International Management Essays (Examples)

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International Management the European Union Is A
Pages: 5 Words: 1385

International Management
The European Union is "a unique economic and political partnership between 27 European countries" (EU, 2012). The European Union describes its objectives are relating to the idea that "countries who trade with one another become economically interdependent and so more likely to avoid conflict" (Ibid). There are a number of stated objectives. The first is "to promote human rights both internally and around the world," including human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights" (Ibid). Economically, the EU has the objective of "enabling most goods, services, money and people to move freely" and to "develop this resource to ensure that Europeans can draw the maximum benefit" (Ibid). The EU also seeks to make its own governance more transparent and democratic.

For its flaws and missteps, the EU has largely been successful. Economically, the nations of Europe face far fewer trade barriers than they did…...


Reference List

Brenton, P., DiMauro, F. & Lucke, M., 1999. Economic integration and FDI: An empirical analysis of foreign investment in the EU and in Central and Eastern Europe. Empirica. 26 (2) 95-121.

EU., 2012. Basic information on the European Union. European Union. Available online at   Accessed May 5, 2012. 

Gert, B. (2011). The definition of morality. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Available online at   / Accessed May 5, 2012. 

Luthans, F. & Doh, J., 2008. International management: Culture, strategy and behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.

International Management Managing Global Virtual Teams the
Pages: 7 Words: 2120

International Management: Managing Global Virtual Teams
The global fiber optic network and the internet have played a key role in the development of long-distance communication, which has facilitated work interactions among people from all over the world. It offers global platforms through which people can, at the touch of a button, share work and knowledge, compete, play and collaborate with colleagues across national borders. The creation of virtual teams is one of the most significant developments of these new communication technologies. This allows employees to form working teams with colleagues across national borders. For large organizations, such as MNCs whose operations are cross-continental, these teams are referred to as global teams, and are made up of employees located in different continents, with different cultural beliefs, practices, and functionalities. Global teams are able to take advantage of the different time zones in areas in which different team members are located so as…...


Reference List

Chavaren, O., 2013. Trust within Global Virtual Teams: Antecedents, Facilitators and Sustainability Factors. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse.

Connolly, A.J., 2013. Cultural Difference on Trial: the Nature and Limits of Judicial Understanding. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Hawkins, P., 2011. Leadership Team Coaching: Developing Collective Transformational Leaders. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Publishers.

Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)., 2001. Managing Information Technology in a Global Economy. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.

Management International Management When a
Pages: 4 Words: 1395

Global organizations occasionally put forth great labors to administer their expatriate workers while on an overseas job, but show modest concern for their repatriation, which should at all times be part of the entire course (Trudel, 2009).
Coping with matters that are not related to work is a characteristic of Human esource Management (HM) that is more pertinent to expatriate H function rather than domestic H functions. In a study done by Suutari and Burch (2001), in regards to on- location training and support for global workers, the authors found from their research that welcoming; lodging; shopping; transportation; public systems; local laws; medical care; schools; free time opportunities; spouse work provisions; and family social actions were all importation areas that should be addressed. Spouse adjustment and contentment was shown to influence expatriates contentment outside of work. In addition, spouse happiness and living circumstances had an effect on interface and cultural…...



Chew, J. 2004. "Managing MNC Expatriates through Crises: A Challenge for International Human Resource Management," Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1-30.

du Plessis, a.J. 2010, "International Human Resource Management: an Overview of its Effect on Managers in Global Organisations," Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 178-192, viewed 23 May 2012.

Gomez-Mejia, L.R., Balkin, D.B. & Cardy, R.L. 2012, "Managing Human Resources." Boston, MA: Pearson.

Howe-Walsh, L, & Schyns, B 2010, 'Self-initiated expatriation: implications for HRM', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21, 2, pp. 260-273, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 23 May 2012.

International Management in This Course
Pages: 7 Words: 2030

Differences in international orientation include ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric, and regiocentric. Each of these has varying levels of recognition of how diverse one culture is relative to another with the ethnocentric mindset being the most biased towards ones' own culture being the best. The one that sees a more accurate view of globalization is polycentric which sees the unique values of each culture on its own merits. Globalization has also seen the growth of geocentric and regoicentric mindsets as companies expand faster than people can assimilate to new cultures.

b. Give an example of a truly global/transnational company. Explain why this company fits in that category.

