Interdisciplinary Studies Essays (Examples)

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Interdisciplinary Studies College Programs Research
Pages: 4 Words: 1382

This is significant as it indicates that the problem that women have with eating disorders, which is often connected to a negative body image, poor self-esteem and a desire to be perfect, is spreading or increasing. ather than having a better grip on this problem than we did ten years ago, experts might understand it better, the disease is now becoming more widespread.
The study of eating disorders would be something that would be ideal for one to study as an integration of communication and women's studies, as eating disorders are a condition that mainly impact women (though male eating disorders are on the rise, (Corbin, 2012). Eating disorders are tied up with negative feelings that stem from a range of issues, the impact and expectations of the media and society and an inability to communicate about difficult feelings. "Anorexics often lack the communication skills to express painful feelings, such…...


References (2000, October 9). William Kentridge. Retrieved from (2011). Interdisciplinary Galapagos research: Project examples. Retrieved from (n.d.). Programs of Study. Retrieved from 

Corbin, L. (2012, May 11). Male eating-disorder cases on the rise. Retrieved from

Interdisciplinary Studies Academic Disciplines Communication and Women's Studies
Pages: 4 Words: 1334

Interdisciplinary Studies -- Academic Disciplines -- Communications and omen's Studies
Even a cursory review of major U.S. universities reveals a "Communications" Discipline and a "omen's Studies" Discipline of one sort or another in most if not all of these major universities. Researching ASU's Communications and omen's Studies programs gives a strong overview of common characteristics. hile ASU may use some different terminology, it offers the same essential subject matter and subfields.


Description of Communications Discipline/Subject Matter

Communications Studies are increasingly globally important. The worldwide relevance and interplay of Communications Studies can be seen, for example, in the fact that China and Japan have agreed to collaborate in their Communications Studies programs (JIJI Press America, Ltd., 2005). In addition, major universities across the United States now offer Communications Studies in one form or another. One university with an extensive Communications Studies program is Arizona State University. The ASU Hugh Downs School of Human Communication…...


Works Cited

Hugh Downs School of Human Communication. (n.d.). ASU Hugh Downs School of Human Communication | Home. Retrieved on September 8, 2012 from Web site: 

Hugh Downs School of Human Communication. (n.d.). Graduate | Human Communication. Retrieved on September 8, 2012 from 

Hugh Downs School of Human Communication. (n.d.). Major Information | Human Communication. Retrieved on September 8, 2012 from Web site: 

JIJI Press America, Ltd. (2005, January 6). Japan, China agree on cooperation in Communications Studies. Jiji Press English News Service, p. 1.

Interdisciplinary Studies the Significance of
Pages: 2 Words: 556

More traditional studies are like a niche market; competing against one another in an effort to attract students. An interdisciplinary study provides a global perspective and doesn't relegate the student to just one area of expertise or specialization.
There are a number of ways interdisciplinary studies can benefit the business world. For example, the integration of knowledge and the utilization of higher order thinking skills can help to navigate some of the complex problems businesses and organizations are faced with. Companies have to compete on a global scale. Simple business agreements are no longer simple. There has to be an understanding not just of corporate culture but of the culture of the people business relationships are being developed with. Even when you look at it on a domestic level, there are so many factors that play a role in how business decisions are made, having a broader understanding of more…...

Interdisciplinary Studies How Should the
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Computer models are not yet sophisticated enough to predict actual consequences of global warming, but many scholars believe that there will be rapid and increasing variations in extreme weather patterns (e.g. dramatic changes in rainfall, freezing temperatures, storm systems, heat waves, etc.), possible aggravated melting of the polar glaciers causing a rise in ocean levels, disruption of global agriculture, and adverse health effects resulting from unplanned temperature changes (Gore, 2006).
8. Compare and contrast results from previous disciplinary or interdisciplinary research.

(Chemistry, Geology, Ecology, Biology, Botany). While still controversial, the theory that industrialization, pollution, and human technological events affect weather and climate patterns is relatively undisputed. Modern industrial methods release greenhouse gases (GHGs), the most consequential being carbon dioxide (CO2). Of course, some greenhouse gases are already part of the Eco-System, occurring from volcanic activity, forest fires, etc., it is the volume of burning fossil fuels, improper agricultural practices, and poor…...

