International Marketing Essays (Examples)

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International Marketing
Pages: 7 Words: 2113

International Marketing
In many ways, domestic marketing and international marketing are similar. They are based on the same fundamental principles of using price, product, place and promotion to craft appeals to customers that will enhance sales. There are certain facets of international marketing, however, that are slightly different. Marketers need to be aware of what these similarities and differences are.

In terms of similarities, the fundamental things that a company must pay attention to are the same. The company must understand its target market, have a strong distribution strategy, set its price effectiveness and it is must promote the product with a message that appeals to the target market (Nag, n.d). The mechanics of these things, however, can be considerably different in foreign markets. IN particular, where consumer tastes and ability to pay are different, or where channels for either distribution or marketing communications are different, a company can be forced to…...


Works Cited

ASTM. (2001). The economic benefits of standardization. ASTM Business Link. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from 

Buzzell. R. (1968). Can you standardize multinational marketing? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from 

Franchise Press. (2011). Starbucks buys back control of stores. Franchise Press. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from

Nag, B. (no date). Basics of international marketing. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from

International Marketing
Pages: 10 Words: 4034

Intenational Maketing
Ethnocentism is an attitude of supeioity, in a cultual sense, whee one thinks that one's cultue is supeio to the othes'. Ethnocentism is the basis of the acism and nationalism and the tibalism sentiments that exist in the wold of humans. (Definition of ethnocentism) In addition, ethnocenticity is geneally accompanied by a feeling that because one's own cultue is the bets, it is easy to feel contempt and hated towads othe cultues that exist, and also, because of this feeling, the wold is also seen though ose tinted glasses. (Speak Soft, Speak Sue) This means that since ou own cultue is the best, it automatically means that all the othes must fit into the expectations that ae a pat and pacel of ou cultue, especially since thei cultue is so infeio to ous. Hee it has to be mentioned that the concept of Ethnocentism cannot be said to be…...


references. Retrieved From

Accessed on 8 October, 2004

International Marketing Company. Retrieved From

  / Accessed on 8 October, 2004 

International Marketing
Pages: 3 Words: 917

International Marketing
The beginning of the introduction is a bit clumsy, but this is a style issue and not material to the paper. The subject is introduced well. The authors do a good job of framing the problem. It is easy to understand that the debate is between two options that are essentially mutually exclusive in using a consistent global marketing program vs. tailoring the marketing program for each country or culture. The authors explain their methodology well, and it is easy to understand as the reader. The brevity and lack of tangential rambling in the introduction is appreciated.

The objective of the study is to synthesize the existing body of literature. This body is extensive, and the authors believe that there have been very few direct comparisons between the two international marketing approaches. Their aim is to bridge that gap in the research, so that there is more of a direct…...


Works Cited:

Cheon, H., Cho, C. & Sutherland, J. (2007). A meta-analysis of studies on the determinants of standardization and localization of international marketing and advertising strategies. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. Vol. 19 (4) 109-147.

International Marketing
Pages: 2 Words: 856

International Marketing
One of the fastest growing and most profitable investment opportunities open to international entrepreneurs today is the possibility of constructing entities known as 'virtual corporations' or 'hollow corporations.' Such companies are designed to capitalize on outsourcers' points of leverage to achieve greater efficiencies, lower costs, and access to resources, thus increasing one's own competitive advantage. In other words, because of one's proximity to particular goods, without much capital, by constructing a 'hollow corporation' one may act as an effective 'middle person' or distribution center for goods. These are usually goods desired in another area of the world that are plentiful near one's own location, but not plentiful in another location. (Commercial Accounts, November 11, 2001, Website Accessed November 29, 2002, ( Of course, the reverse is also true. One can also import goods from abroad, with the intent of facilitating distribution of these goods to a scarce section of…...