Coca-Cola is an ideal example of a company that is global and transnational given its presence in over 160 nations and the use of regional and in-country bottlers. Coca-Cola also has a significant supply chain across each of the countries it operates in globally as well.

c. What…...

International Management When Businesses Go International They
Pages: 12 Words: 3571

International Management
When businesses go international, they have to face a number of issues and challenges from their external environment. The international business environment is much more complex and multifaceted than local environment. Business organizations have to deal with a number of environmental forces that directly or indirectly affect their business operations. These forces include political forces, economic forces, social, cultural, and demographical factors, technological forces, and competitive forces (Loudon, Stevens, & Wrenn, 2004). The international business expansion strategies also require the business organizations to analyze the local cultures, the kind of reception they anticipate from the local government, suppliers, distributors, and the community, control issues, and leadership, motivation, and communication issues and problems which their managers may face at the workplace (Hill & Jones, 2007).

This report acquaints the readers with an example of international business expansion strategy pursued by an American business organization into India as its new international market.…...



Cherunilam, F. (2007). International business: text and cases. India: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Deresky, H. (2010). International Management, 7th Edition. U.S.: Prentice Hall

Hill, C., & Jones, G. (2007). Strategic management: an integrated approach, 1st Edition. U.S. Cengage Learning

Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2008). Principles of marketing. 11th Edition. U.S.: Pearson/Prentice Hall

Lambin, J.J. (2007). Entry Strategies in the Foreign market, Palgrave Macmillan, Retrieved on December 18th, 2012, from

International Management the Cultural Tourism Is a
Pages: 8 Words: 2868

International Management
The cultural tourism is a part of cultural industry and it promotes cultural products of travelers as cultural practice (Craik, 1995; 87; Prentice, 2001). This tourism format is well thought-out as an organization which covers diverging activities.

Traditional building or sites are of attraction for the tourists and this is used as an incentive by the cultural tourism industry. These buildings had their own distinct past but nowadays it is presented in totally different manner for the means of tourism, so that more tourists are attracted. Therefore, these traditional spots are used as entertainment spots for those people who are out on vacations, thus giving a boost to the cultural tourism (Herbert, 1995: 1). But these traditional spots are taken differently by every cultural tourist. Like for instance, a historic monument might be a very interesting factor for a few tourists while others may regard it as a boring or…...



Beerli, A. And Martin, J.D. (2003) 'Tourists' characteristics and the perceived image of tourist destinations: A quantitative analysis - a case study of Lanzarote, Spain'. Tourism Management, 25, 5, 623-626.

Craik, J. (1995) 'Are there cultural limits to tourism?' Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 3, 87-98.

Herbert, D.T. (ed.) (1995) 'Heritage, Tourism and Society', Mansel, London.

Hughes, H.L. (2002) 'Culture and tourism: A framework for further analysis', Managing Leisure, 7, 3, 164-175.

International Management Effect of Regional and National
Pages: 4 Words: 1235

International Management: Effect of egional and National Culture on MNCs
Culture refers to the institutions, folklore, history, customs, beliefs and traditions shared by a group of people. People who belong to the same religion, nationality, language or ethnic group share a common culture (University of Kansas, 2013). Organizational culture refers to the customs, assumptions, beliefs, values, procedures and policies that govern the way an organization is run and managed (University of Kansas, 2013). MNCs operate in different countries, and therefore, encounter diverse, distant cultures in their international operations. Cross-cultural relations are inevitable and MNCs have to develop organizational cultures that can effectively manage such relationships, so as to establish good relations both within and without the organization (ozkwitalska, 2013).

The Effect of the Parent Country's Culture

It has been found that the operations of MNCs' subsidiaries are largely influenced by the culture of the parent company (George, 2011). MNCs are known for diffusing…...


Reference List

George, O.J., 2011. Impact of Culture on the Transfer of Management Practices in Former British Colonies. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris Corporation.

Hofstede, G., 1992. Cultural Constraints in Management Theories. Academy of Management, 7 (1), pp. 81-94.

Rozkwitalska, M., 2013. Effective Cross-Cultural Relationships in Multi-National Corporations: Foreign Subsidiaries' Viewpoint. Academia. Available at   [Accessed 8 Jan 2014]. 

University of Kansas., 2014. Section 7: Building Culturally Competent Organizations. University of Kansas. Available at   [Accessed 8 Jan 2014]. 