Interdisciplinary Studies the Objective of This Work
Pages: 2 Words: 515

Interdisciplinary Studies
The objective of this work in writing is to examine the selected areas of study concentration of this writer and to state what factors led the writer to this particular set of subjects. This work will state how the writer sees these concentrations fitting together and answer as to what areas of conflicts are seen between these concentrations. This work will answer the question of what the writer expects to accomplish with this set of subjects and to what the future goals of the writer of this work are. This work will finally research the current market for the future career goal of the writer and answer as to how the areas of concentration of the study of the writer will prepare the writer for this type of work environment.

Selected Areas of Concentration

The selected areas of concentration in study of this writer are those of Economics, Communities Studies, and…...

Metaphor for Interdisciplinary Studies
Pages: 2 Words: 538

Interdisciplinary Studies
Personal Metaphor for Interdisciplinary Studies

My metaphor for Interdisciplinary Studies is Times Square train station in New York City. Times Square is very well-known. It is a place that both Americans and international visitors are very much aware of. Times Square train station in New York City is in a centralized location within Manhattan, and somewhat with respect to all five boroughs of the metropolitan area. Times Square train station consists of many different train lines converging in ways and in places that may seem impractical or impossible, yet it works. Most of the trains lines in the city converge in an odd, yet seamless way so that people from different backgrounds, from different neighborhoods and different boroughs can come together to create a unique station that would not exist without the contribution of all the different train lines put together. This is how I feel interdisciplinary studies works.

Interdisciplinary studies…...

Employers Like About Interdisciplinary Studies
Pages: 4 Words: 1407

This characteristic is the ability to not only empathize with others, but also take action on the lessons learned and completely redefine one's views of a problem or situation. An example of this is a recent project completed with an Indian subsidiary of the company I work for. The Indian subsidiary is heavily rewarded for beating deadlines and using the Six Sigma quality management model. Inherent in my role within the company is to participate in group projects and also contribute to their overall success by often supporting other team members and their needs as well. This characteristic of group participation is defined as the ability to communicate and collaborate to attain a shared and often challenging goal or objective (Merdin, 105-107). The final characteristic I have a strength with is ethical sensitivity. This is defined as the ability to use insight and judgment in completing projects and making…...


Works Cited

Ahamer, Gilbert. "Training to Bridge Multicultural Geographies of Perspectives." Campus - Wide Information Systems 29.1 (2012): 21-44..

Garman, Andrew N., David C. Leach, and Nancy Spector. "Worldviews in Collision: Conflict and Collaboration Across Professional Lines." Journal of Organizational Behavior 27.7 (2006): 829-.

Merdin, Ezgi. "Self - Marketing for Graduates and Professionals as a Strategic Career Management Tool." The Business Review, Cambridge 19.1 (2011): 104-9.

Rao, Atif Anis, et al. "Employability in MNCs: Challenge for Graduates." Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 3.4 (2011): 189-200.

Putting Interdisciplinary Studies to Work
Pages: 2 Words: 598

This case should be made to the state and also to government agencies and private donations that provide grants for worthwhile programs of the necessity of continued funding for the summer school. The school board must be made fully aware of all of the options that exist as sources of funding for under-served youths.

However, if the program cannot be continued in its current format, the students served by the summer school should not be abandoned. Instead, they should be referred to other community programs that can help them with their skill deficits or needs. For example, the local Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization can provide mentors to the children to help them with their homework and find positive sources of amusement during the summer. For students who need to repeat a grade because of a failing class or standardized test scores and need more formal reinforcement of their academic…...

Interdisciplinary Studies Academic Disciplines Communication and Women's Studies
Pages: 4 Words: 1209

Academic Disciplines
Communication and Women Studies

The report is about the famous academic journals and professional/academic associations of two major constructs; communication and women studies. The report casts light over the contribution made by the journals and association in the development of these fields. In addition to explaining the content provided by these entities, their target audience and access method is also described.

Academic Journal -- Communication

International Journal of Communication is a famous academic journal focusing on the topics related to communication. It includes peer reviewed articles mainly written by the scholars and communication experts from all over the world. Its mission statement reflects the motto of excellence in communication application (IJOC, 2012). The Journal in rich in contents and includes various communication channels. It provides valuable content on information collection, dissemination and its digital transformation as well.

The intended audience of this Journal includes all the students and professionals who are associated with…...