He or she must do so with an eye to ensure that he or she is fulfilling an unmet need to import and export goods. Or, if a need is in fact being met by potential competitors, the goods transmitted ought not being priced at a competitive and relatively inexpensive rate compared to the rate one is prepared to provide at the onset. Can the goods this potential marketer is considering brokering find a market, and what sort of audience will these goods be targeted at? How much will it cost him or her to target a particular country with his or her business, and will the shipping rates internationally not detract from the 'bottom line'? The potential market for goods is critical because it must be assured that there is a stable demand for the product, or such a demand can be generated over time. To determine this, the businessperson must have a savvy knowledge base of the sort of market that exists internationally for the particular goods he or she will be dealing with.

On a more practical level a businessperson of this virtual business must think of the regulations regarding shipping and handling of particular goods, internationally. What sort of regulations could potentially impede him or her importing particular goods into a particular country? Conversely, will goods that are legal from a particular outside country be prohibited in their transmission to the United States? The European Union, to take an obvious example from the real world, has different regulations containing genetically modified foods than the United States. If a particular hollow corporation was involved in the transmission of a popular brand of chocolate that made use of fruit flavorings from genetically modified crops, these products might potentially be banned from being imported into all EU countries.

A third and equally important consideration is that of payment. If on a small scale, a businessperson may have to ask him or herself, what methods of credit card verification are available? Will the individuals in the country or country that is primarily being dealt with have forms of payment that are acceptable in the United States, such as Visa, MasterCard, or other international forms of credit? Will the exchange rate be favorable or unfavorable to an individual doing business from the United States? On a larger scale, can there be a reasonably equal flow of imported and exported goods by the hollow corporation in all transactions? When, for instance, one's firm has agreed to sell goods to another firm for cash contingent upon their purchase of a like value of goods from that firm in a counter-purchase deal, there must be some level of certainty that the other firm is both solvent and the goods are salable in both markets. (Caeotra and Grahmn, (2001), International Marketing, McGraw Hill, Chapter 18 & Chapter 17)

International Marketing
Pages: 10 Words: 3294

International Marketing
The Future Automotive Market Analysis in Europe and North America

Driving in Europe and in the United States has a lot of different things. For the different shape of geographical condition, available funding and different approaches in policies, there would be differences in the type of vehicle people choose, or the type of public transportation the government would provide for the whole community.

There is no doubt for the cultural factors that may give an impact to what people choose. Car manufacturers also take studies for the two different communities. As more tendencies to people in Europe and the U.S. develop their own preferences in automobile types and accessories, they would also need to target the market to suit the needs of the different communities.

The Europeans and The Small Cars

Chandler said that road infrastructures apparently become one of the challenging factors for car manufacturers to decide what to produce net and…...



BBC News. Nov 1999. UK Motorists 'Worst Off in Europe'. Retrieved November 10, 2002, from BBC News Online. 

Chandler, C. Globalization: The Automotive Industry's Quest for a "World Car" Strategy. Retrieved November 10, 2002 from Global Edge, Michigan State University. Web site: 

How Much Is That Doggy in the (Rear) Window. 2002. ON TRAC Vol. 02 No. 01. Retrieved November 10, 2002 from Travel Relocation Automobiles Compensation. Web site: 

Madslien, J. Jan 2002. U.S. drivers keep on truckin'. Retrieved November 10, 2002, from BBC News Online. Web site:

International Marketing
Pages: 20 Words: 7810

International Marketing Comparison of Spain and Czech Republic
This paper is written out in the form of a comparison between the two countries of Spain and Czech Republic. In all the sub-heads, the situation in Spain is first discussed and that is followed by the relevant description about the Czech Republic. In all reasonableness, Spain has been a poor country with low employment, and this is being solved with temporary employment of the citizens. The unemployment was as high as 20%, and this certainly does not give much hope for a new product. The unemployment problem has been somewhat controlled, but this has led to a very high temporary employment, and these people are very poorly paid, and this also does not give much hope for purchases. Comparatively, the Czech Republic has been a country with a stronger economy due to the developments of the country over the last fifteen years.…...