International Management Is Affected by Cultural and
Pages: 6 Words: 1554

International Management Is Affected by Cultural and Traditional Differences in Communication
This paper presents an examination of communication on an international level when it comes to business management. The writer takes the reader on an exploratory journey through the reasons it is important to be able to manage such communication. There were 12 sources used to complete this paper.

As the world continues to globalize, the art of communication on an international level is becoming an increasingly important skill to attain. Communication in any type of venture, whether it is a business deal, a non-profit situation, or personal use, is the key to success or failure. The ability to communicate well holds the key to providing the participants with satisfactory solutions or leaving them with confusion and frustration. International management duties include the developed ability to handle and oversee communication on an international level. This means much more than the use of…...



____(1997). Business communication across borders. (barriers to pan-European business)., The European, pp 41(1).

____(1999). A once-in-a-lifetime Apec opportunity., Sunday Star Times (New Zealand), pp 8.


____(2001). Daewoo Motor Staff Engrossed in English Learning., The Korea Times (Seoul, S. Korea.

Management International Management Ratan Tata
Pages: 7 Words: 2398

Each and every member is respected in a productive global business environment with multicultural or diverse teams. Positive thinking is the constant habit of good teams in the global market environment with multicultural teams. It will be impossible for a global multicultural organization to function properly without good team attributes because of the wide acceptance of teams as well as multicultural teams in the global business environment (Qualities of Leading Global Multicultural Teams, 2009).
Issues of Concern

In atan Tata's plan to go global he believed that the biggest challenge they faced was finding the right talent which retaining the Group's value systems as the company grew bigger and more diverse. He thought that in order to be successful they had to expand their managerial perspective while retaining the same moral and ethical standards that they had before.

Another issue seen by others was the fact that the Group still had a…...



Bhattacharya, C., Korschun, D., & Sen, S. (2012). What really drives value in corporate responsibility? Mckinsey Quarterly, (1), 14-16.

DeMarco, M., Lesser, E. & O'Driscoll, T. (2007). Leadership in a Distributed World.

Retrieved from 

Deresky, Helen. (2011). International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures,

International Management the Award Serves
Pages: 2 Words: 700

) in addition, the number of bribe requests can be taken as a proxy for the external communication of Conoco's ethical standards. Internally, the quality of the competition in future years can be used as an indicator of success. As well, the number of incidents reported where Conoco employees have exhibited questionable ethics is another measure that can be used to evaluate the success of this program. Also, calls to ethical hotlines can be another measure (Ruthford, 2006).
It is unreasonable, however, in a company the size of Conoco, to expect a complete elimination of unethical practices. A significant decline, however, is not unreasonable. This has been achieved on a smaller scale by some of the managers who have been nominated for this first year.

6) I believe that the committee should limit the award to one winner. If multiple winners are allowed, other potential winners could feel slightly in years where…...


Works Cited:

No author. (2000). Nigeria tops corruption chart. BBC. Retrieved November 2, 2009 from 

Barnett, T. (2003). Ethics code awareness, perceived ethical values and organizational commitment. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. Retrieved November 2, 2009 from 

Ruthford, C. (2006). Why measure ethical effectiveness. Ethics Resource Center. Retrieved November 2, 2009 from

International Management Cultural Comparison Paper
Pages: 2 Words: 943

Also, a businessperson must be made aware of the different families who control the various regions that make up the united UAE.
Unlike some other nations within the region, the United Arab Emirates has shown notable trends in modernizing its attitudes. For example, the government maintains an organization called the omen's Federation and promotes training, education, and the advancement of the status of women. In 1988, it was estimated that women constituted 6.2% of the workforce in 1988, high in comparison with Saudi Arabia, for example, even though discrimination against women remains common in a more liberalized UAE ("United Arab Emirates," 2006, Library of Congress: Country Studies). However, anecdotally, this discrimination against women has not always extended to foreigners, and many women have reported 'using' their gender in negotiations within the region to disarm their opponent, by showing unexpected strength during a meeting -- although this technique must obviously be…...


Works Cited

Beer, Jennifer. (2003) "High and low context." Culture at Work. Retrieved Aug 24, 2008 at 

Lagace, Martha. (4 Feb 2002). "How to do business in Islamic countries." Harvard Business 

United Arab Emirates." (26 Jun 2006). Library of Congress: Country Studies. Retrieved Aug 24

International Management Research Methods the
Pages: 9 Words: 2557

The latter was to be measured against both high culture distance destinations and low culture distance destinations. The specific attributes being measured were extroversion, spouse support, job and community tenure and company relocation policy.
Different tests were used for each measure, which enhances the effectiveness of the survey because the questions reflected the type of answers that may be given. Such customization submits the paper to bias in the choice of measurement method. Because the four attributes being tested against one another were subject to different measurement techniques, it is more difficult to accurately compare these attributes against one another.