References (2012). Retrieved from 

IJOC. (2012). Retrieved from 

National Women's Studies Association. (2012). Retrieved from 

Taylor & Francis Online. (2012). Retrieved from

Interdisciplinary Social Science
Pages: 2 Words: 575

Interdisciplinary Social Science

What are the advantages of the interdisciplinary approach to the study of many social problems? Give an example of your own where this approach would work.

The interdisciplinary approach to social problems could have many advantages such as, expanding professional understanding and achievement between all disciplines. This approach additionally enhances communication skills. The use of the interdisciplinary approach is not fool-proof or perfect, as it has disadvantages, such as integration confusion and time-consuming project or research preparation.

The interdisciplinary inquiries critically draw upon two or more disciplines and which lead to an integration of disciplinary insights. The interdisciplinary approach is uniquely different from a multidisciplinary approach, which is the teaching of topics from more than one discipline in parallel to the other. It also varies from the crossdisciplinary approach, which is the case where one discipline is crossed with the subject matter of another. Interdisciplinary techniques go beyond these two…...



Hunt, Elgin F., and Colander, D.C. Social Science An Introduction to the Study of Society, 14th Edition. Allyn and Bacon Publishers.

Sage Publications. (2008). Chapter 1 -- Defining Interdisciplinary Studies. Web, Available from: 2012 November 08.

Interdisciplinary Methods
Pages: 8 Words: 3167

Interdisciplinary Methods
One weakness of obert G.L. Waite's classic work of psychobiography and psychohistory, The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler (1993) is that no written evidence exists today from any psychologist or psychiatrist who actually examined Hitler, although his political opponents in Germany allegedly had reports from military psychiatrists in the First World War that Hitler was no promoted above private first class because of mental and emotional instability. In spite of the lacunae of evidence, Waite offered a convincing medical and psychological portrait of Hitler, and he has gathered considerable evidence to demonstrate the irrationality of his subject, who he diagnosed as a borderline psychotic. George Victor asserted in Hitler: The Pathology of Evil (2007) claimed that he had a depressive nervous breakdown in 1909 and a schizophrenic breakdown in 1918, when he was in the Pasewalk military hospital in Berlin. In A First-ate Madness, Nassir Ghaemi found that Hitler suffered…...



Ghaemi, N. (2011). A First-Rate Madness: Uncovering the Links between Leadership and Mental Illness. Penguin Press.

Housden, M. (2000). Hitler: Study of a Revolutionary? Routledge.

Kershaw, I. (2008). Hitler: A Biography. NY: Norton.

Rosenbaum, R. (1998). Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil. NY: HarperCollins.

Interdisciplinary Inquiry
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Introduction and Theoretical Framework

Fox News claims to be "America's 1 Cable News Network." Its tagline reads, "Fair and balanced." But is Fox News truly "fair" and truly "balanced"? Content analysis is the best method to analyze Fox News. Used frequently in media and communications studies, content analysis can be a quantitative and/or a qualitative approach. A quantitative approach is helpful when counting instances of specific words or images and using that numerical data for classification, tracking, or comparisons with other texts. A qualitative approach is broader in scope, potentially multidisciplinary, and rich with potential for discourse.

External validity is the goal of content analysis (Downe-Wamboldt, 2009). This is because content analysis enables the social sciences to have real-world meaning and application (Colin, n.d.). Content analysis of major media sources like Fox News are meaningful in the real world, because of the huge impact television viewing has on human emotion, cognition, and…...



Colin, R. (n.d.) Real world research: A resource for social scientists and practitioner-researchers. Retrieved online: 

Comstock, G. (1978). Television and Human Behavior. New York: Columbia University Press.

Downe-Wamboldt, B. (2009). Content analysis: method, application, and issues. Health Care for Women International 13(3).

Fox Retrieved online:

Interdisciplinary Social Science Ways That
Pages: 7 Words: 2081

These shareholders in the military-industrial complex influence the government in various ways. These companies that produce war weapons or equipment can attach themselves to the central government and the department of defense. These individuals provide enormous amounts of money to various candidates in the congress or have a large number of lobbyists advocating for more contracts in the defense industry. Another influence from the military-industrial complex idea emerges from various political individuals who decide to work for the defense contractors when they leave office. The effect of this is a conflict of interest in the government that negatively affects the common American taxpayer. Continuous war is beneficial to the shareholders in military-industrial complex. They use their position to offer support to individuals who can serve their best interest by favoring a foreign policy that is aggressive. This enables them to influence a conflict that the government pays by engaging in…...