1. Developments in individual OECD countries: Spain. OECD Economic Outlook, June, 2003 Retrieved at   on 14 April, 2004 

2. Bigda, Carolyn. A Cracked Foundation for Spain's Economy. Sept, 2001 Retrieved from

3   Accessed on 14 April, 2004 .

3. Carlin, John. An ethical nation, full of bluster: Spaniards love Europe because they hate each other. So will the country fall apart? (Europeans/Spain) New Statesman, June 16, 2003 Retrieved from

International Marketing There Are Several Blunders That
Pages: 5 Words: 1509

International Marketing
There are several blunders that have occurred with respect to international marketing. Some come under the category of basic linguistic misunderstanding, but others are more catastrophic in nature, causing offense in addition to costing the company sales. In some cases, the blunder gets back to the home market and does damage there, as was the experience that Nestle had in Africa. This report will outline some of the blunders of the past and how international marketers can avoid these sorts of blunders in the future.


Some international marketing blunders are simply issues of translation, or mistranslation. Google Translate does not get the job done -- languages vary from region to region, and international marketers can get caught by idioms and slang very easily. An obvious example was when Chevy launched the Nova in Mexico in the 70s. "No va," in Spanish, of course means "doesn't go," probably a bad thing…...



Czinkota, M.R., & Ronkainen, I.A. (2013). Chapter 1

Kumar, V., Sunder, S., & Ramaseshan, B. (2011)

Madden, T.J., Roth, M.S., & Dillon, W.R. (2012)

International Marketing a Situation Analysis Is Termed
Pages: 4 Words: 1203

International Marketing
A situation analysis is termed as a foundation to be used for a marketing plan. A situation analysis normally includes an examination of both the internal and external factors that can affect a business. A situation analysis creates an overview of the organization that acts as a guide to understanding the factors that influence the future of an organization (Lorette, 2010). The paper will look at the situation analysis for Starbucks's coffee for entry into India as the target market.

Starbuck's international profile

Starbucks Corporation is a global coffee chain house and companies which started in 1971 as a roaster and a retailer of ground coffee, whole bean coffee and tea in Seattle. The mission of the company is "to inspire and nature the human spirit-one cup and one neighbor at a time." Over the years Starbucks has undergone a rapid expansion and now it is the largest coffeehouse company in…...



Paunikar, V. (2012). International Business plan; Starbucks India. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from

Parikh, B.(2009)Starbucks in India just the right time. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from

Speiser, M.(2003).Starbucks international operations. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from 

Roby, L.(2010). Starbucks International Business. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from

International Marketing International Growth Strategies Bring a
Pages: 8 Words: 2453

International Marketing
International growth strategies bring a number of challenges for business organizations. They not only have to analyze the business environment in the new markets, but also formulate effective international marketing strategies which enable them to compete in a competitive and profitable way (Cadle, Paul, & Turner, 2010). International expansion may become a disaster if an organization tries to penetrate the market without a careful analysis of the external environment as well as of its own internal strengths and competencies (Frederic, Agnes, & John, 2011). A company can either choose to export its products in the new markets or setup its manufacturing units keeping in view the feasibility of its business in those markets.

This paper acquaints the reader with the international marketing strategies of DaimlerChrysler for its Smart Car brand which is to be introduced in a new Asian market. The major focus of the paper is to analyze all…...



Cadle, J., Paul, D., & Turner, P. (2010). Business analysis techniques: 72 essential tools for success, 1st Edition. London: British Computer Society

Ellwood, I. (2002). The essential brand book: over 100 techniques to increase brand value. 2nd Edition. London: Kogan Page

Frederic, M., Agnes, V., & John, M. (2011). 2nd Edition. Pest Analysis. U.K: Gardners Books

Jenny, M., & Scammon, D.L. (2010). Principle-Based Stakeholder Marketing: Insights from Private Triple-Bottom-Line Firms, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 29 (1): 12-26