The first measure, that of the likelihood of respondents to accept postings in high culture difference countries vs. low culture difference countries, yielded definitive results. The respondents were far more likely to accept posts to low culture distance countries, although this result had a higher standard deviation compared to the likelihood…...


Works Cited:

Wan, D., Hui, T. & Tiang, L. (2002). Factors affecting Singaporeans' acceptance of international postings. Personnel Review. Vol. 32,6, 711-732.

No author. (2009). Literature Review. University of Toronto. Retrieved November 27, 2009 from 

No author. (2009). Selection of a sample. Statistics Canada. Retrieved November 27, 2009 from 

No author. (2009). Population Trends 2009. Singapore Department of Statistics. Retrieved November 27, 2009 from

International Management Consultant Question 1
Pages: 3 Words: 899

Source: Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Model website comparison

B2E Violations of Child Labor -- Making the ight Choice

Donna needs to stop the negotiations and write a code of conduct for all suppliers before proceeding with any further supplier or joint venture qualification in Asia. The code of conduct will be required for every supplier to sign, and any violation of them is grounds for immediate dismissal from the B2E supply chain and strategic sourcing strategies and initiatives. She also needs to report Chenggong Corporation to the local and national government and also make it very clear that B2E will not tolerate the exploitation of children in production centers -- ever. To just slough it off and still go forward is to contribute to many children's lives being irreparably damaged -- all due to a lack of ethics on managements' part.

Ethically B2E needs to take a hard line on child exploitation in manufacturing,…...



Hofstede, G., & Minkov, M.. (2010). Long- versus short-term orientation: new perspectives. Asia Pacific Business Review, 16(4), 493.

Maurer-Fazio, M., Connelly, R., Chen, L., & Tang, L.. (2011). Childcare, Eldercare, and Labor Force Participation of Married Women in Urban China, 1982-2000. The Journal of Human Resources, 46(2), 261.

Venaik, S., & Brewer, P.. (2010). Avoiding uncertainty in Hofstede and GLOBE. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(8), 1294-1315.

International Management Ethics & Values
Pages: 6 Words: 2173

As one analyst points out: "it owns neither content nor the delivery mechanism. Though a global business, it has no geographical control anywhere in the world. Since nearly all its consumer services are free, it doesn't have the power to raise prices and has no ability to exclude competitors or somehow block access to competing services. It operates in an environment of healthy competition" (Ulanoff 2009). On the other hand, it is difficult to conceive of a company being large enough, at this point in time, to provide the services Google can provide, with such a mammoth scope, and with such ease. By becoming a relative first-mover in the search engine informational technology industry, Google has shut out the ability for others to truly compete with it on the informational marketplace, its critics allege. The fact that its major competitor is clunky behemoth Microsoft tends to belie the image…...


Works Cited

"Benefits." Google Corporation. August 23, 2009.

"Company Overview." Google Corporation. August 23, 2009.

International Management as the World
Pages: 8 Words: 2293

Business communications are official and face-to-face meetings are always preferred to indirect communications.
At the specific level of negotiations, it is important to note that, during negotiations, only the seniors in the team will speak. The negotiation process is slow and advancements are made in an unhurried rhythm. The Chinese people are non-confrontational individuals and they will avoid saying "No." They will, instead, promise to think about the proposition, see about it and so on.

In China, the negotiations do not focus on specific and measurable goals, but their emphasis falls on assessing the negotiation partner and seeing whether the relationship can be further developed. Since the Chinese are calculated people, decision making will often take a lot of time, until the locals are convinced of their future actions. The American counterparts are advised to always remain calm, or they will lose "face" and irremediably damage the relationship. The foreigners are…...



Feenstra, R.C., Hanson, G.H., (2003). Ownership and control in outsourcing to China: estimating the property-rights theory of the firm. National Bureau of Economic Research.

Hira, R., Hira, a. (2008), Outsourcing America: the true cost of shipping jobs overseas and what can be done about it. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

(2011). World report 2012: China. Human Rights Report.   accessed on September 25, 2012 

(2012). The world factbook -- China. Central Intelligence Agency.   accessed on September 25, 2012 

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