Archer, J., & Jarvis, M. (1996). The Fourth Estate. New York, NY: Harper Audio.

Hunt, E.F., & Colander, D.C. (2011). Social science: An introduction to the study of society, fourteenth edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Lewis, T.T. (2002). The Bill of Rights. Pasadena, Calif: Salem Press.

Overholser, G., & Jamieson, K.H. (2005). The press. New York: Oxford University Press.

Business Organizational Studies Benefits From Interaction With
Pages: 8 Words: 3327

Organizational studies benefits from interaction with other areas of study. The articles and research questions in the paper reflect a curiosity of the connection among media, technology, and behavior. Each article and set of authors approaches this question from a different perspective and in conjunction with another school of thought to help problem solve and with which to cooperate. The paper selects and uses three heuristics as way to explore research questions and hypotheses further and better. The paper substantiates the validity of the proposed research question. The paper also describes the context within which the proposed research would fit.

Generating Research Questions & Hypotheses

Part 1 - DeLorme, D.E., Huh, J., Reid, L.N., & An, S. (2010) The state of public research on over-the-counter drug advertising. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, (3), 208 -- 231.

DeLorme et al. propose several key research questions and hypotheses. One of their research questions…...


4. Orlikowski, W.J., & Barley, S.R. (2001) Technology and Institutions: What can Research on Information Technology and Research on Organizations Learn from Each Other? MIS Quarterly, 25(2), 145 -- 165.


We argue that because of the important epistemological differences between the fields of information technology and organization studies, much can be gained from greater interaction between them. In particular, we argue that information technology research can benefit from incorporation institutional analysis from organization studies, while organization studies can benefit even more by following the lead of information technology research in taking the material properties of technologies into account. We further suggest that the transformations currently occurring in the nature of work and organizing cannot be understood without considering both the technological changes and the institutional contexts that are reshaping economic and organizational activity. Thus, greater interaction between field of information technology and organization studies should be viewed as more than a matter of enrichment. In the intellectual engagement of these two fields lies the potential for an important fusion of perspectives, a fusion more carefully attuned to explaining the nature consequences of the techno-social phenomena that increasingly pervade our lives.

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Learning How
Pages: 28 Words: 7785

65). By controlling these two aspects of a scientific experiment, researchers are able to establish the specific causality of the phenomenon being studied. In this regard, Kahle and iley note that, "Traditionally, causality is established through strict control and randomization over all other factors while experimentally manipulating the variable or variables in question" (2004, p. 165). Finally, Gliner and Morgan (2000) report that the internal validity (discussed further below) and the ability to infer causality based on the results of a study can be enhanced through the random assignment of the participants to intervention vs. control groups.

What is meant by internal validity and external validity in leadership research and discuss three factors within each (internal and external) validity factor?

Internal validity. According to Chandler and Lyon, generally speaking, "Validity refers to the establishment of evidence that the measurement is actually measuring the intended construct. Measures can be reliable without being…...



About VA. (2011). Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from   / landing2_about.htm. 

Avolio, B.J., & Bass, B.M. (2002). Developing potential across a full range of leadership:

Cases on transactional and transformational leadership. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence

Erlbaum Associates.

How can college majors be aligned with workforce demands for successful employment?
Words: 440

1. With the rapid evolution of technology and automation in the workforce, aligning college majors with current demands is essential for students to secure successful employment opportunities.

2. As industries shift and adapt to new trends, colleges must ensure that their programs align with these changes to adequately prepare students for the job market.

3. In a competitive job market, students need to choose majors that are in high demand to increase their chances of landing a job post-graduation.

4. By aligning college majors with workforce demands, students can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to....

My teacher suggested focusing on university melbourne business. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 296

1. The impact of globalization on the University of Melbourne Business School
2. The integration of sustainability practices into the curriculum at the University of Melbourne Business School
3. The role of technology in shaping the future of business education at the University of Melbourne
4. The importance of diversity and inclusion in the culture of the University of Melbourne Business School
5. The influence of industry partnerships on the academic programs at the University of Melbourne Business School
6. The significance of entrepreneurship and innovation in the academic offerings at the University of Melbourne Business School
7. The challenges and opportunities of studying business in....

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