International Marketing Is Really No
Pages: 12 Words: 4189

Technology is helping in the globalization of world economy in more ways than one with the effect that consumers almost everywhere want global products regardless of whether they live in Los Angeles or remote Africa. The forces driving globalization are (i) flow of information (ii) flow of people (iii) Technology: helping economies of scale with cheaper transportation makes global sourcing possible (iv) Globalization is helping attain lower cost as huge investments are needed for new product development and strategic alliances need global markets to deliver enough demand. (International Marketing in the Internet Age, n. d.)
Companies exploiting the potential of the Internet in the process of internationalization are able to capture international transactions and operational efficiencies in communication. The Internet has given these companies the capability to have an international presence of its brand. Apart from that companies felt the need of a web presence as a central element in…...



Aliber, Robert Z; Click, Reid W. (1993) Readings in International Business: A Decision.

MIT Press.

Arnold, David. 2003. The Mirage of Global Markets: How Globalizing Companies can Succeed and Markets Localize. Prentice Hall.

Aswathappa, a. (2006) International Business. Tata McGraw Hill.

International Marketing Management Part A
Pages: 8 Words: 3235

The argument of one-size-fits-all branding fits with institutionally-based branding strategies (Harris, Attour, 2003) yet on a product or service-specific basis the need for having highly specific, targeted, localized branding strategy that aligns with the cultural norms, values and expectations of potential customers is crucial for trust to be created and sustained (Cayla, Arnould, 2008). In many Islamic nations there is a strict code of dress and adherence to religious more and values. The world-0famous singer Madonna during her tour this year of Indonesia, an Islamic nation that required the singer to wear long sleeves on stage and delete the more provocative dance routines from her show as religious and government officials said they were too offensive to the Islamic people of the country. This is one of the better known examples of just how sensitive and aware marketers need to be regarding the cultural and religious norms, values and…...



Klaus Backhaus, Jenny van Doorn. 2007. Consumer Perceptions of Advertising Standardization: A Cross-Country Study of Different Advertising Categories. International Management Review 3, no. 4 (January 1): 37-49.   (Accessed December 1, 2008). 

Sandy Bulmer, Margo Buchanan-Oliver. 2006. Advertising across Cultures: Interpretations of Visually Complex Advertising. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising 28, no. 1 (April 1): 57-71.

International Marketing and Culture Globalization Has Increased
Pages: 8 Words: 2659

International Marketing and Culture
Globalization has increased opportunities for international marketing and business for many companies that could not afford to do so in the past. Many researchers consider international marketing to be synonymous with exporting. However, they are not the same and international marketing is much more complex than simple exporting. When a company exports its goods, they already have a buyer. Many timesm this buyer is the local distributor for the goods and has to market to local clientele. The end distributor is immersed in the culture and already has an established business in the area. They already understand their market and the exporter is simply someone on the their supply chain. International marketing involves taking the place of the end distributor. This is a much more complex issue than simply being a step in someone else's supply chain. This research will support the thesis that establishing brand image…...



Perner, L. (n.d.). International Marketing. University of Southern California. Retrieved March 13, 2011 from 

Socyberty. (2007). "USA and Canada: Geography, Politics, and Downright Cultural Differences." Retrieved March 13, 2011 from 

Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture's consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Hui, M., Ho, C. And Wan, L. (2011). Prior Relationships and Consumer Responses to Service Failures: A Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of International Marketing. March 1, 2011. Retrieved March 13, 2011 from

International Marketing an Emerging Criterion
Pages: 4 Words: 1266

In this instance, they emphasize on the need for farmers to implement more environment friendly techniques (Groupe Danone website, 2008). Danone encountered a problem in omania, after some items were suspected to contain damaging chemicals. The immediate marketing campaign revolved around a local star, which emphasized that the products were being safely manufactured in proper facilities and anyone who desired to see this for themselves was invited to visit Danone omania.
Danone: Differences among the company's marketing strategies per region

The international marketing campaigns implemented by Danone only reveal slight differences, often materialized in approaches based on particular features of the market, the most common example being the campaign aimed to reassure the omanian consumers of Danone's high quality.

