firstly, some governments block any…...



Alsayegh, A., Lee, V., & Thompson, M. (n.d.). Government Censorship of the Internet. Retrieved July 25, 2012 from 

Rininsland, A. (2012, April 16). Internet Censorship Listed: How Does Each Country Compare? Retrieved July 25, 2012 from 

Tariq, O. (n.d.). Internet Censorship: The End of Digital Libertarianism? Retrieved July 25, 2012 from

Internet Security
Pages: 4 Words: 1386

Internet Security
With the increasing awareness and use of the internet, organizations and individuals are facing newer security issues each day. Everyday people purchase goods on the internet and any hacking as a "joke" could cause the customer's credit card information to fall in the wrong hands. Misuse of such had been on a rise recently all over the world. Governments have now started to enforce strict internet laws to minimize such occurrences. It is unfortunate that internet being such a powerful tool which is used by millions to benefit them is being misused by some. "The Computer Security Institute released a study earlier this year in which 85% of respondents said they experienced a computer breach, with 64% serious enough to cause financial losses"( Tim Lemke, p.7). Many companies have started to produce high tech anti-virus and adware or spyware detectors. Such companies have made available their products online and…...



(1) Tim Lemke -- Article Title: Internet Security Threat Up, Panel Told. Newspaper Title: The Washington Times. Publication Date: July 17, 2001. Page Number: 7.

(2) Microsoft -- Securing Your Infrastructure. [Online website] Available from: [Accessed on: 21/09/2005]

(3) Scott Berinato -- How To Save The Internet. [Online website] Available from:   [Accessed on: 21/09/2005] 

(4) Dawn Harris -- Factual Data Reveals 31% of Corporate Internet E-mail Exchange Could Cause Legal Liability, Financial Loss and Disruption of Network Services. [Online website] Available from:   [Accessed on: 21/09/2005] 

How do I write a paper for Bible College arguing my point-of-view with scriptures?
Words: 354

One of the great things about writing a position paper using the Bible to provide scriptural support is that the Bible is such a large document, full of internal inconsistencies, which means it can be used to support almost any position.  This is especially true if you are looking at scripture in isolation, rather than viewing it as an excerpt from a larger book or as part of a cohesive theme.  In fact, you might be surprised to discover that the Bible has text that can be used to argue against most of the ideas that we think of as....

How the Covid19 pandemic has created opportunities for businesses?
Words: 402

When most people think about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economics, they think of it as being purely destructive.  While there can be no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has created economic uncertainty in many sectors, leading to a loss of production and high unemployment rates in many areas, it cannot be ignored that the pandemic has also led to new opportunities for certain businesses.  Understanding those opportunities may be critical to the overall recovery of the global economy, as those industries that have experienced gains determine how to leverage them in a way that....

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