Danone: Similarities among the company's marketing strategies per region

All marketing campaigns are based on a message, this being the healthy life achieved through the consumption of healthy Danone products. Even in the situations…...



Adams, B., 2007, McDonald's Strange Menu Around the World, Trifter, accessed on September 19, 2008

Cateora, P., Graham, J., 2006, International Marketing, 13th Edition, New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2008, Official Website of Nike Inc. accessed on September 19, 2008

2008, Nike, Inc., Hoovers,   -- /free-co-profile.xhtmllast accessed on September 19, 2008 

International Marketing Dell Technology and Computers Market
Pages: 7 Words: 2030

International Marketing Dell
Technology and Computers market has become the important part of the entire global market. There are number of companies who have already stepped in to this business and thus made it highly competitive. The U.S. market is currently most crowded with the computer manufacturing companies. The major companies are HP, Lenova, Compaq, Apple and Dell.

Dell is one among these companies that has well thought out marketing strategies. These are the strategies that have taken this young company up to high levels of success. Dell Corporation brought the concept of direct marketing and just in time inventory that highly reduced the costs and provided high profits. It is due to these achievements that Dell is now competing with the leading players of the computer manufacturing market.

DELL Corporation

Dell is one of the largest computer hardware manufacturing American companies that also offer its services all around the world. The company was…...



Dell. (2012, May 27). Industry Analysts. Retrieved from   wikinvest. (2012, May 25). DELL. Retrieved May 27, 2012, from Wikinvest: 

International Marketing Management Key Aspects
Pages: 4 Words: 1065

It expalins why Botswana is very interested today in development of tourism and especially eco tourism in order to save existing natural features and resources to future generations: "he trade, hotels and restaurants sector has been growing by more than 10% per annum in recent years, showing the huge potential of tourism. Investment by the private sector in the Botswana economy as a whole has increased from P150m to P500m over the past ten years. ourism investment has increased even faster from P12m to P55m." (From ourism ripe for investment)
2. Identify any government tax or other financial incentive that may apply to a foreign (Service Sector) firm

oday government of Botswana provides a favorable investment climate for foreign investments that are ready to invest in non-mining sector of economy. Such practices according to the opinion of specialists will allow to create a developed infrastructure, will allow the country to introduce…...



The International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) wants to encourage banking and finance companies, broking and trading, insurance, investment advice, and the flotation of unit trusts, money market funds, equity funds and retirement funds." (from ( )

International Marketing Management

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining target markets?
Words: 324

Comprehensive Target Market Analysis and Segmentation Strategies

Examining Target Markets: A Holistic Approach to Customer Focused Strategies

The Art of Target Market Identification: Unlocking Market Potential and Growth

Target Market Optimization: A Comprehensive Guide to Tailored Marketing

Defining the Target Audience: Foundations of Effective Marketing Campaigns

Precision Target Marketing: Aligning Strategies with Consumer Needs

Consumer Segmentation and Target Market Definition: A Data-Driven Approach

Uncovering Market Segments: The Key to Personalized Marketing

Building Customer Profiles: A Framework for Target Market Identification

Target Market Strategies for Dynamic Market Landscapes

Target Market Analysis: A Case Study of Successful Market Penetration

The Evolution of Target Markets: Adapting to Changing Consumer Dynamics

Target Market Research: Unveiling Insights....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on success to business marketings basics?
Words: 239

1. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Business Success
2. The Impact of Innovation on Marketing Strategies
3. Understanding and Adapting to Market Trends for Business Success
4. The Importance of Branding in Marketing and its Influence on Success
5. Analyzing the Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Business Success
6. The Role of Technology in Modern Marketing Practices and its Impact on Success
7. The Significance of Data Analysis in Developing Effective Marketing Strategies for Business Success
8. Exploring the Connection Between Ethics and Success in Business Marketing
9. The Power of Networking and Relationship Building in Achieving Marketing Success
10. The Future of Marketing: Predicting and Adapting to....

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